showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Costruire mondi a partire dal linguaggio. Frédéric Bruly Bouabré e le sue Cosmogonie
Il contributo presenta una ricognizione approfondita dell'ampia e variegata attività artistica di Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, artista ivoriano di fama mondiale considerato uno dei padri fondatori dell'arte contemporanea in Africa.
Legni mediterranei Simulacri intagliati nella Sicilia del Settecento
Il volume esamina, per la prima volta, i simulacri lignei del Settecento custoditi nelle chiese, nei Musei Diocesani e nelle collezioni private dell’Isola. Sono opere che, a grandezza naturale e di forte impatto emotivo, furono commissionate da prelati, confraternite, devoti e nobili. Le sculture, alcune restaurate altre in cattivo stato di conservazione, sono state approntate, secondo la pertinente temperie culturale, da artisti siciliani e napoletani, talora su prototipi di manufatti presenti a Roma. Divulgatori della produzione artistica capitolina in Sicilia furono l’architetto Giacomo Amato, il pittore Vito D’Anna, gli scultori Giovan Battista Ragusa e Ignazio Marabitti, non a caso doc…
Umberto Riva, un maestro contemporaneo
Umberto Riva dal 1960 ha applicato una dimensione artigianale del fare nei diversi ambiti del progetto in cui ha indagato, dalla grande alla piccola scala. Con questo approccio, frutto di un lavoro in sinergia con gli artigiani, ha animato i suoi progetti partendo dalla sperimentazione con i materiali, accostati in modo da esaltarne e valorizzarne le proprie caratteristiche e le loro potenzialità. L’attenzione per i materiali, la cura dei dettagli e degli incastri è visibile nei progetti delle sue lampade e dei suoi tappeti, una produzione non omologata che unisce Artigianalità e Design. Il Maestro Riva in questa dimensione del fare artigianale è un Designer non lontano dai tempi moderni. L…
Estetica urbana. Atmosfere e artificazione degli spazi della città
Ancora uno studio su questo argomento, infatti i pochi saggi su temi analoghi non adottano una prospettiva filosofica. Il volume mira a colmare questa lacuna affrontando l’estetica urbana attraverso due paradigmi interpretativi, che talvolta nel libro vengono intrecciati: i concetti di atmosfera e di artificazione. La nozione di “atmosfera” nasce in seno alla nuova fenomenologia tedesca di Hermann Schmitz ed è declinata verso l’estetica dal filosofo Gernot Böhme che la considera un paradigma privilegiato per indagare gli spazi emozionali, intesi come frutto di relazioni affettive tra il soggetto percipiente e l’oggetto percepito. Pertanto l’estetica delle atmosfere si rivela uno strumento t…
Wastewater-Based Epidemiology as a Tool to Detect SARS-CoV-2 Circulation at the Community Level: Findings from a One-Year Wastewater Investigation Co…
Wastewater-based epidemiology is a well-established tool for detecting and monitoring the spread of enteric pathogens and the use of illegal drugs in communities in real time. Since only a few studies in Italy have investigated the correlation between SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and the prevalence of COVID-19 cases from clinical testing, we conducted a one-year wastewater surveillance study in Sicily to correlate the load of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater and the reported cumulative prevalence of COVID-19 in 14 cities from October 2021 to September 2022. Furthermore, we investigated the role of SARS-CoV-2 variants and subvariants in the increase in the number of SARS CoV-2 infections. Our findin…
Le leggi retroattive
The monograph analyzes the limits of retroactive laws as determined by the Italian Constitutional Court. It questions whether these are operational limits and tries to emphasize how they are related to a taxonomy of legislative retroactivity accepted by the Court itself, which is still anchored in a formal approach to the issue of legislative retroactivity. An attempt is made, then, to enhance the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, which push for the acceptance of a substantive approach to the issue.
