Javier Molina-garcía
Implementation of a bicycle-sharing program: An effective way of introducing cycling as mode of transport
School Neighbourhood Built Environment Assessment for Adolescents’ Active Transport to School: Modification of an Environmental Audit Tool and Protocol (MAPS Global-SN)
School neighbourhood built environments (SN-BE) can influence adolescents&rsquo
Physical exercise prescription by primary care nurses
Who can best report on children's motor competence: Parents, teachers, or the children themselves?
Abstract Objective A positive perception of motor competence (MC) is important for children's health trajectory. It is purported that young children's perception is not well aligned with their actual ability. Alternative sources of perceptions are postulated from children's social context such as their parents or teachers. This study aims to analyse the associations among children's, parents' and Physical Education (PE) teachers' perception of children's MC and the children's actual MC, and whether these sources of information can report on children's actual MC. Design and method A convenience sample of 139 typically developed children (48.2% girls) from six schools participated in this cro…
Ecological correlates of Spanish preschoolers’ physical activity and sedentary behaviours during structured movement sessions
From an ecological perspective that understands health behaviours to be the result of interactions between personal, psychosocial and environmental factors, different authors have described patterns and correlations between physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviours (SB) in physical education (PE). However, to our knowledge there have been no systematic evaluations of the PA levels and patterns during structured movement sessions in preschool children in Spain. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (a) to identify the individual, social and environmental factors that influence PA levels and patterns during structured movement sessions; (b) to assess PA and SB levels during these ses…
Do Active Commuters Feel More Competent and Vital? A Self-Organizing Maps Analysis in University Students
University students represent a population that faces high risks regarding physical inactivity. Research suggests that a regular engagement in physical activity (PA) may be more likely established when it leads to the experience of subjective vitality. Subjective vitality, in turn, is more likely achieved through physical activities that individuals feel competent in, and that take place in natural outdoor environments. An activity that may fulfill these conditions is active commuting to and from university (ACU). To examine whether and in which form ACU can combine this promising pattern of aspects, a person-oriented analysis was conducted. The sample contained 484 university students (59.…
Development and reliability of a streetscape observation instrument for international use: MAPS-global
Background: Relationships between several built environment factors and physical activity and walking behavior are well established, but internationally-comparable built environment measures are lacking. The Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS)-Global is an observational measure of detailed streetscape features relevant to physical activity that was developed for international use. This study examined the inter-observer reliability of the instrument in five countries. Methods: MAPS-Global was developed by compiling concepts and items from eight environmental measures relevant to walking and bicycling. Inter-rater reliability data were collected in neighborhoods selected to var…
Changes in physical activity domains during the transition out of high school: Psychosocial and environmental correlates
Background:This study examined changes in multiple physical activity domains during the transition out of high school and psychosocial and environmental determinants of these changes.Methods:A 1-year prospective study was designed. The baseline sample was composed of 244 last-year high school students (58.6% female) from Valencia, Spain. Follow-up rate was 46%. Physical activity and potential determinants were measured by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and other evaluated scales in 2 waves.Results:Total physical activity and active commuting (AC) decreased, respectively, by 21% and 36%, only in males. At time 1, access to car/motorbike (inverse), planning/psychosocial barriers (…
El conocimiento y la intencionalidad didáctica en el uso de TIC del profesorado de educación física (Physical education teachers’ knowledge and educational intentionality in the use of ICT)
La formación digital tecnocéntrica del profesorado y el uso tradicional de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC), muestran la debilidad del discurso pedagógico frente al tecnológico, confirmando la limitada intencionalidad didáctica de los docentes al usar dichas tecnologías. En educación física se carece de instrumentos específicos para estudiar esa realidad. El objetivo del trabajo fue validar, por el método Delphi, un cuestionario para medir el nivel de conocimiento y la intencionalidad didáctica del profesorado de educación física al usar las TIC, atendiendo a la edad y al género. Posteriormente se aplicó el cuestionario a una muestra representativa de 155 docente…
Physical Activity-Related Profiles of Female Sixth-Graders Regarding Motivational Psychosocial Variables: A Cluster Analysis Within the CReActivity Project
IntroductionAdolescents’ physical activity (PA) behavior can be driven by several psychosocial determinants at the same time. Most analyses use a variable-based approach that examines relations between PA-related determinants and PA behavior on the between-person level. Using this approach, possible coexistences of different psychosocial determinants within one person cannot be examined. Therefore, by applying a person-oriented approach, this study examined (a) which profiles regarding PA-related psychosocial variables typically occur in female sixth-graders, (b) if these profiles deliver a self-consistent picture according to theoretical assumptions, and (c) if the profiles contribute to t…
Psychosocial and environmental correlates of active commuting for university students.
