Epistemologia della valutazione: la psicoterapia fra ricerca e clinica.
Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Caregiver Skills in Eating Disorders
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and validate a new ques- tionnaire designed to measure caregiver skills that, in line with the interperso- nal component of the cognitive inter- personal maintenance model (Schmidt and Treasure, J Br J Clin Psychol, 45, 343–366, 2006), may be helpful in the support of people with anorexia nerv- osa (AN). A further aim is to assess whether this scale is sensitive to change following skills-based caregiver interventions. Method: The Caregiver Skills (CASK) scale was developed by a group of clinicians and caregivers. Preliminary versions of the scale devised for both caregivers and parents were given at baseline and at follow-up after two studies…
The Role of Existential Concerns in the Individual’s Decisions regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A Survey among Non-Vaccinated Italian Adults during the Third Wave of the Pandemic
Recent studies have suggested that health constructs embraced by the Terror Management Theory (TMT) and the Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT) may drive individuals’ COVID-19 health-related decisions. This study examines the relationships between existential concerns (ECs; within the TMT), basic psychological needs (BPNs; within the BPNT) and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy (VH), as well as the mediating role of negative attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines. A cross-sectional survey was carried out from April to May 2021 on a sample of two hundred and eighty-seven adults (Mage = 36.04 ± 12.07; 59.9% females). Participants provided information regarding existential concerns, basic psychologica…
The Objective and Subjective Caregiving Burden and Caregiving Behaviours of Parents of Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa
Objective The study aimed to examine caregiving burden and levels of distress, accommodating behaviours, expressed emotion (EE) and carers' skills, in parents of adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Method A semi-structured interview assessed the objective burden (time spent across caregiving tasks) in parents (n = 196) of adolescents (n = 144) receiving outpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa. Subjective burden (carers' distress), accommodating behaviours, EE and carers' skills were measured by self-report. Results Mothers, on average, spent 2.5 h/day of care, mainly providing food and emotional support, compared with 1 h/day by fathers. The level of distress and accommodating behaviour wa…
Infertility-related stress, anxiety and ovarian stimulation: can couples be reassured about the effects of psychological factors on biological responses to assisted reproductive technology?
Abstract The aim of this prospective, longitudinal study was to examine the association between couples' pre-treatment psychological characteristics (state anxiety and infertility-related stress levels of both partners) and ovarian response during assisted reproductive technology treatment in a well-controlled sample. A total of 217 heterosexual couples (434 patients), suffering from primary infertility and undergoing their first assisted reproductive technology treatment at the Reproductive Medicine Unit of ANDROS Day Surgery Clinic in Palermo (Italy), were recruited. Psychological variables were assessed using the State Scale of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) and the Fertility Pro…
Le funzioni metacognitive nei pazienti con disturbi del comportamento alimentare. Uno studio sul trattamento psicodinamico di gruppo
L’Outcome-Questionnaire 45.2. Adattamento italiano di uno strumento per la valutazione dei trattamenti psicologici.The Outcome Questionnaire 45.2. Italian validation of an instrument for the assessment of psychological treatments.
Scopo – L’Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2; Lambert et al., 2004) è uno strumento che misura importanti aree di funzionamento psicologico (sintomatologia, problemi interpersonali, funzionamento nel ruolo sociale) di interesse centrale per la valutazione degli esiti psicoterapeutici. In questo studio è stata esaminata la validità cross-culturale dell’OQ-45.2 nella popolazione italiana, confrontando le proprietà psicometriche, l’equivalenza della struttura fattoriale ed i punteggi normativi della versione italiana con quella originale degli USA. Metodo – I dati sono stati raccolti a Bologna e Palermo presso l’Università (N=461), tre strutture pubbliche di salute mentale (N=301) ed un’organizzaz…
Could infertility related stress and anxiety of both partners influence women's ovarian response to stimulation during ICSI treatment?
The Italian version of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire: psychometric properties and validation in students, community, and clinical groups
The current study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Italian validation of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ), conceived as a measure of self-criticism and dependency, i.e. two personality factors acting, according to Blatt (2004), as risk factors for depression in particular and psychopathology in general. A series of standardized measures [Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), DEQ, Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R), Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, 3rd edition (MCMI-III)] was administered to three samples (i.e., students, community and clinical). Factorial validity was evaluated along with convergent and predictive validity. In order to evaluate the reliability…
Evaluating Gender Differences in Problematic Smartphone Use
Abstract. The Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI) is widely used to measure problematic smartphone use (PSU). Although the SPAI has been translated and validated in different countries, its measurement invariance across gender has received little research attention. This study aimed to examine whether men and women interpreted the Italian version of the SPAI (SPAI-I) similarly and, consequently, whether the observed gender differences in SPAI scores, which have been shown in previous studies, could be due to true differences, rather than to differences in measurement. Six hundred nineteen Italian young adults ( Mage = 22.02 ± 2.63; 55.7% women) took part in the study and completed the SP…
Funzioni metacognitive in una terapia di gruppo ad orientamento psicodinamico
Background: Previous studies on individual characteristics related to Facebook usage seems to support that active Facebook users are more likely to be higher in attachment anxiety or in extraversion, but specific interpersonal profiles of individual’s Facebook usage are still missing in the literature. The aims of the current study were: a) to investigate whether there is a specific interpersonal profile of Facebook users, and b) to explored the contribution of participants’ personality and interpersonal relationship characteristics on their profile group membership. Methods: We investigated a group of 811 subjects (aged from 17 to 61 years) with questionnaires measuring personality traits,…
I gruppi di elaborazione sull'identità professionale: quali cambiamenti e quale processo?
Il contributo espone i dati preliminari di una ricerca che riguarda la valutazione di esito e di processo di cinque gruppi a conduzione psicodinamica svolti in ambito universitario. L'obiettivo di tali gruppi, che hanno coinvolto 110 studenti (I anno LM in Psicologia Clinica), è sviluppare le capacità di riflessione sull'identità professionale, la capacità di analizzare i propri vissuti e la propria capacità di relazionarsi con gli altri nella dinamica gruppale. Ogni gruppo ha previsto 8 incontri settimanali della durata di tre ore ciascuno, più un incontro conclusivo a distanza di due settimane dedicato ad una valutazione condivisa dell'esperienza. Sono stati somministrati gli strumenti di…
Could infertility-related stress and anxiety of both partners influence the success of infertility treatment?.
The interplay between emotion regulation, interpersonal problems and eating symptoms in individuals with obesity: A network analysis study
Introduction: A complex and bidirectional relationship between eating and psychological symptoms in individuals with obesity has been proposed. This study aims to identify the specific processes playing a role in this association, using a data-driven approach. Methods: Two hundred ninety-four adults with obesity, including 106 (36 %) with binge-eating disorder, were consecutively admitted to a specialized public center. They completed self-report questionnaires to assess emotion regulation, interpersonal problems, self-esteem, binge-eating symptoms, and expectancies regarding eating behaviors. To assess the interplay among eating and psychological variables, a network analysis was used. The…
La mafia ieri, oggi, domani. Riattraversare la storia: dal già noto al “non ancora”.
Il contributo esplora gli studi e le ricerche che il gruppo di psicologi palermitani ha condotto negli ultimi vent'anni su mafia e sentire mafioso.
Empirically-derived subgroups of Facebook users and their association with personality characteristics: a Latent Class Analysis
Abstract In recent years, considerable research effort has been directed at the identification of relationships between psychological variables and Facebook usage indicators. However, the identification of homogeneous subgroups of individuals based on similar Facebook usage characteristics still presents a challenge. This study aims: (1) to empirically determine homogeneous groups of Facebook users based on variables regarding their personal experience on Facebook, by using a Latent Class Analysis; and (2) to examine the association between an individual's personality and interpersonal characteristics and the empirically-derived profiles of Facebook usage. Eight hundred and eleven Facebook …
La Qualità della Vita nei pazienti con sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (SLA) e nei rispettivi caregivers
The impact of the patient's Adjustment to breast cancer of the burden and distress of the caregiver.
The fertility problem inventory (FPI): a validation study of the Italian version
#How Can We Help You?: An Instagram-Based Online Self-Help for Eating Disorders
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in online self-help treatments and peer-support programs for eating disorders. The possibility of easily accessing them anytime makes these programs an important support tool and an influencing source for increasing motivation to change. The aim of this work is to describe the #How can we help you? project, its initial feedback received from users, and its future directions. Researchers and clinicians developed an Instagram profile (Dicci Come Aiutarti) based on psychoeducation, aimed at orienting those suffering from a self-reported eating disorder towards clinical care, providing information about eating concerns and related constructs…
Cross-Country Measurement Invariance and Effects of Sociodemographic Factors on Body Weight and Shape Concern-Related Constructs in Eight Countries.
The aim of this study was to examine the cross-country invariance of five well-established measures of body weight and shape concern-related attitudes and behaviors (i.e., drive for leanness, drive for muscularity, strategies to increase muscle, strategies to lose weight, and weight and shape concerns). A secondary objective was to examine the effects of several sociodemographic factors (age, BMI, socioeconomic status, and gender) on item and latent factor scores of these constructs. A total of 6272 emerging adults (4218 women; Mage = 21.46, SD = 3.11) from Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the U.S. completed a self-report online survey as part of a larger study. O…
Relazioni interpersonali, immagine corporea ed autostima in adolescenza. Uno studio condotto con studenti degli istituti superiori
Previous research has evidenced the link between body image dissatisfaction, social anxiety, low self-esteem, negative affect and eating disorders in adolescence. The present study aimed to explore the gender differences on body image perception, self-esteem, and relational styles in a group of adolescents and to investigate whether body image and self-esteem predict the development of interpersonal problems in a different way for males and females. Method: Data were obtained from a group (n = 1311) of adolescents (805 males and 506 females), recruited in a high school in Palermo. Participants filled in the BIAI, the IIP-32 and the RSES. Results: Our results confirm the difference between m…
A longitudinal examination of dyadic distress patterns following a skills intervention for carers of adolescents with anorexia nervosa
Family interventions in anorexia nervosa (AN) have been developed to ameliorate maladaptive patterns of patient-carer interaction that can play a role in illness maintenance. The primary aim of this study is to examine the inter-relationship between baseline and post-treatment distress in dyads of carers and patients with AN to examine the interdependence between carers and patients. The secondary aim is to examine whether a carer skills intervention [Experienced Carer Helping Others (ECHO)] impacts on this inter-relationship. Dyads consisting of treatment-seeking adolescents with AN and their primary carer (n = 149; mostly mothers) were randomised to receive a carer skills intervention (EC…
A Time-Lagged, Actor–Partner Interdependence Analysis of Alliance to the Group as a Whole and Group Member Outcome in Overweight and Obesity Treatment Groups
A time-lagged design was used to examine how the perceptions of alliance to the group as a whole by the other group members at an earlier point in the group were related to an individual group member’s perceptions of alliance to the group as a whole at a later point in the group. We also examined how treatment outcome moderated this relationship. Seventy-three patients diagnosed as overweight or obese participating in 10 short-term therapy groups provided data for analyses. Group members completed measures of cohesion to the group and alliance to the group as a whole at the third, sixth, and last session of 12-session groups as well as pre- and posttest ratings on Obesity-Related Well-Being…
Maltrattamento, abuso, stili relazionali e DCA, quale collegamento? Uno studio preliminare con la Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse - CECA
Terapie multipersonali.
