L. Di Piazza
Description of the limit set of Henstock–Kurzweil integral sums of vector-valued functions
Abstract Let f be a function defined on [ 0 , 1 ] and taking values in a Banach space X . We show that the limit set I HK ( f ) of Henstock–Kurzweil integral sums is non-empty and convex when the function f has an integrable majorant and X is separable. In the same setting we give a complete description of the limit set.
Characterizations of Kurzweil--Henstock--Pettis integrable functions.
We prove that several results of Talagrand proved for the Pettis integral hold true also for the Kurzweil--Henstock--Pettis integral. In particular the Kurzweil--Henstock--Pettis integrability can be characterized by suitable properties of the operators defined by the integrands and by cores of those functions.
Gauge integrals and selections of weakly compact valued multifunctions
In the paper Henstock, McShane, Birkhoff and variationally multivalued integrals are studied for multifunctions taking values in the hyperspace of convex and weakly compact subsets of a general Banach space X. In particular the existence of selections integrable in the same sense of the corresponding multifunctions has been considered.
Set valued Kurzweil-Henstock-Pettis integral
It is shown that the obvious generalization of the Pettis integral of a multifunction obtained by replacing the Lebesgue integrability of the support functions by the Kurzweil--Henstock integrability, produces an integral which can be described -- in case of multifunctions with (weakly) compact convex values -- in terms of the Pettis set-valued integral.
The McShane, PU and Henstock integrals of Banach valued functions
Some relationships between the vector valued Henstock and McShane integrals are investigated. An integral for vector valued functions, defined by means of partitions of the unity (the PU-integral) is studied. In particular it is shown that a vector valued function is McShane integrable if and only if it is both Pettis and PU-integrable. Convergence theorems for the Henstock variational and the PU integrals are stated. The families of multipliers for the Henstock and the Henstock variational integrals of vector valued functions are characterized.
On Variational Measures Related to Some Bases
Abstract We extend, to a certain class of differentiation bases, some results on the variational measure and the δ-variation obtained earlier for the full interval basis. In particular the theorem stating that the variational measure generated by an interval function is σ-finite whenever it is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure is extended to any Busemann–Feller basis.
A Constructive Minimal Integral which Includes Lebesgue Integrable Functions and Derivatives
In this paper we provide a minimal constructive integration process of Riemann type which includes the Lebesgue integral and also integrates the derivatives of differentiable functions. We provide a new solution to the classical problem of recovering a function from its derivative by integration, which, unlike the solution provided by Denjoy, Perron and many others, does not possess the generality which is not needed for this purpose.The descriptive version of the problem was treated by A. M. Bruckner, R. J. Fleissner and J. Foran in [2]. Their approach was based on the trivial observation that for the required minimal integral, a function F is the indefinite integral of f if and only if F'…
A new result on impulsive differential equations involving non-absolutely convergent integrals
AbstractIn this paper we obtain, as an application of a Darbo-type theorem, global solutions for differential equations with impulse effects, under the assumption that the function on the right-hand side is integrable in the Henstock sense. We thus generalize several previously given results in literature, for ordinary or impulsive equations.
A Decomposition Theorem for the Fuzzy Henstock Integral
We study the fuzzy Henstock and the fuzzy McShane integrals for fuzzy-number valued functions. The main purpose of this paper is to establish the following decomposition theorem: a fuzzy-number valued function is fuzzy Henstock integrable if and only if it can be represented as a sum of a fuzzy McShane integrable fuzzy-number valued function and of a fuzzy Henstock integrable fuzzy number valued function generated by a Henstock integrable function.
The essential variation of a function and some convergence theorems
AbstractA characterization of Banach spaces possessing the weak Radon–Nikodým property is given in terms of finitely additive interval functions. Due to that characterization several Banach space valued set functions that are only finitely additive can be represented as integrals.
