showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Project development with application TRELLO in design and technology in high school


Darba mērķis - izpētīt kā ar digitālo rīku/ aplikāciju TRELLO mācību procesā – dizaina un tehnoloģijas stundās un projektu darbā var panākt apmācības nepārtrauktību un izsekojamību īpašos COVID 19 apstākļos vadot mācību procesu vidusskolā: gan klātiene, gan attālināti gan hibrīdveidā (daļēji klātiene, daļēji attālināti vienlaicīgi – translācija no stundas klasē). Pieredzes darbs sastāv no 4 daļām: 1. Mācību priekšmeta dizains un tehnoloģijas apguve skolā 2. Digitālā rīka izvēle darbam ar skolēniem priekšmeta dizains un tehnoloģijas I ietvaros 3. Profesionāla pieredze. Mācību procesa īstenošana ar TRELLO rīku 4. Pieredzes darba secinājumi un priekšlikumi. Darbam ir pielikums, kurā ir iespēja…

digitālā pratībaTRELLOIzglītības zinātneskompetencetehnoloģijasdizains

The impact of the Eurofever criteria and the new Infevers MEFV classification in real life: results from a large international FMF cohort


INTRODUCTION: New Eurofever/PRINTO classification criteria (EPCC) for Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) and other recurrent fevers have been recently developed, together with the classification of the pathogenicity of MEFV variants. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact in real life of both the EPCC and INSAID pathogenicity classification of MEFV variants in the large international Eurofever FMF cohort. METHODS: Baseline demographic, genetic and clinical data of FMF patients included in the Eurofever registry were evaluated. The EPCC and the 2018 INSAID classification for MEFV variants were applied in all eligible FMF patients. RESULTS: Since November 2009, clinical information was available …

Male*Genetic analysis*Autoinflammatory diseasesPyrinFamilial Mediterranean fever*Classification criteriaCohort StudiesAnesthesiology and Pain MedicineRheumatologySettore MED/38 - PEDIATRIA GENERALE E SPECIALISTICAMutation*Familial mediterranean feverHumansFemale*RegistryRegistriesAutoinflammatory diseases Classification criteria Familial mediterranean fever Genetic analysis Recurrent fevers Registry Cohort Studies Colchicine Female Humans Male Mutation Pyrin Registries Familial Mediterranean FeverColchicine*Recurrent fevers

Educazione personalizzata e il sistema degli obiettivi educativi fondamentali SOFE


La personalizzazione educativa e didattica rappresenta una delle espressioni più ricorrenti e dense di significato che ritroviamo negli scritti di Zanniello che ha approfonditamente analizzato il significato che il termine ha assunto nelle varie correnti pedagogiche, con specifici riferimenti all’attività scolastica e ai contesti istituzionali e legislativi.

personalizzazione educativa didattica obiettivi educativi fondamentaliSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Hybrid Threats against Industry 4.0 : Adversarial Training of Resilience


Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing are associated with the Cyber-Physical-Social Systems populated and controlled by the Collective Intelligence (human and artificial). They are an important component of Critical Infrastructure and they are essential for the functioning of a society and economy. Hybrid Threats nowadays target critical infrastructure and particularly vulnerabilities associated with both human and artificial intelligence. This article summarizes some latest studies of WARN: “Academic Response to Hybrid Threats” (the Erasmus+ project), which aim for the resilience (regarding hybrid threats) of various Industry 4.0 architectures and, especially, of the human and artificial de…


Chapter X. for the Benefit of Third Parties and Action Directe. 4. Poland


El “Divided Government” en los Estados Unidos. Causas, dinámicas y efectos sobre sistema político y constitucional norteamericano


El presente trabajo de investigación, al que hemos querido brindar el título de El Divided Government en los Estados Unidos: causas, dinámicas y efectos sobre el sistema político y constitucional norteamericano, ja sido elaborado en el marco del Programa de Doctorado en Derecho, Ciencia Política y Criminología de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Valencia. Su objeto es abordar con toda la profundidad que esté a nuestro alcance la práctica o la institución del Divided Government (en adelante, Gobierno Dividido) en los Estados Unidos, cuya vigencia en determinados periodos de gobierno de esta nación a generado interesantes consecuencias, y que ha cobrado una especial importancia en …

derecho constitucionalciencia políticaestados unidos:CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO [UNESCO]UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO

Animal Subjects?


