showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Elementary School Teachers' Experiences of Implementing the Teacher Classroom Management Method - Case Study in Finland
The diversity of pupils and their different difficulties challenge teachers' skills and methods in teaching. Some behavioral challenges require rapid intervention and a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach from the teachers. An internationally recognized tool, TCM (Teacher Classroom Management), aims to support pupils' socio-emotional development, improve teacher-pupil interaction, and strengthen school-home cooperation. This pilot study examines teachers' experiences of TCM in Finnish primary school context. The study is qualitative, and the data (N=16) was collected through focus group interviews. According to the results, the teacher's strengthened group management skills wer…
Tachyonic production of dark relics : a non-perturbative quantum study
We study production of dark relics during reheating after the end of inflation in a system consisting of a non-minimally coupled spectator scalar field and the inflaton. We derive a set of renormalized quantum transport equations for the one-point function and the two-point function of the spectator field and solve them numerically. We find that our system can embody both tachyonic and parametric instabilities. The former is an expected result due to the non-minimal coupling, but the latter displays new features driven by a novel interplay of the two-point function with the Ricci scalar. We find that when the parametric instability driven by the two-point function takes place, it dominates …
Visualization of Moiré Magnons in Monolayer Ferromagnet
| openaire: EC/H2020/788185/EU//E-DESIGN Two-dimensional magnetic materials provide an ideal platform to explore collective many-body excitations associated with spin fluctuations. In particular, it should be feasible to explore, manipulate, and ultimately design magnonic excitations in two-dimensional van der Waals magnets in a controllable way. Here we demonstrate the emergence of moiré magnon excitations, stemming from the interplay of spin-excitations in monolayer CrBr3 and the moiré pattern arising from the lattice mismatch with the underlying substrate. The existence of moiré magnons is further confirmed via inelastic quasiparticle interference, showing the appearance of a dispersion …
HSV-1 Glycoprotein D and Its Surface Receptors: Evaluation of Protein–Protein Interaction and Targeting by Triazole-Based Compounds through In Silico…
Protein–protein interactions (PPI) represent attractive targets for drug design. Thus, aiming at a deeper insight into the HSV-1 envelope glycoprotein D (gD), protein–protein docking and dynamic simulations of gD-HVEM and gD-Nectin-1 complexes were performed. The most stable complexes and the pivotal key residues useful for gD to anchor human receptors were identified and used as starting points for a structure-based virtual screening on a library of both synthetic and designed 1,2,3-triazole-based compounds. Their binding properties versus gD interface with HVEM and Nectin-1 along with their structure-activity relationships (SARs) were evaluated. Four [1,2,3]triazolo[4,5-b]pyridines were i…
A Successful Crowdsourcing Approach for Bird Sound Classification
Automated recorders are increasingly used in remote sensing of wildlife, yet automated methods of processing the audio remains challenging. Identifying animal sounds with machine learning provides a solution, but optimizing the models requires annotated training data. Producing such data can require much manual effort, which could be alleviated by engaging masses to contribute to research and share the workload. Birdwatchers are experts on identifying bird vocalizations and form an ideal focal audience for a citizen science project aiming for the required multitudes of annotated avian audio data. For this purpose, we launched a web portal that was targeted and advertised to Finnish birdwatc…
Entrepreneurship on Social Networking Sites: The Roles of Attitude and Perceived Usefulness
Background: Social media platforms are a significant growth opportunity for enterprises, especially for microenterprises, due to the possibility of establishing direct contact with their customers. We investigate the psychological reasons that drive entrepreneurs towards the use of social networking sites (SNSs) for their business, following two important social psychology theories: the theory of planned behaviour and the technology acceptance model. We also tested for two personality traits: openness to experience and dominance. Methods: Data were acquired by examining 325 microentrepreneurs who decided to use either SNSs or traditional sales methods for their businesses. Results and concl…
