Pierre Frankhauser

Simulating retail locations using GIS and an agents decision model for urban planning

Chinese University of Hong Kong, IGU, Commission on Modelling Geographical Systems; International audience; This paper focuses on a methodological approach which intends to simulate subsequent transformations of urban patterns within a GIS. We describe conceptual models of data and process dedicated to a problem interfacing actors and territory: location strategy of retail outlets.

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Délimitation d'ensembles morphologiques par une approche multi-échelle

The paper deals with the identification of the envelope of built-up patterns that we define as the limit of a morphologically coherent set through the scales. The point of view is purely morphological; it refers to a multi-scale approach. Besides the description of the context of the research (that is the urban-rural delimitation) the paper is dedicated to the presentation of the methodological principles which allow the identification of the envelope of built-up patterns. The first step of the methodology, that is the step by step dilation of a studied built-up pattern, is briefly described. The emphasis is placed on the second step of the methodology that is the identification of a thresh…

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Observer les processus de décision

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The emergence of leapfrogging in an urban growth model combining and economic approach and cellular automata

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S-ghost city : self-generating housing, open space and transportation in the city

International audience; S-GHOST city is a theoretical simulation model aimed at investigating the spatial patterns of urban growth. A gridded (cellular) 2D space is considered, with a CBD located at a crossroad. Households arrive sequentially in the city and choose their location by maximizing a utility function subject to a budget constraint. Households have preference for open-space and for the public goods that are located in their neighbourhood. They bear a cost for commuting to the CBD along the road network. As households migrate into this growing city, agricultural plots are converted to residential use, and the public authorities create a continuous network of roads so as to provide…

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Le retour du tramway à Besançon

Plus de 60 ans après leur suppression, les tramways seront de retour dans la capitale comtoise, sans doute en 2014. Ce retour -- le premier dans une agglomération de moins de 200 000 habitants en France -- est le fruit d'une longue maturation liée à la prise de conscience de l'impasse du tout automobile commencée dans les années 1970. L'hypothèse d'un passage des autobus au tramway a été évoquée pour la première fois en 2000 lors de l'élaboration du premier plan de déplacements urbains (pdu) et c'est seulement le 18 décembre 2008 que le conseil de la Communauté d'Agglomération du Grand Besançon (CAGB) a validé le projet de tramway.

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Vers des déplacements périurbains plus durables : proposition de modèles fractals opérationnels d'urbanisation

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Des fractales pour des villes résilientes et économes

National audience; L’étude des villes dans l’approche de la géographie théorique et quantitative est étroitement liée aux données disponibles pour les décrire : données de population (loi rang-taille, théorie évolutive des villes), données de cartographie des bâtiments (densités, analyses (multi)fractales, pour étudier de quelle manière les bâtiments remplissent l’espace), données de tracés des réseaux de transport. Depuis une dizaine d’années, des données détaillées de localisation d’activités, d’énergie, de transport, de climat, etc. complètent le spectre des applications.En mettant en avant l’articulation entre échelles L’approche fractale s’inscrit dans la logique d’un réductionnisme cl…

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Determinism, Probability, and Imprecision in Decision Making

International audience; This chapter looks into the decision to move house and the way in which the decision can be formalized by integrating the reflections from the previous chapters. The fact is that the decision-making process is seldom considered in the context of mathematical modelling of residential mobility. The modelling approaches set out in chapter 9 rest essentially on the concept of preferences and investigate the way in which individuals set about classifying criteria or alternatives with respect to residential choice.

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Clustering curves of fractal scaling behaviour

International audience

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Transition phases and leapfrogging in urban sprawl patterns : a simulation and analytical approach with SGHOST

International audience

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The Wheres and Hows of Residential Choice

International audience; A wide variety of choices and decisions are open to individuals when looking for a place to live: a flat or a house, renting or buying depending on one’s resources and plans; living in a city centre to enjoy its buzz, or in a certain district to have a school close by, or on the outskirts in a more village-like setting; and in this last case, how far from urban centres and major access routes? What ultimately are individuals’ preferences? All these questions presuppose looking at how they perceive and evaluate the urban environment so as to better grasp what it is that leads to residential satisfaction. However, it is not the evaluation or satisfaction in itself that…

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Fractal Grid – towards the future smart grid

International audience; In the last two decades, electricity grids have faced many challenges that they were not designed to handle. These include integrating weather-dependent renewables, distributed generators, storage units and other advanced components, as well as taking into account active demand. These challenges, together with the ageing of infrastructures, make it more difficult to deliver cost-effective, reliable power. To overcome these issues requires creating new network architectures. The research project Fractal Grid proposes fractality as a core concept to model, analyze and design smart grids in their evolution up to 2030 and beyond. This paper presents the project, its meth…

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A multi-Scale (Multi-Fractal) approach for a systemic planning strategy from a regional to an architectural scale

International audience; A sustainable and sustaining planning strategy is globally important for metropolitan areas. Sustainable planning addresses the development of strategies to reduce the use of resources, increase economic efficiency and improve integration of social aspects (e.g. pedestrian friendly environments, well balanced public and private transport modes, efficient street networks; land use, movement economy; access for all to jobs, retail, services, healthcare, culture, and leisure). In order to reduce urban sprawl, numerous authors recommend going back to the concept of compact cities. However, policies favoring the compact city concept turned out to be less efficient than ex…

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Collective and Cooperative Behaviour Models

International audience; In modelling residential choice we cannot escape the debate about the effect of societal context on an individual’s decision-making. This debate depends on whether we set more store by the aggregate scale of society or by the individual’s decision-making. An individual-centred approach will focus on the particularities of an individual and the way her past, for example, influences her decisions.

