showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
From Common Operational Picture to Common Situational Understanding : A Framework for Information Sharing in Multi-Organizational Emergency Management
Complex emergencies such as natural disasters are increasing in frequency and scope, in all regions of the world. These emergencies have devastating impacts on people, property, and the environment. Responding to these events and reducing their impact requires that emergency management organizations (EMOs) collaborate in their operations. Complex emergencies require extraordinary efforts from EMOs and often should be handled beyond ordinary routines and structures. Such operations involving multiple stakeholders are typically characterized by inadequate information sharing, decision-making problems, limited situational awareness (SA), and lack of common situational understanding. Despite a …
Bērna valodas sekmēšana brīvdabas pedagoģijā
Darba nosaukums: Bērna valodas sekmēšana brīvdabas pedagoģijā Darba autors: Olga Korjakova Darba zinātniskais vadītājs: mg.paed.Inese Eglīte Darba saturs: darbs sastāv no 46.lpp., 11 attēliem, 3 tabulām, 3 pielikumiem, analizēti 41 literatūras avoti. Pētījuma mērķis: pētīt 3 – 4 gadus vecu bērnu valodas pilnveides iespējas brīvdabas pedagoģijā. Pētījuma teorētiskā daļa balstās uz D.Markus (2007, 2016), A.Tauriņas (2016, 2017), G.Svences (2020), Ļ.Vigotska (2002), S.Tūbeles (2015). L.Priedes (2002, 2006), L.Dālgrēna (2007), A. Ščepanska (2007), I.Freibergas (2007, 20016), Z.Anspokas (2008), Ē.Kalvāna (2018) atziņām. Teorētiskajā daļā tika analizēti aktuāli jautājumi par valodas, valodas pras…
"Start with the end in mind" En gjennomgang av potensialet i grensesnittet mellom VDC i prosjektering og LPS i produksjon.
Since the emergence of Lean and later Lean Construction, several new tools and methodologies have been introduced to operationalize mindsets and adapt it to project-based production. Despite a desire to increase project-based management in several stages, the construction industry is still embossed in terms of productivity, lack of resources and profitability. Therefore, a qualitative literature search and qualitative interviews have been carried out in this master's thesis. The thesis investigates how a better process within project management, based on Lean Construction, can contribute to a greater understanding of tools and techniques. It is even more important how this way of thinking i…
Losy powstańców śląskich mieszkających w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu – relacja z pierwszych badań
The use of Micro Fibrillated Cellulose (MFC) as filler for polymeric matrices attempts an increasing interest both in academia and industry. In this framework, encouraging results have been obtained using plasticizers, as dispersing aids, during twin-screw extrusion that optimizes the process parameters and avoid MFC agglomeration. In this work, two commercial typologies of waterborne solution of MFC (Exilva and Celish) were melt-compounded in a PLA matrix through semi-industrial twin-screw extruder and calendered, producing films of 150 μm thickness. These films were mechanically and thermally characterized, moreover the migration of the plasticizer along the time was evaluated through ana…
Collectes des données de pratiques agricoles des sites du Réseau de Mesures de la Qualité des Sols
The INRAE InfoSol unit, mandated by the Gis Sol, coordinates the French Soil Monitoring Network (RMQS) set up to assess the quality and evolution of soils in France. A local trained team collects management data through a survey with farmers or operators for each site and campaign. The initial objective of collecting all soil-related management data, answering multidisciplinary uses, has faced collection difficulties and lengthy interviews. Hence, survey forms were revised before the second campaign, started in 2016. The new forms were tested and improved for two years, and the data collection strategy was tuned. In order to analyze the first responses and to suggest improvements, the study…
L’articulisme de Joan Fuster, segons els periodistes valencians
Número monogràfic dedicat al centenari del naixement de Joan Fuster, amb col·laboracions de Xavier Pla, Antoni Furió, Gustau Muñoz, Joan Ramon Resina, Toni Mollà, Enric Iborra, Francesc Viadel, Salvador Vendrell, Teresa Muñoz Lloret, Ernest Belenguer, Ferran Archilés, Pau Viciano, Antoni Rico, Josep L. Gómez Mompart, Jan Brugueras, Joan F. Mira, Martí Domínguez, Juli Capilla, Xavier Antich, Enric Balaguer, Enric Bou, Margarida Castellano, Antoni Defez, Anna Esteve, Maria Àngels Francès, Tobies Grimaltos, Pere Antoni Pons, Joan Ramon Resina, Mercè Rius, Quim Torra, Joan Manuel Tresserras i Josep Ballester.
