showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Die Analyse enger Molekulargewichtsverteilungen als Hilfsmittel zur kinetischen Erforschung ionischer Polymerisationsprozesse


General MedicineAngewandte Chemie

Eradicating Mosquitoes using Translocations: a First Field Experiment


THEORETICAL considerations have led to the assumption that chromosomal translocations with ensuing semisterility could be used to control pests1–3. Inversions could have the same effect in animals and plants in which crossing over occurs in both sexes4. Many translocations of different type and with various degrees of sterility have been produced in the mosquito Culex pipiens5–8. Preliminary laboratory experiments with these translocations have shown that a cage population can be diminished and finally exterminated after a few generations by the release of translocation heterozygotes into the population9.

Chromosome AberrationsMaleGeneticseducation.field_of_studyMosquito ControlSex ChromosomesMultidisciplinarybiologyEcologyCulexSterilityField experimentfungiPopulationChromosomal translocationbiology.organism_classificationChromosomal crossoverCulexMosquito controlAnimalsNatural enemieseducationNature

�ber den Lautapparat von Amazonasfischen, II


General MedicineBiologyEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsDie Naturwissenschaften

Chemische Reaktionen an Einkristallen aus Copolymeren


ChemistryGeneral MedicineAngewandte Chemie

Fehler bei der Ermittlung von engen und breiten Molekulargewichtsverteilungen mit der Gelpermeationschromatographie und ihre mögliche Elimination


General MedicineAngewandte Chemie

Total replacement of the ureter using a bladder flap and cinematographic studies on the newly constructed ureter.


medicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryUrologyUrinary BladderUrologyBladder flapMuscle SmoothUrographyUretermedicine.anatomical_structureDogsMethodsMedicineAnimalsCineangiographyFemaleUreterbusinessMuscle ContractionThe Journal of urology

Complexes of organometallic compounds


Abstract The configurations of (CH 3 ) 3 PbNCS, (C 6 H 5 ) 3 PbNCS, (C 6 H 5 ) 2 Pb(NCS) 2 , (C 6 H 5 ) 3 Pb(NCS) 2 − and (C 6 H 5 ) 2 Pb(NCS) 4 2− have been investigated in the solid and (except for the insoluble diphenyl derivative) in solution. From infrared spectroscopy it is deduced that the compounds are isothiocyanates in both states, and there is evidence for a polymeric nature of the solid neutral species involving bridging through NCS. PMR and osmometric investigations show that five-coordinate species (CH 3 ) 3 Pb(NCS)·(CH 3 ) 2 CO are present in acetone solution. Possible configurations are discussed.

ThiocyanateStereochemistryOrganic ChemistryInfrared spectroscopyBiochemistryMedicinal chemistryInorganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryMaterials ChemistryAcetonePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryDerivative (chemistry)Group 2 organometallic chemistryJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

Functional Relations Between the Caudate Nucleus and the Dorsal Hippocampus in the Cat


Dorsal hippocampusPhysiologybusiness.industryCaudate nucleusBiologyHippocampusBiochemistryElectric StimulationElectrophysiologyStereotaxic TechniquesText miningCatsAnimalsCaudate NucleusbusinessNeuroscienceArchives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie

Variable masses in fission and heavy-ion collisions


With the use of the cranking formula, the coordinate-dependent mass parameters of the kinetic-energy operator in fission processes and heavy-ion collisions are calculated in the two-center oscillator model. It is shown that the reduced mass and also the classical moment of inertia are obtained for large separations of the fragments. For small separations, however, the mass parameter for the motion of the centers of mass of the fragments is larger than the reduced mass by an order of magnitude.

Nuclear reactionPhysicsMass excessFissionOperator (physics)General Physics and AstronomyReduced massMoment of inertiaKinetic energyUranium-236Nuclear physicsddc:530Atomic physicsNuclear Experiment

Polyreaktionen in orientierten systemen. II.. Polymerisation von 4-vinylpyridinium-salzen in micellar geordneten lösungen


