Vicente Prado-gascó
Impacto de la formación educativa de los enfermeros sobre la comunicación, la inteligencia emocional y la empatía
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the influence of nurse education and training on attitudes towards communication, emotional intelligence, and empathy. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using three separate instruments to measure attitudes towards communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence, and two questions to determine the academic qualifications of the study participants. The effect of the variables was tested using one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations, and hierarchical multiple linear regression. Results: The study sample comprised 438 nurses from hospitals in Valencia, Spain. Differences in subscale scores of the instruments according to degree level and specialized …
Psychosocial Risks, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction of Nurses During COVID-19 Pandemic
Context:COVID-19 pandemic is a serious health emergency that has affected countries all over the world. Health emergencies are a critical psychosocial risk factor for nurses. In general, psychosocial risks constitute serious problems as they impact workers' health, productivity, and efficiency. Despite their importance, few studies analyze nurses' psychosocial risks during a health emergency caused by a pandemic or analyze their perception of the emergency and its relation to such risks.Objectives:To analyze the perception of COVID-19 by nurses, especially about measures, resources, and impact on their daily work. Also, to analyze these professionals' psychosocial risks and the relationship…
The role of the brand in perceived service performance: Moderating effects and configurational approach in professional football
Abstract This research aims to determine the effects of brand credibility and brand congruence on future intentions, perceived value, and spectators’ satisfaction among the fans of a first division football team by combining two complementary methodological approaches, lineal models (the PROCESS macro) and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The effects of brand credibility and brand congruence were tested in a sample of 536 fans of a first division Spanish football club aged from 18 to 70 (70.2% men). The results suggest direct, positive, and significant effects of brand congruence and brand credibility on perceived value and future intentions. In contrast, in predicting sp…
HRM versus QCA: what affects the organizational climate in sports organizations?
The Organizational Climate (OC) provides valuable information about the work environment perceived by employees, directly influencing job satisfaction, organizational commitment and performance. Th...
Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on threat perception of chronic illnesses in pediatric patients*
Objetivo: o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicometricas do Questionario de Percepcao de Doencas Versao Breve em uma amostra de adolescentes com condicoes endocrinas ou pneumologicas cronicas. Analisar a dimensionalidade e reduzir a escala elaborando baremas por sexo e diagnostico medico. Metodo: avaliamos 510 pacientes com idades entre 9 e 16 anos usando o Questionario de Percepcao de Doencas Versao Breve e a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressao. Foram realizados testes de confiabilidade, validade do construto, validade de criterio e comparacao de medias segundo o diagnostico e as variaveis sociodemograficas. As analises de confiabilidade e validade mostraram propried…
Why buying functional foods? Understanding spending behaviour through structural equation modelling
Abstract The market for functional foods has been growing steadily in recent years, as it is linked to a healthier diet and adds value to food products. However, more information regarding aspects that influence functional food (FF) spending behaviour is needed to gain a better understanding of what underlies FF choice and avoid product failure. The objective of this study was to build a structural equation model of Spaniards' FF spending behaviour, based on individual characteristics such as satisfaction with life, decision-making styles, gender, age and some attitudes towards food choice. This required prior validation of the functional food questionnaire for a Spanish context, which was …
Adaptación en la infancia: influencia del estilo parental y del estado de ánimo
La adaptación en la infancia hace referencia al ajuste personal, social y familiar que los niños manifiestan. Esta variable está relacionada con factores personales y familiares que influyen en su desarrollo. Entre ellos los estados emocionales y el estilo educativo que los padres utilizan para educar a sus hijos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar el valor predictivo de los estilos parentales y los estados emocionales sobre la adaptación infantil. Los participantes fueron 1129 niños entre 8 y 12 años de colegios de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los estilos educativos se evaluaron con las Escalas de Identificación de “Prácticas Educativas Familiares”, los estados de ánimo a través de T…
Factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in adolescent patients with chronic disease.
