showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

"José Vidal Beneyto: ""Diego Ramírez"" sin computadoras"


Vidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑASOCIEDADGonzalo Fernández de la MoraMETODOLOGÍA SOCIOLOGÍAFin de las IdeologiaIdeologíaEntrevistasMetodologíaFranquismo

Comparative study on the inhibition of Na+, K+-activated ATPase activity by chlorpromazine, promazine, imipramine, and their monodesmethyl metabolites


The inhibition of the sodium- and potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase (Na-K-ATPase, EC activity by chlorpromazine, promazine and imipramine was compared with that by the monodesmethyl metabolites of these drugs. The experiments were performed with a deoxycholate- and sodium iodide-treated microsomal enzyme preparation from rat brain. It was shown in dose-response curves as well as in double-reciprocal Lineweaver-Burk plots of Na-K-ATPase activity against KCl concentration that the monodesmethyl metabolites were stronger inhibitors than their parent compounds. The results obtained with the desmethyl metabolites and imipramine as inhibitors indicate competitive inhibition wh…

ImipramineChlorpromazineReceptors DrugSodiumchemistry.chemical_elementPharmacologyMethylationImipramineNon-competitive inhibitionMicrosomesDesipraminemedicineAnimalsChlorpromazinePromazinePromazineAdenosine TriphosphatasesPharmacologychemistry.chemical_classificationChemistrySodiumBrainGeneral MedicineDesmethylRatsEnzyme ActivationBiochemistryPotassiumFemaleProtein Bindingmedicine.drugTricyclicNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology

Bandolerismo, piratería y control de moriscos en Valencia durante el reinado de Felipe II


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Equilibres divariants entre la vapeur d'eau et les hydrates solides : Caractérisation de la nature de la solution solide, limites du domaine de divar…


National audience; Nous avons récemment proposé (1, 2) deux modèles thermodynamiques pour les équilibres divariants entre la vapeur d'eau et les hydrates salins solides. Le premier postule l'existence d'une solution solide d'insertion d'eau dans le sel, le second postule l'existence d'une solution solide de substitution entre deux hydrates du sel. Le but de ce travail est d'établir un nouveau critère permettant de distinguer les deux modèles à partir de l'expérience et de délimiter le domaine divariant dans chacun des deux cas. Nous supposerons, sauf mention contraire, que la solution d'insertion obéit à la loi de Henry par rapport à l'eau et que la solution de substitution est idéale. Nous…

vapeur d'eausolution solide d'insertion[SPI.GPROC] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Chemical and Process Engineeringsolution solide de substitution[ SPI.GPROC ] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Chemical and Process Engineering[SPI.GPROC]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Chemical and Process Engineeringsolidesloi de HenryEquilibres divariantshydrates

Die Zuordnung der Koppelungsgruppen zu den Chromosomen bei der Stechm�cke Culex pipiens L.


Die Numerierung der drei Koppelungsgruppen von Culex pipiens L. (Laven, 1967b) stimmt mit der bisherigen auf der Grose der Chromosomen beruhenden cytologischen Numerierung (Rai, 1963; Dennhofer, 1968) uberein. Das kurze Chromosomenpaar (I) tragt die geschlechtsbestimmenden Faktoren M bzw. m und die geschlechtsgekoppelten Gene der 1. Koppelungsgruppe. Das mittellange Paar (II) entspricht der 2. Koppelungsgruppe, der die Augenfarbmutation ruby (Iltis, Barr, McCelland und Myers, 1965) angehort. Die ungefahre Lokalisierung dieses Allels wird diskutiert. Das langste der Homologenpaare (III) ist der 3. Koppelungsgruppe gleichzusetzen, der z. B. die mannchenbegrenzte Palpenmutation kps (Laven, 195…

biologyCulex pipiensGeneticsbiology.organism_classificationMolecular biologyGenetics (clinical)Chromosoma

Significado y objeto


No es fácil trazar una línea divisoria entre los estudios que se han venido denominando con cierta ambigüedad Filosofía analítica del lenguaje y aquellos otros que se han realizado dentro de una orientación fenomenológica. En definitiva, unos y otros han coincidido en lo esencial: han verificado su tarea dentro de una actitud fundamentalmente descriptiva. Han rechazado tanto las especulaciones metafísicas sobre lo que pudiera ser el ente de que se habla y la índole del sujeto parlante, así como han dejado fuera de este campo las investigaciones de signo científico-positivo, realizadas mediante métodos hipotético-deductivos o técnicas inductivas sujetas a controles formales, que exploran los…

filosofía analíticaUNESCO::FILOSOFÍA:FILOSOFÍA [UNESCO]LenguajeFenomenología

Muerte en España (política y sociedad entre la peste y el cólera)