Problematic video game use as an emotional coping strategy: Evidence from a sample of MMORPG gamers
Background A positive relationship between problematic gaming and escapism motivation to play video games has been well established, suggesting that problematic gaming may result from attempts to deal with negative emotions. However, to date, no study has examined how emotion dysregulation affects both escapism motives and problematic gaming patterns. Methods Difficulties in emotion regulation, escapism, and problematic involvement with video games were assessed in a sample of 390 World of Warcraft players. A structural equation modeling framework was used to test the hypothesis that escapism mediates the relationship between emotion dysregulation and problematic gaming. Results Statistica…
Ruptures and repairs of group therapy alliance. An untold story in psychotherapy research.
Although previous studies investigated the characteristics of therapeutic alliance in group treatments, there is still a dearth of research on group alliance ruptures and repairs. The model by Safran and Muran was originally developed to address therapeutic alliance in individual therapies, and the usefulness of this approach to group intervention needs to be demonstrated. Alliance ruptures are possible at member to therapist, member to member, member to group levels. Moreover, repairs of ruptures in group are quite complex, i.e., because other group members have to process the rupture even if not directly involved. The aim of the current study is to review the empirical research on group a…
Effectiveness and therapeutic alliance in group-analytic treatment with eating disorder.
Self-esteem and binge eating: Do patients with binge eating disorder endorse more negatively worded items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale?
Objective Self-esteem is a core aspect of eating disorder symptomatology. This study aims to examine whether method effects associated with negatively worded items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) may interact the negative self-evaluations experienced by patients with obesity and binge eating disorder (BED). We also examined whether negatively worded items were associated with psychological distress and eating symptoms. Method Five hundred thirty three female outpatients (mean age: 42.59) with BED (n = 160) or obesity without BED (n = 373) completed the RSES and measures of interpersonal problems, psychological distress, and eating symptoms. Results Patients with BED responded more…
The alliance-outcome association in group interventions: A multilevel meta-analysis.
Objective: The therapeutic alliance has been studied in group interventions, but its relationship to patient outcome is still controversial. This study systematically reviewed the association of both the member-leader and member-group alliance with patient outcomes, and assessed the effects of several theoretically informed moderators. Method: A three-level meta-analysis was conducted on 57 studies to disentangle within- and between-study variability in the alliance-outcome association. Results: The overall effect size of the unconditional model was r = -.259 (95% CI: -.302, -.214; p < .001), whereas the correlation between alliance and outcome based on the three-level meta-analytic mode…
Does the Interpersonal Model Generalize to Obesity Without Binge Eating?
The interpersonal model has been validated for binge eating disorder (BED), but it is not yet known if the model applies to individuals who are obese but who do not binge eat. The goal of this study was to compare the validity of the interpersonal model in those with BED versus those with obesity, and normal weight samples. Data from a sample of 93 treatment-seeking women diagnosed with BED, 186 women who were obese without BED, and 100 controls who were normal weight were examined for indirect effects of interpersonal problems on binge eating psychopathology mediated through negative affect. Findings demonstrated the mediating role of negative affect for those with BED and those who were o…
Sleep quality in caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease and its relationship to quality of life
ABSTRACTBackground: Knowledge about sleep complaints of caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) is limited, and we lack information about the relationship between caregivers’ sleep problems and their quality of life (QoL).Methods: We evaluated subjective sleep quality and its relationship to QoL in a group of 80 caregivers of patients with AD (ADCG, n = 40) and PD (PDCG, n = 40), and in 150 controls. Information about night-time complaints was collected using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). QoL was measured using the McGill QoL Questionnaire.Results: Eighteen ADCG (45%), 22 PDCG (55%), and 45 (30%) controls reported poor sleep quality. Me…
Un progetto di valutazione dei trattamenti psicologici nella routine dei servizi clinici: adattamento e standardizzazione italiana di strumenti di rilevazione del cambiamento clinico
Evaluation and Research in Group Psychotherapy. An Italian Contribution
This paper presents some key findings in group therapy research and evaluation, and future directions of research in this field. Interest has been focused on the understanding of the clinical therapeutic process and on the possibility of studying it from a scientific point of view. The perspective is to increase the clinical relapse of empirical research on psychotherapy, promoting close integration between the work of clinicians, engaged in the real experience of treating patients, and researchers, interested in providing useful and scientifically based tools for the understanding of the therapeutic work. We present the essential lines of the work produced by the research group of the Depa…
How do individual attachment patterns of both members of couples affect their perceived infertility stress? An actor–partner interdependence analysis
Abstract There exists a lack of dyadic research examining how the attachment characteristics of infertile individuals influence their experience of infertility-related distress. The actor partner interdependence model was used to test a theoretical model by examining whether both infertile wives and husbands, who display high levels of attachment avoidance and/or attachment anxiety, will experience infertility-related distress. Seven hundred and seventy individuals (385 couples) completed the experience in close relationships, the fertility problem inventory, and the state-trait anxiety inventory prior to infertility treatment. Wives' distress was predicted by their own and by their husband…
Le funzioni metacognitive nei pazienti con disturbi del comportamento alimentare. Uno studio sul trattamento di gruppo psicodinamico
There is an emerging empirical evidence that patients with eating disorders have severe metacognitive concerns, i.e. ability to reflect on mental states. This single-case study aims to explore the relationship between limited metacognition and eating symptoms in six patients who attended a long-term group treatment. This study also aims at analysing the change of patients metacognition over the course of treatment. All the patients were female, with a mean age of 17 years. Three patients have a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, and three have a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. The group treatment was delivered in a outpatient clinic of the hospital of Acireale (CT). The SVaM (Carcione et al., 199…
Sintesi dei risultati del progetto Val.Ter - Gruppi
Metacognition and emotion regulation as treatment targets in binge eating disorder: a network analysis study
Abstract Background This study aims to examine the underlying associations between eating, affective and metacognitive symptoms in patients with binge eating disorder (BED) through network analysis (NA) in order to identify key variables that may be considered the target for psychotherapeutic interventions. Methods A total of 155 patients with BED completed measures of eating psychopathology, affective symptoms, emotion regulation and metacognition. A cross-sectional network was inferred by means of Gaussian Markov random field estimation using graphical LASSO and the extended Bayesian information criterion (EBIC-LASSO), and central symptoms of BED were identified by means of the strength c…
Early and Later Predictors of Outcome in Brief Therapy: The Role of Real Relationship
Objectives The study examined whether clients who continued longer in brief therapy reported stronger associations of real relationship and working alliance with therapy outcome than clients who received very brief treatment. It also examined whether real relationship and working alliance assessed early in treatment predicted outcome differently from that assessed later in therapy. Method Fifty clients (32 women; Mage = 22.3 years) were recruited from a university counseling center. Thirty-two clients (very brief therapy) completed the post-third session assessment of real relationship and working alliance, and 18 (brief therapy) had both the third and eighth assessment. Results The real re…
Development and testing of a model for risk and protective factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: A study protocol
Research has demonstrated that eating disorders (ED) and higher weight have lifetime co-occurrence suggesting that they may be best considered within a common etiological model. Although we know that body dissatisfaction is likely to be a risk factor for both outcomes, other proposed risk and protective factors for each condition have not been adequately explored. The current paper tests a conceptual model that is based on a review of the existing literature from both areas of scholarship. It considers biological, sociocultural, psychological, and behavioral factors that may contribute to both outcomes. The model will be tested in a longitudinal design with an initial sample of 600 emerging…
A Project of psychotherapy evaluation. Comparing different therapeutic settings
Therapists' Perceptions of Online Group Therapeutic Relationships During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey-Based Study
Background: In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most group therapists moved their practice to online platforms. Surveys of psychotherapists indicate that many intend to maintain at least part of their practices online after the pandemic. This survey-based study is an attempt to identify therapist experiences with doing group therapy online, and to examine factors that are associated with therapist-rated outcomes. Method: We surveyed 307 group therapists about their ratings of the ease or difficulty in conducting group therapy online versus in-person, and indicators of patient outcomes in online groups. A confirmatory factor analysis resulted in a good fitting three latent factor solution…
Patient and mentor language style matching as a predictor of working alliance, engagement with treatment as usual, and eating disorders symptoms over the course of an online guided self-help intervention for anorexia nervosa
Objective The aim of this study was to examine the processes involved in a guided self-help (GSH) pre-treatment intervention (RecoveryMANTRA) for patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), by measuring the levels of patient/mentor Language Style Matching (LSM). RecoveryMANTRA was supported by student mentors or peer mentors (recovered individuals) over six weekly chat-based sessions. We examined whether LSM during RecoveryMANTRA predicted patients'working alliance with the clinic therapist, motivation, eating disorder (ED) and general psychopathology. A further aim was to examine differences in LSM between student mentors and peer mentors. Method 87 AN adults received RecoveryMANTRA plus treatmen…
Online consultations in mental healthcare: Modelling determinants of use and experience based on an international survey study at the onset of the pandemic
INTRODUCTION: While online consultations have shown promise to be a means for the effective delivery of high-quality mental healthcare and the first implementations of these digital therapeutic contacts go back nearly two decades, uptake has remained limited over the years. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically altered this relative standstill and created a unique turning point, with a massive amount of both professionals and clients having first hands-on experiences with technology in mental healthcare. OBJECTIVE: The current study aimed to document the uptake of online consultations and explore if specific characteristics of mental health professionals across and beyond Europe c…
Fear of Missing Out as a Predictor of Problematic Social Media Use and Phubbing Behavior among Flemish Adolescents
Fear-of-missing-out (FOMO) refers to feelings of anxiety that arise from the realization that you may be missing out on rewarding experiences that others are having. FOMO can be identified as an intra-personal trait that drives people to stay up to date of what other people are doing, among others on social media platforms. Drawing from the findings of a large-scale survey study among 2663 Flemish teenagers, this study explores the relationships between FOMO, social media use, problematic social media use (PSMU) and phubbing behavior. In line with our expectations, FOMO was a positive predictor of both how frequently teenagers use several social media platforms and of how many platforms the…
Are attachment dimensions associated with infertility-related stress in couples undergoing their first IVF treatment? A study on the individual and cross-partner effect
study question: Are attachment anxiety and avoidance dimensions in female and male partners in couples seeking infertility treat- ment associated with her and his infertility-related stress? summary answer: Attachment dimensions are significantly associated with several aspects of infertility stress in couples undergoing IVF treatment. what is known and what this paper adds: Attachment dimensions of anxiety and avoidance (where highly anxious individuals fear rejection and are preoccupied with maintaining proximity to their partner and highly avoidant individuals are uncomfortable with intimacy and prefer to maintain distance from their partner) may influence the well being of individuals u…
Analysis of attachment and anxiety in couples experiencing infertility using the Actor Partner Interdependence Model (APIM).
