Francesco Alonge

Use of accelerometers and gyros for hip and knee angle estimation

In this paper a wearable sensor system, consisting of accelerometers and gyros, has been studied to estimate hip and knee angles. The proposed algorithm, developed in order to avoid the error accumulation due to gyroscopes drift, has been tested on angle measurement of the hip and knee of a commercial device for assisted gait. The results have shown a good accuracy of the angles estimation, also in high angle rate movement

research product

Least squares and genetic algorithms for parameter identification of induction motors

Abstract This paper deals with off-line parameter identification of induction motors by means of least square (LS) techniques and genetic algorithms (GA), using stator voltages, stator currents and velocity as input–output data. For analytical identification by LS algorithms, filtering of experimental data is performed by means of anticausal filters. Two models useful for identification are derived in which the products of acceleration and rotor fluxes, usually neglected, are taken into account. The GA-based identification method consists of the determination of the best parameters which match input–output behaviour of the motor. Both methods are investigated and compared by means of experi…

research product

Parameter identification of linear induction motor model in extended range of operation by means of input-output data

This paper proposes a technique for the off-line estimation of the electrical parameters of the equivalent circuit of linear induction machines (LIM), taking into consideration the end effects, and focuses on the application of an algorithm based on the minimization of a suitable cost function involving the differences of measured and computed by simulation inductor current components. This method exploits an entire start-up transient of the LIM to estimate all the 4 electrical parameters of the machine (Rs, L s, σ Ls, Tr). It proposes also a set of tests to be made to estimate the variation of the magnetic parameters of the LIM versus the magnetizing current as well as the magnetizing curv…

research product

System identification via optimised wavelet-based neural networks

Nonlinear system identification by means of wavelet-based neural networks (WBNNs) is presented. An iterative method is proposed, based on a way of combining genetic algorithms (GAs) and least-square techniques with the aim of avoiding redundancy in the representation of the function. GAs are used for optimal selection of the structure of the WBNN and the parameters of the transfer function of its neurones. Least-square techniques are used to update the weights of the net. The basic criterion of the method is the addition of a new neurone, at a generic step, to the already constructed WBNN so that no modification to the parameters of its neurones is required. Simulation experiments and compa…

research product

Nonlinear Modeling of DC/DC Converters Using the Hammerstein's Approach

This paper deals with the modelling of highly nonlinear switching power-electronics converters using black-box identification methods. The duty cycle and the output voltage are chosen, respectively, as the input and the output of the model. A nonlinear Hammerstein-type mathematical model, consisting of a static nonlinearity and a linear time-invariant model, is considered in order to cope with the well-known limitations of the more common small-signal models, i.e. the entity of the variations of the variables around a well-defined steady-state operating point and the incorrect reproduction of the steady-state behavior corresponding to input step variations from the above steady-state operat…

research product

Hybrid Observer for Indoor Localization with Random Time-of-Arrival Measurments

In this work an indoor position estimation algorithm will be proposed. The position will be measured by means of a sensor network composed by fixed beacons placed on the indoor environment and a mobile beacon mounted on the object to be tracked. The mobile beacon communicates with all the fixed beacons by means of ultra wide-band signals, and the distance between them is computed by means of time of flight techniques. Moreover, inertial measurements will be used when the position measurements are not available. Two main problems will be considered in the proposed architecture: the fact that the beacons work with a lower update rate than the IMU, and that the mobile beacon can comunicate wit…

research product

Extended complex Kalman filter for sensorless control of an induction motor

Abstract This paper deals with the design of an extended complex Kalman filter (ECKF) for estimating the state of an induction motor (IM) model, and for sensorless control of systems employing this type of motor as an actuator. A complex-valued model is adopted that simultaneously allows a simpler observability analysis of the system and a more effective state estimation. The observability analysis of this model is first performed by assuming that a third order ECKF has to be designed, by neglecting the mechanical equation of the IM model, which is a valid hypothesis when the motor is operated at constant rotor speed. It is shown that this analysis is more effective and easier than the one …

research product

Method for designing PI-type fuzzy controllers for induction motor drives

The paper illustrates a new systematic method for designing PI-type fuzzy controllers for direct field-oriented controlled induction motor drives. First, linear and decoupled models expressing the dynamics of speed, rotor flux, direct and inquadrature stator currents are derived using a nonlinear static compensator and choosing convenient input variables. Then, to guide the dynamics of the above quantities, four conventional PI controllers are designed independently, choosing their bandwidths conveniently. Finally, the input and output scale factors of PI-type fuzzy controllers are derived from the conventional PI controller parameters. The whole drive controller also includes a rotor flux …

research product

A new approach to the intelligent gear shift using artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic

research product

Globally convergent adaptive and robust control of robotic manipulators for trajectory tracking

This paper deals with a globally convergent adaptive and robust control of robotic manipulators for trajectory tracking in the presence of friction modelled as static nonlinearities. Two control loops are designed according to the cascade control scheme: (a) an inner adaptive control loop, which includes computed torque and PD control actions and friction compensation and (b) an outer robust control loop for unmodelled dynamics compensation. With reference to item (a), two friction compensation schemes are presented; one of them uses both the reference and the actual velocities, whereas the other employs only the actual velocity. Experimental tests carried out on a two-link SCARA manipulato…

research product

Supercapacitor diagnosis using an Extended Kalman Filtering approach

This paper deals with the model-based analysis of a Supercapacitor for diagnostic purposes. A two legs nonlinear physical model is assumed for the Supercapacitor and the corresponding second-order nonlinear state-space mathematical model is obtained. Then, an Extended Kalman Filter is tuned so that the estimated outputs reproduce the voltages at the equivalent capacitance terminals; they give information on the state of health of the supercapacitor but are not directly measurable. In particular, an optimization problem is firstly formulated, involving the experimental input-output data and those given by the Extended Kalman Filter.