Se intenta poner de relieve la conexión entre las grandes epidemias y la historia política y social española. Hemos pretendido reconstruir muertes y estragos, ante la impotencia de los poderes públicos, que no aciertan a encontrar soluciones; así como su decisiva influencia en algunos sucesos de la época, tales como la huida de las Cortes de Cádiz ante las fiebres del Sur de España o la venida de los Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis.

Complexes of Organometallic Compounds. XXVII. Studies on Diorganolead (IV) Moieties Six-coordinated by ONNO Tetradentate Ligands


New complexes R2PbL, where L2− are the dianions in the “planar” SCHIFF base form, of the tetradentate ONNO ligands α, α′ (ethylenedinitrilo)dicresol and 2,2′ bis-benzoxazoline, were synthesized. Their configuration was investigated at the solid state by infrared spectroscopy, and in solution phase mainly by electronic and PMR spectroscopy. An octahedral type structure with linear CPbC moieties, and the ONNO ligand atoms chelating PbIV in a square plane, was advanced. Darstellung neuer Komplexverbindungen: R2PbL (R = CH3, C2H5, C6H5; L−2 sind zweiwertige Anionen, in der „planaren” SCHIFFSCHEN Basen-Konfiguration, der vierzahnigen ONNO-Liganden Disalicylal-athylendiamin und Glyoxal-bis-[2-hyd…

Inorganic ChemistryChemistryPolymer chemistryGroup 2 organometallic chemistryZeitschrift f�r anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

Historia, Fueros y actitudes políticas. Mayans y la historiografía del siglo XVIII de Antonio Mestre [Ressenya]




Calcium Absorption in Health and Disease


Calcium (Ca) metabolism and intestinal Ca absorption have attracted special attention ever since the discovery of vitamin D and the definition of the clinical entities of disturbances of Ca homeostasis in the first three decades of this century. Since then, many details of Ca transport and vitamin D metabolism have accumulated, but only in very recent years have new ideas and findings brought about rapid progress in this field. There is now a startling activity in the investigation of the physiology and pathogenesis of vitamin D and Ca metabolism.

Calcium metabolismmedicine.medical_specialtyVitamin D metabolismCa homeostasisCa metabolismchemistry.chemical_elementDiseaseBiologyCalciumCa absorptionEndocrinologychemistryInternal medicinemedicineVitamin D and neurology

Influence of intracellular convection on the oxygen release by human erythrocytes


There is general agreement today that intracellular diffusive transport of HbO2 and O2 limits the rate of oxygen uptake or release by the blood in the exchange vessels. Recent hemorheological results have shown that the mammalian erythrocyte exhibits fluidity as its most unique rheological property: it can be deformed continuously and rapidly, shear and normal stresses can be transmitted to the interior of the cell where systems of laminar flow are induced. These mechanical properties lead to the question whether or not intracellular convection does take place in the erythrocyte and to what extent it plays a part in gas exchange. A method was developed which subjects oxygen-saturated soluti…

MaleConvectionErythrocytesTime FactorsPhysiologyPartial PressureClinical BiochemistryAnalytical chemistryErythrocytes Abnormalchemistry.chemical_elementOxygenMicrocirculationDiffusionHemoglobinsRheologyOsmotic PressurePhysiology (medical)HumansRed CellChemistryCell MembraneTemperatureBiological TransportLaminar flowPartial pressureBlood ViscosityBody FluidsOxygenBiophysicsFemaleRheologyIntracellularPfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Acidimetrische Titration von Mikrogramm-Mengen von Basen, speziell von biogenen Aminen, mit coulometrischer Reagenserzeugung in wasserarmen L�sungsmi…


Amine von biochemischen Interesse werden in Mengen von 10–100 μg acidimetrisch mit coulometrischer Reagenserzeugung titriert, wobei Standardabweichungen von einigen Prozenten beobachtet werden. Als Elektrolyt dient Natriumperchlorat-haltiges Aceton, das bis zu 2% Wasser enthalten kann. Zur Verbesserung der Auflosung der Amine wird Milchsaure benutzt. Ein Zusatz von Quecksilberacetat sorgt dafur, das auch Aminhydrochloride bestimmt werden konnen.

