Andris Jakovics

Analyses of phase change materials’ efficiency in warm-summer humid continental climate conditions

The usage of phase change materials (PCMs) is a way to store excess energy pro- duced during the hot time of the day and release it during the night thereby reducing the overheating problem. While, in Latvian climate conditions overheating is not a big issue in traditional buildings since it happens only a couple of weeks per year air conditioners must still be installed to maintain thermal comfort. The need for cooling in recently built office buildings with large window area can increase signi cantly. It is therefore of great interest if the ther- mal comfort conditions can be maintained by PCMs alone or with reduced maximum power of installed cooling systems. Our initial studies show tha…

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Establishing material hygrothermal characteristics via long-term monitoring and best-fit numerical models

Numerical models of heat and moisture transfer for performance forecast of lightweight insulating assemblies require many inputs. These include exterior climate data (i.e. temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation), interior climate data or standard models, transfer coefficients, correct initial conditions, etc. Most importantly, one needs reliable material models. A material model includes porosity, density, heat capacity, but also non-constant properties, such as thermal conductivity, vapor/liquid water diffusivity, sorption curves. These are, in general, difficult to determine, and material database entries often are incomplete, or simply non-existent. However, if one performs long…

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Studies Energy Efficiency of the Renewable Sources use Considering Climate in Latvia

AbstractThe paper discusses problems of energy supply of buildings using renewable sources given the local climatic conditions. The meteorological conditions in Latvia and Riga for last year were analyzed. In paper shows examples of energy efficient buildings allowing that to provide comfort temperature and indoor air quality. The structure and composition of local building materials, providing good thermal insulation are described. The heating systems for test buildings using renewable energy sources were investigated. The assessment of the energy efficiency of the “air-air” and “air-water” heat pumps is studied.

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Redistribution of solid inclusions in the turbulent flow of metallurgical induction furnaces

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Argon bubble flow in liquid gallium in external magnetic field

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Numerical and experimental study of liquid metal stirring by rotating permanent magnets

In this work, we study liquid gallium stirring by rotating permanent magnets. We demonstrate possibility of easily creating different flow patterns by rotating permanent magnets, which can be industrially important for controlling heat and mass transfer processes in the system. Unlike the typical approach of simulating magnet rotation as a transient problem and time-averaging the Lorentz forces, we solve the magnet rotation as a harmonic (frequency domain) problem, which leads to forces equal to time-averaged ones and decreases the simulation time considerably. Numerical results are validated using qualitative flow structure results from the neutron radiography visualization of tracer parti…

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Liquid metal free surface dynamics in rotating permanent magnet stirrer

Abstract We study liquid metal stirring by rotating permanent magnets in a laboratory-scale rectangular glass container. The main goal is numerical model validation using experimental free surface shape data. We find reasonable agreement between the experiments and coupled liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics simulations. Since the surface tension forces are not dominant here, free surface is deformed mainly by the dynamic pressure of the bulk flow. Therefore, we can conclude that not only the free surface profile is similar to experiments, but the bulk flow must be also very similar.

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Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of Different Building Structures in Latvian Climate

Five experimental test buildings have been built in Riga, Latvia. They are identical except external walls for which different mainly regional building materials are used. Calculated U-values of the other walls, floor and ceiling are the same for each test building. Initial moisture influences the relative humidity of indoor air, which can be higher in the initial time period; as a result, heat transmittances are also very different and cause different heating/cooling energy consumption. Overheating risk in summer exists for test buildings with the smallest thermal inertia. Both summer and heating seasons have been analysed and differences between five test houses have been discussed in det…

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Experimental Research of Thermal Comfort Conditions in Small Test Buildings with Different Types of Heating

Abstract The aim of this study is detailed analysis of long-term monitoring data of thermal comfort conditions and energy efficiency in small test buildings equipped with different heating systems. Calculations of PPD index and local thermal discomfort factors are provided for the test buildings during three weeks of heating season. It is shown that the type of heating system has influence not only on heating energy need, but also on thermal comfort conditions in the room.

