Christian Rittner
Hepatitis B surface antigen presentation and HLA-DRB1*– lessons from twins and peptide binding studies
Summary The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying mechanisms of the genetic association between certain HLA-DRB1* alleles and the immune response to HBsAg vaccination. Therefore, HBsAg peptide binding to HLA-DR molecules was measured in vitro by peptide binding ELISAs. Additionally, HBsAg-specific T cell reaction and cytokine profile of immune response were analysed ex vivo in ELISPOT assays and DR-restriction of T-cell proliferative responses was investigated with HBsAg specific T cell clones. In addition, we compared HBsAg specific T cell responses of 24 monozygotic and 3 dizygotic twin pairs after HBsAg vaccination. Our results showed that the peptide binding assays did not…
Family studies in scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) demonstrating an HLA-linked increased chromosomal breakage rate in cultured lymphocytes
An increased chromosomal breakage rate (ICBR) was found in 27 of 28 patients with scleroderma (systemic sclerosis, SS) - 5 with the syndrome including calcinosis cutis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophagus hypomotility, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia (CREST), 4 incomplete CREST, 1 overlapping syndrome, 18 progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS). Not only the patients, but also about half of their first-degree relatives showed an increased chromosomal breakage rate (more than 5 breaks per 100 metaphases). This character segregated as a dominant marker in nine families of scleroderma patients. In the six informative of the nine families, the ICBR trait showed close linkage with the HLA region on chro…
Tumor necrosis factor alpha promoter polymorphism at position -238 is associated with chronic active hepatitis C infection
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C virus infection. The gene for TNF-alpha is encoded in the major histocompatibility locus (MHC). Two polymorphisms at positions -308 and -238 in the TNF-alpha promoter region might influence TNF-alpha expression. These promoter polymorphisms have been linked previously to a number of infectious diseases. TNF-alpha promoter polymorphisms at positions -238 and -308 were studied by DNA sequencing and sequence-specific oligonucleotide hybridization in 82 individuals with chronic hepatitis C and 99 control subjects. Subjects had been HLA class I and class II typed in a previous study. The frequency of t…
Tandem repeat structure of the duplicated Y-chromosomal STR locus DYS385 and frequency studies in the German and three Asian populations
The Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) locus DYS385 can be typed using PCR amplification and separation of the resulting polymorphic fragments by non-denaturing high resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining. The PCR primers amplify a duplicated repeat sequence on the Y chromosome revealing a two-band pattern in male individuals. To determine the internal repeat structure as a basis for a consensus nomenclature, DNA sequence analysis was carried out after subcloning of PCR-amplified fragments revealing the uniform 4-bp repeat structure 'GAAA'. The shortest allele observed consisted of 10 repeat units thus providing the basis for the designation 'allele 1…
TAP-polymorphisms in juvenile onset psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
Abstract Juvenile onset psoriasis is strongly associated with the HLA-class I genes Cw6 and B57 whereas patients with psoriatic arthritis show an increased frequency of HLA-B27. It is unclear whether additional major histocompatibility genes also increase disease susceptibility. The TAP genes (transporter associated with antigen processing) encode two membrane-spanning proteins that translocate antigenic peptides from the cytoplasm into the endoplasmic reticulum. Comparison of 60 patients with juvenile onset psoriasis, 63 psoriatic arthritis patients, and 101 caucasoid controls revealed an increase of the TAP1 ∗ 0101 allele in the psoriasis group, that could not be explained by linkage to o…
The influence of major histocompatibility complex class II genes and T-cell Vbeta repertoire on response to immunization with HBsAg.
