Matthias Michal

Type-D personality and depersonalization are associated with suicidal ideation in the German general population aged 35–74: Results from the Gutenberg Heart Study

Suicidal ideation (SID) is a major risk factor for suicide attempts. Mental disorders are among the strongest correlates of suicide, with depression and anxiety disorders playing a major role. The present study aims to investigate the contribution of under researched factors contributing to SID such as depersonalization, Type-D personality and cardiovascular risk factors.Factors associated with SID were investigated in a sample of N=5000 participants (aged 35-74 years) of the community-based survey "Gutenberg Heart Study". The factors were assessed by self-report instruments, computer-assisted interviews and medical examination.7.5% of the sample reported SID over the last 2 weeks. In the u…

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Auswirkungen von Umweltrisikofaktoren wie Lärm und Luftverschmutzung auf die psychische Gesundheit: Was wissen wir?

ZusammenfassungImmer mehr Studien unterstreichen die Rolle von Lärm und Luftverschmutzung als bedeutsame Umweltrisikofaktoren. Ungeklärt ist, welche Einflüsse Lärm und Luftverschmutzung auf die psychische Gesundheit ausüben. Aktuelle Studienergebnisse zeigen, dass Umgebungslärm (vor allem Verkehrslärm) und verschiedene Bestandteile von Luftverschmutzung (vor allem Feinstaub) das Risiko für psychische Erkrankungen wie Depressionen, Angststörungen, Psychosen und Suizid erhöhen können. Pathophysiologische Mechanismen umfassen sowohl biologische (wie oxidativen Stress und Inflammation) als auch psychosoziale Faktoren (wie mentalen Stress). Umweltrisikofaktoren wie Lärm und Luftverschmutzung kön…

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Prevalence of Strabismus and Its Impact on Vision-Related Quality of Life

Purpose This study investigates the prevalence of manifest strabismus and its subtypes in adulthood and analyzes the risk factors and its impact on vision-related quality of life (VRQoL). Design The Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) is a population-based, observational cohort study. A cross-sectional analysis of the baseline examination was conducted. Participants Participants aged 35 to 74 years were included (n = 15  010). Methods All participants were examined with a comprehensive ophthalmologic and general examination including the Hirschberg corneal reflex test to detect manifest strabismus. The following risk factors were analyzed: age, sex, socioeconomic status, birth weight, maternal age…

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Refined atrial fibrillation screening and cost-effectiveness in the German population

ObjectiveLittle is known on optimal screening population for detecting new atrial fibrillation (AF) in the community. We describe characteristics and estimate cost-effectiveness for a single timepoint electrocardiographic screening.MethodsWe performed a 12-lead ECG in the German population-based Gutenberg Health Study between 2007 and 2012 (n=15 010), mean age 55±11 years, 51% men and collected more than 120 clinical and biomarker variables, including N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (Nt-proBNP), risk factors, disease symptoms and echocardiographic variables.ResultsOf 15 010 individuals, 466 (3.1%) had AF. New AF was found in 32 individuals, 0.2% of the total sample, 0.5% of indivi…

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Psychoanalytically-Oriented Inpatient Psychotherapy of Somatoform Disorders

Somatoform disorders have been neglected in psychoanalytic publications. Unlike the descriptive approach of DSM-IV and ICD-10, sophisticated psychoanalytical models have been proposed for many years explaining the development of physical symptoms without definable medical cause. Based on a review of the psychoanalytic models of somatization and conversion, this article explores difficulties in the medical and psychotherapeutic treatments of somatoform disorders. The unique tradition of psychosomatic inpatient treatment in Germany is illustrated by the psychoanalytic treatment setting at the University of Mainz. A case report of a somatoform patient shows how childhood trauma is activated an…

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Association of mental distress with smoking status in the community: Results from the Gutenberg Health Study.

Abstract Background Exposition to tobacco smoke is among the major modifiable risk factors in the general population. There is strong evidence for a close association between smoking exposure and mental disorders. Methods Cross-sectional associations of different conditions of smoking status (former, current, and second hand smoking (SHS)) with indicators of mental distress were analyzed in a sample of N =5000 participants (aged 35–74 years) of the population-based survey “Gutenberg Health Study”. Results In the general population clinically significant depression (OR 1.59, 95%CI 1.17–2.17) and a previous diagnosis of depression (OR 1.50, 95%CI 1.16–1.94) were associated with current smokin…

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Base rates for depersonalization according to the 2-item version of the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS-2) and its associations with depression/anxiety in the general population.