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Impact of Different Building Materials on Summer Comfort in Low-Energy Buildings

Abstract The aim of the current paper is to analyse thermal comfort and overheating risks in the low-energy buildings in a summer season under Latvian climate conditions both experimentally and numerically. An interior temperature and relative humidity are analysed under free-floating conditions. Two cases are analysed: in one case, the solar influence through the window is taken into account; in the other this influence is omitted. Three different building solutions are observed: two building structures which mainly consist of the mineral wool and wooden materials and one structure from aerated clay bricks and mineral wool. The experiments have been implemented in test stands in Riga, Latv…

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MHT-X: Offline Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Algorithm X

An efficient and versatile implementation of offline multiple hypothesis tracking with Algorithm X for optimal association search was developed using Python. The code is intended for scientific applications that do not require online processing. Directed graph framework is used and multiple scans with progressively increasing time window width are used for edge construction for maximum likelihood trajectories. The current version of the code was developed for applications in multiphase hydrodynamics, e.g. bubble and particle tracking, and is capable of resolving object motion, merges and splits. Feasible object associations and trajectory graph edge likelihoods are determined using weak mas…

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Modeling of PAH elimination by adiabatic steam stripping and intraparticle desorption

The decontamination process of solids loaded with PAH in a pilot plant is modeled. This process is separated into two main stages: fast steam stripping at the entrance of the separation tube and the subsequent slow desorption of PAH from the interior of the soil particles. The stripping process also occurs in two stages: fast diffusion controlled saturation of the partial pressures followed by the heat transfer controlled evaporation. The phase diagram of PAH/water is constructed using both the microscopic model and empirical relationships for systems with wide miscibility gaps. The numerical basis for the calculations describing desorption from the soil particles is discussed. The model fo…

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The magnetohydrodynamic force experienced by spherical iron particles in liquid metal

Abstract The paper contains a theoretical investigation of magnetohydrodynamic force experienced by iron particles (well-conducting and ferromagnetic) in well-conducting liquid. The investigation is performed by extending the Leenov and Kolin's theory to take into account the second-order effect. Therefore, the limits of the parent model are taken over to the present results. It is found that the effective conductivity of iron particles in liquid metal, which is important for practical application of the theoretically obtained force, is approximately equal to 1.5·106 S/m. The last result is obtained using a quasi-empirical approach – a comparison of experimental results with the results of …

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LES modelling of recirculated flows in crucible furnaces

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A Model for Homogenization of Solid Alloying Admixtures in an Induction Crucible Furnace

The paper presents a methodology for identification of homogenization time of alloying inclusions in an induction crucible furnace. The methodology is based on the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Euler-Lagrange calculation of inclusions and a regression model for size of the inclusions and their density. The presented regression model avoids the repeated LES calculations and, therefore, is suitable for an optimization task.

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Monitoring results and analysis of thermal comfort conditions in experimental buildings for different heating systems and ventilation regimes during heating and cooling seasons

This paper focuses on the long-term monitoring of thermal comfort and discomfort parameters in five small test buildings equipped with different heating and cooling systems. Calculations of predicted percentage of dissatisfied people (PPD) index and discomfort factors are provided for the room in winter season running three different heating systems – electric heater, air-air heat pump and air-water heat pump, as well as for the summer cooling with split type air conditioning systems. It is shown that the type of heating/cooling system and its working regime has an important impact on thermal comfort conditions in observed room. Recommendations for the optimal operating regimes and choice o…

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Modelling of EM glass convection

PurposeTo develop the mathematical model, which allows predicting the temperature and flow distribution of an opaque glass melt with the temperature‐dependent properties in case it is generated by electromagnetic and thermal convection. Analysis has been done for geometry of the model crucible with the immersed rod electrodes. Numerical analysis is used as a tool for finding out the parameters of the system, which allow getting desiderated homogeneity of temperature field by EM action.Design/methodology/approachANSYS CFX software is implemented for coupling of EM, thermal and HD processes in the modelled system. Usability of non‐inductive approximation is shown using a full harmonic analysi…

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The paper deals with the distributions of temperature and averaged turbulent airflows in living rooms in 2D and 3D approximations using Ansys/Flotran and Ansys/CFX software respectively. The distributions are calculated depending on the placement and temperature of heaters, heat transfer coefficients of the building structures and ventilation conditions. The authors analyse the influence of these factors on the air circulation and the related heat flows through building structures. The thermal balance of a room and its dependence on various external factors is also considered. As thermal comfort conditions’ parameters are analysed, the airflow velocities and indoor temperatures with its gra…

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Computational and experimental studies of the flow field near the beam entrance window of a liquid metal target

