showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents



Different rates of initiation and propagation, e.g., in the case of living polymerization, lead to considerable deviations from a POISSON distribution. Using a bifunctional initiator the distribution obtained is composed of a single distribution and a coupled distribution. The maximum value of xw/xn never exceeds 1.4 even for a ratio kp/ki = 106. Verschiedene Start- und Wachstumsgeschwindigkeiten fuhren z. B. im Fall der lebenden Polymerisation zu erheblichen Abweichungen von einer POISSON-Verteilung. Die Verwendung eines bifunktionellen Initiators ergibt eine Verteilung, die sich aus einer einfachen und einer gekoppelten Verteilung zusammensetzt. Der Wert xw/xn uberschreitet nicht den Betr…

chemistry.chemical_classificationchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPolymerizationPolymer chemistryLiving polymerizationMolar mass distributionPolymerBifunctionalDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Computer simulation of oxygen tension histograms--a possibility for interpretation of microelectrode measurements.


Mit Sauerstoff-Mikroelektroden werden die lokalen Werte des Sauerstoffpartialdruckes im Mikrobereich der Organe gemessen und graphisch als Haufigkeitsverteilungen (Histogramme) dargestellt. Theoretisch wird der Einfluss der Kapillaranordnung (Gleich-, Gegenstromsystem und Kapillarnetzwerk) auf die Haufigkeitsverteilung der P02 Werte untersucht. Die fur zweidimensionale Modelle durchgefuhrte Analyse zeigt, dass Unterschiede in der Durchblutung, wie sie in den einzelnen Zweigen der Kapillarnetzwerke auftreten, einen starken Einfluss auf die Histogramme haben.

PharmacologyPhysicsBrain ChemistryComputersMicrocirculationAnalytical chemistryCell BiologyModels TheoreticalOxygen tensionInterpretation (model theory)Capillary PermeabilityOxygenCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceMicroelectrodeOxygen ConsumptionCerebrovascular CirculationMolecular MedicineMolecular BiologyMicroelectrodesExperientia

Quasi-elastic neutrino reaction in deuterium


In this paper the processv+d→μ−+p+p is studied in the framework of the impulse approximation, with or without using closure approximation. Final-state interactions are considered.

Nuclear physicsPhysicsDeuteriumNeutrinoImpulse (physics)Atomic physicsIl Nuovo Cimento A

Kinematically corrected correlation functions for inclusive reactions


CorrelationPhysicsClassical mechanicsPhase spaceGeneral Physics and AstronomyElementary particleLettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2

Die spontane Desaktivierung beim oligomeren α-Methylstyryl-Natrium in Tetrahydrofuran


Bei der Alterung von oligomerem α-Methylstyryl-Na in Tetrahydrofuran (THF) erfolgt eine Hydridabspaltung an der aktiven Endgruppe und ein Protonentransfer vom Losungsmittel. Der Selbstabbruch kann durch ein einfaches Schema von Simultanreaktionen beschrieben werden. Aging of α-methylstyryl-sodium oligomers in tetrahydrofuran (THF) results in the splitting-off of hydride at the active endgroup and in a protontransfer from the solvent. The mechanism of the self-termination can be described by a simple scheme of simultaneous reactions.

Solventchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryHydridePolymer chemistryTetrahydrofuranDie Makromolekulare Chemie

New aspects of scattering and absorbing properties of atmospheric aerosol particles


Abstract Knowledge of the scattering and absorbing processes of the atmospheric aerosol particles in the solar wavelength range is necessary in order to calculate the energy balance of the atmosphere. Both of these depend on the relative humidity of the air. Until now little was known of the behavior of the particles. This paper shows experimental and theoretical results of the real and imaginary part of the refractive index of the aerosol particles at different relative humidities.

ChemistryWavelength rangeScatteringbusiness.industryEnergy balanceSurfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsAerosolComputational physicsBiomaterialsAtmosphereColloid and Surface ChemistryOpticsAbstract knowledgeRelative humiditybusinessRefractive indexPhysics::Atmospheric and Oceanic PhysicsJournal of Colloid and Interface Science

On the translation of the three fundamental problems of elastic equilibrium of anisotropic bodies into systems of Fredholm first kind integral equati…


Mechanical EngineeringMathematical analysisFredholm integral equationSummation equationCondensed Matter PhysicsTranslation (geometry)Integral transformFredholm theoryIntegral equationVolterra integral equationsymbols.namesakeMechanics of MaterialsImproper integralsymbolsMathematicsMeccanica

The limit state of indefinite plates on elastoplastic continuum


The limit analysis of indefinite plates resting on a continuous elastoplastic medium and subjected to a load distributed over a partial surface with a circular boundary yields the fundamental equation governing the problem. Minimum conditions are set and the solution that supplies the collapse load of the plate-soil system is found by variational calculus.