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a screening instrument that assesses emotional symptoms in different populations and medical conditions. This study analyzes the psychometric properties and factor structure of the HADS in adolescents with chronic disease and the differences based on their medical condition.The HADS was administered to a sample of 302 adolescents with chronic disease. Exploratory factor analyses were done in a subsample of 100 adolescents, while confirmatory factor analyses were performed in the rest of participants (202) to examine the validity and reliability of the HADS (14 items); an analysis of variance for a single factor was also done to study diffe…
Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Version of the Instrument to Evaluate Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Communication With the Patient for Nursing Students
Communication is essential to quality of care and patient satisfaction. It has been linked to positive patient outcomes, increased engagement, improved health outcomes and safe practices. Given these benefits and the association between attitudes and behaviours, as behaviours can be predicted by studying attitudes, assessing nursing students' attitudes toward patient communication is critical as future nursing professionals. For this purpose, the main aim of this study was to adapt and validate an instrument to measure nurses´ attitudes towards communication (ACO) for nursing students. The attitudes towards communication with patients were analyzed. Then, differences in the dimensions of th…
Support and Emotional Well-Being of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Spain
Although the world&rsquo
The Influence of Emotion in the Management of Amateur Football Organizations.
This article is oriented to the analysis of organisational and emotional variables in amateur sporting organizations. The general objective is to analyse the influence of organisational variables such as service quality, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership and emotional variables such as affective commitment, emotional attachment investment and emotional attachment dividend to predict the credibility that members of amateur sporting organisations perceive, as well as their degree of identification and loyalty. The opinions of 203 members of Chilean amateur football teams, (169 men and 34 women, with ages between 18 and 68 years (Mean=32.75 years, DT= 9.92) have been an…
Longitudinal analysis of subjective well-being in preadolescents: The role of emotional intelligence, self-esteem and perceived stress
Subjective wellbeing has been conceptualized as a person’s cognitive and affective evaluation of their life. In this line, life satisfaction and somatic complaints may be outstanding indicators of well-being. The aim of this longitudinal study was to analyze the combined contribution of trait emotional intelligence, self-esteem and perceived stress to well-being. Participants were 381 pupils aged 12–16 years (56.1% female). Hierarchical regression models and a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) were conducted. Trait emotional intelligence, self-esteem and low perceived stress were related in the expected direction to life satisfaction and somatic complaints. Findings support …
Spectator emotions: Effects on quality, satisfaction, value, and future intentions
There is a great interest from the academic and professional fields to know the performance of sports enterprises from the point of view of the user and the sport spectators. This study analyzes relationships between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, future intentions, and emotions of spectators of a professional basketball competition. A self-report survey yields data for 493 spectators. After confirming reliability and validity of the data collection measures, an application of structural equation modeling to empirical data tests the model. Results show that (1) service quality predicts spectators' satisfaction and perceived value, and that perceived value and satisfaction a…
Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRQ-SAS): Analysis of psychometric properties
The Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire Self-Administered Standardized (CRQ-SAS) format is used to assess health-related quality of life in different languages and adult populations, but it has not been validated in adolescents. This study analyzes the psychometric properties of the CRQ-SAS in a sample of adolescent patients with chronic respiratory disease and correlates them to anxiety and depression.In relation to the CRQ-SAS psychometric properties, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were done to assess the instrument's reliability and validity. Correlations and multiple linear regressions with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were done to assess the relation wi…
Impact of BMGIM Music Therapy on Emotional State in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/10/8/1591 En este artículo de investigación también participan: María Josefa-Rodríguez-Morales, Ana Monzó-Gallego, José Luis Platero Armero y José Enrique de la Rubia Ortí. Este artículo pertenece al número especial "Novel Insight into the Diagnosis and Management of Crohn?s Disease". Background. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a high prevalence of emotional disturbances which worsen the symptoms of the disease. As a therapeutic alternative that is part of a comprehensive care alongside medication, the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) music-assisted therapy has achie…
To be or not to be an inclusive teacher: Are empathy and social dominance relevant factors to positive attitudes towards inclusive education?
