

Bio materials with reclaimed asphalt: from lab mixes properties to non-damaged full scale monitoring and mechanical simulation

Laurent PorotPierre HornychSimon PougetJuliette BlancDavide Lo PrestiAna Jiménez Del Barco CarriónEmmanuel ChailleuxR. Christopher WilliamsJean-pascal Planche


JAUGE DE CONTRAINTERECYCLINGRECUPERATION0211 other engineering and technologiesFull scaleBio based02 engineering and technologypavemenViscoelasticity[SPI.MAT]Engineering Sciences [physics]/MaterialsELASTIC SIMULATIONVISCOELASTIC SIMULATIONRESISTANCE (MATER)RheologyBIOMATERIALMATERIAUENROBE BITUMINEUX021105 building & construction0502 economics and businessBIOMATERIAULIANT BITUMINEUXMONITORINGRESISTANCE DES MATERIAUXCivil and Structural Engineering050210 logistics & transportationWaste management05 social sciencesBiomaterialSIMULATION VISCOELASTIQUEEnvironmentally friendlySTRAIN GAUGEDALLAGESIMULATION ELASTIQUEASPHALT MIXPAVEMENTVISCOELASTICITEAsphaltENROBESIMULATIONEnvironmental scienceStructural health monitoringMATERIAU BIOSOURCE


Three innovative environmentally friendly pavement materials, designed with 50% of Reclaimed Asphalt and three different biomaterials (2 bio-additivated bitumens and 1 bio-binder), were produced in an industrial plant. These mixes were tested in lab and also at full scale using an Accelerated Pavement Test facility. The asphalt mix viscoelastic properties were measured in lab and their intrinsic viscoelastic response were simulated. These rheological models are used to simulate the pavement mechanical response using both elastic and viscoelastic multilayer codes. Hence, full scale measurement performed during the full scale test at an early stage (without damages) can be compared with these simulations. The overall prediction accuracy, when all the signals are considered, is between 4% and 8% for all materials. It can be concluded that material characterisation in lab as well as the selected models are well adapted to simulate actual loading state under a moving load, even for these non-conventional mixes. For temperatures lower than 25°C, elastic modelling appears to be sufficient for pavement structural design with the innovative materials tested here.