Surface (mathematics)Limit analysisMechanics of MaterialsContinuum (topology)Mechanical EngineeringMathematical analysisBoundary (topology)Collapse (topology)Limit state designCalculus of variationsCondensed Matter PhysicsMathematicsMeccanica

Effects of differential relevance of external stimuli on heart rate under food deprivation


Ss were deprived of food for 24 h, after which heart rate (HR) was recorded with food placed before the Ss and also after they had eaten it. It was predicted, according to Malmo’s interaction hypothesis, that HR in both situations would be higher than at a control level but that the increase after food ingestion would be greater than that found in the presence of visual cues. The results did not wholly support these predictions. Only after eating were significant HR increases found. Possible reasons for the discrepancies between findings in this area were discussed.

Control levelFood deprivationdigestive oral and skin physiologyHeart ratePhysiologyIngestionGeneral ChemistryPsychologySensory cueCatalysisDevelopmental psychologyPsychonomic Science

Coût et rendement de l'éducation par une équipe de chercheurs de l'IREDU


International audience

Coût de l'éducation[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationRendement de l'éducationComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Die Fettsäurezusammensetzung von Gewebslipiden beim Rotbarsch (Sebastus viviparus)


Beim kleinen Rotbarsch (Sebastus viviparus) wurden Lipidgehalt und Fettsaurezusammensetzung von 11 Geweben untersucht. Den grosten Fettgehalt haben Fettgewebe, Zentralnervensystem und Leber. Die Leber wies den hochsten Polyenfettsaurengehalt auf. Sie enthalt 23,7 % Docosahexaensaure und 18,8 % Docosapentaensaure. In Herz, Niere, ZNS und Testes sind zwischen 9,0 und 5,7 % Docosahexaensaure enthalten. Den hochsten Gehalt an Eicosapentaensaure besasen ZNS, Myokard, Testes, Milz, Niere und rote Muskulatur (16,7-11,2%). Weise Muskulatur, Fettgewebe und Leber enthielten nur 9,2-7,5 % Eicosapentaensaure. C20- und C22-Tetraensauren konnten vor allem im Fettgewebe, in der Muskulatur und in der Leber…

0303 health sciences03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineMedicine (miscellaneous)030204 cardiovascular system & hematologyBiochemistry030304 developmental biologyFood ScienceZeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft

Synthesen mit substituierten Malondialdehyden, XI. γ‐Formyl‐tetramethinmerocyanin‐, γ‐Formyl‐pentamethincyanin‐ und [2.2.2]Heptamethincyanin‐Farbstof…


Durch Kondensation des Formylmalondialdehyds (Triformylmethan) 5 mit heterocyclischen Imoniumsalzen 4 werden je nach Reaktionsbedingungen neuartige γ-Formyl-tetramethinmerocyanin-(6), γ-Formyl-pentamethincyanin-(8) und trinucleare symmetrische [2.2.2]Heptamethincyanin-Farbstoffe (9) dargestellt. Die Isolierung der Mono- (6) und Dikondensationsprodukte (8) des Formylmalondialdehyds ermoglicht die Darstellung unsymmetrischer Farbstoffe 8 und 9 mit verschiedenen Endgruppen. — Die trinuclearen [2.2.2]Heptamethincyanine 9 lassen sich in Analogie zu den phenylogen Guanidiniumionen (Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe) als methinyloge Guanidiniumkationen 3 (n = 3) auffassen. — Die spektroskopischen Eigensch…

Inorganic ChemistryReaction conditionschemistry.chemical_compoundTriphenylmethaneChemistryStereochemistrySpectral propertiesMedicinal chemistryTriformylmethaneChemische Berichte

R�ume holomorpher Vektorfunktionen mit Wachstumsbedingungen und topologische Tensorprodukte