Pandemihåndtering i barnehagene: Fra prinsipper til praksis
Sammendrag I mars 2020 ble det konstatert at det var en global krise som ville vise seg å skape utfordringer og omstillinger i virksomheter verden over. I Norge ble, blant mange andre smitteverntiltak, barnehager og skoler stengt, som igjen førte til hjemmekontor for de fleste ansatte i barnehagene. Da barnehagene åpnet igjen etter 6 uker, var det under andre forutsetninger enn før nedstengingen. Basert på dette vil vi se på følgende problemstillinger: Hvordan kom kriseledelse til uttrykk i praksis i barnehagesektoren under pandemien? Med bakgrunn i denne ønsker vi å se på hvordan barnehagene var rustet til å håndtere en pandemi og hvordan utførelsen av kriseledelse opplevdes i forskjellige…
Subtitling Disinformation Narratives around COVID-19.‘Foreign’ Vlogging in the Construction of Digital Nationalism in Chinese Social Media
Paid Open Access
Stages of Exercise Behavior Change in a Digital Wellness Program for Aged People : Relationship With Self-Efficacy for Exercise
Sustained physical activity and exercise are central to healthy ageing. Yet, the majority of aged people are insufficiently physically active. Digital wellness technologies are potential in promoting exercise behaviors among aged people, but more detailed research on their potential to promote behavior change is limited. To address this gap, the purpose is to investigate how partaking in a digital wellness program influences the stage of exercise behavior change among aged people and to test whether self-efficacy for exercise can differentiate the program participants in terms of the stages of change. The investigation builds on the stages of exercise behavior change derived from the transt…
Motorisen taitavuuden kynnysteorialle tukea ylipainoisuuden osalta
The "Dependent" Music Industry
This study seeks to research the businesses in the Norwegian independent music industry and the challenges and opportunities the industry is facing in 2022. It also seeks to explore the businesses views about the future of the music industry. Based on a quantitative method, using a cross-sectional anonymous market research survey, based on volunteer samples, this study seeks to provide knowledge about independent businesses in the Norwegian music industry, highlight problems within the industry today and provide a foundation for future research. The last two decades has been a challenge for the whole music industry with digitization and the Covid-19 pandemic, creating disruptions in the ind…
Skolēna emocionālās vardarbības novēršana sākumskolas 4. klasē
Bakalaura darba tēma: “Skolēnu emocionālās vardarbības novēršanas iespējas sākumskolas 4.klasē”. Bakalaura darba autore: Signe Volkoviča. Bakalaura darba vadītāja: Prof. Dr. Psych. Tija Zīriņa. Bakalaura darba mērķis: analizēt emocionālās vardarbības novēršanas iespējas sākumskolas 4.klasē. Pētījuma mērķa sasniegšanai tika izvirzīti sekojošie uzdevumi: - Veikt emocionālās vardarbības jēdziena analīzi. - Analizēt personības attīstības likumsakarības jaunākajā skolas vecumā. - Atlasīt pedagoģiskos paņēmienus skolēnu emocionālās vardarbības novēršanai. - Veikt pētījumu par skolēnu emocionālās vardarbības novēršanas iespējām sākumskolas 4. klasē. Izmantotās pētījuma metodes: literatūras analīze…
Premessa a: Cultura visuale in Italia : immagini, sguardi, dispositivi
Questo volume raccoglie le riflessioni maturate durante il convegno internazionale “Cultura visuale in Italia. Prospettive della ricerca” svoltosi a Palermo tra il 19 e il 21 marzo 2018. Si è trattato di un incontro che ha visto la partecipazio- ne di molti dei protagonisti della ricerca italiana in quell’ambito “indisciplinato” – per usare una felice espressione di W.J.T. Mitchell – che è la cultura visuale, accademica e non, un campo di studi che ha ormai solide tradizioni internazionali e anche notevoli ricadute accademiche, come dimostra la presenza a Palermo di docenti che, pur provenendo da “altre” discipline, la comparatistica letteraria, l’estetica, la storia dell’arte, la mediologi…
Publisko kapitālsabiedrību konkurētspējas ierobežojumi (uz publisku tirgu piemēra).