Positive inclusive teacher attitudes are a key factor in achieving inclusive education due to the many benefits they generate for schools and social contexts. Studies have focused on analysing which variables may promote positive attitudes. The objective of this study was to analyse the predictive power of sociodemographic variables, empathy (cognitive and emotional), and social dominance orientation (social dominance and opposition to equality) on teachers’ attitudes, sentiments, and concerns about inclusion by comparing linear relationship models and models based on fuzzy-set comparative qualitative analysis. The sample consisted of 268 teachers of different educational levels aged betwee…
Attitudes, Sentiments, and Concerns About Inclusive Education of Teachers and Teaching Students in Spain.
The Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns About Inclusive Education Revised scale was developed to close the existing gap in measuring perceptions of inclusive education in the educative context. It has been widely used in other cultures but not in Spain. Our objective has been to analyze the psychometric properties in the Spanish sample by studying their relationship with empathy and social dominance variables, finally taking into account sociodemographic variables to observe if there are differences. The scale was applied to a total of 647 subjects: 323 university-students (18–45 years) and 324 in-service teachers (35–58 years). The scale showed psychometric properties suitable for the gene…
The importance of trait emotional intelligence and feelings in the prediction of perceived and biological stress in adolescents: hierarchical regressions and fsQCA models
The purpose of this study is to analyze the combined effects of trait emotional intelligence (EI) and feelings on healthy adolescents' stress. Identifying the extent to which adolescent stress varies with trait emotional differences and the feelings of adolescents is of considerable interest in the development of intervention programs for fostering youth well-being. To attain this goal, self-reported questionnaires (perceived stress, trait EI, and positive/negative feelings) and biological measures of stress (hair cortisol concentrations, HCC) were collected from 170 adolescents (12-14 years old). Two different methodologies were conducted, which included hierarchical regression models and …
Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala de Creencia en un Mundo Justo General y Personal en el Contexto Argentino
El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de las Escalas de Creencia en un Mundo Justo General y Personal. Para tal fin, se examinó la estructura interna de ambas, testeando si evalúan un mismo constructo global o constituyen dos dimensiones diferenciadas, la consistencia interna de cada una y sus relaciones con las orientaciones religiosas. Participaron del estudio 328 estudiantes universitarios de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires con edades entre 18 y 40 años (M = 24,1; DT = 3,88). El 36,6% eran hombres (n = 120) y el 63,4% mujeres (n = 208). Los resultados del estudio sugieren propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para ambas escalas de CMJ. Además, …
Perceived Value in Sporting Events (PVSP): A Further Step for the Strategic Management
The perception of sporting events spectators is a crucial area of research in the sport management field. These studies analyze different variables, the perceived value of which has gained relevance in recent years. By providing superior value to consumers, organizations can achieve a competitive advantage and guarantee their sustainability. However, a limitation found in the literature is that most of the scales used to measure it are one-dimensional or with single items, and do not provide enough information. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Value (PVSE) for the evaluation of sporting events. The questionnaire was…
Auto-conceito na pré-adolescência: Uma breve versão da escala AF5
The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of a brief version of the AF5 questionnaire (García & Musitu, 2001) using exploratory and confirmatory techniques on a preadolescent population in the Valencian community (Spain). The sample was made up of 541 participants between 10 and 12 years old, 55.1% (298) boys and 44.9% (243) girls. After observing the results of different reliability and validity analyses (exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)), it was found that the reduced scale consisting of 20 items showed a similar reliability and validity to the original scale. The factorial structure also fits that of the original model es…
Does size matter? Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Spanish sports firms
The entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of firms is the subject of current research in the fields of management and business. However, analyses on this subject in sport companies are lacking. This study analyzes the relationship among EO, firm size, and business performance of Spanish sports service firms. The study analyzes EO as a multidimensional construct (with proactiveness, innovation, and risk-taking dimensions), and business performance considering self-perception (perceived customer satisfaction, perceived market effectiveness, and perceived financial performance) and financial indicators (ROI). The firm size follows the EU's directive for the classification of micro, small, medium, a…
How personality traits and intrinsic personal characteristics influence the consumer's choice of reduced-calorie food
Abstract Nowadays, the consumption of low-calorie foods is being taken into account as a tool for reducing the incidence of certain nutrition-related health disorders. In this context, several factors were used to model low-fat (LF), low-sugar (LS) and high-calorie (HC) food consumption behavior. These factors were: personality traits (neuroticism and conscientiousness), food choice motives (health and weight control) and intrinsic personal characteristics such as self-esteem and satisfaction with life. The results indicate a good fit for the proposed model. Weight control was the best predictor of consumption of this kind of product, and health was a less strong predictor. In addition, cor…
The role of empathy and emotional intelligence in nurses' communication attitudes using regression models and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis models.
