Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026
Angela E MicahKayleigh BhangdiaIan E CogswellDylan LasherBrendan Lidral-porterEmilie R MaddisonTrang Nhu Ngoc NguyenNishali PatelPaola PedrozaJuan SolorioHayley StutzmanGolsum TsakalosYifeng WangWesley WarrinerYingxi ZhaoBianca S ZlavogCristiana AbbafatiJaffar AbbasMohsen Abbasi-kangevariZeinab Abbasi-kangevariMichael AbdelmassehDeldar Morad AbdulahAidin AbediKedir Hussein AbegazE S AbhilashRichard Gyan AboagyeHassan AbolhassaniMichael R M AbrigoHiwa Abubaker AliEman Abu-gharbiehMohammed Hussien AdemMuhammad Sohail AfzalAli AhmadiHaroon AhmedTarik Ahmed RashidBudi AjiHossein AkbarialiabadYibeltal AkelewHanadi Al HamadKhurshid AlamFahad Mashhour AlaneziTurki M AlanziMohammed Khaled Al-hanawiRobert Kaba AlhassanSyed Mohamed AljunidSami AlmustanyirRajaa M Al-raddadiNelson Alvis-guzmanNelson J Alvis-zakzukAzmeraw T AmareEdward Kwabena AmeyawMostafa Amini-raraniHubert AmuRobert AncuceanuTudorel AndreiSumadi Lukman AnwarFrancis AppiahMuhammad AqeelJalal ArablooMorteza Arab-zozaniAleksandr Y AravkinOlatunde AremuRaphael Taiwo ArulebaSeyyed Shamsadin AthariLeticia Avila-burgosMartin Amogre AyanoreSamad AzariAtif Amin BaigAbere Tilahun BantieAmadou BarrowPritish BaskaranSanjay BasuAbdul-monim Mohammad BatihaBernhard T BauneZombor BerezvaiNikha BhardwajPankaj BhardwajSonu BhaskarMicheal Kofi BoachieVirginia BodolicaJoão Silva Botelho BotelhoDejana BraithwaiteNicholas J K BreitbordeReinhard BusseLucero Cahuana-hurtadoFerrán Catalá-lópezCollins ChansaJaykaran CharanVijay Kumar ChattuSimiao ChenIsaac Sunday ChukwuOmid DadrasLalit DandonaRakhi DandonaAbdollah DargahiSisay Abebe DebelaEdgar Denova-gutiérrezBelay DesyeSamath Dhamminda DharmaratneNancy DiaoLinh Phuong DoanMilad DodangehWendel Mombaque Dos SantosLeila DoshmangirJohn DubeEbrahim EiniMaysaa El Sayed ZakiMaha El TantawiDaniel Berhanie EnyewSharareh EskandariehMohamad Ezati AsarAdeniyi Francis FagbamigbeEmerito Jose A FaraonAli FatehizadehHamed FattahiGinenus FekaduFlorian FischerNataliya A FoigtKayode Raphael FowobajeAlberto FreitasTakeshi FukumotoNancy FullmanPeter Andras GaalAmiran GamkrelidzeM A Garcia-gordilloMesfin GebrehiwotUrge GeremaMansour GhafourifardSeyyed-hadi GhamariReza GhanbariAhmad GhashghaeeAli GholamrezanezhadMahaveer GolechhaDavide GolinelliYitayal Ayalew GoshuGirma Garedew GoyomsaAvirup GuhaDamitha Asanga GunawardaneBhawna GuptaSamer HamidiHarapan HarapanReza HashempourKhezar HayatGolnaz HeidariIleana Heredia-piClaudiu HerteliuDemisu Zenbaba HeyiKamal HezamYuta HiraikeMbuzeleni Mbuzeleni HlongwaRamesh HollaMohammad Enamul HoqueMehdi HosseinzadehSorin HostiucSalman HussainOlayinka Stephen IlesanmiMustapha ImmuranaArnaud IradukundaNahlah Elkudssiah IsmailGaetano IsolaLinda Merin JMihajlo JakovljevicMahsa JaliliManthan Dilipkumar JanodiaTahereh JavaheriSathish Kumar JayapalDigisie Mequanint JemereTamas JooNitin JosephJacek Jerzy JozwiakMikk JürissonBillingsley KaambwaVidya KadashettiRajendra KadelDler Hussein KadirLaleh R KalankeshRajesh KamathHimal KandelRami S KantarShama D KaranthIbraheem M KarayeSalah Eddin KarimiBekalu Getnet KassaGbenga A KayodeLeila Keikavoosi-araniVikash Ranjan KeshriCumali KeskinYousef Saleh KhaderMorteza Abdullatif KhafaieHimanshu KhajuriaHamid Reza Khayat KashaniZemene Demelash KifleHanna KimJihee KimMin Seo KimYun Jin KimAdnan KisaStefan KohlerFarzad KompaniSoewarta KosenSindhura Lakshmi Koulmane LaxminarayanaAi KoyanagiKewal KrishanDian KusumaJudit LámDemetris LamnisosAnders O LarssonSang-woong LeeShaun Wen Huey LeeWei-chen LeeYo Han LeeJacopo LenziLee-ling LimLászló LorenzoviciRafael LozanoVanessa Sintra Machado MachadoFarzan MadadizadehMohammed Magdy Abd El