Sabine Fitzek

Darstellung der Zentralregion mit anisotroper echoplanarer Diffusionswichtung (EPI-DWI)

Im Rahmen dieser Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob sich eine diffusionsgewichtete Sequenz eignet, unter Ausnutzung der anisotropen Diffusionsverhaltnisse entlang der Markfasern die Zentralregion (ZR) bei Probanden und Patienten verlasslich darzustellen. Funf Patienten mit Hirntumoren und 20 gesunde Probanden wurden an einem klinischen 1,5-TMR-Tomographen untersucht. Bei den Probanden dienten die „klassischen“ anatomischen Zeichen zur Lokalisation der Zentralregion an einem 3-D-T1-Datensatz als Goldstandard zur Lokalisation, bei den Patienten zusatzlich noch ein funktionelles Magnet-resonanztomogramm (fMRT) mit einem Finger-Tapping-Paradigma im Blockdesign und der intraoperative Befund. Be…

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Electrophysiological brainstem testing in the diagnosis of reversible brainstem ischemia.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of multimodal electrophysiological brainstem testing in the diagnosis of clinically suspected reversible ischemic deficits of the brainstem compared with diffusion weighted MR imaging. We investigated 158 consecutive patients presenting with signs of acute brainstem dysfunction. Serial electrophysiological brainstem tests including masseter reflex, blink reflex, masseter inhibitory reflex, AEP, MEP, EOG and the oculoauricular phenomenon were applied. In 14 of the 158 patients neurological deficits resolved in less than 24 hours, which was suggestive of a transitory ischemic attack (TIA), 19 patients had brainstem signs for more than 24 h…

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Brainstem reflex circuits revisited

Our current understanding of brainstem reflex physiology comes chiefly from the classic anatomical-functional correlation studies that traced the central circuits underlying brainstem reflexes and establishing reflex abnormalities as markers for specific areas of lesion. These studies nevertheless had the disadvantage of deriving from post-mortem findings in only a few patients. We developed a voxel-based model of the human brainstem designed to import and normalize MRIs, select groups of patients with or without a given dysfunction, compare their MRIs statistically, and construct three-plane maps showing the statistical probability of lesion. Using this method, we studied 180 patients with…

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The course of corticofacial projections in the human brainstem.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to investigate the corticofacial projections in 53 patients with (n = 28) and without (n = 25) central facial paresis due to unifocal ischaemic lesions at different brainstem levels. Lesion topography documented by MRI studies was correlated with the electrophysiological findings. In the majority of patients the corticofacial fibres travel within the ventromedial base of the pons and cross the midline at the level of the facial nucleus. In some individuals, however, we found evidence that corticolingual fibres form an 'aberrant bundle' in a paralemniscal position at the dorsal edge of the pontine base. In other patients the corticofacial fibres loo…

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Topodiagnostic implications of hemiataxia: An MRI-based brainstem mapping analysis

The topodiagnostic implications of hemiataxia following lesions of the human brainstem are only incompletely understood. We performed a voxel-based statistical analysis of lesions documented on standardised MRI in 49 prospectively recruited patients with acute hemiataxia due to isolated unilateral brainstem infarction. For statistical analysis individual MRI lesions were normalised and imported in a three-dimensional voxel-based anatomical model of the human brainstem. Statistical analysis revealed hemiataxia to be associated with lesions of three distinct brainstem areas. The strongest correlation referred to ipsilateral rostral and dorsolateral medullary infarcts affecting the inferior ce…

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Dysarthria in acute ischemic stroke: lesion topography, clinicoradiologic correlation, and etiology.

Background and purpose: Although dysarthria is a frequent symptom in cerebral ischemia, there is little information on its anatomic specificity, spectrum of associated clinical characteristics, and etiologic mechanisms. Methods: An investigation of 68 consecutive patients with sudden onset of dysarthria due to a single infarction confirmed by MRI or CT was conducted. Results: Dysarthria was associated with a classic lacunar stroke syndrome in 52.9% of patients. Isolated dysarthria and dysarthria–central facial and lingual paresis occurred in 2.9% (n = 2) and 10.3% (n = 7), respectively. Dysarthria–clumsy hand syndrome was observed in 11.7% (n = 8) of patients and associated with pure motor …

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L�sionsverteilung von Hirnstamminfarkten im MRT

