Bruno David
Phylogeny and origin of Jurassic irregular echinoids (Echinodermata: Echinoidea).
27 pages; International audience; A phylogenetic analysis of Jurassic irregular echinoids is realized to explore the origin and early evolution of this important subset of echinoids. The phylogeny is based on 39 characters and considers data from apical system architecture, the corona including tuberculation and spines, Aristotle's lantern, and general test shape. Results corroborate the monophyly of Irregularia, and clarify the phylogenetic interrelationships existing between the main groups of irregular echinoids. Specializations of the Aristotle's lantern, spines, tubercles and phyllodes constitute the apomorphies for different taxa, as for the whole of Irregularia. The phylogenetic sign…
Understanding processes at the origin of species flocks with a focus on the marine Antarctic fauna
Species flocks (SFs) fascinate evolutionary biologists who wonder whether such striking diversification can be driven by normal evolutionary processes. Multiple definitions of SFs have hindered the study of their origins. Previous studies identified a monophyletic taxon as a SF if it displays high speciosity in an area in which it is endemic (criterion 1), high ecological diversity among species (criterion 2), and if it dominates the habitat in terms of biomass (criterion 3); we used these criteria in our analyses. Our starting hypothesis is that normal evolutionary processes may provide a sufficient explanation for most SFs. We thus clearly separate each criterion and identify which biolog…
The flourishing diversity of models in theoretical morphology: from current practices to future macroevolutionary and bioenvironmental challenges.
17 pages; International audience; For decades, theoretical morphological studies of different groups of organisms have been successfully pursued in biological, paleontological, and computational contexts, often with distinct modeling approaches and research questions. A regular influx of new perspectives and varied expertise has contributed to the emergence of a veritable multidisciplinary outlook for theoretical morphology. The broadening of this discipline is reflected in a substantial increase in the number of models, leading to a bewildering diversity that has yet to be scrutinized. In this work, we tackle this issue in a synthetic fashion, with a quantitativemeta-analysis that allows a…
Athenacrinus n. gen. and other early echinoderm taxa inform crinoid origin and arm evolution
AbstractIntermediate morphologies of a new fossil crinoid shed light on the pathway by which crinoids acquired their distinctive arms. Apomorphies originating deep in echinoderm history among early nonblastozoan pentaradiate echinoderms distinguish Tremadocian (earliest Ordovician) crinoid arms from later taxa. The brachial series is separated from the ambulacra, part of the axial skeleton, by lateral plate fields. Cover plates are arrayed in two tiers, and floor plates expressed podial basins and pores. Later during the Early Ordovician, floor plates contacted and nestled into brachials, then were unexpressed as stereom elements entirely and cover plates were reduced to a single tier. Inco…
Large-scale distribution analysis of Antarctic echinoids using ecological niche modelling.
Understanding the factors that determine the distribution of taxa at various spatial scales is a crucial challenge in the context of global climate change. This holds particularly true for polar marine biota that are composed of both highly adapted and vulnerable faunas. We analysed the distribution of 2 Antarctic echinoid species, Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri, at the scale of the entire Southern Ocean using 2 niche modelling procedures. The performance of distribution models was tested with regard to the known ecology of the species. The respective contributions of environmental parameters are discussed along with the putative roles played by biotic interactions and biogeograph…
Can we generate robust species distribution models at the scale of the Southern Ocean?
17 pages; International audience; AimSpecies distribution modelling (SDM) represents a valuable alternative to predict species distribution over vast and remote areas of the ocean. We tested whether reliable SDMs can be generated for benthic marine organisms at the scale of the Southern Ocean. We aimed at identifying the main large‐scale factors that determine the distribution of the selected species. The robustness of SDMs was tested with regards to sampling effort, species niche width and biogeography.LocationSouthern Ocean.MethodsThe impact of sampling effort was tested using two sets of data: one set with all presence‐only data available until 2005, and a second set using all data avail…
Characterization of the 3D information of Calyptogena shells
We propose in this paper an application of multiresolution analysis techniques to extract information contained in the growth increments of a bivalve mollusk called: Calyptogena . The first stage consists in extracting a range image of the mollusk’s shell using a 3-D scanner. Applying a multiresolution analysis enables us to localize precisely those growth increments by preserving relevant details. Moreover, interesting spatial and frequency properties of the multiresolution analysis underline information contained on the shell. Intra-individual variation and inter-individual variations are compared to assume some conclusions as for the ontogenetic evolution of the animal such as periodicit…
How Hox genes can shed light on the place of echinoderms among the deuterostomes.