research product

A new method for optimal synthesis of wavelet-based neural networks suitable for identification purposes

Abstract This paper deals with a new method for optimal synthesis of Wavelet-Based Neural Networks (WBNN) suitable for identification purposes. The method uses a genetic algorithm (GA) combined with a steepest descent technique and least square techniques for both optimal selection of the structure of the WBNN and its training. The method is applied for designing a predictor for a chaotic temporal series

research product

Trajectory robust control of autonomous quadcopters based on model decoupling and disturbance estimation

In this article, a systematic procedure is given for determining a robust motion control law for autonomous quadcopters, starting from an input–output linearizable model. In particular, the suggested technique can be considered as a robust feedback linearization (FL), where the nonlinear state-feedback terms, which contain the aerodynamic forces and moments and other unknown disturbances, are estimated online by means of extended state observers. Therefore, the control system is made robust against unmodelled dynamics and endogenous as well as exogenous disturbances. The desired closed-loop dynamics is obtained by means of pole assignment. To have a feasible control action, that is, the fo…

research product

Tracking control of network distributed systems in presence of variable time delay and loss of information

This paper deals with the control of network distributed systems which has been at the centre of interest in a wide area of research in the last few year. The control of such systems is very difficult because the communication networks inevitably introduce variable time delays and possible lost of samples. In particular, it is proposed an extension of the approach, derived in the contest of the optimal stochastic regulator problem [1], [2], to the remote tracking problem considering a distributed control system in which the signals from the transducers to the controller and from the controller to the actuator are transmitted through a communication network with variable delays and possible …

research product

Contact Estimation in Robot Interaction

In the paper, safety issues are examined in a scenario in which a robot manipulator and a human perform the same task in the same workspace. During the task execution, the human should be able to physically interact with the robot, and in this case an estimation algorithm for both interaction forces and a contact point is proposed in order to guarantee safety conditions. The method, starting from residual joint torque estimation, allows both direct and adaptive computation of the contact point and force, based on a principle of equivalence of the contact forces. At the same time, all the unintended contacts must be avoided, and a suitable post-collision strategy is considered to move the r…

research product

Numerical Model for Shape Memory Alloy Actuators

In order to realize a control system for Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators, that ensure high displacement precisions, a numerical model that simulates SMA wire behavior subjected to thermo-mechanical actions, up to high number of cycles, has been set up. In particular, the constitutive model of Brinson, 1993,[1] coupled by a suitable kinetic low has been used. Beginning from such model, some corrections have been performed to take into account the deviations, in term of characteristic temperatures and mechanical responds, due to a numerous thermo-mechanical cycles. Furthermore, in order to complete and check the numerical model, experimental tests have been performed; initially the employe…

research product

Robust control for high performance induction motor drives based on partial state-feedback linearization

This paper deals with a robust input-output feedback linearization control technique for induction motors. Indeed, classic feedback linearization presents two main disadvantages: 1) the accuracy of the dynamic model; and 2) the corresponding correct knowledge of the model parameters. To address this issue, the linear controller has been substituted with a suitably controller designed to be robust to the variations of the main parameters of the induction motor, like stator and rotor resistances, and the three-phase magnetizing inductance. The proposed controller has been tested both in numerical simulation and experimentally on a suitably designed test setup. Moreover, it has been compared w…

research product

GA-based Off-Line Parameter Estimation of the Induction Motor Model Including Magnetic Saturation and Iron Losses

This paper, starting from recent papers in the scientific literature dealing with Rotating Induction Motor (RIM) dynamic modelling, as a first step, improves its space-vector dynamic model, including both the magnetic saturation and iron losses; The main original aspects of the proposed model are the following: 1) the magnetic saturation of the iron core has been described on the basis of both current versus flux and flux versus current functions, 3) it includes the iron losses, separating them in hysteresis and eddy current ones, 4) it includes the effect of the load on the magnetic saturation. Afterwards, it proposes an off-line technique for the estimation of electrical parameters of thi…

research product

Task scheduling control of BGA solder joint process in flexible manufacturing system

This paper describes an open loop control method of the solder joint process in a rework station for faulty printed circuit board (PCBs) containing electronic components in packages ball grid arrays (BGAs). In particular, a mathematical model describing the solder joint process is, first of all, obtained. Then, the desired thermal profile of the junctions BGA-PCB is determined according to the physical constraints of the rework station framework. The control parameters corresponding to the above desired thermal profile are identified using the above mathematical model. Finally, the open loop control algorithm is implemented on the supervisor interface of the rework station in order to carri…

research product

The Use of Accelerometers and Gyroscopes to Estimate Hip and Knee Angles on Gait Analysis

In this paper the performance of a sensor system, which has been developed to estimate hip and knee angles and the beginning of the gait phase, have been investigated. The sensor system consists of accelerometers and gyroscopes. A new algorithm was developed in order to avoid the error accumulation due to the gyroscopes drift and vibrations due to the ground contact at the beginning of the stance phase. The proposed algorithm have been tested and compared to some existing algorithms on over-ground walking trials with a commercial device for assisted gait. The results have shown the good accuracy of the angles estimation, also in high angle rate movement.

research product

Robust control of a Hammerstein model of DC/DC converters

This paper deals with the robust control of a Hammerstein mathematical model of DC/DC converters, consisting of the nonlinear static characteristics of the converter followed by one of a few number of linear time- invariant models which describe the converter in the useful working range. One of these models is assumed as the nominal model of the system and the remaining models are used for describing the model uncertainty. Nominal behaviour is assured using H-2 optimal control method, Robust stability and behaviour are assured by imposing H-infin specifications. The closed loop control system consisting of the converter Hammerstein model and the robust controller is analyzed by means of sim…

research product

A New Method of Velocity Estimation Based on Variable Temporal Basis Using Incremental Encoder