Abstract After the first world liquid metal target has been successfully operated at the SINQ facility at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) for 6 months. The idea of having a reliable target with a bypass flow for cooling the beam entrance window, but with the bypass flow not driven by a separate pump, was examined within the project called LIMETS (Liquid Metal Target for SINQ). In designing of liquid metal targets, turbulence modelling is of high importance due to lack in methods for measuring the spatial distribution of flow and turbulence characteristics. In this study, validation of different turbulence models were performed in water model with hemispherical geometry using particle image…

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Burner backflow reduction in regeneration furnace

In the present case from the steel industry, waste hydrochloric acid from the pickling process is regenerated using spray roasting. The process is driven by four burners placed symmetrically along the periphery of the cylindrical main section of the reactor. Severe problems with gas backflow and sintering of iron oxide inside the burner chamber have led to a complete shut down of the process 1-2 times every week, which is a frequency which significantly affects the productivity. In this study the influence of a kick-out on the gas flow in the vicinity of the burner chamber is investigated numerically. It is shown that the kick-out geometry creates a vortical low pressure region preventing t…

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LES investigation of heat and mass exchange in channel induction furnaces

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Thermal conductivity measurement of insulating innovative building materials by hot plate and heat flow meter devices: A Round Robin Test

Abstract The characterization of thermal insulation properties of construction materials represents a fundamental step on the building insulation assessment. In recent years innovative materials have been introduced in the market to fulfill the continuously growing requirements of energy saving and sustainability, and their performance is not so reliable and mature as it happens for traditional insulators. The work presents a Round Robin Test realised among six European laboratories hosting hot plates devices to measure the thermal conductivity of four different materials: aerogel, vacuum insulation panels, polystyrene and birch wood fibre insulation boards. After the definition of the comm…

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Particle transport in recirculated liquid metal flows

PurposeAims to present recent activities in numerical modeling of turbulent transport processes in induction crucible furnace.Design/methodology/approach3D large eddy simulation (LES) method was applied for fluid flow modeling in a cylindrical container and transport of 30,000 particles was investigated with Lagrangian approach.FindingsParticle accumulation near the side crucible boundary is determined mainly by the ρp/ρ ratio and according to the presented results. Particle settling velocity is of the same order as characteristic melt flow velocity. Particle concentration homogenization time depends on the internal flow regime. Separate particle tracks introduce very intensive mass exchang…

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Calculation of cost-optimal combination of building materials and technical systems for nZEB single-family house using global cost calculation method

As a rule, during the design stage of a single-family house, only initial costs are taken into account and optimised. Long-term financial calculations are usually not even made. At the same time, total costs to design, build and operate the building show a real difference in expenses while living in this house. In the case of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs), this global cost approach becomes especially useful because of the strict requirements of heating and primary energy, as well as the compulsory use of renewable energy sources, requiring more detailed and comprehensive calculations of a cost-optimal set of solutions. In this study, a nZEB single-family house is analysed in detail u…

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Long term energy efficiency study on different wall envelopes in Latvian climate conditions

Abstract Five test stands have been built in Riga, Latvia equipped with sensors (temperature, solar radiation, humidity, etc.) to measure energy efficiency and thermal comfort conditions. Roof and floor constructions are made the same. For the walls building envelopes differ and typical materials used in Latvia (aerated concrete, ceramic building blocks, wooden log and plywood frame with rock wool insulation) are compared. Only rock wool is used for insulation to provide moisture transport through the construction. For study to be comparative thermal transmittance of all five test stands have been calculated equal (U=0.15…0.16 W/(m 2 ∙K)). The aim of research is to compare the integral calc…

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Thermal and Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Melting Process in the Cold Crucible Using 3D Modeling

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Comparative Assessment of Mould Growth Risk in Lightweight Insulating Assemblies Via Analysis of Hygrothermal Data and In Situ Evaluation

In order to assess the sustainability of buildings with different types of insulating assemblies in the Latvian climate, a long-term test building monitoring experiment has been underway since 2013. There are a total of five test buildings on site with roughly six years’ worth of accumulated temperature and humidity readings in the key parts of assemblies. This study is meant to quantify the mould presence in building walls, floor and ceiling by performing laboratory tests, assessing the number of colony-forming units, and comparing the results with mould risk predictions due to the isopleth model developed by Sedlbauer, using both the hygrothermal data derived from the sensors within build…