Neutrino Structure Functions from GeV to EeV Energies
The interpretation of present and future neutrino experiments requires accurate theoretical predictions for neutrino-nucleus scattering rates. Neutrino structure functions can be reliably evaluated in the deep-inelastic scattering regime within the perturbative QCD (pQCD) framework. At low momentum transfers ($Q^2 \le {\rm few}$ GeV$^2$), inelastic structure functions are however affected by large uncertainties which distort event rate predictions for neutrino energies $E_\nu$ up to the TeV scale. Here we present a determination of neutrino inelastic structure functions valid for the complete range of energies relevant for phenomenology, from the GeV region entering oscillation analyses to …
Adaptive quantized control of uncertain nonlinear rigid body systems
This paper investigates the attitude tracking control problem for uncertain nonlinear rigid body systems, where both inputs and states are quantized. It is common in networked control systems that sensor and control signals are quantized before they are transmitted via a communication network. An adaptive backstepping control algorithm is developed for a class of uncertain multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems where a class of sector bounded quantizers is considered. It is shown that all the closed-loop signals are ensured uniformly bounded and tracking is achieved. Further, the tracking errors are shown to converge towards a compact set containing the origin and the set can be made…
Contributo per una visione contemporanea dell’azienda agricola: tra sostenibilità e sfide del mondo digitale
Le sfide che l’umanità sta affrontando e da cui dipende la sopravvivenza del pianeta, il diffondersi nell’ambito dell’attività agricola di tecnologie digitali sempre più avanzate e la necessità di adottare un approccio sostenibile che preservi le risorse a tutela delle generazioni future hanno condotto l’azienda agricola a cambiare gradualmente volto. Questo libro mira a contribuire a un’aggiornata riflessione sul ruolo dell’imprenditore agricolo e dell’azienda da lui condotta, osservandone l’organizzazione e composizione alla luce delle regole che oggi la disciplinano e guardando alle innovazioni necessarie a garantire il raggiungimento dei pressanti obiettivi climatici e ambientali verso …
E il Barocco restò di stucco
Proveniente da una famiglia palermitana di scultori, Giacomo Serpotta si è distinto per le sue particolari abilità di stuccatore e per la sua capacità di coniugare scultura e architettura in ardite scenografie barocche. esempio insigne è l’oratorio del Santissimo Rosario in Santa Cita a Palermo.
Neogeographic technologies as a tool for reducing the disaster risk: a testimonies’ map during the 2020 lockdown in Italy
This paper illustrates a geographical and multidisciplinary research titled "My lived space" and conducted in Italy, during the lockdown period due to the pandemic of Covid-19. The research aimed at using geospatial platforms to collect and map discursive, visual and oral testimonies, stories and narratives of individuals. It means, exploring the various testimonies of people related to quarantine, physical distancing, resistances and experiences, and practices that occur in the daily spaces of their homes and in local communities.
Phosphate ions detection by using an electrochemical sensor based on laser-scribed graphene oxide on paper
In this work, electrodes based on laser-scribed reduced graphene oxide were fabricated using filter paper as the substrate. To fabricate the electrodes, a water suspension of graphene oxide was filtered to produce a continuous and uniform film of graphene oxide on the filter paper surface. Subsequently, a CO2 laser was used to "write" the working, counter and reference eelctroes by reducing graphene oxide in specific areas to define complete sensors. Referecnce electrodes were then coated with a commercial Ag/AgCl conductive paste to produce a quasi Ag/AgCl reference. As fabricated devices were employed as electrochemical sensors for detection of phosphate ions in water by employing the mol…
Exploring genome-wide differentiation and signatures of selection in Italian and North American Holstein populations
Among Italian dairy cattle, the Holstein is the most reared breed for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano protected designation of origin cheese, which represents one of the most renowned products in the entire Italian dairy industry. In this work, we used a medium-density genome-wide data set consisting of 79,464 imputed SNPs to study the genetic structure of Italian Holstein breed, including the population reared in the area of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese production, and assessing its distinctiveness from the North American population. Multidimensional scaling and ADMIXTURE approaches were used to explore the genetic structure among populations. We also investigated putative genomic regi…
Fractional-order poromechanics for a fully saturated biological tissue: Biomechanics of meniscus
Biomechanics of biological fibrous tissues as the meniscus are strongly influenced by past histories of strains involving the so-called material hereditariness. In this paper, a three-axial model of linear hereditariness that makes use of fractional-order calculus is used to describe the constitutive behavior of the tissue. Fluid flow across meniscus' pores is modeled in this paper with Darcy relation yielding a novel model of fractional-order poromechanics, describing the evolution of the diffusion phenomenon in the meniscus. A numerical application involving an 1D confined compression test is reported to show the effect of the material hereditariness on the pressure drop evolution.