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Comparing the morphology of urban patterns in Europe

The sprawling urban patterns typical for the outskirts of many europen metropolitan areas seem to be amorphous and it is difficult to find references for describing them. However, for managing sprawl it seems important to have quantitative descriptors, which allow distinguishing different types of urban patterns and which are less ambiguous than traditional density measures. a better knowledge of these patterns should also point to the underlying context of urbanisation at their root. More concretely: to what extent are planned patterns different from less planned ones? Do planned or unplanned patterns show comparable morphological features?

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Fractal dimension versus density of built-up surfaces in the periphery of Brussels

International audience; This paper aims at showing the usefulness of the fractal dimension for characterizing the spatial structure of the built-up surfaces within the periurban fringe. We first discuss our methodology and expectations in terms of operationality of the fractal dimension theoretically and geometrically. An empirical analysis is then performed on the southern periphery of Brussels (Brabant Wallon). The empirical analysis is divided into two parts: first, the effect of the size and shape of the windows on the fractal measures is empirically evaluated; this leads to a methodological discussion about the importance of the scale of analysis as well as the real sense of fractality…

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L’approche fractale des tissus urbains – réflexions conceptuelles et analyses morphologiques

International audience

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Fractales et géographie

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Analyse morphologique de talwegs et comportement scalant : applications des dimensions non-entières à la géographie physique

Morphological talweg analysis and scaling behaviour: applying non-integer dimension to physical geography. -- The organisation of the talweg network is fundamental to the erosion system on the silty loamy plateaux of north-western France. The morphology of the Pays de Caux is a good example of successive runoff concentration caused by the nesting of small dry valleys. These are inherited from a periglacial climate and their general direction is governed by tectonics. However the detailed pattern of these forms remains complex and without obvious explanation. Non-integer dimensions may offer a ceratin logic to this relatively chaotic pattern. This paper has therefore sought to demonstrate th…

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S-GHOST : un modèle d'auto-organisation de l'étalement urbain et du réseau de transport

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Fractal geometry for measuring and modelling urban patterns

Urban growth generates nowadays patterns, which look rather irregular. Planning policy regrets the lack of compactness and density of these agglomerations, but controlling urban sprawl turns out to be difficult. Obviously a new type of spatial organisation emerges, which is rather the result of a self-organisation process to which a high number of social agents contribute. In the present contribution we focus on the use of fractal geometry which turned out to be a powerful instrument for describing the morphology of these patterns. After an introduction about the context of research, fractal models are presented, which serve as reference models for better understanding the spatial organisat…

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Towns, density and fractality

International audience

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S-ghost city : self-generating housing, open space and transportation in a city

International audience

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La géométrie fractale. Un nouvel outil pour évaluer le rôle de la morphologie des réseaux de transport public dans l'organisation spatiale des agglomérations

The fragmentation of the urban patterns is actually a largely discussed topic in urban planning. In particular the consumption of space and the traffic flows generated are considered as most negative impacts of this development. However, for many reasons it doesn’t seem possible to find simple solutions to manage this evolution. The mobility has changed the way of life of the agents and the experience shows that planning concepts, which don’t tend to take into account such desires, risk to fail. In the present paper we focus on the question if alternative geometric concepts, based on fractal geometry, provide an instrument to reflect about spatial patterns which allow to respect simultaneou…

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On the use of fractal dimensions for qualifying urban sprawl : an application on the wallon built-up areas

International audience

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Aménités urbaines et périurbaines dans une aire métropolitaine de forme fractale

In the THÜNEN tradition, Urban Economy is a striking abstraction, giving models that keep the main features of the wide diversity of real word cities. Nevertheless, this paradigm less suits the modern urban spatial structures (polycentrism, weak centripetal forces, etc.), particularly the peri-urban form of metropolitan areas, which are an urban/rural integrated space. In this paper, we propose a classical micro-economic urban model combined with a " SIERPINSKI's carpet " geometry, a fractal form which suits for fit together urban and rural areas in a hierarchical structure. Subject to a budget constraint, a household maximises a Cobb-Douglas/CES function, where household's taste for divers…

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Reliability of fractal estimations on noisy patterns

ECTQG 2019, European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, LUXEMBOURG, 05-/09/2019 - 09/09/2019

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L'analyse fractale des zones métropolitaines: un aperçu méthodologique