Abstract Background Recently, the two item version of the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS-2) has been validated in a clinical sample and has demonstrated that it is a useful tool for the detection of clinically significant depersonalization (DP). In order to provide a framework for the interpretation of the CDS-2 scores the aim of this study was to achieve normative data of a representative sample of the German population and to evaluate the associations with depression, anxiety and sociodemographic characteristics. Methods A nationally representative face-to-face household survey was conducted during the mid of 2009 in Germany. The sample comprised N = 2512 participants. The survey …

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Associations of NT-proBNP and parameters of mental health in depressed coronary artery disease patients

Natriuretic peptides (NP) are involved in the regulation of blood pressure and blood volume, and are elevated in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). They are used as markers for illness severity, but their role in mental health is not well understood. Recently, A-type NP (ANP) has been associated with reduced anxiety in studies on cardiac patients; however, this study is the first to assess this effect for B-type NP (BNP) and for further dimensions of well-being and mental health. Depression, anxiety, and distress are more common in CAD patients than in the general population and are most likely not only influenced by psychological adaptation but also by neurobiological processes. …

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Making sense of what you sense: Disentangling interoceptive awareness, sensibility and accuracy.

Garfinkel and Critchley (2013) recently proposed a three level model of interoception. Only few studies, however, have empirically tested this theoretical model thus far. The present study aimed at investigating (1) the central assumptions of this model, i.e. that Accuracy, Sensibility and Awareness are distinguishable facets of interoception and that Interoceptive Accuracy is the basic level of interoception, and (2) whether cardiovascular activation (as indexed by heart rate) is differentially related to the three facets of interoception. Analyses were conducted on a total sample of N=159 healthy participants (118 female [74.2%]; mean age=23.9years, SD=3.3, range=19-45) who performed eith…

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Soziale Phobie – eine im psychosomatischen Ambulanz- und Konsildienst unterdiagnostizierte Angsterkrankung?

Social fears are common, whereas Social Phobia is diagnosed infrequently. Therefore, we compared the clinical diagnoses (ICD-10) in an outpatient and CL service of a psychosomatic university hospital to patients' self ratings in social fears on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS). Over the course of one year 688 patients could be characterized regarding their clinical diagnoses, LSAS-scores, symptom severity (SCL-90R) and psychosomatic complaints (GBB-24). Patients were assigned to three groups by their levels of social fears (LSAS). Social Phobia was diagnosed rarely by clinicians (5.5%), but generalized social fears (LSAS>60) were commonly reported by patients (14.6%). Patients with…

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Direct quantification of cell-free, circulating DNA from unpurified plasma.

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in body tissues or fluids is extensively investigated in clinical medicine and other research fields. In this article we provide a direct quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) as a sensitive tool for the measurement of cfDNA from plasma without previous DNA extraction, which is known to be accompanied by a reduction of DNA yield. The primer sets were designed to amplify a 90 and 222 bp multi-locus L1PA2 sequence. In the first module, cfDNA concentrations in unpurified plasma were compared to cfDNA concentrations in the eluate and the flow-through of the QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit and in the eluate of a phenol-chloroform isoamyl (PCI) based DNA extraction, to elucidate the D…

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Ungesunder Lebensstil bei Patienten einer psychosomatischen Poliklinik und Konsilambulanz

Patienten mit psychischen Storungen haben ein hoheres Risiko fur die Entwicklung korperlicher Erkrankungen. Als wesentlicher Risikofaktor hierfur gilt ein ungesunder Lebensstil. Um praventive Ansatzpunkte zu finden, untersuchten wir, wie haufig ein ungesunder Lebensstil bei psychosomatischen Patienten vorkommt und wie dieser mit psychischen und somatischen Beschwerden zusammenhangt. Hierzu wurde die klinische Basisdokumentation der Jahre 2009–2011 von n=1 919 ambulanten psychosomatischen Patienten ausgewertet. Korperliche Inaktivitat war mit 62,4% das haufigste Lebensstilrisiko, gefolgt vom Rauchen (33,2%) und Adipositas (17,4%). Alle Lebensstilrisiken waren mit einer hoheren Symptombelastu…

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Disturbed Glucose Metabolism and Left Ventricular Geometry in the General Population

Background: This study sought to investigate the prevalence and clinical outcome of left ventricular (LV) geometry in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and the impact of glucose metabolism on the incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Methods: 15,010 subjects (35–74 years) of the population-based Gutenberg Health Study were categorized into euglycemia, prediabetes, and T2DM according to clinical and metabolic (HbA1c) information. Clinical outcome was assessed via structured follow-up. Results: The study comprised 12,121 individuals with euglycemia (81.6%), 1415 with prediabetes (9.5%), and 1316 with T2DM (8.9%). Prevalence of LVH increased from euglycemia (10.2%) ove…

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The fear-defense system, emotions, and oxidative stress

Psychosocial stress has a profound impact on well-being and health. The response to stress is associated mainly with the amygdala, a crucial structure of the fear-defense system, essential for social cognition and emotion regulation. Recent neuroimaging-studies demonstrated how an increased metabolic activity of the amygdala enhances inflammation, and leads to cardiometabolic disease. The development of therapeutic strategies depends on our understanding of both which factors activate the fear-defense system and the subsequent molecular mechanisms that translate emotional stress into cell damage. Fear of emotions as an aftermath of attachment trauma is the most important trigger of the mala…

