showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Ettore De Maria Bergler, artista cosmopolita tra Otto e Novecento
Il fascicolo monografico su Ettore De Maria Bergler restituisce la vita e le opere di un protagonista della vivace stagione culturale italiana a cavallo tra Ottocento e Novecento, la cui ricerca pittorico-decorativa di grande qualità ha contribuito al rinnovamento artistico siciliano. Grazie a una rigorosa metodologia di studio che si avvale della sinergia con l’archivio dell’artista e di nuove ricerche presso collezioni e fondi ancora poco indagati, il volume presenta un profilo aggiornato di Ettore De Maria Bergler, artista cosmopolita le cui opere, capaci di spaziare dall’Eclettismo al Liberty, sono in sintonia con la cultura europea. This monographic booklet on Ettore De Maria Bergler r…
School network planning is a recurring theme in state legislation and constitutional jurisprudence in recent years. A conflicting approach between the State and the regions seems to continue, even after the approval of l. no. 147/2022, implementing one of the reforms of the Italian Nrrp. The essay provides a normative and historical excursus of the issue, trying to identify a constitutionally oriented reading of the new provisions, also subjecting them to the test of the obligations and constraints descending from the Nrrp.
Warm-Up and Hamstrings Stiffness, Stress Relaxation, Flexibility, and Knee Proprioception in Young Soccer Players
Context Nerves or fascia may limit motion in young soccer players, thereby contributing to frequent hamstrings injuries. Nerve-gliding exercises and self-myofascial release techniques may enhance range of motion (ROM). Objective To compare the immediate effect of foam rolling (FR) and neurodynamic nerve gliding (NDNG) on hamstrings passive stiffness, viscoelasticity, flexibility, and proprioception during the warm-up of soccer players. Design Crossover study. Setting Research laboratory. Patients or Other Participants A total of 15 male soccer players (age = 18.0 ± 1.4 years, height = 183.1 ± 6.0 cm, mass = 76.9 ± 7.8 kg) on the same team. Intervention(s) The FR and NDNG consisted of 6 set…
Exploration of muscle–tendon biomechanics one year after Achilles tendon rupture and the compensatory role of flexor hallucis longus
Achilles tendon (AT) rupture leads to long-term structural and functional impairments. Currently, the predictors of good recovery after rupture are poorly known. Thus, we aimed to explore the interconnections between structural, mechanical, and neuromuscular parameters and their associations with factors that could explain good recovery in patients with non-surgically treated AT rupture. A total of 35 patients with unilateral rupture (6 females) participated in this study. Muscle-tendon structural, mechanical, and neuromuscular parameters were measured 1-year after rupture. Interconnections between the inter-limb differences (Δ) were explored using partial correlations, followed by multivar…
Palermo si cura. Pratiche culturali di mutuo soccorso come risposta alle fragilità della città (post)pandemica
In un quadro di riferimento in cui la crisi è globalizzata ma diseguale e in mancanza di un sistema di welfare capace di rispondere alle urgenze dei contesti e dei gruppi sociali più marginalizzati, una risposta ai nuovi bisogni sociali ed individuali è stata offerta da reti solidali e da pratiche di mobilitazione dal basso che svolgono un ruolo di agency territoriale, spesso indipendentemente o in assenza di Istituzioni. Nel contesto palermitano un impegno agito da una pluralità di soggetti culturali già attivi sul territorio, riuniti in un’assemblea pubblica (Palermo si cura), durante il periodo del primo lockdown hanno dato vita ad azioni di mutuo soccorso per rispondere all’emergenza ec…
La lingua della canzone italiana
The volume offers a descrption of the main linguistic aspects of the Italian popular song. In the first chapter a brief reconstruction of the history of Italian popular song is showed. The second chapter focuses on the relations between tradition and innovation in the Italian popular song. In particular, authors underline the role of intertextuality in the development of the Italian popular song. The third chapter is devoted to investigate the synchronnic variability (both spatial and social) within the Italian popular song. The final chapter shows the role of the Italian dialects in the historical development of the Italian popular song
The chapter proposes a critical discussion of the notions of sustainability and sustainable development. It should be noted that the global and national policies of "sustainable development" implemented in the last thirty years have failed to stop the worsening of the planetary crisis and of climate change of anthropogenic origin at the planetary level. We then go over some of the main lines of reflection and analysis on these issues within socio-cultural anthropology
The Genesis of the Italian School of Algebraic Geometry Through the Correspondence Between Luigi Cremona and Some of His Students
Luigi Cremona is considered the founder of the Italian school of algebraic geometry. He formed a group of students of great value, very active in scientific research. Examining the letters from Eugenio Bertini, Ettore Caporali, and Riccardo De Paolis to Cremona preserved in the archive of the Istituto Mazziniano in Genoa, we have reconstructed their biographies, careers, studies, and relationships with their teacher. They had the merit of cultivating the scientific innovations of the period and passing them on to the subsequent generations.