National audience; La croissance des agglomérations se manifeste dans la plupart des cas par J'apparition d'un tissu urbain amorphe et fragmenté même si le plan initial de la ville était conçu selon une géométrie régulière comme les bastides ou les villes nouvelles. Cette morphologie irrégulière de la surface bâtie ne semble pas liée à une situation lùstorique particulière et elle apparaît souvent en dépit des intentions des urbanistes qui tentent souvent d'imposer des plans compacts et réguliers. Ceci incite à supposer que la morphogenèse urbaine est le résultat de processus d'auto-organisation qui devraient se manifester par un principe d'ordre interne, si irrégulière que paraisse la morp…

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An urban multi-­scale modeling using fuzzy evaluation of accessibility and morphological constraints

International audience; Increasing mobility has contributed since a couple of years to favor urban sprawl. The negative impacts of urban sprawl are well known, in particular the increase of traffic flows and vulnerability of natural resources. Addressing those questions we propose a spatial decision support system based on a multi-scale approach. On the one hand, fractal geometry is used to determine where new urban developments are possible. Here, the central assumption is the fractal nature of urban growth allowing access to various types of amenities: central amenities (retailing, cultural offer...) and peripheral amenities (open landscape). On the other hand, the accessibility to retail…

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A planning concept for a sustainable development of metropolitan areas based on a multifractal approach

International audience

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Designing socially acceptable and politically feasible sustainable scenarios for hinterland with simulation tools

International audience

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Using fractal dimensions for characterizing intra-urban diversity : the example of Brussels

International audience; The objective of this paper is to compare fractal-based parameters calculated by different fractal methods for urban built-up areas and to link the observed spatial variations to variables commonly used in urban geography, urban economics, or land-use planning. Computations are performed on Brussels, Belgium. Two fractal methods (correlation and dilation) are systematically applied for evaluating the fractal dimension of built-up surfaces; correlation is used to evaluate the fractal dimension of the borders (lines). Analyses show that while fractal dimension is ideal for distinguishing the morphology of Brussels, each estimation technique leads to slightly different …

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Measuring the hierarchical organisation of an urban system

International audience

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A new approach for simulating urban pattern dynamics

International audience

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Morphological analysis of cities

International audience

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Approche fractale de l'urbanisation - Méthodes d'analyse d'accessibilité et simulations multi-échelles

Actes diffusés sous la forme d'un CD-rom; International audience; Si les effets néfastes de la périurbanisation sont connus, il s'avère difficile de pallier à cette évolution. Le retour à une ville monocentrique dense ne paraît pas une solution réaliste d'autant plus qu'elle n'intègre pas suffisamment la demande sociale. Nous proposons un concept d'aménagement des espaces périurbains qui permet d'identifier les potentialités de développement en optimisant à la fois l'accessibilité aux différents types de services ainsi qu'aux zones de loisir et en évitant un morcellement des zones naturelles et agricoles. Ce concept multi-échelle est inspiré par la géométrie fractale. Il est illustré à trav…

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Accessibility, Amenities and Needs – a conceptual framework for exploring households’ satisfaction

International audience

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La ville fractale - un concept d'aménagement multi-échelle

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Überlegungen zur Konzeption eines Simulationsmodells zur intra-urbanen Migration

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Villes, densité et fractalité

International audience; Ce bref article résumé les résultats d'analyses fractales effectuées sur les villes françaises à plusieurs dates pour deux niveaux d'observation: les tissus urbains caractérisés par la distribution spatiale des surfaces bâties d'une part, et le semis des villes de différentes tailles dans l'ensemble du territoire français d'autre part. Les méthodes de mesure sont rapidement expliquées, l'accent est mis sur la signification des nombres obtenus, leur comparaison d'une ville à l'autre et leur évolution au cours du temps.

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A three-dimensional fractal approach of urban morphology, fomalisation and application

International audience

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Fractal model and multiscale accessibility indicators to see polycentrism differently

International audience; Polycentric organization is a common reality in many urban areas. The transport network is then designed to encourage exchanges between the secondary and main hubs, with a view to facilitating the functioning of the labour market and supporting economic activity. In this model of polycentric hierarchical organization, morning rush hour commuting is the main criterion for sizing transport infrastructure.Faced with the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, public actors are promoting alternative models, such as the transit oriented development. Although highlighting the soft modes and public transport, this perspective does not fundamentally question the priorities …

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Expériences innovantes dans le domaine des transports urbains. Regard comparatif sur quelques expériences étrangères


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Fractales, tissus urbains et réseaux de transport

National audience

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Emergence of scattered and leapfrog urban development : from analytical proof to complex simulation outputs with realistic calibration

International audience

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Processus de décision en géoéconomie dans un contexte imprécis et incertain

Issued from a pluridisciplinary workshop organized bt the ThéMA laboratory, this article tries to evaluate the boom due to fuzzy sets theory to analyse and model geoeconomical decision processes in an imprecise and uncertain context, analysing and describing some particular examples. The aim is also to enhance the relations between geography and economics in such a research topic.

