

Qvalue and half-life of double-electron capture in184Os

Klaus BlaumN. A. ZubovaGabriel Martínez-pinedoDennis RenischDennis RenischChristian SmorraChristian SmorraM. EibachSzilard NagyThomas BeyerMichael BlockTomás R. RodríguezI. I. TupitsynKarlheinz LangankeKarlheinz LangankeWilfried NörtershäuserKlaus EberhardtCh. E. DüllmannV. M. ShabaevSergey Eliseev


PhysicsNuclear physicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsMAJORANAParticle physicsQ valueElectron captureDouble beta decayPhysics beyond the Standard ModelNeutrinoBeta decayLepton number


The observation of neutrinoless double-beta transitionswould reveal physics beyond the Standard Model, asit would establish neutrinos to be Majorana particles,which implies a violation of the lepton number conserva-tion. Experiments searching for these transitions have fo-cused on the detection of neutrinoless double-beta decay(0 ) rather than neutrinoless double-electron capture(0). One reason among others is in general the sig-ni cantly shorter half-life of the 0 process. However,in the case of neutrinoless double-electron capture, thetransition is expected to be resonantly enhanced if theinitial and the nal state of the transition are degeneratein energy [1{3].In this work, we investigate neutrinoless double-electron capture in