Aims and objectives: To analyse link between empathy and emotional intelligence as a predictor of nurses' attitudes towards communication while comparing the contribution of emotional aspects and attitudinal elements on potential behaviour. Background: Nurses' attitudes towards communication, empathy and emotional intelligence are key skills for nurses involved in patient care. There are currently no studies analysing this link, and its investigation is needed because attitudes may influence communication behaviours. Design: Correlational study. Method: To attain this goal, self-reported instruments (attitudes towards communication of nurses, trait emotional intelligence (Trait Emotional Me…
Psychometric Properties of the Personal and General Belief in a Just World Scales in the Argentine Context
RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de las Escalas de Creencia en un Mundo Justo (CMJ) General y Personal. Por medio de análisis factorial confirmatorio se examinó la estructura interna de ambas, testeando si evalúan un mismo constructo global o si constituyen dos dimensiones diferenciadas. También se evaluó la consistencia interna de cada una, por medio de alfa de Cronbach, y sus relaciones lineales con las orientaciones religiosas. Por medio de un muestreo no probabilístico incidental, participaron 328 estudiantes universitarios de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, con edades entre 18 y 40 años (M = 24,1, DT = 3,88). El 36,6% eran hombr…
Predicting future intentions of basketball spectators using SEM and fsQCA
This study analyzes relationships among service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, emotions, and future intentions of spectators of a professional basketball competition using a sample of 429 basketball spectators of a premier division in Spain. The results from structural equation modeling support the hypotheses, except for the effect of emotions and match result on future intentions. The results from fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) with the same data set show that none of the variables are necessary conditions for positive future intentions of spectators. However, seven combinations of these variables are sufficient conditions for explaining positive future intenti…
The relations of quality of life in patients with lupus erythematosus: Regression models versus qualitative comparative analysis
Lupus erythematosus (LE) is an autoimmune disease that can have negative repercussions on the quality of life (QL) of those who suffer from it. The QL can be influenced by socio-demographic factors are related to the disease itself.To analyse the associative power of socio-demographic (age and sex) and medical variables (type of lupus, diagnostic time and symptomatically associated with lupus) on the QL in patients with lupus by comparing linear relations models and models based on comparative qualitative fuzzy analysis.This is a retrospective cross-sectional design.The sample consisted of 161 patients (88.4% female) diagnosed with LE between the ages of 18-66 years.Data were collected betw…
I’m Not Good for Anything and That’s Why I’m Stressed: Analysis of the Effect of Self-Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence on Student Stress Using SEM and QCA
Stress negatively affects the well-being and the quality of life of the society. Specifically in the academic context, it is relevant to analyze its levels due to its impact on performance and learning. There are factors that affect the said stress including, among others, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence. The purpose of this study is to analyze how emotional intelligence and perceived self-efficacy affect student stress. In order to show this influence, two complementary methodologies are implemented: the structural equation models (SEMs) and the comparative qualitative analysis (QCA). A total of 477 students (85% of women) from a private University of Valencia participated in the…
Conciencia emocional, estados de ánimo e indicadores de ajuste individual y social en niños de 8-12 años
La conciencia emocional o experiencia consciente de la emoción es un concepto clave relacionado con diferentes indicadores de ajuste individual del menor, como las quejas somáticas. Esta relación, mediatizada por los estados de ánimo, se ha demostrado en población preadolescente y adolescente. Sin embargo, apenas se ha analizado en franjas de edad más bajas e incluyendo otros indicadores de ajuste social, como la adaptación. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar la contribución de la conciencia emocional y los estados de ánimo, sobre diferentes indicadores de ajuste individual (quejas somáticas) y social (inadaptación evaluada a través del test TAMAI), en niños de 8-12 año…
Psychometric properties of the interaction on supervised classes scale (ISCS)
Objeto: La presente investigación se centra en la construcción y validación de una escala diseñada para evaluar la calidad de la clases dirigidas: Escala de Interacción en las Clases Dirigidas (EICD). Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo correlacional. Para la elaboración de la escala se recurrió a tres fases diferenciadas en las que diferentes expertos evaluaron la adecuación de los ítems, finalmente se estudiaron las propiedades psicométricas de la versión final en una muestra de 314 socios (69.1% mujeres) con edades entre los 18 y los 77 con una media de 39.33 años (DT=12.25). Aportaciones y resultados: La escala presenta una validez y fiabilidad adecuadas, sien…
Bibliometric analysis of six nursing journals from the Web of Science, 2012-2017.