19 pages; International audience; BACKGROUND: The Hox gene cluster ranks among the greatest of biological discoveries of the past 30 years. Morphogenetic patterning genes are remarkable for the systems they regulate during major ontogenetic events, and for their expressions of molecular, temporal, and spatial colinearity. Recent descriptions of exceptions to these colinearities are suggesting deep phylogenetic signal that can be used to explore origins of entire deuterostome phyla. Among the most enigmatic of these deuterostomes in terms of unique body patterning are the echinoderms. However, there remains no overall synthesis of the correlation between this signal and the variations observ…
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2009-31 January 2010
4 pages; International audience; This article documents the addition of 220 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Allanblackia floribunda, Amblyraja radiata, Bactrocera cucurbitae, Brachycaudus helichrysi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Dissodactylus primitivus, Elodea canadensis, Ephydatia fluviatilis, Galapaganus howdenae howdenae, Hoplostethus atlanticus, Ischnura elegans, Larimichthys polyactis, Opheodrys vernalis, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Phragmidium violaceum, Pistacia vera, and Thunnus thynnus. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Allanblackia gabonensis, Allanblackia stanerana, Neoceratitis …
Le Monde Vivant
Microscopique ou gigantesque, végétal ou animal, parfois difficile à comprendre ou à toucher, beau, troublant, souvent incompris : il nous entoure, nous accompagne, nous fascine, et pourtant nous le méconnaissons : c’est le monde vivant. Pour qui s’y intéresse avec la connaissance scientifique, avec le regard et la plume de Bruno David, président du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, et de son complice Guillaume Lecointre, professeur au Muséum, c’est une plongée extraordinaire – comme une brève encyclopédie, malicieuse et profonde.Eléphants arrivés d’Asie pendant la révolution française. Salamandre dont Maupertuis expérimenta la légende « à l’épreuve du feu ». Pauvre Dodo à mauvaise chai…
Quel Futur sans nature ?
Luc Abbadie Gilles Boeuf , Allain Bougrain-Dubourg , Claudine Cohen, Bruno David , Philippe Descola, Françoise Gaill, Jean Gayon, Thierry Hoquet, Philippe Janvier, Yvon Le Maho, Guillaume Lecointre, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Armand de Ricqlès, Philippe Taquet, Stéphanie Thiébault, Frédérique Viard.L’Histoire naturelle est « naturelle » au sens le plus large, car elle observe, caractérise et nomme le monde minéral, végétal et animal, en incluant l'humain dans ses composantes biologiques et sociales. Mais elle est aussi « Histoire », tant au sens originel où elle établit l’inventaire de ce qui existe, qu’au sens moderne où elle en retrace les évolutions dans le temps, depuis les origines de la…
On hidden heterogeneity in directional asymmetry – can systematic bias be avoided?
8 pages; International audience; Directional asymmetry (DA) biases the analysis of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) mainly because among-individual differences in the predisposition for DA are difficult to detect. However, we argue that systematic bias mainly results from predictable associations between signed right-left asymmetry and other factors, i.e. from systematic variation in DA. We here demonstrate methods to test and correct for this, by analysing bilateral asymmetry in size and shape of an irregular sea urchin. Notably, in this model system, DA depended significantly on body length and geographic origin, although mean signed asymmetry (mean DA) was not significant in the sample as a wh…
Fossil echinoid (Echinoidea, Echinodermata) diversity of the Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian) in the Paris Basin (France).
11 pages; International audience; This dataset inventories occurrence records of fossil echinoid specimens collected in the Calcaires à Spatangues Formation (CSF) that crops out in the southeast of the Paris Basin (France), and is dated from the Acanthodiscus radiatus chronozone (ca. 132 Ma, early Hauterivian, Early Cretaceous). Fossil richness and abundance of the CSF has attracted the attention of palaeontologists since the middle of the nineteenth century. This dataset compiles occurrence data (referenced by locality names and geographic coordinates with decimal numbers) of fossil echinoids both collated from the literature published over a century and a half, and completed by data from …
Reappraisal of ambulacral branching patterns in blastozoans
6 pages; International audience; The type of ambulacral bifurcation is an important diagnostic character in primitive echinoderms. However this character is rarely used in blastozoan phylogenetic studies, whereas the corresponding character is well used in crinoid analyses. The main reason for this gap is the absence of definition of patterns for all blastozoans, resulting in terminological confusion. Although crinoid arms and blastozoan ambulacra are not homologous, the well-defined crinoid terminology has been used to describe the different topologies of ambulacral bifurcation. Unilateral and bilateral patterns have been recognized in blastozoans, and associated with the mineralization of…
Evolution to the extreme: origins of the highly modified apical system in pourtalesiid echinoids
The apical system of the genus Pourtalesia displays a plate architecture that falls so far outside that typical of other echinoids that plate homologies remain problematic. A new approach using the Extraxial–Axial Theory (EAT) that develops homologies for the Echinodermata is proposed. The exploration of apical plate patterns throughout ontogenetic sequences shows that the typical holasteroid pattern found in the youngest specimens undergoes a series of disturbances that result in a multiple disjunction accompanied by isolation or disappearance of certain genital plates. We propose a new interpretation of the apical architecture of the genus that agrees with: (1) the plate addition processe…
Biodiversité de l’océan Austral - Laboratoire naturel pour l’évolution.
158 pages; National audience; La position quasi polaire de l’océan Austral, ses dimensions et son isolement en font un monde à part, défini par la violence des tempêtes, des températures très basses et d'immenses zones englacées.De tels paramètres climatiques et océanographiques ont façonné la biodiversité de cet océan. Endémisme, métabolisme ralenti, longévité, gigantisme, absence de phases larvaires… Autant d’éléments qui caractérisent un extraordinaire laboratoire naturel pour l’exploration des processus adaptatifs, évolutifs et écologiques à l'oeuvre dans des conditions extrêmes.Cet ouvrage présente les investigations scientifiques les plus récentes de l’océan Austral, son histoire clim…
Paléobiosphère : regards croisés des sciences de la vie et de la Terre.
