

A semi-industrial scale AnMBR for municipal wastewater treatment at ambient temperature: performance of the biological process

ÁNgel RoblesAntonio Jiménez-benítezJuan Bautista GiménezFreddy DuránJosep RibesJoaquín SerraltaJosé FerrerFrank RogallaAurora Seco


Environmental EngineeringSewageEcological ModelingAnaerobiosiTemperatureWaste Disposal FluidPollutionWater PurificationBioreactorsAigües residuals Depuració Tractament biològicWaste Management and DisposalWater Science and TechnologyCivil and Structural Engineering


A semi-industrial scale AnMBR plant was operated for more than 600 days to evaluate the long-term operation of this technology at ambient temperature (ranging from 10 to 27 ºC), variable hydraulic retention times (HRT) (from 25 to 41 h) and influent loads (mostly between 15 and 45 kg COD·d−1). The plant was fed with sulfate-rich high-loaded municipal wastewater from the pre-treatment of a full-scale WWTP. The results showed promising AnMBR performance as the core technology for wastewater treatment, obtaining an average 87.2 ± 6.1 % COD removal during long-term operation, with 40 % of the data over 90%. Five periods were considered to evaluate the effect of HRT, influent characteristics, COD/-S ratio and temperature on the biological process. In the selected periods, methane yields varied from 70.2±36.0 to 169.0±95.1 STP L CH4·kg−1 CODinf, depending on the influent sulfate concentration, and wasting sludge production was reduced by between 8 % and 42 % compared to conventional activated sludge systems. The effluent exhibited a significant nutrient recovery potential. Temperature, HRT, SRT and influent COD/-S ratio were corroborated as crucial parameters to consider in maximizing AnMBR performance.
