showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
A System-based View of Blockchain Governance
Abstract CONTEXT Governance is crucial in achieving the success and sustainability of blockchain systems. However, blockchain governance is multi-faceted, complex, dynamic, and challenging due to its decentralized nature and automatically enforced rules and mechanisms. OBJECTIVES This study aims to advance the theory of blockchain governance and support practitioners to deepen the researchers’ and practitioners’ understanding of blockchain governance. METHODS The study is a systematic literature review of 75 articles that applies systems theory to conceptualize blockchain governance as a system and parsimoniously organize its interrelated elements into a conceptual model. RESULTS The paper …
Riflessione critica nella pratica del Service-Learning: generare consapevolezza per la cura di sé
The present contribution aims to analyse the experience of 150 students enrolled in the first year of the Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences (a.y. 2022-23), at the University of Palermo. The students who partecipated in the Service-Learning Project PR[A.S.S.I.] "Apprendere Serve, Servire Insegna", valorised the monitoring tool of narrative training: the logbook. The research focuses specifically on this form of experiential learning based on self-recognition, care, and the valorisation of experience as the ordering criterion of personal flourishing. It aims to identify good practices in front of social engagement, to analyse the development of experiences and to promote a self-care…
Environmental aging effects on high-performance biocomposites reinforced by sisal fibers
Among the innovative materials, an important role is played by the so-called biocomposites, generally made by an eco-friendly matrix reinforced with natural fibers. Unfortunately, due to the degradability of the green matrixes as well as to hydrophilicity of the natural fibers, the resistance of such innovative materials to the environmental agents is, in general, relativity low, and it can significantly limit their use in outdoor conditions. To contribute to the knowledge of the effects of the leading environmental agents on the mechanical properties of highperformance biocomposites made of a green epoxy matrix reinforced by agave fibers, a systematic experimental testing campaign has been…
Application of 3D printed scavengers for improving the accuracy of single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of silver na…
The determination of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) with single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry can be severely interfered with coexisting dissolved silver causing high background signals, which can lead to inaccurate quantification of NP size and particle concentration. In this paper, chemically active and reusable 3D printed scavengers are applied for highly efficient dissolved silver removal in Ag NP dispersions, allowing more accurate determination of particle concentration and size. Selective laser sintering was used for constructing the porous 3D scavengers constituting of polystyrene used as a supporting material and ion-exchange material SiliaBond Tosic acid (TA…
Building Composite Indicators With Unweighted-TOPSIS
Composite indicators have been widely used in a large number of fields, including innovation and entrepreneurship as a useful tool for conveying summary information about overall performance in a relatively simple way. The construction of composite indicators implies several stages concerning collection of data, selection of criteria and individual indicators, normalization and weighting of criteria and indicators, aggregation, and comparison of overall performance of the alternatives or options. This article aims at contributing to the construction of synthetic indicators by showing with a real example, how the proposed methodology can overcome the problem of the establisment of the decisi…
Neogeographic technologies as a tool for reducing the disaster risk: a testimonies’ map during the 2020 lockdown in Italy
This paper illustrates a geographical and multidisciplinary research titled "My lived space" and conducted in Italy, during the lockdown period due to the pandemic of Covid-19. The research aimed at using geospatial platforms to collect and map discursive, visual and oral testimonies, stories and narratives of individuals. It means, exploring the various testimonies of people related to quarantine, physical distancing, resistances and experiences, and practices that occur in the daily spaces of their homes and in local communities.
Frédéric Bruly Bouabré. Cosmogonie, curated by Cristina Costanzo, is the first solo exhibition in Sicily of one of the founding fathers of African contemporary art as well as one of the most fascinating artists of our time. The exhibition project, initiated by 091 Art Project Gallery and supported by the Embassy of Ivory Coast in Italy and the Department of Culture and Societies, University of Palermo, presents the artworks of Frédéric Bruly Bouabré (1923, Zepreguhe – 2014, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoir) following his 2022 retrospective at MoMA in New York, Frédéric Bruly Bouabré: World Unbound. Previously, his work has been shown at the Venice Biennale, both at the Pavilion of the Ivory Coast and …
Lasciare che l'altro sia. Uno sguardo fenomenologico-ermeneutico sull’autentico aver-cura.