The association among interpersonal problems, binge behaviors, and self-esteem, in the assessment of obese individuals
Abstract Objectives Although disordered eating has been assumed to be associated with interpersonal problems, there is a lack of research regarding the relationship between interpersonal problems and obesity. This study explored associations among self-esteem, binge behaviors, and interpersonal problems in obese individuals, by contrasting obese persons with overweight persons, and to investigate whether body mass index (BMI), binge behaviors, and self-esteem predict interpersonal problems in obese individuals. Methods A group of nonobese overweight people (n = 65; BMI range, 25-29.9 kg/m 2 ) and a group of obese people (n = 78; BMI >35 kg/m 2 ) were selected from 224 people attending a men…
The Effects of Attachment, Temperament, and Self-Esteem on Technology Addiction: A Mediation Model among Young Adults
Excessive use of technology has become a worldwide problem due to its high prevalence, fast growth rate, and undesirable consequences. However, little is known about underlying psychological mechanisms that maintain excessive use of technology. We investigated the mediating role of self-esteem, novelty seeking, and persistence on the relationship between attachment dimensions and technology addiction among young adults. Data were collected from 727 young adults (females, N = 478; 66.3 percent), aged 23.44 ± 3.02 years. Participants completed self-report measures of secure and insecure attachment dimensions, personality, and temperament characteristics (i.e., self-esteem, novelty seeking, an…
A survey of eating styles in eight countries: Examining restrained, emotional, intuitive eating and their correlates
INTRODUCTION: Restrained, emotional and intuitive eating were examined in relation to each other and as correlates of participants' weight status, body image and self-esteem. In some past research, restrained and emotional eating have been associated with higher weight status and poorer mental health, while intuitive eating is more frequently linked to lower weight status and more positive well-being. However, these eating styles have rarely been examined together and never in a large cross-country sample. METHOD: Six-thousand two-hundred and seventy-two (6272) emerging adults (M age = 21.54 years, SD = 3.13) completed scales from the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire, the Eating Disorders …
Quality of Life in Patients With Severe Skin Reactions in Course of First-Generation Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors Monoclonal Antibodies (Our Experience With Cetuximab).
Background: Metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) with wild type expression of RAS and RAF genes can be treated with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibodies, such as cetuximab, in combination with chemotherapy. Skin toxicity represents the most serious and frequent side effect in these patients. Skin manifestations occur in approximately 80% of patients. In this study, we investigated the consequences on body image and quality of life (QoL) of patients with severe skin toxicity. Methods: One hundred patients were enrolled with mCRC. All patients signed informed consent and completed questionnaires to assess QoL and body discomfort. Toxicity was assessed on Common Te…
Competing factor structures of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and its measurement invariance across clinical and non-clinical samples
Abstract Although several studies have investigated the factor structure of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), there are still disagreements about it. The present study assessed: a) the goodness of fit of nine competing factor models for the RSES using data from a clinical sample of 855 women with eating/weight disorders; and b) its measurement invariance across clinical and non-clinical (n = 943) samples. A bifactor model, with a general self-esteem factor, plus positive and negative method factors, provided a better fit with the data than alternative models. However, the results showed the high reliability of the general self-esteem factor, and a low reliability of the two method fac…
Ipovisione e qualità della vita: un contributo di ricerca su pazienti e caregiver.
The Objective and Subjective Caregiving Burden and Caregiving Behaviours of Parents of Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa
Objective: The study aimed to examine caregiving burden and levels of distress, accommodating behaviours, expressed emotion (EE) and carers' skills, in parents of adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Method: A semi-structured interview assessed the objective burden (time spent across caregiving tasks) in parents (n = 196) of adolescents (n = 144) receiving outpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa. Subjective burden (carers' distress), accommodating behaviours, EE and carers' skills were measured by self-report. Results: Mothers, on average, spent 2.5 h/day of care, mainly providing food and emotional support, compared with 1 h/day by fathers. The level of distress and accommodating behaviour…
L'etica della valutazione nello specifico psicoterapeutico
Psychotherapy research raises many ethical issues. In the past, ethics was considered an ancillary part of scientific research, but today is a precondition and a foundation for research. In this paper, the Authors highlight some core ethical questions for clinicians and researchers, such as the use of control procedures in experimental designs, the need to protect the rights of patients, and researchers’ conflict of interest. The importance of studying what therapies work for specific patients and what therapeutic processes facilitate patients’ change are outlined. Findings of psychotherapy studies can help psychotherapysts to address ethical concerns, by showing what we do and why.
A longitudinal investigation on problematic Facebook use, psychological distress and well-being during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic
AbstractThe social isolation and the subsequent, increased use of Social Networking Sites due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had an impact on subjective well-being around the world. The present longitudinal study examined whether changes in psychological distress and well-being during the Italian second wave of the pandemic differ among people with different levels of Problematic Facebook Use (PFU). A total of 493 participants (Mage = 24.55 ± 7.25; 80.3% females) completed measures of passive use of Facebook, social comparison orientation on Facebook, fear of missing out, psychological distress (depressive symptoms and fear of COVID-19 pandemic) and well-being across three waves. Latent clas…
Adolescenti affetti da insufficienza renale cronica: impatto dei fattori psicologici e relazionali intervenienti sulla gestione delle cure e sulla qaulità di vita
L'insufficienza renale (I.R.C.) è la perdita permanente della funzione renale, causata dalla progressione di una nefropatia ad andamento cronico, o da un danno irreversibile. Questa ricerca intende valutare il ruolo di alcuni elementi centrali nella gestione della patologia, quali: precezione del supporto socio-familiare, locus of control interno/esterno, compliance. metodologia edi ricerca di tipo cross-sectional correlazionale. I risultati evidenziano (tramite R di Pearson) correlazione positiva tra la scala "medici£ del test sul locus of control e la compliance al trattamento. Dallo studio emerge il forte valore dato dai soggetti alle indicazioni dei medici, al supporto dei familiari,ris…
Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Experience in Close Relationship Scale 12 (ECR-12): An exploratory structural equation modeling study
The Experiences in Close Relationship Scale (ECR) is one of the most commonly used self-report instruments of adult attachment and has been widely adopted in psychotherapy research. Composed of two subscales, namely Attachment Avoidance and Anxiety, the ECR was recently shortened to a 12-items version, called the ECR-12. Given the importance of extending knowledge on its applicability in understudied populations, our aim was to validate the ECR-12 in a large sample of Italian native-speakers. A total of 1197 participants (73.2% females; mean age=28.53±11.37 years) completed the ECR-12. Each participant also completed other measures of attachment, psychopathology, interpersonal distress, cop…
A therapist's different style of intervention in two group treatments
Final evaluation of a therapeutic group process in a group-analytic therapy with eating disorders patients
Development and validation of a scale to measure caregiver skills in eating disorders
Objective:- The aim of this study was to develop and validate a new questionnaire designed to measure caregiver skills that, in line with the interpersonal component of the cognitive interpersonal maintenance model (Schmidt and Treasure, J Br J Clin Psychol, 45, 343–366, 2006), may be helpful in the support of people with anorexia nervosa (AN). A further aim is to assess whether this scale is sensitive to change following skills-based caregiver interventions. Method:- The Caregiver Skills (CASK) scale was developed by a group of clinicians and caregivers. Preliminary versions of the scale devised for both caregivers and parents were given at baseline and at follow-up after two studies of ca…
All bonds are not the same: A response surface analysis of the perceptions of positive bonding relationships in therapy groups
Intrapersonal split alliances were defined as discrepancies in how group members perceived their positive bonding relationships with the group leader, the other group members, and the group-as-a-whole, and were related to group members' outcome. Participants were 168 patients (116 women and 52 men) diagnosed as overweight or obese who participated in 1 of 20, 12-session, therapy groups for weight management. Group members completed the Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45, Lambert et al., 2004) pre- and posttreatment and the Group Questionnaire (GQ, Krogel et al., 2013) at early, middle and late group sessions. Early, middle, and late ratings were aggregated because bond scores were consistent a…
A Cross-Country Examination on the Fear of COVID-19 and the Sense of Loneliness during the First Wave of COVID-19 Outbreak
The aim of the current study is to examine gender, age. and cross-country differences in fear of COVID-19 and sense of loneliness during the lockdown, by comparing people from those countries with a high rate of infections and deaths (e.g., Spain and Italy) and from countries with a mild spread of infection (e.g., Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina). A total of 3876 participants (63% female) completed an online survey on “Everyday life practices in COVID-19 time” in April 2020, including measures of fear of COVID-19 and loneliness. Males and females of all age groups in countries suffering from the powerful impact of the COVID-19 pandemic reported greater fear o…
La valutazione della qualità della vita nei caregiver dei pazienti con patologia neurologica degenerativa
Obesity and Interpersonal Problems: An Analysis with the Interpersonal Circumplex
This study examines the interpersonal problems profiles of obese individuals by cluster analysing the interpersonal problems circumplex scores of participants. The Inventory of Interpersonal Problems— Short Circumplex (IIP‐32) was completed by 368 treatment‐seeking obese individuals. These data were cluster analysed, and groups of obese subjects defined by varying interpersonal problems were compared with regard to psychological distress, self‐esteem, body dissatisfaction, quality of life and binge behaviours. Cluster analyses of the IIP‐32 resulted in four clusters, which occupied two quadrants of the interpersonal circumplex. Several differences in body mass index, psychological distress,…
Early Response to treatment in Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review and a Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-Analysis
Objective Early response to eating disorders treatment is thought to predict a later favourable outcome. A systematic review of the literature and meta-analyses examined the robustness of this concept. Method The criteria used across studies to define early response were summarised following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Diagnostic Test Accuracy methodology was used to estimate the size of the effect. Results Findings from 24 studies were synthesized and data from 14 studies were included in the meta-analysis. In Anorexia Nervosa, the odds ratio of early response predicting remission was 4.85(95%CI: 2.94–8.01) and the summary Area Under t…
The Feasibility of Using Guided Self-Help in Anorexia Nervosa: An Analysis of Drop-Out From the Study Protocol and Intervention Adherence
The implementation of online technologies to promote wellbeing is increasingly becoming a worldwide priority. This study includes secondary analyses of data and examined drop-out rates in an online guided self-help intervention for patients with anorexia nervosa. Specifically, rates of drop-out at end of treatment (i.e., 6 weeks assessment), as well as intervention adherence (minimum of four of six online guided sessions) and differences between completers and drop-outs were examined. Motivation to change and associated patient variables were assessed as predictors of drop-out using structural equation modeling. Ninety-nine patients were randomized to the intervention arm of the trial. Data…
Relazioni interpersonali, stati emotivi e autostima in soggetti obesi binge eaters
Additional file 1 of Metacognition and emotion regulation as treatment targets in binge eating disorder: a network analysis study
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Results of case-dropping subset bootstrap procedure to assess stability of network centrality indices. Average correlations between centrality indices of networks sampled with persons dropped and the original sample.