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Préférences, utilité, choix et attractivité

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Fractals and geography

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A multiscale modelling approach for simulating mobility and spatial dynamics in urban areas

International audience

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Fractal investigation of the buit-up area in metropolitan areas, of transportation networks and of the urban growth

International audience

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La fragmentation des espaces urbains et périurbains : une approche fractale

research product

La ville fractale et la fractalité des villes

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Une approche multi-échelle de l'accessibilité pour maîtriser l 'étalement urbain

Urban sprawl is often at the origin of diffuse settlement patterns generating important traffic flows since services are far away from residential areas. We present a new planning concept that optimizes accessibility to different types of amenities like services, but also natural and leisure areas. The social demand of households seeking for a residence close to natural space or simply individual housing is taken into account. The multiscale approach, inspired from fractal geometry, introduces different service levels and allows the concentration of residential areas in the vicinity of service centres. Moreover green areas of various size are preserved and well articulated with built-up are…

research product

Modéliser différentes dynamiques à différentes échelles pour simuler la complexité des mobilités urbaines. L'exemple de MobiSim

International audience; Le projet Mobisim (simulation des mobilités), actuellement en cours de développement, vise à modéliser différentes dynamiques à différentes échelles pour simuler la complexité des mobilités urbaines. MobiSim apparaît ainsi comme une plateforme de simulation pour l'étude prospective des mobilités dans les agglomérations françaises et européennes, en lien avec leur développement et leur aménagement. Cette plateforme, qui prend concrètement la forme d'un programme informatique, se base sur plusieurs modèles, permettant de coupler une approche centrée sur les choix et les comportements individuels en matière de mobilité résidentielle et quotidienne, à une évaluation de c…

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Un modèle pour simuler l'impact d'un projet d'aménagement sur la dynamique urbaine

International audience

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Fractalopolis : a fractal concept for the sustainable development of metropolitean areas

International audience; The debate about how to manage sustainable development on the scaleof metropolitan areas is still ongoing. Many scholars blame urban sprawl with itsconcomitant pollution and energy consumption for exacerbating traffic congestionand harming the natural environment. The present chapter develops a nuanced viewof suburbanization focusing on social demand and environmental issues. It wouldbe pointless to simply dismiss suburbanization.We show how the scaling propertiesof fractal geometry can help in designing development scenarios that optimize thespatial organization of metropolitan areas. The fractal concept meets the needs ofresidents while addressing various environme…

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Construction et évaluation de scénarios de prospective urbaine dans le projet VILMODes : réflexion autour des leviers d’action publique pour créer une ville compacte et ouverte

International audience

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Optimisation de l'accessibilité aux aménités urbaines et rurales à travers le développement de modèles fractals d'urbanisation

International audience

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Habiter : où et comment ?

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Analyse des structures urbaines en France


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Evaluating environmental and social impacts of a transit oriented development scenario based on a fractal approach

International audience

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Spatial simulation and the real world

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How neighborhood forms impact urban development

International audience

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Fraktale Geometrie – Ästhetisches Spielzeug oder Weg zur Naturerkenntnis?

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Fractal behaviour of urban patterns on different scales

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Modeling urban growth by cellular automata

International audience; The structural development of human settlements can be characterized as a complex highly feedbacketed process. The assumption that this process is governed by rather few fundamental laws stimulated a considerable research in the field of urban growth during the last decade. Aiming at the comprehension of the basic underlying dynamics different approaches from the field of self-organizing systems have been proposed. In this paper we present a "cellular model" of urban growth dynamics based on the work of White, Engelen and Uljee. As a starting point this model throws some light on the mechanism of urban growth. But even more important, it raises a lot of questions con…

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Fractalité tridiastatique: propositions conceptuelles pour l'aménagement urbain

National audience; Le contexte de cette communication est motivé par l’objectif de la ville durable (se¬lon la définition de l’ICLEI), et tente de contribuer aux solutions conceptuelles qui permettent d’y parvenir. Nous partons du principe que l’étalement urbain est certes identifié comme un processus néfaste a‘ la continuation de l’urbanisation (§ 1.1) , mais posons l’hypothèse qu’il nécessite un chan¬gement de paradigme (penser l’espace ur¬bain en 3D et non plus en 2D) pour être dépassé (§ 1.2).

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Localisation de la population selon les enchères foncières des ménages dans une aire métropolitaine fractale

International audience

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Building scenarios for a LUTI model : articulation of spaced based models and an agent based model

International audience

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A multi-scale morphological approach for delimiting urban areas, CUPUM 05: Computers

International audience

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Modéliser l'impact du bruit de la circulation sur le choix résidentiel

International audience

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Simulating urban pattern dynamics by using an alternative approach of modelization

International audience

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Géométrie fractale et fait urbain : de l'outil d'analyse au concept d'aménagement

International audience; La présentation portera sur l'utilisation de la géométrie fractale pour analyser et mieux comprendre l'organisation spatiale des tissus urbains ainsi que sur l'application de l'approche fractale dans l' aménagement du territoire. Dans une première partie la modélisation fractale des tissus bâtis et les méthodes d'analyse spatiale associées seront introduites. Ensuite seront présen tés les résultats des analyses et leur interprétation. A partir de réflexion s conceptuelles sera montré l'intérêt de cette approche pour développer des scénarios d'aménagement durables basés sur une logique fractale. L'outil d'aide à la décision MUP - city servira à illustrer des applicati…