General MathematicsHumanitiesMathematicsMathematische Annalen

Quasi-particle and plasmaron properties in the electron gas


The self-energy function of the degenerate electron gas is studied in an approximation which uses the dielectric function proposed by Singwi, Tosi, Land and Sjolander, and neglects the corresponding vertex corrections. Two contributions to the self-energy are distinguished which arise from the plasmon pole and the particle-hole continuum respectively. Comparison of the results is made with the analogous approximation to the self-energy which uses the RPA dielectric function, and with a further, simplified approximation. Subsequently the properties of the usual quasi-particle and of the plasmaron are calculated. Nummerically, the most significant effect found is a 25% reduction of the plasma…

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsCondensed matter physicsQuantum electrodynamicsDegenerate energy levelsContinuum (design consultancy)Vertex (curve)QuasiparticleFunction (mathematics)PlasmaronFermi gasPlasmonZeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and nuclei

Total muon-capture rate. Application to11B


A study of the total muon-capture rate in nuclei is presented, with the aid of the impulse and closure approximations and under the assumption that the initial nucleus can be described by a mixing of states in theJ-scheme. The theory is applied to the process of muon capture in11B, with a discussion on the value of the average neutrino momentum.

Nuclear physicsPhysicsPhysics::Instrumentation and DetectorsHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentNeutrinoImpulse (physics)Muon captureIl Nuovo Cimento A

Computeranalyse des korrigierten, orthogonalen Kardiogramms


Es wird ein Uberblick uber die Entwicklung der orthogonalen Elektrokardiografie und Vektorkardiografie gegeben. Die in der Literatur zum Teil recht unterschiedliche Terminologie wird erlautert, die elektrophysiologischen Voraussetzungen zur Gultigkeit der korrigierten, orthogonalen Elektrokardiografie werden ausfuhrlich dargestellt.

PhysiologyPhysiology (medical)PhilosophyGeneral MedicineCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineHumanitiesArchiv für Kreislaufforschung

The meaning and reliability of accurate empathy ratings: a rejoinder.


CounselingPhysician-Patient RelationsPsychological Testsmedia_common.quotation_subjectValidityEmpathyPsychotherapyHistory and Philosophy of ScienceHumansMeaning (existential)EmpathyPsychologySocial psychologyGeneral PsychologyReliability (statistics)media_commonCognitive psychologyPsychological bulletin

Limit analysis of structures with random resistance variations


EngineeringLimit analysisResistance (ecology)Mechanics of Materialsbusiness.industryMechanical EngineeringMechanical engineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsbusinessMeccanica

The adenine nucleotide content of rat liver during infusions of carbohydrates and polyols


Injection of large doses of fructose, sorbitol, or a mixture of glucose, fructose and xylitol in rats causes a drop of liver ATP, total adenine nucleotides and Pi and a rise of AMP, which is in agreement with data from the literature. These changes are considered as a transient disturbance of homeostasis by compounds which are rapidly phosporylated in the liver. This is confirmed by the fact that during continuous infusion of these and other compounds at doses of 1,5 g · kg−1 · h−1 there was no such change. It is concluded that infusions of fructose or of the other carbohydrates tested with rates not exceeding those recommended for parenteral nutrition (0,5 g · kg−1 · h−1) are not likely to…

GlycerolMaleParenteral NutritionTime FactorsMedicine (miscellaneous)FructoseXylitolBiochemistryPhosphateschemistry.chemical_compoundAdenosine TriphosphateAdenine nucleotidePiAnimalsHomeostasisSorbitolXylitolAdenine NucleotidesRats Inbred StrainsFructoseAdenosine MonophosphateRatsAdenosine DiphosphateDrug CombinationsGlucoseParenteral nutritionLiverchemistryBiochemistryRat liverInjections IntravenousSorbitolHomeostasisFood ScienceZeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft

Dynamics of ketone body metabolism in diabetic rats.


Steady state blood levels of ketone bodies during infusions of acetoacetate at various rates have been compared in healthy and diabetic rats. The characteristics of the metabolic elimination of ketone bodies from the blood are completely changed in diabetic rats. Whereas steady state levels of ketone bodies increase linearly with the infusion rate in healthy rats, this increase is exponential in diabetic animals. This difference, which is due to an impaired metabolic elimination, becomes evident only above a dosage of 50 μmoles acetoacetate per kg per min. Chronic treatment with insulin for 4–6 days, but not acute insulin injection, restores the capacity of diabetic rats to metabolize keton…