Nonresponsiveness to HBsAg vaccination is observed in 5-10% of vaccine recipients and is possibly caused by a defect in the T helper cell compartment. The immune response to HBsAg is influenced by genes of the major histocompatibility complex. We have investigated MHC class I and class II antigens in 53 adult responders and 73 nonresponders. Results obtained in this first study were tested in a second study with 56 responders and 62 nonresponders from an infant vaccination trial. In addition, the peripheral Vbeta-chain T-cell receptor repertoire was investigated using monoclonal antibodies and flow-cytometry in 26 adult responders and 38 nonresponders. As previously reported, nonresponsiven…
Genetic analysis of the short tandem repeat system D12S391 in the German and three Asian populations
Abstract Genomic DNA samples from 222 individuals from Southern China, 154 individuals from Thailand, 100 individuals from Japan as well as from 124 German individuals were analysed for the short tandem repeat (STR) locus D12S391. Typing was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and subsequent polyacryramide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. In total, 12 alleles could be distinguished in two of the populations. Among Chinese, allele 19 is the most common with a frequency of 0.225, and among Germans, allele 18 with a frequency of 0.186. In the Thai population only 11 alleles could be distinguished and allele 19 is the most common with a frequency of 0.198. In Ja…
The eighth component of human complement: molecular basis of C8A (C81) polymorphism.
Using an exon-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by direct DNA sequence analysis we have analyzed the polymorphism of the alpha-chain of the eighth component of human complement (C8) at the DNA level. We found that two common alleles, C8A*A and C8A*B, are characterized by the substitution of a single amino acid (Gln to Lys), which is caused by a point mutation of a single nucleotide (C to A) in exon 3 at position 187 of the mature C8 alpha cDNA sequence. Based on this mutation, an allele-specific PCR was designed detecting the two alleles of C8A. We applied this method to type the C8A polymorphism using DNA samples from a Chinese Han population. The comparison with the data o…
Expert witness in paternity testing in Germany.
In Germany, paternity testing can be ordered by a judge as well as by private persons. In the case of private counselling, the expert has the duty to inform the parties on all medical, legal and ethical aspects. Informed consent must be given by each individual included in an exploration of family relationships. Due to the rapid progress of DNA typing in even minute amounts after polymerase chain reaction amplification, genotypes of short tandem repeat systems can be elicited by extraction from single cells. Therefore, the number of unlawful investigations of paternal relationships is steadily increasing. Here the requirements for paternity testing laboratories and sanctions for unlawful ex…
Rapid Detection of the ERV-K(C4) Retroviral Insertion Reveals Further Structural Polymorphism of the Complement C4 Genes in Old World Primates
The fourth component of complement (C4) is coded for by two tandem-duplicated genes located in the class III region of the MHC of humans as well as a number of primates. A C4 gene size polymorphism giving rise to two gene variants of 16 and 22.3 kb length can be attributed to a complete endogenous retroviral insertion of 6.3 kb termed ERV-K(C4) in intron 9 of the long C4 genes. We developed a simple PCR-based screening assay to detect the presence of this insertion, and tested a number of unrelated animals from old world primate species. The presence of the ERV insertion in the orangutan, rhesus macaque and green monkey as well as its absence in gorillas and chimpanzees could be confirmed. …
Fatal air embolism resulting from gastroscopy
Application of mtDNA sequence analysis in forensic casework for the identification of human remains
Abstract In four forensic cases of unidentified skeletal remains investigated in the last year, we were able to attach three to missing persons. In one case we could show that the discovered bone sample did not fit to a missing child. The method for mitochondrial DNA analysis for the routine identification of skeletal remains was established in our institute by typing bone samples of defined age obtained from Frankfurt's cemetery. Reproducible results were obtained for bones up to 75 years old. For analysis the bone samples were pulverised to fine powder, decalcified and DNA was extracted. From the DNA we amplified a 404-bp fragment from HV-1 and a 379-bp fragment from HV-2 of the mtDNA con…
Human complement C81 (C8 A) polymorphism: detection and segregation of new variants
In addition to the earlier detected C81(A) rare variants A1, A2 (now A3) and B1 (now B2), six new rare variants (C81 A2 new, A4, A5, A6, M1 and B1new) are described within the polymorphism of the eighth component of human complement (alpha-gamma chain subunit). Except for A3, all rare C81 A variants are only detected by isoelectric focusing, and not by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), in the alpha-gamma subunit. In one individual out of approximately 700 individuals studied, a reversed position of the common allele (B vs A) was observed by SDS PAGE and the isofocusing technique. The segregation of A1, A3 and A4 could be followed in putative father/child combinations.