Starting from the authentic direction of care indicated by Heidegger, it is possible to trace a model of caring for the other that is non-intrusive and authentically paves the way for inclusiveness. It presents itself as a phenomenon whose essence is relationality: it is a phenomenal observation that tells us that being in the world is always a being among things and in relationship with others and care always takes place as a relationship that connects us in the world. The authentic direction of care is the one in which one knows how to conserve the other in its essence by guarding and cultivating it, the inauthentic interpretation is instead the one in which one relates to things and rela…
Neutrino Structure Functions from GeV to EeV Energies
The interpretation of present and future neutrino experiments requires accurate theoretical predictions for neutrino-nucleus scattering rates. Neutrino structure functions can be reliably evaluated in the deep-inelastic scattering regime within the perturbative QCD (pQCD) framework. At low momentum transfers ($Q^2 \le {\rm few}$ GeV$^2$), inelastic structure functions are however affected by large uncertainties which distort event rate predictions for neutrino energies $E_\nu$ up to the TeV scale. Here we present a determination of neutrino inelastic structure functions valid for the complete range of energies relevant for phenomenology, from the GeV region entering oscillation analyses to …
La comunità tamil di Palermo. Socializzazione politica delle “seconde generazioni”
Il volume presenta i risultati di una ricerca esplorativa sulla socializzazione politica e i processi di costruzione identitaria delle seconde generazioni della comunità tamil di Palermo. Venti interviste biografiche (analizzate con il supporto del software T-LAB) ne ripercorrono le relazioni sociali in ambito familiare, scolastico, religioso, lavorativo, mediatico e associativo; i legami con lo Sri Lanka, con la comunità diasporica e con la città di Palermo. Tra gli intervistati e le intervistate, la lotta per mantenere viva la memoria collettiva e per il riconoscimento internazionale delle atrocità del passato, si intreccia con questioni politiche nuove che riguardano la cittadinanza e i …
“Facts Are Grasped by Us in Pictures (PT, 2.1). Remarks on Pictures and Facts in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
This paper proposes a (re)reading of the famous section in the Tractatus Logico-philosophicus, 2.1: “We picture facts to ourselves” and its relation to the similar section in the Prototractatus, 2.1: “Facts are grasped by us in images”. We reject the dominant solution that interprets the relation between facts and images as an isomorphic relation and propose that instead it is an internal relation: there are no facts that are not perceived through images. In other words: For us, linguistic animals, there is no world independent of language.
This volume of Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) contains the post-proceedings of HELMeTO 2022, the fourth International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, which took place during September 21–23, 2022 in Palermo, Italy. The conference was organized by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Palermo and by the Institute of Educational Technology of the National Research Council of Italy. The 2022 edition of HELMeTO also marked the return of the event in presence, as the previous two editions had been held entirely online due to the Covid-19 emergency
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, 4th International Conference, HELMeTO 2022, Palermo, Italy, September 21–23, 2022, R…
This volume of Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) contains the post-proceedings of HELMeTO 2022, the fourth International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, which took place during September 21–23, 2022 in Palermo, Italy
Helicobacter pylori and Epstein–Barr Virus Co-Infection in Gastric Disease: What Is the Correlation with p53 Mutation, Genes Methylation and Microsat…
Genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and infectious agents interact in the development of gastric diseases. Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection has recently been shown to be correlated with these diseases. A cross-sectional study was performed on 100 hospitalized Italian patients with and without gastric diseases. The patients were stratified into four groups. Significant methylation status differences among CDH1, DAPK, COX2, hMLH1 and CDKN2A were observed for coinfected (Hp-EBV group) patients; particularly, a significant presence of COX2 (p = 0.0179) was observed. For microsatellite instability, minor stability was described in the Hp-HBV group (69.23…
Teacher’s Verbal Communication in the Use of Reciprocal Teaching for Reading Comprehension: An Exploratory Study
Nelle classi di scuola primaria delle tre ultime annualità, molti alunni hanno difficoltà a comprendere quello che leggono male, come si ricava dalla letteratura scientifica e dalle rilevazioni nazionali e internazionali. Il Reciprocal Teaching (RT) è una pratica di apprendimento cooperativo implementata con successo per sostenere e facilitare la comprensione del testo scritto. Alla ricerca hanno partecipato 10 insegnanti di scuola primaria, 73 alunni di classe quinta primaria hanno svolto un’attività di lettura guidata con il RT. Le interazioni verbali in classe sono state osservate; successivamente sono stati analizzati i protocolli raccolti durante le osservazioni nei gruppi per verifica…
Circolarità delle risorse idriche. Tecnologie e prassi per una gestione virtuosa.