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Thermal conductivity of disperse insulation materials and their mixtures

Development of new, more efficient thermal insulation materials is a key to reduction of heat losses and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Two innovative materials developed at Thermeko LLC are Izoprok and Izopearl. This research is devoted to experimental study of thermal insulation properties of both materials as well as their mixture. Results show that mixture of 40% Izoprok and 60% of Izopearl has lower thermal conductivity than pure materials. In this work, material thermal conductivity dependence temperature is also measured. Novel modelling approach is used to model spatial distribution of disperse insulation material. Computational fluid dynamics approach is also used to est…

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Automatic Recognition and Analysis of Scanned Non-crimp Fabrics for Calculation of their Fluid Flow Permeability

Automatic recognition of scanned images of distorted bi-axial fiber bundle arrangements is considered in order to obtain the overall permeability of the formed fiber network. Scanned images are pre-processed with color normalization followed by usage of a threshold to find the pixels belonging to the bundles, the threads keeping the bundles together, and the distinct gaps formed between the bundles. Since the scanned images virtually have a perfect grayscale, the intensity can be treated as a corresponding signal of the image. Next the regular character of the fiber network is investigated using Fourier analysis on the fiber bundles as well as on the threads. The direction, position, and s…

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A Statistical Approach to Permeability of Clustered Fibre Reinforcements

The focus is set on mesoscale modelling of permeability of real fabrics used in composite manufacturing. Of particular interest is the effect of expected perturbations from perfect geometries, such as fibre bundle crimp, on the permeability. To start with, variational methods are used to calculate the permeability of individual gaps between fibre bundles. Based on this study a network of unit cells is formed enabling studies of two-and three-dimensional flow through the structure. From such an analysis the overall permeability of an arbitrary distribution of unit cell permeabilities can be calculated. Here random and controlled distributions are simulated. The former is an approximate repr…

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Analysis of Thermal Comfort Conditions and Actual Energy Efficiency for Different Heating Systems in Test Buildings

The aim of this study is detailed analysis of long-term monitoring data on thermal comfort conditions and energy efficiency in small test buildings equipped with different heating systems. Calculations of PPD index and local thermal discomfort factors, as well as actual energy efficiency ratios for different heat pump systems are provided for the test buildings during three weeks of the heating season. It is shown that the type of heating system has an influence not only on heating energy needs, but also on thermal comfort conditions in the room.

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Solid inclusions in an electromagnetically induced recirculated turbulent flow: Simulation and experiment

Abstract The paper presents the numerical and the experimental investigation of the particle-laden recirculated turbulent flow of liquid metal that is driven by electromagnetic force. Such flow is typical for induction metallurgical furnaces. The paper describes the behaviour of solid spherical particles that are mixed in the flow from a top surface of a melt and covers 3 stages of an admixing process as well as deposition of inclusions on the wall of a vessel. Experimental investigation of particles concentration at the quasi-stationary stage is fulfilled on the basis of a novel idea: ferromagnetic particles are proposed as a physical model of non-conductive inclusions in liquid metal at t…

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Numerical investigation of slag formation in an entrained-flow gasifier

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Statistical analysis of the influence of forces on particles in EM driven recirculated turbulent flows

The present paper contains an analysis of the statistical distribution of forces affecting non-conducting particles dispersed in an EM induced recirculated flow in induction furnaces. The simulation is conducted adopting the LES-based Euler-Lagrange approach in the limit of dilute conditions (one-way coupling). It is done by means of a development of OpenFOAM software code. The used Lagrange equation for particle tracking includes drag, EM, buoyancy, lift, acceleration and added mass forces. The relevant approximations for the forces are chosen on the basis of the statistical analysis of the non-dimensional parameters (particle Reynolds number, shear stress and acceleration parameter). The …

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Thermal comfort condition assessment in test buildings with different heating/cooling systems and wall envelopes

Abstract The main aim of this study is a comprehensive analysis of long-term monitoring data of thermal comfort and discomfort parameters in small identical test buildings equipped with different heating/cooling systems. Calculations of PPD index expressed the human perception of thermal comfort and such discomfort factors like draught rate and vertical air temperature difference are provided for the room in winter season running three different heating systems – electric heater, air-air heat pump and air-water heat pump, as well as for the summer cooling with split type air conditioning systems. It is shown that the type of heating/cooling system and its working regime has a significant im…