Literacy skills seem to fuel literacy enjoyment, rather than vice versa
Children who like to read and write tend to be better at it. This association is typically interpreted as enjoyment impacting engagement in literacy activities, which boosts literacy skills. We fitted direction-of-causation models to partial data of 3690 Finnish twins aged 12. Literacy skills were rated by the twins' teachers and literacy enjoyment by the twins themselves. A bivariate twin model showed substantial genetic influences on literacy skills (70%) and literacy enjoyment (35%). In both skills and enjoyment, shared-environmental influences explained about 20% in each. The best-fitting direction-of-causation model showed that skills impacted enjoyment, while the influence in the othe…
An automatic L1-based regularization method for the analysis of FFC dispersion profiles with quadrupolar peaks
Fast Field-Cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance relaxometry is a non-destructive technique to investigate molecular dynamics and structure of systems having a wide range of ap- plications such as environment, biology, and food. Besides a considerable amount of liter- ature about modeling and application of such technique in specific areas, an algorithmic approach to the related parameter identification problem is still lacking. We believe that a robust algorithmic approach will allow a unified treatment of different samples in several application areas. In this paper, we model the parameters identification problem as a con- strained L 1 -regularized non-linear least squares problem. Following…
Gut microbiome and atrial fibrillation - results from a large population-based study
Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an important heart rhythm disorder in aging populations. The gut microbiome composition has been previously related to cardiovascular disease risk factors. Whether the gut microbial profile is also associated with the risk of AF remains unknown. Methods We examined the associations of prevalent and incident AF with gut microbiota in the FINRISK 2002 study, a random population sample of 6763 individuals. We replicated our findings in an independent case–control cohort of 138 individuals in Hamburg, Germany. Findings Multivariable-adjusted regression models revealed that prevalent AF (N = 116) was associated with nine microbial genera. Incident AF (N = 5…
Medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicle function during heel-rise after non-operative repair of Achilles tendon rupture
Background To better understand muscle remodelling in dynamic conditions after an Achilles tendon rupture, this study examined the length of medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicles during a heel-rise at 6- and 12-months after non-operative ATR treatment. Methods Participants (15 M, 3F) were diagnosed with acute Achilles tendon rupture. Medial gastrocnemius subtendon length, fascicle length and pennation angle were assessed in resting conditions, and fascicle shortening during bi- and unilateral heel-rises. Findings Fascicle shortening was smaller on the injured side (mean difference [95% CI]: −9. 7 mm [−14.7 to −4.7 mm]; −11.1 mm [−16.5 to −5.8 mm]) and increased from 6- to 12 months (4.5 mm …
Efficacy of Oxybrasion and Cosmetic Acids on Selected Skin Parameters in the Treatment with Acne Vulgaris
Karolina Chilicka,1 Monika Rusztowicz,1 Aleksandra M Rogowska,2 Renata Szyguła,1 Danuta Nowicka3 1Department of Health Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Opole, Opole, Poland; 2Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology, University of Opole, Opole, Poland; 3Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Wrocław Medical University, Wrocław, PolandCorrespondence: Karolina Chilicka, Department of Health Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Opole, Katowicka 68 Street, Opole, 45-040, Poland, Tel +48665439443, Email karolina.chilicka@uni.opole.plPurpose: The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of an…
Il patrimonio collettivo dei centri storici siciliani tra norme inadeguate e nuove opportunità di rigenerazione
Nel 2015 la Regione Siciliana esitava la L.r. 13/2015 “Norme per favorire il recupero del patrimonio edilizio di base dei centri storici”, un provvedimento legislativo molto contestato in ambito accademico che, di fatto, costituisce un grave arretramento culturale e tecnico non tenendo in alcun conto gli avanzamenti metodologici sul tema dei centri storici a partire dalla Carta di Gubbio del 1960. La L.r. 13 ha avuto un’applicazione sinora abbastanza limitata rispetto a quello che la sua attrattività avrebbe fatto immaginare, infatti, solo poche decine di comuni hanno proceduto alla definizione dello “Studio con effetti costitutivi” del centro storico, e pochi ne hanno concluso l’iter di ap…
L'ultima filosofia. Riflessioni sulla "Philosophie der neuen Musik" (1949) di Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno nel 120° anniversario della nascita
The intervention concerns the controversy between Schoenberg, Adorno and Mann following the publications of the "Doktor Faustus" and the "Philosophie der neuen Musik". With regard to Adorno's text, the exergo to the essay on Schoenberg and, in a more general sense, the attempt to bring the "neue Musik" back to the framework of a Hegelian philosophy are analyzed.