Abstract Objective To examine psychosocial and environmental correlates of active commuting to university (ACU) and explore its association with overall physical activity among college students. Methods The sample included 518 students (mean 22.4 years; 59.7% female) from two universities in Valencia, Spain. Weekly estimations of energy expenditure from ACU and total physical activity were obtained. Socio-economic status, self-efficacy, barriers to active transport, access to car and motorbike, access to public transport, walking and cycling facilities and distance to university were assessed. Data were collected April and May of 2009, using a self-administered survey. A structural equation…
Adiposidad corporal y bienestar psicológico: efectos de la actividad física en universitarios de Valencia, España
OBJETIVO: Determinar mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales la relacion que existe entre la actividad fisica, la adiposidad corporal, la competencia fisica percibida y tres indicadores del bienestar psicologico en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios espanoles. METODOS: Estudio transversal descriptivo en 639 estudiantes de 18 a 29 anos representativos de las universidades de Valencia, Espana, en el curso 2005-2006. La practica de actividad fisica se evaluo mediante el inventario de conductas de salud en escolares. Se aplicaron las escalas de competencia fisica percibida, autoestima, satisfaccion con la vida y vitalidad subjetiva. La adiposidad corporal se expreso mediante el po…
Different neighborhood walkability indexes for active commuting to school are necessary for urban and rural children and adolescents
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund [grant no. DEP2016-75598-R, MINECO/FEDER, UE]. Additionally, this study takes place thanks to the funding from the University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016 -Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES) -and the Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades, European Regional Development Fund [grant no. SOMM17/6107/UGR]. The funding body had no role in the study design or collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data or in writing the manuscript.
Influence of social and environmental variables in declining physical activity during transition to adulthood
Transformational Teaching in Physical Education and Students’ Leisure-Time Physical Activity: The Mediating Role of Learning Climate, Passion and Self-Determined Motivation
In the context of education, this study examined the relationship between perceiving a transformational physical education (PE) teacher and student&rsquo
Perceived movement skill competence in stability: Validity and reliability of a pictorial scale in early adolescents.
Perceived motor competence (PMC) is important to health as it mediates the association between actual motor competence (AMC) and physical activity. Many instruments assess the broader construct of physical self-perception but no scale has been developed to assess PMC in stability. The aim of this study was to develop and analyze the reliability and validity of a new pictorial PMC in stability skill assessment when completed by early adolescents. A Delphi method showed ≥70% of experts' consensus in the seven proposed items. A sample of 904 students (11-14 years old) self-reported PMC in locomotion, object control, and stability using two pictorial scales: Perceived Movement Skill Competence …
Active commuting and sociodemographic factors among university students in Spain.