Identification of an Unknown Corpse by Means of Computed Tomography (CT) of the Lumbar Spine
For the first time, a case is described in which an unknown corpse is identified by the comparison of antemortem and postmortem computed tomographic (CT) images. A posterolateral disc herniation at L5-S1 on the right side, Schmorl's nodes and a lucency in the ilium were found in identical locations in each case. Additionally there were characteristic morphological similarities in the vertebral bodies, spinous processes, transverse processes and neural arches. In CT identification, as in conventional radiographic identification, one must try to reproduce comparable scanning conditions and images because apparent differences in the roentgenological morphology can occur as a result of differen…
C4A deficiency and nonresponse to hepatitis B vaccination
Hepatitis B vaccination failure has been linked to the presence of certain human leukocyte antigen class II alleles. However, the functional background of these associations has remained unclear. Complement component C 4 is encoded within the major histocompatibility complex and is essential for classical pathway activation.Healthy individuals (n=4269) were vaccinated in a prospective trial with Engerix B. Nonresponse was classified as anti-HBs10 U/l after the last vaccination. Seventy-three nonresponders (NR) (1.7%) were identified. For comparison 53 responders (R) (anti-HBs10 IU/l) were drawn randomly from the same cohort. C4 allotyping was carried out by high-voltage agarose gel electrop…
Heterogeneity in the genetic basis of human complement C9 deficiency
HLA-DRB1*1301 AND *1302 protect against chronic hepatitis B
Abstract Background/Aims: The outcome of acute hepatitis B infection may be influenced by host factors like the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We have investigated MHC class I and class II antigens in patients with chronic hepatitis B compared to a healthy control population. To confirm the findings of this first study we performed a second study in a group of subjects who had spontaneously recovered from acute hepatitis B infection. Methods: Frequencies of MHC class I and class II antigens were analyzed in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection and in control subjects. MHC class I typing was done by standard microlymphocytotoxicity assays. DRB1 and DQA1 genotypes were d…
PCR Typing of Alu Elements — Molecular Genetics and Forensic Application
Alu repeats belong to the family of short interspersed elements (SINEs) and are among the most abundant repetitive DNA sequences in the mammalian genome. They represent mobile genetic elements ancestrally derived from the 7SL RNA gene and have presumably spread within the genome by retroposition (reviewed in [1]). A particular group of Alu repeats appears to be human-specific (HS subfamily) and has expanded only recently within the human genome as indicated by distinct dimorphisms at various loci due to the presence or absence of an Alu repeat. In recent extensive studies, the frequency distributions of Alu insertions at selected loci in various human racial groups and populations were dete…
Genetic polymorphism of human complement factor I (C3b inactivator) in the Chinese Han population.