Die Kinetik der „spontanen” Polymerisation von 4-Vinylpyridiniumperchlorat in Wasser zeigt, das oberhalb einer „kritischen” Konzentration ein Wechsel des Polymerisationsmechanismus eintritt entsprechend einer Anderung in der Struktur des sich bildenden Polymeren. Untersuchungen der Viskositat und der Oberflachenspannung an Modellsubstanzen zeigen, das dieses Phanomen der Bildung von Micellen und der darin ablaufenden Polymerisation zuzuschreiben ist. Der alkalische Abbau der Polymeren wurde untersucht. The kinetics of the “spontaneous” polymerization of 4-vinylpyridiniumperchlorate in water proves that above a “critical” concentration the polymerization mechanism is changed. Correspondingly…

chemistry.chemical_classificationPolymerizationChemistryPolymer chemistryPolymerMicelleDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Ylide als polymerisationsinitiatoren. I. Salzhaltige und salzfreie phosphoniumylide


Phosphorylide, R3PCHX und R3PCH2·LiBr, konnen eine anionische Polymerisation von Vinylmonomeren starten. Dabei werden im Falle des Methacrylnitrils und des Methylmethacrylats die Ylide als Endgruppen in die Polymeren eingebaut. Bei den salzfreien Yliden hangt die Startwirksamkeit von der Basizitat des Ylidcarbanions ab, die Struktur dieser Ylide hat aber keinen mesbaren Einflus auf das Molekulargewicht und die Taktizitat der entstehenden Polymeren. Im Gegensatz dazu wird bei der Initiierung mit den salzhaltigen Yliden auch die Taktizitat der Polymeren von den Substituenten der Phosphorylide beeinflust. Phosphorous ylids, R3PCHX and R3PCH2·LiBr, are able to start an anionic polymerization of…

chemistry.chemical_classificationchemistry.chemical_compoundAnionic addition polymerizationMonomerPolymerizationChemistryYlideTacticityPolymer chemistryPolymerDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Über die elementarprozesse bei der anionischen polymerisation des styrols in tetrahydropyran (THP)


Kinetische und konduktometrische Messungen am System Polystyrl-Natrium in THP werden mit dem Ziel durchgefuhrt, alle in dem fruher vorgeschlagenen dreiteiligen Reaktionsschema vorkommenden thermodynamischen und kinetischen Parameter zu bestimmen und mit den in anderen Losungsmitteln gefundenen Werten zu vergleichen. Es zeigt sich, das die Geschwindigkeitskonstanten der Monomeraddition an das Kontaktionenpaar, das solvatgetrennte Ionenpaar und das freie Anion, die sich um Grosenordnungen unterscheiden, vom Losungsmittel nur geringfugig beeinflust werden. Der ungewohnlich grose Einflus der Losungsmittel auf die Polymerisationsgeschwindigkeit geschieht durch Verschiebung der Gleichgewichte zwi…

Solventchemistry.chemical_compoundAnionic addition polymerizationPolymerizationPropagation rateChemistryPolymer chemistryTetrahydropyranDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Aktivierung des Komplementsystems ? Ein Monopol des Immunkomplexes?


Das Komplementsystem wird herkommlicherweise als ein Reaktionspartner des AgAk-Komplexes beschrieben. In jungster Zeit hat sich aber herausgestellt, das seine Aktivierung kein Monopol des Immunkomplexes bzw. des Antikorpers ist. An geeigneten Einzelfaktoren ansetzend kann man die Reaktionskette des Komplements auch unabhangig vom Antikorper auslosen. Es werden diejenigen Reaktionen beschrieben, welche, unabhangig vom Antikorper, von C1, C4 und C2 die dritte Komplementkomponente aktivieren und die Reaktionskette des restlichen Komplementsystems bis zum Terminalschritt in Gang setzen. Zu solchen Aktivatorsubstanzen gehoren Proteasen, hochmolekulare Polysaccharide (Dextran, Zymosan), Cobratoxi…

PhilosophyDrug DiscoveryMolecular MedicineGeneral MedicineCobratoxinMolecular biologyGenetics (clinical)Klinische Wochenschrift

Temporal retrogasserian resection of trigeminal root versus controlled elective percutaneous electrocoagulation of the ganglion of gasser in the trea…


In his experience with 531 surgical procedures for the relief of trigeminal neuralgia between 1955 to 1970, the author developed a strong preference for the percutaneous electro-coagulation of the gasserian ganglion. Although the method was repeatedly modified in the early years, a standardized technique of controlled, selective and fractional coagulation in the semiawake state of neurolept-anaesthesia was used since 1963 in 183 of his 311 patients, treated in this manner. The advantages of the method, particularly in comparison to open intracranial root sections, are: Minimal operative risk, control of operative effect during the operation, small sensibility deficit, low rate of complicati…

