showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Theory and computation of nuclear shielding


The selected research papers on theoretical aspects of nuclear magnetic shielding published from 1 January to 31 December 2021 are shortly reviewed in this chapter. Among the reported studies are mainly density functional theory (DFT) predictions of nuclear shielding for free molecules, as well as in solution, modeled by the polarizable continuum model (PCM). The calculations for solids are getting more common in the reviewed period of time. Due to their relatively high computational price, the number of ab initio and high-level calculated nuclear shieldings is significantly lower. In several reports the theoretical results are additionally improved by inclusion of zero-point vibration and …

Boulay-Moselle, Moselle, RD19-rue Maillard, Grand Est, rapport de diagnostic archéologique, Metz : INRAP GE, 2022, 42 p.


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ENVIR] Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studies[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History

Vidējā pirmsskolas vecumposma bērnu runas attīstība rokdarbos


Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir apkopot un analizēt informāciju no dažādu autoru teorijām par bērnu runas attīstību saistībā ar rokdarbiem pirmsskolas vidējā vecumposmā un pētīt, kā tā atspoguļojas praksē, strādājot ar bērniem. Darba autore ir Latvijas Universitātes profesionālās bakalaura studiju programmas “Pirmsskolas un sākumskolas skolotājs” studente Līga Zīraka. Darba zinātniskā vadītāja ir Latvijas Universitātes docente Dr. paed. Ingūna Lāce. Darba nosaukums: Vidējā pirmsskolas vecumposma bērnu runas attīstība rokdarbos. Teorētiskajā daļā tika apkopoti un analizēti gan latviešu, gan ārzemju literatūras avoti, kopā – 34. Tika apskatīti tādu autoru darbi kā I. Hadaņonokas, L. Hadaņonokas,…

Skolas pedagoģijavalodarunas attīstībasīkā motorikapirmsskolas vidējais vecumposms

La spada penale trafigge i rave party. Osservazioni attorno al nuovo reato di “Invasione di terreni o edifici per raduni pericolosi” (art. 434 bis c.…


Il contributo analizza i profili critici della norma "anti rave party" introdotta con il Decreto Legge n. 162/2022 e ne valuta le possibili modifiche, alla luce della proposta di emendamento di recente presentata dall'Esecutivo con l'obiettivo di "normalizzare" la disposizione.

norma anti rave partyInvasione di terreni o deificiRaduni pericolosiSettore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Toolbox for Distance Estimation and Cluster Validation on Data With Missing Values


Missing data are unavoidable in the real-world application of unsupervised machine learning, and their nonoptimal processing may decrease the quality of data-driven models. Imputation is a common remedy for missing values, but directly estimating expected distances have also emerged. Because treatment of missing values is rarely considered in clustering related tasks and distance metrics have a central role both in clustering and cluster validation, we developed a new toolbox that provides a wide range of algorithms for data preprocessing, distance estimation, clustering, and cluster validation in the presence of missing values. All these are core elements in any comprehensive cluster analy…

mallintaminenGeneral Computer Sciencedistance estimation020209 energyGeneral Engineeringlaatu02 engineering and technologyTK1-9971missing valuesklusteritkoneoppiminendatavalidointialgoritmit0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineering020201 artificial intelligence & image processingGeneral Materials ScienceMissing valuesElectrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineeringcluster validationtietojenkäsittelyclusteringIEEE Access

Revīzijas nozare un tajā izmantoto digitālo risinājumu attīstība Latvijā


Revīzijas procesam jābūt secīgam, pilnīgam un laicīgam. Tas ietver sevī liela apjoma dokumentācijas apstrādi, tādēļ liela cilvēkresursu iesaiste vienkāršu un vienveidīgu procesu veikšanā bremzē un paildzina revīzijas pakalpojumu sniegšanai veltīto laiku. Pētījuma mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz Latvijas revīzijas nozares un tajā izmantoto digitālo risinājumu izpēti, analizēt un novērtēt izmantotos digitālos risinājumus un to attīstības iespējas, kā arī sniegt priekšlikumus nozares darbības uzlabošanai Latvijā digitalizācijas kontekstā. Pētījuma ietvaros tika novērtētas digitālos risinājumu izmantošanas tendences Latvijā, kā arī izvirzīti priekšlikumi turpmākai nozares digitālajai attīstībai. Dar…

digitalizācijarevīzijaiekšējais auditsEkonomika un uzņēmējdarbībaauditsrevidents

Hybrid Neural Networks with Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning for Improved Grain Identification and Grain Yield Predictions