A therapist's different styles of intervention in two group treatments
Esito e processo nelle psicoterapie di gruppo: uno studio sul ruolo dell’alleanza terapeutica nel trattamento di pazienti con disturbi alimentari
The role of online social comparison as a protective factor for psychological wellbeing: A longitudinal study during the COVID-19 quarantine
During the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the experience of quarantine has been an undesirable condition for people and it can have a negative impact on mental health and psychological wellbeing. Social isolation has led to an increase in time spent on social network sites, with people interacting more frequently with each other, and comparing online the way in which they are experiencing the same state of home confinement. Our study aimed to investigate the role of online social comparison on individuals' psychological distress and life satisfaction during the COVID-19-related quarantine. Specifically, a cross-lagged panel study at three-waves was conducted in Italy in order to examine the chan…
La valutazione dei drop-out terapeutici: verso un'integrazione dei dati quantitativi e qualitativi nell'analisi del cambiamento in psicoterapia
Il presente studio ha l'obiettivo di valutare se l'utilizzo di un paradigma mixed methods (Dattilio et al., 2010) possa favorire la comprensione degli aspetti che possono essere associati ad un esito positivo o negativo (drop-out) di un trattamento. Sono stati selezionati 4 casi di psicoterapia psicodinamica individuale da un database di ricerca relativo a pazienti seguiti presso un servizio pubblico specialistico per il trattamento dei disturbi alimentare (DCA). Due casi hanno interrotto il trattamento entro 6 mesi dall'inizio, mentre altri due continuano il percorso terapeutico. Ai pazienti sono stati somministrati i seguenti strumenti: una batteria testologica al baseline, finalizzata a …
Essere figli nella famiglia mafiosa. Un’indagine attraverso il DSSVF.
The role of attachment dimensions and perceived social support in predicting adjustment to cancer.
Objective: Several studies carried out over the last years show that patients' adjustment is very important to the past experiences of people with cancer. In our study of 96 subjects with cancer, we examined whether patient's working model of attachment anxiety/avoidance and perceptions of social support predicts adjustment to cancer. Methods: All participants filled in a demographic questionnaire, the Relationship Scale Questionnaire (RSQ), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and the Mental Adjustment to Cancer (MAC). Results: Anxious attachment predicted psychological adjustment: patients with high levels of anxious attachment showed high levels of helplessness…
A three-wave panel study on longitudinal relations between problematic social media use and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic
Background: It still remains unclear whether problematic social media use (PSMU) is a cause or a consequence of psychological distress. The present study aimed to investigate the temporal relationships between PSMU and psychological distress through a three-wave panel study (between April and July 2020, with an interval of 1 month between each period of time). Methods: 3,912 adult Italian participants were surveyed during the COVID-19 pandemic for psychological distress (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale) and PSMU (Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale). Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Models were applied to disaggregate between-person from within-person associations as regards PSMU an…
A study of personality subtypes in treatment seeking obese patients
Previous research has not been able to identify a distinct personality style that refers specifically to obese individuals. The purpose of this investigation was to explore whether different personality-based groups can be identified in obese individuals, as has been shown with eating disorder patients. Data were collected from 149 obese patients (BMI = 37.3, ± 6.4; 83% female) seeking dietary treatment and psychological support for their weight problems. Participants completed the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III; Millon, 1997) and a battery of eight measures assessing psychological distress, mood states, eating behaviors, obesity-related quality of life, and interperson…
Quali fattori facilitano il cambiamento nei gruppi? Un’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa sui gruppi di terapia psicodinamica
Effects of COVID‐19 lockdown on eating disorders and obesity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Abstract Objective This systematic review and meta‐analysis aimed to examine: the pooled prevalence of symptomatic behaviours and mental health deterioration amongst individuals with eating disorders (EDs) and obesity during the COVID‐19 confinement. Moreover, we examined changes in EDs and distress before and during the confinement, and the association between psychosocial factors and EDs symptoms. Method A systematic search was carried out in biomedical databases from January 2020 to January 2021. Both cross‐sectional and longitudinal studies that used quantitative measures of ED symptoms and psychological distress during and after the COVID‐19 confinement were included. Results A total o…
Assessing infertility-related stress: The factor structure of the Fertility Problem Inventory in Italian couples undergoing infertility treatment
The factor structure of the Fertility Problem Inventory (FPI) and its invariance across gender were examined in Italian couples undergoing infertility treatment. About 1000 subjects (both partners of 500 couples) completed two questionnaires prior to commencing infertility treatment at a private Clinic in Palermo, Italy. Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated that the original factor structure of the FPI was partially confirmed. Two correlated factors (Infertility Life Domains and Importance of Parenthood) were obtained via a post hoc Exploratory Factor Analysis. Finally, the invariance of this factor structure across gender was confirmed. The study supported the relevance of two interre…
Congruence of group therapist and group member alliance judgments in emotionally focused group therapy for binge eating disorder.
We used West and Kenny's (2011) Truth-and-Bias (TB) model to examine how accurately group therapists' judge their group members' alliances, and the effects of therapist-patient congruence in alliance ratings on patient outcomes. Were considered: (a) directional bias - therapists' tendency to over- or underrate their clients' alliances, (b) truth strength - clients' alliance ratings, and (c) bias strength - therapists' tendency to conflate their alliance ratings for a specific group member with the average alliance ratings for the other members of the group. There were 118 obese adult patients with binge-eating disorder that were treated by 8 therapists with Emotionally Focused Group Therapy…
Is there a group effect? It depends on how you ask the question: Intraclass correlations for California Psychotherapy Alliance Scale–Group items.
California Psychotherapy Alliance Scale-Group (CALPAS-G) data were collected from 1,138 group sessions attended by 248 group members in 16 counseling groups. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to derive between-groups, between-member, and between-session variance components and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the 12 CALPAS-G items. Using Ledermann and Kenny's (2012) descriptions of variable types, we examined differences in between-groups variance for the 6 CALPAS-G items classified as "Individual" items and the 6 CALPAS-G items classified as "Group" items. A Related-Samples Wilcoxon's Signed Ranked Test showed that the ICCs for the Group items were significantly lar…
Italian adaptation of the Group Questionnaire: validity and factorial structure
The Group Questionnaire (GQ) is a measure recently developed by Krogel et al. (2013) for the evaluation of the therapeutic relationship in group. The GQ identifies a three-factor model of the relationship that allows to measure quality (Positive Bonding, Positive Working and Negative Relationship) and structure (member-member, member-leader and member-group), dimensions in group. This work shows the results of a first study on the Italian validation of the GQ. In this study the GQ was administered to 536 subjects from 32 non-clinical groups of undergraduate students. The cross-cultural validity of the GQ in the Italian population has been examined by comparing the psychometric properties an…
Self‐esteem mediates the associations among negative affect, body disturbances, and interpersonal problems in treatment‐seeking obese individuals
Background: This study investigated the relationship among negative affect, body image disturbances (BID), and interpersonal problems, and the mediat- ing effect of self-esteem in a group of treatment-seeking obese individuals. Methods: Four hundred twenty-two obese patients (85 males and 337 females) completed standardised measures that assessed negative affect, BID, self-esteem, and interpersonal problems. Results: Structural equation modelling showed that obese individuals with greater negative affect and BID reported higher interpersonal problems and that self-esteem mediated the relationships among negative affect, BID, and interpersonal problems. Conclusions: The mediating role of sel…
Intolerance of Uncertainty and Risk Perception during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Fear of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic, a period of uncertainty and risk, has presented a threat to people’s physical and mental health worldwide. Previous research has shown that pandemic-related uncertainty can contribute to individuals’ psychological distress and coping responses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and risk perception (i.e., individual’s perceived likelihood of becoming infected both for themselves and people in one’s own country and perceived severity of the infection), and the mediating role of fear of COVID-19. This two-wave longitudinal study (T1 = April 2020; T2 = May 2020) involved 486 youn…
Simple methods for enhancing patient outcome in routine care: Measuring, monitoring, and feedback
While highly effective, psychotherapy outcome studies suggest 5?14% of clients worsen while in treatment and that therapists are unable to identify a substantial portion of such cases. Methods to systematically track client mental health functioning over the course of treatment and adjust treatment through the use of problem-solving tools are described. We summarize meta-analyses of the effects of a feedback system indicating that the number of psychotherapy patients who deteriorate can be cut in half. We conclude with a series of practice implications, including that clinicians seriously consider making formal methods of collecting client feedback a routine part of their daily practice.