The human complement factor I (IF) polymorphism has been analysed by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing electrophoresis of neuraminidase-treated EDTA plasma samples followed by immunoblotting and enzymatic detection. In a population study among 121 random individuals from Chengdu, PR China, three different common phenotypes were observed. The results show that IF is polymorphic in the Chinese population. The allele frequencies were as follows: FI*A = 0.153, FI*B = 0.847. The distribution of observed phenotypes was in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. In comparison to other Asian population studies, the frequency of the IF*A allele was the highest in the Chinese population…
HLA DRw8 and primary biliary cirrhosis
Polymorphism of the Complement C8A and -B Genes in Two Families with C8β Deficiency and Neisserial Infections
Serum samples from members of two Italian families with complement C8 beta deficiency were studied by SDS-PAGE under nonreducing conditions and by IEF. The proband of family I had suffered from two episodes of purulent meningitis and two of her uncles had suffered from only one episode, while the proband of family II had suffered from three different episodes. In contrast to previous findings, where C8 beta deficiency was cosegregating with C8A (alpha-gamma) allotype A, the proband of family II had the C8A allotype B. In addition, in one of her sons a novel variant of the C8 beta chain was detected. Studies at the DNA level in family I, using a recently described PCR system, demonstrate the…
Rapid and Standardized Quantitation of Hemolytic Activity of the Fourth Component of Human Complement
Based on a method that uses the fourth component of complement (C4)-deficient guinea pig serum to quantify the hemolytic activity of C4, we developed an assay that allows the processing of a large number of individual samples with high reproducibility. In contrast to the conventional procedure using titration curves of each sample to be determined, we can show that a single appropriate dilution of the sample allows accurate quantitation of hemolytic activity. The reliability of the procedure is demonstrated using either C4A- or C4B- deficient and normal individual samples.
Sequence polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA control region in Japanese.
Sequence polymorphisms of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, hypervariable regions I and II, from 100 unrelated Japanese were determined by PCR amplification and direct sequencing. Sequences of 404 nucleotides for hypervariable region I and 379 nucleotides for region II were obtained. Variable sites (85 and 45) were revealed in region I and region II, respectively, as compared to the reference sequence, and a total of 96 different genetic patterns from both regions I and II were determined. A point mutation heteroplasmy was observed at the ratio of approximately 50:50 from one individual at the sequence position 151 showing a nucleotide transition from C to T. The probability of …
Paternity Analysis Using the Multilocus DNA Probe MZ 1.3
The multilocus minisatellite DNA probe MZ 1.3 detects hypervariable restriction fragment patterns in genomic DNA of man and animals. It can be used for segregation analysis in cases of disputed paternity (Schacker et al., 1991; Rittner et al., 1991a), for identification purposes in forensic medicine and stain analysis (Ogata et al., 1990; Rittner et al., 1991b), as well as in animal breeding for pedigree analysis and verification of inbred strains (Hins & Gruber, 1991). Hypervariable fragment patterns can be generated by using frequently cutting restriction enzymes, e.g. Hinf I, Hae Ill, Msp I, Mbo I, and Rsa I. A non-radioactive system using the digoxigenin antidigoxigenin system may be us…
A TNF-α Promoter Polymorphism Is Associated with Juvenile Onset Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis
Tumor necrosis factor-α is considered to be one of the important mediators in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. A strong association of juvenile onset psoriasis with the major histocompatibility complex encoded HLA-Cw6 antigen has been reported but it is unclear whether Cw6 itself or a closely linked gene is involved in the pathogenesis. This study has focused on the association of promoter polymorphisms of the major histocompatibility complex encoded tumor necrosis factor-α gene with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Tumor necrosis factor-α promoter polymorphisms were sought by sequence-specific oligonucleotide hybridization and by direct sequencing in Caucasian patients with juvenile onset …
Chromosomal aberrations in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Chromosomal aberrations in untreated lymphocyte cultures, bleomycin (BLM)-induced aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 11 patients suffering from primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and 14 matched control individuals were analysed. The lymphocytes of the PBC patients had on average a lower mitotic index (2.3) compared with controls (3.5) in the untreated cultures. The mean baseline rate of aberrations of the cultured lymphocytes of the patients was 5.3 aberrations per 100 metaphases (%); this was significantly different (P = 0.0291) from that of the controls with a mean of 2.3%. In lymphocytes of the patients and controls, most of the aberratio…
Speech of the Minister of Justice of Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) Peter Caeser at the occasion of the opening of the 14th Congress of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics
Biostatistical basis of individualization and segregation analysis using the multilocus DNA probe MZ 1.3: results of a collaborative study.