Agriculture is a critical part of the world's food production, being a vital aspect of all societies. Procedures need to be adjusted to their specific environment because of their climate and field condition disparity. Existing research has demonstrated the potential of grain yield predictions on Norwegian farms. However, this research is limited to regional analytics, which is unable to acquire sufficient plant growth factors influenced by field conditions and farmers' decisions. One factor critical for yield prediction is the crop type planted on a per-field basis. This research effort proposes a novel approach for improving crop yield predictions using a hybrid deep neural network utiliz…

El tiratge de Alicante y el comercio de los reinos de Valencia y Murcia (1535-1735)


Montojo Montojo, Vicente: El tiratge de Alicante y el comercio de los reinos de Valencia y Murcia (1535-1735). En: Estudis: Revista de historia moderna, 48 2022: 177-198

historia socialhistoria modernaUNESCO::HISTORIAhistoria económica:HISTORIA [UNESCO]historia de españafiscalidad

Skolas teritorijā pieejamā dabas objekta izmantošana pētniecībā dabaszinībās 1. un 2. klasē


A. Ozoliņas diplomdarbā “Skolas teritorijā pieejamā dabas objekta izmantošana pētniecībā dabaszinībās 1. un 2. klasē” autore aktualizējusi āra nodarbību, pētījumu un pētniecisko prasmju nozīmi dabaszinību mācību satura apguvē 1. un 2. klasē, veikta konkrētās skolas sākumizglītības posma skolotāju aptauja par dabas objekta izmantošanu mācību satura apguvē. Izstrādāti pētījumu plāni pētniecisko prasmju attīstīšanai 1. un 2. klasē un veikta to aprobāciju. Diplomdarba mērķis ir analizēt pētniecisko prasmju apguves iespējas āra nodarbībās un noskaidrot skolas teritorijā esošā dabas objekta izmantošanu pētījumos dabaszinībās 1. un 2. klasē, izstrādājot pētījumu plānus. Atslēgas vārdi: āra nodarbī…

Pedagoģijapētījumidabaszinībaspētnieciskās prasmesāra nodarbībasdabas objekts

Recensione di: "Eccessi d'autore. Retoriche della voce nel romanzo italiano di oggi" di Filippo Pennacchio, Mimesis, 2020


Review of: Excesses of the author. Rhetoric of the voice in today's Italian novel, Milan-Udine, research iulM, communication, arts and media, Mimesis, 2020

authorSettore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature Comparatecontemporary Italian literaturepoint of view in fictionbook reviewnarratology

Dzīvnieku pietura - tīmekļa vietne sludinājumiem


Tīmekļa vietne “Dzīvnieku pietura”, kas paredzēta dzīvnieku adoptācijai nodrošinās tādas funkcijas, kā informācijas iesūtīšana administrācijai un dzīvnieku apskatīšana iedalītajās kategorijās. Šīs tīmekļa vietnes galvenais mērķis ir, lai pie mums nonākušie dzīvnieciņi atrod labus saimniekus un nonāk jaunās mājās un nepavada savu atlikušo dzīvi “pieturā” jeb pagaidu mājās/patversmēs. Galvenās iespējas, ko vietne nodrošina ir atrast dzīvniekus dotajās kategorijās, iesūtīt dzīvnieku informāciju par kādu Jūsu vai atrastu dzīvnieku, lai ievietotu to mājaslapā, kā arī aizpildīt adopcijas pieteikumu.