Aim The purpose of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis of the six most important nursing journals according to the impact factor of the Science Citation Index through Web of Science®. The following journals were included: International Journal of Nursing Studies, Nurse Education Today, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Nursing Outlook, Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing and the Journal of Advanced Nursing. Background In the nursing field, bibliometric analysis and maps have been used to analyse the production of some journals but not for the comparison of different journals. Design/Method Using descriptive bibliometrics, we studied scientific production of different journals a…
What Academic Factors Influence Satisfaction With Clinical Practice in Nursing Students? Regressions vs. fsQCA
Clinical practices are considered one of the cornerstones in nurses' education. This study provides a framework to determine how factors in the academic environment, influence nursing student's satisfaction with their practices. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in a convenience sample of 574 nursing students at a private university in Valencia, during the 2016/2017 academic year, 79% (456) were women. Two statistical methodologies were used for data analysis: hierarchical regression models (HRM) and fuzzy sets qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The HRM indicate that the students' mean score influences all dimensions of satisfaction. Furthermore, in the fsQCA, the type…
The development and psychometric validation of an instrument to evaluate nurses' attitudes towards communication with the patient (ACO)
Background Patient communication is a key skill for nurses involved in clinical care. Its measurement is a complex phenomenon that can be addressed through attitude evaluation. Objectives To develop and psychometrically test a measure of nurses' attitudes towards communication with patients (ACO), to study the relationship between these dimensions, and to analyse nursing attitudes. Design To develop and psychometrically test the ACO questionnaire. Settings All hospitals in the province of Valencia were invited by e-mail to distribute the ACO instrument. Ten hospitals took part in the study. Participants The study population was composed of a convenience sample of 400 hospital nurses on gene…
Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Psychosocial Risks on Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Nurses’ Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nurses are exposed to psychosocial risks that can affect both psychological and physical health through stress. Prolonged stress at work can lead to burnout syndrome. An essential protective factor against psychosocial risks is emotional intelligence, which has been related to physical and psychological health, job satisfaction, increased job commitment, and burnout reduction. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of psychosocial risks and emotional intelligence on nurses&rsquo
Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in Spanish Adolescents: Regression vs. QCA Models
Adolescence is a complex period, in which the individual is subject to profound emotional, physical, and psychological changes. Healthy development during adolescence is crucial for future positive development; self-esteem and life satisfaction are fundamental. The importance of sociodemographic variables (sex and age), empathy, and emotional intelligence (EI) on self-esteem and life satisfaction was studied, comparing complementary methodologies, regression models, and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) models. This is a cross-sectional design in a convenience sample of 991 adolescents (528 females, 53.3%; aged between 12 and 19 years; M = 14.01, SD = 1.40) from Spanish sch…
The Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (SF-40): Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Version.