Human error contribution to accidents in the manufacturing sector: A structured approach to evaluate the interdependence among performance shaping fa…
Since the 1970s, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) methods have received a great interest for the quantification of the Human Error Probability (HEP) in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). To this purpose, the second-generation HRA methods consider contextual and cognitive factors - named Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs) - that may influence the workers’ performance during tasks execution. Despite the recent extension of HRA methods to different fields, only few studies refer to the manufacturing sector. In addition, the majority of contributions assume the independence among PSFs, which may result in an over or under estimation of HEP. Therefore, the present paper focuses on the manufacturing se…
Although the expression πλαστική τέχνη has Greek origins, the derivative term Plasticity enters European languages only in the Modern Age and it is strictly linked to the domain of art. Notably, Plasticity is the art of manipulating a ductile substance (like wax) to create a work of art or a three-dimensional preparatory model. Aesthetics was concerned with this concept mostly referring to that definition, the fulcrum of a key text of eighteenth-century reflection, the Plastik of Herder. Today this concept has again become central in the aesthetic field thanks to Catherine Malabou – a student of Derrida and one of the most influential thinkers in contemporary French debate –, in whose refle…
Migrations of decolonization, welfare, and the unevenness of citizenship in the UK, France, and Portugal
Abstract Among its many global impacts, decolonization triggered the migration of several million ‘repatriates’ — white settlers or others associated with the imperial power — who left Asia and Africa and ‘returned’ to their European ‘motherlands’. This article explores the arrival of several thousand Anglo-Egyptians into Britain in 1957 following the Suez crisis, the one million pieds-noirs who left Algeria for France in 1962, and the 500,000 retornados who entered Portugal amidst the 1975 Carnation Revolution. Offering an integrated comparison of these three key moments of decolonization via the migrations they triggered, it underscores the importance of citizenship, understood here as bo…
Fever with perinasal and tongue lesions: A diagnostic challenge
The diagnosis may be challenging, and high suspicion index should be maintained in immunosuppressed patients with unusual mucocutaneous lesions, even in non-endemic areas for mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.
The role of lipid rafts in vesicle formation
ABSTRACT The formation of membrane vesicles is a common feature in all eukaryotes. Lipid rafts are the best-studied example of membrane domains for both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, and their existence also is suggested in Archaea membranes. Lipid rafts are involved in the formation of transport vesicles, endocytic vesicles, exocytic vesicles, synaptic vesicles and extracellular vesicles, as well as enveloped viruses. Two mechanisms of how rafts are involved in vesicle formation have been proposed: first, that raft proteins and/or lipids located in lipid rafts associate with coat proteins that form a budding vesicle, and second, vesicle budding is triggered by enzymatic generation of cone-sh…
Will the last be the first? School closures and educational outcomes
Governments have implemented school closures and online learning as one of the main tools to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Despite the potential benefits in terms of containment of virus diffusion, the educational costs of these policies may be dramatic. This work identifies these costs, expressed as decrease in test scores, for the whole universe of Italian students attending the 5th, 8th and 13th grade of the school cycle during the 2021/22 school year. The analysis is based on a difference-in-difference model in relative time, where the control group is the closest generation before the Covid-19 pandemic. Results suggest a national average loss between 1.8-4.0% in Mathematics and Italia…
Instruments to measure interaction of mothers and newborns: A systematic review
Interactions between newborns and their parents/primary caregivers are characterized by asymmetric and dependent relationships. This systematic review mapped, identified, and described the psychometric parameters, categories, and items of instruments used to assess mother-newborn interaction. Seven electronic databases were accessed in this study. Furthermore, this research included neonatal interaction studies describing instruments' items, domains, and psychometric properties while excluding studies that focused on maternal interactions and lacked items for assessing newborns. Additionally, studies validated with older infants that did not have a newborn in the sample were used for test v…
Il caso Mortier c. Belgique. L’eutanasia conseguente a sofferenze psichiche
Il saggio esamina la pronuncia della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell'uomo sul caso Mortier c. Belgio ed evidenzia lo scivolamento della giurisprudenza europea verso la regolamentazione dell'eutanasia per sofferenze anche psichiche negli ordinamenti degli Stati membri.