Maģistra darba tēma ir “Publiskas personas kapitālsabiedrības konkurētspējas ierobežojumi uz publisku tirgu piemēra”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt uz publisku personu dibinātu kapitālsabiedrību attiecināmos normatīvos aktus un izvērtēt to radītos konkurētspējas ierobežojumus uz publisko tirgu piemēra. Spēkā esošie normatīvie akti nosaka, ka publiska persona savu funkciju efektīvai izpildei var dibināt kapitālsabiedrību, vienlaicīgi nosakot virkni ierobežojumu šādas kapitālsabiedrības darbībā. Neveicot padziļinātu izpēti, likumdevēja mērķis ir saprotams – nodrošināt efektīvu savu funkciju izpildi, iespējami mazinot publisku personu kapitālsabiedrību ietekmi uz brīvo tirgu. Normatīvo aktu ierobežo…
Le statue della “Porta Marmorea” di Siracusa
Viene preso in esame il primo recupero di sculture antiche di cui abbiamo memoria per Siracusa, tramandato da Fazello che ne riferisce il ritrovamento nel 1530 nella zona dell‟istmo tra Ortigia e la terraferma, nel corso di lavori edili al Castello Marchetto. Delle sette statue marmoree ricordate, almeno tre possono essere ancora individuate nel Museo “Paolo Orsi”: 1) una statua iconica femminile velato capite degli inizi dell‟età imperiale, raffigurante quasi certamente una dama impe-riale e proveniente da contesto ufficiale (nel Foro?); 2) un torso di Dioniso del secondo quarto del II secolo d.C., che po-trebbe avere attinenza col santuario di Dionysos Morychos presso l‟istmo; 3) il framm…
Understanding the fluctuations of perceived authenticity in cultural tourism : an investigation of Bali and Alsace contexts
The marketing of cultural tourism faces a dilemma between maximizing the economic return and nurturing the culture’s social functions. It needs to attract segments driven by cultural motifs, through a differentiation based on authenticity. Perceived authenticity changes over a time, but how it does remains elusive to researchers. This research investigated fluctuations of existential authenticity in cultural tourists in Bali. Participants were purposively and conveniently-sampled among visitors of cultural attractions. It comprised two stages: qualitative for building the model, and quantitative fortesting the variables. The first employed Grounded Theory interviewing 24 visitors, found the…
Pacientu tiesību problemātika Latvijā
Pacientu tiesību regulējums Latvijā ir veidots salīdzinoši nesen un ir pilnveidošanas procesā. Darbā tiek aplūkotas pacientu tiesības regulējošās starptautiskās un nacionālās tiesību normas. Pacientu tiesību regulējošo normu tvērums. Ņemot vērā, ka pacientu tiesības ir daļa no veselības aprūpes sistēmas, ir aplūkotas arī veselības sistēmu regulējošās tiesību normas. Analizējot tiesību normas un tiesas spriedumus, tiek akcentēta daļa no problēmām saistībā ar pacientu tiesībām. Aplūkotas pacientu iespējas aizstāvēt savas tiesības. Atslēgas vārdi – pacientu tiesības, cilvēktiesības, pacientu tiesību aizstāvība, veselības aprūpe.