Adolescents’ Stress and Depressive symptoms and Their Associations with Psychological Flexibility before Educational Transition
Introduction: Relatively little is known about individual differences in adolescent psychological flexibility and its associations with symptoms of stress and depression. This study examined different profiles of adolescent stress and depressive symptoms and their associations with developing psychological flexibility before the critical educational transition. Methods: The data were derived from a general sample of 740 Finnish ninth-grade adolescents (Mage = 15.7 years, 57% female) who were assessed twice during the final grade of their basic education. The data were analyzed using growth mixture modeling. Results: Four profiles of stress and depressive symptoms were identified during a sc…
Performance Improvement of Grid-Integrated Doubly Fed Induction Generator under Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Faults
The doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind energy conversion system (WECS) suffers from voltage and frequency fluctuations due to the stochastic nature of wind speed as well as nonlinear loads. Moreover, the high penetration of wind energy into the power grid is a challenge for its smooth operation. Hence, symmetrical faults are most intense, inflicting the stator winding to low voltage, disturbing the low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) functionality of a DFIG. The vector control strategy with proportional–integral (PI) controllers was used to control rotor-side converter (RSC) and grid-side converter (GSC) parameters. During a symmetrical fault, however, a series grid-side converter…
DESMILS : a decision support approach for multi-item lot sizing using interactive multiobjective optimization
AbstractWe propose a decision support approach, called DESMILS, to solve multi-item lot sizing problems with a large number of items by using single-item multiobjective lot sizing models. This approach for making lot sizing decisions considers multiple conflicting objective functions and incorporates a decision maker’s preferences to find the most preferred Pareto optimal solutions. DESMILS applies clustering, and items in one cluster are treated utilizing preferences that the decision maker has provided for a representative item of the cluster. Thus, the decision maker provides preferences to solve the single-item lot sizing problem for few items only and not for every item. The lot sizes …
”Mistä lähtien kirjoittamiseen on muka kuulunut ääni ja liikkuva kuva?”
Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjoittamisen opinnoissa tutustutaan monimediaiseen kirjoittamiseen ja audiovisuaalisuuden perustietoihin. Opiskelijat suunnittelevat elämäkerran, joka hyödyntää monimediaisia ilmaisukeinoja. Elämäkerrallinen kirjoittaminen tarkoittaa elämän kuvailun ohella yleensä arvottavaa otetta ja johtaa pohtimaan hyvän elämän piirteitä.Tämän artikkelin keskeisiä tutkimuskysymyksiä on, millaisena hyvinvointi näyttäytyy suunnitelmissa sekä jakson oppimispäiväkirjoissa. Tutkimus selvittää, millaisin kuvallisin, sanallisin ja auditiivisin keinoin elämäkertasuunnitelmissa kuvataan hyvinvointia.Opiskelijat hyödyntävät multimodaalisia ilmaisukeinoja ja teknologiaa vaikeiden aiheiden et…
Teknologia ja huolen eleet elokuvassa Rotanpyydystäjä
Body objectified? Phenomenological perspective on patient objectification in teleconsultation
The global crisis of COVID-19 pandemic has considerably accelerated the use of teleconsultation (consultation between the patient and the doctor via video platforms). While it has some obvious benefits and drawbacks for both the patient and the doctor, it is important to consider—how teleconsultation impacts the quality of the patient-doctor relationship? I will approach this question through the lens of phenomenology of the body, focusing on the question—what happens to the patient objectification in teleconsultation? To answer this question I will adopt a phenomenological approach combining both insights drawn from the phenomenological tradition, i.e., the concepts of the lived body and t…
Generalized frame operator, lower semiframes, and sequences of translates
Given an arbitrary sequence of elements $\xi =\lbrace \xi _n\rbrace _{n\in \mathbb {N}}$ of a Hilbert space $(\mathcal {H},\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle )$, the operator $T_\xi$ is defined as the operator associated to the sesquilinear form $\Omega _\xi (f,g)=\sum _{n\in \mathbb {N}} \langle f , \xi _n\rangle \langle \xi _n , g\rangle$, for $f,g\in \lbrace h\in \mathcal {H}: \sum _{n\in \mathbb {N}}|\langle h , \xi _n\rangle |<^>2<\infty \rbrace$. This operator is in general different from the classical frame operator but possesses some remarkable properties. For instance, $T_\xi$ is always self-adjoint with regard to a particular space, unconditionally defined, and, when xi is a lo…
