Daniela La Mattina
Polynomial codimension growth of graded algebras
We study associative $G$-graded algebras with 1 of polynomial $G$-codimension growth, where $G$ is a finite group. For any fixed $k\geq 1,$ we construct associative $G$-graded algebras of upper triangular matrices whose $G$-codimension sequence is given asymptotically by a polynomial of degree $k$ whose leading coefficient is the largest or smallest possible.
Polynomial codimension growth of algebras with involutions and superinvolutions
Abstract Let A be an associative algebra over a field F of characteristic zero endowed with a graded involution or a superinvolution ⁎ and let c n ⁎ ( A ) be its sequence of ⁎-codimensions. In [4] , [12] it was proved that if A is finite dimensional such sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if A generates a variety not containing a finite number of ⁎-algebras: the group algebra of Z 2 and a 4-dimensional subalgebra of the 4 × 4 upper triangular matrices with suitable graded involutions or superinvolutions. In this paper we focus our attention on such algebras since they are the only finite dimensional ⁎-algebras, up to T 2 ⁎ -equivalence, generating varieties of almost polynomial gr…
Codimensions of star-algebras and low exponential growth
In this paper we prove that if A is any algebra with involution * satisfying a non-trivial polynomial identity, then its sequence of *-codimensions is eventually non-decreasing. Furthermore, by making use of the *-exponent we reconstruct the only two *-algebras, up to T*-equivalence, generating varieties of almost polynomial growth. As a third result we characterize the varieties of algebras with involution whose exponential growth is bounded by 2.
Minimal star-varieties of polynomial growth and bounded colength
Abstract Let V be a variety of associative algebras with involution ⁎ over a field F of characteristic zero. Giambruno and Mishchenko proved in [6] that the ⁎-codimension sequence of V is polynomially bounded if and only if V does not contain the commutative algebra D = F ⊕ F , endowed with the exchange involution, and M , a suitable 4-dimensional subalgebra of the algebra of 4 × 4 upper triangular matrices , endowed with the reflection involution. As a consequence the algebras D and M generate the only varieties of almost polynomial growth. In [20] the authors completely classify all subvarieties and all minimal subvarieties of the varieties var ⁎ ( D ) and var ⁎ ( M ) . In this paper we e…
Varieties of superalgebras of linear growth
Polynomial growth and star-varieties
Abstract Let V be a variety of associative algebras with involution over a field F of characteristic zero and let c n ⁎ ( V ) , n = 1 , 2 , … , be its ⁎-codimension sequence. Such a sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if V does not contain the commutative algebra F ⊕ F , endowed with the exchange involution, and M, a suitable 4-dimensional subalgebra of the algebra of 4 × 4 upper triangular matrices. Such algebras generate the only varieties of ⁎-algebras of almost polynomial growth, i.e., varieties of exponential growth such that any proper subvariety is polynomially bounded. In this paper we completely classify all subvarieties of the ⁎-varieties of almost polynomial growth by gi…
Trace Identities on Diagonal Matrix Algebras
Let Dn be the algebra of n × n diagonal matrices. On such an algebra it is possible to define very many trace functions. The purpose of this paper is to present several results concerning trace identities satisfied by this kind of algebras.
Varieties of algebras of polynomial growth
Let V be a proper variety of associative algebras over a field F of characteristic zero. It is well-known that V can have polynomial or exponential growth and here we present some classification results of varieties of polynomial growth. In particular we classify all subvarieties of the varieties of almost polynomial growth, i.e., the subvarieties of var(G) and var(UT 2), where G is the Grassmann algebra and UT2 is the algebra of 2 x 2 upper triangular matrices.