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Depersonalization Experiences Are Strongly Associated With Dizziness and Vertigo Symptoms Leading to Increased Health Care Consumption in the German General Population

This study investigated the association of depersonalization (DP) experiences with dizziness and its impact on subjective impairment and health care use. Trained interviewers surveyed a representative sample of 1287 persons using standardized self-rating questionnaires on dizziness, DP, and mental distress. Symptoms of dizziness were reported by 15.8% (n = 201). Thereof, 62.7% endorsed at least one symptom of DP, 40% reported impairment by symptoms of DP, and 8.5% reported clinically significant DP. Regression analyses identified DP as a significant, independent predictor for dizziness symptom severity, health care use, and impairment by dizziness. With regard to the Vertigo Symptom Scale, …

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e-Health-based management of patients receiving oral anticoagulation therapy: results from the observational thrombEVAL study

Essentials e-Health based health care by an expert centre may advance management of oral anticoagulation. Outcome of patients was compared between an e-health based coagulation service and regular care. Patients in the coagulation service cohort experienced a significantly better clinical outcome. Lower risk for adverse events was related to anticoagulation-specific and non-specific outcome. SummaryBackground Management of oral anticoagulation (OAC) therapy is essential to minimize adverse events in patients receiving vitamin K-antagonists (VKAs). Data on the effect of e-health-based anticoagulation management systems on the clinical outcome of OAC patients are limited. Objectives To compar…

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Mental disorders and cardiovascular disease: what should we be looking out for?

### Learning objectives Mental disorders are prevalent. They impair patients’ quality of life severely and are associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and worse prognosis.1–4 Although these facts have been well established, there is still a gap in diagnostic awareness and treatment of mental disorders in patients with CVD.5–8 Therefore, we aim to educate cardiologists about the importance of mental disorders and how to address the widely unmet healthcare needs of patients with a mental disorder in their clinical practice. ### Mental disorders increase the risk for subsequent CVD All mental disorders are associated with an increased risk of developing CVD…

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Detached and distracted: ERP correlates of altered attentional function in depersonalisation.

Abstract Depersonalisation (DP) is a psychological condition marked by feelings of disembodiment. In everyday life, it is frequently associated with concentration problems. The present study used visual event-related potentials (ERPs) in a Posner-type spatial cueing task with valid, invalid and spatially neutral cues to delineate the potential neurophysiological correlates of these concentration problems. Altered attentional functioning at early, sensory stages was found in DP patients but not in anxiety- and depression-matched psychosomatic patients without DP. Specifically, DP was associated with decreased suppression of stimuli at unattended locations, shown as absent processing costs fo…

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Noise annoyance is associated with depression and anxiety in the general population : the contribution of aircraft noise

BACKGROUND: While noise annoyance has become recognized as an important environmental stressor, its association to mental health has hardly been studied. We therefore determined the association of noise annoyance to anxiety and depression and explored the contribution of diverse environmental sources to overall noise annoyance. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We investigated cross-sectional data of n = 15.010 participants of the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS), a population-based, prospective, single-center cohort study in Mid-Germany (age 35 to 74 years). Noise annoyance was assessed separately for road traffic, aircraft, railways, industrial, neighborhood indoor and outdoor noise ("during the day"; "i…

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Weiterbildung CME: Depersonalisation/Derealisation - Krankheitsbild, Diagnostik und Therapie

The present state of knowledge about depersonalization (DP) and derealization (DR) is reviewed with respect to classification, epidemiology, etiology, and therapy. Mild and transient DP-DR are considered to be common phenomena. The prevalence of depersonalization-derealization disorder (DP-DR-D) is estimated to be approx. 1-2% of the general population in the Western hemisphere. DP-DR-D is probably severely underdiagnosed. DP-DR-D is strongly associated with depression and anxiety disorders. It is suggested that symptoms of DP-DR indicate disease severity and negatively predict therapy outcome. Neurobiological and psychological models have shown that a disordered body schema and emotional a…

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Dizziness: Anxiety, health care utilization and health behavior—

Background: Due to the lack of epidemiological data on the relation of dizziness and anxiety, we investigated the prevalence of dizziness and anxiety in a representative sample of the German population. We explored the consequences of comorbid anxiety for emotional distress, functional impairment, health care utilization, and health behavior in dizziness. Methods: By the end of 2006, we surveyed a total of 1287 persons between 14 and 90 years of age in their homes by trained interviewers with standardized self-rating questionnaires on anxiety (Patient Health Questionnaire, Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, Mini-Social Phobia Inventory) and dizziness (Vertigo Symptom Scale). The sample was…