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White Etching Crack Root Cause Investigations

White etching crack (WEC) failure is distinct to classical fatigue and driven by the composition of lubricants under special loading conditions; for example, slippage and electricity. The white etching area (WEA) within WEC contains carbon supersaturated ferrite (bcc-iron) and carbides, with a size of a few nanometers. This article presents investigations supporting the hypothesis that WEC processes start within a failure-free period by successive accumulation of a structural distortion. This can be measured by acoustic emission. Failure statistics show a steep ascent in the Weibull diagram (s values beyond 1) leading to the assumption that WEC processes start unsuspicious, as one would see…

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Dynamic neutron imaging of argon bubble flow in liquid gallium in external magnetic field

This paper presents detailed results of neutron imaging of argon bubble flows in a rectangular liquid gallium vessel with and without the application of external horizontal magnetic field. The developed image processing algorithm is presented and its capability to extract physical information from images of low signal-to-noise ratio is demonstrated. Bubble parameters, velocity components, trajectories and relevant statistics were computed and analysed. A simpler version of the code was applied to the output of computational fluid dynamics simulations that reproduced the experiment. This work serves to further validate the neutron radiography as a suitable method for monitoring gas bubble fl…

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Dynamic mode decomposition of magnetohydrodynamic bubble chain flow in a rectangular vessel

We demonstrate the first application of dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) to bubble flow with resolved dynamic liquid/gas boundaries. Specifically, we have applied DMD to the output of numerical simulations for a system where chains of bubbles ascend through a rectangular liquid metal vessel. Flow patterns have been investigated in the vessel and bubble reference frames. We show how gas flow rate and applied magnetic affect bubble wake flow and larger-scale flow structures within the liquid metal vessel by examining the velocity field mode statistics over trajectory time and total flow time as well as the computed mode velocity fields. The results of this proof-of-concept study indicate that…

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A numerical model for coupled free surface and liquid metal flow calculation in electromagnetic field

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Simulation of turbulent metal flows

Comprehensive knowledge of the heat and mass transfer processes in turbulent metal flows is required to realize efficient and reliable melting and casting processes. Experimental and numerical studies of the melt flow in induction furnaces show that the flow pattern, which comprise several vortexes of the mean flow, and the temperature distribution in the melt are significantly influenced by low-frequency large scale flow oscillations. Two- and three-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations of the melt flow, using two-equation turbulence models based on Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes approach, do not predict the large scale periodic flow instabilities obtained from the experimental data. That…

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A study of solar panel efficiency in Latvian climate conditions

With solar panels increasingly used in nearly zero energy building solutions it is important to clarify if the panels can achieve the efficiency indicators specified by their producers in real operation conditions. To determine the efficiency of poly- and monocrystalline panels depending on their spatial orientation and the seasons a set of test panels was installed in 2018 in Riga, Latvia for long-term monitoring of the amount of generated power and produced energy. Here we summarize the results of the first year of monitoring. Data indicate that orientation has high significance, very small amounts of energy are generated in autumn/winter and that there is a good correspondence of the act…

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Transient Modelling of Thermal Conditions in Test Buildings Including Radiation

Abstract To increase the energy efficiency of buildings in Latvia's climate a comparative study with five experimental test buildings have been set up in Riga, Latvia. Different thermo physical quantities such as temperature, humidity, air velocity, etc. were monitored to better understand different behaviour of the building envelope. This gives an excellent validation possibility for the CFD model that in future could predict conditions in buildings with different envelopes. Previously a stationary model and transient model were considered without taking into consideration the thermal radiation. This study continues the previous work that was done and proposes a transient model which takes…

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Resolving gas bubbles ascending in liquid metal from low-SNR neutron radiography images

We demonstrate a new image processing methodology for resolving gas bubbles travelling through liquid metal from dynamic neutron radiography images with an intrinsically low signal-to-noise ratio. Image pre-processing, denoising and bubble segmentation are described in detail, with practical recommendations. Experimental validation is presented—stationary and moving reference bodies with neutron-transparent cavities are radiographed with imaging conditions representative of the cases with bubbles in liquid metal. The new methods are applied to our experimental data from previous and recent imaging campaigns, and the performance of the methods proposed in this paper is compared against our p…

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Bubble motion through non-crimp fabrics during composites manufacturing

