

Gamma ray sources observation with the ARGO-YBJ detector

Aielli GBacci CBartoli BBernardini PBi XjBleve CBranchini PBudano ACalabrese Melcarne AkCamarri PCao ZCappa ACardarelli RCatalanotti SCattaneo CCelio PChen SzChen TlChen YCheng NCreti PCui SwDai BzD'ali Staiti GDanzengluobuDattoli MDe Mitri ID'ettorre Piazzoli BMario De VincenziDi Girolamo TDing XhDi Sciascio GFeng CfFeng Zhao YangFeng Zhen YongGaleazzi FGaleotti PGargana RGou QbGuo YqHe HhHu HaibingHu Hong BoHuang QIacovacci MIuppa RJames IJia HyLabacirenLi HjLi JyLi XxLiberti BLiguori GLiu CLiu CqLiu MyLiu JLu HMa XhMancarella GMarsella GMartello DMastroianni SMeng XrMontini PNing CcPagliaro APanareo MPerrone LPistilli PQu XbRossi ERuggieri FSaggese LSalvini PSantonico RShen PrSheng XdShi FStanescu CSurdo ATan YhVallania PVernetto SVigorito CWang BWang HWu CyWu HrXu BXue LYan YxYang QyYang XcYuan AfZha MZhang HmZhang Ji LongZhang Jian LiZhang LZhang PZhang XyZhang YZhaxisangzhuZhou XxZhu FrZhu QqZizzi G.Severino Angelo Maria BussinoStefano Maria Mari


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsGamma AstronomyPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaDetectorGamma rayFluxAstronomyExtensive Air ShowerAstronomy and AstrophysicsAstrophysicsGamma-ray astronomyArray DetectorGamma-RayArgo-YbjGamma Astronomy Array DetectorCrab NebulaAir showerPulsarMilagroBlazarInstrumentationArgo


In this paper we report on the observations of TeV gamma ray sources performed by the air shower de- tector ARGO-YBJ. The objects studied in this work are the blazar Markarian 421 and the extended galactic source MGROJ1908+06, monitored during 2 years of operation. Mrk421 has been detected by ARGO-YBJ with a statisti- cal significance of 11 standard deviations. The observed TeV emission was highly variable, showing large enhance- ments of the flux during active periods. The study of the spectral behaviour during flares revealed a positive correla- tion of the hardness with the flux, as already reported in the past by the Whipple telescope, suggesting that this is a long term property of the source. ARGO-YBJ observed a strong correlation between TeV gamma rays and the X-ray flux measured by RXTM/ASM and SWIFT/BAT during the whole period, with a time lag compatible with zero, supporting the one-zone SSC model to describe the emission mechanism. MGROJ1908+06 has been detected by ARGO-YBJ with 5 standard deviation of significance. From our data the source appears extended and the measured extension is ext=0.48 +0.26 0.28 , in agreement with a previous HESS obser- vation. The average flux is in marginal agreement with that reported by MILAGRO, but significantly higher than that ob- tained by HESS, suggesting a possible flux variability. The large field of view ( 2 sr) and the high duty cycle allow a continuous monitoring of the sky in the declination band from 0 to 70 . In this paper we report on the ob- servations of two bright gamma ray sources, performed dur- ing 2 years: the blazar Mrk421 and the extended galactic source MGROJ1908+06.
