Ramon Esteban-romero
On X-saturated formations of finite groups
[EN] In the paper, a Frattini-like subgroup associated with a class X of simple groups is introduced and analysed. The corresponding X-saturated formations are exactly the X-local ones introduced by Förster. Our techniques are also very useful to highlight the properties and behaviour of omega-local formations. In fact, extensions and improvements of several results of Shemetkov are natural consequences of our study.
On a class of p-soluble groups
[EN] Let p be a prime. The class of all p-soluble groups G such that every p-chief factor of G is cyclic and all p-chief factors of G are G-isomorphic is studied in this paper. Some results on T-, PT-, and PST -groups are also obtained.
On large orbits of subgroups of linear groups
The main aim of this paper is to prove an orbit theorem and to apply it to obtain a result that can be regarded as a significant step towards the solution of Gluck’s conjecture on large character degrees of finite solvable groups.
On a graph related to permutability in finite groups
For a finite group G we define the graph $\Gamma(G)$ to be the graph whose vertices are the conjugacy classes of cyclic subgroups of G and two conjugacy classes $\{\mathcal {A}, \mathcal {B}\}$ are joined by an edge if for some $\{A \in \mathcal {A},\, B \in \mathcal {B}\, A\}$ and B permute. We characterise those groups G for which $\Gamma(G)$ is complete.
Permutable subnormal subgroups of finite groups
The aim of this paper is to prove certain characterization theorems for groups in which permutability is a transitive relation, the so called PT -groups. In particular, it is shown that the finite solvable PT -groups, the finite solvable groups in which every subnormal subgroup of defect two is permutable, the finite solvable groups in which every normal subgroup is permutable sensitive, and the finite solvable groups in which conjugatepermutability and permutability coincide are all one and the same class. This follows from our main result which says that the finite modular p-groups, p a prime, are those p-groups in which every subnormal subgroup of defect two is permutable or, equivalentl…
A generalization to Sylow permutability of pronormal subgroups of finite groups
[EN] In this note, we present a new subgroup embedding property that can be considered as an analogue of pronormality in the scope of permutability and Sylow permutability in finite groups. We prove that finite PST-groups, or groups in which Sylow permutability is a transitive relation, can be characterized in terms of this property, in a similar way as T-groups, or groups in which normality is transitive, can be characterized in terms of pronormality.
Products of formations of finite groups
[EN] In this paper criteria for a product of formations to be X-local, X a class of simple groups, are obtained. Some classical results on products of saturated formations appear as particular cases.
[EN] In [J. C. Beidleman, D. J. S. Robinson, J. Algebra 1997, 191, 686--703, Theorem A], Beidleman and Robinson proved that if a group satisfies the permutizer condition, it is soluble, its chief factors have order a prime number or 4 and G induces the full group of automorphisms in the chief factors of order 4. In this paper, we show that the converse of this theorem is false by showing some counterexamples. We also find some sufficient conditions for a group satisfying the converse of that theorem to satisfy the permutizer condition.
A note on the rational canonical form of an endomorphism of a vector space of finite dimension
[EN] In this note, we give an easy algorithm to construct the rational canonical form of a square matrix or an endomorphism h of a finite dimensional vector space which does not depend on either the structure theorem for finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains or matrices over the polynomial ring. The algorithm is based on the construction of an element whose minimum polynomial coincides with the minimum polynomial of the endomorphism and on the fact that the h-invariant subspace generated by such an element admits an h-invariant complement. It is also shown that this element can be easily obtained without the factorisation of a polynomial as a product of irreducible polynom…
A note on a result of Guo and Isaacs about p-supersolubility of finite groups
In this note, global information about a finite group is obtained by assuming that certain subgroups of some given order are S-semipermutable. Recall that a subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be S-semipermutable if H permutes with all Sylow subgroups of G of order coprime to . We prove that for a fixed prime p, a given Sylow p-subgroup P of a finite group G, and a power d of p dividing such that , if is S-semipermutable in for all normal subgroups H of P with , then either G is p-supersoluble or else . This extends the main result of Guo and Isaacs in (Arch. Math. 105:215-222 2015). We derive some theorems that extend some known results concerning S-semipermutable subgroups.
On a class of supersoluble groups
A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be S-semipermutable in G if H permutes with every Sylow q-subgroup of G for all primes q not dividing |H|. A finite group G is an MS-group if the maximal subgroups of all the Sylow subgroups of G are S-semipermutable in G. The aim of the present paper is to characterise the finite MS-groups.
On Large Orbits of Actions of Finite Soluble Groups: Applications
The main aim of this survey paper is to present two orbit theorems and to show how to apply them to obtain a result that can be regarded as a significant step towards the solution of Gluck’s conjecture on large character degrees of finite soluble groups. We also show how to apply them to solve questions about intersections of some conjugacy families of subgroups of finite soluble groups.