Background:Commuting to university represents an opportunity to incorporate physical activity (walking or biking) into students’ daily routines. There are few studies that analyze patterns of transport in university populations. This cross-sectional study estimated energy expenditure from active commuting to university (ACU) and examined sociodemographic differences in findings.Methods:The sample included 518 students with a mean age of 22.4 years (59.7% female) from 2 urban universities in Valencia, Spain. Time spent in each mode of transport to university and sociodemographic factors was assessed by self-report.Results:Nearly 35% of the students reported walking or biking as their main mo…
What distance do university students walk and bike daily to class in Spain
Abstract Introduction Physical activity levels are low in the general population and these levels decrease from childhood to adolescence, as well as from adolescence to adulthood. Active commuting (AC) is an opportunity to increase the physical activity levels. The distance between home and destinations is a main correlate of AC; however, the distance that university students walk or cycle to university is unknown. Methods Participants self-reported their modes and time of commuting to and from university in a questionnaire, and the main mode of commuting was identified. Moreover, they reported their home address, and the Spanish version of Mapquest software was used to measure street-netwo…
Barreras percibidas en el desplazamiento activo al centro educativo: fiabilidad y validez de una escala
Resumen: Objetivo: Examinar la fiabilidad y la validez de una escala para evaluar las barreras percibidas en el desplazamiento activo al centro escolar en jóvenes españoles. Método: La validez de la escala fue evaluada en una muestra de 465 adolescentes (14-18 años de edad) mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y a través de la asociación con el transporte activo autorreportado. Una submuestra completó la escala dos veces, con una separación de una semana, a fin de evaluar su fiabilidad. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la escala tenía índices de ajuste satisfactorios con dos factores. Un factor incluyó los ítems relativos a ambiente y seguridad (α = 0,72), y otro los ítems s…
Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Abstract Background The IPEN International Physical Activity and Environment Network Adolescent project was conducted using common study protocols to document the strength, shape, and generalizability of associations of perceived neighborhood environment attributes with adolescents’ physical activity and overweight/obesity using data from 15 countries. Countries did not use identical versions of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for Youth (NEWS-Y) to measure perceived neighborhood environment attributes. Therefore, this study derived a measurement model for NEWS-Y items common to all IPEN Adolescent countries and developed a scoring protocol for the IPEN Adolescent version of t…
Neighborhood Built Environment and Socioeconomic Status are Associated with Active Commuting and Sedentary Behavior, but not with Leisure-Time Physical Activity, in University Students
The role of neighborhood characteristics in promoting physical activity and sedentary behaviors (SB) has not been extensively studied in university students. The study purpose was to analyze the associations of neighborhood built environment and neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES) with active commuting, leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), and SB among university students. This is a cross-sectional study of 308 undergraduate students from two urban universities in Valencia, Spain. Participants&rsquo
Ecological correlates of Spanish adolescents’ physical activity during physical education classes
The public health benefit of school physical education (PE) depends in large part on physical activity (PA) provided during class. According to the literature, PE has a valuable role in public health, and PA levels during PE classes depend on a wide range of factors. The main objective of this study, based on ecological models of behaviour, was to analyse what personal, psychosocial and environmental factors were associated with moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) during PE lessons. The sample consisted of 189 adolescents (60.8% girls; M = 16.3 years, SD = 0.7) from nine high schools. PA was assessed by accelerometer. Differences in PA behaviour between the study groups were evaluated using the…
Development and psychometric evaluation of a health questionnaire on back care knowledge in daily life physical activities for adolescent students
The most relevant musculoskeletal problems are related with back health. Study instruments have been designed for adult patient population but not for school-aged children. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of a questionnaire to assess adolescents' level of back care knowledge in daily life physical activities.Participants were 171 adolescents from secondary schools. The questionnaire was made up of 24 questions. A Delphi method was used for test validation. Cronbach's alpha, test-retest, Wilcoxon signed-rank and Bland-Altman graph were used to evaluate the instrument reliability.Cronbach's alpha (α = 0.82) showed a strong internal consistency. Te…
The new version of the pictorial scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence in Spanish children: Evidence of validity and reliability. [La nueva versión de la escala pictográfica de Percepción de Competencia de Habilidades Motrices in niños y niñas españoles: Evidencias de validez y fiabilidad].
