showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Computational Criteria for Hydrogen Evolution Activity on Ligand-Protected Au25-Based Nanoclusters
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is a critical reaction in addressing climate change; however, it requires catalysts to be generated on an industrial scale. Nanomaterials offer several advantages over conventional HER catalysts, including the possibility of atomic precision in tailoring the intrinsic activity. Ligand-protected metal clusters, such as the thiolate-protected MAu24(SR)18 (where M is Au, Cu, Pd), are of particular interest as not only are they electrocatalytically active toward HER, but the charge state and composition can be precisely tuned. Here, we present a comprehensive computational study examining how the charge state and dopants affect the catalytic activity of [MA…
The Assassination of Lieutenant Joe Petrosino: A Contested Symbol in the Mainstream and Italian-American Press in the Early 20th Century
Recently, scholars have looked at the ethnic press through a social constructionist lens, examining the process through which immigrants developed a sense of identity and the role of print culture in forming “imagined communities” (Anderson). Here, I analyze the coverage of the 1909 assassination of police Lieutenant Petrosino in both mainstream and Italian-American press and popular culture. This shocking event ignited a debate over the nature and origin of the Mafia and the dangerousness of the Italian community, a debate involving discourses of racial difference, immigration restriction, and the capability of Italians to assimilate. This debate became an important arena in which Italian …
Concepciones docentes sobre educación inclusiva. Diferencias entre etapas educativas
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar y comparar las concepciones sobre la inclusión que tienen los docentes de infantil, primaria y secundaria. 270 docentes cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Valoración Docente de la Inclusión Educativa (CEFI-R), centrado en evaluar las concepciones docentes sobre la diversidad, la metodología, los apoyos y la participación de la comunidad en la inclusión educativa. Los resultados evidencian que los docentes de educación infantil y primaria presentan unas concepciones más favorables hacia la inclusión en comparación al profesorado de secundaria. Resulta necesario a…
Is no One Left Behind? Inclusive Citizenship in Practices of Self-help Groups in Rural Tanzania
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are based on the Agenda 2030 according to which ‘no one is left behind’, highlighting the need for inclusive citizenship at all levels. This article examines self-help groups in rural Tanzania as potential arenas for inclusive citizenship, which is defined as bottom-up practices of membership, participation, and livelihood enhancement. However, inclusive citizenship is also characterised by exclusions. Therefore, while acknowledging the important contribution of self-help groups for development, this article scrutinises the question of patterns of exclusion, first, in practices of self-help groups, and second, in the relationships bet…
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation in menopause: new perspective of therapy in postmenopausal women and the importance of ethical an…
Menopausal transition entails a progressive decrease in hormone production by the ovaries that lead to important physical and psychological changes that could significantly affect quality of life. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) administered from the onset of menopausal symptoms usually improves quality of life and life expectancy. Nevertheless, it is not risk-free. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC) has been investigated as a potential new strategy for delaying menopause and/or to avoid HRT. This review analyzes the critical points of HRT to assess whether OTC and subsequent reimplantation can affect postmenopausal management. We assessed available randomized clinical trials in PubMed…
A Diffractive Reading
AbstractTowards the end of the editing process, we started to see the book as something more than a collection of chapters around a theme: as an assemblage, which included, of course, the community of authors. When we put out the first call for contributions in May 2018, most authors volunteered a contribution rather quickly, others joined a bit later, and some dropped out for different reasons, underlining the dynamic nature of our assemblage. In pre-pandemic times, we met on and off campus, introduced some of our ideas at conferences, and had a workshop day to brainstorm, plan chapters, and reflect on the process and the purpose of the book. We were connected by common meals, jokes, writi…
Effect of lambing season on ewe’s colostrum composition
