

Search for Electronic Recoil Event Rate Modulation with 4 Years of XENON100 Data

The Xenon CollaborationE. AprileJ. AalbersF. AgostiniM. AlfonsiF. D. AmaroM. AnthonyF. ArneodoP. BarrowL. BaudisB. BauermeisterM. L. BenabderrahmaneT. BergerP. A. BreurA. BrownE. BrownS. BruennerG. BrunoR BudnikL. ButikoferJ. CalvenJ. M. R. CardosoM. CervantesD. CichonD. CoderreA. P. ColijnJ. ConradJ. P. CussonneauM. P. DecowskiP. De PerioP. Di GangiA. Di GiovanniS. DiglioG. EurinJ. FeiA. D. FerellaA. FieguthD. FrancoW. FulgioneA. Gallo RossoM. GallowayF. GaoM. GarbiniC. GeisL. W. GoetzkeZ. GreeneC. GrignonC. HasterokE. HogenbirkR. ItayB. KaminskyG. KesslerA. KishH. LandsmanR. F. LangD. LellouchL. LevinsonQ. LinS. LindemannM. LindnerJ. A. M. LopesA. ManfrediniI. MarisT. Marrodan UndagoitiaJ. MasbouF. V. MassoliD. MassonD. MayaniM. MessinaK. MicheneauB. MiguezA. MolinarioM. MurraJ. NaganomaK. NiU. OberlackP. PakarhaB. PelssersR. PersianiF. PiastraJ. PienaarV. PizzellaM. -C. PiroG. PlanteN. PrielL. RauchS. ReichardC. ReuterA. RizzoS. RosendahlN. RuppJ. M. F. Dos SantosG. SartorelliM. ScheibelhutS. SchindlerJ. SchreinerM. SchumannL. Scotto LavinaM. SelviP. ShaginM. SilvaH. SimgenM. V. SiversA. SteinD. ThersA. TiseniG. TrincheroC. TunnellH. WangY. WeiC. WeinheimerJ. WulfJ. YeY. Zhang


Physics and Astronomy (all) XENON DARK MATTER MODULATION TPCPhysics - Instrumentation and DetectorsCosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO)Dark matterGeneral Physics and AstronomyFOS: Physical sciencesElectron01 natural sciencesHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentNuclear physicsHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)Recoil0103 physical sciences[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-INS-DET]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Instrumentation and Detectors [physics.ins-det]010306 general physicsPseudovectorInstrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM)Physics010308 nuclear & particles physicsDetectorInstrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)Coupling (probability)ModulationAstrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for AstrophysicsEvent (particle physics)Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics


We report on a search for electronic recoil event rate modulation signatures in the XENON100 data accumulated over a period of 4 years, from January 2010 to January 2014. A profile likelihood method, which incorporates the stability of the XENON100 detector and the known electronic recoil background model, is used to quantify the significance of periodicity in the time distribution of events. There is a weak modulation signature at a period of $431^{+16}_{-14}$ days in the low energy region of $(2.0-5.8)$ keV in the single scatter event sample, with a global significance of $1.9\,\sigma$, however no other more significant modulation is observed. The expected annual modulation of a dark matter signal is not compatible with this result. Single scatter events in the low energy region are thus used to exclude the DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation as being due to dark matter electron interactions via axial vector coupling at $5.7\,\sigma$.