Bubbles motion through interbundle channels in biaxial non-crimp fabrics is modelled. The scenario is that formed bubbles move with the resin through these channels and are trapped if the channels become too narrow. By usage of a permeability network model, existing criteria on bubble deformation and a variety of analytical and probabilistic methods it is found that the paths of the bubbles depend significantly on the position of the threads keeping the fabric together and the number of fibres crossing the interbundle channels. Another result is that the pressure difference over a trapped bubble increases with 50% in a 3D geometry possible helping the bubble to escape. A third result is tha…

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Web-based real-time data acquisition system as tool for energy efficiency monitoring

A web-based data acquisition system is proposed as a research tool of the energy efficiency monitoring project of the test stands. Basic requirements for the architecture of the data acquisition system are discussed. The architecture of the data acquisition system is proposed to provide the real-time interface with sensors, to acquire and to log data from all sensors with fixed rate, and to deliver logged data through FTP to the end-user.

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Modelling of electromagnetic heating and mixing conditions in glass melt output equipment

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the outlet of a special glass melting system, which is used to control melt flow and modify flow pattern.Design/methodology/approachNumerical calculations in ANSYS and ANSYS CFX were used to study electromagnetic, thermal, hydrodynamic and chemical mixing processes, results are validated by comparison with experimental data.FindingsObtained results show that investigated approach can improve glass melt chemical homogeneity significantly – Lorentz force driven melt movement in conjunction with diffusion process ensures good mixing quality.Research limitations/implicationsThe mixing in glass melt is present only in azimuthal direction (in cyl…

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Gas bubbles and liquid metal flow influenced by uniform external magnetic field

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Risks of mould growth in different building structures

In the current paper the impact of real Latvian climate conditions on a variety of building constructions is inspected. The influence of the humidity on buildings’ sustainability in three different building units has been appraised. Condensate risks in a multi-layer wall are analyzed by transient outdoor climatic conditions. Risks of mould growth are discussed in detail taking into account the properties of building materials, dependence of humidity on temperature and season. The effect of vapour barrier is analyzed from several aspects. Theoretical analysis has been done based on real test stands built in Riga. Some experimental results are obtained.

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Influence of the channel design on the heat and mass exchange of induction channel furnace

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present in‐depth numerical modelling of heat and mass exchange in industrial induction channel furnace (ICF).Design/methodology/approachThe turbulent heat and mass exchange in the melt is calculated using a three‐dimensional (3D) electromagnetic model and a 3D transient large eddy simulation method. The simulation model has been verified by flow velocity and temperature measurements, which were carried out using an industrial sized channel inductor operating with Wood's metal as a low temperature model melt.FindingsThe ICF is well‐established for melting, holding and casting in the metallurgical industry. But there are still open questions regarding th…

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Modelling of thermal stresses in bearing steel structure generated by electrical current impulses

This work is the study of one particular candidate for white etching crack (WEC) initiation mechanism in wind turbine gearbox bearings: discharge current impulses flowing through bearing steel with associated thermal stresses and material fatigue. Using data/results from previously published works, the authors develop a series of models that are utilized to simulate these processes under various conditions/local microstructure configurations, as well as to verify the results of the previous numerical studies. Presented models show that the resulting stresses are several orders of magnitude below the fatigue limit/yield strength for the parameters used herein. Results and analysis of models …

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Bubble formation and motion in non-crimp fabrics with perturbed bundle geometry

The behaviour of the fluid front during impregnation of non-crimp fabrics has been considered. Particular attention is paid to creation of bubbles at the fluid front and a virtual 3D model mimickin ...

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Experimental testing of phase change materials in a warm-summer humid continental climate

Abstract The construction industry (and buildings) is one of the largest energy consuming and CO2 emitting sectors in the world. To counter this, more lightweight structures are being used and energy saving applications are being developed. Phase change materials (PCM) are materials that can be considered to tackle these new challenges. It has been proven that PCMs can be passively used to improve the thermal mass of lightweight structures, which improves thermal comfort and reduces peak cooling and heating loads and therefore provides energy savings. To use these materials in an active way, they should be used together with ventilation, cooling or heating equipment, and collectors to accum…

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Thermal and moisture adsorption/desorption properties for a selection of vegetal insulation materials

Natural, or ‘green’ insulation materials, have become more popular for the ‘ecologisation’ of construction activities. The ecological aspects for such materials are being widely analysed, but experimental data about their physical properties when installed in building constructions remains lacking. In this study, pressed samples of three locally wild grown agricultural materials – rye, reed, and hemp – are analysed. Thermal conductivity measurements were carried out using the hot plate device. Comparison with widely used mineral insulation materials shows that thermal conductivity for simple pressed materials are roughly three times higher, and are comparable to plywood and cross-laminated …

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Phase boundary dynamics of bubble flow in a thick liquid metal layer under an applied magnetic field

Dynamic neutron radiography is used to observe the effect of a transverse magnetic field on argon bubbles rising through a thick layer of liquid gallium without interactions with the container walls.