Abstract This paper deals with analysis and synthesis of algorithms for digital conditioning of signals generated by incremental encoders to estimate velocity of rotating devices for control purposes. Main objectives are to obtain high accuracy at low and high velocity and low tracking delays during accelerations. A digital conditioning method is described, Which uses a polynomial of order n whose coefficients are updated so as to fit the n+1 most recent velocity data acquired on a variable temporal basis. Digital sinlulations and experimental findings are shown with the ainl to validate the proposed estimation method and compare it with other methods.

research product

Adaptive interaction robot control with estimation of contact force

Abstract This paper deals with a new adaptive force-position control of a robotic manipulator based on force estimation. First, an adaptive position controller is derived with contact force component as estimated parameters. Second, a supervisory external loop is added in order to regulate the contact force to the desired value. Extensive simulations with 2-DOF manipulator illustrate the followed approach.

research product

Identification of Nonlinear Systems Described by Hammerstein Models

This paper deals with a method for identification of nonlinear systems suitable to be described by Hammerstein models consisting of a static nonlinearity followed by an ARX linear model. The estimation of the static nonlinearity is carried out supplying the system with a sequence of step signals of various amplitude and determining the corresponding steady-state responses. The estimation of the parameters of the ARX linear system is carried out by means of a least square estimator using data generated supplying the system with a Pseudorandom Binary Sequence (PRBS). The method in question is able to identify static nonlinearities of general type, also with hysteresis and/or discontinuities. …

research product

Design and Low-Cost Implementation of an Optimally Robust Reduced-Order Rotor Flux Observer for Induction Motor Control

The aim of this paper is to design and analyze reduced-order observers of the rotor flux of induction motors. The design is carried out in two steps. In the first step, a boundary of the stability region of the observation error is obtained corresponding to a chosen Lyapunov function. In the second step, the boundary is translated into a performance index that is minimized with respect to stator and rotor resistance variations and differences of voltages supplying the motor and those supplying the observer in order to obtain the largest stability region. Implementation of the observer on a low-cost fixed-point digital signal processor using look-up tables is described. Experimental results …

research product


This work consists ofi a theoretic and experimental study o£ a possible practical realization oi a micro pro cess or-based control system using a converter-fad hypo-hypersynchronous cascade. drive. Vlrstly, the design o£ a microprocessor-based controller Is carried out considering an approximate mathematical model, linear-type, o& the drive -In question, by using optimal control techniques. Several physical constraints, -buck as -input variables constraints, state variables constraints and processing time. o& microprocessor are taken -into account. The approach followed attorn us to obtain a suboptimal, closed-loop control system. In addition, In order to carry out a more accurate study ofa…

research product

Interaction Control of Robotic Manipulators Without Force Measurement

This paper deals with a new adaptive force-position control of a robotic manipulator based on force estimation. Based on Lyapunov techniques will be proved that the control law guaranties tracking of the desired Cartesian trajectory along the contact plane and of a constant desired force along reciprocal direction, without force measuring. Extensive simulations with 2-DOF manipulator illustrates the followed approach.

research product


This paper deals with an adaptive control law for robotic manipulators based on a filtered signal to generate both the PD action and velocity estimates of the joints, suitable for trajectory tracking tasks, with the particular aim of reducing the harmonic content of the mechanical torques developed at the joints and thus avoiding excitation of unmodelled dynamics and instability. The practical aspects relative to the implementation of the control law are considered as relevant and, consequently, are detailed. In particular, several methods suitable to compute velocity estimates are discussed and compared with the method described in the paper. All of the above methods are illustrated by mea…

research product

Descriptor-type Kalman Filter and TLS EXIN Speed Estimate for Sensorless Control of a Linear Induction Motor.

This paper proposes a speed observer for linear induction motors (LIMs), which is composed of two parts: 1) a linear Kalman filter (KF) for the online estimation of the inductor currents and induced part flux linkage components; and 2) a speed estimator based on the total least squares (TLS) EXIN neuron. The TLS estimator receives as inputs the state variables, estimated by the KF, and provides as output the LIM linear speed, which is fed back to the KF and the control system. The KF is based on the classic space-vector model of the rotating induction machine. The end effects of the LIMs have been considered an uncertainty treated by the KF. The TLS EXIN neuron has been used to compute, in …

research product

Design and experimental validation of a high voltage ratio DC/DC converter for proton exchange membrane electrolyzer applications

Abstract This paper deals with hydrogen production via water electrolysis, which is considered the most attractive and promising solution. Specifically, the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind electric power generators, is hypothesized for supplying the electrolyzer, aiming to strongly reduce the environmental impact. In particular, micro-wind energy conversion systems (μWECSs) are attractive for their low cost and easy installation. In order to interface the μWECS and the electrolyzer, suitable power conditioning systems such as step-down DC-DC converters are mandatory. However, due to the requested high conversion ratio between the DC bus grid, i.e. the output of a three-phase d…

research product

Design and Sensitivity Analysis of a Reduced-Order Rotor Flux Optimal Observer for Induction Motor Control

This paper aims to give simple and effective design criteria of rotor flux reduced-order observers for motion control systems with induction motors. While the observer is optimized for rotor and stator resistance variations, a sensitivity analysis is carried out in the presence of variations of all the motor parameters by means of either transfer function from true to observed rotor flux or simulation in a MATLAB-SIMULINK environment, assuming the voltages supplying the motor to be different from those supplying the observer. The sensitivity analysis makes it possible to establish design criteria for the observer in question. The behaviour of the proposed reduced order observer is compared …

research product

Convergence Analysis of Extended Kalman Filter for Sensorless Control of Induction Motor