The purpose of this study was to i) examine reliability and construct validity of the pictorial scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence (PMSC) aligned to the third version of the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-3) in a sample of Spanish children; and to ii) analyse the validity of the PMSC and children’s perceived motor competence (MC) according to gender. A convenience sample of 361 children (55.7% boys) between 4 and 11 years-old participated. The pictorial scale of PMSC (19 items) was administered (a random subsample repeated the PMSC twice). Test-retest reliability using Intraclass Correlation Coefficients and construct validity using a Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling a…
Neighborhood built environment and socio-economic status in relation to multiple health outcomes in adolescents.
Abstract The study aim was to examine associations of neighborhood built environment and neighborhood socio-economic status (SES) with multiple physical activity (PA) behaviors, sedentary time, and obesity indicators among adolescents. Cross-sectional study of 325 adolescents aged 14–18 years recruited from schools in Valencia, Spain. Participants' home neighborhoods were classified according to walkability and SES levels. Walkability was defined as an index of three built environment characteristics (i.e., residential density, land use mix, and street connectivity) based on geographic information system data. Moderate-vigorous PA (MVPA) and sedentary time were assessed using accelerometers…
Representation of physical activity domains and sedentary behaviors across categories of gender and disability in children’s TV cartoons
Television (TV) cartoons could reflect and shape social values about children’s health-related behaviors. The main aim of this study is to analyze the portrayal of physical activity (PA) domains in the most popular Spanish children’s television (TV) cartoons. It is performed a content analysis of each scene following a coding scheme. The sample selected included the five most popular children’s TV cartoons for the 2013-2014 period in Spain. Our results show a large gap between the modest representation of different PA domains compared to the overwhelming depiction of sedentary behaviors. We do not find evidence of males and females participating equally in a variety of PA domains, and we fa…
Effect of Olympic Weight Category on Performance in the Roundhouse Kick to the Head in Taekwondo
Effect of Olympic Weight Category on Performance in the Roundhouse Kick to the Head in Taekwondo In taekwondo, kick performance is generally measured using impact force and time. This study aimed to analyse performance in the roundhouse kick to the head according to execution distance between and within Olympic weight categories. The participants were 36 male athletes divided into three categories: featherweight (n = 10), welterweight (n = 15) and heavyweight (n = 11). Our results show that taekwondo athletes in all weight categories generate a similar relative impact force. However, the results indicate that weight has a large impact on kick performance, particularly in relation to total r…
Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being in University Students
An analysis of psychological well-being (self-esteem and subjective vitality) of 639 Spanish university students was performed, while accounting for the amount of leisure-time physical activity. The Spanish versions of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Subjective Vitality Scale were employed. Participants were divided into four groups (Low, Moderate, High, and Very high) depending on estimation of energy expenditure in leisure-time physical activity. Men and women having higher physical activity rated higher mean subjective vitality; however, differences in self-esteem were observed only in men, specifically between Very high and the other physical activity groups.
Children and Parental Barriers to Active Commuting to School: A Comparison Study
The main objectives of this study were: to compare the barriers to active commuting to and from school (ACS) between children and their parents separately for children and adolescents; and to analyze the association between ACS and the children’s and parents’ barriers. A total of 401 child–parent pairs, from Granada, Jaén, Toledo and Valencia, self-reported, separately, their mode of commuting to school and work, respectively, and the children’s barriers to ACS. T-tests and chi-square tests were used to analyze the differences by age for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. Binary logistic regressions were performed to study the association between ACS barriers of children an…
Health-related messages about physical activity promotion: an analysis of photographs on social networking sites of universities
ABSTRACTThe main aim of this study was to examine how different physical activity domains are represented on the official social media sites of Spanish universities, through a content analysis of the photographs. Our results show that the representation of different physical activity domains is not balanced. While the analysed images do promote a message of gender equality in sedentary and leisure time physical activity behaviour, pictures illustrating active commuting and disabled groups were under-represented. We conclude that Internet-based physical activity promotion in university settings must to be guided by the principles of ‘health-promoting universities’ in the sense of promoting a…
Cardiovascular risk factors in relation to leisure-time physical activity and fruit-vegetable consumption
Relation of body mass index and body fat mass for Spanish university students, taking into account leisure-time physical activity.