On finite involutive Yang–Baxter groups
[EN] A group G is said to be an involutive Yang¿Baxter group, or simply an IYB-group, if it is isomorphic to the permutation group of an involutive, nondegenerate set-theoretic solution of the Yang-Baxter equation. We give new sufficient conditions for a group that can be factorised as a product of two IYB-groups to be an IYB-group. Some earlier results are direct consequences of our main theorem.
On finite groups with many supersoluble subgroups
[EN] The solubility of a finite group with less than 6 non-supersoluble subgroups is confirmed in the paper. Moreover we prove that a finite insoluble group has exactly 6 non-supersoluble subgroups if and only if it is isomorphic to A5 or SL2 (5). Furthermore, it is shown that a finite insoluble group has exactly 22 non-nilpotent subgroups if and only if it is isomorphic to A5 or SL2 (5). This confirms a conjecture of Zarrin (Arch Math (Basel) 99:201 206, 2012).
On large orbits of supersoluble subgroups of linear groups
The research of this paper has been supported by the grant MTM2014-54707-C3-1-P from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, and FEDER, European Union, by the grant PGC2018-095140-B-I00 from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades and the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Spain, and FEDER, European Union, and by the grant PROMETEO/2017/057 from the Generalitat, Valencian Community, Spain. The first author is supported by the predoctoral grant 201606890006 from the China Scholarship Council. The second author is supported by the grant 11401597 from the National Science Foundation of Chin
Sylow permutable subnormal subgroups of finite groups
[EN] An extension of the well-known Frobenius criterion of p-nilpotence in groups with modular Sylow p-subgroups is proved in the paper. This result is useful to get information about the classes of groups in which every subnormal subgroup is permutable and Sylow permutable.
La Prova Cangur en la Comunitat Valenciana
[EN] The Kangaroo competition, with more than five million participants, has become during the last years one of the main channels to disseminate Mathematics around the young people around the world. In this note we describe the Kangaroo competition and we comment some of its characteristics in the Valencian Community.
Formations of Monoids, Congruences, and Formal Languages
The main goal in this paper is to use a dual equivalence in automata theory started in [25] and developed in [3] to prove a general version of the Eilenberg-type theorem presented in [4]. Our principal results confirm the existence of a bijective correspondence between three concepts; formations of monoids, formations of languages and formations of congruences. The result does not require finiteness on monoids, nor regularity on languages nor finite index conditions on congruences. We relate our work to other results in the field and we include applications to non-r-disjunctive languages, Reiterman s equational description of pseudovarieties and varieties of monoids.
In this paper, solubility of groups factorised as a product of two subgroups which are connected by certain permutability properties is studied.
Large characteristically simple sections of finite groups
In this paper we prove that if G is a group for which there are k non-Frattini chief factors isomorphic to a characteristically simple group A, then G has a normal section C/R that is the direct product of k minimal normal subgroups of G/R isomorphic to A. This is a significant extension of the notion of crown for isomorphic chief factors.
On finiteJ-groups
AbstractCharacterisations of finite groups in which normality is a transitive relation are presented in the paper. We also characterise the finite groups in which every subgroup is either permutable or coincides with its permutiser as the groups in which every subgroup is permutable.
Some classes of finite groups and mutually permutable products
[EN] This paper is devoted to the study of mutually permutable products of finite groups. A factorised group G=AB is said to be a mutually permutable product of its factors A and B when each factor permutes with every subgroup of the other factor. We prove that mutually permutable products of Y-groups (groups satisfying a converse of Lagrange's theorem) and SC-groups (groups whose chief factors are simple) are SC-groups, by means of a local version. Next we show that the product of pairwise mutually permutable Y-groups is supersoluble. Finally, we give a local version of the result stating that when a mutually permutable product of two groups is a PST-group (that is, a group in which every …
Bounds on the number of maximal subgroups of finite groups
In this paper we obtain significant bounds for the number of maximal subgroups of a given index of a finite group. These results allow us to give new bounds for the number of random generators needed to generate a finite $d$-generated group with high probability.
On minimal non-supersoluble groups
[EN] The aim of this paper is to classify the finite minimal non-p-supersoluble groups, p a prime number, in the p-soluble universe.
On totally permutable products of finite groups
[EN] The behaviour of totally permutable products of finite groups with respect to certain classes of groups is studied in the paper. The results are applied to obtain information about totally permutable products of T, PT, and PST-groups.