This paper deals with convergence analysis of the extended Kalman filters (EKFs) for sensorless motion control systems with induction motor (IM). An EKF is tuned according to a six-order discrete-time model of the IM, affected by system and measurement noises, obtained by applying a first-order Euler discretization to a six-order continuous-time model. Some properties of the discrete-time model have been explored. Among these properties, the observability property is relevant, which leads to conditions that can be directly linked with the working conditions of the machine. Starting from these properties, the convergence of the stochastic state estimation process, in mean square sense, has b…

research product

Nonlinear Robust Control of a Quadratic Boost Converter in a Wide Operation Range, Based on Extended Linearization Method

This paper proposes a control system for a quadratic boost DC/DC converter in a wide range of operations, based on an inner loop with a sliding mode controller, for reaching a desired equilibrium state, and an outer loop with integral-type controller, for assuring robustness against load and input voltage variations and converter parameter uncertainties. The sliding mode controller is designed with the extended linearization method and assures local asymptotic stability, whereas the integral controller is designed using classical frequency methods, and assures input–output stability. It is shown that the proposed controller also deals with the sudden changes in the nominal operating conditi…

research product

Control Strategy for Induction Motor Drives Based on Decoupling Techniques

Abstract In this work a new closed loop, synchronous microprocessor-based controller is proposed for field oriented controlled induction motor drives, using a PWM voltage source inverter. This controller is based on a non linear state feedback compensator which gives decoupling of both rotor current and rotor flux, and direct and inquadrature components of the stator current vector. The compensator has a linearizing effect on the synchronous model of the electromagnetic circuit of the motor. It follows that the control laws can be obtained using optimal control techniques for linear systems. The controller in question gives directly the conduction sequences of the inverter supplying the ind…

research product

Parameter identification of induction motor model by means of State Space-Vector Model Output Error Minimization

This paper proposes a technique for the off-line estimation of the electrical parameters of the equivalent circuit of an Induction Machines (IM), and focuses on the application of an algorithm based on the minimization of a suitable cost function involving the differences between the measured stator current direct (sD) and quadrature (sQ) components and the corresponding estimated by the IM state model. This method exploits an entire start-up transient of the IM to estimate all of the 4 electrical parameters of the machine (Rs, Ls, σLs, Tr). It proposes also a set of tests to be made in order to estimate the variation of the magnetic parameters of the IM versus the rotor magnetizing current…

research product

Fuzzy Data Fusion for Real-World Mapping Using 360° Rotating Ultrasonic Sensor

Abstract Mobile robot perception of the external environment is limited by the features of the used sensor. An useful technique used to improve robot perception is data fusion. This paper presents an approach to build a map of an unknown environment applying fuzzy data fusion methods to data acquired through an ultrasonic sensor. Conditioning of these data and motion control of the mobil robot by fuzzy data fusion are also described. The resulting two dimensional map is used for path planning and navigation. The proposed approach is exrperimentally tested using real distance measures acquired by a 360° rotating sensor.

research product

A nonlinear observer for rotor flux estimation considering magnetic saturation effects in induction motor drives

This paper proposes a non-linear observer for In- duction Machine (IM) drives which takes into consideration the saturation effects. The non-linear observer is based on an original formulation of the dynamic model of the IM taking into consideration the magnetic saturation of the iron core. A Lyapunov based convergence analysis is proposed in order to suitably compute the observer gain guaranteeing the stability of the observer. The proposed non-linear observer has been tested in numerical simulation and experimentally on a suitably developed test set-up. Its behaviour has been compared to that obtained with a classic Full-Order Luenberger Observer (FOLO) in variable flux working conditions…

research product

Tuning of Extended Kalman Filters for Sensorless Motion Control with Induction Motor

This work deals with the tuning of an Extended Kalman Filter for sensorless control of induction motors for electrical traction in automotive. Assuming that the parameters of the induction motor-load model are known, Genetic Algorithms are used for obtaining the system noise covariance matrix, considering the measurement noise covariance matrix equal to the identity matrix. It is shown that only stator currents have to be acquired for reaching this objective, which is easy to accomplish using Hall-effect transducers. In fact, the Genetic Algorithm minimizes, with respect to the system covariance matrix, a suitable measure of the displacement between the stator currents experimentally acquir…

research product

Adaptive Robot Control – An Experimental Comparison

This paper deals with experimental comparison between stable adaptive controllers of robotic manipulators based on Model Based Adaptive, Neural Network and Wavelet -Based control. The above control methods were compared with each other in terms of computational efficiency, need for accurate mathematical model of the manipulator and tracking performances. An original management algorithm of the Wavelet Network control scheme has been designed, with the aim of constructing the net automatically during the trajectory tracking, without the need to tune it to the trajectory itself. Experimental tests, carried out on a planar two link manipulator, show that the Wavelet-Based control scheme, with…

research product

A Novel Method of Distance Measurement Based on Pulse Position Modulation and Synchronization of Chaotic Signals Using Ultrasonic Radar Systems

This paper deals with a novel method of transmission and receipt of a signal based on both the property of two chaotic systems generating the same chaotic signal when they are synchronized and the property of pulse position modulation (PPM) to be insensitive to the distortions of the transmission channel. The method is discussed in the context of ultrasonic radar systems, in which the transmitter and receiver, which consist of ultrasonic sensors, are near each other, and the received signal consists of the transmitted signal reflected by an obstacle. A reference sinusoidal signal is superimposed to a chaotic signal generated by a master chaotic system, and the whole signal is modulated acco…

research product

MRAS Sensorless Techniques for High Performance Linear Induction Motor Drives.