The Italian Version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-32): Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure in Clinical and Non-clinical Groups
All versions of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) are broadly used to measure people's interpersonal functioning. The aims of the current study are: (a) to examine the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Italian version of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-short version (IIP-32); and (b) to evaluate its associations with core symptoms of different eating disorders. One thousand two hundred and twenty three participants (n = 623 non-clinical and n = 600 clinical participants with eating disorders and obesity) filled out the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-short version (IIP-32) along with measures of self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, RSES), psych…
Additional file 2 of Metacognition and emotion regulation as treatment targets in binge eating disorder: a network analysis study
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Bootstrapped confidence intervals (#boots = 2000) for estimated edge-weights of BED patients.
Current Issues on Group Psychotherapy Research: An Overview
Recent efforts to improve group psychotherapy have focused on codifying both evidence-based treatments and therapeutic relationships. This chapter reviews the numerous advances in empirical research on group psychotherapy and highlights therapeutic practices ensuing from the evidence. The authors synthesize some of the most crucial development in group psychotherapy research, such as the effectiveness of group treatments, the mechanisms of change of group therapies, the components of group relationship, and issues regarding methodological problems associated with the analysis of group data.
Testing of a model for risk factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: Baseline evaluation
Although a range of risk factors have been identified for disordered eating and weight status, the breadth of risk factors have been rarely considered within a single, comprehensive model. The robustness of these findings across countries also remains an open question. The present study sampled 6272 participants aged 18-30 years from eight countries in an attempt to evaluate combined and unique predictors for these two conditions, and to explore possible cross-country differences in these models. Participants completed a range of demographic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and sociocultural measures to test a comprehensive model of the contributions of these predictors for disordere…
A compensatory model to understand dysfunctional personality traits in problematic gaming: The role of vulnerable narcissism
Abstract According to a “compensatory perspective”, this study aimed to examine the role of narcissism (both vulnerable and grandiose) in the relationship between emotion dysregulation, escapism motivation to play, and problematic gaming. In a sample of 405 World of Warcraft players, we tested a multiple mediation model in which the relationship between vulnerable/grandiose narcissism and problematic gaming was mediated by emotion dysregulation and escapism. Results showed that the model for vulnerable (but not grandiose) narcissism fitted the data very well. This study adds novel insight to our understanding of the mechanisms that support problematic gaming, suggesting that the emotion dys…
The impact of real relationship and working alliance on therapy outcome: a study with an Italian sample
According to Greenson (1965), Gelso & Hayes (1998) developed a tripartite model of the therapeutic relationship, including a working alliance (WA), a transference-countertransference configuration, and a real relationship (RR). Up to date, only two studies (conducted in the US) investigated the associations between the real relationship and the working alliance in psychotherapy. AIMS: This study aims to explore the association between the RR and the WA both at the beginning and late phases of therapy, and to investigate whether the real relationship predicted therapy outcome beyond the predictive power of working alliance. METHOD: Sixty-five consecutive clients at the University Counseling …
Gruppi per pazienti con disturbi in Asse I : specificità del trattamento in un gruppo monosintomatico con disturbi di panico
Group as a Social Microcosm: The Reciprocal Relationship Between Intersession Intimate Behaviors and In-Session Intimate Behaviors
The social microcosm is defined as group members replicating their everyday (intersession) interpersonal behaviors in group sessions and new behaviors, learned in the group (in-session), replicating in the members' everyday life. We examined intersession and in-session intimate behaviors, at the within-member (differences in intimate behaviors between weeks/sessions), between-member (average differences in intimate behaviors between group members) and between-groups (group-level differences in intimate behaviors). Participants were 178 graduate students (86% identifying as women and 14% as men) participating in 10 5-session growth groups led by experienced group therapists. Before group ses…
Group climate, cohesion, and curative climate: A study on the common factors in the group process and their relation with members' attachment dimensions
This study examined the relationships among the group process measured by the Group Climate Questionnaire, the Cohesion to the Therapist Scale and Cohesion to the Group Scale, and the Curative Climate Instrument to explore higher order factors that explained the group relationship in a sample of 91 female university students attending six interpersonal growth groups. Furthermore, the study examined how group members' attachment dimensions, anxiety, and avoidance were associated to their perceptions of the group relationship. We found that a three-factor model consisting of positive bond, positive work, and negative relationship approached conventional standards of a model fit. Moreover, the…
Analysis of a group-analytic therapy by Metacognition Assessment Scale and OQ-45.2
La cura relazionale
Superando la tradizionale visione individualistica, il volume propone una lettura della sofferenza psichica come fenomeno relazionale, non riducibile solo al funzionamento del singolo individuo ma come evento che acquista significato entro la rete di relazioni in cui il soggetto è inserito.
Quale universo dietro le sbarre? Ricerca sulla realtà carceraria minorile attraverso la G.A.S.
The differences of Slovenian and Italian daily practices experienced in the first wave of covid-19 pandemic
Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic situation with the lockdown of public life caused serious changes in people's everyday practices. The study evaluates the differences between Slovenia and Italy in health-related everyday practices induced by the restrictive measures during first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods The cross-sectional cohort study examined changes through an online survey conducted in nine European countries from April 15–28, 2020. The survey included questions from a simple activity inventory questionnaire (SIMPAQ), the European Health Interview Survey, and some other questions. To compare difference in changes between European countries we examined Italy with s…
The Outcome Questionnaire 45.2. Italian validation of an instrument for the assessment of phychological treatments
SummaryAims– The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2; Lambertet al., 2004) was designed to measure important areas of functioning (symptoms, interpersonal problems and social role functioning) that are of central interest in mental health. The crosscultural validity of the OQ-45.2 in the Italian population has been examined by comparing the psychometric properties and equivalence in factor structure and normative scores of the Italian OQ with the original American version.Method– Data were collected at university (N=461), in community (N=61) and in three mental health care organisations (N=301).Results– Results showed that the psychometric properties of the Italian OQ were adequate and similar t…
Trend di sviluppo dell’alleanza di lavoro negli interventi di counselling. Uno studio su alleanza, fattori terapeutici ed interventi del conduttore.
Un contributo alla validazione italiana del depressive experiences questionnaire: primi risultati su un gruppo non clinico
From telescope to binoculars. Dyadic outcome resulting from psychological counselling for infertile couples undergoing ART
Objective This longitudinal study aims to evaluate the effect of psychological counselling on quality of life, marital satisfaction and need for parenthood in couples undergoing fertility treatments (ART). Background Recent guidelines on the ART suggest that psychological counselling should target both members of the infertile couple in order to improve their conjoint management of the infertility-related stress. However, studies on the dyadic outcome of couples are scarce. Methods 262 patients were originally considered in the study and completed questionnaires on quality of life, need for parenthood and marital satisfaction, before treatment (T1) and at the day of intrauterine inseminatio…
Il processo terapeutico dei gruppi psicodinamici con pazienti con disturbo del comportamento alimentare. Uno studio su alleanza, fattori terapeutici ed interventi del conduttore.
Therapeutic Communities as " Treating contexts": evaluation of group processes in "Multi - Personal" set(ting)
Long term group settings: Theoretical and research findings
The role of emotion dysregulation in adolescents’ problematic smartphone use: A study on adolescent/parents triads
Abstract The pervasive use of mobile phones among adolescents has led researchers to evaluate the role of parental characteristics in connection with their children's problematic smartphone use (PSU). The present study involved mother/father/adolescent triads and aimed to test a model examining the role of both parents' and adolescents' emotion dysregulation (ED) in predicting children's PSU. Two hundred and fifty-two adolescent (57.5% females; M age = 13.54, SD = 0.73)/mother (M age = 43.92, SD = 4.46)/father (M age = 47.60, SD = 5.10) triads provided measures of PSU and ED. Results from path model showed that, after controlling for adolescents' age and gender as well as for parents' age a…
Carer’s experience of a brief systemic group intervention for Parents of young patients with Eating Disorders: A Qualitative Study.
Introduction: Several studies support the importance of involving parents of adolescents with eating disorders (ED) to facilitate successful treatment. This study explored the experiences of parents of adolescents with ED after having participated in a brief systemic group intervention. Methodology: Data were obtained from a group of 12 parents (mean age = 51,82 ys; sd = 6,40), of adolescent outpatients (mean age = 18 ys; ds = 2,83) with ED, carried out in an Italian public center specializing in ED treatment. All participants filled in a questionnaire constructed specifically for this study measuring group helpful events for the individual and for the family. The content analysis was perfo…
Examining bi-directionality between Fear of Missing Out and problematic smartphone use. A two-wave panel study among adolescents.
Abstract Background In recent years, the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) construct has been the object of growing attention in digital technology research with previous studies finding support for the relationship between FoMO and problematic smartphone use (PSU) among adolescents and young adults. However, no previous studies clarified the causal link between FoMO and PSU using a longitudinal design. Methods An auto-regressive, cross-lagged panel design was tested by using a longitudinal dataset with two waves of data collection (T0 and T1, one year apart). Participants included two hundred and forty-two adolescents (109 males and 133 females), with a mean age of 14.16 years, who filled out the…
The role of emotion regulation and intolerance to uncertainty on the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and distress
AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic is increasing negative consequences on mental health around the globe. To date, research on what psychological factors could influence individuals’ distress is still scarce. The current study aims to test a multiple mediation model to examine the role of Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) and emotional regulation (i.e., expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal) as joint factors, which can increase understanding of psychological distress due to the COVID-19 outbreak. An online survey measuring fear of COVID-19, IU, emotional regulation, and psychological distress was administered to 3863 Italian adults (females 73.3%; Mage = 36.44; SD = 14.74) during lockdo…
Abstract: We performed a cross-sectional study aimed to address the quality of life (QoL) and putative associated variables in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients and their respective caregivers, using both health-related (WHOQOL-BREF) and individual (SEIQoL-DW) QoL instruments. Further, we sought to investigate concordance within patient-caregiver pairs for ratings of respective QoL. Thirty-seven patient-caregiver pairs were included in the study. QoL was rated low by both patients and caregivers, and there was no significant difference between them on scores of overall QoL, even if caregivers showed higher scores on the physical and psychological WHOQOL-BREF domains compared to p…
Measuring perfectionism, impulsivity, self-esteem and social anxiety: Cross-national study in emerging adults from eight countries.