RazekRazzagh MahmoudiAzeem MajeedMohammad-reza MalekpourAna Laura MandaBorhan MansouriMohammad Ali MansourniaLorenzo Giovanni MantovaniCarlos Alberto Marrugo ArnedoMiquel MartorellAli MasoudElezebeth MathewsRichard James MaudeEnkeleint A MechiliEntezar Mehrabi NasabJosé João João Mendes MendesAtte MeretojaTuomo J MeretojaMohamed Kamal MesregahTomislav MestrovicAndreea MiricaErkin M. MirrakhimovMizan Kiros MirutseMoonis MirzaMohammad Mirza-aghazadeh-attariAwoke MisganawMarcello MocciaJavad MoghadasiEsmaeil MohammadiMokhtar MohammadiAbdollah Mohammadian-hafshejaniMarita MohammadshahiShafiu MohammedMohammad MohseniAli H MokdadLorenzo MonastaElias MossialosEbrahim MostafaviHaleh Mousavi IsfahaniChristine Mpundu-kaambwaShruti MurthySaravanan MuthupandianAhamarshan Jayaraman NagarajanKovin S NaidooMukhammad David NaimzadaVinay NangiaAtta Abbas NaqviBiswa Prakash NayakRawlance NdejjoTrang Huyen NguyenNafise NorooziJean Jacques NoubiapKhan M NuruzzamanChimezie Igwegbe NzoputamOgochukwu Janet NzoputamBogdan OanceaFelix Chukwudi Abrahams ObiAbiola OgunkoyaIn-hwan OhOsaretin Christabel OkonjiAndrew T OlagunjuTinuke O OlagunjuBabayemi Oluwaseun OlakundeAhmed Omar BaliObinna E OnwujekweJohn Nelson OpioAdrian OtoiuNikita OtstavnovStanislav S OtstavnovMayowa O OwolabiTamás PaliczRaffaele PalladinoAdrian PanaTarang ParekhDeepak Kumar PasupulaJay PatelGeorge C PattonUttam PaudelMihaela PaunShrikant PawarSimone PernaNavaraj PerumalsamyIonela-roxana PetcuZahra Zahid PirachaMohsen PoursadeqiyanNaeimeh PourtaheriSergio I PradaSima RafieiPankaja Raghav RaghavFakher RahimMohammad Hifz Ur RahmanMosiur RahmanAmir Masoud RahmaniChhabi Lal RanabhatTemam Beshir RaruSina RashediMohammad-mahdi RashidiRamin RavangardSalman RawafReza RawassizadehElrashdy Moustafa Mohamed RedwanRobert C ReinerAndre M N RenzahoMaryam RezaeiNazila RezaeiMavra A RiazJefferson Antonio Buendia RodriguezAly M A SaadBasema SaddikSaeid SadeghianMohammad Reza SaebUmar SaeedMaitreyi SahuMorteza SakiPayman SalamatiHedayat SalariSana SalehiAbdallah M SamyJuan SanabriaFrancesco SanmarchiJoão Vasco SantosMilena M Santric-milicevicBruno Piassi Sao JoseYaser SarikhaniBrijesh SathianMaheswar SatpathyMiloje SavicYaser SayadiFalk SchwendickeSubramanian SenthilkumaranSadaf G SepanlouEdson Serván-moriNaomi SetshegetsoAllen SeylaniSaeed ShahabiMasood Ali ShaikhMurad Ziyaudinovich ShakhmardanovMohd ShanawazMequannent Melaku Sharew SharewNigussie Tadesse SharewRajesh SharmaMaryam ShayanAziz SheikhSuchitra M ShenoyAdithi ShettyPavanchand H ShettyK M ShivakumarLuís Manuel Lopes Rodrigues SilvaWudneh SimegnJasvinder A SinghKuldeep SinghNatia SkhvitaridzeValentin Yurievich SkryabinAnna Aleksandrovna SkryabinaBogdan SoceaYonatan SolomonSuhang SongSimona Cătălina ȘTefanMuhammad SulemanRafael Tabarés-seisdedosNathan Y TatVivian Y TatBelay Negash TeferaAles TichopadRuoyan Tobe-gaiMarcos Roberto Tovani-paloneLorainne Tudor CarDerara Girma TufaTommi Juhani VasankariMilena VasicDominique VervoortVasily VlassovBay VoLinh Gia VuYasir WaheedRichard G WamaiCong WangGizachew Tadesse WassieNuwan Darshana WickramasingheSanni YayaArzu YigitVahit YiğitNaohiro YonemotoMustafa Z YounisChuanhua YuIsmaeel YunusaLeila ZakiBurhan Abdullah ZamanAlireza ZangenehAli Zare DehnaviMikhail Sergeevich ZastrozhinWu ZengZhi-jiang ZhangLiesl J ZuhlkeYves Miel H ZunigaSimon I HayChristopher J L MurrayJoseph L Dielemansubject
coordinationcommunicationoutbreak responseCOVID-19 GBDresponse planPublic Health Global Health Social Medicine and EpidemiologyGeneral Medicinecontact managementpandemic Covid 19financingepidemic alertepidemiological investigationFolkhälsovetenskap global hälsa socialmedicin och epidemiologiinternational health regulationsurveillanceGlobal burden diseasefinancing; global spending; pandemic Covid 19;global spendingpreparednedescription