This paper proposes an MRAS (Model reference Adaptive System) speed observer suited for linear induction motors (LIM). Starting from the dynamical equation of the LIM in the synchronous reference frame in literature, the so-called voltage and current models of the LIM in the stationary reference frame, taking into consideration the end effects, have been deduced. These equations have been used respectively as reference and adaptive model of an MRAS observer. As machine under test, a complete dynamic model, based on the constructive elements of the LIM and taking into consideration the end effects by the definition of a proper air-gap function, has been adopted. This model has been previousl…

research product

Adaptive feedback linearizing control of linear induction motor considering the end-effects

This paper proposes an input-output feedback linearization techniques for linear induction motors, taking into consideration the dynamic end-effects. As a main original content, this work proposes a new control law based on the on-line estimation of the induced-part time constant. The estimation law is obtained thanks to a Lyapunov based analysis and thus the stability of the entire control system, including the estimation algorithm, is intrinsically guaranteed. Moreover, with such an approach even the on-lihe variation of the induced-part time constant with the speed is retrieved, thus improving the behavior of previously developed approaches where such a variation vs. speed is considered …

research product

Input-Output Feedback Linearizing Control of Linear Induction Motor Taking into Consideration the End-Effects. Part II: Simulation and Experimental Results

This is the second part of a paper, divided in two parts, dealing with the application of the input–output feedback linearization (FL) control technique to linear induction motors (LIMs). The first part has treated the theoretical formulation of the input–output feedback linearization control technique as to be applied to linear induction motors. This second part describes the set of tests, both in numerical simulations and experiments, performed to assess the validity of the control technique. In particular, it addresses the issues of the sensitivity of the FL control versus the LIM electrical parameters’ variations and the improvements achievable by considering the LIM dynamic end effects…

research product

Estimation of turbulence and state based on EKF for a tandem Canard UAV

This paper deals with the state and turbulence estimation of a model describing the longitudinal dynamics of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Due to both the high nonlinearities of the model and the stochastic nature of disturbances, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is proposed. To allow the estimator to be employed on low cost UAV systems, it is assumed that the aircraft is equipped with a low performance GPS, characterized by a relatively low refresh rate. The designed EKF is able to work efficiently in both turbulent and calm atmosphere. In order to obtain information about the performances of the proposed estimator for control purposes, a control system, consisting of the EKF, a PID-typ…

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Turbolence and State Estimation Via Extended Kalman Filter for a Non Conventional UAV

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Adaptive Control of Underactuated Underwater Vehicles

This paper deals with a control strategy for underactuated underwater vehicles whose target is trajectory tracking. A cascade approach is employed which brings to a control law consisting of: a) an outer loop, obtained from the vehicle kinematic model, which forces this model to track the reference trajectory; b) an inner adaptive control loop which forces the system to track the reference signals given by the outer control loop. Conditions for asymptotic tracking of the trajectory and boundness of the unactuated velocities are given. Simulation tests illustrate the proposed approach.

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Dynamic modelling of a quadratic DC/DC single-switch boost converter

This manuscript proposes the analysis of a Quadratic Boost Converter (QBC) transformer-less single switch typology. The state space average dynamic model and a constrained state space average model taking into account the mono-directional components of the converter (diodes, switches) have been analyzed. The static gain expression taking into consideration the parasitic elements of the converter and the small-signal transfer function of the QBC typology under study has been obtained. A sensitivity analysis has shown a high variation of the gain versus duty-cycle and of the derivative gain versus parasitic parameters of the converter in the range of the duty-cycle from 0.6 to 0.8 which is ra…

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Velocity sensorless control of a PMSM actuator directly driven an uncertain two-mass system using RKF tuned with an evolutionary algorithm

This paper proposes a solution to tune an observer keeping robust closed loop performances for the sensorless motion control of an uncertain mechanical load directly driven by a PMSM through a flexible axis. An evolutionary algorithm optimizes the observers degrees of freedom. Experiments show that performances are effectively maintained.

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Robustness Analysis of an Extended Kalman Filter for Sensorless Control of Induction Motors

This paper deals with robustness analysis of Extended Kalman Filters (EKFs) for sensorless motion control of induction motors. Analysis is carried out by means of simulation experiments considering a conventional EKF, in which system and measurement noise covariance matrices are constant, and an adaptive EKF in which the system noise covariance matrix is updated on-line using a PID-type algorithm driven by the stator current estimation errors.

research product

Feedback Linearizing Control of Induction Motor Considering Magnetic Saturation Effects

This paper presents an input-output feedback linearization (FL) control technique for rotating induction motors, which takes into consideration the magnetic saturation of the iron core. Starting from a new formulation of the dynamic model taking into consideration the magnetic saturation expressed in a space-state form in the rotor-flux-oriented reference frame, the corresponding FL technique has been developed. To this aim, a particular care has been given to the choice of nonlinear functions interpolating the magnetic parameters versus the rotor magnetizing current and the corresponding magnetic characteristic. The proposed FL technique has been tested experimentally on a suitably develop…

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A New Approach for the Intelligent Gear Shift Using Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic

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Identification of a Hammerstein model for DC/DC converters operating in CCM

This paper deals with a method for identification of a Hammerstein model of DC-DC converters operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM). This model has the duty cycle and the output voltage as input and output, respectively; it consists of a static nonlinearity and a linear and time-invariant model. The aim of the modeling the system by means of a Hammerstein model is due to its capability of describing the converter in a range of steady-state operating points instead of a desired well defined operating point as occurs for the small-signal models which are the more common mathematical description to approach the study of the converters themselves. The nonlinear characteristic of the Hamm…

research product

Hammerstein Model-Based Robust Control of DC/DC Converters

This paper deals with model-based robust control of DC/DC power electronic converters. The converter is modelled by means of its static characteristic and a few continuous-time linear and time-invariant (LTI) models corresponding to contiguous ranges of duty-cycle. The model appears as a Hammerstein model in which the values of the parameters of the LTI part depend on the actual duty-cycle operating range. This suggests to describe the converter as an uncertain system to be controlled using robust control techniques. Frequency domain approach is used for describing the nominal model and the uncertainty. In view of applying robust control, identification of the LTI models is performed by mea…

research product

Input-Output Feedback Linearization Control of Linear Induction Motors Including the dynamic End-Effects