Una ontologia della tecnica al tempo dell'antropocene. Saggi heideggeriani
Il contesto in cui la tecnica heideggeriana viene rappresentata quale conquista ultima della metafisica moderna è lo stesso in cui matura la critica all'umanismo della tradizione metafisica, ma soprattutto è quello in cui la prospettiva del decentramento dell'umano emerge con sempre maggiore chiarezza a scapito di ogni residua concezione antropologico strumentale della tecnica. Questa visione critica d'insieme s’ iscrive nel contesto più ampio in cui la questione della tecnica si pone con la Kehre su base ontologica e non antropologica nel contesto della nuova formulazione della Seinsfrage. Il ripensamento dell'essenza dell'umano a partire dalla differenza da altro, da un'alterità messa in …
Towards modern understanding of the Achilles tendon properties in human movement research
The Achilles tendon (AT) is the strongest tendon in humans, yet it often suffers from injury. The mechanical properties of the AT afford efficient movement, power amplification and power attenuation during locomotor tasks. The properties and the unique structure of the AT as a common tendon for three muscles have been studied frequently in humans using in vivo methods since 1990's. As a part of the celebration of 50 years history of the International Society of Biomechanics, this paper reviews the history of the AT research focusing on its mechanical properties in humans. The questions addressed are: What are the most important mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon, how are they stud…
Il limite di età nel concorso per commissario di polizia al vaglio della Corte di Giustizia
Il saggio esamina gli orientamenti della Corte di Giustizia in materia di limite di età per l'accesso alle pubblica amministrazioni
Dalle geografie terracquee alla Wet Perspective: scie e onde del Mediterraneo Nero
Beginning in the modern age, with the progressive conquest and discovery of the 'Outside', the sea became the leading element in the processes that have marked living in the sphere from then on (Sloterdijk, 2008). Although subject to mutations in time and space, the assumed terracqueous perspective moves away from the exclusivity of terracentrism towards a recognition of the centrality of the space of the sea. A space, on the one hand, that has become central to the production and reproduction of capital through accumulation and exploitation; on the other hand, a social, cultural, political space from which emerge the possibilities of breaking its structures of domination, power, hierarchis…
Microscopic calculation of the $\beta^-$ decays of $^{151}$Sm, $^{171}$Tm, and $^{210}$Pb with implications to detection of the cosmic neutrino backg…
The electron spectral shapes corresponding to the low-$Q$ $\beta^-$-decay transitions $^{151}$Sm$(5/2^-_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{151}\textrm{Eu}(5/2^+_{\rm g.s.})$, $^{151}$Sm$(5/2^-_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{151}\textrm{Eu}(7/2^+_{1})$, $^{171}$Tm$(1/2^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{171}\textrm{Yb}(1/2^-_{\rm g.s.})$, $^{171}$Tm$(1/2^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{171}\textrm{Yb}(3/2^-_{1})$, $^{210}\textrm{Pb}(0^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{210}\textrm{Bi}(1^-_{\rm g.s.})$, and $^{210}\textrm{Pb}(0^+_{\rm g.s.})\to\,^{210}\textrm{Bi}(0^-_{1})$ have been computed using beta-decay theory with several refinements for these first-forbidden nonunique (ff-nu) $\beta^-$ transitions. These ff-nu $\beta^-$ transitions have non-trivial electro…
Contributo allo studio degli usi civici e della proprietà collettiva. Una storia parallela
A fronte dell’attuale interesse da parte dei giuristi per beni, soggetti e istituti sino ad oggi sconosciuti alla codicistica ed alla dottrina tradizionale (l’ambiente, la biodiversità, l’ecosistema, i beni comuni, le generazioni future, la proprietà intergenerazionale), che anzi negavano la loro stessa esistenza nel mondo del commercio giuridico, il libro ripercorre le vicende storiche e gli interventi legislativi in tema di usi civici e di proprietà collettive, antichi istituti che spesso a tali nuovi concetti giuridici vengono associati, sia per il loro stretto legame con il territorio sia per un gioco di assonanze tra il termine collettivo ed il termine comune. L’autore, nel ricostruire…