Background The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted gaps in health surveillance systems, disease prevention, and treatment globally. Among the many factors that might have led to these gaps is the issue of the financing of national health systems, especially in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), as well as a robust global system for pandemic preparedness. We aimed to provide a comparative assessment of global health spending at the onset of the pandemic; characterise the amount of development assistance for pandemic preparedness and response disbursed in the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic; and examine expectations for future health spending and put into context the expected need for investment in pandemic preparedness. Methods In this analysis of global health spending between 1990 and 2021, and prediction from 2021 to 2026, we estimated four sources of health spending: development assistance for health (DAH), government spending, out-of-pocket spending, and prepaid private spending across 204 countries and territories. We used the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s Creditor Reporting System (CRS) and the WHO Global Health Expenditure Database (GHED) to estimate spending. We estimated development assistance for general health, COVID-19 response, and pandemic preparedness and response using a keyword search. Health spending estimates were combined with estimates of resources needed for pandemic prevention and preparedness to analyse future health spending patterns, relative to need. Findings In 2019, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, US$9 center dot 2 trillion (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 9 center dot 1-9 center dot 3) was spent on health worldwide. We found great disparities in the amount of resources devoted to health, with high-income countries spending $7 center dot 3 trillion (95% UI 7 center dot 2-7 center dot 4) in 2019; 293 center dot 7 times the $24 center dot 8 billion (95% UI 24 center dot 3-25 center dot 3) spent by low-income countries in 2019. That same year, $43 center dot 1 billion in development assistance was provided to maintain or improve health. The pandemic led to an unprecedented increase in development assistance targeted towards health; in 2020 and 2021, $1 center dot 8 billion in DAH contributions was provided towards pandemic preparedness in LMICs, and $37 center dot 8 billion was provided for the health-related COVID-19 response. Although the support for pandemic preparedness is 12 center dot 2% of the recommended target by the High-Level Independent Panel (HLIP), the support provided for the health -related COVID-19 response is 252 center dot 2% of the recommended target. Additionally, projected spending estimates suggest that between 2022 and 2026, governments in 17 (95% UI 11-21) of the 137 LMICs will observe an increase in national government health spending equivalent to an addition of 1% of GDP, as recommended by the HLIP. Interpretation There was an unprecedented scale-up in DAH in 2020 and 2021. We have a unique opportunity at this time to sustain funding for crucial global health functions, including pandemic preparedness. However, historical patterns of underfunding of pandemic preparedness suggest that deliberate effort must be made to ensure funding is maintained. For complete list of authors see http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00007-4
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2023-01-01 |