A revised theory of animal subjectivity among Posthumanism, Animal Science and Continental Philosophy


VEggInInteractions protéines végétales –protéines de blanc d’œuf pour le développement d’ingrédients fonctionnalisés


compréhension des interactions entre protéines végétales et protéines de blanc d’œuf pour permettre l’amélioration de la « techno-fonctionnalité » des mélanges, notamment pour la stabilisation des mousses et émulsions, l’optimisation de ces fonctionnalités et l’identification des conditions permettant de limiter leur sensibilité aux traitements thermiques.

émulsionmousse[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutritionprotéine animaleblanc d'oeufinnovation alimentaireingrédient fonctionnel[SDV.IDA] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food engineeringProtéine végétaletraitement thermique

ÅNDELIG OMSORG I SYKEPLEIE "Hvilke erfaringer har katolske sykepleiere med å ivareta pasienters åndelige behov?"


Bakgrunn: Den moderne sykepleie ivaretar pasientenes åndelige behov ut ifra sin kunnskap og sitt yrkesformål, som en del av kunnskapsbasert yrkesutøvelse. Katolske sykepleiere utøver sitt yrke i samsvar med yrkesretningslinjer, samtidig som de er bevisst på at det utfra deres katolske perspektiv er viktig å ivareta pasientens åndelige velbefinnende. Hensikt og forskningsspørsmål: Hensikten med dette prosjektet er å undersøke hvilke opplevelser og erfaringer katolske sykepleiere har med å ivareta pasienters åndelige behov. Derfor er problemstilling: Hvilke erfaringer har katolske sykepleiere med å ivareta pasienters åndelige behov?» Metode og utvalg: Datamaterialet ble samlet inn gjennom sek…

The legacy of the Polish People's Republic in the doctrine and constitutional law in the first years of Poland's transformation


The following paper is devoted to the analysis and evaluation of the selected issues concerning doctrine and constitutional law during the first years of the political transformation (until the entry into force of the so-called small constitution of 1992) in Poland. As it is well known, during the period of 1989-1992, political and legal transformations took place in our country, which are of symbolic meaning and closely related to the breakdown of the communism in Central and Eastern Europe. It is almost universally accepted that they are associated with the revolutionary systemic changes of the country, which were to negate the compromised political-legal tradition of the People's Republi…

A regional approach for exploring the relation between sediment transport and coastal erosion in Sicily


To study on a regional basis, the relation between fluvial sediment delivery and coastal erosion, the historical record of coastline migration of Sicily was analyzed with respect to the estimated sediment delivery to the coast obtained from the spatially distributed sediment delivery WaTEM/SEDEM model. The latter was directly acquired from the ESDAC database as a 25 m pixel layers, being based on the combination between the RUSLE model and a transport capacity routing algorithm. At the same time, the coastline-evolution (accretion/retreatment) data for 1960/1994 and 1994/2012 intervals were processed. This dataset, provided by ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Resear…

Sediment transport coastal erosion WaTEM/SEDEM model

Taakse jäänyt kotimaa : Suomi suomalaisessa nykykirjallisuudessa


Suomalaisen yhteiskunnan kuvaus ei ole kadonnut kirjallisuudestamme mihinkään, mutta kertomisen tapa ja eetos ovat nyt moninäkökulmaisia ja moniäänisiä. Särö julkaisee esitelmän, jonka kirjallisuuden professori Mika Hallila piti Babeș-Bolyai-yliopiston (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) suomen kielen ja kirjallisuuden oppiaineen 30-vuotisjuhlassa 5.11.2022. nonPeerReviewed

monikulttuurisuuskotimaaeetosyhteiskuntakuvaussuomenkielinen kirjallisuuskansallinen identiteettinäkökulmakirjallisuudenhistoriasuomalaisuusnykykirjallisuus

Loudness Perceptions Influence Feelings of Interpersonal Closeness and Protect Against Detrimental Psychological Effects of Social Exclusion