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyPercutaneousmedicine.medical_treatmentmedia_common.quotation_subjectElectrocoagulationStereotaxic TechniquesThalamusTrigeminal neuralgiaMesencephalonmedicineElectrocoagulationMethodsHumansTrigeminal Nervemedia_commonNeuroradiologyMedulla Oblongatamedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryConvalescenceInterventional radiologyTrigeminal Neuralgiamedicine.diseaseSurgeryGanglionmedicine.anatomical_structureEvaluation Studies as TopicAnesthesiaSurgeryNeurology (clinical)NeurosurgerybusinessCraniotomyActa neurochirurgica

Cytologie vonThamnidium elegans Link


Mitochondrien (gefarbt mit Hilfe des Succinat-Dehydrogenase-Mediums und durch Janusgrun B), Lipide sowie das Enzym saure Phosphatase sind beiThamnidium elegans in besonderem Mase an Orten intensiver Differenzierungsprozesse zu finden, so im Spitzenbereich von Sporangiophoren im Stadium I, in Sporangien und in Sporangiolen bildenden Seitenasten. Die Sporangiolen zeigen im Gegensatz zu den meisten Sporangiosporen positive cytochemische Reaktionen, was offenbar auf Unterschiede in der Wandstruktur und damit in der Permeabilitat beruht. Im Spitzenbereich von Hyphen last sich phasenkontrastmikroskopisch ein scharf abgegrenztes Gebilde nachweisen, das moglicherweise mit dem Spitzenkorper identisc…

Cell BiologyPlant ScienceGeneral MedicineBiologyMolecular biologyProtoplasma

Long survival time of an isolated perfused rat brain


MaleChemistrybusiness.industryBrainElectroencephalographyIn Vitro TechniquesPharmacologyRat brainBiochemistryRatsPerfusionCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceGlucoseText miningLactatesAnimalsbusinessJournal of Neurochemistry

Some observations on metal cutting with reference to the mechanical characteristics of working materials


The hypothesis of the minimum work of Merchant is applied to materials with different yield points in traction and in simple compression on the assumption that these materials yield in accordance with the paraboloid yield-criterion. The experimental data obtained from cutting tests like those described in this paper may apparently be in good agreement with theoretical results. But closer examination reveals that the values of the shear angle φ depend largely on the cutting speed and on the feed p. r. All relationship between φ and (λ — γ) (difference between the friction angle on the rake face and the rake angle) must therefore take in account the influence of the above variables.

ParaboloidMechanical Engineeringmedicine.medical_treatmentRakeMechanicsTraction (orthopedics)Condensed Matter PhysicsRake angleMechanics of MaterialsFriction anglemedicineShear angleMetal cuttingMathematicsMeccanica

Excited states in the three-body system


Three-body excited states are calculated in a local potential model by means of the quasi-particle method. The improvement over the approach in which the local potential is approximated by a separable one is demonstrated.

PhysicsBody systemExcited stateBinding energyAtomic physicsSeparable spaceIl Nuovo Cimento A

Zur Wirkung von Oxytocin auf einen autorhythmischen glatten Gefässmuskel


The influence of oxytocine on the spontaneously contractile portal vein of the rat has been investigated. This octapeptide decreases the active tension and abolished it completely at a concentration of 5×10−7g/ml. The effect is not caused by an adrenergic mechanism but by a direct action on the smooth muscle cell.

Pharmacologymedicine.medical_specialtyChemistryPortal veinAdrenergicCell BiologyCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceEndocrinologySmooth muscleOxytocinInternal medicinemedicineMolecular MedicineActive tensionmedicine.symptomMolecular BiologyMuscle contractionmedicine.drugExperientia

Association between C′3 phenotypes and various diseases


The distribution of C′3 phenotypes in leprosy, rheumatism, diabetes, hyperlipedemia and hepatitis were studied. There was a significant excess of FF-phenotypes in patients with rheumatic factor while in hepatitis the SS-phenotype was significantly lower and a relatively high frequency of FF was stated. The results are discussed.