Colostrum provides newborns with nutrients and immunoglobulins that play a major role in the immune system. In this survey, the immunoglobulin G (IgG) content, gross composition, mineral content, and fatty acid composition were determined in the colostrum of Valle del Belice ewes with the aim of evaluating the effect of lambing of season. In total, we analysed 60 bulk tank colostrum samples taken after lambing during two seasons (summer and winter). The IgG con- tent and Brix mean values were 40.35 g/L and 21.02%, respectively. The colostrum fat, protein, casein, and lactose percentages were 8.01, 12.10, 8.51, and 3.13%, respectively. The lambing sea- son significantly influenced the pH and…
On the Choice of the Most Suitable Period to Map Hill Lakes via Spectral Separability and Object-Based Image Analyses
Technological advances in Earth observation made images characterized by high spatial and temporal resolutions available, nevertheless bringing with them the radiometric heterogeneity of small geographical entities, often also changing in time. Among small geographical entities, hill lakes exhibit a widespread distribution, and their census is sometimes partial or shows unreliable data. High resolution and heterogeneity have boosted the development of geographic object-based image analysis algorithms. This research analyzes which is the most suitable period for acquiring satellite images to identify and delimitate hill lakes. This is achieved by analyzing the spectral separability of the su…
Individual behavior support in positive behavior support schools in Finland
One objective in Finnish basic education is for pupils with disabilities or behavioral problems to be able to participate in mainstream education and ordinary classrooms. Positive behavior support (PBS) is an approach that offers multi-tiered behavior support for pupils. In addition to providing support at a universal level, educators need to have the necessary skills to provide more intensive individual support for pupils who need it. Check-in/Check-out (CICO) is a research-based individual support system that is widely used in PBS schools. The Finnish application of CICO includes an individual behavior assessment process for pupils with persistent challenging behaviors. In this article, w…
Reason-based deference or ethnocentric inclusivity? Avery Kolers, Richard Rorty, and the motivational force of global solidarity
This article uses what Patti Tamara Lenard refers to as the cosmopolitan problem of motivation to discuss the roles of loyalty in two philosophical accounts of global solidarity. Avery Kolers’ Kantian, deontological approach to solidarity as reason-based deference is contrasted with Richard Rorty's controversial, anti-Kantian description of solidarity as ethnocentric inclusivity generated through sentimental education. This article offers critical reflections on the work of these two influential thinkers and combines elements of their theories to contribute a limited but useful response to Lenard's concerns regarding loyalty and the motivation of global solidarity.
Additive properties of fractal sets on the parabola
Let $0 \leq s \leq 1$, and let $\mathbb{P} := \{(t,t^{2}) \in \mathbb{R}^{2} : t \in [-1,1]\}$. If $K \subset \mathbb{P}$ is a closed set with $\dim_{\mathrm{H}} K = s$, it is not hard to see that $\dim_{\mathrm{H}} (K + K) \geq 2s$. The main corollary of the paper states that if $0 0$. This information is deduced from an $L^{6}$ bound for the Fourier transforms of Frostman measures on $\mathbb{P}$. If $0 0$, then there exists $\epsilon = \epsilon(s) > 0$ such that $$ \|\hat{\mu}\|_{L^{6}(B(R))}^{6} \leq R^{2 - (2s + \epsilon)} $$ for all sufficiently large $R \geq 1$. The proof is based on a reduction to a $\delta$-discretised point-circle incidence problem, and eventually to the $(s,2s)$-…
High-Z Materials for X-ray Detection: Material Properties and Characterization Techniques
This book will provide readers with a good overview of some of most recent advances in the field of High-Z materials. There will be a good mixture of general chapters in both technology and applications in opto-electronics, X-ray detection and emerging optoelectronics applications. The book will have an in-depth review of the research topics from world-leading specialists in the field.
Analysis of the planetary mass uncertainties on the accuracy of atmospherical retrieval
Characterising the properties of exoplanet atmospheres relies on several interconnected parameters, which makes it difficult to determine them independently. Planetary mass plays a role in determining the scale height of atmospheres, similarly to the contribution from the average molecular weight of the gas. We investigate the relevance of planetary mass knowledge in spectral retrievals, identifying cases where mass measurements are needed for clear or cloudy and primary or secondary atmospheres, along with the relevant precision, in the context of the ESA M4 Ariel Mission. We used TauREx to simulate the Ariel transmission spectra of representative targets of the Ariel mission reference sam…
Sistemas de inteligencia artificial con reconocimiento facial y datos biométricos. Mejor regular bien que prohibir mal
El reconocimiento facial hay que abordarlo dentro de las tecnologías biométricas. En primer término hay que delimitar los sistemas dedicados a la identificación a través de tecnologías biométricas automatizadas y especialmente las que utilizan inteligencia artificial (IA).