796 pages
Ectosymbiosis associated with cidaroids (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) promotes benthic colonization of the seafloor in the Larsen Embayments, Western Antarctica
7 pages; International audience; Ice-shelf collapses in the Larsen A and B embayments along the Weddell side of the Antarctic Peninsula resulted in new open-water areas that are likely reorganizing benthic communities. It is a natural laboratory to assess colonization of the sea bottom under new conditions. We tested the hypothesis that the epibionts associated to cidaroid echinoids could promote or enhance the colonization of hard surfaces. In fact, being vagile, cidaroids might improve dispersal capabilities of the sessile animals that are attached to their spines, e.g., promoting the colonization of areas where the fauna has been eradicated by iceberg scouring. If this hypothesis is corr…
Are homalozoans echinoderms? An answer from the extraxial-axial theory
Homalozoans include four classes of non-pentamerous Paleozoic echinoderms: Homostelea (cinctans), Ctenocystoidea (ctenoid-bearing homalozoans), Homoiostelea (solutes), and Stylophora (cornutes and mitrates). Their atypical morphologies have historically made it difficult to relate them to other classes. Therefore, their systematic positions have been represented by two hypotheses (H): as stem taxa to echinoderms (H1) or as stem taxa to chordates (H2). These conclusions rest on previous inability to recognize synapomorphies with more crownward echinoderms, resulting in a forcing of the homalozoans down the phylogenetic tree that is more artifactual than evolutionary. The Extraxial-Axial Theo…
Quantification of sexual dimorphism in Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea: Isopoda) using outline approaches
A marked sexual dimorphism is often observed in arthropods species in which males perform precopulatory mate guarding. It is generally thought to reflect the influence of sexual selection. Until now, sexual dimorphisms associated with mate guarding have mainly been qualitatively described. However, assessing the effects of sexual selection on sexual dimorphims requires a preliminary quantitative assessment of differences in morphology between sexes. Using Fourier analyses, we tested if morphological dimorphisms could be quantitatively assessed in the isopod Asellus aquaticus. In addition, we checked whether sexual dimorphism in shape was exclusively related to mate guarding through consider…
La notion d'espace morphologique,outil d'analyse de la morphodiversité des organismes
Resume L'analyse de la morphologie des organismes est une base essentielle dans la mise en evidence des changementsevolutifs. La morphologie est maintenant frequemment abordee par des procedures quantitatives, dont certaines permettent de construire de veritables cartes morphologiques ou les dissemblances et ressemblances de formes entre les organismes sont directement lisibles et quantifiees. La notion d'espace morphologique, illustree ici par differents exemples, se revele particulierement feconde pour comprendre comment la diversite morphologique d'un ensemble d'organismes (stades ontogenetiques, populations, clades) se structure, et par consequent pour interpreter en termes evolutifs ou…
Exceptionally preserved soft parts in fossils from the Lower Ordovician of Morocco clarify stylophoran affinities within basal deuterostomes.
10 pages; International audience; The extinct echinoderm clade Stylophora consists of some of the strangest known deuterostomes. Stylophorans are known from complete, fully articulated skeletal remains from the middle Cambrian to the Pennsylvanian, but remain difficult to interpret. Their bizarre morphology, with a single appendage extending from a main body, has spawned vigorous debate over the phylogenetic significance of stylophorans, which were long considered modified but bona fide echinoderms with a feeding appendage. More recent interpretation of this appendage as a posterior “tail-like” structure has literally turned the animal back to front, leading to consideration of stylophorans…
Chemical host detection and differential attraction in a parasitic pea crab infecting two echinoids
Mechanisms of host detection and host choice are important for mobile parasites or symbionts that frequently move among host individuals. The parasitic pea crab Dissodactylus primitivus is an ectoparasite exploiting asymmetrically two spatangoid echinoid hosts, Meoma ventricosa and Plagiobrissus grandis. The entire life cycle takes place on M. ventricosa, while only adults colonize P. grandis, the host where female's fecundity is the greatest. Dissodactylus primitivus frequently exhibits host-switching, a behaviour that raises the question of host detection. To test if adult crabs are able to detect potential hosts and are attracted to the host where their fitness is greater, crab olfactory…
Ectosymbiosis is a critical factor in the local benthic biodiversity of the Antarctic deep sea.
10 pages; International audience; In deep-sea benthic environments, competition for hard substrates is a critical factor in the distribution and diversity of organisms. In this context, the occurrence of biotic substrates in addition to mineral substrates may change the characteristics of sessile fauna. We tested this hypothesis at different localities of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) by studying the diversity of ectosymbionts living on the spines of cidaroids (echinoids). The presence of cidaroids promoted a higher total specific richness and increased sessile species abundance, but did not change the diversity. Analyses of species distribution suggested that the cidaroids are a favourable …
Biodiversity of three representative groups of the Antarctic zoobenthos: comparative structure, distribution and function.
95 pages
Radial Symmetry, the Anterior/Posterior Axis, and Echinoderm Hox Genes
20 pages; International audience; The strangeness of echinoderm pentaradiality results from superposition of radial symmetry onto ancestral deuterostome bilaterality. The Extraxial- Axial Theory shows that echinoderms also have an anterior/posterior (A/P) axis developed independently and ontogenetically before radiality. The A/P axis is first established via coelomic stacking in the extraxial region, with ensuing development of the pentamerous hydrocoel in the axial region. This is strongly correlated with a variety of gene expression patterns. The echinoid Hox cluster is disordered into two different sets of genes. During embryogenesis, members of the posterior class demonstrate temporal, …
The morphology, ontogeny, and inferred behaviour of the deep-sea echinoid Calymne relicta (Holasteroida).