Hepatitisbusiness.industrymedicine.diseasePhenotypeSex chromatinDiabetes mellitusImmunologyGeneticsmedicineIn patientLeprosyMetabolic diseasebusinessGenetics (clinical)RheumatismHuman Genetics

Thymidine-, uridine- and choline-kinase in rabbit kidney cells infected with herpesvirus hominis, type I and II.


Data are presented about the activity of the thymidine-, uridine- and choline-kinase after infection with 21 strains ofherpesvirus hominis of serotype I or II in rabbit kidney cells. Type I strains increase the activity of the thymidine-kinase 15–20 fold over the controls, whereas the type II strains demonstrate a moderate activity, the level of the enzyme is increased 2–5 fold. One giant cell forming strain exhibits unusual properties, the TK activity decreases in correlation to the controls. The uridine- and choline-kinases induce the respective enzymes in different manner. The strains tested are divided into 5 groups depending upon the activity of the enzymatic activity. The implications…

SerotypeCholine kinaseBiologyKidneyThymidine KinaseCholinechemistry.chemical_compoundSpecies SpecificityVirologyCulture TechniquesRabbit kidneyAnimalsSimplexvirusSerotypingUridineCells Culturedchemistry.chemical_classificationStrain (chemistry)PhosphotransferasesGeneral MedicineVirologyUridineEnzymechemistryGiant cellRabbitsThymidineArchiv fur die gesamte Virusforschung

Kraniometrische Merkmale bei unterschiedlichen Anomalien


Die vorangegangenen Ausfuhrungen verfolgten das Ziel, die Frage aufzuhellen, ob fur Anomalien des Kieferbereiches eine weitgehende Unabhangigkeit vom Aufbau des Gesichtsschadels besteht. Zu diesem Zweck wurden je 10 Fernrontgen-Profilaufnahmen von 5 typischen Anomaliegruppen ausgewahlt und im Hinblick auf die Fragestellung ausgewertet. Das mit Hilfe biostatistischer Verfahren gewonnene Ergebnis gibt zu erkennen, das keine der gewahlten Variablen des Gesichtsschadels eine spezifische Zuordnung zu einer bestimmten Anomaliegruppe ermoglichte. Zwischen kraniometrischen Merkmalen und Gebisanomalien bestehen demnach keine engeren Beziehungen.

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryTooth AbnormalityOrthodonticsGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseaseSella turcicamedicine.anatomical_structureCephalometrymedicineOral and maxillofacial surgeryJaw abnormalityOral SurgerybusinessFortschritte der Kieferorthopädie

The effect of arabinofuranosyl-cytosine upon the synthesis of herpesvirus hominis Electron microscopic observations in relation to viral DNA-synthesis


The paper describes experiments about the degree of dependency of capsid, envelope and antigen synthesis byherpesvirus hominis upon viral DNA synthesis. The DNA synthesis has been blocked by different doses of Ara-C and the remnant DNA-synthesis has been measured by [3H]-thymidine incorporation after CsCl-density gradient centrifugation. Electron microscopic studies were done in parallel after incubation of infected cells with different doses of Ara-C. Finally, antigens were prepared after infection without and with added Ara-C. Increasing amounts of Ara-C inhibited the synthesis of viral DNA and infective particles. 1.5 μg Ara-C reduced the remaining incorporation into DNA to about less th…

DNA synthesisGeneral Medicinebiochemical phenomena metabolism and nutritionBiologyVirologyMolecular biologylaw.inventionchemistry.chemical_compoundMembranechemistryCapsidAntigenlawVirologybiology.proteinElectron microscopeAntibodyCytosineDNAArchiv f�r die gesamte Virusforschung

Der Anstieg einiger Serumenzyme (GOT, LDH, CPK, MK) nach Ganzk�rpermuskelmassage und seine Bedeutung bei Dermatomyositis


25 gesunde Normalpersonen wiesen 8 Std nach einer Ganzkorpermuskelmassage einen signifikanten Aktivitatsanstieg der Serumenzyme GOT, LDH, CPK und MK auf, wobei die MK im pathologischen Bereich liegt (Durchschnittswerte vor Massage: GOT: 10,97 mE/ml, LDH: 154,78 mE/ml, CPK: 18,28 mE/ml, MK: 15,79 mE/1000 ml; Durchschnittswerte 8 Std nach Massage: GOT: 16,84 mE/ml, LDH: 179,82 mE/ml, CPK: 27,36 mE/ml, MK: 21,74 mE/1000 ml). Die diskutierten, moglichen Ursachen gebieten Zuruckhaltung mit Massagen und analogen medico-mechanischen Masnahmen bei Dermatomyositis.

