

Confianza de los docentes en la capacidad resolutiva del adolescente frente al conflicto en las aulas

Vicente Prado-gascóSusana Avivar-cáceresDavid Parra-camacho


Sociology and Political ScienceDevelopmental and Educational PsychologySociologyHumanitiesEducation


espanolRecientes investigaciones afirman que, a mayor autonomia del alumnado en la gestion de sus propios conflictos, mayor efectividad tendran los programas de convivencia de los centros educativos. Por ello, en el presente estudio se analiza el grado de confianza del profesorado en la capacidad resolutiva de conflictos de su alumnado, dada la escasa literatura al respecto, y puesto que el apoyo percibido resulta ser un predictor de exito en el desarrollo optimo del adolescente. En primer lugar, se creo una Escala de Confianza ad hoc basada en la escala de “Activos y fortalezas desde la perspectiva del profesorado” de Pertegal Vega et al. (2011). Posteriormente, se administro a una muestra de 26 docentes tutores de ESO (57,7% Hombres) con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 62 anos (M=42.3, DT=10.5), pertenecientes a la provincia de Valencia, Espana. Los resultados apuntan que a menor edad del docente mayor grado de confianza en su alumnado (ρ =-.53, p EnglishRecent research affirms that, the greater the autonomy of the students in managing their own conflicts, the more effective the Welfare Programs of the educational centers will be. Therefore, this study analyzes the implications of trust from teachers in the conflict resolution abilities of their students, given the scarce literature on the matter, and since the perceived support turns out to be a predictor of success in the optimal development of the adolescent. First, an ad hoc Trust Scale was created based on “Assets and strengths from the teacher's perspective” by Pertegal Vega et al. (2011). Subsequently, it was administered to a sample of 26 Secondary tutors (57.7% Men) aged within 25 and 62 years old (M = 42.3, SD = 10.5), from Valencia, Spain. The results indicate that the younger the teacher is, the greater the degree of trust in their students (ρ = -.53, p However, future research should be carried out to verify the replicability of results in larger samples.
