‘It’s not a part of me, but it is what it is’: the struggle of becoming en-wheeled after spinal cord injury
Many people who experience spinal cord injury become long-term wheelchair users. This article addresses the process of becoming en-wheeled through the case example of a disabled man called Patrick.An intrinsic case study informed by posthumanist developments was used. Within this design, Patrick and his manual wheelchair were the entangled participants of the inquiry.Interviews and fieldwork observation with Patrick were conducted. Qualitative data were analysed using the posthumanist notion of 'assemblages'.The results illuminate Patrick's struggle of negotiating a new embodied selfhood that includes the wheelchair. Patrick engaged in ableist rehabilitation after spinal cord injury to recu…
El uso del relato autobiográfico como elemento de evaluación: una experiencia en Educación Superior
En este trabajo se hace uso del relato autobiografico como elemento de evaluacion. Se solicito al estudiantado que redactara dos relatos, uno con los recuerdos de las clases de educacion fisica (EF) antes de haber cursado sus estudios de magisterio y otro en el que ofrecieran su vision de la EF despues de haber cursado la asignatura de didactica de la EF en educacion primaria (EP). En el primer relato, destacaron los recuerdos negativos, en muchos casos debido a un enfoque tradicional de la asignatura basado en la ideologia del rendimiento. En cambio, tras haber ofrecido un enfoque alternativo en la asignatura del grado en el cual se justifica el valor educativo de la EF, se observo en los …
‘Como una chica’: un estudio provocativo sobre estereotipos de género en educación física (‘Like a girl’: a provocative study on gender stereotypes in physical education)
Visibilizar y combatir las desigualdades de género que se (re)producen en el deporte constituye uno de los retos principales de la educación física sociocrítica. Este estudio provocativo aborda la percepción del alumnado sobre los estereotipos de género en su engarce con la habilidad motriz. Para ello, analiza una experiencia pedagógica en educación física basada en el uso del edublog. Se recogieron 110 comentarios de un grupo de estudiantes de Bachillerato a través de una entrada que contenía un video de YouTube sobre estereotipos de género en el deporte y varias preguntas para estimular el debate. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un análisis temático flexible de los comentarios. Los result…
Predicting physical activity in university students with disabilities: The role of social ecological barriers in the theory of planned behaviour
Abstract Background Even though university students with disabilities are less active than their peers without disabilities, there is scarce knowledge on the predictors of physical activity (PA) in this population. Objectives To predict PA in Spanish university students with disabilities using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and to examine the role of social ecological barriers within this theoretical framework. Methods Participants (N = 1079; Mean age = 40.12) for this cross-sectional study were recruited through the disability care services of 55 Spanish universities. The TPB constructs were assessed using a questionnaire. The Spanish short form of the International Physical Activit…
Tinkering with the two-to-one interview: Reflections on the use of two interviewers in qualitative constructionist inquiry
Abstract Typically, qualitative interviews implicate a single interviewer. In this article, we consider an alternative comprising the simultaneous, active involvement of two interviewers. We base our considerations on experiences using the two-to-one interview in a nationwide research project on disability and physical activity. In addition to untapping and developing a qualitative interview method, the article provides an example in action of tinkering in qualitative inquiry. Tinkering entails a constant questioning of what to do, what is best, and what is appropriate within each moment of the research. Echoing social constructionist scholars, we argue that this flexible approach is useful…
Physical Activity and Accomplishment of Recommendations in University Students with Disabilities: A Longitudinal Study
University settings are socio-environmental contexts that can reduce health disparities in students with disabilities. Therefore, the aim of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the longitudinal physical activity (PA) changes of Spanish university students with disabilities during a three-year period
The Anabasis of Patrick: Travelling an allegorical narrative map of illness and disability
Abstract Objectives This paper examines the stories of Patrick, a man living with cancer and a spinal cord injury. Design An intrinsic case study was used to address Patrick's experiences. The design of the study is underpinned by narrative dialogism. Method Photo-elicitation interviews were conducted. Visual and verbal data were analysed using a dialogical narrative analysis. Results Patrick aligned his experiences with a story titled Anabasis to organize and express them. Although Anabasis is not a story about illness, it provides Patrick with an allegorical narrative map of how to live with disability and survive illness. Within ‘The Anabasis of Patrick’, the analysis identified three st…
Introducing postqualitative inquiry in sport and exercise psychology
In recent years, qualitative research has gained popularity and legitimacy in sport and exercise psychology. However, this scientific discipline has not yet paid attention to postqualitative inquiry (PQI), despite the possibilities it offers for producing different knowledge and producing knowledge differently. The present article is the first attempt to rectify this lack of attention by offering a brief and partial sketch of PQI in the context of sport and exercise psychology. To start with, three of the basic propositions that enable PQI are described. These are: adopt a posthumanist view of ontology and the subject; engage with poststructuralism (necessarily) and new materialism (possibl…
El miedo condiciona la manera de vivir, aprender y crecer en la escuela. Partiendo de datos etnográficos, este estudio explora la experiencia de miedo en Educación Física (EF) por medio de una perspectiva narrativa. Para analizar los datos y comunicar los resultados se utilizan prácticas analíticas creativas. El núcleo del artículo es una historia contada por Eva, una alumna que se enfrenta a un examen de EF. Su mirada evoca qué hace el miedo en diversos ambientes narrativos. La historia se presenta como un recurso para pensar con y sobre la experiencia del miedo en EF.