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Large scale electromagnetic levitation melting of metals

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Analysis and Design of Induction Liquid Metal Processes Using Advanced Numerical Modelling

Comprehensive knowledge of the turbulent flows, heat and mass transfer processes in the melt of induction applications is required to realize efficient metallurgical processes. Therefore, the process oriented development, design and optimization of induction furnaces for melting and casting of metals require praxis oriented simulation and analysis of the complex in-stationary turbulent melt flows and temperature distributions as well as the heat and mass transfer processes in the liquid metal. The studies, presented in this paper, demonstrate the possibilities of using advanced three-dimensional transient numerical modelling for successful simulation of the melt flow as well as heat and mas…

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Turbulence model effect on heat exchange characteristics through the neutron beam window for European spallation source

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to compare k‐ω shear‐stress transport (SST) and large eddy simulation (LES) turbulence model application effect on numerical computation of flow pattern and heat exchange characteristics through the neutron beam window region for European spallation source setup model.Design/methodology/approachTransient hydrodynamic and thermal calculations with appropriate heat sources are performed using both turbulence models and typical discrepancies in flow and thermal patterns are discussed, as well as, simulation results are qualitatively compared with experimental data for heat transfer coefficient distribution α at the window surface.FindingsContribution of grea…

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Experimental investigations and numerical modelling of the melting process in the cold crucible

PurposeAims to present recent activities in experimental investigations and numerical modelling of the induction cold crucible installation.Design/methodology/approachTemperature and velocity measurements using thermocouples and electromagnetic velocity probes were performed in aluminium melt which was used as a model melt. Measured temperature field and flow pattern were compared with transient 3D calculations based on large eddy simulation (LES) turbulence modelling scheme. Numerical results are in good coincidence with the experimental data.FindingsThe modelling results show that only 3D transient LES is able to model correctly these heat and mass transfer processes.Originality/valueIt i…

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Neutron Radiography Visualization of Solid Particles in Stirring Liquid Metal

Abstract This paper presents the analysis of the first dynamic neutron radiography experiment that visualized motion of solid particles in liquid metal, which was stirred by a system of four counter-rotating magnets. The paper also contains the quantitative results derived from neutron images: the distribution of particle concentration, number of admixed particles and velocities as functions of the magnet rotation speed.

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Numerical simulation and analysis of heat and mass transfer processes in metallurgical induction applications

Comprehensive knowledge of the heat and mass transfer processes in the melt of induction applications is required to realize efficient metallurgical processes. Experimental and numerical studies of the melt flow in induction furnaces show that the flow pattern, which comprise several vortexes of the mean flow, and the temperature distribution in the melt are significantly influenced by low-frequency large scale flow oscillations. Two- and three-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations of the melt flow, using two-equation turbulence models based on Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes approach, do not predict the large scale periodic flow instabilities obtained from the experimental data. That's why…

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Design Optimization Automation for Luminaire Reflectors Using COMSOL Multiphysics and Performance Comparison Against Zemax Opticstudio

This work showcases the complete design pipeline based on COMSOL Multiphysics for one of the luminaire models manufactured by Vizulo. Generation of optimization targets, ray tracing models and utilized optimization algorithms are described. The authors also evaluate the performance of COMSOL against Zemax OpticStudio Premium, a specialized optics design suite widely used by the optics industry. Out-of-the-box version of both packages are tested: ray tracing and optimization performance are compared. It is found that, while OpticStudio' ray tracer is by far superior, OpticStudio is greatly outperformed by COMSOL in optimization tasks for considered problems. Other aspects of both packages ar…

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Wall assemblies U-value calculation in test buildings using constant power heating