Potenciālais saimnieksDatorzinātneTīmekļa vietneDzīvnieku pieturaDzīvnieka profilsPieteikums

Structure-based virtual screening of bitter taste receptors


Understanding how chemicals code for a certain type of taste is fundamental for the development of a rational method to create new taste modulators. The identification of these new candidates is important for the food industry and would also be beneficial for the pharmacology industry. In humans, the bitter taste depends on a large family of 25 taste receptors type 2 (TAS2Rs) belonging to the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family. They are classified distantly related to class A GPCR and, to date, the experimental structures have not been determined for any TAS2Rs. Here we present a new structure-based virtual screening strategy to expand the chemical space of bitter taste receptors. Com…

[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutrition[SDV.BBM] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry Molecular Biology

Définir et comprendre l’ESS sur les territoires frontaliers franco-suisses :l’observatoire ESSpace


The four Franco-Swiss chambers of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) (Franche-Comté, Vaud, Rhône-Alpes and Genève) collaborated from 2012 to 2014 in an Interreg IV project, the purpose of which was to conduct "a collective reflection to support the development, enhance the value of good practices and social and solidarity initiatives from one region to another" (Project Summary Document, 2015). This reflection aims to understand together how the SSE is experienced in these territories, to explore the similarities, nuances and differences.A corpus of the various definitions of the actors themselves, and selected by these actors, was constituted and analysed according to the method of Co…

information and communication processeséconomie sociale et solidaireintelligence collective territorialecollective territorial intelligencecoopérationsocial and solidarity economycooperationprocessus info-communicationnels[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

Lignin for energy applications – state of the art, life cycle, technoeconomic analysis and future trends


Lignin in advanced energy applications: source, extraction methodolgy, structure/property relationships.

Environmental ChemistryPollutionGreen Chemistry

Samskaping i samfunnsplanlegging – for å skape levende bygder


Oppgaven belyser i sin helhet problemstillingen hvordan samskaping i planlegging mellom administrasjonen i kommunen og lokale aktører har blitt opplevd i Sveio kommune. Det har blitt diskutert hvilke utfordringer som oppstod ved samskapingen, hvordan kommunen møter de lokale initiativene og om kommunen anser samskaping som en sentral måte å involvere lokale stemmer i planleggingen fremover.

The Effect of Bark Stripping by Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) on Biometric Parameters of the Scots Pine


Bark stripping by red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) is one of the most acute instances of damage wrought by these animals in a forest. Because of its location, bark stripping causes damage to the thickest and most valuable part of the tree trunk, which lowers the quality of the wood due to technical flaws. The research was conducted in 25 sampling sites of pine stands aged 35 years in a mixed, fresh forest habitat in south-western Poland. The study was aimed at assessing the influence of bark damage by deer on biometric parameters of pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.). The assessment involved the diameter at breast height, height, basal area and volume of the tree stands. The results revealed a s…

bark stripping; damage; deer; DBH; basal area; stand volume; Pinus sylwestris L.Applied Sciences-Basel



La voce enciclopedica ripercorre la disciplina e i principi che regolano il trasporto pubblico di linea.

Servizio pubblico concorrenza accesso al mercato servizio universale autorità di regolazione dei trasportiSettore IUS/09 - Istituzioni Di Diritto Pubblico

The variable food webs in cold-water lakes


subarctic lakesfood webd13Clohikalatsubarktinen vyöhykesalmonid fishlittoral-pelagic couplingjärvetravintoverkotd15N

Ancora in tema di incompatibilità endoprocessuale del giudice: l’icona dell’hortus conclusus


Gli snodi dell’incompatibilità endoprocessuale del giudice continuano a occupare ruoli di primo piano nei laboratori delle verifiche di costituzionalità: il contributo rilegge la ratio dell’esclusione concettuale di figure di incompatibilità orizzontali endofasiche anche alla luce delle esigenze di continuità della parabola del “cammino del pensiero” segnalate da pagine di rilievo della filosofia del novecento. Italian Constitutional Court’s case law, since 1990, includes many statements about judge’s incompatibility when he made a decision into an earlier stage of the same judgment. This paper traces the logic of non configurability of incompatibility cases when the judge has made a prelim…

incompatibilità endoprocessualeimparzialitàSettore IUS/16 - Diritto Processuale PenaleGiudice

The tract Ratio de cursus and the identity of Luxeuil liturgy


International audience

[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Pārrobežu informācijas apmaiņas tiesiskais regulējums valsts funkciju izpildei un ar to saistītas problēmas sauszemes transportlīdzekļu jomā


