W. Drube
New HAXPES Applications at PETRA III
The application of photoelectron spectroscopy using hard X-rays (HAXPES) is becoming increasingly popular as a powerful spectroscopic tool in materials science. The success of HAXPES lies in the fa...
Nanosession: Advanced Spectroscopy and Scattering
Nanosession: Spin Tunneling Systems
Electronic structure of EuO spin filter tunnel contacts directly on silicon
We present an electronic structure study of a magnetic oxide/ semiconductor model system, EuO on silicon, which is dedicated for efficient spin injection and spin detection in silicon-based spintronics devices. A combined electronic structure analysis of Eu core levels and valence bands using hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy was performed to quantify the nearly ideal stoichiometry of EuO “spin filter” tunnel barriers directly on silicon, and the absence of silicon oxide at the EuO/Si interface. These results provide evidence for the successful integration of a magnetic oxide tunnel barrier with silicon, paving the way for the future integration of magnetic oxides into functional spintr…
Progress in HAXPES performance combining full-field k-imaging with time-of-flight recording
Journal of synchrotron radiation 26(6), 1996-2012 (2019). doi:10.1107/S1600577519012773
Interpretation of absorption edges by resonant electronic spectroscopy: experiment and theory
Abstract Resonant electronic spectroscopy consists in measuring a non-radiative decay process (Auger or autoionization process) excited with photon energies around an absorption edge. The resonant spectra carry information both on the nature of the electronic transitions near the absorption edge by scanning the very first empty orbitals above the Fermi level (through the absorption process), and, on the other hand, on the atomic electronic configuration through the lineshape of the observed decay process. In this paper, after a quick review of the pioneering works in this field, we show that resonant measurements and their theoretical modeling can be used to precisely interpret complex abso…
Hard X-ray resonant electronic spectroscopy in transition metal oxides
K-edge X-ray absorption and 2p-XPS spectra of 3d-element oxides present spectral features which cannot be explained within a simple one-electron model. These features reveal the fine electronic structure of transition metal (TM) oxides valence states resulting from hybridized TM-3d and O-2p states, and the correlations between these valence electrons. In this paper, we show how resonant electronic spectroscopy (resonant Auger or resonant photoelectron spectroscopy) around the TM K-edge can be used to interpret the structures of the threshold and, with the help of theoretical calculation, to determine the electronic configuration of the excited ion. Quadrupolar transitions towards localized …
Electronic structure of delta-doped $La:SrTiO_{3}$ layers by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
We have employed hard x-ray photoemission (HAXPES) to study a delta-doped SrTiO3 layer that consisted of a 3-nm thickness of La-doped SrTiO3 with 6% La embedded in a SrTiO3 film. Results are compared to a thick, uniformily doped La:SrTiO3 layer. We find no indication of a band offset for the delta-doped layer, but evidence of the presence of Ti3+ in both the thick sample and the delta-layer, and indications of a density of states increase near the Fermi energy in the delta-doped layer. These results further demonstrate that HAXPES is a powerful tool for the non-destructive investigation of deeply buried doped layers.
Electronic Structure Changes across the Metamagnetic Transition in FeRh via Hard X-Ray Photoemission
International audience; Stoichiometric FeRh undergoes a temperature-induced antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition at similar to 350 K. In this Letter, changes in the electronic structure accompanying this transition are investigated in epitaxial FeRh thin films via bulk-sensitive valence-band and core-level hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with a photon energy of 5.95 keV. Clear differences between the AFM and FM states are observed across the entire valence-band spectrum and these are well reproduced using density-functional theory. Changes in the 2p core levels of Fe are also observed and interpreted using Anderson impurity model calculations. These results indicat…
High-resolution hard-x-ray photoelectron diffraction in a momentum microscope—the model case of graphite
New journal of physics 21(11), 113031 - (2019). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ab51fe
Resonant spectroscopies offer a new opportunity to get more insight into excited electronic states by studying line shapes and intensities of decay processes. For photon excitations in the pre-K-edge region, the Ti KL 2,3 L 2,3 Auger spectra in TiO 2 show additional peaks when an electron is promoted in localized d-like states via a quadrupolar transition. This resonant process is used to unravel the respective contributions of quadrupolar and dipolar transitions to the absorption edge prepeaks.
Chemical stability of the magnetic oxide EuO directly on silicon observed by hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy
We present a detailed study of the electronic structure and chemical state of high-quality stoichiometric EuO and O-rich ${\mathrm{Eu}}_{1}{\mathrm{O}}_{1+x}$ thin films grown directly on silicon without any buffer layer using hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES). We determine the EuO oxidation state from a consistent quantitative peak analysis of $4f$ valence band and $3d$ core-level spectra. The results prove that nearly ideal, stoichiometric, and homogeneous EuO thin films can be grown on silicon, with a uniform depth distribution of divalent Eu cations. Furthermore, we identify the chemical stability of the EuO/silicon interface from Si $2p$ core-level photoemission. This work…