L’acqua è un bene prezioso, insostituibile e limitato, che rischia di divenire scarso a causa dell’irrefrenabile aumento di consumo. Numerosi studi hanno più volte evidenziato i rischi connessi all’aggravarsi della crisi idrica, con l’aggravante che l’inquinamento rende inutilizzabile per uso potabile una sempre maggiore quantità di essa. La gestione sostenibile delle risorse idriche è oggi un obiettivo fondamentale per l’Agenda ONU 2030 (Obiettivo 6). Intervenire sul costruito esistente e ripensarlo idoneo al contenimento delle risorse può incidere notevolmente sull’obiettivo di riduzione dell'impatto ambientale, ed in particolare, in riferimento alla gestione circolare dell’acqua, ragiona…
El uso problemático del smartphone y la autoestima: un meta-análisis
El uso problemático del smartphone ha sido catalogado como un problema de salud pública por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. El objetivo del presente trabajo es examinar la relación entre el uso problemático del smartphone y la autoestima. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PsycInfo, PubMed y Scopus recuperando un total de 30 estudios relevantes con una muestra total de 20916 participantes. El tamaño del efecto obtenido mediante un modelo de efectos aleatorios es significativo y negativo (r = -.25; IC 95% = -.28, -.21), por lo que las personas que poseen una menor autoestima, presentan mayores niveles de uso problemático del smartphone. Los análisis de meta-regr…
Analysis of the Narratives with Characters That Make Ethnic Diversity Visible¿ Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
This study follows the line of different authors who examined the visibility of ethnic diversity in children's television series and the psychoeducational implications of these media narratives for children. Specifically, this work analyses the behaviours/actions developed by the model characters of cultural diversity and how these characters promote a perspective on diversity that conditions children. Employing a qualitative methodology, we use content analysis and critical discourse analysis as tools to be able to read, describe and interpret said content. The results highlight that these children's programmes present a culture that reinforces certain values and behaviours. Likewise, the …
Mental health profiles of Finnish adolescents before and after the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic
Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic has had implications for adolescents’ interpersonal relationships, communication patterns, education, recreational activities and well-being. An understanding of the impact of the pandemic on their mental health is crucial in measures to promote the post-pandemic recovery. Using a person-centered approach, the current study aimed to identify mental health profiles in two cross-sectional samples of Finnish adolescents before and after the peak of the pandemic, and to examine how socio-demographic and psychosocial factors, academic expectations, health literacy, and self-rated health are associated with the emerging profiles. Methods and findings Surv…
Physiological and physical performance changes during a 20-day winter military training course and its subsequent 10-day recovery period
The present study investigated physiological, mental and physical performance changes during a 20-day winter military training course and the following 10-day recovery period. Fifty-eight (age 19 ± 1 years, height 182 ± 6 cm, body mass 78.5 ± 7.2 kg) male soldiers volunteered. Body composition, serum biomarker levels and performance tests were measured four times during the study. In addition, questionnaires were collected daily for subjective stress and rate of perceived exertion. The course induced significant declines in body (−3.9%, p < 0.05) and fat mass (−31.6%, p < 0.05) as well as in all assessed physical performance variables (−9.2 - −20.2%, p < 0.05), testosterone (−73.7%, p < 0.0…
Micro-Level Mechanisms to Support Value Co-Creation for Design of Digital Services
This study identifies micro-level value co-creation mechanisms that support the design of digital services. As services are now becoming digital—or at least digitally enabled—how to design digital services that enable value co-creation between a service provider and customers has become an increasingly important question. Our qualitative research study provides one answer to this question. Based on 113 in-depth laddering interviews analyzed using interpretive structural modeling, our study shows that value co-creation mechanisms differ between business-to-business and customer-to-customer digital service types. We identify five mechanisms to support value co-creation in the design of digit…
Prejudice and need for relatedness expressed in the narratives of Finnish Roma early school leavers: A multi-case study