The deep-sea holasteroid Calymne relicta was first described from a few fragments discovered by the HMS ‘Challenger’ in the Bermuda abyssal plain more than a century ago. In addition to re-examining the type material, we describe herein new specimens from unpublished material collected between 3720 and 4860 m during three scientific expeditions that took place on both sides of the North Atlantic between 1966 and 1991. The new material includes juvenile and adult specimens in sufficiently good preservational state to allow a full redescription, including all types of appendages, some of which have never been described. These new observations confirm the atypical characteristics of C. relicta…
The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of Sterechinus bernasconiae Larrain, 1975 (Echinodermata, Echinoidea), an enigmatic Chilean sea urchin
15 pages; International audience; Sterechinus is a very common echinoid genus in benthic communities of the Southern Ocean. It is widely distributed across the Antarctic and South Atlantic Oceans and has been the most frequently collected and intensively studied Antarctic echinoid. Despite the abundant literature devoted to Sterechinus, few studies have questioned the systematics of the genus. Sterechinus bernasconiae is the only species of Sterechinus reported from the Pacific Ocean and is only known from the few specimens of the original material. Based on new material collected during the oceanographic cruise INSPIRE on board the R/V Melville, the taxonomy and phylogenetic position of th…
Highly contrasted population genetic structures in a host-parasite pair in the Caribbean Sea.
Evolution and population genetic structure of marine species across the Caribbean Sea are shaped by two complex factors: the geological history and the present pattern of marine currents. Characterizing and comparing the genetic structures of codistributed species, such as host–parasite associations, allow discriminating the relative importance of environmental factors and life history traits that influenced gene flow and demographic events. Using microsatellite and Cytochrome Oxidase I markers, we investigated if a host–parasite pair (the heart urchin Meoma ventricosa and its parasitic pea crab Dissodactylus primitivus) exhibits comparable population genetic structures in the Caribbean Sea…
Albian ammonites of the Benguela Basin (Angola): a biostratigraphic framework.
20 pages; The study of the Albian ammonite fauna of the sedimentary series in the Benguela Basin (Angola) allows a major revision of the biostratigraphy of the south Atlantic area. The new biostratigraphic approach allows the recognition of 17 horizons distributed in 8 subzones correlated with the ammonite zonation of the Tethyan Province. The Lower Albian is characterized by the Douvilleiceras inaequinodum Subzone (including the D. mammillatum aequinodum Horizon). The Middle Albian is represented by the Oxytropidoceras (Mirapelia) buarquianum Subzone (subdivided into O. (M.) buarquianum and O. (M.) sergipense horizons). The Upper Albian is characterized by the Dipoloceras sp. Subzone (defi…
What a New Model of Skeletal Homologies Tells Us About Asteroid Evolution1
The Extraxial-Axial Theory (EAT) is applied to the body wall homologies of asteroids. Attempts to characterize major plate systems of asteroids as axial or extraxial, particularly those that are highly organized into series, can be problematic. However, the Optical Plate Rule (OPR) is instrumental in establishing that ambulacrals and terminals are axial. It is equally clear that the region aboral to the marginal frame is a part of the perforate extraxial body wall (with the possible exception of the centrodorsal, which is likely imperforate extraxial). Previously established EAT criteria, particularly those strongly rooted in the embryologically expressed boundary between axial and extraxia…
Environmental and ontogenetic constraints on developmental stability in the spatangoid sea urchin Echinocardium (Echinoidea)
Biogeosciences, UMR-CNRS 5561, Universite de Bourgogne, 6 bd Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, FranceReceived 25 June 2004; accepted for publication 25 July 2005Spatangoid irregular sea urchins are detritivorous benthic organisms particularly prone to variations of environ-ment, and their mode of growth and plate morphology make them an appropriate model to assess the effects of envi-ronmental variations. Two populations of Echinocardium flavescens were sampled in two sites of the Norwegiancoast characterized by contrasted environmental conditions. Different morphological descriptors (plate areas, inter-landmarks distances, overall size, and shape of the posterior ambulacra) were used to appraise interi…
Arrays in rays: terminal addition in echinoderms and its correlation with gene expression
Summary The echinoderms are deuterostomes that superimpose radial symmetry upon bilateral larval morphology. Consequently, they are not the first animals that come to mind when the concepts of segmentation and terminal addition are being discussed. However, it has long been recognized that echinoderms have serial elements along their radii formed in accordance with the ocular plate rule (OPR). The OPR is a special case of terminal growth, forming elements of the ambulacra that define the rays in echinoderms. New elements are added at the terminus of the ray, which may or may not be marked by a calcified element called the terminal plate (the “ocular” of sea urchins). The OPR operates in eve…
Impact of sewage pollution on two species of sea urchins in the Mediterranean Sea (Cortiou, France): radial asymmetry as a bioindicator of stress.