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Noise annoyance predicts symptoms of depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance 5 years later. Findings from the Gutenberg Health Study

Abstract Background Cross-sectional studies have shown that noise annoyance is strongly associated with mental distress, however, its long-term effects on mental health is unknown. We therefore investigated whether noise annoyance predicts depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance in a large, representative sample 5 years later. Methods We investigated longitudinal data of N = 11 905 participants of the Gutenberg Health Study, a population-based, prospective, single-centre cohort study in mid-Germany (age at baseline 35–74 years). Noise annoyance was assessed at baseline and 5-year follow-up (sources: road traffic, aircraft, railways, industrial, neighbourhood indoor and outdoor noise; and …

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PHQ-2 and GAD-2 scores predict mortality in patients undergoing oral anticoagulation

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Altered orientation of spatial attention in depersonalization disorder

Difficulties with concentration are frequent complaints of patients with depersonalization disorder (DPD). Standard neuropsychological tests suggested alterations of the attentional and perceptual systems. To investigate this, the well-validated Spatial Cueing paradigm was used with two different tasks, consisting either in the detection or in the discrimination of visual stimuli. At the start of each trial a cue indicated either the correct (valid) or the incorrect (invalid) position of the upcoming stimulus or was uninformative (neutral). Only under the condition of increased task difficulty (discrimination task) differences between DPD patients and controls were observed. DPD patients sh…

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Psychosomatische Medizin in der Gutenberg- Gesundheitsstudie (GHS) – Fragestellungen, Messverfahren, ausgewählte Ergebnisse

Psychosomatic medicine in the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) - research questions, measurement instruments, selected results Goal: Main questions from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) related to psychosomatic medicine are presented: (1) Prevalence and incidence of mental illnesses, (2) Sex-specific risk- and protective factors for mental health, (3) Interplay between psychological and somatic diseases and (4) methodical-psychometric developments. Methods: The GHS is an ongoing, prospective and interdisciplinary cohort study in Mainz. The comprehensive examinations include psychological characteristics and clinical and laboratory tests. 15010 respondents were selected in the baseline study fro…

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Affective Change in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Theoretical Models and Clinical Approaches to Changing Emotions.

Affective change has been considered the hallmark of therapeutic change in psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic writers have begun to incorporate theoretically the advanced understanding of emotional processing and transformation of the affective neurosciences. We ask if this theoretical advancement is reflected in treatment techniques addressing the processing of emotion.We review psychoanalytic models and treatment recommendations of maladaptive affect processing in the light of a neuroscientifically informed model of achieving psychotherapeutic change by activation and reconsolidation of emotional memory.Emotions tend to be treated as other mental contents, resulting in a lack of specific psyc…

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Depersonalisation, soziale Ängste und Scham

Associations between depersonalization (DP) and social phobia (SP) were described in the early scientific literature. This connection, however, has not yet been considered in the recent empirical literature and clinical trials on SP. The aim of this study is to examine these associations. In a sample of 100 consecutive inpatients we compare 45 patients with pathological DP to 55 patients without pathological DP with respect to comorbidity and the degree of social anxieties assessed with the SOCIAL INTERACTION ANXIETY SCALE (SIAS) and with the SOCIAL PHOBIA SCALE (SPS) and the extent of shame assessed with the INTERNALIZED SHAME SCALE (ISS). Social phobia was significantly more prevalent in …

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Relevance of depression for anticoagulation management in a routine medical care setting: results from the ThrombEVAL study program

Summary Background Depressive symptoms have detrimental effects on quality of life and mortality. Poor adherence to a treatment regimen is a potential mechanism for the increased risk of adverse medical events associated with depression. Regarding oral anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists, adherence is crucial for the outcome. Little is known about the clinical relevance of current depressiveness for anticoagulation treatment. Objectives To examine the impact of current depressiveness on anticoagulation treatment in regular medical care. Patients/Methods We examined the association between clinically significant depressiveness as assessed by the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 ≥ 2 (PHQ…

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Emotion regulation strategies moderate the relationship of fatigue with depersonalization and derealization symptoms.

Abstract Background The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships of common emotion regulation strategies (suppression and reappraisal) to self-reported fatigue and depersonalization/derealization symptoms. Specifically, we tested the moderating effect of suppression and reappraisal on the link of fatigue with depersonalization and derealization symptoms. Opposite effects were expected for both emotion regulation strategies assuming that cognitive reappraisal has an adaptive buffering effect, while suppression intensifies the association of fatigue and depersonalization/derealization experiences. Methods In a representative study (N = 2524) we assessed emotion regulation…

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Subtherapeutic Anticoagulation Control under Treatment with Vitamin K-Antagonists—Data from a Specialized Coagulation Service