The coexistence of diverse cultures in our society indicates the need to examine the factors related to the success of multicultural interactions. The study aims were to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Spanish version of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire short form (MPQ-SF40), in a convenience sample of 392 university students. Then, the effect of sex and age was assessed, and finally, the levels and percentiles of multicultural personality were measured. The scale’s validity was assessed with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA). Reliability was evaluated with Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE).…
Development of Emotional Skills in Adolescents to Prevent Cyberbullying and Improve Subjective Well-Being
Bullying behavior alters the way in which students coexist together in the classroom and negatively affects adolescents’ well-being. Research highlights the importance of emotional skills in promoting positive youth development and optimal social functioning. Therefore, education in these skills is a potential target for interventions aimed at reducing cyberbullying and promoting satisfaction with life during adolescence. This study analyzes the impact of an emotion education program in adolescents to promote classroom coexistence and well-being. The sample comprised 148 students from 7th and 8th grade of secondary school aged between 12 and 15 years (Mage = 12.63, SDage = 0.74; 57% girls).…
Involving Customers through Co-Creation
In an increasingly competitive market environment, companies across different sectors are being pushed to develop new strategies and marketing approaches in order to better promote and engage customers with their products and services. By increasing customers' involvement, companies can improve their marketing results, which may positively relate to their accounting results. In this context, one of the most important approaches is based on promoting consumer involvement with products and services. This involvement can be increased through co-creation design. Co-creation processes are gaining momentum as a customer involvement tool that has important implications for brands including brand c…
Cuestionario de adaptación a la diabetes-mellitus tipo I en pediatría: relación con la psicopatología
ABSTRACT Objective: to study the psychometric properties of an adaptive disease response questionnaire for use with Spanish children with type 1 diabetes; to analyse this response in this sample and to observe the relationship between adaptive response and levels of anxiety-depression. Method: a total of 100 patients with type 1 diabetes aged between nine and 16 years (M=12.28, SD=1.78) participated in the study, of which 59% were children. Data was collected in public hospitals via interviews using the Adaptive Disease Response Questionnaire and Anxiety and Depression Scale. The data was analysed using Pearson correlations, multiple hierarchical linear regressions, Student’s t Test for ind…
Economic performance in Spanish sports clubs: entrepreneurial orientation of professional and non-professional teams analysed through fsQCA
Sports clubs play an important role in the creation of social value, however, despite the scarcity of studies, analysing the associative sports environment from an economic perspective has an undeniable relevance. The entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has been largely related to the economic performance of the organisation, however, this study has found a difference in sports clubs related to their legal and organisational structure. The analysed sample is composed of 13 non-professional sports clubs and 13 professional sports clubs, using the fsQCA methodology. According to the results obtained, EO has an influence on the economic performance (EP) of sports clubs, with proactivity being the…
Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de conciencia emocional en población infantil española
La competencia emocional es la capacidad para percibir, expresar, comprender, regular y controlar nuestras emociones y las de los demás. La conciencia emocional es la competencia básica que permite el desarrollo del resto de competencias emocionales durante la infancia y la adolescencia. En este trabajo, se han estudiado las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Cuestionario de conciencia emocional, administrado a 1476 niños/as españoles (8-12 años). Se ha replicado la estructura original formada por seis factores. Se han estudiado la fiabilidad de los ítems y del instrumento, la validez de constructo, de contenido y concurrente, los resultados han sido satisfactorios. Se han…
Do organizational variables influence satisfaction with nursing student practices?