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyDiabetic ketoacidosisHungerEndocrinology Diabetes and Metabolismmedicine.medical_treatmentRemission SpontaneousKetone BodiesStreptozocinAcetoacetatesDiabetes mellitusInternal medicineInternal MedicinemedicineDiabetes MellitusAnimalsInsulinAnalysis of VarianceChemistryInsulinmedicine.diseaseStreptozotocinKetoacidosisRatsEndocrinologyKetone bodiesSteady state (chemistry)KetosisAcidosismedicine.drugDiabetologia

Zur verzögernden wirkung aromatischer aldehyde auf die radikalische polymerisation von vinylverbindungen


Die Einwirkung einer Reihe aromatischer Aldehyde auf die mit α.α-′Azobisisobuttersaurenitril gestarteten Polymerisationen von Styrol und Methacrylsauremethylester wurde untersucht (a) durch Vergleich der Polymerausbeuten; (b) durch quantitative Analyse der UV-Spektren der gereinigten Polymeren und (c) durch Vergleich ihrer Mn- und Mn-Werte. Bei der Styrolpolymerisation zeigen 4-Phenyl-benzaldehyd und Indol-3-aldehyd keine Einwirkung. 4-Phenylazo-benzaldehyd, Benzaldehyd, Anthracen-9-aldehyd und m-(2.4-Dinitrophenoxy)-benzaldehyd verzogern die Polymerisation. Bis auf Benzaldehyd wird hierbei ihr kovalenter Einbau in das Polystyrol nachgewiesen. Fur 4-Phenylazo-benzaldehyd konnte eine scheinb…

chemistry.chemical_classificationBenzaldehydechemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPolymerizationPolymer chemistryPolymerPolystyreneMethyl methacrylateAldehydeStyreneDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Statistical quantities in particle collisions


Abstract Statistical quantities for particle collisions are defined using the analogy between the phase-space integral in multiparticle collisions and that in relativistic quantum statistical mechanics. The analogs of thermodynamic quantities are computed for the uncorrelated jet model. A relativistic derivation for the mass spectrum of hadrons is given and thermodynamic quantities are calculated for a system with this spectrum.

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsClassical mechanicsPhase spaceQuantum electrodynamicsHadronStatistical modelElementary particleStatistical mechanicsJet (particle physics)Nuclear ExperimentQuantum statistical mechanicsSpectral lineNuclear Physics B

Semitoroidal detector configuration for large (well-type) Ge(Li) detectors


Abstract A “semitoroidal” detector configuration intended for making large Ge(Li) detectors with approximately homogeneous electric fields is described in detail. Test measurements have been carried out with a relatively small semitoroidal detector. The performance of the semitoroidal detector having a volume of more than 150 cm 3 is discussed.

PhysicsPhysics::Instrumentation and Detectorsbusiness.industryDetectorGeneral MedicineType (model theory)Semiconductor detectorOpticsVolume (thermodynamics)HomogeneousElectric fieldOptoelectronicsHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentbusinessNuclear Instruments and Methods

Complexes of organometallic compounds


Abstract The novel organobismuth(V) derivatives Ph 3 BiCl(Ox) and Ph 3 BiBr(Ox) (Ox − = 8-quinolinate) have been synthesized, and their configuration investigated in the solid state and in solution. The complexes are assumed to be octahedral in the solid, with Ox − acting as a chelating base and the halide atoms coordinating to bismuth. Tentative assignments of infrared bands in the 300–80 cm −1 region to BiHal and other skeletal modes are proposed. The main effect of solvents appears to be the weakening and breaking of BiN-bonds.

chemistry.chemical_classificationBase (chemistry)InfraredHydrogen bondOrganic ChemistryInorganic chemistryIntermolecular forceSolid-stateHalidechemistry.chemical_elementInfrared spectroscopyGeneral MedicineBiochemistryBismuthInorganic ChemistryOctahedronchemistryAtomPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryThalliumChelationPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryGroup 2 organometallic chemistryBioinorganic Chemistry

Metabolism of polychlorinated norbornenes by Clostridium butyricum.


STUDIES of the metabolism of cyclodien-insecticides, such as dieldrin, endrin, endosulphan, have revealed valuable information about their fate in the ecosystem1. With all metabolites identified so far, however, the hexachlorinated norbornene moiety remains unchanged2,3. Only from photodieldrin, a cage-like derivative of dieldrin, have dechlorinated metabolites been reported4,5.