A collaborative study using the multilocus minisatellite DNA probe MZ 1.3 was carried out to investigate segregation information, mutation rate, DNA fragment frequencies as well as band sharing characteristics. The fingerprint patterns of 393 children as well as 694 unrelated individuals were analysed after digestion of DNA with the restriction enzyme HinfI. A mutation rate of 1% per meiosis or 0.04% per band was found with a mean number of 26 bands/individual. It was shown that maternal and paternal fragments are inherited in equal proportions. Population frequencies of restriction fragments demonstrated a distribution with increasing frequencies in the small fragment size range below 10 k…
MHC class II genes influence the susceptibility to chronic active hepatitis C
Chronic hepatitis C develops in more than 70% of hepatitis C virus infected subjects. Viral factors influence the disease course, but little is known about the importance of host factors.Frequencies of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II antigens were analyzed in two groups of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and in control subjects. MHC class I typing was done by standard microlymphocytotoxicity assays. DRB1 and DQA1 genotyping was done by PCR based typing methods.DRB1*0301 was found in 26 of 75 patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection (34.7%) and in 12 of 101 control subjects (11.9%) (relative risk 3.9; p0.001). Homozygosity for this allel…
Comparative analysis of short tandem repeats and single nucleotide polymorphisms on the Y-chromosome in Germans, Chinese and Thais.
We have typed genomic DNA samples from 95 individuals from Western Germany, 78 individuals from Bangkok/Thailand and 56 individuals from Chengdu/China for 11 Y-chromosomal diallelic polymorphisms and eight short tandem repeat (STR) systems. For single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, a rapid method was applied using the single base extension technology (minisequencing) in combination with capillary electrophoresis. PCR products for SRY-8299, Tat, SRY2627, 92R7, SRY1532, M9, M13, M17/M19 and M20 were pooled and used as templates for the commercially available SNaPshot kit. In addition to these ten SNPs we also tested the Y-chromosomal diallelic Alu repeat insertion DYS287 (YAP) by aga…
Identifizierung unbekannter Leichen durch Röntgenbildvergleich
Between 1987 and 1993, 30 unknown bodies were identified by means of pre- and postmortem radiographs at the Forensic Institute in Mainz. Our experience indicates that radiological identification comprises a useful, rapid and cheap method, at least as valuable as dactyloscopy or odontological comparisons. The ages of available radiographs were up to 25 years; the most suitable regions are the skull (11), pelvis and lumbar spine (6), lower femur and knee (5) and distal leg with the ankle joint (5). In respect of the problem of objectifying the probability of identity, possibilities for solutions are shown.
A proposal for an anonymous living organ donation in Germany.
Abstract In Germany, living organ donation of paired and usually not regenerating organs is restricted by law to related individuals, as well as persons who ‘obviously entertain an especially intimate personal relationship'. When this law was adopted in 1997, the intention of the legislator was to guarantee the free will of the donor and to exclude any trade of organs. Since then the transplantation of cadaveric organs has not increased. Additional organs were donated from living donors. However, for a number of reasons only a limited array of transplantation centers use living organ donation as a supply facing a steadily increasing number of patients with chronic renal failure. Living orga…
Expression of the human complement C8 subunits is independently regulated by interleukin 1β, interleukin 6, and interferon γ
The eighth component of human complement (C8) is composed of two subunits which are products from three separate genes. The alpha-gamma- and the beta-subunit of C8 are expressed independently, and are part of the membrane attack complex. C8 is primarily synthesized in the liver. It has been shown in previous studies that the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 constitutively expresses C8, and thus is a suitable model system for studying C8 biosynthesis in vitro. Expression is modulated by the cytokines IL-1 beta, IL-6 and IFN-gamma. The effect of the different cytokines on the expression of these subunits was examined using biosynthetical labelling and immunoprecipitation methods. C8 alpha-gamma…
The human complement component C8B gene: structure and phylogenetic relationship
The eighth component of human complement (C8) is a serum protein that consists of three chains (alpha, beta and gamma), encoded by three separate genes, viz., C8A, C8B, and C8G. In serum, the beta-subunit is non-covalently bound to the disulfide-linked alpha-gamma subunit. Using a full-length C8 beta cDNA probe, we isolated several clones from human genomic lambda DNA libraries. Four lambda clones covering the complete cDNA sequence were characterized by TaqI restriction mapping and were "shotgun" subcloned into M13. C8 beta-cDNA-positive clones were partially sequenced to characterize the 12 exons of the gene with sizes from 69 to 347 bp. All intron-exon junctions followed the GT-AG rule. …
DNA polymorphism of the human complement C8 beta gene: formal genetics and intragenic localization.