Impact of Metabolic Syndrome on Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction: A Single Center Experience
Coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) represents a widespread condition and a prevalent cause of ischemic heart disease. Total TIMI frame count (TTFC) can be a good indicator of CMD in different populations. The aim of our study was to evaluate the incidence of CMD in different populations such as METS patients compared with diabetic and hypertensive patients. The study was carried out on patients with chest pain and/or positive stress test and angiographically undamaged coronary arteries. Our CMD population was divided into three subgroups; patients with arterial hypertension, patients with type II diabetes mellitus and patients with metabolic syndrome. TIMI Frame Count (TFC) and Myocar…
Rationale and clinical application of antimicrobial stewardship principles in the intensive care unit: a multidisciplinary statement
Abstract Background Antimicrobial resistance represents a major critical issue for the management of the critically ill patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU), since infections by multidrug-resistant bacteria are characterized by high morbidity and mortality, high rates of treatment failure, and increased healthcare costs worldwide. It is also well known that antimicrobial resistance can emerge as a result of inadequate antimicrobial therapy, in terms of drug selection and/or treatment duration. The application of antimicrobial stewardship principles in ICUs improves the quality of antimicrobial therapy management. However, it needs specific considerations related to the cri…
Application of 3D printed scavengers for improving the accuracy of single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of silver na…
The determination of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) with single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry can be severely interfered with coexisting dissolved silver causing high background signals, which can lead to inaccurate quantification of NP size and particle concentration. In this paper, chemically active and reusable 3D printed scavengers are applied for highly efficient dissolved silver removal in Ag NP dispersions, allowing more accurate determination of particle concentration and size. Selective laser sintering was used for constructing the porous 3D scavengers constituting of polystyrene used as a supporting material and ion-exchange material SiliaBond Tosic acid (TA…
Estetica urbana. Atmosfere e artificazione degli spazi della città
Ancora uno studio su questo argomento, infatti i pochi saggi su temi analoghi non adottano una prospettiva filosofica. Il volume mira a colmare questa lacuna affrontando l’estetica urbana attraverso due paradigmi interpretativi, che talvolta nel libro vengono intrecciati: i concetti di atmosfera e di artificazione. La nozione di “atmosfera” nasce in seno alla nuova fenomenologia tedesca di Hermann Schmitz ed è declinata verso l’estetica dal filosofo Gernot Böhme che la considera un paradigma privilegiato per indagare gli spazi emozionali, intesi come frutto di relazioni affettive tra il soggetto percipiente e l’oggetto percepito. Pertanto l’estetica delle atmosfere si rivela uno strumento t…
Life Cycle Assessment of aluminum alloys chips recycling through single and multi-step Friction Stir Consolidation processes
Manufacturing scientists have to find new processes enabling energy and resource efficient circular economy strategies. Solid state recycling processes have proved to be environmentally friendly alternatives to recycle aluminum alloys process scraps like chips. In this paper the environmental characterization of a solid state recycling process named Friction Stir Consolidation (FSC) is presented. A full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) comparative analysis is developed: the environmental performance of new and different variants of FSC processes and remelting based routes are quantified and compared to one another. Also, different scenarios are analysed to provide guidelines for the correct impl…
La predisposizione di assetti organizzativi adeguati come obbligo coercibile ex art. 2409 C.C.: un caso recente
The article deals with a critical vision of the solutions of the jurisprudence regarding the liability of the directors of joint-stock companies for not having established adequate organizational structures.