An equivalent definition of the vector-valued McShane integral by means of partitions of unity
An integral for vector-valued functions on a σ-finite outer regular quasi-radon measure space is defined by means of partitions of unity and it is shown that it is equivalent to the McShane integral. The multipliers for both the McShane and Pettis integrals are characterized
Integrals and selections of multifunctions with values in an arbitrary banach space
In this note we will address some recent as well as classical results on multivalued integrals for multifunctions taking values in the hyperspace of convex weakly compact subsets of a general Banach space. In particular the existence of selections integrable in the same sense of the corresponding multifunctions will be considered.
Linear dynamics induced by odometers
Weighted shifts are an important concrete class of operators in linear dynamics. In particular, they are an essential tool in distinguishing variety dynamical properties. Recently, a systematic study of dynamical properties of composition operators on $L^p$ spaces has been initiated. This class of operators includes weighted shifts and also allows flexibility in construction of other concrete examples. In this article, we study one such concrete class of operators, namely composition operators induced by measures on odometers. In particular, we study measures on odometers which induce mixing and transitive linear operators on $L^p$ spaces.
A decomposition theorem for compact-valued Henstock integral
We prove that if X is a separable Banach space, then a measurable multifunction Γ : [0, 1] → ck(X) is Henstock integrable if and only if Γ can be represented as Γ = G + f, where G : [0, 1] → ck(X) is McShane integrable and f is a Henstock integrable selection of Γ.
Pettis integrability of fuzzy mappings with values in arbitrary Banach spaces
Abstract In this paper we study the Pettis integral of fuzzy mappings in arbitrary Banach spaces. We present some properties of the Pettis integral of fuzzy mappings and we give conditions under which a scalarly integrable fuzzy mapping is Pettis integrable.
Lineability of non-differentiable Pettis primitives
Let \(X\) be an infinite-dimensional Banach space. In 1995, settling a long outstanding problem of Pettis, Dilworth and Girardi constructed an \(X\)-valued Pettis integrable function on \([0,1]\) whose primitive is nowhere weakly differentiable. Using their technique and some new ideas we show that \(\mathbf{ND}\), the set of strongly measurable Pettis integrable functions with nowhere weakly differentiable primitives, is lineable, i.e., there is an infinite dimensional vector space whose nonzero vectors belong to \(\mathbf{ND}\).
Set valued integrability in non separable Fréchet spaces and applications
AbstractWe focus on measurability and integrability for set valued functions in non-necessarily separable Fréchet spaces. We prove some properties concerning the equivalence between different classes of measurable multifunctions. We also provide useful characterizations of Pettis set-valued integrability in the announced framework. Finally, we indicate applications to Volterra integral inclusions.
Approximating the solutions of differential inclusions driven by measures
The matter of approximating the solutions of a differential problem driven by a rough measure by solutions of similar problems driven by “smoother” measures is considered under very general assumptions on the multifunction on the right-hand side. The key tool in our investigation is the notion of uniformly bounded $$\varepsilon $$-variations, which mixes the supremum norm with the uniformly bounded variation condition. Several examples to motivate the generality of our outcomes are included.
AbstractThe approximation of Banach space valued non-absolutely integrable functions by step functions is studied. It is proved that a Henstock integrable function can be approximated by a sequence of step functions in the Alexiewicz norm, while a Henstock–Kurzweil–Pettis and a Denjoy–Khintchine–Pettis integrable function can be only scalarly approximated in the Alexiewicz norm by a sequence of step functions. In case of Henstock–Kurzweil–Pettis and Denjoy–Khintchine–Pettis integrals the full approximation can be done if and only if the range of the integral is norm relatively compact.
Rolewicz-type chaotic operators
In this article we introduce a new class of Rolewicz-type operators in l_p, $1 \le p < \infty$. We exhibit a collection F of cardinality continuum of operators of this type which are chaotic and remain so under almost all finite linear combinations, provided that the linear combination has sufficiently large norm. As a corollary to our main result we also obtain that there exists a countable collection of such operators whose all finite linear combinations are chaotic provided that they have sufficiently large norm.