On the graded identities and cocharacters of the algebra of 3×3 matrices
Abstract Let M2,1(F) be the algebra of 3×3 matrices over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic zero with non-trivial Z 2 -grading. We study the graded identities of this algebra through the representation theory of the hyperoctahedral group Z 2 ∼S n . After splitting the space of multilinear polynomial identities into the sum of irreducibles under the Z 2 ∼S n -action, we determine all the irreducible Z 2 ∼S n -characters appearing in this decomposition with non-zero multiplicity. We then apply this result in order to study the graded cocharacter of the Grassmann envelope of M2,1(F). Finally, using the representation theory of the general linear group, we determine all the grade…
Varieties of almost polynomial growth: classifying their subvarieties
Let G be the infinite dimensional Grassmann algebra over a field F of characteristic zero and UT2 the algebra of 2 x 2 upper triangular matrices over F. The relevance of these algebras in PI-theory relies on the fact that they generate the only two varieties of almost polynomial growth, i.e., they grow exponentially but any proper subvariety grows polynomially. In this paper we completely classify, up to PI-equivalence, the associative algebras A such that A is an element of Var(G) or A is an element of Var(UT2).
Superalgebras with Involution or Superinvolution and Almost Polynomial Growth of the Codimensions
Let A be a superalgebra with graded involution or superinvolution ∗ and let $c_{n}^{*}(A)$, n = 1,2,…, be its sequence of ∗-codimensions. In case A is finite dimensional, in Giambruno et al. (Algebr. Represent. Theory 19(3), 599–611 2016, Linear Multilinear Algebra 64(3), 484–501 2016) it was proved that such a sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if the variety generated by A does not contain the group algebra of $\mathbb {Z}_{2}$ and a 4-dimensional subalgebra of the 4 × 4 upper-triangular matrices with suitable graded involutions or superinvolutions. In this paper we study the general case of ∗-superalgebras satisfying a polynomial identity. As a consequence we classify the varie…
On Codimensions of Algebras with Involution
Let A be an associative algebra with involution ∗ over a field F of characteristic zero. One associates to A, in a natural way, a numerical sequence \(c^{\ast }_n(A),\)n = 1, 2, …, called the sequence of ∗-codimensions of A which is the main tool for the quantitative investigation of the polynomial identities satisfied by A. In this paper we focus our attention on \(c^{\ast }_n(A),\)n = 1, 2, …, by presenting some recent results about it.
Classifying the Minimal Varieties of Polynomial Growth
Let $\mathcal{V}$ be a variety of associative algebras generated by an algebra with $1$ over a field of characteristic zero. This paper is devoted to the classification of the varieties $\mathcal{V}$ which are minimal of polynomial growth (i.e., their sequence of codimensions growth like $n^k$ but any proper subvariety grows like $n^t$ with $t 4$, the number of minimal varieties is at least $|F|$, the cardinality of the base field and we give a recipe of how to construct them.
Superalgebras: Polynomial identities and asymptotics
To any superalgebra A is attached a numerical sequence cnsup(A), n≥1, called the sequence of supercodimensions of A. In characteristic zero its asymptotics are an invariant of the superidentities satisfied by A. It is well-known that for a PI-superalgebra such sequence is exponentially bounded and expsup(A)=limn→∞cnsup(A)n is an integer that can be explicitly computed. Here we introduce a notion of fundamental superalgebra over a field of characteristic zero. We prove that if A is such an algebra, then C1ntexpsup(A)n≤cnsup(A)≤C2ntexpsup(A)n, where C1>0,C2,t are constants and t is a half integer that can be explicitly written as a linear function of the dimension of the even part of A an…
Trace identities and almost polynomial growth
In this paper we study algebras with trace and their trace polynomial identities over a field of characteristic 0. We consider two commutative matrix algebras: $D_2$, the algebra of $2\times 2$ diagonal matrices and $C_2$, the algebra of $2 \times 2$ matrices generated by $e_{11}+e_{22}$ and $e_{12}$. We describe all possible traces on these algebras and we study the corresponding trace codimensions. Moreover we characterize the varieties with trace of polynomial growth generated by a finite dimensional algebra. As a consequence, we see that the growth of a variety with trace is either polynomial or exponential.
Graded polynomial identities and exponential growth
Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic zero graded by a finite abelian group $G$. Here we study a growth function related to the graded polynomial identities satisfied by $A$ by computing the exponential rate of growth of the sequence of graded codimensions of $A$. We prove that the $G$-exponent of $A$ exists and is an integer related in an explicit way to the dimension of a suitable semisimple subalgebra of $A$.