Este estudio explora cómo un grupo de mujeres con discapacidad (n=6) experimentan y perciben la práctica de actividad física en un gimnasio adaptado. Se utilizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas como instrumento de recogida de datos cualitativos y se realizó un análisis temático inductivo. Los resultados se agruparon en torno a cuatro categorías temáticas emergentes: condición física y autonomía personal; papel paliativo del ejercicio; bienestar psicológico; relación social y apoyo. Destaca la experiencia satisfactoria de las participantes, en la que predomina una valoración positiva de procesos autorregulativos, la concepción social-relacional de la actividad física, y la relevancia del gi…
Physical activity of university students with disabilities: accomplishment of recommendations and differences by age, sex, disability and weight status.
Abstract Objectives This article aims to study physical activity and the achievement of World Health Organization physical activity recommendations in university students with disabilities, and to examine differences by sex, age, disability characteristics and weight status. Study design Cross-sectional data from a wider research project conducted at the Spanish universities from Autumn 2016 to Autumn 2017 were analysed. Methods The International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form was administered to 1103 Spanish university students with different disabilities. Nonparametric tests were performed to examine the differences in physical activity based on the interest variables. Results…
‘Haz lo que puedas’. Un estudio de caso sobre diversidad funcional y Educación Física
Resumen basado en el de la publicación Título, resumen y palabras clave disponibles en español y en inglés Las experiencias de las personas con diversidad funcional en Educación Física (EF) suelen ser poco satisfactorias. Por ello, se pretende estudiar las experiencias de Félix, un hombre con miopatía congénita y usuario de silla de ruedas. Félix fue escogido para el estudio a propósito, debido a su historial educativo vinculado a las ciencias del deporte y la enseñanza de la EF. Se llevaron a cabo cuatro entrevistas en profundidad. En estas, se repasaron las etapas de Primaria y Secundaria, la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte y el posterior paso de Félix por el …
Traveling material↔semiotic environments of disability, rehabilitation, and physical activity.
In this article, we apply narrative dialogism and new materialism to health research. We examine how material↔semiotic environments (MSEs) affect the rehabilitation process of Patrick, a man who exercised with the aim to recover from spinal cord injury. The MSEs are considered embedded subcases within the overall holistic case of Patrick. Three MSEs were identified: the hospital gym, the personal gym, and the adapted gym. These are examined using the analytical lens of assemblages. First, the mutually affecting components of each MSE are described. Second, a larger environmental assemblage is identified, which is termed exercise-is-restitution assemblage. This composite assemblage illumina…
What is new in new materialism for a newcomer?
AbstractHaving recently emerged as an intellectual project, new materialism (NM) is extending to different fields, including sport, exercise and health studies. However, it is still unclear why and how NM is new, which can jeopardise its potential impact in academia and society. The aim of this paper is to discuss the newness of NM and to explore how it plays out in relation to different issues, such as knowledge translation and partisan positions. At the same time, NM is used as a way of understanding my own positionality as a newcomer who is becoming an academic within a field having manifold intellectual debates while being shaped by a neoliberal rationality. Reasons as to why NM has to …
Directrices científicas de ejercicio para personas adultas con lesión medular: proceso de desarrollo, resultados y recomendaciones para su implementación
espanolEl presente articulo describe el proceso sistematico seguido para desarrollar unas directrices cientificas de ejercicio para personas con lesion medular, asi como sus resultados. Para mejorar la condicion fisica, las personas adultas con lesion medular deben realizar al menos 20 minutos de ejercicio aerobico de intensidad moderada-vigorosa, dos veces por semana, combinados con tres series de ejercicios de fuerza de intensidad moderada-vigorosa por cada grupo muscular con funcionalidad, dos veces por semana. Para mejorar la salud cardiometabolica, se sugiere que las personas adultas con lesion medular realicen al menos 30 minutos de ejercicio aerobico de intensidad moderada-vigorosa t…
Resumen En Educación Física, el alumnado con baja competencia motriz puede verse humillado. La humillación suele quedar silenciada dentro de las personas que la sufren. Este artículo pretende sacar a la luz y reflexionar sobre los sentimientos de humillación de una alumna de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (CCAFD). Para ello, la alumna ofrece un relato autoetnográfico que representa sus experiencias de manera semificcional. Dentro del espectro autoetnográfico, se adopta una posición moderada. Tras justificar dicha posición, el artículo presenta algunas reflexiones acerca de cómo el campo de la educación físico-deportiva, y en particular los estudios de CCAFD, generan prácticas …
Environmental Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity among University Students with Physical Disability—A Qualitative Study in Spain
This paper qualitatively examines environmental factors operating as barriers and/or facilitators to participation in physical activity (PA) of people with physical disabilities. Interview data were collected from 27 Spanish university students through the innovative method of two-on-one interviews. Thereafter, data were subject to a flexible thematic analysis. Three themes were constructed: associations