Seit langer Zeit sind typische Hirnstammsyndrome bekannt. Eines der haufigsten ist das Wallenberg- Syndrom bei dorsolateralem Medulla-oblongata-Infarkt. Ursache ist hier meist ein Verschluss der ipsilateralen PICA. Die Vielzahl der Syndrome auf der einen Seite sowie die Klassifikation der Hirnstamminfarkte in Gruppen andererseits konnen als Hinweis darauf angesehen werden, dass die Hirnstamminfarkte regelmasig bestimmte Territorien und Gebiete bevorzugen. Inwieweit diese Hypothese zutrifft, sollte an einem Patientenklientel mit akuten Hirnstamminfarkten untersucht werden. Ziel unserer Arbeit war die Darstellung typischer Lasionsverteilungen bei Patienten mit akutem Hirnstamminfarkt. Bei 117…

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Chapter 4 3D brainstem topodiagnosis – a voxel-based model analyzing MR imaging data

Publisher Summary This chapter presents a new method of statistically based three-dimensional (3D) brainstem mapping to identify brainstem structures responsible for specific clinical and electrophysiological abnormalities. To ensure reliable correlations, a large cohort of patients with magnetic resonance (MR)-documented brainstem infarctions were recruited in two European neurological institutions—namely, the Department of Neurology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, and the Department of Neurological Sciences, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy. This method minimizes the risk of highlighting vascular territories rather than the structures specifically responsible for th…

research product

A new method to investigate brain stem structural-functional correlations using digital post-processing MRI - reliability in ischemic internuclear ophthalmoplegia

We investigated the reliability of a new digital post-processing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique in ischemic brain stem lesions to identify relations of the lesion to anatomical brain stem structures. The target was a medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) lesion, which was evident from ipsilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO). Sixteen patients with acute unilateral INO and an isolated acute brain stem lesion in T2- and EPI-diffusion weighted MRI within 2 days after the onset of symptoms were studied. The MRI slice direction was parallel and perpendicular to a slice selection of a stereotactic anatomical atlas. The individual slices were normalized and projected in the digita…

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Diffusionsgewichtetes MRT bei vertebrobasil�ren Isch�mien

The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability, sensitivity, and predictive power of diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) in the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar infarction. From 1997 to 2002, we prospectively recruited 268 patients with acute signs and symptoms suspective of vertebrobasilar ischemia. The patients underwent biplanar EPI-T2 and EPI DWI within 24 h after onset of symptoms and high-resolution MRI as a control within 7 days. One hundred twenty-one patients had additional CT scanning. The DWI revealed acute vertebrobasilar infarction in 71.0%. The mean time exposure of DWI was 8 min and thus no more than that of CT imaging. It showed significantly more acute lesions than CT …

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A topodiagnostic investigation on body lateropulsion in medullary infarcts.

Body lateropulsion may occur without signs of vestibular dysfunction and vestibular nucleus involvement. The authors examined 10 such patients with three-dimensional brainstem mapping. Body lateropulsion without limb ataxia reflected an impairment of vestibulospinal postural control caused by a lesion of the descending lateral vestibulospinal tract, whereas body lateropulsion with limb ataxia was probably the consequence of impaired or absent proprioceptive information caused by a lesion of the ascending dorsal spino-cerebellar tract.

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Bilateral Wallerian degeneration of the medial cerebellar peduncles after ponto-mesencephalic infarction

Three patients with acute large paramedian ponto-mesencephalic infarctions developed a bilateral retrograde degeneration of the medial cerebellar peduncles within 4 months after the insult. In an initial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) within the first 2 weeks, the medial cerebellar peduncles showed normal intensities, but a control MRI after 4 months showed bright hyperintensities in the T2-TSE weighted images, and moderately increased signal intensities in echo planar imaging-diffusion weighted imaging were seen, possibly representing bilateral Wallerian degeneration of the cerebellar-pontine fibers.

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Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of reversible ischaemic deficits of the brainstem

Objectives: To evaluate the sensitivity of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the diagnosis of clinically suspected reversible ischaemic deficits of the brainstem. Methods: A total of 158 consecutive patients presenting with acute signs of brainstem dysfunction were investigated using EPI diffusion weighted MRI within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. High resolution T1 and T2 weighted imaging was performed as a follow up after a median of six days Results: Fourteen of the 158 patients had a complete clinical recovery within 24 hours (transitory ischaemic attack (TIA)), and 19 patients recovered in less than one week (prolonged reversible neurological deficit (RIND)). …

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Vasculitic wallenberg syndrome with detection of anti-proteinase 3 antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with severe Wegener's granulomatosis and only mild kidney involvement.