9 pages; International audience; BackgroundThe surroundings of the Cortiou sewage are among the most polluted environments of the French Mediterranean Sea (Marseilles, France). So far, no studies have precisely quantified the impact of pollution on the development of organisms in this area.MethodsWe used a fluctuating asymmetry (FA) measure of developmental instability (DI) to assess environmental stress in two species of radially symmetric sea urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus). For six sampling sites (Cortiou, Riou, Maire, East Maire, Mejean, and Niolon), levels of FA were calculated from continuous and discrete skeletal measures of ambulacral length, number of pore pairs …
Tuberculation in spatangoid fascioles: Delineating plausible homologies
The existing definition of spatangoid fascioles as a narrow band of minute tubercles (miliaries) is inadequate. One reason is that many intermediates between the presence of indisputable fascioles and their total absence are known. Although fascioles are widely used in the classification of spatangoids, diversity of fasciole tuberculation has largely been ignored. We examine fascioles in about 100 spatangoid species, focusing on the earliest manifestations of fascioles (both developmentally and phylogenetically) and on their variable tuberculation. Qualitative observations are complemented by quantitative analyses (ANOVA and PCA) of 21 species. Three types of fascioles are defined according…
Possible effects of global environmental changes on Antarctic benthos: a synthesis across five major taxa
Because of the unique conditions that exist around the Antarctic continent, Southern Ocean (SO) ecosystems are very susceptible to the growing impact of global climate change and other anthropogenic influences. Consequently, there is an urgent need to understand how SO marine life will cope with expected future changes in the environment. Studies of Antarctic organisms have shown that individual species and higher taxa display different degrees of sensitivity to environmental shifts, making it difficult to predict overall community or ecosystem responses. This emphasizes the need for an improved understanding of the Antarctic benthic ecosystem response to global climate change using a multi…
Evolution Within a Bizarre Phylum: Homologies of the First Echinoderms
SYNOPSIS. The Extraxial/Axial Theory (EAT) of echinoderm skeletal homologies describes two major body wall types: axial and extraxial. The latter is subdivided into perforate and imperforate regions. Each of the regions has a distinctly different source in early larval development. Axial skeleton originates in the rudiment, and develops in association with the pentaradially arranged hydrocoel according to specific ontogenetic principles. Perforate and imperforate extraxial regions are associated with the left and right somatocoels respectively, are not governed by ontogenetic principles of plate addition, and are products of the non-rudiment part of the larval body. The morphology of even t…
L'ontogenèse complexe du spatangue Echinocardium cordatum: Un test des standards des trajectoires hétérochroniques
The growth of the spatangoid echinoid Echinocardium cordatum is described by using the three standards (size,shape and age) that are classicaly involved in analyses of heterochronies. A population from Normandy, including all the growth stages, allows an ontogenetic reference to be established, while comparisons are performed with adult samples from other localities (Brittany, Aquitaine, and New-Zealand). The morphology of E. cordatum is characterized by 23 measured parameters and 13 calculated indexes. The ontogenetic trajectory of the species is depicted from the measurements of the size increments, from the analysis of the shape changes, and from an estimate of age. An estimate of the ag…
Biodiversity of Antarctic echinoids: a comprehensive and interactive database
Eighty-one echinoid species are present south of the Antarctic Convergence, and they represent an important component of the benthic fauna. “Antarctic echinoids” is an interactive database synthesising the results of more than 100 years of Antarctic expeditions, and comprising information about all echinoid species. It includes illustrated keys for determination of the species, and information about their morphology and ecology (text, illustrations and glossary) and their distribution (maps and histograms of bathymetrical distribution); the sources of the information (bibliography, collections and expeditions) are also provided. All these data (taxonomic, morphologic, geographic, bathymetri…
Morphological and genetic analyses reveal a cryptic species complex in the echinoid Echinocardium cordatum and rule out a stabilizing selection explanation.
14 pages; International audience; Preliminary analyses revealed the presence of at least five mitochondrial clades within the widespread sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum (Spatangoida). In this study, we analyzed the genetic (two mitochondrial and two nuclear sequence loci) and morphological characteristics (20 indices) from worldwide samples of this taxon to establish the species limits, morphological diversity and differentiation. Co-occurring spatangoid species were also analyzed with mitochondrial DNA. The nuclear sequences confirm that mitochondrial lineages correspond to true genetic entities and reveal that two clades (named A and B1) hybridize in their sympatry area, although a more…
Fluctuations morphologiques et hétérochronies chez Toxaster (échinides, Crétacé inférieur)
Resume Plusieurs etapes de la diversification du spatangue Toxaster au Cretace inferieur sont decrites a partir de l’analyse de six especes qui se succedent du Valanginien inferieur au Barremien sur la marge nord-ouest tethysienne. La description des variations morphologiques est fondee sur l’analyse de deux parametres angulaires qui permettent d’identifier trois modules sur le test. La comparaison des trajectoires ontogenetiques des especes T. granosus kiliani et T. retusus , prises comme references, suggere une interpretation heterochronique de type peramorphose. L’elargissement des comparaisons aux adultes des six especes demontre l’absence de peramorphocline, mais atteste que l’evolutio…
Morphometrics and Cladistics: Measuring Phylogeny in the Sea Urchin Echinocardium
A phylogenetic approach to the study of evolutionary patterns is based on taxic homologies (synapomorphies). In contrast, the recognition of evolutionary processes (namely heterochronies) involves analysis of the entire morphology. Recent developments in geometric morphometry permit analysis of morphological similarities grounded in operational homologies. Such morphometric techniques are explored (1) at the level of evolutionary processes, and (2) as a complement in exploration of phylogenetic relationships. To examplify this, we perform a two-part study of the ontogeny and phylogeny of the spatangoid sea urchin Echinocardium. First, a phylogenetic analysis of ten Recent species in the gen…
Biodiversité en environnement marin.