AbstractIn contrast to overanticoagulation, evidence on risk factors and outcome of subtherapeutic oral anticoagulation (OAC) with vitamin K-antagonists (VKAs) under optimum care is limited. We investigated the clinical phenotype, anticoagulation control, and clinical outcome of 760 VKA patients who received OAC therapy by a specialized coagulation service in the thrombEVAL study (NCT01809015). During 281,934 treatment days, 278 patients experience ≥ 1 episode of subtherapeutic anticoagulation control and had lower quality of OAC therapy compared to 482 patients without subtherapeutic international normalized ratio: 67.6%, interquartile range (IQR) 54.9%/76.8% versus 81.0%, IQR 68.5%/90.4%;…

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Association of Type D personality with cognitive functioning in individuals with and without cardiovascular disease: The Gutenberg health study

ObjectiveDistressed (‘Type D’) personality is associated with adverse health outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). While personality traits from the Five-Factor Model are related to cognitive functioning, neither Type D personality nor its underlying traits negative affectivity (NA) and social inhibition (SI) have been investigated regarding cognition. We therefore compared the predictive value of Type D classification and its subcomponents NA and SI on planning performance in individuals with and without CVD.MethodsType D personality traits (DS14) were determined in a population-based sample of 4026 participants (including 549 with CVD) aged 40–80 years from the Gutenberg…

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Linking cancer and mental health in men and women in a representative community sample

Abstract Objective In aging populations, a growing number of individuals are affected by cancer. However, the relevance of the disease for mental health is still controversial, especially after treatment. We drew from a representative community sample to explore the link of cancer with mental health assessing different dimensions and different periods of time. Methods A cohort of 14,375 men and women (35–74 years) underwent medical assessments and was queried about cancer history, previous diagnoses of mental disorders, current mental distress symptoms, and current subjective health appraisal. Results 1066 participants (7.4%) reported a diagnosis of cancer (survival time M = 9.79 (SD = 9.07…

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Symptoms of depression and anxiety predict mortality in patients undergoing oral anticoagulation: Results from the thrombEVAL study program

Abstract Background/objectives Depression and anxiety are highly prevalent in cardiovascular patients. Therefore, we examined whether the 4-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-4, measuring symptoms of depression and anxiety) predicts all-cause mortality in outpatients with long-term oral anticoagulation (OAC). Methods The sample comprised n=1384 outpatients from a regular medical care setting receiving long-term OAC with vitamin K antagonists. At baseline, symptoms of anxiety and depression were assessed with the PHQ-4 and the past medical history was taken. The outcome was all-cause mortality in the 24month observation period. The median follow-up time was 13.3months. Results N=191 pati…

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Prevalence, correlates, and predictors of depersonalization experiences in the German general population.

The survey aimed to investigate the prevalence of depersonalization (DP) experiences, its sociodemographic characteristics and its associations with medical conditions, illness behavior, and potential etiologic factors. A representative face-to-face household survey was conducted. The sample consists of n = 1,287 participants aged 14 to 90 years. Sociodemographic variables, medical conditions, current mental disorders, health care utilization, and childhood adversities were assessed. A total of 1.9% participants scored in the range of clinically significant DP (DP-C) and 9.7% reported at least some impairment through DP (DP-I). DP-C/DP-I were strongly associated with depression and anxiety.…

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Cardiac modulation of startle is altered in depersonalization-/derealization disorder: Evidence for impaired brainstem representation of baro-afferent neural traffic.

Patients with depersonalization-/derealization disorder (DPD) show altered heartbeat-evoked brain potentials, which are considered psychophysiological indicators of cortical representation of visceral-afferent neural signals. The aim of the current investigation was to clarify whether the impaired CNS representation of visceral-afferent neural signals in DPD is restricted to the cortical level or is also present in sub-cortical structures. We used cardiac modulation of startle (CMS) to assess baro-afferent signal transmission at brainstem level in 22 DPD and 23 healthy control individuals. The CMS paradigm involved acoustic startle stimuli (105dB(A), 50ms) elicited 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and…

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Konsiliar-Liaisondienst und Ambulanz einer Psychosomatischen Universitätsklinik: Patientenzuweisung, Anlass der Vorstellung, Empfehlungen

Zusammenfassung {! Fragestellung:} Obgleich psychosomatische Kliniken an Krankenhausern in der Regel sowohl einen Konsiliar-Liaisondienst (CL-Dienst) als auch eine Ambulanz vorhalten, fehlen bislang direkte Vergleiche der beiden Versorgungsansatze. {! Methode:} Im Vergleich zwischen 750 Patienten eines Jahrgangs aus dem CL-Dienst und 617 Patienten aus der Ambulanz einer psychosomatischen Universitatsklinik werden Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Patientenkollektiven, Hintergrunde der Patientenvorstellung und Empfehlungen zur psychotherapeutischen Behandlung erhoben. {! Ergebnisse:} CL-Patienten waren mit ca. 50 Jahren alter als Patienten der Ambulanz (43 Jahre). Es zeigte sich im CL-Dienst …

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Type D personality is independently associated with major psychosocial stressors and increased health care utilization in the general population

Abstract Background Type D is considered as a non pathological personality trait and propensity for mental distress. Its relationship with mental distress has been mainly studied in cardiovascular patients and with respect to depression. The knowledge about the relationship of Type D with mental disorders, psychosocial stressors and health care utilization in the general population is insufficient. Therefore the present study sought to determine the associations of Type D with mental distress, major psychosocial stressors, health status, and health care utilization in the general population. Methods Cross-sectional analysis in a representative population based sample of n = 2495 subjects (m…

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Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of the MyoVasc study: A prospective cohort study investigating development and progression of heart failure.