Diosas, reinas y mujeres en Egipto y Mesopotamia
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Zeolites for the nutrient recovery from wastewater
To meet the growing food demand of the world population, excessive use of chemical fertilizers is occurring to improve soil fertility and crop production. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers is not economically and environmentally sustainable. Indeed, from one hand, due to the increasing demand of fertilizers is rising their costs whereas, on the other hand, the accumulation of fertilizers in wastewaters is altering the homeostasis of the ecosystems thus causing serious damages to human health [1,2]. The recovery of nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), from wastewaters is a good option to counteract both economic and environmental issues raised by the excessive use of f…
Jet-like correlations with respect to K0S and Λ (Λ¯) in pp and central Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Towards Climate Neutrality: Economic Impacts, Opportunities and Risks
The monograph has been prepared and published within the framework of the Ministry of Economics research project “Modeling and analysis of the economic impact of climate goals” at the University of Latvia Faculty of Business, Management and Economics Productivity Research Institute “UL think tank LV PEAK”.
Boudon contre Bourdieu : d'où viennent les inégalités scolaires ?
C’est une des polémiques, les plus célèbres de la sociologie française. Pierre Bourdieu et Jean-Claude Passeron expliquent les inégalités sociales à l’école par l’héritage culturel, quand Raymond Boudon considère qu’elles résultent de choix individuels dans une société inégale. Que valent ces explications un demi-siècle plus tard ?
Enseignants, de la vocation au désenchantement
À partir d’une enquête auprès des professeur.e.s des écoles qui ont démissionné, l’autrice met en cause les transformations rythmées par la casse des services publics qui entraînent alourdissement et intensification du travail pédagogique, et multiplication de nouvelles missions compliquant toujours plus le métier. Ces transformations, qui s’imposent dans un contexte d’austérité et de contrôle croissants des activités professionnelles, nourrissent le sentiment d’un décalage entre les investissements exigés et les satisfactions que les enseignants peuvent escompter de leur métier.
Libro de Actas del V Simposio de Investigación Criminológica: La Criminología del futuro, hoy
Libro de Actas del V Simposio de Investigación Criminológica (6 y 7 de julio de 2023) coorganizado por la SEIC y la UV.
Video calls as a nexus of practice in multilingual translocal families
This study explores how daily video calls were used by two multilingual family constellations to keep in contact with members located elsewhere. A three-stage data collection and analysis protocol was developed together with the two main participants, two single mothers each with a 4-year-old child. The results show that active collaboration among all members of the family was needed to get the activity going. The families employed a de facto family language policy where the focus was on successful communication and nurturing emotional bonds rather than developing language skills. At the same time, the regular video calls added a significant amount of time spent together and increased the a…
Polityka bezpieczeństwa Polski – wnioski z badań empirycznych
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie kondycji polityki bezpieczeństwa Polski po eskalacji wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej w 2022 roku. Stanowi on naukowe opracowanie badań, jakie przeprowadzono na potrzeby raportu „Bezpieczeństwo Polski po szczycie NATO w Madrycie”, który ukazał się w połowie października 2022 roku1, a także w związku z projektem Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych RP „Nowe idee dla Polski – bezpieczeństwo”. Badania polegały na zebraniu informacji dotyczących polityki bezpieczeństwa Polski od wyselekcjonowanej grupy ekspertów w sierpniu i wrześniu 2022 roku, interpretacji i opracowaniu tych informacji, zwłaszcza w zakresie wpływu, jaki na pozycję geopolityczną i bezpieczeństwo Polski wywar…
Repeatability and reliability of the footwear assessment tool in Spanish patients: A transcultural adaptation
[Abstract] Background: The footwear assessment tool was designed to advise an appropriate footwear for each situation and patient. Footwear alterations structures can influence in musculoskeletal disorders, developing foot ulcers, increase the peak plantar pressure, bacterial growth, low back pain. Methods: To validate the study 101 subjects were recruited. The study was tested by two expert podiatrists using the tool for the assessment of footwear characteristics that is composed by five domains, fit, general features, general structure, motion control properties and cushioning system. Each domain analyzes different shoe items. Results: An excellent agreement between the test-retest. A sui…
Supplemental Material - COVID-19 and the Housework Gender Division: Traditional or New Gender Patterns?