Security Patch Management - An Overview of the Patching Process and its Challenges in Norwegian Businesses
Cyber-attacks are growing more frequent and sophisticated, and they are impacting businesses of all sizes. This encourages businesses to utilize safe, flaw-free systems, making them less susceptible to cyber-attacks. The issue is that no system is flawless, and a substantial number of security flaws are discovered regularly. To ensure the system's security, patches are distributed and implemented. Patches can be complicated and implementing them in systems can be difficult. This thesis seeks to identify the challenges that make the patching process challenging and to propose potential solutions. This thesis was conducted utilizing a qualitative research strategy and methods such as a system…
Monografia rodziny Szemiothów (Szemetów, Szemiotów) herbu Łabędź odmienny XV-XXI wiek
Consumatori, contratti e imprese, tra regole giuridiche e regole di mercato
Il ruolo che il consumatore ha acquisito all’interno della società non è soltanto economico ma è anche giuridico perché il consumatore, in quanto soggetto debole, è divenuto il destinatario di un microsistema di norme che tendono a tutelarlo nella contrattazione e nel rapporto con gli imprenditori. Il codice civile del 1942, che pure prevede al suo interno istituti giuridici volti a disciplinare i casi in cui si creino delle disparità e delle asimmetrie nella contrattazione con l’imprenditore, lascia spazio al codice del consum
Estudio del efecto de la cirugía de bypass gástrico en Y de Roux sobre los mecanismos moleculares asociados a la fisiopatología de la obesidad
La obesidad es una enfermedad multifactorial e incapacitante que se caracteriza por una sobrecarga metabólica del tejido adiposo (AT), la inflamación crónica de bajo grado, el estrés oxidativo y la disfunción endotelial. En la actualidad, la prevalencia mundial de la obesidad está aumentando, donde el estilo de vida influye de manera significativa en la resolución de esta enfermedad. En este contexto, ha aumentado la demanda de estrategias para revertir las comorbilidades y frenar su aumento. El procedimiento de bypass gástrico en Y de Roux (RYGB) es una herramienta eficaz para la pérdida de peso y la remisión de las comorbilidades metabólicas de la obesidad, aunque se desconocen los mecani…
Nanomateriales basados en lantánidos: caracterización y visualización
Las nanopartículas upconversion (UCNP) comenzaron a desarrollarse a inicios del presente siglo, generando una gran expectación e interés por sus propiedades fotofísicas particulares. Las UCNP son nanomateriales capaces de producir el fenómeno upconversion (UC) mediante el cual fotones de baja energía (de la región del infrarrojo cercano, NIR) se transforman en fotones de alta energía (en la región del UV-vis). Los principales actores del fenómeno son los iones lantánidos que se encuentran como dopantes de una matriz nanométrica transparente. Por tanto, en las UCNP, a diferencia de las nanopartículas (NP) semiconductoras, el confinamiento nanométrico no es el responsable de las propiedades ó…
Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) establecidos por la ONU nos sitúan ante la crisis global, ecosocial y sistémica que estamos viviendo por el cambio climático, la desertización y la desaparición de la biodiversidad. Ello nos aboca directamente a pensar cómo empezar a movilizarnos hacia el cambio, cambio que empieza por la educación como una de las principales fuentes de transformación social. Esta transformación se inscribe en el proceso histórico de transición de un paradigma androcéntrico, cuyas quiebras están poniendo en peligro el planeta, a un paradigma bioantropocéntrico en el cual se pone en el centro un modo de concebir la vida de las personas en el planeta fielmente comp…
Pérdida del “beneficio de inventario” e inoponibilidad de capitulaciones matrimoniales a la luz de una reciente jurisprudencia