Abstract Background Heart failure (HF) is a poly-aetiological syndrome with large heterogeneity regarding clinical presentation, pathophysiology, clinical outcome and response to therapy. The MyoVasc study (NCT04064450) is an epidemiological cohort study investigating the development and progression of HF. Methods The primary objective of the study is (a) to improve the understanding of the pathomechanisms of HF across the full spectrum of clinical presentation, (b) to investigate the current clinical classifications of HF, and (c) to identify and characterize homogeneous subgroups regarding disease development using a systems-oriented approach. Worsening of HF, that is, the composite of tr…

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Wie oft wird die Depersonalisations-Derealisationsstörung (ICD-10: F48.1) in der ambulanten Versorgung diagnostiziert?

Zusammenfassung Fragestellung: Untersucht wird erstmalig, wie haufig die Depersonalisations-Derealisationsstorung (ICD-10: F48.1) in der Allgemeinbevolkerung unter Alltagsbedingungen diagnostiziert wird und mit welchen weiteren Krankheitsgruppen sie assoziiert ist. Methode: Die Untersuchungspopulation umfasst 1.567 Millionen Versicherte einer gesetzlichen Krankenkasse (Gmunder Ersatzkasse). Analysiert wird die Einjahrespravalenz der Diagnose F48.1 sowie deren Assoziation mit anderen ICD-10-Diagnosenschlusseln. Ergebnis: Es fand sich eine Einjahrespravalenz fur die Diagnose F48.1 von 0.007 %. Nach Adjustierung fur Alter, Geschlecht, Depression und Angst waren unter anderem folgende somatisch…

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Psychodynamic motivation and training program (PMT) for the secondary prevention in patients with stable coronary heart disease : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of feasibility and effects

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Cigarette Smoking Is Related to Endothelial Dysfunction of Resistance, but Not Conduit Arteries in the General Population—Results From the Gutenberg Health Study

Aims: Cigarette smoking is one of the most complex and least understood cardiovascular risk factors. Importantly, differences in the tobacco-related pathophysiology of endothelial dysfunction, an early event in atherogenesis, between circulatory beds remain elusive. Therefore, this study evaluated how smoking impacts endothelial function of conduit and resistance arteries in a large population-based cohort.Methods and results: 15,010 participants (aged 35–74 years) of the Gutenberg Health Study were examined at baseline from 2007 to 2012. Smoking status, pack-years of smoking, and years since quitting smoking were assessed by a computer-assisted interview. Endothelial function of conduit an…

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Is assessment of depression equivalent for migrants of different cultural backgrounds? Results from the German population-based Gutenberg Health Study (GHS)

BACKGROUND Bearing in mind the multicultural background of a national population, little is known about the measurement invariance across different cultures or ethnicities of frequently used screeners for depression. For this reason, the main objective of the current study is to assess the measurement invariance of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) across groups with different migration backgrounds. METHODS We provided psychometric analyses (descriptive statistics at item and scale level, reliability analysis, exploratory [EFA] and confirmatory factor analyses [CFA]) comparing a native population with first- and second-generation migrants of the German population-based Gutenberg Heal…

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Symptoms of depersonalization/derealization are independent risk factors for the development or persistence of psychological distress in the general population: Results from the Gutenberg health study

Abstract Background Symptoms of depersonalization (DP) and derealization (DR) have a high prevalence in patient and community samples. Previous studies suggested that DP/DR symptoms might represent a marker of disease severity and poor prognosis. However, population-based studies investigating the impact of DP/DR symptoms on the course of depression and anxiety are sparse. Therefore, we aimed to analyze whether symptoms of DP/DR are longitudinally associated with the persistence or incidence of elevated symptoms of depression/anxiety. Methods We analyzed observational data from a sample of 13.182 participants of the Gutenberg Health Study. The outcomes were elevated symptoms of depression/a…

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Type D personality as a cardiovascular risk marker in the general population: results from the Gutenberg health study.