ClostridiumMultidisciplinarybiologyChemical PhenomenaStereochemistryTerpenesMetabolismbiology.organism_classificationNorbornanesPhotodieldrinchemistry.chemical_compoundDieldrinChemistrychemistryBiochemistryEndrinMoietyChlorineDerivative (chemistry)Clostridium butyricumNorborneneNature

Studies on sea urchin oocytes. II. Synthesis of RNA during oogenesis.


Abstract Isolated oocytes of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus actively incorporate 3H-uridine into RNA. Labeled RNA was analysed by sucrose gradient and acrylamide gel electrophoresis following cell fractionation. Much of the radioactivity is incorporated at the nucleolar level in the form of rRNA precursors. The kinetics of maturation of these latter suggests that this occurs at a slower rate than during embryogenesis. Other non-nucleolar RNA classes are also actively labelled and retained in the nucleus for many hours. These results are confirmed by an autoradiographic investigation.

SucroseTime FactorsBiologyCell FractionationTritiumOogenesisParacentrotus lividusbiology.animalBotanyCentrifugation Density GradientAnimalsPolyacrylamide gel electrophoresisSea urchinUridineOvumCell NucleusHistocytochemistryEmbryogenesisRNACell BiologyRibosomal RNAbiology.organism_classificationElectrophoresis DiscMolecular WeightBiochemistryRNA RibosomalSea UrchinsAutoradiographyRNAFemaleCell fractionationCell NucleolusExperimental cell research

On the quasi-elastic neutrino reaction in deuterium in the forward direction


Forward cross-section of the reaction nu +d to mu /sup -/+p+p is studied under different assumptions. It is shown that a value E/sup -2 / (d sigma /d Omega ) approximately=0.27*10/sup -38/ cm/sup 2//sr GeV /sup 2/ is expected independent of the incident neutrino spectrum shape. Relativistic effects and one-pion exchange contributions have been estimated. (10 refs).

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaFísicaNuclear physicsTheory of relativityPionDeuteriumHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentAtomic physicsNeutrinoNuclear ExperimentRelativistic quantum chemistryParticle Physics - PhenomenologyPhysics Letters B

The Palaeomagnetism of the Permian Rocks of the Black Forest, Germany


Summary Palaeomagnetic measurements made upon Permian samples from the Black Forest, Odenwald and Pfalzerwald (excluding those measurements on samples from the Schopfheim basin) are consistent with those from north-western Europe. The virtual pole based upon 18 sites is 174.9°E. 48.4N. The measurements made on the fine-grained shales and mudstones from the Schopfheim basin are significantly different from the preceding. Since incorrect age assignment, sampling, components of secondary magnetic and tectonic effects can be excluded, the difference is attributed to incomplete removal of the effects of secular variation. The Scharfenstein massif previously regarded as Permian, was found to have…

geographyPaleomagnetismgeography.geographical_feature_categoryPermianMassifStructural basinDevonianSecular variationPaleontologyTectonicsGeophysicsGeochemistry and PetrologyCarboniferousGeologyGeophysical Journal International

Interdependence of enthalpic and entropic contributions to the second osmotic virial coefficient


The interdependence of the enthalpic contribution A2, H and the entropic contribution A2, s to the second osmotic virial coefficient for a given polymer-solvent system has been investigated from the experimental and the theoretical point of view. Experimentally, the following common facts were observed for various systems at temperatures and pressures below the critical values for the solvent. Both the isobaric and isothermal dependences can be approximated over relatively wide ranges of A2, H by linear relations with a slope deviating only slightly, but in a characteristic manner from a value of −1. When the temperature is increased at constant pressure one moves along an isobar towards hi…

Virial coefficientConstant pressureChemistryIsobarIsobaric processThermodynamicsConstant (mathematics)Isothermal processJournal of Polymer Science Part A-2: Polymer Physics

Vergleich der zahl aktiver zentren und einiger kinetischer konstanten bei der polymerisation von äthylen, propylen und buten-1 mit ZIEGLER-NATTA-kata…