We propose that perceptions of auditory loudness and interpersonal closeness are bidirectionally related. Across 12 experiments (total N = 2,219; 10 preregistered; with Singaporean, British, U.S. American, and Australian participants), we demonstrated that louder audio made people feel physically (Study 1a) and socially (Study 1b) closer to others, presumably because loudness activates interpersonal closeness-related concepts implicitly (Studies 1c and 1d). This loudness–interpersonal closeness effect was observed across diverse samples (Studies 2a, 3a, and S1), for longer listening intervals (Study 2b), and in natural settings (Studies 3a and 3b). Conversely, individuals made to feel socia…

interpersonal closenessäänenvoimakkuussocial proximityääniympäristöauditory loudnessphysical proximityläheisyyssocial exclusionsyrjäytyminensosiaalinen vuorovaikutus

Problematyka mniejszości narodowych i migracji w funkcjonowaniu samorządu terytorialnego


La Educación para el Desarrollo y la Ciudadanía Global en el Marco de la Cooperación al Desarrollo y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).


Desde el ámbito educativo hemos de tener una mirada global y solidaria, para colaborar, desde la parcela personal y profesional al logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030. Para ello el profesional de la educación ha de conocer las iniciativas y principios de la Educación para el Desarrollo (EPD) y la Educación Ciudadanía Global (ECG), para colaborar con la Cooperación al Desarrollo. Por todo ello, la Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre (LOMLOE), por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación, recoge estos aspectos que se han de concretar en los planes de estudio, las iniciativas y el día a día de los centros docentes. Para ello …

Desenvolupament sostenibleEducació

“A Shameless Ideology of Shameless Women”: Positioning the Other in Social Media Discourse Surrounding a Women’s Rights Movement in Pakistan


This study analyzes social media (YouTube) discourse related to Aurat March 2019, a women’s rights movement in Pakistan. Using a discourse analytical approach that draws on the premises of Positioning theory, the analysis reveals the following two major storylines from the data: “The women who stray from the path, and the men who will return them to it,” and “Islam under threat from the outside.” Social media platforms allow their users to express opinions in online spaces, often resulting in polarization and clustering of like-minded people in so-called echo-chambers. This study demonstrates how social media users actively participate in the discursive construction of the “other,” and how…

Cultural Studiesjulkinen keskustelusocial mediaYouTubeverkkokeskusteluCommunicationsosiaalinen medianaisen asemadiskurssianalyysiComputer Science ApplicationspositioningAurat MarchPakistannaisasialiikkeetdiscourse analysiswomen’s rights movementSocial Media + Society

Le patologie del contratto


Il volume raccoglie gli appunti delle lezioni del corso di Diritto civile e nella sostanza anticipa un contributo al volume di prossima uscita su Il Contratto in generale del Trattato del diritto privato curato da Salvatore Mazzamuto.

Settore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatorisoluzione nullità

Deceptive design e disinformazione. Il ruolo delle tecnologie persuasive nella diffusione delle fake news.


Dal 2016, la letteratura scientifica ha registrato una drastica crescita dell’interesse per il tema delle fake news e ha dimostrato la responsabilità dei progettisti nel supportare fenomeni di polarizzazione. L’applicazione malevola di principi di psicologia cognitiva alla progettazione delle interfacce digitali, detta deceptive design, persegue la manipolazione dell’utente e gioca un ruolo chiave nella diffusione delle fake news: questo contributo offre un insieme di strumenti utili all’identificazione di notizie false, testati in fase di popolazione del database di news per l’addestramento di un algoritmo di verifica nell’ambito del progetto Fake News.

Settore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industrialefake news deceptive design dark patterns ux design information design

Toolbox for Distance Estimation and Cluster Validation on Data With Missing Values


Missing data are unavoidable in the real-world application of unsupervised machine learning, and their nonoptimal processing may decrease the quality of data-driven models. Imputation is a common remedy for missing values, but directly estimating expected distances have also emerged. Because treatment of missing values is rarely considered in clustering related tasks and distance metrics have a central role both in clustering and cluster validation, we developed a new toolbox that provides a wide range of algorithms for data preprocessing, distance estimation, clustering, and cluster validation in the presence of missing values. All these are core elements in any comprehensive cluster analy…

mallintaminenGeneral Computer Sciencedistance estimation020209 energyGeneral Engineeringlaatu02 engineering and technologyTK1-9971missing valuesklusteritkoneoppiminendatavalidointialgoritmit0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineering020201 artificial intelligence & image processingGeneral Materials ScienceMissing valuesElectrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineeringcluster validationtietojenkäsittelyclusteringIEEE Access