<i>Background:</i> Type D personality is considered as an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular patients and a vulnerability factor for distress in the general population. Because representative community studies are rare, we sought to determine the prevalence of type D personality and its relationship with demographic characteristics, different features of mental disorders, cardiovascular risk factors, health behavior, endothelial function and cardiovascular biomarkers in the general population. <i>Methods:</i> The prevalence of type D personality and its correlates were analyzed cross-sectionally in a population-based sample of 5,000…

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Retrospektiv berichtete Kindheitstraumatisierung und Gesundheitsverhalten im Erwachsenenalter von psychosomatischen Patienten

Zusammenfassung Fragestellung: Missbrauchserfahrung in der Kindheit ist mit physischen und psychischen Gesundheitsstorungen im Erwachsenenalter assoziiert. Auch wurde ein ungunstiger Einfluss auf das Gesundheitsverhalten festgestellt. Die vorliegende Studie knupft an diese Befunde an und untersucht den Einfluss verschiedener Formen der Kindheitstraumatisierung auf das Gesundheitsverhalten erwachsener psychosomatischer Patienten. Methode: Es wurde die klinische Basisdokumentation (2010–2013) von N = 2326 Patienten einerUniversitatsklinik fur PsychosomatischeMedizin und Psychotherapie ausgewertet.Kindheitstraumatisierung wurde mittels Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) erfasst. Das Gesundhe…

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Is that me in the mirror? Depersonalisation modulates tactile mirroring mechanisms

Our sense of self is thought to develop through sensory-motor contingencies provided, not only by observing one's own body, but also by mirroring interactions with others. This suggests that there is a strong link between mirroring mechanisms and the bodily self. The present study tested whether this link is expressed at early, implicit stages of the mirroring process or at later, more cognitive stages. We also provide, to the best of our knowledge, the first demonstration of how inter-individual differences in our sense of bodily self may affect mirroring mechanisms. We used somatosensory event-related potentials (SEPs) to investigate the temporal dynamics of mirroring highly self-related …

research product

Novel DNA Methylation Sites Influence GPR15 Expression in Relation to Smoking

Smoking is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and has been implicated in the regulation of the G protein-coupled receptor 15 (GPR15) by affecting CpG methylation. The G protein-coupled receptor 15 is involved in angiogenesis and inflammation. An effect on GPR15 gene regulation has been shown for the CpG site CpG3.98251294. We aimed to analyze the effect of smoking on GPR15 expression and methylation sites spanning the GPR15 locus. DNA methylation of nine GPR15 CpG sites was measured in leukocytes from 1291 population-based individuals using the EpiTYPER. Monocytic GPR15 expression was measured by qPCR at baseline and five-years follow up. GPR15 gene expression was upregulated i…

research product

New onset of depression in aging women and men: contributions of social, psychological, behavioral, and somatic predictors in the community.

AbstractBackgroundBased on the vulnerability–stress model, we aimed to (1) determine new onset of depression in individuals who had not shown evidence of depression at baseline (5 years earlier) and (2) identify social, psychological, behavioral, and somatic predictors.MethodsLongitudinal data ofN= 10 036 participants (40–79 years) were evaluated who had no evidence of depression at baseline based on Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), no history of depression, or intake of antidepressants. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to predict the onset of depression.ResultsPrevalence of new cases of depression was 4.4%. Higher rates of women (5.1%) than men (3.8%) were due to thei…

research product

History of depression but not current depression is associated with signs of atherosclerosis: data from the Gutenberg Health Study.

ObjectivesTo test the vascular depression hypothesis in the general population, we analyzed the association between current depression, medical history of depression, cognitive and somatic depressive symptom dimensions and measures of atherosclerosis [intima–media thickness (IMT) and carotid plaques].MethodWe included a representative sample of 5000 participants from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS). Depression was assessed by the nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and IMT and carotid plaques were measured at both common carotid arteries using an edge detection system. Regression analyses were performed separately for participants with and without cardiovascular disease, adjust…

research product

Prevalence of distress, comorbid conditions and well being in the general population.

Abstract Background The purposes of this paper are to determine the prevalence of distress in the community, to identify its determinants and to assess its relationship to somatic conditions and subjective well being. Methods Distress and associated factors were investigated in a random sample of 5000 participants (35–74 years) of a community-based, prospective, observational cohort study in western Mid-Germany (“Gutenberg Heart Study”) between 04/2007 and 10/2008. The sample was stratified 1:1 for gender and residence and in equal strata for decades of age. Data were assessed by self-report instruments, interviews and medical examination. Results We found a prevalence rate for depression o…

research product

The relevance of depressive symptoms for the outcome of patients receiving vitamin K antagonists: results from the thrombEVAL cohort study.