Maģistra darba ietvaros tiek analizēts starpvalstu datu apmaiņas procesa tiesiskais regulējums sauszemes transportlīdzekļu un to vadītāju jomā, procesa organizācija un problēmas, ar kurām saskaras ES dalībvalstis un Latvija. Darbā ir izpētīta regulējuma ietekme uz fizisko personu datu apmaiņu un ar to saistītas problēmas. Pētījums aptver spēkā esošo un arī vēsturisko tiesisko regulējumu, to attīstību un esošo situāciju. Maģistra darbs sastāv no 3 nodaļām. Maģistra darba apjoms ir 66. lappuses, t.s. 5 attēli, 8 tabulas. Maģistra darbā izmantoti 55. informācijas avoti.

registration of vehicles and their driverstransportlīdzekļu un to vadītāju reģistrācijanacionālais kontaktpunktsstarpvalstu datu apmaiņainternational data exchangeTiesību zinātne

Chemical Variability and Pharmacological Potential of Propolis as a Source for the Development of New Pharmaceutical Products


This review aims to analyze propolis as a potential raw material for the development and manufacture of new health-promoting products. Many scientific publications were retrieved from the Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases via searching the word "propolis". The different extraction procedures, key biologically active compounds, biological properties, and therapeutic potential of propolis were analyzed. It was concluded that propolis possesses a variety of biological properties because of a very complex chemical composition that mainly depends on the plant species visited by bees and species of bees. Numerous studies found versatile pharmacological activities of propolis: antimicro…

propolisbotanical originhealth-promoting productschemical compositionbiological propertiesMolecules

En agriculture il ne faut plus courir après les derniers quintaux


interview[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Opportunities for reasoning and argumentation: Norwegian mathematics textbooks for grades 5-7


Utdanningsdirektoratet (2019a; 2019b) states that reasoning and argumentation shall permeate the entire mathematics education, and as one of six core elements in the curriculum it is among the most important contents in mathematics education. Reasoning and argumentation in mathematics is about understanding that mathematical rules and results have obvious reasons and are not random, and to give reasons and prove that approaches, reasons, and solutions are valid (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019a). Several researchers refer to textbooks as central in teaching, both in planning and completing lessons (Wong & Sutherland, 2018; Pepin et al. 2013). The goal of the present study is to understand what…

Smooth Three-Dimensional Route Planning for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles With Double Continuous Curvature


This paper presents a smooth flight path planner for maneuvering in a 3D Euclidean space, which is based on two new space curves. The first one is called 'Elementary Clothoid-based 3D Curve (ECb3D)', which is built by concatenating two symmetric Clothoid-based 3D Curves (Cb3D). The combination of these curves allows to reach an arbitrary orientation in 3D Euclidean space. This new curve allows to generate continuous curvature and torsion profiles that start and finish with a null value, which means that they can be concatenated with other curves, such as straight segments, without generating discontinuities on those variables. The second curve is called 'Double Continuous Curvature 3D Curve…

General Computer ScienceGeneral EngineeringGeneral Materials ScienceVehiclesElectrical and Electronic EngineeringCinemàticaRobots

Jukolan veljekset maallikkopsykiatrin vastaanotolla : ADHD-nimike ja muut tarttuvat diagnoosit Seitsemän veljeksen nykyluennassa


Helsingin Sanomien julkaisemassa tietokirjassa Seitsemän miestä (2005) esitetään psykiatrisia diagnooseja Aleksis Kiven Seitsemässä veljeksessä (1870) kuvatuista henkilöistä. Tällainen diagnosoimisen tapa osallistuu kulttuurin diagnostisoitumisen prosessiin – siihen, että spesifit diagnoosinimikkeet saavat yhä keskeisemmän sijan kulttuurissa. Analysoin teokseen kirjattuja diagnosointeja kulttuurisen mielenterveystutkimuksen näkökulmasta. In this article I analyze how psychiatric diagnoses are used in the book Seitsemän miestä (The Seven Men, 2005), a nonfictional work by journalist Ilkka Malmberg. The book is published by Helsingin Sanomat, the largest subscription news-paper in Finland, an…

Seitsemän miestä (tietokirja 2005)psykiatriaSeitsemän veljestä (romaani 1870)normaaliusmielenterveysmedikalisaatiomielenterveyshäiriötfiktiiviset hahmotADHDkaunokirjallisuusdiagnoosipsykopatologiatietokirjallisuus