This study assessed the measurement invariance of selected self-report measures of perfectionism, impulsivity, self-esteem and social anxiety in samples of emerging adults from eight different countries. Participants (N = 6272) completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS), the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale, the 5-item Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (5-item RSES) and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS-6). Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was run to examine cross-measure equivalence. Evidence for structural invariance was found for all questionnaires, while weak invariance was supported only for the 5-item RSES and the SIAS-6, and a partial weak invariance was found …
Psychometric properties of measures of sociocultural influence and internalization of appearance ideals across eight countries
The aim of the current study was to examine the psychometric properties of two well-established measures of sociocultural influence and internalization of the thin/low body fat ideal and muscular ideal. Data from 6272 emerging adults (68.9 % female), aged 18-30 years from Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the U.S. were included in this study. Participants completed measures of pressure from mother, fathers, peers, and media, to both increase muscles and lose weight, as well as internalization of the thin/low body fat ideal and muscular ideal. Overall, support for partial invariance was found across the scales. In addition, group level differences were found between…
Consequences and comorbidities associated with obesity
This chapter reviews the importance of diabetes as a major complication of obesity, starting with examining the epidemiological relationship between diabetes and obesity. It is clear from the epidemiological data reported that obesity is strongly associated with onset and, in particular, the premature onset, of type 2 diabetes. However, in established heart disease and heart failure, obesity is associated with lower mortality. The chapter considers the epidemiological evidence linking adiposity with the development of cancer, and describes the proposed mechanisms by which excess body fat may impact on cancer risk. The global prevalence of osteoarthritis continues to rise, both because of an…
The relationship between working alliance with peer mentors and eating psychopathology in a digital 6‐week guided self‐help intervention for anorexia nervosa
Objective: The quality of working alliance (WA) is associated with treatment outcomes across several types of psychiatric disorders and psychological interventions. This study examined the role of WA with peer mentors (people with lived experience of illness) and student mentors (graduated psychology students) in a 6-week, digital, guided self-help (GSH) intervention for anorexia nervosa. Method: Ninety-nine patients rated weekly, for 6 weeks: (a) eating psychopathology using the short version of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-QS) and (b) WA with a student mentor (n = 14) or a peer mentor (n = 10). WA was assessed by asking patients the extent to which they felt comforta…
Group analytic therapy for eating disorders: preliminary results in a single-group study.
Objectives There is a lack of empirical data on the effectiveness and process of group-analytic therapy in eating disorders. This single-group study aimed to explore the effectiveness of such treatment for anorexic and bulimic individuals. Method Eight patients (three anorexic and five bulimic women) entered group-analytic treatment, meeting weekly for 2 years. Eating behaviours, overall psychological distress and group process variables were regularly assessed using quantitative and qualitative measures, with comparisons made at the beginning and end of the therapy. Results Treatment was discontinued in two cases. When outcome was classified on the basis of reliable change and clinical sig…
Quality of life in Sicilian Patients on PD. Clinical and psychological changes with age and duration of treatment
Objective: In relation to chronological and dialytic age, we have studied for 6 months the quality of life (QoL) of 56 stable subjects on peritoneal dialysis (PD), and also nutritional, immunological, and dialytic efficiency factors, com- pared to psychological tests. Methods: We divided the patients (pts) into 4 age groups: G1 (up to 49 years), G2 (50–59 years), G3 (60–69 years), G4 (over 70 years). Age-based dialysis in months (m) in 3 groups: 1–12 m, 13–36 m, 37– 90 m. Clinical parameters: nutritional, immunological, and dialytic efficiency values: albumin, Hb, WBC, ferritin, C3, C4, BMI, IgG, IgA, IgM, C-reactive pro- tein (CRP), CA125, Ca19-9, GFR, Kt/V, CCL, PTH. Psychometric tests: S…
Is there a correlation between immunological and psychological parameters in PD?
Relazioni interpersonali, stati emotivi e autostima in soggetti obesi Binge Eaters.
Type D Personality and Alexithymia: Common Characteristics of Two Different Constructs. Implications for Research and Clinical Practice
In the last few decades, particular attention has been paid to the role of personality specific traits that can affect the loss of health, i.e., Type D personality and Alexithymia. They have been conceptualized in a different period, this means that they are different both for their theoretical positions and their empirical studies. Some authors have speculated that there is a potential conceptual overlap between Type D personality and alexithymia constructs but there is a shortcoming in the literature. The aim of the study was to examine the potential overlap between the constructs of type D personality and alexithymia, replicating previous two studies, to extend these findings to Italian …
An examination of the impact of care giving styles (accommodation and skilful communication and support) on the one year outcome of adolescent anorexia nervosa: Testing the assumptions of the cognitive interpersonal model in anorexia nervosa
Abstract Background The cognitive interpersonal model predicts that parental caregiving style will impact on the rate of improvement of anorexia nervosa symptoms. The study aims to examine whether the absolute levels and the relative congruence between mothers' and fathers' care giving styles influenced the rate of change of their children's symptoms of anorexia nervosa over 12 months. Methods Triads ( n =54) consisting of patients with anorexia nervosa and both of their parents were included in the study. Caregivers completed the Caregiver Skills scale and the Accommodation and Enabling Scale at intake. Patients completed the Short Evaluation of Eating Disorders at intake and at monthly in…
Attachment anxiety and avoidance and perceptions of group climate: an actor-partner interdependence analysis.
There is a lack of research examining group members’ attachment styles and group climate perceptions in the context of the attachment styles and group climate perceptions of the other group members. In the current study, the actor–partner interdependence model (APIM) was used to examine the relationships among (a) a group member’s attachment pattern, (b) the aggregated attachment patterns of the other group members, (c) a group member’s perceptions of the group’s climate, and (d) the aggregated group climate perceptions of the other group members. One hundred ten Italian graduate students in six 10-session interpersonal growth groups were studied. Group members filled out the Attachment Sty…
Examining patients' and other group members' agreement about their alliance to the group as a whole and changes in patient symptoms using response surface analysis.
There is a lack of research examining patients' and other group members' agreement about their therapeutic alliance. In the present study, the person-group (P-G) fit model was adopted to predict that the group member symptom reduction will be greater when the group member's and the other group members' perceptions of their alliance to the group-as-a-whole fit and are high. In addition, the effect of disagreement between the group member and the other group members in their perceptions of the group alliance on the individual's outcome was investigated by using response surface analysis. Thirty-two patients from 5 long-term (> 1 year) psychodynamic group treatments were studied. Participants …
Factors Affecting Hesitancy to mRNA and Viral Vector COVID-19 Vaccines among College Students in Italy
Vaccine hesitancy (VH) may be significant in jeopardizing efforts to mass containment of COVID-19. A cross-sectional survey was carried out on a sample of 2667 Italian college students, before the COVID-19 vaccines became available for this age group (from 7 May to 31 May 2021). An online survey was created to obtain information about socio-demographic, health-related, and psychological factors linked to mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines. Statistically significant higher VH (30.4%) and vaccine resistance (12.2%) rates were found for viral vector than mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (7.2% and 1.0%, respectively; p < 0.001). Factors related to viral vector VH were partially different from tho…
Pattern of interpersonal problems and mood states in the assessment of treatment-seeking-obese individuals
The impact of Facebook use on self-reported eating disorders during the COVID-19 lockdown.
AbstractBackgroundThe social isolation due to the COVID-19-related lockdown has had an impact on social media consumption around the world. This study examines the relationship between fear of COVID-19, Facebook use and disordered eating.MethodsStructural Equation Modeling was used to analyse two-wave survey data (T0: Italian first lockdown; T1: after two months) during the pandemic. Young adults with self-reported dysfunctional eating behaviors (N = 115; 91.3% females; mean age = 28.60 ± 7.31) were recruited to complete an online survey at T0; 66 participants (92.4% females; mean age = 28.85 ± 7.85) completed the survey at T1. They were assessed on Facebook use, dysfunctional eating cognit…
Patients with Binge Eating Disorder and Obesity have qualitatively different interpersonal characteristics: Results from an Interpersonal Circumplex study.
Background: Patients with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and obesity experience distressing relationships, which could trigger negative affect and over-eating. To date no studies compared the interpersonal profiles and prototypicality of both groups using the Interpersonal Circumplex.Method: A sample of 177 patients with BED (mean age: 41.0 +/- 12.5 years; 11.3% males), 321 obese non-BED adults (mean age: 44.5 +/- 13.4 years; 28% males), and 108 normal weight adults (mean age: 37.3 +/- 9.6 years; 52.77% males) completed the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-32), and scales of binge eating and psychological distress at one time-point.Results: Compared to normal weight and obese participa…
The Codevelopment of Group Relationships: The Role of Individual Group Member's and Other Group Members' Mutual Influence and Shared Group Environment
Although recent research has provided empirical support for the codevelopment of group interaction (defined as development in a common direction of perceptions of group relationships), no studies have yet investigated the "causes" of codevelopment among group members in the long term. The aim of the current study is to examine how the perceptions of an individual group member, and other group members, regarding group relationships influence each other over the course of treatment. We analyzed group data from 168 adult obese patients who participated in (1 of 20) 12-session therapy groups for weight management. Group relationships were measured by the Group Questionnaire (Krogel et al., 2013…
Assessing positive body image, body satisfaction, weight bias, and appearance comparison in emerging adults: A cross-validation study across eight countries
Positive body image refers to individuals' ability to conceptualize their bodies with love, respect, and appreciation. The study of positive body image is relatively new, and instruments used to investigate this multi-faceted construct have received limited use in non-English speaking countries. Thus, the aim of this investigation is to consider four measures that are associated with positive body image across eight different countries. Participants (n = 6272) completed the Body Appreciation Scale-2, the Body Areas Satisfaction Scale, the Physical Appearance Comparison Scale, and the Weight Bias Internalization Scale. Multi-group confirmatory factor analyses (MG-CFAs) and item-response theo…
Terapia gruppo-analitica
Il lavoro propone i risultati di una ricerca sulla valutazione empirica di una psicoterapia di gruppo costruita nello spirito di un’osservazione complessa, che aiutasse a mettere in luce molteplici sfaccettature del processo terapeutico e che consentisse una conoscenza non riduttiva dell’esperienza terapeutica stessa. L’attenzione della ricerca è stata rivolta, oltre che ai percorsi terapeutici dei singoli pazienti, allo specifico dispiegarsi dei processi gruppali, alla possibilità di aumentare la comprensione su come tali processi si caratterizzano ed evolvono nel tempo. Oggetti dell’indagine sono stati: l’esplorazione del processo di gruppo, ed in particolare la configurazione della matri…
Process and outcome measures in a group-analytic therapy with eating disorder patients
Mafia e psiche
Alleanza terapeutica ed effectiveness nella terapia analitica di gruppo con pazienti con disturbo del comportamento alimentare
Verso una prospettiva di cambiamento individuale e collettivo nei territori influenzati dal dominio mafioso.