Antioxidants and Bioactive Compounds in Food: Critical Review of Issues and Prospects


International audience; This review paper gives an insight into the effective delivery mechanisms for health-promoting substances and highlights the challenges of using antioxidants and bioactives in foods. The selection criteria for choosing bioactives and their extraction in bioavailable form with their adequate incorporation techniques and delivery mechanisms are covered. Moreover, an overview of existing methods for determination of bioactivity is given. The importance of scientifically evaluating the effects of foods or food components on consumer health before making claims about the healthiness is aligned. Finally, a scientific perspective on how to respond to the booming demand for …

BioavailabilityFood gradePhysiology[SDV.IDA]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food engineeringClinical Biochemistry: bioactive compounds ; encapsulation ; food grade ; bioavailabilityEncapsulationCell Biology[SDV.AEN]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and NutritionMolecular BiologyBiochemistryBioactive compoundsAntioxidants

Faktorer som påverkat ordintonationen och kvantiteten i finlandssvenskan


suomenruotsiintonaatio (puhe)ruotsin kielialueellisuusvariaatio (kieli)yleiskielifonetiikkakielihistoriaääntäminenmurteetaksentti

Short-term impact of biogas digestates on soils microbial communities


International audience; Anaerobic digestion of organic waste is considered a key process to produce renewable energy to meet the growing sustainable energy demand. Digestates can be used in agriculture as soil amendments and improve crop yields. However, their use at large scale in agricultural fields still requires to prove their innocuity on soil biota, especially on microorganisms that play important roles in soil ecosystem. Here, we designed a microcosm experiment to compare the short-term (42-days) effects of four different digestates (derived from cattle manure, energy crop, food residues or slurry with bio-waste) on the soil microbial communities. Each digestate was applied on three …

high throughput DNA sequencing[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]microcosm experimentsoil microbes[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]organic fertilization

La protección contractual del consumidor: la delimitación del concepto de consumidor y sus efectos en el derecho contractual


Consumidores, por definición, somos todos”. Así comenzaba el discurso que J.F Kennedy dio el 15 marzo de 1962 ante el Congreso americano. No le faltaba razón. ¿Qué es ser consumidor? ¿Quién es consumidor? Parece una respuesta fácil. Su protección impregna la mayoría de los textos constitucionales de la mayoría de los estados siendo conscientes de la globalización en la que vivimos y de la necesidad de cuidarles frente a las prácticas empresariales agresivas y audaces que limitan la posición del consumidor. Podemos comprar un artículo, adquirir un servicio o vender un bien desde el otro lado del mundo, pero no todos somos consumidores de igual forma. La sociedad demanda una nueva concepción …


Bērna agresīvas uzvedības novēršanas iespējas vidējā pirmsskolas vecumā


Darba autors: Gita Arbuzova Darba tēma: Bērna agresīvas uzvedības novēršanas iespējas vidējā pirmsskolas vecumā. Darba rezultāti: Katram bērna vecumposmam ir savas attīstības īpatnības, kas ietekmē bērna reakciju uz ārēju vai iekšēju kairinājumu. Bērns uzkrātās emocijas vēl tikai mācās izpaust, tāpēc pedagogiem un bērnu vecākiem ir jābūt kompetentiem par bērnu vecumposmu attīstības īpatnībām, lai veiksmīgāk varētu pielietot dažādas korekcijas metodes, kas mazinātu bērnu agresīvu uzvedību pirmsskolā. Tāpat ir svarīgi saprast, kādas uzvedības funkcijas atbilst konkrētajai situācijai, un jāveic padziļināta izpēte, lai saprastu, kādās situācijās izpaužas agresīva rīcība. Varbūt tie ir diennakts…

agressionSkolas pedagoģijapirmsskolareduction of aggressionagresijaagresijas mazināšana

Representación de la diversidad cultural en las series infantiles de televisión


En la actualidad somos conscientes del gran peso de la televisión en la transformación de la cultura. Asimismo, se entiende que la televisión y su contenido educa a los infantes ofreciéndoles actitudes, ideas, valores y conductas con los cuales guiar sus vidas. De manera que teniendo en cuenta el papel de los medios en la difusión de estereotipos y la necesidad de una mejor representación de las minorías, nos preguntamos ¿Cómo se representa la diversidad cultural en las series infantiles de televisión? Esta investigación trata de analizar la representación de la diversidad cultural en los productos audiovisuales, específicamente en las series infantiles de televisión. De manera que buscamos…

análisis crítico del discursoeducación mediáticarepresentación socialdiversidad culturaldibujos animadosUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA

Motivācija saistībā ar uztverto atbalstu un trenera vadības stilu komandu sporta veidos 16 līdz 24 gadus vecu sportistu vidū.