ChemistryClinical BiochemistryGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral MedicineBiochemistryAnalytical ChemistryNuclear chemistryFresenius' Zeitschrift f�r Analytische Chemie

Differential effects of hypothermia on neuronal efflux, release and uptake of noradrenaline


Isolated rabbit hearts were perfused at 34° (control), 24° or 12°C. The neuronal efflux of noradrenaline after perfusion with the amine for 1 h was depressed at 24° C (Q 10 about 5) in the presence or absence of desipramine; at 12°C the efflux was below the limit of estimation. Moderate reduction of the temperature (24° C) decreased the removal of perfused noradrenaline to about 60% of the control value and caused a 1.7-fold increase of the output of noradrenaline evoked by sympathetic nerve stimulation. It is concluded that the extremely temperature-dependent efflux of noradrenaline across the axonal membrane is not part of the release of noradrenaline evoked by nerve stimulation.

medicine.medical_specialtySympathetic nervous systemReserpineSympathetic Nervous SystemStimulationNorepinephrine (medication)NorepinephrineHeart Conduction SystemDesipramineInternal medicinemedicineAnimalsNeuronsPharmacologyChemistryMyocardiumDesipramineTemperatureGeneral MedicineReserpineHypothermiaPargylineStimulation ChemicalCold TemperaturePerfusionEndocrinologymedicine.anatomical_structurePargylineRabbitsEffluxmedicine.symptommedicine.drugNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology

Analyse von spaltverschmierten Kleinwinkelstreukurven lamellarer Strukturen


Die Beschreibung der lamellaren Struktur von Kettenmolekulkristallen kann erfolgen durch Angabe des MittelwertsL und der SchwanklingsbreiteδL der Lamellendicke, und des Verlaufs der Elektronendichte im Bereich um die lamellaren Grenzflachen. Diese drei Parameter lassen sich in einem Rontgenkleinwinkel-Streuexperiment durch Messung der Lagen, Breiten und integralen Intensitaten der Langperiodenreflexe bestimmen. Es kann dabei von spaltverschmierten Streukurven ausgegangen werden. Nach Durchfuhrung einer Eichmessung folgen die integralen Reflexintensitaten in absoluten Einheiten. Schon bei Kenntnis der integralen Intensitaten der Reflexe erster und zweiter Ordnung kann der Elektronendichtedef…


Kestävyysharjoittelun vaikutukset eräisiin biokemiallis-fysiologisiin muuttujiin tietyissä psykofyysisissä kuormitustilanteissa


During a twelve week period the effects of a controlled program of progressive endurance training on 30 healthy young conscripts were studied during five different psychophysical loading situations. The control group (10 Ss) were trained by a supposed mock load and therefore had a steady state heart rate of about 90 per minute during training on a bicycle ergometer. The other two groups (10 + 10 Ss) pedalled four days a week, thirty minutes at a time and had a heart rat; of about 140 and 160 per minute, respectively. With some loss of samples the urinary excretion of noradrenaline, adrenaline and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, the concentration of plasma lactic acid, potassium sodium and the bl…

Individuo y sociedad en la Valencia del 1900 a través de las obras de Blasco Ibáñez


En torno a la autonomía de la ética


UNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaHumanidadesArtículoGrupo C:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Historia

Pharmakologische Grundlagen der Receptorenblockade


Wenn ich im folgenden uber pharmakologische Grundlagen der adrenergen Receptorenblockade berichte, so mochte ich zunachst einige physiologische Wirkungen besprechen, die durch adrenerge Receptoren vermittelt warden. Daran anschliesend werde ich den Einflus der Receptorenhemmstoffe auf Organfunktionen besprechen.

Einflu� einer Hyperglyk�mie auf die Sauerstoff- und Glucoseaufnahme von Implantationstumoren (DS-Carcinosarkom) in vivo


Um den Einflus erhohter arterieller Glucosekonzentrationen auf die Glucose- und Sauerstoffaufnahme von Tumorgewebe unter in vivo-Bedingungen zu bestimmen, wurden Untersuchungen an gewebsisolierten Implantationstumoren von Ratten (DS-Carcinosarkom) durchgefuhrt.