Working with patients involved in the mafia. Considerations from Italian psychotherapy experiences
The authors report their main findings on the psychological characteristics of Mafia members studied in the past 10 years. Clinical data were collected, such as psychotherapy reports of therapists who treated patients belonging to the Mafia and clinical interviews of important Italian Mafia informers. The psychological profile of a Mafia member and his relatives is described. The importance of the process of identity construction that a mafioso must learn in order to join the Cosa Nostra organization is outlined. The psychological distress mafiosi suffer and the type of psychotherapy they require are reported, including brief excerpts from clinical sessions. Therapists and analysts always f…
Dimensioni di personalità in soggetti obesi BED e NON-BED.
Introduzione Pochi studi hanno esaminato la presenza di differenti dimensioni di personalità in soggetti obesi BED e non-BED (Peterson et al., 2010) e i risultati appaiono ancora poco chiari. Lo studio si propone di: a) confrontare le dimensioni di personalità in soggetti obesi BED e non-BED; b) approfondire l’associazione tra stili di personalità e comportamenti binge in relazione ad altre variabili sintomatiche. Metodo 143 soggetti adulti obesi non-BED e 60 soggetti obesi BED che hanno richiesto un trattamento presso un sevizio pubblico sui disturbi alimentari, hanno compilato i seguenti strumenti di assessment: MCMI-III (Millon, 1997), BES (Gormally et al, 1982), OQ-45 (Lambert et al., 2…
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that results from exposure to a traumatic event, and is characterized by hypermnesia of the traumatic event with frequent re-experiencing of the tragic occurrence, hyperarousal, and avoidance behaviour. Depression, anxiety, sleep dysfunction and substance abuse are also commonly reported. PTSD is highly prevalent both in the general population and in certain occupations that are particularly exposed to life-threatening situations, physically and psychological demanding activities, and physical assault, such as rescue workers, firefighters and paramedics. Recent advances in the comprehension of the epidemiology, physiopathology and…
Psychological distress associated with the COVID-19 lockdown: A two-wave network analysis
Abstract Background Although preliminary research has evidenced negative psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic among the general population, little research has been carried out examining the interplay among the broader dimensions and correlates of individual distress. Via network analysis, the current study investigated the pathways that underlie some components of psychological distress and their changes over time (during and post COVID-19-related lockdown). Methods 1,129 adult participants (79.1% women) completed a two-wave online survey during and after the lockdown, and reported on variables such as depression, anxiety, stress, fear of COVID, intolerance of uncertainty, e…
L’adattamento italiano del Group Questionnaire (GQ): risultati preliminari in gruppi di training universitario.
La comprensione del processo clinico e terapeutico nei gruppi, l’elaborazione concettuale sui costrutti della relazione terapeutica, l’indagine sulla sovrapposizione concettuale (e statistica) dei costrutti Clima di gruppo, Coesione ed Alleanza sono alla base della proposta del Group Questionnaire - GQ (Burlingame, McClendon, Alonso, 2011), self-report di 30 item, che fornisce informazioni sulla qualità delle relazioni in gruppo. Il Group Questionnaire - GQ si differenzia dagli strumenti precedentemente usati perché fondato su una teoria unificata della relazione gruppale (Johnson et al, 2005, 2008; Bormann and Strauss, 2007; Bakali et al, 2008), che individua un modello a tre fattori: Lega…
A cross-country examination of emotional eating, restrained eating and intuitive eating: Measurement Invariance across eight countries
This study examined the measurement invariance of three scales that assessed emotional eating, restrained eating, and intuitive eating across eight countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, Spain and the United States) in order to determine their suitability for cross-country body image research. A total of 6272 young adults took part in this study. Participants completed an online survey including the Emotional Eating subscale of the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire-Revised 21, the Restraint subscale of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, and the Reliance on Hunger and Satiety Cues subscale of The Intuitive Eating Scale-2. Multi-group confirmatory factor analy…
Caratteristiche psicologiche dei soggetti obesi: l'influenza dei comportamenti Binge eating
The relationship between attachment dimensions and perceptions of group relationships over time: An actor–partner interdependence analysis.
A group member’s attachment, anxiety, and avoidance is related to how the group member and the other group members (OGMs) perceive group relationships. In addition, the collective attachment strategies of the OGMs may also be related to how the individual group member and the others perceive the relationships in the group. We extend previous research, using the actor partner interdependence model (APIM), to examine how group members’ and aggregated OGMs’ attachment anxiety and avoid- ance were related to group members’ and OGMs perceptions of positive bonding, positive working, and negative relationships measured early and late in interpersonal growth groups. Three hundred twenty-five Itali…
Working with patients involved in the mafia
The psychological impact of COVID-19 on people suffering from dysfunctional eating behaviours: a linguistic analysis of the contents shared in an online community during the lockdown.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread several months ago from China and it is now a global pandemic. The experience of lockdown has been an undesirable condition for people with mental health problems, including eating disorders. The present study has the aim of understanding the impact of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with selfreported disordered eating behaviours. A linguistic analysis was carried out with regard to the online posts and comments published by 1971 individuals (86% women) in a Facebook online community focusing on EDs during the lockdown. A total of 244 posts and 3603 comments were collected during the 56 days of lockdown (from the 10th of March…
Una ricerca empirica su gruppoanalisi e DCA
Factors Related to Women’s Psychological Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Two-Wave Longitudinal Study
Background. A growing body of research has highlighted the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s mental health. Previous studies showed that women have higher levels of depression, anxiety and PTSD, and worse psychological adjustment than men, which also persisted after the earlier phase of the pandemic. This study aimed to evaluate changes in women’s psychological distress during the pandemic and to evaluate the factors that have a more significant impact in predicting women’s psychological distress. Methods. This two-wave longitudinal study (T1 = Italian first lockdown, and T2 = second phase, when the restrictive measures were eased) involved 893 women (Mage = 36.45, SD = 1…
Esito e cambiamento nelle psicoterapie di gruppo tra ricerca e clinica
Obesity and Interpersonal Problems: An Analysis with the Interpersonal Circumplex
This study examines the interpersonal problems profiles of obese individuals by cluster analysing the interpersonal problems circumplex scores of participants. The Inventory of Interpersonal Problems—Short Circumplex (IIP-32) was completed by 368 treatment-seeking obese individuals. These data were cluster analysed, and groups of obese subjects defined by varying interpersonal problems were compared with regard to psychological distress, self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, quality of life and binge behaviours. Cluster analyses of the IIP-32 resulted in four clusters, which occupied two quadrants of the interpersonal circumplex. Several differences in body mass index, psychological distress, …
L'efficacia clinica delle terapie di gruppo. Un ponte tra ricerca e pratica clinica
A Therapist’s Different Style of Intervention in Two Group Treatments
In this paper we compare interventions of the same group analyst in two different groups - a traditional slow-open group of six out-patients with Eating Disorders diagnosis (all female; age: 16-26) and a time-limited, group of eight outpatients (different in age and sex) with organic vision disturbances. Our aim was to see if the same group therapist adopts different therapeutic interpretative interventions in the two groups, depending on the aims of each group and the different patients’ diagnosis. The sessions were recorded, transcribed and coded by the Code of Analysis of the Therapeutic Field Style (SCAT). In the traditional group, the therapist’s intervention style is focused more on …
Group treatment for substance use disorder in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials
Abstract Background and aims From residential programs to outpatient services, group therapy permeates the clinical field of substance misuse. While several group interventions for substance use disorders (SUDs) have demonstrated effectiveness, the existing evidence on group therapy has not been systematically reviewed. The current meta-analysis aims to provide estimates of the efficacy of group therapy for SUDs in adults using rigorous methods. Methods We included studies comparing group psychotherapy to no treatment control groups, individual psychotherapy, medication, self-help groups, and other active treatments applying no specific psychotherapeutic techniques for patients with substan…
La percezione del supporto sociale ed emotivo nel processo di adattamento alla malattia: uno studio con pazienti oncologici e loro caregivers.
Purpose: this study aims to investigate the role of social and emotional support in predicting patient adjustment to cancer. Patients and method: 80 patients with I stage cancer (mean age: 56,02) and their respective caregivers (mean age: 46,4) are included in the study. Participants are recruited in an outpatient oncology clinic. Most of patients (71,2%) have a breast cancer, and are treated with conservative surgery and mastectomy. Most of caregivers (78,7%) belong to patients’ family. Results and discussion: patients’ perception of social support from friends and emotional support given to caregivers predict a better adjustment to cancer, reducing negative feelings and a resigned attitud…
Generalizability of normative data for the OQ-45: A study with an Italian outpatient group
Le caratteristiche di personalità nei pazienti obesi. Uno studio con il MCMI-III
Il processo di adattamento psicologico dei caregivers alla patologia oncologica.
Self-reported reflective functioning mediates the association between attachment insecurity and well-being among psychotherapists.
Objective: Subjective well-being is a crucial variable for mental health practitioners. This study examines the influence of therapists’ attachment dimensions and self-reported reflective functioning on their perceived well-being. Further, it examines if reflective functioning mediates the association between attachment insecurity and well-being. Method: A total of 416 experienced psychotherapists were enrolled in this cross-sectional study, and completed self-report measures of attachment insecurity, reflective functioning, and well-being. We tested the hypothesized mediation model with path analysis that examined indirect effects. Results: Both attachment anxiety and avoidance dimensions …
The Thin Ideal and Attitudes towards Appearance as Correlates of Exercise Addiction among Sporty People during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The stress and anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) have exacerbated body image concerns. A society that perpetuates the attempt for a perfect and thin appearance represents a fertile ground for the development of exercise addiction (EA). This cross-sectional study aims to explore EA during the second wave of the pandemic (October–December 2020) and to examine the independent influence of both time spent on moderate and vigorous physical activities and body image variables (i.e., drive for leanness and sociocultural attitudes toward appearance) on EA. A sample of Italian sporty people (N = 194; 48.5% females; Mage = 25.91 ± 6.32) was surveyed using the Exercise Addiction In…
Sex composition and group climate: A group actor−partner interdependence analysis.