The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze the relation of Body Mass Index with body fat mass while taking into account the amount of leisure-time physical activity for 299 male university students. Body fat mass was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis. An estimation of energy expenditure in leisure-time physical activity in metabolic equivalents (METs) was obtained so participants were divided into six activity groups by percentile: no physical activity by the first group and participants physically active were divided into five groups by percentiles: <25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, 76–90%, and 91–100%. Correlations of Body Mass Index with body fat mass were strong in di…
Active commuting to school among preschool-aged children and its barriers: An exploratory study in collaboration with parents
Abstract Introduction Active commuting to school (ACS) contributes to children's overall physical activity levels, providing multiple health benefits. However, studies analyzing the modes of transport used among children of preschool age (3–5 years), as well as which factors affect ACS, are scant. Methods We performed a mixed-method study, initially taking a qualitative approach in collaboration with parents of preschool-aged children (i.e., focus groups), to identify their usual modes of commuting to school with their offspring. Following this, we asked parents, through a questionnaire, about the modes of transport to school they use with their children, as well as the weekly use-frequency…
Ecological correlates of Spanish preschoolers’ physical activity during school recess
Early childhood education (ECE) institutions may be one place for young children to obtain a significant proportion of their daily physical activity (PA). Even though young children are generally considered to be very active, and recess time is considered an important environmental factor for promoting PA, evidence suggests that young children spend most recess time participating in sedentary activities. To our knowledge there have been no systematic evaluations of the PA levels and patterns during recess time in Spanish preschool children. Therefore, the aims of this study were threefold: (a) to analyse the PA patterns and sedentary behaviour during recess time in outdoor ECE environments…
Assessing teacher leadership in physical education: the Spanish version of the transformational teaching questionnaire
<p>Drawing from the transformational leadership theory, this study aims to translate and analyse the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Transformational Teaching Questionnaire (TTQ).</p><p>A cohort sample of 2107 adolescents (997 males and 1110 females) from 82 secondary schools voluntarily participated in the research.</p><p>In Study 1 ((<em>n</em> = 1066), the exploratory factor analysis informed a one-factor solution. In Study 2 (<em>n</em> = 1041), the confirmatory factor analysis showed the single-factor and the four-factor models showed satisfactory and adequate goodness of fit indices, respectively. Confirmatory …
International Physical Activity and Built Environment Study of Adolescents : IPEN Adolescent design, protocol and measures
IntroductionOnly international studies can provide the full variability of built environments and accurately estimate effect sizes of relations between contrasting environments and health-related outcomes. The aims of the International Physical Activity and Environment Study of Adolescents (IPEN Adolescent) are to estimate the strength, shape and generalisability of associations of the community environment (geographic information systems (GIS)-based and self-reported) with physical activity and sedentary behaviour (accelerometer-measured and self-reported) and weight status (normal/overweight/obese).Methods and analysisThe IPEN Adolescent observational, cross-sectional, multicountry study …
Perceived barriers to active commuting to school: reliability and validity of a scale
Resumen Objetivo: Examinar la fiabilidad y la validez de una escala para evaluar las barreras percibidas en el desplazamiento activo al centro escolar en jóvenes españoles. Método: La validez de la escala fue evaluada en una muestra de 465 adolescentes (14-18 años de edad) mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y a través de la asociación con el transporte activo autorreportado. Una submuestra completó la escala dos veces, con una separación de una semana, a fin de evaluar su fiabilidad. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la escala tenía índices de ajuste satisfactorios con dos factores. Un factor incluyó los ítems relativos a ambiente y seguridad (α = 0,72), y otro los ítems so…
Bicycling to university: Evaluation of a bicycle-sharing program in Spain
: This study examined the change in behavioral stages (e.g. contemplation, action and maintenance) of cycling to university before and after the implementation of a new public bicycle share program (PBSP) and promotion of its use. The study also determined the change in the prevalence, correlates of PBSP use and potential role in the promotion of healthy weight. An 8-month follow-up cross-sectional study (September 2010-April 2011) was carried out among undergraduate students during the first season of implementation of the PBSP in Valencia, Spain. The sample was 173 students (68.2% female) with a mean age of 21.3 years (SD 3.06) who attended a PBSP promotional session. The data were collec…
A School-Based Randomized Controlled Trial to Promote Cycling to School in Adolescents: The PACO Study
This manuscript describes the rationale and protocol of a school-based randomized controlled trial called “Cycling and Walk to School” (PACO, by its Spanish acronym) that aims to promote cycling to and from school and physical activity (PA) in adolescents. This study will examine the effects of this intervention in cycling and active commuting to and from school (ACS), PA and several ACS-related factors based on self-determination theory (SDT) and a social-ecological model (SEM). A total of 360 adolescents attending six high schools (three experimental and three control) from three Spanish cities will participate in this randomized controlled trial. The intervention (four cycling sessions; …
A GIS-Based Method for Analysing the Association Between School-Built Environment and Home-School Route Measures with Active Commuting to School in Urban Children and Adolescents.