Supplemental Material for COVID-19 and the Housework Gender Division: Traditional or New Gender Patterns? by Beatriz Larraz, Rosa Roig, Cristina Aybar, and Jose M. Pavía in Journal of Family Issues
Seurat tärkeitä liikunnan sosiaalipolitiikan toteuttajia Ruotsissa
Chemistry of two-dimensional pnictogens: emerging post-graphene materials for advanced applications
The layered allotropes of group 15 (P, As, Sb and Bi), also called two-dimensional (2D) pnictogens, have emerged as one of the most promising families of post-graphene 2D-materials. This is mainly due to the great variety of properties they exhibit, including layer-dependent bandgap, high charge-carrier mobility and current on/off ratios, strong spin-orbit coupling, wide allotropic diversity and pronounced chemical reactivity. These are key ingredients for exciting applications in (opto)electronics, heterogeneous catalysis, nanomedicine or energy storage and conversion, to name a few. However, there are still many challenges to overcome in order to fully understand their properties and brin…
Additional file 1 of Subtype-specific kinase dependency regulates growth and metastasis of poor-prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer
Additional file 1: Supplementary Fig. S1. Validation of PAK2 as an essential kinase for CMS4 cell lines. A, PAK1–3 mRNA expression levels in a panel of 28 CRC cell lines, also including those used for the drop-out screen, as determined by quantitative PCR. Of note: diamond for PAK3 located on x-axis indicates no mRNA could be detected in this sample. B, C, 2Log mRNA expression levels of PAK4–6 in CRC cell lines (B) and tumors (C), determined by microarray or RNA sequencing. D, Western blot for PAK1 protein expression in HT55 & SW948 (CMS2) and HuTu-80 & MDST8 (CMS4). 2,2,2-Trichloroethanol (2,2,2TCE) signal (excerpt taken around 60 kDa region) indicates amount of protein loaded per …
Anticipation as Platform Power : The Temporal Structuring of Digital Everyday Life
This article explores anticipation as a temporal structure in digital platforms. It contributes to the growing research of platformisation of everyday life by focusing on temporality as a central dimension of platform power, a key mechanism tying participants by structuring intimacies, socialities, and relations that platforms enable and engender. The article shows how the temporality of foreboding, prospecting and speculating about one’s own and other’s social media presence and actions permeates the user experience. Studying media diaries and interviews with participants from different social and occupational groups (politicians, actors, the unemployed, undocumented migrants), the article…
Algoritmisk tenkning og matematisk modellering
Algoritmisk tenkning og modellering har fått økt oppmerksomhet i matematikkundervisningen etter innføringen av den nye læreplanen for matematikk i 2020. Dette masterprosjektet har som formål å undersøke hvordan elevers algoritmiske tenkning kommer til uttrykk i en modelleringsprosess med Scratch som verktøy. På bakgrunn av dette har vi utarbeidet to forskningsspørsmål. Det første undersøker hvilke kjerneferdigheter i algoritmisk tenkning som ofte er sammenfallende med faseovergangene i elevenes modelleringsprosess. Det andre omhandler hvordan algoritmisk tenkning og modelleringsprosessen knyttes sammen i elevenes arbeid. Vår kvalitative casestudie baserer seg på observasjon, samt lyd- og sk…
Partially time invariant panel data regression
When dealing with panel data, considering the variation over time of the variable of interest allows to get rid of potential individual effects. Even though the outcome variable has a continuous distribution, its variation over time can be equal to zero with a strictly positive probability and thus its distribution is a mixture of a mass at zero and a continuous distribution. We introduce a parametric statistical model based on conditional mixtures, build estimators for the parameters related to the conditional probability of no variation and to the conditional expectation related to the continuous part of the distribution and derive their asymptotic consistency and normality under a specif…