Donne, corpi e territori: riflessioni sulla transitorietà
Questo intervento analizza la transitorietà come concetto pregnante nella geografia di genere attraverso l’interpretazione di due video. Nel primo, la transitorietà è legata sia alla velocità del movimento del corpo nello spazio, sia al ritmo. Per Lefebvre, i ritmi sono costituiti dalla relazione fra luoghi, corpi in movimento e tempo. Il corpo e lo spazio hanno un loro ritmo, e quando nell’interazione reciproca questi due ritmi si incontrano, entrano “in armonia (euritmia) o in contrasto (aritmia) tra loro” (Lefebvre 1991). Lo stato di aritmia dipende dalle rappresentazioni associate al movimento: la dimensione politica del corpo e le gerarchie della classe, del genere, della razza. L’arit…
In vivo 3D muscle architecture quantification based on 3D freehand ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging
Muscle architecture parameters, such as the fascicle length, pennation angle, and volume, are important muscle morphology characteristics. Accurate in vivo quantification of these parameters allows to detect changes due to pathologies, interventions, and rehabilitation trainings, which ultimately impact on muscles’ force-producing capacity. In this study, we compared three-dimensional (3D) muscle architecture parameters of the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis, which were quantified by 3D freehand ultrasound (3DfUS) and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), respectively. Sixteen able-bodied subjects were recruited where seven of them receiv…
Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units across 50 countries (WEAN SAFE)
Background: Current management practices and outcomes in weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation are poorly understood. We aimed to describe the epidemiology, management, timings, risk for failure, and outcomes of weaning in patients requiring at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation. Methods: WEAN SAFE was an international, multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study done in 481 intensive care units in 50 countries. Eligible participants were older than 16 years, admitted to a participating intensive care unit, and receiving mechanical ventilation for 2 calendar days or longer. We defined weaning initiation as the first attempt to separate a patient from the ventila…
Possible role for IL-40 and IL-40-producing cells in the lymphocytic infiltrated salivary glands of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome
ObjectivesAim of this study was to investigate the expression of interleukin (IL)-40, a new cytokine associated with B cells homoeostasis and immune response, in primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS) and in pSS-associated lymphomas.Methods29 patients with pSS and 24 controls were enrolled. Minor salivary gland (MSG) biopsies from patients, controls and parotid gland biopsies from pSS-associated lymphoma were obtained. Quantitative gene expression analysis by TaqMan real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry for IL-40 were performed on MSG. MSG cellular sources of IL-40 were determined by flow-cytometry and immunofluorescence. Serum concentration of IL-40 was assessed by ELISA and cellular sources of I…
Ciona robusta macrophage migration inhibitory factor (Mif1 and Mif2) genes are differentially regulated in the lipopolysaccharide-challenged pharynx
The effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on Mif (macrophage migration inhibitory factor) gene expression in the pharynx (haemapoetic tissue) of Ciona robusta were investigated using quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) and in situ hybridisation (ISH). To verify the induction of an inflammatory response in the pharynx, a qRT-PCR analysis was performed to evaluate the change in the expression of proinflammatory marker genes such as Mbl, Ptx-like, Tnf-α and Nf-kb, which were shown to be upregulated 1 h post LPS challenge. The change in the expression of the two Mif paralogs in the pharynx was assessed before and after stimulation, and qRTPCR and ISH results showed that, although Mif…
Phytoplankton group identification with chemotaxonomic biomarkers: In combination they do better
Chemotaxonomic biomarkers are needed to monitor and evaluate the nutritional quality of phytoplankton communities. The biomolecules produced by different phytoplankton species do not always follow genetic phylogeny. Therefore, we analyzed fatty acids, sterols, and carotenoids from 57 freshwater phytoplankton strains to evaluate the usability of these biomolecules as chemotaxonomic biomarkers. We found 29 fatty acids, 34 sterols, and 26 carotenoids in our samples. The strains were grouped into cryptomonads, cyanobacteria, diatoms, dinoflagellates, golden algae, green algae, and raphidophytes, and the phytoplankton group explained 61%, 54%, and 89% of the variability of fatty acids, sterols, …
I am not English. I am Irish which is quite another thing: Reconsidering Wilde’s Irishness
Even though O. Wilde's Irishness is difficult to trace, there is a profound sense of Irishness underlying his life and much of what he wrote and thought, especially in his correspondence. In my paper, I evaluate the role of Irishness within his life and work in order to assess how it shapes and influences his own thinking and writing. Perhaps considered as one facet of his all-interesting multifarious doubleness, still, it occupies a specific role within reception studies and explains why there has always been a strong interest towards his life and work among his fellow countrymen.