In the current call for a greater human health and well-being as a sustainable development goal, to encourage active commuting to and from school (ACS) seems to be a key factor. Research focusing on the analysis of the association between environmental factors and ACS in children and adolescents has reported limited and inconclusive evidence, so more knowledge is needed about it. The main aim of this study is to examine the association between different built environmental factors of both school neighbourhood and home-school route with ACS of children and adolescents belonging to urban areas. The ACS level was evaluated using a self-reported questionnaire. Built environment variables (i.e.,…
Multifactorial combinations predicting active vs inactive stages of change for physical activity in adolescents considering built environment and psychosocial factors: A classification tree approach.
A questionnaire to assess parental perception of barriers towards active commuting to school (PABACS): Reliability and validity
Abstract Introduction Parental barriers are a key factor to determine physical activity behaviors, such as active commuting to school in young people. The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of a questionnaire which addresses parental barriers towards active commuting to school. Methods This paper describes the development, following the Delphi method, and the validation of a Likert-scale questionnaire of 23 items (Parental Perception of Barriers towards Active Commuting to School (PABACS)) designed to determine the main parental barriers. These barriers are categorized into 3 scales (general, walking, and cycling barriers) and the overall questionnaire. A total o…
Precursors of Body Dissatisfaction and its Implication for Psychological Well-Being in Young Adults
The authors examined leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), body mass index (BMI), and perceived physical ability as body dissatisfaction antecedents, and analyzed their relationship to well-being. The sample comprised 501 university students. Data were collected using a self-administered survey. Path analysis revealed that LTPA positively predicted perceived physical ability. BMI and perceived physical ability predicted body dissatisfaction (positively and negatively, respectively). Body dissatisfaction negatively predicted subjective vitality, whereas perceived physical ability positively predicted subjective vitality. These results support the inclusion of LTPA in intervention programs t…
Psychosocial and Environmental Correlates of Sedentary Behaviors in Spanish Children
Purpose. To evaluate children’s psychosocial and environmental factors associated with sedentary behavior (SB).Method. The study involved a total of 420 children (mean 9.2 years; 52.9% girls) from the community of Madrid, Spain. SB and physical activity (PA) were objectively measured using accelerometers. TV viewing and potential correlates were assessed by questionnaire. Mixed-model regression analysis, adjusted for clustering within school locations, evaluated the relation of each independent variable with SBs.Results. Girls showed higher levels of SB than boys, whereas boys reported more TV viewing (p<.001in all cases). Regression analysis showed that MVPA levels were negatively relat…
Impact force and time analysis influenced by execution distance in a roundhouse kick to the head in taekwondo.