208 pages; National audience
Quantification de révolution morphologique du crâne des Hominidés et hétérochronies
Abstract Comparisons of adult skulls of various species of great apes, fossil hominids and modern humans in the sagittal, Francfort and ortho-sagittal planes reveal a series of three separate organisation plans: ‘Great Ape’, ‘Australopithecine’ and ‘Homo’, the latter including primitive men ( Homo ergaster-erectus-neandertalensis ) and modern humans ( Homo sapiens ). Morphological changes between these plans are quantified for the first time here by vector fields. This study confirms the existence of cranio-facial contraction, which occurs as a series of leaps. The juvenile morphology of the great ape skull is broadly preserved in adult Homo sapiens, suggesting that numerous heterochronies …
Quantification of cranial convergences in arvicolids (Rodentia)
Cranial convergence in nine species of arvicolids is quantified phenetically using geometric morphometry. In a preliminary step, a hypothesis about phyletic relationships is proposed as a framework against which to examine morphological comparisons. The cranial morphology is then depicted in three series of 37, 20 and 13 landmarks characterizing the lower, upper and lateral sides of the skull respectively. Superimposition (Procrustes) methods are used to quantify shape differences and establish phenograms for the three sides of the skull. The phenogram obtained for lateral sides reveals a strong connection between skull profile and mode of life: surface dwelling forms have elongated skulls …
Variations morphologiques des Toxaster (Echinoida : Spatangoida) en regard des fluctuations spatiales (Arc de Castellane, SE France) et temporelles (Valanginien-Hauterivien) du milieu sédimentaire : expression d'un potentiel adaptatif restreint.
Resume L'impact du milieu sedimentaire sur l'installation, la croissance et la morphologie de spatangues primitifs du Cretace inferieur, est analyse chez le genre Toxaster dans le Valanginien et l'Hauterivien de l'Arc de Castellane au Nord de la plate-forme provencale. Les analyses concernent la dimension spatiale a partir de l'etude comparative de six populations isochrones de Toxaster granosus kiliani de la biozone a Verrucosum distribuees le long d'un gradient proximo-distal, puis la dimension temporelle a partir de l'etude d'une coupe de reference (Carajuan) couvrant l'intervalle stratigraphique Valanginien superieur–Hauterivien superieur et concernant principalement les especes T. gran…
Were climatic changes a driving force in hominid evolution?
International audience; A comparison of externalist and internalist approaches in hominid evolution shows that the externalist approach, with its claim that climate was responsible for the appearance of bipedalism and hominization, now seems to be ruled out by the biological, palaeogeographical, palaeontological and palaeoclimatic data on which it was based. Biological data support the embryonic origin of cranio-facial contraction, which determined the increase in cranial capacity and the shift in the position of the foramen magnum implying bipedalism. In the internalist approach, developmental biology appears as the driving force of hominid evolution, although climate exerts a significant …
La Terre, le Vivant, les Humains
La Terre s'est formée il y a 4,5 milliards d'années mais nous ne le savons que depuis la seconde partie du XXe siècle. Alors que nous recensions quelques milliers d'espèces au milieu du XVIIIe siècle, on en identifie aujourd'hui deux millions, et l'on estime que ce nombre ne représente que 20 % de la richesse totale encore à décrire ! Quant à l'humain, si l'on pensait que son histoire se résumait à une succession de deux ou trois espèces sur deux millions d'années, on découvre aujourd'hui que dix fois plus d'espèces d'hominines ont existé, sur sept millions d'années. Chaque découverte augmente le niveau de complexité de ce que l'on sait et élargit le périmètre de ce qu'il reste à connaître.…
Empirical and theoretical study of atelostomate (Echinoidea, Echinodermata) plate architecture: using graph analysis to reveal structural constraints.
AbstractDescribing patterns of connectivity among organs is essential for identifying anatomical homologies among taxa. It is also critical for revealing morphogenetic processes and the associated constraints that control the morphological diversification of clades. This is particularly relevant for studies of organisms with skeletons made of discrete elements such as arthropods, vertebrates, and echinoderms. Nonetheless, relatively few studies devoted to morphological disparity have considered connectivity patterns as a level of morphological organization or developed comparative frameworks with proper tools. Here, we analyze connectivity patterns among apical plates in Atelostomata, the m…
Modèles morphométriquesen paléontologie évolutive
Resume La mise en evidence des changements evolutifs est longtemps restee fondee sur des appreciations qualitatives des differences morphologiques. Puis la formulation du concept d'espece biologique a suscite des approches populationnelles et quantitatives. Cependant les demarches classiques font appel a des mesures lineaires qui ne donnent qu'une image approchee de la forme et de ses changements. Pour repondre aux besoins de quantification et de modelisation de la forme des organismes, deux autres types de modeles sont presentes: 1) des modeles analogiques qui s'appuient sur des parametres mathematiques generant des representations geometriques analogues aux formes des organismes; 2) des m…
Could the acid-base status of Antarctic sea urchins indicate a better-than-expected resilience to near-future ocean acidification?