Nosaukums: Motivācija saistībā ar uztverto atbalstu un trenera vadības stilu komandu sporta veidos 16 līdz 24 gadus vecu sportistu vidū. Aktualitāte: Latvijas sporta politikas pamatnostādņu prioritārais virziens ir bērnu un jauniešu sports. Nozīmīga ietekme jaunieša motivācijā ir trenerim, kurš var bērnu un jaunieti gan attīstīt un virzīt pretī profesionālajam sportam, gan ietekmēt negatīvi un izraisīt vēlmi pārstāt nodarboties ar sportu. Darba mērķis: noskaidrot, kā trenera vadības stils un uztvertais atbalsts ietekmē 16 līdz 24 gadus vecu sportistu motivāciju komandu sporta veidos Pētījuma metode: Kvantitatīvs pētījums, kurā piedalījās 16 līdz 24 gadus veci komandu sporta veidu pārstāvji.…

treneriskomandu sporta veidimotivācijajauniešiSporta zinātnevadības stils

Frequency locking of a breather fibre laser, fairy tree and devil's staircase


Breathing solitons exhibiting periodic oscillatory behaviour form an important part of many different classes of nonlinear wave systems. Recently, thanks to the development of real-time detection techniques, they have also emerged as a ubiquitous mode-locked regime of ultrafast fibre lasers [1,2]. The excitation of breather oscillations in a laser naturally triggers a second characteristic frequency in the system, which therefore shows competition between the cavity repetition frequency and the breathing frequency. The theoretical model describing nonlinear systems with two competing frequencies predicts frequency locking, in which the system locks into a resonant periodic response featurin…

[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-OPTICS] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics]

Fitnesskilpailudieetin vaikutus ruokahalua sääteleviin hormoneihin


Fitnessurheilun suosio on kasvanut Suomessa vuosi vuodelta. Lajeihin liittyy oleellisesti kehonkoostumuksen muokkaaminen lajikriteereihin sopivaksi harjoittelun ja ruokavalion keinoin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää miten fitnesskilpailudieetti vaikuttaa ruokahalua säätelevien leptiini- ja greliinihormonien pitoisuuksiin seerumissa. Muuttujien palautumista seurattiin dieetin jälkeen n. 20 viikkoa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 13 miestä ja 12 naista, jotka kilpailivat fitnessurheilun SM- kilpailuissa lokakuussa 2019. Kontrolliryhmässä oli 10 miestä ja 11 naista, jotka harjoittelivat aktiivisesti kuntosalilla mutta eivät tavoitelleet painonpudotusta tutkimusjakson aikana. Kaikille t…


The Key to Local Development? Citizen Initiatives and their Relations with Government Institutions


Against the backdrop of changes in the practice of local and regional governance, the role of citizen initiatives in development quickly gained attention in academia and policy making. Hailed as the ultimate form of citizen participation by some, citizen initiatives maintain and create public services and goods as they fill in the gaps left by government. Yet, government institutions remain present actors in these contexts, posing important questions of roles and responsibilities in the governance of rural development. By gathering empirical data in Germany and Uganda, this thesis examines the relations between citizen initiatives and government institutions, their effect on outcomes of cit…

Artes visuales para la inclusión de la diversidad sexual en la formación del profesorado de educación primaria


En el presente artículo planteamos la necesidad de formar al profesorado de educación Primaria en materia de diversidad sexual. El objetivo principal consiste en averiguar hasta qué punto está recibiendo este tipo de formación el futuro profesorado de primaria, aportando posteriormente propuestas para mejorar esta situación de precariedad formativa que se vive respecto a la inclusión de la disidencia sexual y de género en la escuela. Entre los objetivos secundarios destacamos la necesidad de utilizar herramientas atractivas para tratar estas temáticas en el aula. Observamos que, en relación con la diversidad sexual, las artes visuales y la educación artística nos ofrecen la oportunidad de i…

DissenyGeneral MedicineEducacióProfessors FormacióArtRevista de estudios socioeducativos RESED

Does weight status increase vulnerability to the food environment?