AbstractSchool discontinuation in Finland is more common among the Finnish Roma than among the population as a whole. We lack knowledge of the perspective of those of the Roma, representing a minority inside a minority, who have left compulsory school without a leaving certificate. Within a study about school experiences of imprisoned early school leavers in Finland we had six participants with a Finnish Roma background, whose experiences of relatedness, and frustration of it, we examine in this paper. We conducted narrative interviews with the participants, applying a co-operative narrative interpretation to the meanings of what was told. After the field process, we interpreted the narrati…
Investigating the Multi-Recyclability of Recycled Plastic-Modified Asphalt Mixtures
Although the benefits of asphalt recycling have been scientifically proven and several best practices are being implemented, further research is required in specific and specialized areas. One of these circumstances is the recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements (RAPs) that contain asphalt modifiers such as elastomers and/or plastomers. Following the principles of the circular economy and considering the sustainability implications of asphalt mixtures, this paper deals with the multi-recyclability of asphalt mixtures containing 50% RAP with and without a recycled plastic asphalt modifier and rejuvenating agent. The recycled plastic asphalt modifier was made of hard recycled plastics and wa…
Research Mapping of Trauma Experiences in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Bibliometric Analysis
The number of research related to traumatic experiences in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has grown exponentially, yet there are no bibliometric studies in this field. This article aimed to analyze the literature related to trauma and ASD published in Web of Science (WoS). Papers on trauma and ASD were retrieved from the WoS. Analysis and visualization of selected documents were performed using MS Excel (v16.0), VOS viewer (version 1.6.15), and R package (Biblioshiny, version 2.0). A total of 147 articles were included in this study. The results showed that production has been increasing over the last few years. Among the countries identified, the USA published the largest numbe…
MOF-Triggered Synthesis of Subnanometer Ag02 Clusters and Fe3+ Single Atoms: Heterogenization Led to Efficient and Synergetic One-Pot Catalytic React…
Rediscovering the coastal towers of Salerno. History and representation
The focus is on the ongoing developments in the field of digitisation for the preservation and conservation of Cultural Heritage. The work draws attention to the important and necessary multidisciplinary approach, which inextricably links history and new technologies in the field of survey and representation. The case study concerns the defence system of coastal towers in the province of Salerno, an area that has always been rich in history and a crossroads of peoples and civilisations. The use of new technologies in the conservation of historical and architectural heritage is in fact a fundamental step to improve the analysis, conservation and dissemination of these sites and buildings. Af…
Self-Determined Goals of Male Participants Attending an Intervention Program for Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators: A Thematic Analysis
Treatment adherence and motivation to change are among the main challenges in intervention programs for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) perpetrators. Motivational strategies have shown promising results in increasing the effectiveness of intervention programs for IPV perpetrators. One of these motivational strategies is goal setting. The aim of this study was to analyze and categorize the self-determined goals ( n = 204) of 227 male participants attending an intervention program for IPV perpetrators. Findings of the thematic analysis suggested three levels of analysis: 4 core categories, 12 categories, and 35 codes. The four core categories were “interpersonal relationships” (39.7%), “pers…
Exploring the Role of Amino Acid-Derived Multivariate Metal–Organic Frameworks as Catalysts in Hemiketalization Reactions
Child-Pugh Class and Not Thrombocytopenia Impacts the Risk of Complications of Endoscopic Band Ligation in Patients with Cirrhosis and High Risk Vari…
Background and Aims: Endoscopic band legation (EBL) is an effective method for the prophylaxis of acute variceal bleeding (AVB). This procedure may be associated with several complications, particularly bleeding. Our analysis aimed to evaluate the risk of complications due to EBL in a cohort of patients who underwent EBL for the prophylaxis of variceal bleeding and the eventual presence of risk predictors. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analysed data from consecutive patients who underwent EBL in a primary prophylaxis regimen. For all patients, simultaneously with EBL, we recorded the Child–Pugh and MELD score, platelet count and US features of portal hypertension. Results: We col…
An innovative tailored instructional design for computer programming courses in engineering