medicine.medical_specialtyBody massageMassagebusiness.industryGeneral MedicineDermatomyositismedicine.diseaseSerum enzymesGastroenterologyInternal medicineDrug DiscoverymedicineMolecular MedicinebusinessGenetics (clinical)Klinische Wochenschrift

Circulatory Effects of Peridural Block


High peridural analgesia was studied in 20 volunteers in whom peridural block was achieved before and after removal of 10 ml/kg blood to simulate mild acute hemorrhage. One group was given 2 per cent lidocaine containing 1:200,000 epinephrine, while in another group lidocainc alone was used. The gro

Anesthesiology and Pain MedicineEpinephrineBlood pressureLidocainebusiness.industryAnesthesiaCirculatory systemAcute blood lossmedicinebusinessAcute hemorrhagemedicine.drugAnesthesiology

Note théorique sur les rendements directs de l'éducation


[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationRendement de l'éducation

Haptoglobintypenbestimmung mittels vertikaler S�ulenelektrophorese in Polyacrylamidgel


Ein kontinuierliches und zwei diskontinuierliche Polyacrylamidgelelektrophoreseverfahren zur Haptoglobintypendifferenzierung werden beschrieben und die Vorzuge dieser Technik den mit der Starkegelelektrophorese zu gewinnenden Ergebnissen gegenubergestellt. Alle 3 Verfahren sind fur die Routinediagnostik geeignet. Die kontinuierliche PAA-Gelelektrophorese bedeutet zwar eine geringe Vereinfachung der Methodik, sie ist aber den Disk-Verfahren hinsichtlich der Trennungsergebnisse des Hp-Bandenspektrums unterlegen.

ElectrophoresisChromatographybiologyChemistryHaptoglobinbiology.proteinPulsed-field gel electrophoresisTypingAnatomyGel electrophoresis of proteinsMolecular biologyPolyacrylamide gel electrophoresisPathology and Forensic MedicineZeitschrift f�r Rechtsmedizin

Bleomycin, a selective inhibitor of DNA-dependent DNA polymerase from oncogenic RNA viruses.


Abstract Bleomycin, an antibiotic, inhibits the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase from Rauscher murine leukemia virus. Higher concentrations of BLM ∗ are required to inhibit it's RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. These inhibition effects of the non-competitive type are not altered by preincubation of the DNA with BLM. Under comparable conditions neither the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity from E. coli and mouse liver nor the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity from mouse lymphoma cells are affected by BLM.

congenital hereditary and neonatal diseases and abnormalitiesTime FactorsLymphomaDNA polymeraseHepatitis B virus DNA polymeraseUracil NucleotidesDNA polymerase IIBiophysicsRNA-dependent RNA polymeraseCytosine NucleotidesTritiumBiochemistryRauscher VirusCell LineBleomycinMiceEscherichia coliAnimalsMolecular BiologyPolymeraseDNA clampAntibiotics Antineoplasticbiologyurogenital systemnutritional and metabolic diseasesCell BiologyDNAMolecular biologyReverse transcriptaseKineticsReal-time polymerase chain reactionLiverDNA Nucleotidyltransferasesbiology.proteinRNABiochemical and biophysical research communications

Chirale Leitsalze als Hilfsmittel zur Aufkl�rung der ?Struktur? der elektrischen Doppelschicht bei elektrochemischen Reduktionen


General Chemical EngineeringGeneral ChemistryIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringChemie Ingenieur Technik - CIT

Anflutung und Verteilung von Alkohol bei oraler Resorption


Die geringere Alkohol-Konzentrationstoleranz wahrend der Anflutungsphase kann auf eine starkere Alkoholanflutung im Gehirn zuruckgefuhrt werden. Die Ursache liegt in der gegenuber dem peripheren Venenblut uberhohten Alkoholkonzentration im arteriellen Blut und einem schnellen Konzentrationsausgleich zwischen arteriellem Blut und Hirngewebe. Die arterio-venose Alkohol-Konzentrationsdifferenz nach Gabe von 0,8 g Alkohol (33 W/W% Losung, 15 min Trinkzeit) wurde bei 5 Patienten einer Intensivstation bestimmt. Sie betrug maximal 0,27±0,20‰. Als maximale Alkoholkonzentration wurden im arteriellen Blut 0,94‰, im venosen 0,81‰ erreicht. Die Eliminationsrate (β 60) war mit 0,30±0,05‰ sehr hoch. Verg…