13 pages; International audience; Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alters the chemistry of the oceans towards more acidic conditions. Polar oceans are particularly affected due to their low temperature, low carbonate content and mixing patterns, for instance upwellings. Calcifying organisms are expected to be highly impacted by the decrease in the oceans' pH and carbonate ions concentration. In particular, sea urchins, members of the phylum Echinodermata, are hypothesized to be at risk due to their high-magnesium calcite skeleton. However, tolerance to ocean acidification in metazoans is first linked to acid–base regulation capacities of the extracellular fluids. No infor…
Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database
6 pages; International audience; This database includes spatial data of Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid distribution (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) collected during many oceanographic campaigns led in the Southern Hemisphere from 1872 to 2010. The dataset lists occurrence data of echinoid distribution south of 35°S latitude, together with information on taxonomy (from species to genus level), sampling sources (cruise ID, sampling dates, ship names) and sampling sites (geographic coordinates and depth). Echinoid occurrence data were compiled from the Antarctic Echinoid Database (David et al. 2005a), which integrates records from oceanographic cruises led in the Southern Oce…
Environmental and ontogenetic constraints on developmental stability in the spatangoid sea urchin Echinocardium (Echinoidea).
13 pages; International audience; Spatangoid irregular sea urchins are detritivorous benthic organisms particularly prone to variations of environment, and their mode of growth and plate morphology make them an appropriate model to assess the effects of environmental variations. Two populations of Echinocardium flavescens were sampled in two sites of the Norwegian coast characterized by contrasted environmental conditions. Different morphological descriptors (plate areas, interlandmarks distances, overall size, and shape of the posterior ambulacra) were used to appraise interindividual variations, and fluctuating asymmetry. The comparisons were carried out using classical fluctuating asymme…
Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean.
498 pages; International audience; The Southern Ocean waters to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula are warming faster than almost any other place on Earth. This area of most rapid environmental change was among others targeted by the Census of Antarctic Marine Life in its collection of biogeographic information. Such biogeographic information is of fundamental importance for monitoring biodiversity, discovering biodiversity hotspots, defining ecoregions and detecting the impacts of environmental changes. It is the preliminary and necessary step in designing marine protected areas in a changing ocean. At the end of five years of extensive biodiversity exploration and assessment by CAML (www…
Genetic evidence confirms polygamous mating system in a crustacean parasite with multiple hosts.
Mating systems are diverse in animals, notably in crustaceans, but can be inferred from a limited set of parameters. Baeza and Thiel (2007) proposed a model predicting mating systems of symbiotic crustaceans with three host characteristics and the risk of predation. These authors proposed five mating systems, ranging from monogamy to polygynandry (where multiple mating occurs for both genders). Using microsatellite loci, we tested the putatively mating system of the ectoparasite crab Dissodactylus primitivus. We determined the mating frequencies of males and females, parentage assignment (COLONY & GERUD software) as well as the contents of female spermathecae. Our results are globally consi…
La radiation des échinodermes au Paléozoïque inférieur, l'exemple des blastozoaires.
10 pages; Le sous-phylum Blastozoa est un des groupes d'échinodermes les plus diversifiés (dix classes) au début du Paléozoïque. Après révision critique de leur squelette, leurs morphologies en apparence très variées sont en fait homogènes. Leur diversité montre deux pics (Drumien, Sandbien) liés par un événement de fortes apparitions génériques au Cambrien supérieur-Ordovicien inférieur. Les blastozoaires montrent un fort endémisme au Cambrien et un important provincialisme à l'Ordovicien inférieur et moyen. Ils deviennent cosmopolites à l'Ordovicien supérieur, par plusieurs événements migratoires. Ils sont restreints à la Laurentia et à Baltica au Silurien inférieur.
Palaeobiogeography of Austral echinoid faunas: a first quantitative approach
Few studies have been devoted to the palaeobiogeography of Antarctic echinoids, all of them analysing and discussing distribution patterns in a qualitative way. The present work aims at exploring the evolution of palaeobiogeographic relationships of Austral echinoid faunas through four time intervals, from the Maastrichtian to the present day, using a quantitative approach: the Bootstrapped Spanning Network procedure. Analyses were successfully performed and improve our knowledge of biogeographic relationships between the different Austral regions. Biogeographic maps were produced that can be easily and intuitively discussed. Our results mostly agree with palaeobiogeographic studies perform…
Genetic structure and demographic inference of the regular sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri (Meissner, 1900) in the Southern Ocean: the role of the last glaciation
22 pages; International audience; One of the most relevant characteristics of the extant Southern Ocean fauna is its resiliency to survive glacial processes of the Quaternary. These climatic events produced catastrophic habitat reductions and forced some marine benthic species to move, adapt or go extinct. The marine benthic species inhabiting the Antarctic upper continental shelf faced the Quaternary glaciations with different strategies that drastically modified population sizes and thus affected the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation. Here we present new genetic information for the most conspicuous regular sea urchin of the Antarctic continental shelf, Sterechinus…
Synthèse préliminaire des travaux menés sur le bassin de Benguela (Sud Angola) : implications sédimentologiques, paléontologiques et structurales.
12 pages; International audience; Les travaux menés dans le bassin de Benguela ont apporté une moisson de nouvelles données de terrain quant à la période apto-albienne de ce secteur ouest africain. Outre les résultats majeurs obtenus en ce qui concerne les faunes d'ammonites jusqu'alors peu étudiées dans ce bassin, et qui ont permis des corrélations indispensables pour la compréhension du fonctionnement de la sédimentation, cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence une compartimentation remarquable de la sédimentation et des structures de tectonique salifère. Des tels résultats ont une portée à la fois fondamentale et appliquée. En effet, il paraît que le bassin de Benguela soit un des rar…
The macro- and megabenthic fauna on the continental shelf of the eastern Amundsen Sea, Antarctica.