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National audience

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How green neighbourhoods make cities more compact?t? A 2D microeconomic perspective

National audience; We analyse the emergence of scattered residential development, a key characteristic of sprawl. We analyse a 2D urban economic model with neighbourhood interactions among households (social contacts) and with farmers (who produce green amenities). Starting from a cross-shaped road network and CBD, we analytically establish the existence and characteristics of residential leapfrogging that breaks up the compact development of the city. We extend our analysis by numerical experiments based on observed or econometrically estimated parameters. We nd that the shape of built up areas in uences the decision or not to jump over undeveoped land or to stick to the contiguous urban f…

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The fractal dimension of the built-up footprint: buildings versus roads

International audience

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A multifractal approach of central place theory for sustainable planning

International audience

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L’accès aux services et commerces

National audience; La sensibilisation aux conséquences néfastes de l’utilisation excessive de la voiture a incité les politiques d’aménagement à s’intéresser plus à l’accessibilité aux différents services et commerces. Ainsi les lois d’urbanisme commercial récentes cherchent à concilier l’aménagement du territoire avec les modes de distribution et de consommation des ménages.Pour identifier la qualité d’accès aux différents types de commerces et services requise, nous nous appuyons sur la théorie des besoins qui établit un lien entre les besoins élémentaires dans un sens anthropologique et leur satisfaction liée ici aux équipements (services, commerces) qui leur correspondent. Dans ce but n…

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Estimation des dimensions en présence d'erreurs

Journées du GDR Analyse Multifractale, Nouan-le-Fuzelier, FRANCE, 16-/09/2018 - 20/09/2018; Nous nous posons la question de l'estimation des différentes dimensions fractales lorsque nous sommes en présence de bruit additif (à une itération donnée) ou multiplicatif ( qui se propage à travers les itérations), en testant, sur des fractales construites, les méthodes classiques d'estimation et en analysant la structure des résidus d'estimation.

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Is there a link between fractal dimensions and other indicators of the built-up environment at a regional level

International audience; Fractal dimension is used to measure the spatial arrangement (morphology) of built-up areas within a Nuts1 region (Wallonia, Belgium) and, more particularly, to test to what extent fractal dimension is related to some variables commonly used in urban economics/urban geography to characterise built environment, housings and residential choice (such as land price, housing rentals, history of urbanisation, type of housing). Special attention is put on the link with the perception of the built environment by households. A multivariate analysis concludes the paper. It is shown that fractal indices differ from other indicators and are very useful for characterising and und…

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Projet SOFT

Le projet SOFT, sobriété énergétique par les formes urbaines et le transport, a abordé la question de la stratégieénergétique d’un territoire à l’aide d’un concept d’aménagement multi-échelle utilisant la géométrie fractale. Eneffet, les gains d’efficience classique (rénovation du bâti, performance des modes de transport, production localed’énergie) ne suffisent pas aujourd’hui pour assurer aux territoires une trajectoire carbone appropriée. Il estnécessaire de s’appuyer sur la sobriété énergétique, approche qui consiste à assurer la même qualité de vie auxhabitants, mais avec une baisse des consommations énergétiques qui peut s’accompagner d’une évolution despratiques. L’approche de la sob…

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Multifractalité, tapis de Sierpinski et tissus urbains

research product

Observing The Decision-Making Process

International audience; In this chapter we ask how knowledge can be acquired about the decision-making processes associated with residential choice. As shown by the results of the many areas of research set out in chapter 2, a great number of factors may influence the decision to move home. Because we are more especially interested in the actual decision-making process, we must consider the mental factors that may condition it.

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The fractal morphology of settlements and transportation networks

International audience

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Dimensions fractales et réalités périurbaines. L'exemple du Sud de Bruxelles

This exploratory paper aims at showing how the fractal dimension can be used to characterise the spatial structure of built-up areas within the periurban fringe. The southern periphery of Brussels is considered here. Two estimation techniques (correlation and dilation) are applied to surface areas, and one (correlation after dilation) to the borders of built-up areas. They are applied to windows of fixed size. Fractal dimensions are then compared with traditional socio-economic and morphological indicators. The results are interpreted in the context of urban sprawl and polycentric development of the peripheries. These analyses confirm the usefulness of the fractal approach for describing bu…

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Liaising the outputs of a self-generating urban model (s-ghost) with fractal patterns

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Comparing the fractality of European urban districts: do national processes matter?

International audience

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Delineating built-up landscapes by means of fractal indicators, some empirical and theoretical thoughts

International audience

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La formalisation fractale des tissus urbains

The article concerns the fractal approach as it can bring new results making more understandable the morphology of agglomerate urban patterns. A new paradigm is developed, in order to improve the study of urban organizations according to optimization criteria. Specific fractal and multifractal methods are explicitated and applied to the knowledge of some big metropolitan areas and towns in Franche-Comté (France).

