

Electronic Structure Changes across the Metamagnetic Transition in FeRh via Hard X-Ray Photoemission

Keisuke KobayashiAndrei GloskovskiiDavid W. CookePeter KrügerShigenori UedaW. DrubeAlexander KaiserAlexander KaiserAlexander KaiserYoshiyuki YamashitaEric E. FullertonCharles S. FadleyCharles S. FadleyS. MoyermanAlexander X. GrayAlexander X. GrayAlexander X. GrayClaus M. SchneiderC. BordelC. BordelFrances HellmanFrances Hellman


Materials scienceINITIO MOLECULAR-DYNAMICSGeneral Physics and Astronomy02 engineering and technologyElectronic structurePHOTOELECTRON ANGULAR-DISTRIBUTIONPhoton energy01 natural sciencesElectron spectroscopyPARAMETERSBANDCondensed Matter::Materials ScienceX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy0103 physical sciencesddc:550AntiferromagnetismMAGNETIC RECORDING MEDIAThin film010306 general physicsAnderson impurity modelCondensed matter physicsPHOTOIONIZATION CROSS-SECTIONS021001 nanoscience & nanotechnologyEXCHANGE SPRING FILMSFerromagnetismCondensed Matter::Strongly Correlated ElectronsMETALS0210 nano-technology


International audience; Stoichiometric FeRh undergoes a temperature-induced antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition at similar to 350 K. In this Letter, changes in the electronic structure accompanying this transition are investigated in epitaxial FeRh thin films via bulk-sensitive valence-band and core-level hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with a photon energy of 5.95 keV. Clear differences between the AFM and FM states are observed across the entire valence-band spectrum and these are well reproduced using density-functional theory. Changes in the 2p core levels of Fe are also observed and interpreted using Anderson impurity model calculations. These results indicate that significant electronic structure changes over the entire valence-band region are involved in this AFM-FM transition.