Cancer Researchmedicine.medical_specialtyHematologyGlucose uptakechemistry.chemical_elementGeneral MedicinePharmacologymedicine.diseaseOxygenOncologychemistryIn vivoInternal medicineCarcinosarcomamedicineZeitschrift f�r Krebsforschung und Klinische Onkologie

Роль преподавателя в коммунистическом воспитании студентов


В сборнике освещается вопросы взаимоотношения преподавателя со студентами, его авторитета, влияние преподавателя на формирование инициативности студентов, возможности использования преподавателями рада научных дисциплин для коммунистического воспитания студентов, работу преподавателей факультета иностранных языков по интернациональному воспитанию студентов.

Интернациональное воспитаниеKomunistiskā audzināšanaВоспитание студентовКоммунистическое воспитаниеАвторитет преподавателя:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education [Research Subject Categories]Мировоззрение

Информационные свойства сотообразных структур


:MATHEMATICS::Other mathematics [Research Subject Categories]Kibernētika matemātiskāСотообразные структурыОднородные средыМатематическая кибернетикаКлеточные автоматыCyberneticsДетерминированные структурыКибернетикаАвтоматика

Psoriasis arthropathica und Amyloidose


Von insgesamt 5 Psoriasis arthropathica-Kranken wurden 4 rectumbioptisch, einer autoptisch auf das Vorliegen einer Amyloidose hin untersucht. Bei einem Patienten konnte ein positiver Amyloidnachweis gefuhrt werden. Es handelte sich dabei wie bei allen in der Literatur aufgefuhrten Fallen um die sekundare bzw. periretikulare Form der Amyloidablagerung. Anhand des vorliegenden Schrifttums wird die Haufigkeit einer Amyloidose bei Psoriatikern diskutiert, es werden Unterschiede zur Amyloidose bei primar chronischen Polyarthritis-Kranken aufgezeigt sowie Moglichkeiten der Amyloidgenese bei Psoriasis erortert.

AdultMaleGynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryBiopsyRectumAmyloidosisDermatologyGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedArthritis RheumatoidmedicineHumansPsoriasisFemaleAutopsybusinessAgedArchiv f�r Dermatologische Forschung

Modification of depressant and disinhibitory action of flurazepam during short term treatment in the rat


Employing a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement (temporal discrimination), alternated punished (fixed-ratio) and unpunished (variable-ratio) schedules of reinforcement, a Conditioned Avoidance Response, and studying its interaction with Pentobarbital on general anaesthesia, it has been shown that flurazepam hydrochloride after a single treatment induces very intense depressant effects and slight disinhibitory effects. Short term treatment at longer than daily intervals reduces the depressant effect and unmasks the disinhibitory effect. The phenomenon is probably caused by selective tolerance concerning the depressant action. The results are discussed from the point of view of the signi…

MaleShort term treatmentPentobarbitalReinforcement ScheduleTime FactorsFlurazepammedicine.drug_classAvoidance responsePharmacologyFlurazepam HydrochlorideAvoidance LearningEthylaminesmedicineAnimalsHypnotics and SedativesDrug InteractionsReinforcementPentobarbitalPharmacologyDrug ToleranceFluorineBenzazepinesRatsAction (philosophy)DepressantPsychologymedicine.drugPsychopharmacologia

El "Cantar de Mio Cid" y algunos problemas históricos


DataciónMio CidUNESCO::HISTORIAManuscrito:HISTORIA [UNESCO]Castilla

Distribution of Power in The 1960s


Sociology and Political ScienceDistribution (number theory)Political science0502 economics and business05 social sciences050602 political science & public administrationStatistical physics050207 economics0506 political sciencePower (physics)Comparative Political Studies

Vergleichende Untersuchungen der peripheren Durchblutung und verschiedener Stoffwechselgrößen bei jugendlichen Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie,…


Die Coincidenz von organischen arteriellen Verschluskrankheiten mit Hypertonie, Diabetes mellitus, Fett- und Kohlenhydratstoffwechselstorungen bei alteren Menschen sind eine bekannte Tatsache. Zur Prufung der Frage, inwieweit derartige Erkrankungen schon im jugendlichen Alter als Risikofaktoren wirksam werden konnen, haben wir Durchblutungsmessungen bei Jugendlichen mit essentieller Hypertonie und jugendlichen Diabetikern vorgenommen; als Vergleichsgruppen dienten jugendliche Patienten mit bekannten organischen Angiopathien sowie eine Gruppe jugendlicher Probanden ohne Hypertonie, ohne Glucosetoleranzstorungen, ohne Hyperlipidamie und ohne nachweisbare coronare oder periphere Angiopathien. …