La creazione del Conservatorio di Palermo tra Sei e Settecento


Questo contributo ripercorre alcune delle tappe più significative della vita del conservatorio di Palermo tra Sei e Settecento a partire da due momenti fondativi: il primo è la creazione dell'istituzione nel 1617 col nome di “Conservatorio dei dispersi”; il secondo la trasformazione in conservatorio di musica vero e proprio nel 1747, sotto il titolo del “Buon Pastore”. In particolare verranno tratteggiate le figure dei due viceré responsabili di questi eventi, Francisco Ruiz conte di Castro e Bartolomeo Corsini. Inoltre si esaminerano i "capitoli" (regolamenti) emanati tra Sei e Settecento con particolare riferimento alle notizie sull'attività musicale. This essay traces some of the most si…

Music education Palermo ConservatorySettore L-ART/07 - Musicologia E Storia Della Musica

Ansattes opplevelse av teknologi: Hvordan ansatte i Grimstad kommune opplever å bruke digitale samhandlingsverktøy


Formålet med denne oppgaven har vært å undersøke hvordan kommunalt ansatte opplever å bruke digitale samhandlingsverktøy gjennom å se nærmere på digitale kurs, opplæring og integrering av digitale verktøy. Vi har valgt å fokusere på Microsoft Teams som det digitale samhandlingsverktøyet i denne oppgaven. Vi har utarbeidet en ressurs til bruk for alle ansatte i Grimstad kommune som består av opplæringsvideoer på et grunnleggende nivå. Ettersom forskningsspørsmålene handler om digitale kurs, opplæring og integrering av et nytt verktøy, har vi valgt å vise til relevant forskningsteori rundt pedagogikk, akseptanse og læring. Det teoretiske grunnlaget består av andragogimodellen, avlæringsmodell…

Street art e rigenerazione urbana? Spazio pubblico e immagini di città oltre le retoriche


Se negli ultimi anni l’interesse e il dibattito sull’arte nello spazio pubblico è crescente - nelle molteplici declinazioni di arte partecipata, partecipativa, engagé - è la street art ad essere oggi il linguaggio visuale prediletto. Una forma di arte urbana che sta diventando virale, connotando lo spazio e situandosi spesso al suo margine, nelle zone al limite. Nata come anti-capitalista e ribelle, considerata da alcuni un fastidio, da altri uno strumento per comunicare opinioni di dissenso, oggi la street art sembra perdere il suo carattere informale e underground per entrare in programmi istituzionali di rigenerazione urbana, promossa da amministrazioni e istituzioni culturali, diventand…

street art rigenerazione urbana inclusione sociale DanisinniSettore M-GGR/01 - GeografiaSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Quatre figures de la tératologie scientifique : Etienne et Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Camille Dareste et Etienne Wolff


À partir de l'histoire de la tératologie ou "sciences des monstres", un ouvrage qui propose une contribution originale, appuyée sur des exemples frappants, à l’étude des rapports entre théorie et observation en sciences et enrichit par là un questionnement épistémologique qui reste d’une profonde actualité.Le regard sur le corps jugé monstrueux s’est constitué au travers des travaux de quatre grandes figures de la tératologie française : les Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Camille Dareste et Etienne Wolff. On y voit comment le monstre jugé aberrant est rentré dans l’ordre du vivant, non pas comme dépendance de la forme ordinaire mais comme organisation originale à part entière. Ce regard sur le cor…

monstre[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]Etienne et Isidore Geoffroy de Saint-HilaireEtienne Wolffeembryologie[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesCamille DaresteTératologie

A Semi-Industrial Anmbr Plant for Urban Wastewater Treatment at Ambient Temperature: Analysis of the Filtration Process, Energy Balance and Quantific…


A semi-industrial scale AnMBR urban wastewater treatment plant was operated for 580 days at ambient temperature (ranging from 10-30 ○C) to assess its long-term filtration performance, energy balance and GHG emissions. The applied 20ºC-standardized transmembrane flux (J20) was varied between 15 and 25 LMH and the specific gas demand per m2 of membrane (SGDm) was modified between 0.10 to 0.40 Nm3·m-2·h-1 (corresponding to a specific gas demand per permeate volume (SGDP) between 10 to 20 Nm3·m-3). The filtration strategy allowed successful long-term operations without any chemical cleaning requirements and little fouling for 233 days. The plant operated as a net energy producer for more than 5…