Abstract Clinical practices are a vital component in the education of registered nursing students. This study analyzed the influence of organizational variables on satisfaction with clinical practices. A cross-sectional study design involved 572 registered nursing students. Two statistical methodologies, hierarchical regression models and qualitative comparative analysis of diffuse sets, were used for data analysis. In the hierarchical regression models the number of students supervised predicted satisfaction with clinical educator (β = -.22; p ≤ .001), environment (β = -.13; p ≤ .05) and overall satisfaction (β = -.15; p ≤ .05). However, in the qualitative comparative analysis, the type of…
Satisfaction with the clinical practice among nursing students using regression models and qualitative comparative analysis
Abstract Background Clinical practice is considered fundamental in nursing studies for the effective education of nurses and students' satisfaction. Both the clinical environment and the clinical educator are key factors in students´ satisfaction. Objectives To analyze the influence of the socio-demographic variables of clinical educators and nursing students on satisfaction with the clinical practice. Design This was an observational, cross-sectional study. Settings A clinical practice course at a private university in Valencia, Spain. Participants The study included 527 nursing students enrolled on the clinical practice, supervised by 187 clinical educators. Methods Two statistical method…
Inteligência emocional em enfermeiros: a escala Trait Meta-Mood Scale
Resumo Objetivo Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse estudo é duplo. Primeiro, almeja-se explorar as propriedades psicométricas da TMMS-24 em uma amostra de enfermeiros espanhóis e em segundo lugar fornecer alguns percentis para interpretar os níveis de IE em enfermeiros espanhóis. Métodos Um desenho de estudo descritivo correlacional foi utilizado para avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da TMMS-24. Este estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de 530 enfermeiros de 11 hospitais espanhóis da Comunidade Valenciana. Os critérios de inclusão foram enfermeiros ativos (temporário, interino ou permanente) nos centros selecionados que haviam previamente consentido em participar. A idade dos participant…
El autoconcepto y la adaptación a la enfermedad en pacientes diabéticos pediátricos
ResumenNuestro objetivo es estudiar el autoconcepto y la adaptación a la enfermedad en pacientes pediátricos diabéticos. Como instrumentos de evaluación se utilizaron el registro ad-hoc para las variables sociodemográficas y de enfermedad, el cuestionario de Autoconcepto Garley (CAG) y cuestionario de respuesta adaptativa a la enfermedad en pacientes diabéticos. La muestra constó de 23 sujetos evaluados en un único momento de medida, todos ellos niños y adolescentes entre 8 y 16 años de edad. Los resultados muestran cómo aproximadamente el 50% de niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo I presentan un autoconcepto bajo en la mayoría de las dimensiones estudiadas, destacando cómo cerca del 30%…
Confianza de los docentes en la capacidad resolutiva del adolescente frente al conflicto en las aulas
espanolRecientes investigaciones afirman que, a mayor autonomia del alumnado en la gestion de sus propios conflictos, mayor efectividad tendran los programas de convivencia de los centros educativos. Por ello, en el presente estudio se analiza el grado de confianza del profesorado en la capacidad resolutiva de conflictos de su alumnado, dada la escasa literatura al respecto, y puesto que el apoyo percibido resulta ser un predictor de exito en el desarrollo optimo del adolescente. En primer lugar, se creo una Escala de Confianza ad hoc basada en la escala de “Activos y fortalezas desde la perspectiva del profesorado” de Pertegal Vega et al. (2011). Posteriormente, se administro a una muestra…
Future Intentions of Fitness Center Customers: Effect of Emotions, Perceived Well-Being and Management Variables
One of the main objectives of fitness center managers is to obtain high levels of loyalty from the customers of these fitness centers. Within the existing literature on fitness center management, previous research has analyzed the importance of the management variables themselves to determine the behavioral intentions of their customers, ignoring other psychological and sociodemographic aspects and focusing on linear relationship models. Therefore, this study, which aims to analyze the impact of different management variables along with psychological (emotions and subjective well-being) and demographic variables (age and sex) on the satisfaction, perceived value (PV) and future intentions (…
Knowledge Management in R&D Teams at a Spanish Technical University: Measurement and Relations with Organizational Culture
The aim of this study was to create and analyze the psychometric properties of an instrument (Knowledge Creation and Dissemination Survey, KCD) to evaluate the knowledge management on Spanish R&D teams based on the Leonard-Barton’s (1995) model of knowledge flows. For this purpose, three different tasks were carried out: firstly analyzing the psychometric properties of the instrument; secondly, analyzing the knowledge management levels of the R&D teams at a technical university as well as the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management. This instrument was developed to cover the existing gap in the evaluation of knowledge management. The “Knowledge Creation and Diss…
Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic
Context The emergency situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected different facets of society. Although much of the attention is focused on the health sector, other sectors such as education have also experienced profound transformations and impacts. This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of teaching. Despite their importance, there are hardly any studies that analyze psychosocial risks of non-university teachers during a health emergency su…