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Aménités urbaines et rurales dans une aire métropolitaine de forme fractale

International audience; L’Économie Urbaine à la THÜNEN est une abstraction remarquable : la famille de modèles qui la constitue conserve des traits essentiels de l’infinie complexité des villes réelles. Cependant, elle est moins adaptée aux formes urbaines modernes (polycentrisme, relâchement des forces centripètes, etc.), en particulier au périurbain, en tant qu’il est un espace mixte. Cela nous conduit à proposer un modèle où l’on garde un programme microéconomique classique d’économie urbaine, mais qui fonctionne dans la géométrie d’un tapis de SIERPINSKI, fractale qui permet de styliser un emboîtement hiérarchique de zones rurales et de centres urbains dans une aire métropolitaine. Un m…

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Morphological similarities between DBM and an economic geography model of city growth (Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 4)

International audience; An urban microeconomic model of households evolving in a 2D cellular automata allows to simulate the growth of a metropolitan area where land is devoted to housing, road network and agricultural/green areas. This system is self-organised: based on individualistic decisions of economic agents who compete on the land market, the model generates a metropolitan area with houses, roads, and agriculture. Several simulation are performed. The results show strong similarities with physical Dieletric breackdown models (DBM). In particular, phase transitions in the urban morphology occur when a control parameter reaches critical values. Population density in our model and the …

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Morphologie des "villes émergentes" en Europe à travers les analyses fractales

L'étalement urbain et la maîtrise de ses conséquences reste un défi important de l'aménagement du territoire. L'objectif de cette recherche est de mettre en évidence les différentes utilisations de la géométrie fractale pour étudier l'organisation spatiale des agglomérations et, de quelle manière il est possible de modéliser différentes caractéristiques des taches urbaines tel que l'allongement des bordures urbaines ou la fragmentation de la surface bâtie. Puis, elle vise à l'application des méthodes d'analyse à un échantillon d'agglomérations européennes, en développant un nouveau logiciel permettant d'utiliser une gamme plus large de mesures, afin de comparer leur organisation spatiale et…

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Preferences, Utility, Choice, and Attractiveness

International audience; The purpose of this chapter is to specify what is meant by preferences, utility, choice, and attractiveness in the context of daily and residential mobility. These notions will be addressed from the angles of economics, geography, and psychology. We are interested in the process of choice leading to a decision and action with spatial consequences, primarily in terms of residential mobility even if factors pertaining to local daily mobility such as modal choice and route choice are evoked.

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How neighbourhood interactions influence urban sprawl

International audience

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Where Alonso meets Sierpinski: an urban economic model of a fractal metropolitan area

International audience; La coexistence d'activités résidentielles et agricoles dans des ceintures périurbaines caractérise de nombreuses aires métropolitaines modernes. Malheureusement, peu de modèles théoriques de l'économie urbaine prennent en compte ce type de mixité spatiale. L'article contribue à combler cette lacune : les auteurs présentent un modèle de localisation résidentielle (standard en économie urbaine) opérant dans un espace structuré par la géométrie spatiale. Plus précisément, d'un côté, un tapis de Sierpinski est utilisé pour rendre compte de l'organisation hiérarchisée de sites urbains et ruraux dans une aire métropolitaine. D'un autre côté, un ménage maximise, sous contra…

research product

Modéliser la ville

Ouvrage publié avec le soutien de la Direction de la recherche et de l'innovation (service de la recherche) du Commissariat général au développement durable (ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer), en liaison avec le Programme de recherche et d'innovation dans les transports terrestres - PREDIT 4; National audience; Pour de nombreux acteurs, impliqués professionnellement ou politiquement dans les problématiques de la ville et de son aménagement, il est devenu clair que la planification de l’urbanisation ne peut être déconnectée des politiques de transport : elles interagissent l’une sur l’autre et doivent être considérées ensemble, ce qui nécessite de …

research product

Clustering Fractal urban patterns with Curves of Scaling behaviour

International audience

research product

About the existence or non-existence of an urban envelope in the framework of a multi-scale approach

research product


International audience; We analyze the fractal properties of the distribution power grid of the city of Grenoble. We introduce the scaling behavior as a useful tool to compare the fractal behavior of multiple systems. We conduct a geographical concordance analysis between the power grid and both the road network and built-up areas of the city of Grenoble. We analyze the fractal behavior of electrical properties of the distribution network.

research product

Between self-organization and planning

research product

Dielectric breakdown and urban growth

research product

Le choix de localisation, un générateur de la dynamique urbaine

research product

Les indices fractals mesurés sur la surface bâtie - co-varient‐ils avec ceux mesurés sur le réseau viaire

International audience

research product

MUP-city: un outil pour développer des scénarios d'aménagement multi-échelles

National audience

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La morphologie des tissus urbains et périurbains à travers une lecture fractale