Maximal subgroups and PST-groups
A subgroup H of a group G is said r to permute with a subgroup K of G if HK is a subgroup of G. H is said to be permutable (resp. S-permutable) if it permutes with all the subgroups (resp. Sylow subgroups) of G. Finite groups in which permutability (resp. S-permutability) is a transitive relation are called PT-groups (resp. PST-groups). PT-, PST- and T-groups, or groups in which normality is transitive, have been extensively studied and characterised. Kaplan [Kaplan G., On T-groups, supersolvable groups, and maxmial subgroups, Arch. Math. (Basel), 2011, 96(1), 19-25)] presented some new characterisations of soluble T-groups. The main goal of this paper is to establish PT- and PST-versions o…
A description based on languages of the final non-deterministic automaton
The study of the behaviour of non-deterministic automata has traditionally focused on the languages which can be associated to the different states. Under this interpretation, the different branches that can be taken at every step are ignored. However, we can also take into account the different decisions which can be made at every state, that is, the branches that can be taken, and these decisions might change the possible future behaviour. In this case, the behaviour of the automata can be described with the help of the concept of bisimilarity. This is the kind of description that is usually obtained when the automata are regarded as labelled transition systems or coalgebras. Contrarily t…
El papel de los coordinadores en la Olimpiada Matemática Internacional
[EN] In this note, the role of the coordinators in the International Mathematical Olympiad is described.
Primitive subgroups and PST-groups
AbstractAll groups considered in this paper are finite. A subgroup $H$ of a group $G$ is called a primitive subgroup if it is a proper subgroup in the intersection of all subgroups of $G$ containing $H$ as a proper subgroup. He et al. [‘A note on primitive subgroups of finite groups’, Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 28(1) (2013), 55–62] proved that every primitive subgroup of $G$ has index a power of a prime if and only if $G/ \Phi (G)$ is a solvable PST-group. Let $\mathfrak{X}$ denote the class of groups $G$ all of whose primitive subgroups have prime power index. It is established here that a group $G$ is a solvable PST-group if and only if every subgroup of $G$ is an $\mathfrak{X}$-group.
The Structure Group and the Permutation Group of a Set-Theoretic Solution of the Quantum Yang–Baxter Equation
We describe the left brace structure of the structure group and the permutation group associated to an involutive, non-degenerate set-theoretic solution of the quantum YangBaxter equation by using the Cayley graph of its permutation group with respect to its natural generating system. We use our descriptions of the additions in both braces to obtain new properties of the structure and the permutation groups and to recover some known properties of these groups in a more transparent way.
Some local properties defining $\mathcal T_0$-groups and related classes of groups
We call $G$ a $\operatorname{Hall}_{\mathcal X}$-group if there exists a normal nilpotent subgroup $N$ of $G$ for which $G/N'$ is an ${\mathcal X}$-group. We call $G$ a ${\mathcal T}_0$-group provided $G/\Phi(G)$ is a ${\mathcal T}$-group, that is, one in which normality is a transitive relation. We present several new local classes of groups which locally define $\operatorname{Hall}_{\mathcal X}$-groups and ${\mathcal T}_0$-groups where ${\mathcal X}\in\{ {\mathcal T},\mathcal {PT},\mathcal {PST}\}$; the classes $\mathcal {PT}$ and $\mathcal {PST}$ denote, respectively, the classes of groups in which permutability and S-permutability are transitive relations.
Some subgroup embeddings in finite groups: A mini review
[EN] In this survey paper several subgroup embedding properties related to some types of permutability are introduced and studied. ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University
Group Extensions and Graphs
A classical result of Gaschütz affirms that given a finite A-generated group G and a prime p, there exists a group G# and an epimorphism phi: G# ---> G whose kernel is an elementary abelian p-group which is universal among all groups satisfying this property. This Gaschütz universal extension has also been described in the mathematical literature with the help of the Cayley graph. We give an elementary and self-contained proof of the fact that this description corresponds to the Gaschütz universal extension. Our proof depends on another elementary proof of the Nielsen-Schreier theorem, which states that a subgroup of a free group is free.
On a class of generalised Schmidt groups
In this paper families of non-nilpotent subgroups covering the non-nilpotent part of a finite group are considered. An A 5 -free group possessing one of these families is soluble, and soluble groups with this property have Fitting length at most three. A bound on the number of primes dividing the order of the group is also obtained.
Sylow permutable subnormal subgroups of finite groups II
[EN] In this paper a local version of Agrawal's theorem about the structure of finite groups in which Sylow permutability is transitive is given. The result is used to obtain new characterisations of this class of finite groups.