Southern civil society organizations as practical hybrids : Dealing with legitimacy in a Ugandan gender advocacy organization
This chapter explores the ways in which Southern civil society organizations (CSOs) navigate between diverse audiences and logics in relation to which their legitimacy is negotiated. Drawing on the notions of practical hybrids and organizational legitimacy in hybrid organizations, the chapter explores the legitimacy audiences and logics relevant to a Ugandan gender advocacy organization, Action for Development (ACFODE). The chapter identifies five influential legitimacy audiences – central government, local government, project participants in the communities, international development partners, and other Ugandan gender CSOs. Further, it establishes four significant logics in alignment to wh…
Cavaillon (84), Ancienne cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Véran. Suivi archéologique de sondages géotechniques
Pour les besoins de l’étude géotechnique, six sondages ont été creusés dans et autour de l’ancienne cathédrale de Cavaillon en février 2020. Ils avaient pour objectif de comprendre les désordres structurels observés sur l’édifice en mettant à jour les fondations des différentes constructions (chapelles, chevet, nef et annexe). Compte-tenu du contexte archéologique, le Service Régional de l’Archéologie de PACA a prescrit leur suivi archéologique. L’objectif était de documenter les niveaux d’occupation mis au jour sans détruire les vestiges remarquables, en particulier les maçonneries et les sépultures. Parmi les sondages, les trois situés au nord de l’ancienne cathédrale, le long de la rue D…
IA neuro-symbolique pour l'interprétation granulaire des données des bases STUPS© et OTARIES© : défis applicatifs et perspectives
Historiquement, l'intelligence artificielle (IA) s'est divisée en 2 courants selon les hypothèses faites pour modéliser l'intelligence humaine : l'IA symbolique, supposant que des symboles sont nécessaires, et l'IA statistique (plus particulièrement l'IA connexionniste) affirmant le contraire. Dernièrement, l'IA neuro-symbolique tente de réconcilier les 2. Les travaux présentés dans cet article sont en en collaboration avec la Police Scientifique française, dans le contexte du Plan National Stup. Nous présentons les problématiques métiers en lien avec le projet, puis en déduisons les problématiques scientifiques. Après un rappel des domaines de l'IA et leurs limites, nous présentons un état…
Measurement of $Λ$ transverse polarization in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68-3.71$ GeV
With data samples collected with the BESIII detector at seven energy points at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68 - 3.71$ GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 333 pb$^{-1}$, we present a study of the $Λ$ transverse polarization in the $e^+e^-\toΛ\barΛ$ reaction. The significance of polarization by combining the seven energy points is found to be 2.6$σ$ including the systematic uncertainty, which implies a non-zero phase between the transition amplitudes of the $Λ\barΛ$ helicity states. The modulus ratio and the relative phase of EM-$psionic$ form factors combined with all energy points are measured to be $R^Ψ =$ 0.71$^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$ $\pm$ 0.03 and $ΔΦ^Ψ$ = (23$^{+8.8}_{-8.0}$ $\pm$ 1.6$)^\circ$…
Chasing the Winners: Investigating the Performance of Momentum Strategies
Momentum strategies are receiving increasing attention in the field of finance due to their potential to generate superior returns. Momentum investing is based on the premise that assets that have exhibited strong performance in the recent past are likely to continue to perform well in the near future. This thesis explores the different momentum strategies in diverse markets and asset classes, such as the US equity market utilizing industry portfolios, multi-asset funds, and developed countries. Our study involves a comprehensive analysis of various momentum strategies, including relative momentum and absolute momentum, as well as more recently extended strategies such as dual and triple mo…