Phytoplankton group identification with chemotaxonomic biomarkers: In combination they do better
Chemotaxonomic biomarkers are needed to monitor and evaluate the nutritional quality of phytoplankton communities. The biomolecules produced by different phytoplankton species do not always follow genetic phylogeny. Therefore, we analyzed fatty acids, sterols, and carotenoids from 57 freshwater phytoplankton strains to evaluate the usability of these biomolecules as chemotaxonomic biomarkers. We found 29 fatty acids, 34 sterols, and 26 carotenoids in our samples. The strains were grouped into cryptomonads, cyanobacteria, diatoms, dinoflagellates, golden algae, green algae, and raphidophytes, and the phytoplankton group explained 61%, 54%, and 89% of the variability of fatty acids, sterols, …
In vivo 3D muscle architecture quantification based on 3D freehand ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging
Muscle architecture parameters, such as the fascicle length, pennation angle, and volume, are important muscle morphology characteristics. Accurate in vivo quantification of these parameters allows to detect changes due to pathologies, interventions, and rehabilitation trainings, which ultimately impact on muscles’ force-producing capacity. In this study, we compared three-dimensional (3D) muscle architecture parameters of the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis, which were quantified by 3D freehand ultrasound (3DfUS) and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), respectively. Sixteen able-bodied subjects were recruited where seven of them receiv…
Amministrazione performante e sistema dei controlli interni
Since the origins of post-unitary reform processes, analyses, and reconstructions aimed at deepening the needs and development paths for maximizing the functioning of the italian administration have directly or indirectly included the legal institutions of administrative control. Controls have progressively become an essential thematic axis in the characterization of the fundamental contents of the formation of the administrative state and the 'administrative question' of conformity in public organization and administrative activity to the principle of legality. They are seen as a specific legal institution, in which it is possible to interpret both the evolution of the state organization a…
Il caso Mortier c. Belgique. L’eutanasia conseguente a sofferenze psichiche
Il saggio esamina la pronuncia della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell'uomo sul caso Mortier c. Belgio ed evidenzia lo scivolamento della giurisprudenza europea verso la regolamentazione dell'eutanasia per sofferenze anche psichiche negli ordinamenti degli Stati membri.
Valore relazionale dello spazio pubblico dei servizi e welfare urbano
Il portato ideale che aveva animato il dibattito e la ricerca in campo urbanistico sulla dotazione di attrezzature e servizi pubblici si era già infranto nel modo in cui, dalla fine degli anni ’60, era stato formulato e attuato il provvedimento sugli standard e oggi si infrange vieppiù in una realtà sociale profondamente modificata. In un contesto di frammentazione dei gruppi sociali che esprimono bisogni eterogeni e raramente rappresentati, tuttavia, il valore relazionale dello spazio pubblico dei servizi permane come uno dei capisaldi che fanno delle dotazioni pubbliche di servizi a scala urbana e di quartiere i centri di riferimento per le comunità insediate, prime fra tutti le scuole. D…
The burden of peri-operative work at night as perceived by anaesthesiologists: An international survey
Background: No international data are available on the night working conditions and workload of anaesthesiologists and their opinions about associated risks. Objective: The aim of this international survey was to describe the peri-operative night working conditions of anaesthesiologists and their perception of the impact these conditions have on patient outcomes and their own quality of life. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Setting: Not applicable. Participants: Anaesthesiologists providing peri-operative care during night shifts responded to an online survey promoted by the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC). Interventions: None. Main outcome measure: Twenty-eig…
Human error contribution to accidents in the manufacturing sector: A structured approach to evaluate the interdependence among performance shaping fa…
Since the 1970s, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) methods have received a great interest for the quantification of the Human Error Probability (HEP) in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). To this purpose, the second-generation HRA methods consider contextual and cognitive factors - named Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs) - that may influence the workers’ performance during tasks execution. Despite the recent extension of HRA methods to different fields, only few studies refer to the manufacturing sector. In addition, the majority of contributions assume the independence among PSFs, which may result in an over or under estimation of HEP. Therefore, the present paper focuses on the manufacturing se…
Candido tra Sciascia e Guccione
An analysis of the relationship among the writer Sciascia and the painter Guccione focusing on the problems of neo-illuminism.
A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews on the Use of Aromatase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Endometriosis: The Evidence to Date
Endometriosis is a chronic gynecologic condition that affects around 6-10% of reproductive age women. This clinical entity is characterized with pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and infertility which are the most often presenting symptoms. Aromatase P450 is the key enzyme for ovarian estrogen biosynthesis and there is evidence that endometriotic lesions express aromatase and are able to synthesize their own estrogens. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are potent drugs that suppress the estrogen synthesis via suppression of aromatase. We performed a systematic review of systematic reviews and narrative reviews on the use of aromatase inhibitors in the medical management of endometriosis. We …