11 pages; International audience; In 2008 the BIOPEARL II expedition on board of RRS James Clark Ross sailed to the eastern Amundsen Sea Embayment and Pine Island Bay, one of the least studied Antarctic continental shelf regions due to its remoteness and ice cover. A total of 37 Agassiz trawls were deployed at depth transects along the continental and trough slopes. A total of 5469 specimens, belonging to 32 higher taxonomic groups and more than 270 species, were collected. Species richness per station varied from 1 to 55. The benthic assemblages were dominated by echinoderms and clearly different to those in the Ross, Scotia and Weddell seas. Here we present the macro- and megafaunal assem…
Comparative biogeography of echinoids, bivalves and gastropods from the Southern Ocean.
ABSTRACTAim Biogeographical patterns within three classes, the Echinoidea, Bivalvia andGastropoda, were investigated in Antarctic, sub-Antarctic and cold-temperateareas based on species occurrence data. Faunal similarities among regions wereanalysed to: (1) test the robustness of the biogeographical patterns previouslyidentified in bivalves and gastropods; (2) compare them with the biogeographi-cal patterns identified for echinoids; and (3) evaluate the reliability of the bio-geographical provinces previously proposed, depending on the taxa andtaxonomic levels analysed.Location The Southern Ocean, sub-Antarctic islands and cold-temperate areassouth of 45° S latitude at depths of < 1000 m.Meth…
Analysing disparity by applying combined morphological and molecular approaches to French and Japanese carabid beetles
The expression of morphological disparity within a clade is related to its history and to the environmental parameters within which it develops. Recent developments in geometric morphometries allow quantitative estimation of morphological disparity, and facilitate comparisons with genetic data intended to provide phylogenetic information. Such comparisons were made between two sets of ground beetle species from regions that differ biogeographically and environmentally: 12 post-glacial reinvading species from NE France; and 15 Japanese species less likely to be affected by the Pleistocene glacial events. Genetic relationships were inferred from mitochondrial DNA (ND5 gene). Morphological div…
Phylogeography and demographic inference in Nacella (Patinigera) concinna (Strebel, 1908) in the western Antarctic Peninsula
10 pages; International audience; Endemic to Antarctic ecosystems, the limpet Nacella (Patinigera) concinna (Strebel, 1908) is an abundant and dominant marine benthic invertebrate of the intertidal and shallow subtidal zone. In order to examine the phylogeographic pattern and historical demography of the species along the western Antarctic Peninsula, we amplified 663 bp of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I of 161 N. concinna specimens from five localities, as well as two specimens from South Georgia and Sub-Antarctic Marion Island. As two different morphotypes, one characterized by an elevated shell in the intertidal and the other by a flat one in the subtidal, have been re…
Automatic building of a visual interface for content-based multiresolution retrieval of paleontology images
In this article we present research work in the field of content-based image retrieval in large databases applied to the paleontology image database of the Universite´ de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, called ‘‘TRANS’TYFIPAL.’’ Our indexing method is based on multiresolution decomposition of database images using wavelets. For each family of paleontology images we try to find a model image that represents it. The K-means automatic classification algorithm divides the space of parameters into several clusters. A model image for each cluster is computed from the wavelet transform of each image of the cluster. Then a search tree is built to offer users a graphic interface for retrieving images. So …
Phylogeny of Early Cretaceous spatangoids (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) and taxonomic implications
A phylogenetic analysis of 36 species provides a test for the taxonomy and the history of Early Cretaceous spatangoids. Most taxonomic units from genera to suborders are consistent with the proposed phylogenetic framework. We retain Hemiasterina, Micrasterina, Hemiasteridae, Schizasteridae, Hemiaster, Heteraster, Mecaster, and Periaster as original monophyletic groups. However, all of these clades originate without the classical apomorphies normally ascribed to them. We suggest a revision of their diagnoses and of the generic attributions of basal species. Some ill-defined, ‘primitive’, and paraphyletic taxa are recognised: Toxaster, Epiaster, Palhemiaster, and Toxasteridae. Even if they do…
Data from: Empirical and theoretical study of Atelostomate (Echinoidea, Echinodermata) plate architecture: using graph analysis to reveal structural constraints
Describing patterns of connectivity among organs is essential for identifying anatomical homologies among taxa. It is also critical for revealing morphogenetic processes and the associated constraints that control the morphological diversification of clades. This is particularly relevant for studies of organisms with skeletons made of discrete elements such as arthropods, vertebrates, and echinoderms. Nonetheless, relatively few studies devoted to morphological disparity have considered connectivity patterns as a level of morphological organization or developed comparative frameworks with proper tools. Here, we analyze connectivity patterns among apical plates in Atelostomata, the most dive…
Could the acid-base status of Antarctic sea urchins indicate a better-than-expected resilience to near-future ocean acidification?
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alters the chemistry of the oceans towards more acidic conditions. Polar oceans are particularly affected due to their low temperature, low carbonate content and mixing patterns, for instance upwellings. Calcifying organisms are expected to be highly impacted by the decrease in the oceans' pH and carbonate ions concentration. In particular, sea urchins, members of the phylum Echinodermata, are hypothesized to be at risk due to their high-magnesium calcite skeleton. However, tolerance to ocean acidification in metazoans is first linked to acid-base regulation capacities of the extracellular fluids. No information on this is available to dat…