

Towards commissioning the new IGISOL-4 facility

Jukka KoponenAntti SaastamoinenM. ReponenTommi EronenJuho RissanenAri JokinenIlkka PohjalainenJani HakalaHeikki PenttiläIain MooreAnu KankainenVolker SonnenscheinVeli KolhinenJuha ÄYstöDmitry GorelovSami Rinta-antila


Radioactive ion beamsNuclear and High Energy Physicsta114Project commissioningComputer scienceNuclear engineeringDetectorCyclotronExperimental researchlaw.inventionNuclear physicslawNeutronInstrumentationBeam (structure)


Abstract The Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla is currently being re-commissioned as IGISOL-4 in a new experimental hall. Access to intense beams of protons and deuterons from a new MCC30/15 cyclotron, with continued possibility to deliver heavy-ion beams from the K = 130 MeV cyclotron, offers extensive opportunities for long periods of fundamental experimental research, developments and applications. A new layout of beam lines with a considerable increase in floor space offers new modes of operation at the facility, as well as a possibility to incorporate more complex detector setups. We present a general overview of IGISOL-4 and the current status of several projects, including the collinear laser spectroscopy station and the future of neutron-induced fission. Recent milestones from the first commissioning experiments are presented.