Urban expansion produces an irregular urban fabric. This phenomenon influences areas which are distant from urban centres, a problem for sustainable development. Solutions proposed to reduce urban expansion are modelled on the pattern of the compact town. Generally, it is believed that these solutions are unacceptable to the people concerned. In this article we present an alternative approach to the study of urban fabric, which shows that, despite their irregular form, it is possible to describe their development using fractal analysis. This permits understanding of the socio-economic causes of this process and the development an alternative conceptual approach to the management of urban ex…

research product

Simulating and assessing prospective scenarios

The first part of the paper is centered on the phenomena of urban growth, in order to set the rules for a sustainable scenario of urban development. Then we enter the core of the paper that is the comparison of models. For each of the three compared models, we describe its main theoretical characteristics, the chosen parameters, and the obtained results. In section 6, heterogeneity of the produced results is discussed, and we highlight the points of interest and the lacks of the three models. Here we show that results we obtained feed debates about urban growth management. Finally, concluding remarks at the end of the paper address the general topic of the evaluation of the quality of simul…

research product

Modèles de comportements collectifs et coopératifs

Le choix résidentiel est considéré comme un acte individuel ou celui d'un " mini-groupe " (famille) qui est conditionné par des références collectives. De ce fait, il s'appuie sur des informations (renommée de quartiers, d'une école, accessibilité à des services, commerces ...) mais il contribue également à l'émergence de tendances (préférence de certains modes de vie et de quartiers ...) qui peuvent être à l'origine de flux migratoires. Ces derniers participent à l'émergence de nouvelles configurations spatiales à l'échelle d'une ville, donc de phénomènes macroscopiques. De telles tendances sont donc le résultat d'interactions entre individus et groupe sociaux, entre individus et société, …

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Indicateurs d'accessibilité multi-échelle et modèle fractal

National audience

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La forme des tissus urbains et périurbains à travers une lecture fractale : de la mesure à une réflexion conceptuelle

International audience

research product

Multifractal geometry for integrating several challenges of sustainable metropolitan planning

International audience

research product

La formation de la morphologie urbaine

International audience

research product


A sustainable and sustaining planning strategy is globally important for metropolitan areas. Sustainable planning addresses the development of strategies to reduce the use of resources, increase economic efficiency and improve integration of social aspects. In contrast, splinter development (e.g. urban sprawl) involves damage to nature and generation of an increasing volume of traffic (these are the main criticisms following a study by Newman and Kenworthy (1989) on the relationship between settlement density and energy consumption). Interestingly, the overly compact city also has this effect as it may generate traffic flows for accessing green and leisure areas, or changes of residence due…

research product

L'analyse fractale, nouvelle approche pour mesurer l'intensité des communications dans un réseau urbain

International audience

research product

Une nouvelle méthode d'analyse des réseaux

International audience

research product

Morphological similarities between DBM and a microeconomic model of sprawl

JEL classification : C61; C63; D62; R21; R40; International audience; We present a model that simulates the growth of a metropolitan area on a 2D lattice. The model is dynamic and based on microeconomics. Households show preferences for nearby open spaces and neighbourhood density. They compete on the land market. They travel along a road network to access the CBD. A planner ensures the connectedness and maintenance of the road network. The spatial pattern of houses, green spaces and road network self-organises, emerging from agents individualistic decisions. We perform several simulations and vary residential preferences. Our results show morphologies and transition phases that are similar…

research product

Complexity and fractal urban planning

International audience

research product

Fractal geometry and urban patterns – from exploring morphology to applications in planning

International audience; Fractal geometry turned out to be a powerful approach in many domains for describing complex structures which have multiscale properties. In particular, fractal analysis allows making evident scaling properties and hence underlying structural order principles which cannot be discovered by other measuring approaches like densities which refer to one unique scale. We present here how this approach helps to analyze the distribution of build-up surface in urban patterns and how it can be used to link these morphologiocal properties to specific contexts of urbanization. Indeed, contemporary urban patterns have usually an irregular shape reminding rather deposits on surfac…

research product

Optimizing the accessibility to different kinds of amenities by a new multiscale approach for sustainable urban planning

research product

Développer des scénarios d'aménagement multi-échelles pour maîtriser l'étalement urbain

research product

Maîtriser l'étalement urbain en recourant à la géométrie fractale

research product

Multi-scale urban planning and city sustainability : theoretical reflexions

International audience

research product

Explorer les décisions aux choix résidentiels : une approche méthodologique

International audience

research product

Using fractal objects as primitives for spatial modelling

ECTQG 2019, European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, LUXEMBOURG, 05-/09/2019 - 09/09/2019

research product

Quantifying the fractal nature of built-up footprints

research product

VILMODes, Ville et mobilité durables, évaluation par la simulation

Dans le contexte actuel de vulnérabilité des systèmes urbains fondés sur la mobilité automobile, il devient crucial d’anticiper les relations entre mobilité et localisation des espaces résidentiels. Sur cette question, un débat controversé s’est installé à propos des stratégies de transport et d’urbanisation. De nombreux auteurs ont pointé la périurbanisation du doigt et proposé un retour à une ville compacte et dense qui favoriserait l’utilisation des transports publics et permettrait une bonne accessibilité aux aménités, en même temps qu’elle réduirait la ségrégation sociale. D’autres auteurs ont par contre émis des doutes en montrant que la ville compacte a souvent pour corollaire un ris…

research product

Fractalopolis – Sustainable planning for metropolitan areas by a scaling approach

research product

Probabilistic modelling for simulating intra-urban residential migration. Application to the question of traffic noise annoyance