Son dos sentencias recientes de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo del Tribunal Supremo las que arrojan una nueva luz sobre el fenómeno del perjuicio crediticio provocado por las capitulaciones matrimoniales. Una figura – la del beneficio de inventario – concebida primigeniamente en sede de derecho sucesorio no tiene por qué ser aplicada de modo exclusivamente supletorio en el ámbito de la liquidación de los gananciales. El replanteamiento que del beneficio de inventario realiza la Ley de Jurisdicción Voluntaria de 2015 permite, a juicio de la autora, sancionar ilícitos civiles como el de la omisión – no solo de bienes – sino también de deudas en la liquidación de un patrimonio respon…
Projekts: Uzņēmuma "Wave design" dibināšana
Maģistra darba mērķis ir izstrādāt projektu uzņēmuma dibināšanai, kas nodarbosies ar sieviešu peldkostīmu un pludmales aksesuāru ražošanu un pārdošanu. Uzņēmuma SIA “Wave design” galvenais mērķis ir radīt peldkostīmus, kurus sievietes ne tikai vēlas nēsāt un jūtas tajos ērti, bet arī tādus, kas ir moderni un funkcionāli. Uzņēmuma produktu ražošanā tiek izmantoti otrreizēji pārstrādāti audumi, kas ir izgatavoti no okeānā savāktiem zvejas tīkliem, plastmasas pudelēm, taču pēc to īpašībām un funkcijām ir identiski audumiem, kuri parasti tiek izmantoti peldkostīmu ražošanā, tādējādi piedāvājot patērētājiem peldkostīmus un pludmales aksesuārus, kuri ir ne tikai atšķirīgi no pārējā piedāvājuma ti…
Z Polin do Grodu Antenora. Wyprawy żydowskich studentów po nauki do Padwy w czasach I Rzeczypospolitej
Wśród studiujących w Padwie przybyszy z Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów, o których wiemy z zachowanych archiwaliów uniwersyteckich, znalazło się kilkunastu Żydów. Ich obecność w gronie scholarów uczęszczających na zajęcia medyczne prowadzone w ramach Uniwersytetu Artystów, traktowana jest w historiografii zarówno jako przejaw tolerancji władz Gymnasium Patavinum, jak i dowód na istnienie w państwie polsko-litewskim swobód religijnych niespotykanych w innych zakątkach ówczesnej Europy. W niniejszym artykule, bazując na materiale źródłowym i dotychczasowych ustaleniach badaczy, przedstawiam krótką analizę sytuacji studentów żydowskich, uczących się w padewskim „Ateneum” w XVII i XVIII wieku. …
Ecotoxicological assessment of mineralized stratum water as an environmentally friendly substitute for agrochemicals
Received: May 2nd, 2022 ; Accepted: July 17th, 2022 ; Published: July 28th, 2022 ; Correspondence:; As a result of military operations on the territory of Ukraine, sown areas are reduced, the cost of plant protection products and fertilizers increases which emphasizes the problem of obtaining maximum yields from a smaller area of farmland. Given that a shortage of food grains can cause a global food crisis, research on the use of MSW as an environmentally friendly substitute for agrochemicals is relevant today. The aim of the research was to assess the ecotoxicological properties of MSW as an environmentally friendly substitute for synt…
Digitalisering i offentlig sektor: En single case studie av løsningen SvarUt
I denne studien skal jeg utforske mulighetene og utfordringene som finnes ved innføring av digitale løsninger i offentlig sektor. Det er utført en singel case studie for å få tatt et dypdykk ned i en spesifikk teknologi, SvarUt. Formålet med studien er å øke forståelsen rundt hvordan digitalisering av offentlig sektor fungerer i praksis. Ved å undersøke ett spesifikt case, SvarUt i Stavanger kommune, kan vi innhente et tydelig bilde av hvordan teknologi kan skape muligheter. Videre kan man også få frem utfordringer som kan være med på å forme morgendagens teknologi. Forskningsspørsmålet er: Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer finnes ved bruk av løsningen SvarUt i kommunal sektor? For å svare …
Optimiser l'offre alimentaire à destination des personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie à domicile
Presence of Blastocystis in gut microbiota is associated with cognitive traits and decreased executive function.
