

New lifetime measurements inPd109and the onset of deformation atN=60

D. GhiţăM. ReponenPasi KarvonenHeikki PenttiläTommi EronenH. MachB. BucherB. BucherJuha ÄYstöE. RuchowskaW. KurcewiczAntti SaastamoinenB. OlaizolaIain MooreI. BentleyI. BentleyJuho RissanenAri JokinenL. M. FraileGary SimpsonAni AprahamianMallory SmithChristine Weber


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsIsotope010308 nuclear & particles physicsFissionNuclear structureNuclear data7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesBeta decayIonNuclear physicsExcited state0103 physical sciencesAtomic physics010306 general physicsNucleon


Several new subnanosecond lifetimes were measured in Pd-109 using the fast-timing beta gamma gamma (t) method. Fission fragments of the A = 109 mass chain were produced by bombarding natural uranium with 30 MeV protons at the Jyvaskyla Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line (IGISOL) facility. Lifetimes were obtained for excited states in Pd-109 populated following beta decay of Rh-109. The new lifetimes provide some insight into the evolution of nuclear structure in this mass region. In particular, the distinct structure of the two low-lying 7/2(+) states occurring systematically across the Pd isotopic chain is supported by the new lifetime measurements. The available nuclear data indicate a sudden increase in deformation at N = 60 which is related to the strong p-n interaction between pi g(9/2) and vg(7/2) valence nucleons expected in this region.