This paper proposes the theoretical framework and the consequent application of the input-output feedback linearization (FL) control technique to linear induction motors (LIM). LIM, additionally to RIM, presents other strong non-linearities caused by the dynamic end effects, leading to a space-vector dynamic model with time-varying inductance and resistance terms and a braking force term. This paper, starting from a recently developed dynamic model of the LIM taking into consideration its end effects, defines a FL technique suited for LIMs, since it inherently considers its dynamic end effects. The proposed approach has been validated experimentally on a suitably developed test set-up. Furt…

research product

Identification and robust control of DC/DC converter Hammerstein model

Abstract—This paper deals with model-based robust control of dc/dc power electronic converters. The converter is described by means of a Hammerstein model consisting of the nonlinear static characteristics of the converter and a linear time-invariant (LTI) uncertainmodel whose parameters depend on the actual duty-cycle operating range. This suggests that the controller be designed using robust control techniques. In view of applying robust control, identification of the earlier LTI models is performed by means of simulation experiments, carried out on a converter switching model implemented onMATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Internal model control (IMC) structure is employed for the controller …

research product

Descriptor-type Robust Kalman Filter and Neural Adaptive Speed Estimation Scheme for Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Drive Systems

Abstract This paper deals with robust estimation of speed and rotor flux for sensorless control of motion control systems which use induction motors as actuators. Due to the observability lack of five and six order Extended Kalman Filters, speed is here estimated by means of a Total Least Square algorithm with Neural Adaptive mechanism. This allows the use of a fourth-order Kalman Filter for estimating rotor flux and to filter stator currents. To cope with motor-load parameter variations, a descriptor-type robust Kalman Filter is designed taking explicitly into account these variations. The descriptor-type structure allows direct translation of parameter variations into variations of the co…

research product

Input-Output Feedback Linearization Control with On-line MRAS Based Inductor Resistance Estimation of Linear Induction Motors Including the Dynamic End-Effects

This paper proposes the theoretical framework and the consequent application of the input–output feedback linearization (FL) control technique to linear induction motors (LIMs). LIM, additionally to rotating induction motor, presents other strong nonlinearities caused by the dynamic end effects, leading to a space-vector dynamic model with time-varying inductance and resistance terms and a braking force term. This paper, starting from a recently developed dynamic model of the LIM taking into consideration its end effects, defines a FL technique suited for LIMs, since it inherently considers its dynamic end effects. Additionally, it proposes a technique for the on-line estimation of the indu…

research product

Hybrid nonlinear observer for Inertial Navigation

This paper considers the problem of designing an observer for navigation and localization of inertial systems. Since the measurement systems used in this field have a low update rate with respect to the control algorithm, the design of a suitable observer with sampled measurements is required. Here a hybrid non-linear observer is proposed, combining two different observers with different characteristics. A theoretical treatment is given in order to prove the convergence of the observer and it will be contextualized in the framework of the hybrid systems, providing an elegant setting for the proposed solution. Finally experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed observer and the…

research product

A hybrid observer for localization of mobile vehicles with asynchronous measurements

The aim of this paper is the design of a hybrid nonlinear observer for mobile vehicles. The main problem is that position and velocity measurements are provided with a very low frequency, and the time between two consecutive measurements could be not constant, but it could vary randomly within a certain interval of time. For this reason the proposed observer has been contextualized in the hybrid systems framework. The convergence analysis of the estimation error has been carried out, and the sensitivity analysis has been performed in order to evaluate the bound of the estimation error when the measurements are biased and/or noisy. Simulation and experimental results, carried out on a mobile…

research product

Microprocessor-Based Suboptimal Control of Converter-Fed Hypo-Hypersynchronous Cascade Drives

Abstract This work consists of a theoretic and experimental study of a possible practical realization of a microprocessor-based control system using a converter-fed hypo-hypersynchronous cascade drive. Firstly, the design of a microprocessor-based controller is carried out considering an approximate mathematical model, linear-type, of the drive in question, by using optimal control techniques. Several ρhysical constraints, such as input variables con straints, state variables constraints and processing time of microprocessor are taken into account. The approach followed allows us to obtain a suboptimal closed-looρ control system. In addition, in order to carry out a more accurate study of t…

research product

Extended Kalman Filter for sensorless control of induction motors

This paper deals with speed and rotor flux estimation of induction motors via Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The filter is designed starting from a discrete time model obtained by means of a first order discretization of the original nonlinear model of the induction motor (IM). In order to obtain accurate estimation of the above mentioned variables, the load torque is included into the state variables and then estimated, thus constructing a sixth order EKF. Experimental results are shown with reference to a closed loop sensorless control system, consisting of a 750 W induction motor supplied by a voltage source inverter, a cascade controller consisting of four PI control loops and the design…

research product

Localization in Structured Environments with UWB Devices without Acceleration Measurements, and Velocity Estimation Using a Kalman–Bucy Filter

In this work, a novel scheme for velocity and position estimation in a UWB range-based localization system is proposed. The suggested estimation strategy allows to overcome two main problems typically encountered in the localization systems. The first one is that it can be suitable for use in environments where the GPS signal is not present or where it might fail. The second one is that no accelerometer measurements are needed for the localization task. Moreover, to deal with the velocity estimation problem, a suitable Kalman–Bucy filter is designed and it is compared, experimentally, with a particle filter by showing the features of the two algorithms in order to be used in a localization …

research product

Sensorless Control of Induction-Motor Drive Based on Robust Kalman Filter and Adaptive Speed Estimation