Intrarater Reliability and Analysis of Learning Effects in the Y Balance Test
While the general reliability of the Y balance test has been previously found to be excellent, earlier reviews highlighted a need for a more consistent methodology between studies. The purpose of this test–retest intrarater reliability study was to assess the intrarater reliability of the YBT using different methodologies regarding normalisation for leg length, number of repetitions, and score calculation. Sixteen healthy adult novice recreational runners aged 18–55 years, both women and men, were reviewed in a laboratory environment. Mean calculated scores, intraclass correlation coefficient, standard error of measurement, and minimal detectable change were calculated and analysed between …
Konkari kaapissa : ideaaliopiskelija työkokemusta omaavien varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaopiskelijoiden diskursseissa
Opiskelijat, joilla on aikaisempaa varhaiskasvatuksen alan työkokemusta, ovat olleet viime vuosina kasvava joukko varhaiskasvatuksen yliopistokoulutuksessa. Aikaisempi tutkimus on antanut viitteitä, että kyseisen opiskelijaryhmän odotukset opiskelulta ja toiminta opettajankoulutuksen kannalta keskeisissä opetusharjoitteluissa voivat poiketa opiskelijoista, jotka edustavat traditionaalista yliopisto-opiskelijan normia. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin aikaisempaa varhaiskasvatuksen alan työkokemusta omaavien varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaopiskelijoiden tuottamia diskursiivisia subjektipositioita opetusharjoittelun kontekstissa. Haastatteluaineisto (n = 12, haastatteluiden kesto 10 h 13 min) an…
Première campagne de fouille du tumulus de Saint-Bélec (Leuhan, Finistère)
International audience
The emperor’s new clothes : self-explorative engagement in virtual try-on service experiences positively impacts brand outcomes
Purpose Virtual try-on (VTO) technology offers an opportunity for fashion and beauty brands to provide enriched self-explorative experiences. The increased popularity of VTOs makes it urgent to understand the drivers and consequences of the exploration of styles in VTO contexts (herein called self-explorative engagement). Notably, little is known about the antecedent and outcomes of the personalized self-explorative experience central to VTOs. This paper aims to fill this knowledge gap. Design/methodology/approach An online quasi-experiment (N = 500) was conducted in the context of fashion and beauty VTOs. Participants were asked to virtually try on sunglasses or lipsticks and subsequently…
An Integrated Approach to Skeletal Muscle Health in Aging
A decline in muscle mass and function represents one of the most problematic changes associated with aging, and has dramatic effects on autonomy and quality of life. Several factors contribute to the inexorable process of sarcopenia, such as mitochondrial and autophagy dysfunction, and the lack of regeneration capacity of satellite cells. The physiologic decline in muscle mass and in motoneuron functionality associated with aging is exacerbated by the sedentary lifestyle that accompanies elderly people. Regular physical activity is beneficial to most people, but the elderly need well-designed and carefully administered training programs that improve muscle mass and, consequently, both funct…
Physico-Chemical Characterization of an Exocellular Sugars Tolerant Β-Glucosidase from Grape Metschnikowia pulcherrima Isolates
A broad variety of microorganisms with useful characteristics in the field of biotechnology live on the surface of grapes; one of these microorganisms is Metschnikowia pulcherrima. This yeast secretes a β-glucosidase that can be used in fermentative processes to liberate aromatic compounds. In this work, the synthesis of an exocellular β-glucosidase has been demonstrated and the optimal conditions to maximize the enzyme’s effectiveness were determined. There was a maximum enzymatic activity at 28 °C and pH 4.5. Furthermore, the enzyme presents a great glucose and fructose tolerance, and to a lesser extent, ethanol tolerance. In addition, its activity was stimulated by ca…
Thomas Constantinesco, Writing Pain in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Pain is part of life. It is part of literature as well. And in Writing Pain in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Thomas Constantinesco offers an intelligent, clearly organized, and insightful exploration of various ways in which pain is expressed—or not—through the written word in a selection of American literary works from the 1800s. Constantinesco takes his initial inspiration, in part, from Elaine Scarry’s The Body in Pain, a controversial work published in 1985, which has become recog...