Influence of surface morphology on melting of polymer crystals II. Loops of random length and partially random reentry


Abstract The melting behavior of single crystals with loops of random length and partially random reentry has been calculated under two different assumptions: (1) at each temperature the loops have an equilibrium end-to-end distance distribution and (2) a certain end-to-end distance distribution of the loops, ω(h), determined by the kinetics of the crystallization is frozen in and maintained during the whole heating process. The ω(h) is calculated by considering the loop formation process during crystallization and by introducing a parameter λ which expresses the tendency of the chains for adjacent reentry. In both cases a melting range is obtained. In case 2, the melting range depends stro…

Surface (mathematics)Range (particle radiation)Materials scienceMorphology (linguistics)Polymers and PlasticsKineticsThermodynamicsGeneral ChemistryReentryCondensed Matter Physicslaw.inventionLoop (topology)Distribution (mathematics)lawMaterials ChemistryCrystallizationJournal of Macromolecular Science, Part B

Prisnivån i Finland år 1819



La "Apasterosis" de Manuel Martí


grupo CUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguahistoria:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]humanidades

La Brie à l’époque protohistorique (Hallstatt - La Tène)


International audience

[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS



Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the quasiparticle calculations for the three-nucleon system. There are three methods for solving the integral equations for the three-body problem with local two-body potentials; one method consists of the direct solution of the Faddeev equations, and the other two methods make different use of the quasiparticle idea that is based on the splitting of the occurring two-body potentials into a sum of separable terms and a rest potential. The chapter describes the term “form factors” and “coupling strengths.” A similar splitting is obtained for the T-matrices Tγ. With its help, it is possible to transform the Faddeev-type equations for the three-body tra…

PhysicsMomentumFaddeev equationsClassical mechanicsSimultaneous equationsQuantum mechanicsQuasiparticleNucleonIntegral equationConnection (mathematics)Resolvent

Red cell enzyme polymorphisms in Bulgaria.


7 human red cell enzyme polymophisms have been typed on a sample of n=138 unrelated adults from Bulgaria, which revealed the following gene frequencies: ADA1=0.8623. ADA2=0.1376; AK1=0.9637, AK2=0.0362; 6-PGDA=0.9891, 6-PGDC=0.0108; PGM11=0.8346, PGM12=0.1653; PA=0.1596, PB=0.7983, PC=0.0420. In the LDH-system one B-subunit variant was found, whilst no Peptidase A or B variant could be observed. The anthropological significance of these findings is discussed.

AdultMaleErythrocytesAcid PhosphataseElectrophoresis Starch GelBiologyGene FrequencyAminohydrolasesGeneticsHumansBulgariaGeneMolecular BiologyGenetics (clinical)GeneticsPolymorphism GeneticL-Lactate DehydrogenasePhosphogluconate DehydrogenasePhosphotransferasesBlood Protein ElectrophoresisMolecular medicineHuman geneticsAK2Red cell enzymeEnzymesGenetics PopulationPhosphoglucomutaseFemalePeptide HydrolasesHumangenetik

Displacement of phenprocoumon (Marcumar) from albumin by sulfonylurea compounds, suramin, and ioglycamic acid.


The technique of Sephadex gel filtration was employed to characterize the effect of some sulfonylurea compounds, ioglycamic acid, and suramin on the binding of phenprocoumon to bovine serum albumin.

ChlorpropamideChlorpropamideSuraminTolbutamideSerum albuminSuraminIn Vitro TechniquesBenzoatesPhenprocoumonCoumarinsBenzyl CompoundsmedicineAnimalsBovine serum albuminPharmacologyChromatographyBinding SitesbiologyChemistryAlbuminAnticoagulantsDextransSerum Albumin BovineGeneral MedicineCarbutamideGlycolatesCarbutamideSulfonylurea CompoundsSephadexbiology.proteinChromatography GelIodobenzoatesCattlemedicine.drugProtein BindingNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology

El lenguaje común: ensayos de filosofía analítica, de V. C. Chappell [Ressenya]


Reseña del libro El lenguaje común: ensayos de filosofía analítica de V. C. Chappell, Madrid, Tecnos, 1971, Col. Estructura y función.


Les esters éthyliques des acides gras supérieurs des rhums


National audience

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio][SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Contribución al estudio del anarco-sindicalismo valenciano


UNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaHumanidadesArtículoGrupo C:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Historia