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Mechanisms and predictors of chronic facial pain in lateral medullary infarction

The purpose of this study was to identify clinical predictors and anatomical structures involved in patients with pain after dorsolateral medullary infarction. Eight out of 12 patients (67%) developed poststroke pain within 12 days to 24 months after infarction. The pain occurred in the ipsilateral face (6 patients) and/or the contralateral limbs and trunk (5 patients, 3 of whom also had facial pain). Ipsilateral facial pain was significantly correlated with lower medullary lesions, including those of the spinal trigeminal tract and/or nucleus, as documented by magnetic resonance imaging. The R2 blink reflex component was abnormal only in patients with facial pain. Likewise, pain and temper…

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Time course of lesion development in patients with acute brain stem infarction and correlation with NIHSS score.

diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is highly sensitive in detecting acute supratentorial cerebral ischemia and Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) lesion size has been shown to correlate strongly with the neurologic deficit in middle cerebral artery territory stroke. However, data concerning infratentorial strokes are rare. We examined the size and evolution of acute brain stem ischemic lesions and their relationship to neurological outcome.brain stem infarctions of 11 patients were analyzed. We performed DWI in all patients and in 7/11 patients within 24 h, T2W sequences within the first 2 weeks (10/11 patients) and follow-up MRI (MR2) within 3-9 months (median 4.8 months) la…

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Somatotopic organization of the corticospinal tract in the human brainstem: a MRI-based mapping analysis.

To investigate the incompletely understood somatotopical organization of the corticospinal tract in the human brainstem, we performed a voxel-based statistical analysis of standardized magnetic resonance scans of 41 prospectively recruited patients with pyramidal tract dysfunction caused by acute brainstem infarction. Motor hemiparesis was rated clinically and by the investigation of motor evoked potentials to arms and legs. Infarction affected the pons in 85% of cases. We found the greatest level of significance of affected brainstem areas between the pontomesencephalic junction and the mid pons. Lesion location was significantly more dorsal in patients with hemiparesis affecting more prox…

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Chapter 15 Pain and itch in Wallenberg's syndrome: anatomical–functional correlations

Publisher Summary The Wallenberg syndrome or dorso-lateral medullary infarction is the most common vascular syndrome of the medulla oblongata. Its clinical features include an ipsilateral Horner's syndrome, an ipsilateral limb ataxia, and mostly an ipsilateral but sometimes also a contralateral or bilateral decrease of pain and temperature sensibility of the face. Patients with Wallenberg's syndrome and with morphological (lesion) or functional (ipsilateral sensory deficit and delayed late blink reflex responses) show evidence of damage to the trigeminal tract and nucleus with sparing of the nucleus caudalis would develop facial pain. The trigeminal trophic syndrome (TTS), a very rare compl…

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Diffusion-weighted MRI of cholesteatomas of the petrous bone

Purpose To investigate if primary cholesteatomas of the petrous bone show high signal in diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Materials and methods In this blinded study, we compared 15 patients with clinically certain cases and later surgically proven cholesteatomas vs. 12 patients with clinically acute otitis of the middle ear and 20 volunteers without petrous bone disease. Two blinded readers without knowledge of the clinical data decided in consensus agreement whether there was a pathologic signal increase in the petrous bone in an anisotropic single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) DWI sequence, an artifact, or no signal increase. Results Thirteen of 15 patients with cholesteatomas showed b…

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Topodiagnostic value of blink reflex R1 changes: a digital postprocessing MRI correlation study.

The aim of the study was to investigate the relation of the blink reflex R1 arc to known anatomical brainstem structures. Acute vascular brainstem lesions as identified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of patients with isolated R1 pathology were superimposed into a stereotactic anatomical atlas using a new method of digital postprocessing. Isolated acute brainstem lesions were documented by diffusion-weighted MRI in 12 of 24 patients with unilateral R1 pathology. The lesions were located in the ipsilateral mid- to lower pons. In three patients only, the lesion had partial contact with the principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (PSN) on at least one level. In two patients, the …

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