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtyChemistrymedicineAnatomyPathology and Forensic MedicineResorptionZeitschrift f�r Rechtsmedizin

A simple two-detector method for precision intercomparisons of source strengths


Abstract A two-detector method for comparing source strengths which largely eliminates errors due to uncertainties of geometric character is described. The simplest version of the method is based on the fact that, when a symmetric face-to-face geometry is being used, the change of the counting rate of one detector caused by the change of the position of the source is approximately compensated for by the change of the counting rate of the other detector. In a more versatile geometry, in which the axes of the detectors are slightly misaligned, the sum and the ratio of the two counting rates can be used in a simple manner to virtually eliminate uncertainties due to the shapes and horizontal po…

PhysicsOpticsSimple (abstract algebra)business.industryPosition (vector)DetectorLine (geometry)Point (geometry)General MedicinebusinessCounting rateParticle detectorNuclear Instruments and Methods

A two-step method for the purification of C1


Verschiedene Parameter fur die Ausfallung der C1-enthaltenden Euglobulinfraktion aus Serum fur die Anlagerung von C1 an sensibilisierte Erythrocytenstromata und fur die anschliesende Abdissoziation des C1 vom Antigen-Antikorperkomplex wurden untersucht mit Hinblick auf optimale Ausbeute an funktionell aktivem C1. Die Untersuchungen fuhrten zu dem folgenden Praparationsweg fur C1.

Microbiology (medical)Component (UML)ImmunologyImmunology and AllergyGeneral MedicineBiologyMolecular biologyComplement (complexity)Medical Microbiology and Immunology

Self-Perceptions of Sicilian Male Youth


An Italian version of the AVA was included in the test battery for a pilot study of Project Talent in Sicily. Ss were 395 male students attending a public technical school in Palermo, Sicily. Profiles of basic self and social self-concepts, as well as the composite self-concept yielded by the AVA, were analyzed for the Sicilian sample. The latter were also compared with those for an American normative sample ( N = 7732). Two heavily concentrated clusters were noted in the self-perceptions of the Sicilians in contrast to those of the American sample which are more evenly distributed throughout the personality spheroid comprising the AVA model.

AdultCross-Cultural ComparisonMaleTest batteryAdolescentPersonality Inventorymedia_common.quotation_subjectApplied psychologySelf-conceptPilot ProjectsExperimental and Cognitive Psychology050105 experimental psychology03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicinePerceptionHumans0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesStudentsSicilymedia_common05 social sciences030229 sport sciencesCross-cultural studiesSelf ConceptUnited StatesSensory Systemslanguage.human_languageSelf evaluationlanguagePersonality Assessment InventoryPsychologySocial psychologySicilianPerceptual and Motor Skills

International mycoplasma symposium 6/7th September 1971 in Mainz Summaries of the papers


Microbiology (medical)business.industryImmunologyImmunology and AllergyLibrary scienceMedicineGeneral MedicineMycoplasmabusinessmedicine.disease_causeMedical Microbiology and Immunology

Parametric Excitation of Density Waves in Drifting Electron-Hole Plasmas


The effect of the electronic drift velocity on the conditions for parametric excitation in electron-hole plasmas is investigated in the two-mode approximation using a Vlasov-equations approach. The results show that when the electronic drift velocity approaches the phase velocity of the lower frequency mode of the plasma, a considerable lowering of the threshold for the onset of parametric excitation occurs, thus resulting in more favorable conditions for experimental observation of the process. The dependence of the threshold on other relevant physical parameters involved, such as the electron-to-hole mass and temperature ratios, is also investigated.

PhysicsDrift velocityMode (statistics)PlasmaElectron holeAtomic physicsPhase velocityExcitationParametric statisticsPhysical Review B

Los grupos de presión, la naranja y el poder


Publicaciones: Obra periodística: Artículos en revistas políticasVidal-Beneyto JoséAgriculturaCÍTRICOSEXPORTACIÓNNaranjaAgriosAcciones: Actividades Económicas: AgrícolasEconomía