This paper deals with robust estimation of rotor flux and speed for sensorless control of motion control systems with an induction motor. Instead of using sixth-order extended Kalman filters (EKFs), rotor flux is estimated by means of a fourth-order descriptor-type robust KF, which explicitly takes into account motor parameter uncertainties, whereas the speed is estimated using a recursive least squares algorithm starting from the knowledge of the rotor flux itself. It is shown that the descriptor-type structure allows for a direct translation of parameter uncertainties into variations of the coefficients appearing in the model, and this improves the degree of robustness of the estimates. E…

research product

Velocity sensorless control of uncertain load using RKF tuned with an evolutionary algorithm and mu-analysis

Abstract In case of a velocity control scheme for a load directly driven by an actuator, large variations of its parameters are problematic due to possible instability and large variations of the final performances. This performances are then decreasing if a sensorless control is implemented due to cost, reliability or application constraints. This paper proposes solutions to quickly and accurately tune an observer with a lower computer time consumption and lower conception time. A previous calculated state feedback is used as base for a Kalman filter with special noise matrices. An evolutionary algorithm optimizes the observers degrees of freedom all over the variations. The mu-analysis th…

research product

Speed and rotor flux estimation of induction motors via on-line adjusted extended kalman filter

This paper deals with the estimation of speed and rotor flux of induction motors via Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) with on-line adjusting of the system noise covariance matrix. The predictor of EKF consists of a discrete time model obtained by means of a second order discretization of the original nonlinear model of the induction motor. In order to obtain accurate estimation of the above mentioned variables, the load torque is included in the state variables and then estimated. Three different system noise models are also illustrated and compared each other by simulations carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment. For one of these models, EKF is adjusted on-line by means of an additional PI…

research product

Dynamic performance enhancement of AC/DC PFC boost converters by means of MRAS observers

Controlling a Power Factor Corrected (PFC) boost converter is not a trivial task, because the higher the dynamic performance, the higher is the input current distortion. On the other hand, recent applications of these converters require fast transients in response to disturbances, such as sudden variations of load power, reference voltage and input voltage. Better performance can be obtained adding a feedforward action to the traditional control scheme, using observers to estimate the input voltage and the output current. However, the actual improvement depends on the dynamic performance of the chosen observers. This paper aims at evaluating the applicability and the performance of differen…

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Sensorless interaction robot control

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Identification and Robust Control of a Quadratic DC/DC Boost Converter by Hammerstein Model

This paper deals with the theoretical framework definition and the experimental application of the Hammerstein (HM) identification and related robust control technique to a quadratic dc/dc single-switch boost (Q-boost) converter. A set of fourth-order transfer functions (TFs) has been identified with the Hammerstein approach, on the basis of a pseudorandom-binary-sequence (PRBS) excitation signal. The set of identified TFs has been then used to design a suitable robust control technique, able to properly deal with the converter parameter uncertainty and load variations. The proposed approach has been tested in numerical simulation and validated experimentally on a suitably developed test se…

research product

State Estimation of a Mobile Manipulator via Non-uniformly Sampled Position Measurements

Abstract We derive an exact deterministic nonlinear estimator to compute the continuous state of a nonlinear time-varying system based on discrete, non uniformly time spaced, state measurements. The system consists of a robot arm mounted on a mobile non holonomic vehicle. The paper also discusses the effect on the estimation error of a bounded input additive noise.

research product

A navigation and control algorithm for the position tracking of underwater vehicles

In this paper we consider position control of underwater vehicles through inversion of differential kinematics based on uncalibrated, relative to the water, velocity sensors and unknown marine current. An estimation algorithm, based on the above measurements, estimates calibration parameters and marine current, assuring convergence of the estimated velocities to the true quantities. A kinematic control algorithm assures convergence to zero of the position tracking error. An extension of the basic estimation algorithm has been considered, in which position measurements are considered sampled at low rate and randomly spaced in time. Computer simulations are given of the proposed position trac…

research product

Robust Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Induction Motor Systems Based on Additional Sliding-Mode Component

This paper deals with motion control systems with induction motor, subject to severe requirements on both dynamics and steady-state behavior. The proposed control methodology could be viewed as an advancement of the standard field oriented control. It consists of two control loops, i.e., the rotor flux and the speed control loops, designed using the active disturbance rejection control method, with the aim to cope with both exogenous and endogenous disturbances, which are estimated by means of two linear extended state observers and then compensated. Moreover, with the aim of achieving total robustness, a sliding-mode based component is designed, in order to take into account disturbance es…

research product

An adaptive control law for robotic manipulator without velocity feedback

In this paper, a new adaptive control law is designed for robotic manipulators, based on the use of reference velocities instead of the actual ones and feedback signals generated from position errors. The law in question is suitable for trajectory tracking and positioning tasks. Its peculiarities are implementation without velocity measurements and estimation, high signal-to-noise ratio in control torques and absence of parameter drift in positioning tasks. Experimental tests are shown with the aim to confirm the validity of the control law and to illustrate its actual effects on the behaviour of the system.

research product

Localization Based on Parallel Robots Kinematics as an Alternative to Trilateration