International audience

research product

Le comportement des résidents dans leur stationnement automobile

International audience

research product

Schéma de cohérence et d'orientation territoriale (scot)

research product

Microéconomie résidentielle et géométrie fractale : calibrage d'une aire urbaine française

International audience

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Modelling urbanization to simulate prospective scenarios : a comparative approach

International audience; In France, managing urban growth and sprawl depends on the housing policies made by municipalities (or groups of municipalities), by the Department, the Region or the State (i.e. by public actors) through specific statutory documents like PLU (Plan locaux d'urbanisme) or SCOT (Schémas de cohérence territoriaux). Currently, the policies leading to such documents appear very crucial. Indeed, sustainability in urban development has become a crucial issue. To manage it, urban planners use a variety of prescriptive tools such as Geographic information systems (SIG) or Computer aided drafting (CAD) softwares. Nevertheless, these "traditional" tools have a reduced predictiv…

research product

L'analyse fractale, un nouvel outil pour l'analyse spatiale des tissus urbains

research product

MUP-CITY : une approche multi-échelle pour un développement résidentiel des nouveaux espaces urbains

research product

Deciding where to live

This book proposes, from a cross-disciplinary perspective, an original reading of current work on residential choice and the decisions associated with it. Geographers, social-psychologists, economists, sociologists, neurologists and linguists have worked together in the context of collective research into evaluation, choice and decision-making in the use of urban and periurban spaces. A synthetic outlook has been constructed from these complimentary scientific references. The book, which is designed as a handbook, also provides the opportunity to set out the different approaches to deal with the models which have been developed in this field.

research product

From fractal urban pattern analysis to fractal urban planning concepts

International audience; Fractal geometry can be used to develop a multiscale approach toinvestigate the spatial organization of urban fabrics. First, the concepts behindfractal reference models are introduced so as to provide a better understandingof the results obtained from empirical analyses of urban patterns. Then, differentmethods for conducting fractal analyses are presented and the results obtained forurban patterns are discussed. It turns out that, despite their irregular appearance,urban patterns are often organized by an inherent fractal order principle, at leastacross a certain range of scales. More detailed analysis of the findings reveals linksbetween these fractal properties a…

research product

Morphological similarities between DBM and an economic geography model of city growth

International audience; An urban microeconomic model of households evolving in a 2Dcellular automata allows to simulate the growth of a metropolitan area whereland is devoted to housing, road network and agricultural/green areas. Thissystem is self-organised: based on individualistic decisions of economic agentswho compete on the land market, the model generates a metropolitan area withhouses, roads, and agriculture. Several simulation are performed. The resultsshow strong similarities with physical Dieletric breackdown models (DBM). Inparticular, phase transitions in the urban morphology occur when a controlparameter reaches critical values. Population density in our model and theelectric …

research product

Expérimentation par voie informatique de la mobilité résidentielle

La mobilité résidentielle est un sujet complexe qui nécessite d'appréhender les interactions entre le " couple " ménage-logement. Les expérimentations in vivo et in vitro n'étant pas possible sur ce domaine d'étude, nous proposons de réaliser un modèle de simulation de la mobilité résidentielle à des fins d'expérimentation in silico. Pour ce faire, VisualSimores, un logiciel multi-formalisme associant automate cellulaire, système multi-agents et formalisme mathématique a été conçu.

research product

La fractalité des structures urbaines

Urban patterns show often an irregular morphology. The fact that this phenomenon appears often despite of the intensions of planers and that it is not related to a particular historical situation, incites to suppose the existence of self-organisation process, promoting such an evolution. To get more insight in these aspects of urban growth, it has been investigated, whether there exists appropriated quantitative measures to characterize the irregular structures. The analysis of the build-up area of a certain number of agglomerations of the scale of metropolitan areas has shown, that the urban patterns follow an interior order principle, and that they may be characterized by fractal dimensio…

research product

Fractal urban growth

International audience

research product

Fractalopolis - un concept d'aménagement multi-échelles pour un développement durable des espaces métropolitains

International audience

research product

Multifractal models and their formal properties in urban geography

International audience; Fractal analysis for exploring the spatial organization of settlement patterns is used since a coupleof years. On the one hand, scaling behavior turned out to be a suitable approach for characterizingsuch patterns, but town sections, issued from different periods of urban history or corresponding toparticular planning concepts show different types of scaling behavior what aided classifying urbanpatterns. However, on the scale of agglomerations these different scaling behaviors are mixed. Thatincites asking whether multifractal approaches could be of interest when considering urban patternsor settlement systems, as local properties like different degrees of concentrat…

research product

Echelles, hiérarchies et fait urbain

Réflexion méthodologique qui reprend les résultats de la précédente thèse.

research product