Growing evidence implicates the gut microbiome in cognition. Blastocystis is a common gut single-cell eukaryote parasite frequently detected in humans but its potential involvement in human pathophysiology has been poorly characterized. Here we describe how the presence of Blastocystis in the gut microbiome was associated with deficits in executive function and altered gut bacterial composition in a discovery (n = 114) and replication cohorts (n = 942). We also found that Blastocystis was linked to bacterial functions related to aromatic amino acids metabolism and folate-mediated pyrimidine and one-carbon metabolism. Blastocystis-associated shifts in bacterial functionality translated into …
Excess risk of subsequent malignant neoplasms in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: Results from the first Italian population-based cohort
Background: Evidence about late effects in adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors is scarce. This study assessed the risk of subsequent malignant neoplasms (SMNs) to identify the most common SMNs to be considered in follow-up care. Methods: Population-based cancer registries retrospectively identified first primary tumors (between 1976 and 2013) and SMNs in AYAs (15-39 years old at their cancer diagnosis). AYA cancer survivors were those alive at least 5 years after their first cancer diagnosis. The excess risk of SMNs was measured as standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) and absolute excess risk together with the cumulative incidence of SMNs. Results: The cohort included 67,692 A…
Autotransporta radītā trokšņa frekvencionālais novērtējums
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir raksturot autotransporta radīto trokšņa frekvencionālo sadalījumu pilsētas vidē. Izpētīt autotransporta trokšņa līmeņa frekvencionālo novērtējuma mainību pilsētā pie dažāda vieda plūsmas dinamikas, kustības ātruma, ātruma paātrinājuma un palēninājuma. Apskatīt, kā troksnis mainās pie noteiktiem attālumiem un diennakts periodiem. Pētījums veikts intensīvā ceļa satiksmes posmā, Jūrmalas pilsētā, autoceļa posmā - Lienes iela. Izvēlētā pilot teritorija ir viena no Latvijas tūrisma iecienītākajām vietām, kuras teritorijā noteiktos gada laika periodos būtiski palielinās transporta plūsma. Nozīmīgākais trokšņa avots ir vieglās automašīnas. Mērījumi tika veikti izmantojot …
Starptautiskās Krimināltiesas jurisdikcija pār Romas starptautiskās krimināltiesas statūtus neratificējušām valstīm
Darbā aprakstīta Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcija un tās izpausmes attiecībā uz Romas Starptautiskās krimināltiesas statūtus neratificējušām valstīm un to pilsoņiem. Darba ietvaros tiek analizēti Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcijas pamati, kā Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcija tiek attiecināta uz dalībvalstīm, kā atsevišķu valstu nacionālie normatīvie akti spēj ietekmēt Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikciju, kā arī tas, kādos veidos Starptautiskās krimināltiesas jurisdikcija ir attiecināma uz Romas statūtus neratificējušām valstīm. Darba ietvaros pētīti gan Latvijas, gan ārvalstu autoru publikācijas, Romas Starptautiskās krimināltiesas statūti, kā arī Starptau…
Haptotropism in a Nickel Complex with a Neutral, π‐Bridging cyclo‐P4 Ligand Analogous to Cyclobutadiene
The reaction of ( 1 )Ni(η 2 -cod), 2 , incorporating a chelating bis( N -heterocyclic carbene) 1 , with P 4 in pentane yielded the dinuclear complex [( 2 )Ni] 2 (μ 2 ,η 2 :η 2 -P 4 ), 3 , formally featuring a cyclobutadiene-like, neutral, rectangular, π-bridging P 4 -ring. In toluene, the butterfly-shaped complex [( 1 )Ni] 2 (μ 2 ,η 2 :η 2 -P 2 ), 4 , with a formally neutral P 2 -unit was obtained from 2 and either P 4 or 3 . Computational studies showed that a low energy barrier haptotropic rearrangement involving two isomers of the μ 2 ,η 2 :η 2 -P 4 coordination mode and a low energy μ 2 ,η 4 :η 4 -P 4 coordination mode, as previously predicted for related nickel cyclobutadiene complexes…
Näin rakentuu kieliaiheinen pakopeli
Pakopeli tai pakohuonepeli voi tuoda kielten oppimiseen ainutlaatuista viihdettä ja imua. Pakopelin rakentaminen opetuskäyttöön edellyttää toteuttajaltaan jonkin verran vaivannäköä, mutta lopputulos palkitsee. Tässä artikkelissa kolme virtuaalisen, monikielisen pakopelin luonutta Jyväskylän yliopiston Kielikampuksen työntekijää kertoo, mitä kannattaa ottaa huomioon pelin suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. nonPeerReviewed