Star-fundamental algebras: polynomial identities and asymptotics
We introduce the notion of star-fundamental algebra over a field of characteristic zero. We prove that in the framework of the theory of polynomial identities, these algebras are the building blocks of a finite dimensional algebra with involution ∗ * . To any star-algebra A A is attached a numerical sequence c n ∗ ( A ) c_n^*(A) , n ≥ 1 n\ge 1 , called the sequence of ∗ * -codimensions of A A . Its asymptotic is an invariant giving a measure of the ∗ * -polynomial identities satisfied by A A . It is well known that for a PI-algebra such a sequence is exponentially bounded and exp ∗ ( A ) = lim n → ∞ c n ∗ ( A ) n \exp ^*(A)=\lim _{n\to \infty }\sqrt [n]{c_n^*(A)} can be explicitly compute…
Characterizing varieties of colength ≤4
Let A be an associative algebra over a field F of characteristic zero, and let χ n (A), n = 1,2,…, be the sequence of cocharacters of A. For every n ≥ 1, let l n (A) denote the nth colength of A, counting the number of S n -irreducibles appearing in χ n (A). In this article, we classify the algebras A such that the sequence of colengths l n (A), n = 1,2,…, is bounded by four. Moreover we construct a finite number of algebras A 1,…, A d , such that l n (A) ≤ 4 if and only if A 1,…, A d ∉ var(A).
MR3038546, Brešar, Matej; Klep, Igor A local-global principle for linear dependence of noncommutative polynomials. Israel J. Math. 193 (2013), no. 1, 71–82. (Reviewer: Daniela La Mattina) 16R99
Let F be a eld of characteristic zero and FhXi the free associative algebra on X = fX1;X2; : : : g over F; i.e., the algebra of polynomials in the non-commuting variables Xi 2 X. A set of polynomials in FhXi is called locally linearly dependent if their evaluations at tuples of matrices are always linearly dependent. In [Integral Equations Operator Theory 46 (2003), no. 4, 399{454; MR1997979 (2004f:90102)], J. F. Camino et al., in the setting of free analysis, motivated by systems engineering, proved that a nite locally linearly dependent set of polynomials is linearly dependent. In this paper the authors give an alternative algebraic proof of this result based on the theory of polynomial i…
MR2966998 Aljadeff, Eli; Kanel-Belov, Alexei Hilbert series of PI relatively free G-graded algebras are rational functions. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 44 (2012), no. 3, 520–532. (Reviewer: Daniela La Mattina) 16R10 (16W50)
MR2852326 Bekh-Ochir, C.; Rankin, S. A. Examples of associative algebras for which the T-space of central polynomials is not finitely based. Israel J. Math. 186 (2011), 333–347. (Reviewer: Daniela La Mattina) 16R10
Graded algebras with polynomial growth of their codimensions
Abstract Let A be an algebra over a field of characteristic 0 and assume A is graded by a finite group G . We study combinatorial and asymptotic properties of the G -graded polynomial identities of A provided A is of polynomial growth of the sequence of its graded codimensions. Roughly speaking this means that the ideal of graded identities is “very large”. We relate the polynomial growth of the codimensions to the module structure of the multilinear elements in the relatively free G -graded algebra in the variety generated by A . We describe the irreducible modules that can appear in the decomposition, we show that their multiplicities are eventually constant depending on the shape obtaine…
Varieties of Superalgebras of Polynomial Growth
∗ The author was partially supported by MIUR of Italy.
On algebras and superalgebras with linear codimension growth
We present the classification, up to PI-equivalence, of the algebras over a field of characteristic zero whose sequence of codimensions is linearly bounded. We also describe the generalization of this result in the setting of superalgebras and their graded identities. As a consequence we determine all linear functions describing the ordinary codimensions and the graded codimensions of a given algebra.