Obesity is an important public health issue with socioeconomic consequences. Its origin is multifactorial, with environmental, biological, psychological and social dimensions. Furthermore, its consequences involve physical, psychological and social complications on an individual level. The main tool employed to categorize individuals according to their weight status is the body mass index (BMI). This indicator, based on the ratio of weight to height, is used to define what constitutes a "normal" weight status (between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m 2), overweight (between 25 and 29.9 kg/m 2), and obesity (30 kg/m 2 and above). Current approaches to tackling obesity target a number of actors in the food…

cognitioncognitive[SHS.PSY] Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychologyobesity[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutritionvulnerability

In-mouth metabolism and production of flavor sulfur compounds by oral microbiota enzymes


Flavor perception is the main factor in the acceptance of food. Cysteine derivatives are aroma precursors present in a number of plant-based foods (vegetables, fruits, as well as beverages such as wine). They have low odorant properties, but become odorant when metabolized into aroma sulfur compounds in the oral cavity. These sulfur compounds are sometimes associated with food aversion. Therefore, it is desirable to improve our knowledge of the entailed enzymatic mechanisms and design strategies aiming at controlling their release in-mouth. The involved enzymes are presumably carbon-sulfur lyases (C-S lyases) from the oral microbiota, but evidences are scarce. Recently, we showed that saliv…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio][SDV.BBM] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry Molecular Biology

Why small particle fixed dose triple therapy? An excursus from COPD pathology to pharmacological treatment evolution


Although bronchodilators are the cornerstone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) therapy, the treatment with a single-agent bronchodilator may not provide adequate symptoms control in COPD. The combination of drugs with different mechanisms of action may be more effective in inducing bronchodilation and preventing exacerbations, with a lower risk of side-effects in comparison with the increase of the dose of a single molecule. Several studies comparing the triple therapy with the association of long-acting ß2 agonist (LABA)/inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) or long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA)/LABA reported improvement of lung function and quality of life. A significant reduc…

Pulmonary and Respiratory MedicineRC705-779ReviewMuscarinic AntagonistsSettore MED/10 - Malattie Dell'Apparato RespiratorioCOPD inhaled extrafine formulation triple therapyinhaled extrafine formulationBronchodilator AgentsDrug CombinationsPulmonary Disease Chronic ObstructiveDiseases of the respiratory systemtriple therapyFormoterol FumarateAdministration InhalationQuality of LifeCOPDHumansDrug Therapy CombinationPharmacology (medical)Adrenergic beta-2 Receptor AgonistsTherapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

El revers del Corredor Mediterrani. Per què beneficiarà més Alemanya que Espanya


Els intel·lectuals espanyols davant les «altres» cultures | Conversa amb Víctor Gómez Pin | Ernst Cassirer, Pedro Ruiz, Jordi Nieva, Carles Torner, Jordi Palafox, Josep V. Boira

assaigUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRASpensamentrevistaEspill

Un gel plus fréquent, paradoxe du réchauffement


Gel[SDU.STU.CL] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/ClimatologyEcologieBiodiversitéRéchauffement Climatique

Estimation of forest stand characteristics using individual tree detection, stochastic geometry and a sequential spatial point process model


Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) results in point-wise measurements of canopy height, which can further be used for Individual Tree Detection (ITD). However, ITD cannot find all trees because small trees can hide below larger tree crowns. Here we discuss methods where the plot totals and means of tree-level characteristics are estimated in such context. The starting point is a previously presented Horvitz–Thompson-like (HT-like) estimator, where the detectability is based on the larger tree crowns and a tuning parameter that models the detection condition. We propose a new method which is based on modeling the spatial pattern of hidden tree locations using a sequential spatial point process mo…

inventointilaserlaitteetpuut (kasvit)Horvitz-Thompson-like estimatorlasertekniikkametsätmittausmenetelmätmetsänarviointilaseritmittauslaitteettiheystree height [stand density]kaukokartoituspuustoforest inventoryAirborne Laser Scanning