

Nuclear charge radii and electromagnetic moments of radioactive scandium isotopes and isomers

Jussi HuikariMark BissellK. P. MarinovaYu. P. GangrskyD. H. ForestJ. BillowesM AvgouleaA. NieminenJuha ÄYstöStephan FritzscheB. TordoffEdward SimpsonHeikki PenttiläG. TungateD. IablonskyiCarlo BarbieriBradley ChealS. G. ZemlyanoiPaul CampbellPaul StevensonM. D Gardner


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy Physicscollinear laser spectroscopy010308 nuclear & particles physicschemistry.chemical_element01 natural sciences7. Clean energyEffective nuclear chargeIon21.10.Kychemistrynuclear moments PACS numbers: 21.10.Ft0103 physical sciencesQuadrupolemean-square charge radiusNeutronPhysics::Atomic PhysicsScandium42.62.FiAtomic physics010306 general physicsSpectroscopy32.10.FnMagnetic dipoleHyperfine structure


International audience; Collinear laser spectroscopy experiments with the Sc + transition 3d4s 3 D 2 → 3d4p 3 F 3 at λ = 363.1 nm were performed on the 42−46 Sc isotopic chain using an ion guide isotope separator with a cooler-buncher. Nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments as well as isotope shifts were determined from the hyperfine structure for five ground states and two isomers. Extensive multi-configurational Dirac-Fock calculations were performed in order to evaluate the specific mass-shift, M SMS, and field-shift, F, parameters which allowed evaluation of the charge radii trend of the Sc isotopic sequence. The charge radii obtained show systematics more like the Ti radii, which increase towards the neutron shell closure N = 20, than the symmetric parabolic curve for Ca. The changes in mean square charge radii of the isomeric states relative to the ground states for 44 Sc and 45 Sc were also extracted. The charge radii difference between the ground and isomeric states of 45 Sc is in agreement with the deformation effect estimated from the B(E2) measurements but is smaller than the deformation extracted from the spectroscopic quadrupole moments.