Generalist invasion in a complex lake food web
Invasive species constitute a threat not only to native populations but also to the structure and functioning of entire food webs. Despite being considered as a global problem, only a small number of studies have quantitatively predicted the food web-level consequences of invasions. Here, we use an allometric trophic network model parameterized using empirical data on species body masses and feeding interactions to predict the effects of a possible invasion of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii), on a well-studied lake ecosystem. We show that the modeled establishment of Amur sleeper decreased the biomasses o ftop predator fishes by about 10%–19%. These reductions were largely explained by inc…
Il patrimonio culturale in gioco tra conflittualità e salvaguardia: il Parco Nazionale di Pantelleria
Questa tesi è il frutto di una lunga ricerca sul campo sulle dinamiche di patrimonializzazione culturale e ambientale che negli ultimi anni hanno reso Pantelleria sempre più al centro del dibattito pubblico sia all'interno della comunità locale che a livello nazionale e internazionale. L'input principale che mi ha spinto a intraprendere questo percorso di ricerca è rappresentato da due eventi di rilevanza storica, distinti ma strettamente connessi. Da una parte l'istituzione del Parco Nazionale di Pantelleria nel 2016, primo e attualmente unico Parco Nazionale in Sicilia. Dall'altra i due riconoscimenti che l'Unesco ha conferito all'isola, ovvero l'inserimento della pratica agricola della v…
Arheologs Ēvalds Mugurēvičs un Latvijas Universitāte
Raksts veltīts izcilam latviešu arheologam, emeritētajam profesoram Ēvaldam Mugurēvičam, kuram ir lieli nopelni Latvijas arheoloģijā. Lai gan E. Mugurēvičs par sevi ir uzrakstījis detalizētu autobiogrāfiju, rakstā tiek ieskicēta Ē. Mugurēviča saistība ar Latvijas Universitāti un viņa spēja pielāgoties pastiprinātai zinātnes ideoloģizācijai PSRS okupācijas laikā.
Designing Dynamic Sustainable Business Models to Assess the Feasibility of an Industrial Symbiosis: The Case of the Retro-Port Area of Trieste
This study evaluates the managerial sustainability of implementing a decision support system for industrial symbiosis through a recent business modeling methodology. The decision support system is intended to facilitate the identification of implementable industrial symbiosis good practices in a pilot project located in the industrial retro-port area of Trieste. To evaluate the feasibility of this project, a qualitative “Dynamic business model canvas for sustainability” was designed and supported by a system dynamics approach using causal loop diagrams. The study analyzed various governance scenarios for managing the decision support system (public, private, or public–private partnership) a…
Effect of Nonconstituent Additive Ions on the Controlled Crystallization of Lanthanide-Based Preyssler Polyoxometalates
Preyssler-type polyoxometalates (POMs) encapsulating lanthanide ions have been shown to provide ideal examples of single-molecule magnets and spin-qubits. However, the advances in this area are limited by the quality and size of the crystals. In this work, the role of additives ions in the crystallization of these POMs from aqueous solutions has been investigated. More specifically, we have studied the influence of Al3+, Y3+, and In3+ on the crystallization process of K12[MP5W30O110] (where M = Gd and Y). The results show that the concentration of these ions in the solution plays an important role in controlling the crystallization rate of the grown POM crystals leading to a significant inc…
Antifouling Systems Based on a Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Based Hexyl Imidazolium Salt Adsorbed on Copper Nanoparticles Supported on Titania
The reaction of octakis(3-chloropropyl)octasilsesquioxane with four equivalents of 1-hexylimidazole or 1-decylimidazole gave two products labelled as HQ-POSS (hexyl-imidazolium quaternized POSS) and DQ-POSS (decyl-imidazolium quaternized POSS) as regioisomer mixtures. An investigation of the biological activity of these two compounds revealed the higher antimicrobial performances of HQ-POSS against Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, proving its broad-spectrum activity. Due to its very viscous nature, HQ-POSS was adsorbed in variable amounts on the surface of biologically active oxides to gain advantages regarding the expendability of such formulations from an applicative perspe…
Metabolomics-based strategy to assess drug hepatotoxicity and uncover the mechanisms of hepatotoxicity involved
AbstractToxicity studies, among them hepatotoxicity, are key throughout preclinical stages of drug development to minimise undesired toxic effects that might eventually appear in the course of the clinical use of the new drug. Understanding the mechanism of injury of hepatotoxins is essential to efficiently anticipate their potential risk of toxicity in humans. The use of in vitro models and particularly cultured hepatocytes represents an easy and robust alternative to animal drug hepatotoxicity testing for predicting human risk. Here, we envisage an innovative strategy to identify potential hepatotoxic drugs, quantify the magnitude of the alterations caused, and uncover the mechanisms of t…
Exergaming in the treatment of gait, balance, and quality of life in Parkinson's disease: Overview of systematic reviews
Introduction: Postural instability and gait impairments are common in people with PD, both of which have a negative effect on their quality of life. Systematic reviews have demonstrated benefits of using exergaming in enhancing these outcomes. However, there is no consensus over whether exergaming therapy is better than conventional physical therapy for enhancing gait, balance, and quality of life. Objectives: The aim of this overview is to systematically synthesize and evaluate the available evidence found in published systematic reviews and meta-analyses, on the effects of exergaming therapy on balance, gait, and quality of life, compared to conventional physical therapy or no interventio…
Oral lichen planus in children: An Italian case series
Oral lichen planus usually occurs in adults; there are no clear data regarding the incidence and the clinical features of oral lichen planus in children. This paper reports clinical findings, treatments, and outcomes of 13 Italian patients with oral lichen planus in childhood diagnosed between 2001 and 2021. The most common finding was keratotic lesions with reticular or papular/plaque-like patterns, confined to the tongue in seven patients. Although oral lichen planus in childhood is rare and the malignant transformation index is unknown, specialists must be aware of its characteristics and oral mucosal lesions must be correctly diagnosed and managed.