HistoryPolymers and PlasticsEnergia EstalviProcess Chemistry and TechnologyAnaerobiosiChemical Engineering (miscellaneous)Aigües residuals Depuració Tractament biològicBusiness and International ManagementPollutionWaste Management and DisposalIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringSSRN Electronic Journal

Rotaļnodarbību organizēšanas īpatnības pirmsskolas vienaudžu grupās


Kvalifikācijas darbs “Rotaļnodarbību organizēšanas īpatnības pirmsskolas vienaudžu grupās” izstrādāts ar mērķi teorētiski izzināt un eksperimentāli pārbaudīt, kā rotaļnodarbībās pirmsskolā sekmējamas 3-4 gadus veciem bērnu sadarbības prasmes. Kvalifikācijas darbā izskatīti un analizēti psihologu, pedagogu, zinātnieku viedokļi par to, ka rotaļa un spēle ir bērna galvenais darbības veids. Rotaļās un spēlēs bērnos tiek attīstītas un nostiprinātas visas prasmes, tai skaitā sadarbības prasmes. No tā izriet, ka rotaļai ir jābūt pirmsskolas mācību procesa pamatā, un tai jābūt iekļautai darbības procesā tādā veidā, lai bērns spēlējoties sasniegtu skolotāja izvirzītos mācību mērķus. Kvalifikācijas d…

Pirmsskolas pedagoģijarotaļnodarbībarotaļasadarbības prasmespirmsskolas izglītības processpirmsskolas vecuma bērni

Organizational agility in the public sector: A case study of the Office of the Auditor General of Norway


This master thesis explores organizational agility in the public sector through a case study of a state agency. Organizational agility is as a learned, permanently-available dynamic capability that can be performed quickly and efficiently to the degree necessary, and whenever needed, to increase business performance in a volatile market environment. Although the definition includes a focus on a volatile market environment and business performance, many public organizations strive for agility. This master thesis investigates whether the concept of organizational agility could be a good fit for the public sector, even without obvious competitors and profit focus. A literature review was condu…

Løse tekstoppgaver ved hjelp av algebra Solve word problems by using algebra


Denne masteravhandlingen handler om å løse algebraiske tekstoppgaver ved hjelp av ulike løsningsmetoder. Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke og beskrive elevers tankegang når det benyttes ulike løsningsmetoder i arbeid med algebraiske tekstoppgaver. Dette ble undersøkt gjennom en kvalitativ flerkasusstudie som var basert på et undervisningseksperiment. Det ble introdusert to ulike løsningsmetoder som ikke var basert på symbolsk algebra, henholdsvis prøv og feil metoden og blokkmetoden. Dette undervisningseksperimentet ble gjennomført i en klasse på 8. trinn og en klasse på 9. trinn. I tillegg til å undersøke og beskrive elevenes tankegang, ønsket vi å undersøke om elevene så noen sam…

Polysorbate 80 controls Morphology, structure and stability of human insulin Amyloid-Like spherulites


AbstractAmyloid protein aggregates are not only associated with neurodegenerative diseases and may also occur as unwanted by-products in protein-based therapeutics. Surfactants are often employed to stabilize protein formulations and reduce the risk of aggregation. However, surfactants alter protein-protein interactions and may thus modulate the physicochemical characteristics of any aggregates formed. Human insulin aggregation was induced at low pH in the presence of varying concentrations of the surfactant polysorbate 80. Various spectroscopic and imaging methods were used to study the aggregation kinetics, as well as structure and morphology of the formed aggregates. Molecular dynamics s…

Amyloid-like Spherulites Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Aggregate Stability Polysorbate 80 Protein FormulationsAmyloidMorphology (linguistics)AmyloidChemistryInsulinmedicine.medical_treatmentIntermolecular forcePolysorbatesPolyvinyl alcoholSurfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsBiomaterialsSurface-Active Agentschemistry.chemical_compoundMolecular dynamicsColloid and Surface ChemistryPulmonary surfactantCritical micelle concentrationmedicineBiophysicsHumansInsulinMicelles

Le "bon élève" institutionnel est-il le "mauvais élève" de l'enseignant ? Analyse comparative des effets de sens d'un lexème commun en fonction du co…


[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences[SCCO] Cognitive science