The eighth component of human complement consists of three subunits of different molecular mass, which are coded for by three separate genetic loci. Polymorphisms have been described at the protein level for the alpha and beta subunits by means of sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing. Using a full-length human C8 beta cDNA probe, we have studied more than 100 individuals by Southern blot analysis to detect DNA polymorphisms. We have found two restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) with the enzymes Taq I and Bam HI. The Taq I polymorphism is defined by two alleles, i.e., a single 4.9 kb fragment or two 2.8/2.1 kb fragments. The allele frequencies are…
Differential genetic determination of immune responsiveness to hepatitis B surface antigen and to hepatitis A virus: a vaccination study in twins.
Summary Background The course of viral hepatitis is thought to be affected by genetic host variability and, in particular, by genes of the major histocompatibility locus. Hepatitis A and B vaccination is a useful model to study the effect of host factors on the immune response to viral antigens. We aimed to assess the heritability of the HBsAg (anti-HBs) and anti-hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) immune response and to estimate the effect of the HLA-DRB1 locus and other genetic loci unlinked to HLA. Methods We did an open prospective study and vaccinated 202 twin pairs with a combined recombinant HBsAg/inactivated hepatitis A vaccine. We measured antibodies to HBsAg and HAV and determined HLA-DR…
Polymerase chain reaction analysis of the Xba I polymorphism of the human complement C4 genes provides evidence for strong haplotype conservation.
The genes coding for the two isotypes of the fourth component of human complement, C4A and C4B, are located between the HLA-B and -DR loci of the MHC. We studied the linkage relationship of the previously described XbaI RFLP to obtain further insight into the evolution of the tandemly arranged C4 genes. Using exon-specific PCR amplification followed by restriction analysis and direct DNA sequencing, the polymorphic site could be located in exon 40 of the C4 gene (cDNA position 5095). The polymorphism does not change an amino acid residue. Using nested PCR amplification with isotype-specific primers to amplify either C4A or C4B alleles the haplotype arrangement of the XbaI sites in both isot…
Experience with the PCR-based HLA-DQ? DNA typing system in routine forensic casework
The results of HLA-DQ alpha typing from 42 routine forensic cases using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were analyzed regarding the reliability, discrimination efficiency and informative value of this system in a given case. The cases included stain typing from a variety of different substates, i.e. blood and semen stains, mixed body fluids, single hairs, cigarette butts, material from fingernail scratches, as well as identification and paternity cases on postmortem and fixed tissue. A total of 125 individual stain and tissue samples were included. PCR amplification was achieved in 70% of these samples. In cases with mixed body fluids, e.g. sperm and vaginal cells from rape cases, DQ al…
Restriction fragment polymorphisms of the HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, and insulin gene regions in IDDM: The GAW5 data
The primary aim of the insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) component of Genetic Analysis Workshop 5 (GAW5) was to collect and analyze new data on DNA polymorphisms closely linked to the HLA-D region and the insulin gene. The probes and restriction enzymes described here were used by all ten participating labs, and the data from Southern blotting were interpreted and reported according to conventions developed for the Workshop. These DNA data on members of 94 families with two or more IDDM sibs constitute the largest such sample available. The data were used in most of the analyses presented at the Workshop meeting, and are available on request.