Abstract Aims Although depressive symptoms are highly prevalent in patients receiving oral anticoagulation (OAC), the relevance of depression for the outcome of anticoagulated individuals is unknown. Methods and results We analysed data from the multicentre cohort study thrombEVAL (NCT01809015) investigating the efficacy of OAC with vitamin K antagonists. There was an independent study monitoring, and an independent review panel assessed the endpoints. Out of n = 1558 participants, information about depressive symptoms, as measured by the two-item screener of the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-2), was available in n = 1405 individuals. The mean follow-up period was 28.04 months, with a s…

research product

Protein expression profiling suggests relevance of noncanonical pathways in isolated pulmonary embolism

Abstract Patients with isolated pulmonary embolism (PE) have a distinct clinical profile from those with deep vein thrombosis (DVT)-associated PE, with more pulmonary conditions and atherosclerosis. These findings suggest a distinct molecular pathophysiology and the potential involvement of alternative pathways in isolated PE. To test this hypothesis, data from 532 individuals from the Genotyping and Molecular Phenotyping of Venous ThromboEmbolism Project, a multicenter prospective cohort study with extensive biobanking, were analyzed. Targeted, high-throughput proteomics, machine learning, and bioinformatic methods were applied to contrast the acute-phase plasma proteomes of isolated PE pa…

research product

Smoking and Neuropsychiatric Disease-Associations and Underlying Mechanisms.

Despite extensive efforts to combat cigarette smoking/tobacco use, it still remains a leading cause of global morbidity and mortality, killing more than eight million people each year. While tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases related to the four main groups—cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, and diabetes—its impact on neuropsychiatric risk is rather elusive. The aim of this review article is to emphasize the importance of smoking as a potential risk factor for neuropsychiatric disease and to identify central pathophysiological mechanisms that may contribute to this relationship. There is strong evidence from epidemiological and experiment…

research product

Longitudinal relationship between B-type natriuretic peptide and anxiety in coronary heart disease patients with depression.

Patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) suffer from physical limitations, but also from psychological distress. Natriuretic peptides may be involved in the neurobiological processes that modulate psychological adaptation, as they are increased in heart disease and seem to have an anxiolytic-like function. Longitudinal data on this association are scarce.To assess the relationship between NT-proBNP and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)), we used secondary data from a multicenter trial from baseline to 24 months. Patients (N = 308, 80.8% male, mean age 60.1 years) had stable CHD and moderate levels of depression (HADS ≥8).Multiple linear regression adjusted for age, sex…

research product

Prevalence of myopic maculopathy in the German population: results from the Gutenberg health study.

AimsTo determine the prevalence of myopic maculopathy in the general population in Germany and to analyse potential associations with ocular and systemic factors.DesignThe Gutenberg Health Study is a population-based study, including 15 010 participants aged 35–74 years.MethodsMyopic maculopathy was graded in phakic eyes with spherical equivalent ≤−6 D by assessing fundus photographs according to a recent international photographic classification system (META-PM). 801 eyes of 519 participants (mean age 51.0±0.77 years) met the conditions and had gradable fundus photographs. Age-specific prevalence estimates were computed. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess associa…

research product

Depression in Atrial Fibrillation in the General Population

BACKGROUND: Initial evidence suggests that depressive symptoms are more frequent in patients with atrial fibrillation. Data from the general population are limited. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 10,000 individuals (mean age 56±11 years, 49.4% women) of the population-based Gutenberg Health Study we assessed depression by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and a history of depression in relation to manifest atrial fibrillation (n = 309 cases). The median (25th/75th percentile) PHQ-9 score of depressive symptoms was 4 (2/6) in atrial fibrillation individuals versus 3 (2/6) individuals without atrial fibrillation, P(X2-Test) = 0.32. Multivariable regression analyses of the severity of depressi…

research product

Distinctiveness and overlap of depersonalization with anxiety and depression in a community sample: results from the Gutenberg Heart Study.

Depersonalization disorder is considered to be a common clinical phenomenon and disorder with an enormous gap between prevalence and detection partly due to the common interpretation of depersonalization (DP) being a negligible variant of anxiety and depression. Therefore, we sought to analyze (1) the prevalence rate of DP in a large community sample (n=5000) according to a recently developed ultra brief two-item depersonalization screener; (2) the associations with depression, anxiety, physical and mental health status; and 93) whether DP contributes independently to the health status beyond anxiety and depression. The prevalence of clinically significant DP was 0.8% (n=41), and 8.5% (n=42…

research product

Recalled parental rearing behavior in adult women and men with depressive and anxiety symptoms: Findings from a community study.

Objectives: Addressing the lack of population-based data, the purpose of this representative study was to assess sex- and age-specific associations of maternal and paternal rearing behavior with depressiveness and anxiety controlling for sociodemographic and somatic variables. Methods: 8,175 subjects participating in a population-based study completed standardized questionnaires measuring Recalled Parental Rearing Behavior and distress. Results: Women recalled their fathers as more controlling and warmer, and their mothers as more rejecting than men. Comparisons between age groups (≤ 60 vs. > 60 years) revealed that younger participants recalled more parental control and emotional warmth. I…

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