

Full-scale validation of bio-recycled asphalt mixtures for road pavements

Zahra Sotoodeh-niaChris WilliamsPierre HornychJean-pascal PlancheJuliette BlancLaurent PorotSimon PougetDavide Lo PrestiEmmanuel ChailleuxAna JimenezRyan B. Boysen


CHAUSSEEMonitoringEVALUATION NON DESTRUCTIVE DES LIANTSRut020209 energyStrategy and ManagementResource efficiencyFull scaleModulus02 engineering and technologyReuseCivil engineeringIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering[SPI.MAT]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Materials12. Responsible consumptionASPHALTE RECYCLE[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics]ASPHALTESURVEILLANCE11. SustainabilityORNIERAGE0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineeringAccelerated pavement testSettore ICAR/04 - Strade Ferrovie Ed AeroportiESSAI ACCELEREESSAI ACCELERE DE LA CHAUSSEE0505 lawGeneral Environmental ScienceRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentBIO-MATERIALS05 social sciencesNon-destructive binder evaluationBio-materialDurabilityFalling weight deflectometerRutting testESSAI DE FATIGUEAsphalt050501 criminologyBIOMATERIAUXEnvironmental scienceReclaimed asphaltFatigue test


Abstract Recycling of asphalt has become a well-established practice in many countries, however the road pavement industry remains a bulk consumer of extracted raw materials. Novel solutions that find root in circular economy concepts and life-cycle approaches are needed in order to enable optimisation of infrastructure resource efficiency, starting from the design stage and spanning the whole value chain in the construction sector. Itis within this framework that the present study presents a full-scale validation of asphalt mixtures specifically designed to ensure durability of flexible road pavements and at the same time enabling the reuse of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) through the incorporation of bio-materials as recycling agent. These bio-recycled asphalt mixtures have been first designed in laboratory and subsequently validated in a real scale experiment conducted at the accelerated pavement testing facilities at IFSTTAR. Four pavement sections were evaluated: three test sections with innovative bio-materials, and a reference section with a conventional, high modulus asphalt mix (EME2). Two tests were realized: a rutting test and a fatigue test and for each of them the evolution of bio-recycled asphalt mixtures properties as well as the pavement deteriorations were recorded and studied. Evolution of the bio-asphalt mixtures was monitored for a 5 months period after paving by a bespoke nondestructive micro-coring, extracting and recovering methodology developed at the Western Research Institute (WRI). The structural health of the pavement sections was monitored through periodic falling weight deflectometer (FWD) as well as with strain gages and temperature sensors. As a result the three tailored bio-asphalt mixtures performed similarly or better than the control mixture, both in terms of property evolutions and durability.