Riflessione critica nella pratica del Service-Learning: generare consapevolezza per la cura di sé
The present contribution aims to analyse the experience of 150 students enrolled in the first year of the Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences (a.y. 2022-23), at the University of Palermo. The students who partecipated in the Service-Learning Project PR[A.S.S.I.] "Apprendere Serve, Servire Insegna", valorised the monitoring tool of narrative training: the logbook. The research focuses specifically on this form of experiential learning based on self-recognition, care, and the valorisation of experience as the ordering criterion of personal flourishing. It aims to identify good practices in front of social engagement, to analyse the development of experiences and to promote a self-care…
Efficacy of Oxybrasion and Cosmetic Acids on Selected Skin Parameters in the Treatment with Acne Vulgaris
Karolina Chilicka,1 Monika Rusztowicz,1 Aleksandra M Rogowska,2 Renata Szyguła,1 Danuta Nowicka3 1Department of Health Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Opole, Opole, Poland; 2Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology, University of Opole, Opole, Poland; 3Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Wrocław Medical University, Wrocław, PolandCorrespondence: Karolina Chilicka, Department of Health Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Opole, Katowicka 68 Street, Opole, 45-040, Poland, Tel +48665439443, Email karolina.chilicka@uni.opole.plPurpose: The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of an…
A System-based View of Blockchain Governance
Abstract CONTEXT Governance is crucial in achieving the success and sustainability of blockchain systems. However, blockchain governance is multi-faceted, complex, dynamic, and challenging due to its decentralized nature and automatically enforced rules and mechanisms. OBJECTIVES This study aims to advance the theory of blockchain governance and support practitioners to deepen the researchers’ and practitioners’ understanding of blockchain governance. METHODS The study is a systematic literature review of 75 articles that applies systems theory to conceptualize blockchain governance as a system and parsimoniously organize its interrelated elements into a conceptual model. RESULTS The paper …
Building Composite Indicators With Unweighted-TOPSIS
Composite indicators have been widely used in a large number of fields, including innovation and entrepreneurship as a useful tool for conveying summary information about overall performance in a relatively simple way. The construction of composite indicators implies several stages concerning collection of data, selection of criteria and individual indicators, normalization and weighting of criteria and indicators, aggregation, and comparison of overall performance of the alternatives or options. This article aims at contributing to the construction of synthetic indicators by showing with a real example, how the proposed methodology can overcome the problem of the establisment of the decisi…
I volti della libertà di manifestazione del pensiero nell'era digitale: fra intermediari online, moderazione dei contenuti e regolazione
La libertà di manifestazione del pensiero mostra da sempre la molteplicità dei suoi volti. Già nei primi anni di vigenza della Costituzione, gli studiosi individuarono due dei suoi “volti”: quello che ne esaltava la natura eminentemente “liberale” e quello che invece individuava il suo essere un diritto “funzionale” alla democratizzazione del nuovo sistema costituzionale. Con l’affermazione dei nuovi strumenti di comunicazione di massa, il principio del pluralismo dei mezzi di informazione contribuisce all’individuazione di un nuovo volto di questa libertà, divenendo un “imperativo costituzionale”, in grado di dar voce al maggior numero di opinioni possibile e consentire la formazione di op…
Intervention strategies for the enhancement of the Peruvian route of the Inca royal path Qhapaq Ñan
Qhapaq Ñan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was a complex administrative communication and transport system that connected the immense territory of the Inca empire for over 30 thousand km, intercepting sites of great historical and cultural interest today, first of all the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. The consequences of climate change and the high tourist presence, which is mostly concentrated in Machu Picchu, are seriously jeopardizing the survival of this precious asset. The heavy rains that hit the monuments produce dangerous infiltrations of water between the masonry structures, compromising their stability; the transit of people along the paths and stairways erodes the rock and the soil. …
Migranti e operatori uniti in una flipped classroom. Un percorso di comunicazione interetnica per il benessere individuale e comunitario
L’esigenza di arricchire la formazione professionale di chi lavora con, e per, i flussi migratori rappresenta una delle sfide da affrontare per il soddi sfacimento delle esigenze di una comunità multiculturale. Tra le differenti metodologie di interventi formativi è opportuno individuare quelli che pos sono essere più efficacy, ed efficienti, per la trasmissione dei contenuti atti a garantire il benessere individuale (operatori e migranti) e di comunità. La Flipped Classroom, realizzata a Palermo nel 2021, rappresenta un’esperienza adeguata al raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi e delle finalità del corso, come la sensibilizzazione e la consapevolezza degli ope ratori (pedagogisti e ps…