Abstract Building envelopes under various climates behave differently, in this paper the actual thermal transmittance or U-value of five different wall assemblies are evaluated and compared with values, calculated using standard EN ISO 6946. The experiment is carried out in five test buildings with equal spatial orientation, the same ceiling and floor assemblies as well as the same windows and doors mounted in each building. The thermal transmittances for these partitions are assumed to be well known and therefore, by knowing temperature difference and heat sources inside the building, the thermal transmittance of wall assembly can be calculated. It is shown that for small buildings the cor…

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Kinetic Analysis of Aluminium Evaporation from the Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy

Abstract In the present paper, kinetics of aluminium evaporation from the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy during smelting by means of the VIM method at 5 to 1000 Pa has been discussed. To determine the liquid titanium meniscus area and the liquid titanium mean velocity for the experimental conditions of the study, a methodology based on the coupled model of the electromagnetic field and the hydrodynamic field of liquid metal was applied.

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Numerical models for long-term performance assessment of lightweight insulating assemblies

Abstract This paper presents the results of numerical modelling of hygrothermal processes in test buildings situated in the Botanical garden of the University of Latvia. Long-term performance of wall, floor and ceiling insulating assemblies for five different buildings was simulated using WUFI Pro 6.3. On the experimental side, measurements of temperature and relative humidity at key points of assembles have been accumulated over a period of roughly six years and material samples were taken from building envelope materials for biological analysis. We found that our models rather successfully reproduce the experientially observed temperature and relative humidity dynamics. In the process, we…

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Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer in Metallurgical Induction Processes

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In-situ measurements of hemp-lime insulation materials for energy efficiency improvement

Abstract Reduction of the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere is one of the goals set forth by the European Union, hence various directives have been adopted, such as the European directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency, i.e. ensuring from 2019 the construction of the near-zero energy buildings (nZEB). The construction segment plays a very important part in solving the current global problem of the greenhouse gas emissions and related processes of global warming, because in certain countries (i.e. in Latvia) it represents more than a half of the total energy consumption. Hence the necessity to elaborate means on how to boost the energy efficiency of the buildings meanwhile not rising pressure…

research product

Numerical studies of the melting process in the induction furnace with cold crucible

PurposeAims to present recent activities in numerical modeling of cold crucible melting process.Design/methodology/approach3D numerical analysis was used for electromagnetic problem and 3D large eddy simulation (LES) method was applied for fluid flow modeling.FindingsThe comparative modeling shows, that higher H/D ratio of the melt is more efficient when total power consumption is considered, but this advantage is held back by higher heat losses through the crucible walls. Also, calculations reveal that lower frequencies, which are energetically less effective, provide better mixing of the melt.Originality/value3D electromagnetic model, which allows to take into account non‐symmetrical dist…

research product

Influence of melt flow and temperature on erosion of refractory and deposit formation in aluminium melting furnaces

The deposition and erosion mechanism in induction-channel furnace for Al melting in alumino-silicate refractory is considered. The possibility of simultaneous erosion and deposition in the same cross-section of the channel is shown. The chemical reaction model causing the erosion of refractory is proposed. The erosion process is described by chemically active aluminium oxides while the deposition is caused by chemically stable aluminium oxides. The variations of erosion and deposition in the same cross-section of the channel are explained by variation of the thickness of laminar sub-layer along the perimeter.

research product

Influence of the Richardson number on EM force driven flow structures in square-shaped crucible

Abstract This study is devoted to the experimental investigation of the turbulent melt motion in a square crucible where the flow is created by Lorentz forces generated by an external AC magnetic field. As a strong vertical thermal gradient is present in melt during a directional solidification process, a stratification effect takes place and motion in the vertical direction is damped by buoyancy forces. Such a situation arises if density of fluid layers decreases with height. Experimental velocity and temperature measurements are conducted. Transient effects, like collapse of stratification, are observed experimentally. The significance of stratification in the directional solidification m…

research product

Permeability network model for non-crimp fabrics

In this work a global permeability model is developed and applied to a biaxial Non-crimp stitched fabric (NCF). This model focuses on a detailed meso-scale description of the fabric geometry, which takes into account the local permeability distribution in a fabric due to perturbations of the geometry as well as the geometrical features which arise from the stitching process. It is shown in this work that these features significantly affects the global permeability. The influence of the amount and type of perturbation of a fabric is also studied in this work. It is shown that perturbation of the fabric geometry affect the global permeability but not as much as the stitching process. The mode…

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