Varietà di algebre di crescita polinomiale
Matrix algebras with degenerate traces and trace identities
In this paper we study matrix algebras with a degenerate trace in the framework of the theory of polynomial identities. The first part is devoted to the study of the algebra $D_n$ of $n \times n$ diagonal matrices. We prove that, in case of a degenerate trace, all its trace identities follow by the commutativity law and by pure trace identities. Moreover we relate the trace identities of $D_{n+1}$ endowed with a degenerate trace, to those of $D_n$ with the corresponding trace. This allows us to determine the generators of the trace T-ideal of $D_3$. In the second part we study commutative subalgebras of $M_k(F)$, denoted by $C_k$ of the type $F + J$ that can be endowed with the so-called st…
On algebras of polynomial codimension growth
Let A be an associative algebra over a field F of characteristic zero and let $$c_n(A), n=1, 2, \ldots $$ , be the sequence of codimensions of A. It is well-known that $$c_n(A), n=1, 2, \ldots $$ , cannot have intermediate growth, i.e., either is polynomially bounded or grows exponentially. Here we present some results on algebras whose sequence of codimensions is polynomially bounded.
Central polynomials of graded algebras: Capturing their exponential growth
Let G be a finite abelian group and let A be an associative G-graded algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A central G-polynomial is a polynomial of the free associative G-graded algebra that takes central values for all graded substitutions of homogeneous elements of A. We prove the existence and the integrability of two limits called the central G-exponent and the proper central G-exponent that give a quantitative measure of the growth of the central G-polynomials and the proper central G-polynomials, respectively. Moreover, we compare them with the G-exponent of the algebra.
Varieties of superalgebras of almost polynomial growth
Abstract Let V gr be a variety of superalgebras and let c n gr ( V gr ) , n = 1 , 2 , … , be its sequence of graded codimensions. Such a sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if V gr does not contain a list of five superalgebras consisting of a commutative superalgebra, the infinite dimensional Grassmann algebra and the algebra of 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices with trivial and natural Z 2 -gradings. In this paper we completely classify all subvarieties of the varieties generated by these five superalgebras, by giving a complete list of finite dimensional generating superalgebras.
Almost polynomial growth: Classifying varieties of graded algebras
Let G be a finite group, V a variety of associative G-graded algebras and c (V), n = 1, 2, …, its sequence of graded codimensions. It was recently shown by Valenti that such a sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if V does not contain a finite list of G-graded algebras. The list consists of group algebras of groups of order a prime number, the infinite-dimensional Grassmann algebra and the algebra of 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices with suitable gradings. Such algebras generate the only varieties of G-graded algebras of almost polynomial growth, i.e., varieties of exponential growth such that any proper subvariety is polynomially bounded. In this paper we completely classify all sub…
Varieties of Algebras with Superinvolution of Almost Polynomial Growth
Let A be an associative algebra with superinvolution ∗ over a field of characteristic zero and let $c_{n}^{\ast }(A)$ be its sequence of corresponding ∗-codimensions. In case A is finite dimensional, we prove that such sequence is polynomially bounded if and only if the variety generated by A does not contain three explicitly described algebras with superinvolution. As a consequence we find out that no intermediate growth of the ∗-codimensions between polynomial and exponential is allowed.
Kemer, A; Averyanov, I. Some problems in PI-theory (Advances in algebra and combinatorics).
This paper is devoted to a review of some of the most significant results obtained in the theory of polynomial identities and trace polynomial identities. Some of the most important problems in this area concern the relation between identities in characteristic 0 and p>0 and the classification of prime varieties. Here the authors present their achievements on the subject and makes some conjectures. Among others they give results on the classification of the multilinear identities of the prime subvarieties of the variety generated by the algebra of 2X2 matrices over a field of positive characteristic.
Rashkova, T. The Robson cubics for matrix algebras with involution (Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform.).
Let R be the free associative algebra over a field K on $n^2$ generators $a_{ij}$ and let $R\langle x\rangle$ be the free associative $K$-algebra in one further indeterminate $x.$ Consider the set of polynomials in $R\langle x\rangle$ which are satisfied by the $n\times n$ matrix $\alpha=(a_{ij}).$ Such polynomials are called laws over $R$ of the matrix $\alpha.$ Robson in [Robson, J. C. Polynomials satisfied by matrices. J. Algebra 55 (1978), no. 2, 509--520; MR523471 (80j:15012)] proved that such laws are a ``consequence" of a finite set of laws and for $n=2$ he exhibited $4$ generators called Robson cubics. Here the author considers the special case when $\alpha$ is a symmetric or skew-s…
Some varieties of algebras of polynomial growth
We determine a complete list of finite dimensional algebras generating the subvarieties of var(G) and var(UT_2).