In this article, a new scheme for range-based localization is proposed. The main goal is to estimate the position of a mobile point based on distance measurements from fixed devices, called anchors, and on inertial measurements. Due to the nonlinear nature of the problem, an analytic relation to compute the position starting from these measurements does not exist, and often trilateration methods are used, generally based on least-square algorithms. The proposed scheme is based on the modeling of the localization process as a parallel robot, thereby methodologies and control algorithms used in the robotic area can be exploited. In particular, a closed-loop control system is designed for trac…

research product

Trajectory tracking of underactuated underwater vehicles

This paper deals with a control strategies for underactuated underwater vehicles whose target is the tracking of a space trajectory. A cascade control strategy is employed which brings to a control law consisting of: 1) a kinematic control law, derived from the vehicle kinematic model, which forces this model to track the reference trajectory; and 2) a dynamic control law which forces the system to track the reference signals given by the kinematic control law. Conditions for asymptotic tracking of the trajectory are given with reference to the standard dynamical model of the above vehicle. An observer of the marine current is also added in order to process the control law. Simulation tests…

research product

Sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide speed range applications

This paper deals with sensorless control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (IPMS) based on the estimation of speed and rotor angular position. The above estimate is based on the injection of high frequency stator currents able to generate a signal similar to that generated by a resolver connected to the axis of the motor. A new digital algorithm has been designed to demodulate the above signal whose implementation can be carried out on the same DSP that processes the control algorithm. In this paper a new scheme of speed and angular position estimator is proposed and justified on the theoretic point of view. The experimental results here shown validate the effectiveness of the…

research product

Parameter identification of induction motor model using genetic algorithms

The paper deals with methods of identification of the parameters of an induction motor model using genetic algorithms. It is supposed that the inverter supplying the motor is directly accessible for control of the conduction sequences of its power switches. This makes it possible to carry out a test consisting of a transient from standstill to steady-state operation at a given frequency and successive free motion to standstill. During this test, data are acquired referring to stator voltages, and currents and speed. Then, a genetic algorithm is employed with the aim of determining the mechanical and electrical parameters of the model, so as to reproduce the input-output behaviour of a real …

research product

Sliding Mode Control of Quadratic Boost Converters Based on Min-Type Control Strategy

The paper deals with the control of a quadratic boost converter supplied by low-voltage energy sources, such as photovoltaic panels, fuel cells, or batteries. The control scheme consists of two control loops. A min-type controller governs the inner loop to force the current state of the nominal model to converge in a neighborhood of the equilibrium state. The external loop processes the output tracking error using an integrator, and it allows reconfiguring the converter's working point by changing the equilibrium state given in the input to the internal loop. This configuration assures both zero tracking error of the output voltage and robustness against load and input voltage variations an…

research product

Supplemental Material, sj-pdf-1-arx-10.1177_1729881421996974 - Trajectory robust control of autonomous quadcopters based on model decoupling and disturbance estimation

Supplemental Material, sj-pdf-1-arx-10.1177_1729881421996974 for Trajectory robust control of autonomous quadcopters based on model decoupling and disturbance estimation by Francesco Alonge, Filippo D’Ippolito, Adriano Fagiolini, Giovanni Garraffa and Antonino Sferlazza in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

research product

Design of a robust controller for DC/DC converter–electrolyzer systems supplied by μWECSs subject to highly fluctuating wind speed

Abstract A buck-based, isolated, high-voltage-ratio DC/DC converter that allows supplying a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer from a micro-wind energy conversion system ( μ WECS) has been recently presented. It exhibits low ripple at the switching frequency on the output voltage and current and represents an attractive solution for low-cost hydrogen production. In this paper, a more accurate mathematical model of such a converter is derived and discussed. Then, a model-based robust controller is designed in the frequency domain using the Internal Model Control structure and in the context of H 2 ∕ H ∞ optimal control. The controller satisfies the condition of robust stability and …

research product


Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyze and design reduced order observers of the rotor flux of induction motors. The design requirements are: a) the convergence rate of the rotor flux estimation error; b) a low sensitivity to stator and rotor resistance variations; c) a low sensitivity to errors due to the implementation of the observers on microprocessor-based systems. It is shown that, in order to satisfy the requirements a)-c), it is sufficient to solve a constrained optimization problem according to a criterion in which these requirements appear explicitly. The implementation of the observer is discussed. The observer is tested by simulation and experiments.

research product

Input-output feedback linearizing control of linear induction motor taking into consideration the end-effects. Part I: Theoretical analysis

Abstract This first part of a paper, divided into two parts, deals with the theoretical formulation of the input–output feedback linearization (FL) control technique as to be applied to linear induction motors (LIMs). Linear induction motors, differently from rotating induction motors (RIMs), present other strong non-linearities caused by the so-called dynamic end effects, leading to a space-vector model with time-varying inductance and resistance terms and an additional braking force term. This paper, starting from a dynamic model of the LIM taking into consideration its dynamic end effects, previously developed by the same authors, defines a feedback linearization (FL) technique suited fo…

research product

A Model-Based Control Strategy for Wind Turbines with Asynchronous Generator

In this paper a model based control methodology is described with reference to a wind turbine for production of alternative energy. The mathematical model of a 600 kW wind turbine is taken into account assuming a well defined profile of the rotor blades. A set of reference angular speeds of the asynchronous generator and a set of reference pitch angles of the blade wind turbine are obtained in order to maximize the extracted wind power and to reach equilibrium conditions between the wind-generated torque and the electric torque of the generator. Finally a PID model based controller is designed and then tested by means of simulation experiments.

research product


In spite of modern wide improvements in UAV’s technologies, a few number of such a vehicles is fully autonomous from takeoff to landing . So, either autonomous operation or operation with minimal human intervention is, actually, the primary design goal for the UAV’s researchers. The core of the problem is the design of the landing and takeoff control system. The objective of this paper is to design a control system in which the same state variables are controlled during both the descending/ascending path and the flare, tacking into account the actual ground effect. Robust control techniques are employed with the aim to cope with atmospheric turbulence, measurement noise, parameter variation…

research product

Controllo innovativo sensorless per motori sincroni a magneti permanenti

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State Estimation of a Nonlinear Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Model using an Extended Kalman Filter

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