The execution distance is a tactic factor that affects mechanical performance and execution technique in taekwondo. This study analyzes the roundhouse kick to the head by comparing the maximum impact force, execution time, and impact time in 3 distances according to the athletes' competition level. It also analyzes the relationship between impact force and weight in each group. It examines whether the execution distance affects the maximum impact force, execution time, and impact time, in each level group or 2 different competition levels. Participants were 27 male taekwondo players (13 medallists and 14 nonmedallists). The medallists executed the roundhouse kick to the head with greater im…
Estudio de las actitudes y el interés de los docentes de primaria de educación física por las TIC en la Comunidad Valenciana (Primary Physical Education teachers’ attitudes and interests towards ICT in the Valencian Community)
Las actitudes negativas y el desinterés del profesorado parecen ser dos barreras que frenan la integración de las TIC en el sistema educativo. En educación física, además, faltan instrumentos específicos para estudiar y valorar estas variables. El objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar y validar, por el método Delfhi, un cuestionario para conocer las actitudes y el interés del profesorado de educación física por las TIC atendiendo a la edad y al género. Posteriormente se aplicó a una muestra representativa de 145 docentes de enseñanza primaria de Valencia y área metropolitana. Los resultados indicaron que el cuestionario poseía una fiabilidad y validez adecuadas para estudiar dichas variables…
Active commuting to school among 36,781 Spanish children and adolescents: A temporal trend study.
This study examines trends in the rates of active commuting to school (ACS) in Spanish children (n = 18 343; 8.93 ± 1.68) and adolescents (n = 18 438; 14.11 ± 1.58) aged 6‐18 years from 2010 to 2017. Given the study period included the economic crisis in Spain (2008‐2013), the second aim of this study was to compare ACS rates during and after the economic crisis. Data were obtained from 28 studies conducted across Spain. The overall trends in ACS were evaluated using multilevel logistic regression analysis. Among Spanish children and adolescents, the rates of ACS to school ranged around 60% between 2010 and 2017. The rates of ACS in Spanish youth did not change significantly during the 2010…
Determinants of leisure-time physical activity and future intention to practice in Spanish college students
Few studies analyze determinants and patterns of physical activity among college students, so it has not been possible to carry out effective interventions to promote this practice. The aim of this study was to analyze the associations between some personal, social, and environmental determinants, practice of physical activity and future intention to practice in a sample of 639 university students (321 men and 318 women), mean age 21.43 years (+/- 2.78). Physical fitness self-perception, physical activity history, and coach's support to practice physical activity have a direct effect on the practice of physical activity and an indirect effect on future intention to practice, both in men and…
Fiabilidad de la escala de barreras para el desplazamiento activo a la universidad en estudiantes chilenos
Objetivo: Comprobar la fiabilidad de una escala de barreras para el desplazamiento activo a la universidad en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Métodos: participaron 110 universitarios (33 mujeres y 77 hombres) con edades entre los 19 y 26 años. Cada participante completó la escala en dos sesiones de medición separadas por una semana (test y re-test). Para evaluar la confiabilidad de este cuestionario, se calculó el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC) utilizando el software estadístico SPSS. Resultados: Los ICCs mostraron rangos para las barreras percibidas para el desplazamiento activo a la universidad entre 0,6 - 0,8. Se presentaron diferencias significativas en dos ítems de la…
The Impact of Mandatory Helmet-Use Legislation on the Frequency of Cycling to School and Helmet Use Among Adolescents
Background:This paper analyzes changes in the frequency of cycling to school and helmet wearing after the introduction of a mandatory helmet law, and attempts to identify factors associated with the acceptance of helmet use.Methods:A mixed-method study was designed with a 7-month follow-up period (April 2014 to November 2014). The initial sample included 262 students (aged 12 to 16 years) from Valencia, Spain. The data were collected by questionnaire and 2 focus-group interviews were conducted.Results:No significant changes in cyclingto-school behavior were found during the study period. Cycle helmet use improved, especially among boys, those who used their own bike, and among adolescents w…
The Role of Preschool Hours in Achieving Physical Activity Recommendations for Preschoolers
Research on physical activity (PA) in different educational settings could elucidate which interventions promote a healthy school lifestyle in early childhood education (ECE). The aims of this study were: (a) to analyse the PA levels of preschoolers during school hours, as well as the rate of compliance with specific recommendations on total PA (TPA) and moderate-vigorous PA (MVPA)
Biking to School: The Role of Bicycle-Sharing Programs in Adolescents
BACKGROUND The purpose of this study was to: (1) describe modes of transport to school, with a specific focus on the use of public bicycle share programs (PBSP); and (2) assess sociodemographic, psychosocial, and environmental correlates of bike and PBSP use to go to school. METHODS A group of 465 adolescents from the International Physical Activity and the Environment Network (IPEN) Adolescent Study (Valencia, Spain) participated in the research. Mixed regression analyses were conducted on the data obtained. RESULTS Not having bicycle access, a PBSP card, or a public bike lane close to the school is negatively associated with bicycle use. PBSP is positively associated with physical self-ef…
MOESM2 of Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Additional file 2: Table S2. Country-specific scoring of the NEWS-Y-IPEN subscales for pooled analyses in the IPEN Adolescent study.