Industry 4.0 and 5.0 topics are emerging fields and have seen rising demand recently. There is a critical need, on the other hand, for improved methods of instructing programming languages since a growing lack of student motivation during the pandemic has had a deleterious influence on the education of programmers. In this context, online/hybrid computer programming courses must be addressed with innovative solutions to support the field with well-educated professionals. In this paper, we present a case study to propose an innovative tailored instructional design for the online/hybrid learning environments for programming courses in engineering faculties. To develop the instructional design…
Struggle and banality of belonging to Europe. Cultural Europeanization from the perspective of the Central and East European citizens
The European Union (EU) has developed cultural policy initiatives that seek to promote cultural Europeanization with the purpose of constructing European identity narratives and facilitating citizens’ sense of belonging to Europe and the EU. The article focuses on the citizens’ perspective to cultural Europeanization through ethnographic research on one central action in the EU cultural policy, European Heritage Label (EHL). We analyse the interviews conducted in selected EHL sites with Central and East European (CEE) citizens who were visiting the sites as well as with cultural heritage practitioners working at three EHL sites located in CEE countries. We ask how the practitioners and the …
Treed Gaussian Process Regression for Solving Offline Data-Driven Continuous Multiobjective Optimization Problems
Abstract For offline data-driven multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs), no new data is available during the optimization process. Approximation models (or surrogates) are first built using the provided offline data and an optimizer, e.g. a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, can then be utilized to find Pareto optimal solutions to the problem with surrogates as objective functions. In contrast to online data-driven MOPs, these surrogates cannot be updated with new data and, hence, the approximation accuracy cannot be improved by considering new data during the optimization process. Gaussian process regression (GPR) models are widely used as surrogates because of their ability to pr…
Quantum scrambling via accessible tripartite information
Quantum information scrambling (QIS), from the perspective of quantum information theory, is generally understood as local non-retrievability of information evolved through some dynamical process, and is often quantified via entropic quantities such as the tripartite information. We argue that this approach comes with a number of issues, in large part due to its reliance on quantum mutual informations, which do not faithfully quantify correlations directly retrievable via measurements, and in part due to the specific methodology used to compute tripartite informations of the studied dynamics. We show that these issues can be overcome by using accessible mutual informations, defining corresp…
Hemoglobin mass and performance responses during 4 weeks of normobaric “live high–train low and high”
Purpose To investigate whether 4 weeks of normobaric “live high–train low and high” (LHTLH) causes different hematological, cardiorespiratory, and sea-level performance changes compared to living and training in normoxia during a preparation season. Methods Nineteen (13 women, 6 men) cross-country skiers competing at the national or international level completed a 28-day period (∼18 h day−1) of LHTLH in normobaric hypoxia of ∼2400 m (LHTLH group) including two 1 h low-intensity training sessions per week in normobaric hypoxia of 2500 m while continuing their normal training program in normoxia. Hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) was assessed using a carbon monoxide rebreathing method. Time to exhaust…
A Top-Down Approach Based on the Circularity Potential to Increase the Use of Reclaimed Asphalt
Resource depletion and climate change, amongst others, are increasingly worrying environmental challenges for which the road engineering sector is a major contributor. Globally, viable solutions that comply with the principles of circular economy (CE) are being investigated that can replace conventional asphalt mixtures in a post-fossil fuel society. The use of reclaimed asphalt (RA) is a widely used and well-established method to reduce the environmental and economic impacts of asphalt mixtures while increasing their circularity. However, RA’s market supply and demand have not yet been systematically analyzed and established. Moreover, the actual circularity potential and the opportu…
Configuration of Strawberry Yield, Nutritional and Functional Traits in Response to LPE Application in a Two-Year Study
Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) is a promising natural lysophospholipid which can be employed as a growth regulator for horticultural purposes. The present research was accomplished to investigate the effects of LPE (0 or 10 ppm) on the yield and quality of “Savana” strawberry plants grown during two consecutive cultivation cycles (I (2020–2021); II (2021–2022)). Plants cultivated in year I and treated with LPE revealed the highest total yield (838.3 g plant−1), marketable yield (735.4 g plant−1) and average marketable fruit weight (39.8 g plant−1). Fruits from year II plants treated with LPE had the highest total phenolics concentration (491.4 m…