Valtavirtaisen psykiatrian virheistä
Kirja-arvio teoksesta Tomi Bergström, Mieletön häiriö. Psykiatrian ongelma ja sen ratkaisu. PS-Kustannus. 223 s.
Process parameters and surface treatment effects on the mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of Ti6Al4V components produced by laser powder…
Laser powder bed fusion is one of the additive manufacturing technologies which has developed more rapidly in recent years as it enables the production of very complex geometries. Titanium alloys are among the most popular materials in the aerospace industry thanks to excellent mechanical and corrosion resistance. The corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of samples made of Ti6Al4V and characterized by the geometrical features typical of brackets were investigated taking into account the effects of process parameters on porosity and microstructure. A comparison between the corrosion resistance of samples with complex geometry (3D) and specimens characterized by simple geometry (FLAT)…
Numerical studies to detect chaotic motion in the full planar averaged three-body problem
AbstractIn this paper, the author deals with a well-known problem of Celestial Mechanics, namely the three-body problem. A numerical analysis has been done in order to prove existence of chaotic motions of the full-averaged problem in particular configurations. Full because all the three bodies have non-negligible masses and averaged because the Hamiltonian describing the system has been averaged with respect to a fast angle. A reduction of degrees of freedom and of the phase-space is performed in order to apply the notion of covering relations and symbolic dynamics.
Appraisal and Evaluation of the Learning Environment Instruments of the Student Nurse: A Systematic Review Using COSMIN Methodology
Background: Nursing education consists of theory and practice, and student nurses’ perception of the learning environment, both educational and clinical, is one of the elements that determines the success or failure of their university study path. This study aimed to identify the currently available tools for measuring the clinical and educational learning environments of student nurses and to evaluate their measurement properties in order to provide solid evidence for researchers, educators, and clinical tutors to use in the selection of tools. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to evaluate the psychometric properties of self-reported learning environment tools in accordance with th…
Être ou ne pas être (Charlie). Rire, violence verbale, liberté d’expression
In this article, starting with the exemplary case of Charlie Hebdo, we discuss the way in which the theme of laughter is intertwined with that of freedom of expression. More precisely, we try to answer the following questions: how can the comic framework modify the space of freedom of expression? Can everything be said within this kind of framework? Can laughter be both an antidote and an enhancer of verbal violence?
Taylorism on steroids or enabling autonomy? A systematic review of algorithmic management
AbstractThe use of algorithmic management systems is rapidly changing organizational models and practices, as millions of workers in multiple sectors worldwide are managed by computer software. Despite receiving increasing academic interest, little summarizing literature exist on the ways algorithmic systems are used in management. This article aims to fill this gap by systematically reviewing and qualitatively analyzing 172 articles on the topic. Our research contributes to the existent algorithmic management literature in three ways. First, we provide a descriptive overview of algorithmic management as a field of research. Second, we identify and synthesize the discussion on the key conce…
A phenomenological research of democracy education in a Finnish primary-school
This phenomenological research examines democracy education and the conditions contributing to young students’ democratic agency. The dataset includes interview and observation data from a school and educational decision-makers. The findings from the iterative analysis highlight the contradictions between democracy education as an ideal and opportunities for democratic agency. One significant contradiction was the expectation that young pupils should be competent democratic agents before being offered opportunities to act democratically. Young students deemed to possess the greatest competencies were offered opportunities to learn about democracy in action, whereas most students were expect…