Effects of target distance on select biomechanical parameters in taekwondo roundhouse kick.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of target distance on temporal and impact force parameters that are important performance factors in taekwondo kicks. Forty-nine taekwondo athletes (age = 24.5 +/- 5.9 years; mass = 79.9 +/- 10.8 kg) were recruited: 13 male experts, 21 male novices, 8 female experts, and 6 female novices. Impact force, reaction time, and execution time were computed. Three-way repeated measure ANOVAs revealed significant 'distance' effect on impact force, reaction time, and execution time (p = 0.001). Comparisons between distance conditions revealed that taekwondo athletes kicked with higher impact force from short distance (17.6 +/- 7.5 N/kg) than from l…
MOESM1 of Development and validation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale for youth across six continents
Additional file 1: Table S1. Adaptation of the NEWS-Y for the IPEN Adolescent study (NEWS-Y-IPEN).
Would New Zealand adolescents cycle to school more if allowed to cycle without a helmet?
Abstract Introduction The effectiveness of bicycle helmet use in preventing head injuries has been well documented. Mandatory helmet-use legislation is present in multiple countries including New Zealand. However, studies examining the correlates of adolescents' perception that they would cycle to school more often if helmet legislation was repealed are scant. This study examined these correlates in a sample of New Zealand adolescents. Methods Adolescents (n = 774; age: 13–18 years) from all 12 secondary schools in Dunedin, New Zealand, completed an online questionnaire about their cycling to school and cycling in general behaviours and perceptions and opinions about bicycle helmet use as a…
Built Environment, Psychosocial Factors and Active Commuting to School in Adolescents: Clustering a Self-Organizing Map Analysis
Although the built environment and certain psychosocial factors are related to adolescents&rsquo
The physical activity patterns of adolescents with intellectual disabilities: A descriptive study
Abstract Background Emerging data suggest that adolescents with intellectual disabilities (IDs) have lower physical activity (PA) levels and have a higher incidence of obesity than their peers without IDs. Objective To examine daily PA patterns (weekdays vs. weekend days) of adolescents with IDs among boys and girls. The contributions of PA at school, including school recesses and physical education time, and PA outside of school were also analyzed. Methods Participants included forty-nine adolescents with mild to moderate IDs (mean 15.3 years) from the Valencia region (Spain). Adolescents wore a pedometer for seven consecutive days to measure PA objectively and filled in a daily activity l…
Profiling children longitudinally: A three-year follow-up study of perceived and actual motor competence and physical fitness.
Longitudinal designs enhance our understanding of children's development and its influence on movement behaviors and health. This three-year follow-up study aimed to develop profiles according to perceived and actual motor competence (MC) (locomotion, object control, and overall) and physical fitness in boys and girls longitudinally including children's temporal migrations among clusters in terms of profiling trends. A secondary aim was to compare physical activity participation and weight status at each time point according to these profiles. One hundred and four typically developing Spanish children (45.8% girls) between 4 and 9 years old at baseline participated in this study. Data were …