

"Table 1" of "A glimpse of gluons through deeply virtual compton scattering on the proton"

M. DefurneA. Martí Jiménez-argüelloZ. AhmedH. AlbatainehK. AlladaK.a. AniolV. BelliniM. BenaliW. BoeglinP. BertinM. BrossardA. CamsonneM. CananS. ChandavarC. ChenJ.-p. ChenC.w. De JagerR. De LeoC. DesnaultA. DeurL. El FassiR. EntD. FlayM. FriendE. FucheyS. FrullaniF. GaribaldiD. GaskellA. GiusaO. GlamazdinS. GolgeJ. GomezO. HansenD. HiginbothamT. HolmstromT. HornJ. HuangM. HuangC.e. HydeS. IqbalF. ItardH. KangA. KelleherC. KeppelS. KoiralaI. KoroverJ.j. LeroseR. LindgrenE. LongM. MagneJ. MammeiD.j. MargaziotisP. MarkowitzM. MazouzF. MeddiD. MeekinsR. MichaelsM. MihovilovicC. Muñoz CamachoP. Nadel-turonskiN. NuruzzamanR. ParemuzyanA. PuckettV. PunjabiY. QiangA. RakhmanM.n.h. RashadS. RiordanJ. RocheG. RussoF. SabatiéK. SaenboonruangA. SahaB. SawatzkyL. SelvyA. ShahinyanS. SircaP. SolvignonM.l. SperdutoR. SubediV. SulkoskyC. SuteraW.a. TobiasG.m. UrciuoliD. WangB. WojtsekhowskiH. YaoZ. YeX. ZhanJ. ZhangB. ZhaoZ. ZhaoX. ZhengP. Zhu


D4SIG/DQ**2/DX/DT/DPHIDeeply Virtual Compton ScatteringE- P --> E- GAMMA PBeam helicity independent cross sectionExclusive


Beam helicity independent cross sections. The first systematic uncertainty is the combined correlated systematic uncertainty, the second is the point-to-point systematic uncertainty to add quadratically to the statistical uncertainty.
