

Data quality monitors of vertex detectors at the start of the Belle II experiment

Oscar AlonsoTomoyuki KonoS. BacherM. FrasS. DasS. SkambraksS. WatanukiZhen’an LiuS. ReiterS. BettariniTakeo HiguchiU. StolzenbergT. ZhangA. PaladinoToru TsuboyamaL. CoronaJ. BaudotS. MccarneyRainer RichterBenjamin SchwenkerConcettina SfientiM. HenselNils BraunBoqun WangP. KodyšK. K. RaoO. VerbyckaLorenzo VitaleMikihiko NakaoM. HeckJ. SanchezH. WindelG. BatignaniJesus AbudinenKatsuro NakamuraMichael RitzertK. AdamczykEugenio PaoloniDipak Kumar SahooK. LautenbachDaniel GreenwaldH. YinY. SolovievI. Ripp-baudotC. NiebuhrT. CzankS. Y. SuzukiU. LeisGerhard LiemannC. W. JooM. GabrielS. YamadaL. ZaniJelena NinkovicGaetano De MarinoMarkus FriedlIgor KonorovL. GioiB. DeschampsT. KuhrS. KrivokucaMohammed AlbalawiGerhard SchallerD. KloseR. SedlmeyerHua YeL. MacharskiB. PaschenY. B. LiU. GebauerStephan PaulAllen CaldwellChiara La LicataChunhua LiF. BuchsteinerOskar HartbrichJakub KandraA. B. KaliyarZ. DoležalN. RoutShuji TanakaNorbert WermesH. AiharaChristian IrmlerC. CamienVladimir ChekelianP. LeitlK. AckermannThomas GesslerSouvik MaityB. SpruckR. ItohJ.a.m. GrimaldoD. MoyaS. BahinipatiG. DujanySeokhee ParkR. ThalmeierB. KisielewskiChristian KoffmaneJochen DingfelderFlorian SchopperF. FortiCarlos MarinasA. IshikawaE. GanievB. ScavinoAl VirtoS. N. MayekarPablo Gomis LópezMaiko TakahashiT. KohrikyY. UematsuFrank SimonP. WieduwiltZ. NatkaniecT. AzizM. HoekDaniel EsperanteD. KittlingerM. KaletaH. G. MoserAngel DieguezLadislav AndricekGiulia CasarosaR. AyadF. PoblotzkiL. SanteljT. MoriiA. BozekH. TanigawaN. SatoB. GobboK. LalwaniJens Sören LangeH. SchreeckQingyuan LiuF. MüllerMartin RitterDmytro LevitK. H. KangN. DashRajeev KumarD. ČErvenkovYeqi ChenG. B. MohantyF. LuettickeHans KrügerPeter KvasnicˇkaA. RabusovC. KieslingC. WesselG. RizzoR. SteverY. OnukiV. BabuYinghui GuanStefan M. HuberG. GiakoustidisIvan PericK. GadowKoji HaraJames WebbMarca BoronatTomasz HemperekMarcel VosThomas LückPrafulla Kumar BeheraSeungcheol LeeJuan FusterK. WanP. KapustaJ. WiechczynskiP. AhlburgM. SchneckeS. HalderT. BilkaChristoph SchwandaW. OstrowiczS. StefkovaL. LanceriJ. LibbyM. KumarA. FreyS. HazraE. TafelmayerFelix Johannes MüllerH. B. JeonIvan VilaH. ParkS. VogtCarlos Lacasta


Physics::Instrumentation and DetectorsQC1-999vertex detectorBELLEquality: monitoring01 natural sciences7. Clean energyprogrammingSilicon vertex detectorlaw.inventionNuclear physicssemiconductor detector: pixellaw0103 physical sciencesQuality monitoring[INFO]Computer Science [cs][PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-INS-DET]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Instrumentation and Detectors [physics.ins-det]010306 general physicsCollidernumerical calculationsdetector: designactivity reportPhysics010308 nuclear & particles physicsPhysicsDetectorUpgradeFull dataData qualityPhysics::Accelerator Physicssemiconductor detector: microstripHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentupgradeVertex detectormonitoring: on-lineperformance


The Belle II experiment features a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric e+e− collider at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. The accelerator completed its first phase of commissioning in 2016, and the Belle II detector saw its first electron-positron collisions in April 2018. Belle II features a newly designed silicon vertex detector based on double-sided strip layers and DEPFET pixel layers. A subset of the vertex detector was operated in 2018 to determine background conditions (Phase 2 operation). The collaboration completed full detector installation in January 2019, and the experiment started full data taking. This paper will report on the final arrangement of the silicon vertex detector part of Belle II with a focus on online monitoring of detector conditions and data quality, on the design and use of diagnostic and reference plots, and on integration with the software framework of Belle II. Data quality monitoring plots will be discussed with a focus on simulation and acquired cosmic and collision data.