Finite groups with all minimal subgroups solitary
We give a complete classification of the finite groups with a unique subgroup of order p for each prime p dividing its order. All the groups considered in this paper will be finite. One of the most fruitful lines in the research in abstract group theory during the last years has been the study of groups in which the members of a certain family of subgroups satisfy a certain subgroup embedding property. The family of the subgroups of prime order (also called minimal subgroups) has attracted the interest of many mathematicians. For example, a well-known result of Itˆo (see [8, Kapitel III, Satz 5.3; 9]) states that a group of odd order with all minimal subgroups in the center is nilpotent. Th…
On second minimal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups
A subgroup H of a finite group G is a partial CAP-subgroup of G if there is a chief series of G such that H either covers or avoids its chief factors. Partial cover and avoidance property has turned out to be very useful to clear up the group structure. In this paper, finite groups in which the second minimal subgroups of their Sylow p-subgroups, p a fixed prime, are partial CAP-subgroups are completely classified.
On finite soluble groups in which Sylow permutability is a transitive relation
A characterisation of finite soluble groups in which Sylow permutability is a transitive relation by means of subgroup embedding properties enjoyed by all the subgroups is proved in the paper. The key point is an extension of a subnormality criterion due to Wielandt.
On the p-length of some finite p-soluble groups
The main aim of this paper is to give structural information of a finite group of minimal order belonging to a subgroup-closed class of finite groups and whose $p$-length is greater than $1$, $p$ a prime number. Alternative proofs and improvements of recent results about the influence of minimal $p$-subgroups on the $p$-nilpotence and $p$-length of a finite group arise as consequences of our study
On some classes of supersoluble groups
[EN] Finite groups G for which for every subgroup H and for all primes q dividing the index |G:H| there exists a subgroup K of G such that H is contained in K and |K:H|=q are called Y-groups. Groups in which subnormal subgroups permute with all Sylow subgroups are called PST-groups. In this paper a local version of the Y-property leading to a local characterisation of Y-groups, from which the classical characterisation emerges, is introduced. The relationship between PST-groups and Y-groups is also analysed.
On self-normalising subgroups of finite groups
[EN] The aim of this paper is to characterise the classes of groups in which every subnormal subgroup is normal, permutable, or S-permutable by the embedding of the subgroups (respectively, subgroups of prime power order) in their normal, permutable, or S-permutable closure, respectively.
On finite p-groups of supersoluble type
Abstract A finite p-group S is said to be of supersoluble type if every fusion system over S is supersoluble. The main aim of this paper is to characterise the finite p-groups of supersoluble type. Abelian and metacyclic p-groups of supersoluble type are completely described. Furthermore, we show that the Sylow p-subgroups of supersoluble type of a finite simple group must be cyclic.
Algorithms for permutability in finite groups
In this paper we describe some algorithms to identify permutable and Sylow-permutable subgroups of finite groups, Dedekind and Iwasawa finite groups, and finite T-groups (groups in which normality is transitive), PT-groups (groups in which permutability is transitive), and PST-groups (groups in which Sylow permutability is transitive). These algorithms have been implemented in a package for the computer algebra system GAP.
The exact bounds for the degree of commutativity of a p-group of maximal class, I
Abstract The first major study of p-groups of maximal class was made by Blackburn in 1958. He showed that an important invariant of these groups is the ‘degree of commutativity.’ Recently (1995) Fernandez-Alcober proved a best possible inequality for the degree of commutativity in terms of the order of the group. Recent computations for primes up to 43 show that sharper results can be obtained when an additional invariant is considered. A series of conjectures about this for all primes have been recorded in [A. Vera-Lopez et al., preprint]. In this paper, we prove two of these conjectures.
On finite groups generated by strongly cosubnormal subgroups
[EN] Two subgroups A and B of a group G are cosubnormal if A and B are subnormal in their join and are strongly cosubnormal if every subgroup of A is cosubnormal with every subgroup of B. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for A and B to be strongly cosubnormal in and, if Z is the hypercentre of G=, we show that A and B are strongly cosubnormal if and only if G/Z is the direct product of AZ/Z and BZ/Z. We also show that projectors and residuals for certain formations can easily be constructed in such a group. Two subgroups A and B of a group G are N-connected if every cyclic subgroup of A is cosubnormal with every cyclic subgroup of B (N denotes the class of nilpotent groups). Thou…
On the supersoluble hypercentre of a finite group
[EN] We give some sufficient conditions for a normal p-subgroup P of a finite group G to have every G-chief factor below it cyclic. The S-permutability of some p-subgroups of O^p(G)plays an important role. Some known results can be reproved and some others appear as corollaries of our main theorems.
On finite minimal non-nilpotent groups
[EN] A critical group for a class of groups X is a minimal non-X-group. The critical groups are determined for various classes of finite groups. As a consequence, a classification of the minimal non-nilpotent groups (also called Schmidt groups) is given, together with a complete proof of Gol¿fand¿s theorem on maximal Schmidt groups.