Fur die drei Olefine, Athylen, Propylen und Buten-1, werden mit dem Katalysatorsystem TiCl3/Al(C2H5)2Cl in Abhangigkeit von der Polymerisationszeit gemessen: der Polymerisationsverlauf, die Zahl der Metall-Polymer-Bindungen (uber Endgruppenbestimmung nach Abbruch mit tritiiertem Alkohol) und die Viskositat der gebildeten Polymeren. Aus diesen Daten lassen sich die Polymerisationsgeschwindigkeit, die Konzentration an aktiven Zentren, die Uneinheitlichkeit sowie weitere Reaktionskonstanten bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert; sie lassen den Schlus zu, das sich ein im Ausgangszustand gleiches Katalysatorsystem monomerspezifisch verhalt und verandert. With the catalytic system TiCl3/Al(…

Olefin fiberEnd-groupPolymerizationChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie



Solid-state polymerization of monomers with conjugated triple bonds turns out to be a versatile method for synthesis of crystalline polymers of high molecular weight exhibiting a fully conjugated backbone. The reaction is best described as an 1.4-addition polymerization of the conjugated triple bonds giving rise to a polymer with three cumulated double bonds per repeating unit. The all-trans configuration of the substituents is a consequence of the solid-state reaction mechanism and is already predetermined by the packing of the molecules in the monomer lattice. It was shown by X-ray analysis in the case of poly(2.4-hexadiin-1.6-diol-bis-phenylurethane) that the polymer diacetylenes can be …

chemistry.chemical_compoundMonomerchemistryPolymerizationPolymer chemistryConjugated systemTriple bondDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Incorporation of phenylalanine-H3 in the fragments of the fertilized ascidian egg


E'stata studiata l'incorporazione di fenilalanina-H3 nelle meta animali e vegetative delle uova fecondate di Ascidie tagliate subito dopo l'emissione del 1° e del 2° globulo polare, allo scopo di vedere se le potenzialita di sviluppo delle meta vegetative fossero legate con un diverso metabolismo proteico. I risultati hanno mostrato che entrambe le meta incorporano fenilalanina-H3.

PharmacologyPhenylalaninePhenylalanineCell BiologyBiologyTritiumCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceChordata NonvertebrateFertilizationProtein BiosynthesisBotanyAnimalsAutoradiographyMolecular MedicineFemaleMolecular BiologyCell DivisionOvumExperientia

Inherited semisterility for control of harmful insects. V. Translocations in Culex tritaenio-rhynchus.


Mit unterschiedlichen Dosen von Rontgenstrahlen wurden bei der StechmuckeCulex tritaeniorhynchus chromosomale Aberrationen (vorwiegend reziproke Translokationen) produziert, die von der zweiten Tochtergeneration an einen konstanten Grad von Semisterilitat zeigen. Die Mehrzahl der isolierten Linien zeigte im Durchschnitt eine Letalitat von etwa 50%. Die Variationsbreite innerhalb einer Linie betrug ±10–15%. Durch cytologische Untersuchungen von Prophasechromosomen wurden die geschlechtsbestimmenden Faktoren M und m auf einem der beiden langen Chromosomen lokalisiert.

PharmacologyChromosome AberrationsMaleMosquito ControlChromosomal translocationCell BiologyBiologyMolecular biologyChromosomesCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceCulicidaeInfertilityLarvaMolecular MedicineAnimalsRadiation GeneticsFemaleMolecular BiologyExperientia

Low-lying levels of201Hg from the decay of201Au


The decay of 26.4-min201Au has been investigated using chemically separated sources and Ge(Li), Si(Li), plastic and Nal(Tl) detectors in different singles and coincidence arrangements. The β-disintegration energy was measured to be 1.27 ± 0.10 MeV. Thirteen γ-rays were observed to belong to this decay and the new levels at 543, 549.2, 552.8, 559.1, 605.7, 645.4, 732 and 1188 keV were established in201Hg, in addition to the three previously known excited states below 200 keV.

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsDecay schemeIsotopes of germaniumExcited stateIsotopes of protactiniumIsotopes of zirconiumCoulomb excitationNuclear isomerAtomic physicsIsotopes of europiumZeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and nuclei

Abbau von Triphenylzinnchlorid (?Fentinchlorid?) auf der Pflanze


ChemistryGeneral MedicineEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsDie Naturwissenschaften

Evidence for violation of the Gallagher-Moszkowski rules in154Pm


The existence of two radioactive species of154Pm (1.8 min ground state and 2.65 min isomer) is established. The Nilsson model configurations assigned to these states give evidence against the validity of the Gallagher-Moszkowski coupling rules in154Pm.

Nuclear physicsCouplingPhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsDecay schemeIsotopes of germaniumNuclear fusionGround stateZeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and nuclei