There is a lack of research examining how the proportion of women and men in a group effects both the group member’s perception of group climate and the aggregated perceptions of group climate for the other group members. We adapted the group actor–partner interdependence model (GAPIM; Kenny & Garcia, 2012) to examine how the perception of the group’s climate by a group member and by the other group members are related to the group member’s sex and the sex of the other group members. In addition, we examined how similar the group member’s sex was to the sex of the other group members by analyzing the interaction between the two sex variables. A total of 110 Italian graduate students (96 wom…
Binge eating partially mediates the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and psychological distress in obese treatment seeking individuals.
Abstract Introduction We compared the binge eating pathway linking body image dissatisfaction (BID) and psychological distress of obese adults entering and not entering psychological treatment for their weight problems. Method 90 obese participants seeking an integrated treatment (OB-IT) and 87 obese participants seeking only medical treatment (OB-MT) for their weight problems completed questionnaires on BID, binge eating and psychological well-being. Results Only in the OB-IT group, binge eating behaviors mediated the relationship between BID and psychological distress. Conclusions Both BID and binge eating behaviors need to be addressed in the psychological and medical treatment for obesi…
Gruppi terapeutici e disturbi dell'alimentazione. L'omogeneità come elemento trasversale alle dinamiche di gruppo? Una rassegna empirica
The Factorial Structure of the Outcome Questionnaire-45: A Study with an Italian Sample.
In this article, the authors study the factorial structure of the Italian translation of the Outcome Questionnaire 45 (OQ-45) in a sample of college students (n = 522) and psychiatric outpatients (n = 301). The relative goodness of fit of six competing models of the OQ-45 was examined using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Specifically, the study examined the relative fit of the most frequently presented models in the literature and three alternative models. Results of the CFA provided support for the four factor bi-level solution, suggesting that the OQ-45 is a multidimensional instrument that contains one general factor and multiple unique subscale factors.
La ricerca in psicoterapia di gruppo: Alcuni risultati e future direzioni di ricerca
Questo articolo prova ad esaminare alcuni risultati principali nella ricerca sulla terapia di gruppo, così come le direzioni future di ricerca in questo ambito. Sono stati esaminati i risultati degli studi raccolti dal gruppo di ricerca del Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università di Palermo. In particolare, in questo articolo vengono esaminate le questioni teoriche e metodologiche sulla psicoterapia di gruppo, l'efficacia clinica della terapia di gruppo con diverse popolazioni cliniche (disturbi alimentari, disturbi d’ansia) e la relazione tra caratteristiche del paziente, variabili di processo (clima ed alleanza di gruppo) e l'esito della terapia. Complessivamente, da questa rasse…
Vissuti emotivi e bisogni non soddisfatti nei caregivers familiari di soggetti con disturbo del comportamento alimentare.
Introduzione ed obiettivi: Nella ricerca clinica, il termine carer viene utilizzato per riferirsi a quelle persone direttamente coinvolte o con un ruolo significativo nella vita di un soggetto con un disturbo mentale. Finora è stata condotta poca ricerca sulla specificità dei caregivers di pazienti con disturbi alimentari. I disturbi del comportamento alimentare (ED) pongono diverse sfide ai caregivers, come la mancanza di informazioni, scarso supporto sociale e comprensione, burden psicologico. Questo studio esplorativo di tipo cross-sectional si focalizza sui bisogni psicologici e sull’esperienza di assistenza dei carers di pazienti con un disturbo alimentare, con l’obiettivo di esplorare…
"Relation of the real relationship and the working alliance to the outcome of brief psychotherapy": Correction to Lo Coco, Gullo, Prestano, and Gelso (2011).
Analysis of real relationship and working alliance of client-therapist pairs at a university counseling center
La ricerca in psicoterapia di gruppo
Questa rassegna evidenzia come il campo della ricerca sulla psicoterapia di gruppo sia ormai scientificamente solido e abbia prodotto dei risultati di grande importanza. In generale, si è dimostrato come le terapie di gruppo rappresentino un trattamento efficace con un’ampia varietà di pazienti e in diversi setting di intervento. Esse hanno mostrato di funzionare anche con patologie gravi, quali disturbi di personalità, del comportamento alimentare, schizofrenici. La ricerca si muove attualmente nella direzione di un’integrazione tra la valutazione dell’outcome ottenuto dai pazienti ed i fattori relazionali e/o strutturali che possono facilitare il loro cambiamento. Anche se la ricerca ha v…
A first study about the italian adaptation of the OQ-45.2
Group relationships in early and late sessions and improvement in interpersonal problems.
Groups are more effective when positive bonds are established and interpersonal conflicts resolved in early sessions and work is accomplished in later sessions. Previous research has provided mixed support for this group development model. We performed a test of this theoretical perspective using group members' (actors) and aggregated group members' (partners) perceptions of positive bonding, positive working, and negative group relationships measured early and late in interpersonal growth groups. Participants were 325 Italian graduate students randomly (within semester) assigned to 1 of 16 interpersonal growth groups. Groups met for 9 weeks with experienced psychologists using Yalom and Le…
La ricerca in psicoterapia
Relation of the real relationship and the working alliance to the outcome of brief psychotherapy.
In this study, the (a) association of the client- and therapist-rated strength of the real relationship to the outcome of brief psychotherapy, and (b) extent to which the real relationship predicted outcome above and beyond the predictive power of the working alliance were examined. A total of 50 clients at the counseling center of a university in Italy received brief therapy and completed measures before treatment, after the third session, and at the end of treatment. From the clients' perspective, both the Genuineness element of the real relationship and the Bond scale of the working alliance were found to relate significantly to treatment outcome. When we examined the real relationship a…
Understanding the smartphone generation: is problematic smartphone use associated with low body esteem among adolescent girls and boys?
Contemporary adolescents increasingly engage with social media via their smartphones, and problematic smartphone use has been identified as a growing concern. The aim of the current study was to examine the association between problematic smartphone use and body esteem among adolescent boys and girls. A sample of 647 adolescents (mean age: 14.15 years; 56.7% females) completed measures of problematic smartphone use, emotional regulation, and body esteem. Findings from hierarchical regression models revealed that problematic smartphone use was weakly associated with body esteem among both adolescent girls and boys. Furthermore, difficulties with emotional regulation were moderately associate…
The role of attachment style, state-anxiety and partners concerns in predicting infertility-related stress in couples undergoing their first IVF treatment
Task-sharing interventions for patients with anorexia nervosa or their carers: a systematic evaluation of the literature and meta-analysis of outcomes.
The eating disorder clinical and scientific community advocates for the use of a shared approach to healthcare that actively involves patients and carers. A systematic review of the literature on guided self-help or self-help in anorexia nervosa (targeting either the individual affected by the illness or their carers) and meta-analyses of studies using randomised controlled designs for the evaluation of the outcomes: (1) drop-out from end-of-treatment assessment, (2) body mass index (BMI), (3) anxiety, (4) depression and (5) quality of life, were undertaken. Guided self-help was directed to patients in 15 studies and to carers in seven studies. The interventions were based on a variety of t…
Interpersonal difficulties in obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis to inform a rejection sensitivity-based model
Abstract Obesity is associated with difficulties due to stigma and loneliness. These impact negatively on individuals’ quality of life and behaviour change efforts. Increased sensitivity to others’ negative feedback might play a role in the maintenance of these difficulties and could be addressed in psychological interventions. We conducted a systematic review of interpersonal difficulties in individuals with obesity, across the lifespan. We investigated early interpersonal adversity (i.e. frequency of teasing/bullying), perceived interpersonal stress and quality of social life, based on a rejection sensitivity model. The databases PubMed, Web of Knowledge and AGRIS, Embase, Medline and Psy…
The Role of Couples' Attachment Styles in Patients' Adjustment to Cancer.
<b><i>Objective:</i></b> This study aimed to understand how psychological variables and attachment styles can contribute to improve effective and functional adjustment to the disease and promote better psychological well-being. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> A total of 176 participants (88 couples) took part in this research. One member of each couple attended surgery centers at the Oncology Department of the University Hospital of Palermo. Each participant had filled in 5 questionnaires assessing the variables couple relationships, quality of life, anxiety, depression, and psychosocial adjustment to illness. <b><i>Results:</i></b…
Lo psichismo mafioso nell'indagine psicologico-clinica
Adolescere nella famiglia mafiosa. Un’analisi attraverso i test grafici.
Attachment Anxiety and Attachment Avoidance: Members’ Attachment Fit with Their Group and Group Relationships
We compared each individual group member’s attachment fit with the attachment of the other group members. Participants were 201 members of 20 therapy groups who sought treatment because they were overweight or obese. Group members completed the Attachment Style Questionnaire before commencing treatment and the Group Questionnaire at three points during group treatment. Multilevel polynomial regression followed by response surface analysis was used to examine how the attachment anxiety and avoidance of the individual group member and the aggregated attachment anxiety and avoidance of the group members were related to individual group members’ perceptions of the positive bonding, positive wor…
Maintaining everyday life praxis in the time of COVID-19 pandemic measures (ELP-COVID-19 survey)
Abstract Background The extreme social circumstances caused by declared COVID-19 pandemic deeply intervene people’s everyday life and should not be neglected but seen through the view of social reality pinpointing the ‘ordinary’ people. In this article, authors explored basic segments of everyday and their subjective perception to what extent sleeping habits, physical inactivity, physical activity, nutritional habits and smoking have changed. Methods The online survey was conducted in nine European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo*, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain) in 4108 participants, aged 15–82 years. The survey took place 30–40 days after World Heal…
Early and Later Predictors of Outcome in Brief Therapy: The Role of Real Relationship
Objectives: The study examined whether clients who continued longer in brief therapy reported stronger associations of real relationship and working alliance with therapy outcome than clients who received very brief treatment. It also examined whether real relationship and working alliance assessed early in treatment predicted outcome differently from that assessed later in therapy. Method: Fifty clients (32 women; Mage = 22.3 years) were recruited from a university counseling center. Thirty- two clients (very brief therapy) completed the post-third session assessment of real relationship and working alliance, and 18 (brief therapy) had both the third and eighth assessment. Results: The rea…