W. König
Histamin in der Interstitialfl�ssigkeit der befallenen und klinisch nicht befallenen Haut bei chronisch rezidivierender Urticaria
Bei 8 Patienten mit idiopathischer chronisch rezidivierender Urticaria wurden in der Periumbilicalregion Saugblasen gleichzeitig auf frischen urticariellen Herden und der unveranderten Haut daneben produziert und Histamin in der Blasenflussigkeit bestimmt. Hierzu wurde die von Siraganian entwickelte Methode der Autoanalyzer-Technik in modifizierter Form verwendet. Die Histaminspiegel lagen bei diesen Patienten in unveranderter Haut in derselben Grosenordnung wie bei 10 Normalpersonen, wahrend alle 8 Urticaria-Patienten hohere Histamin-Werte in den Urticae verglichen mit der nicht befallenen Haut aufwiesen; bei 4 der Patienten waren diese Unterschiede jedoch nur gering ausgepragt.
Ability of the T cell-replacing polyanion dextran sulfate to trigger the alternate pathway of complement activation.
Dextran sulfate (DS) consumed C3 in C4 deficient guinea pig serum. This temperature-dependent reaction required Mg++ ions and could therefore be blocked by EDTA. Isolated C3 was not influenced by DS, but serum factors were required for C3 consumption. The C3 proactivator as well as C3 were converted to their activated state by DS in guinea pig and human serum, as revealed by immunoelectrophoretical analysis. DS generated anaphylatoxin activity in serum. It is concluded that DS activates C3 via the alternate pathway of complement activation. This potency of the polyanion might serve as a tentative explanation for its T cell-replacing effect in an antibody-forming system, which was reported b…
Generation and release of eosinophil chemotactic factor from human polymorphonuclear neutrophils by arachidonic acid
This study describes the generation and release of an eosinophil chemotactic factor from human polymorphonuclear neutrophils, rat basophilic leukemia cells, and from a lymphocyte monocyte basophil suspension by arachidonic acid (AA). The eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF) is highly specific for eosinophils and resembles the ECF activity obtained from human polymorpho-nuclear neutrophils after stimulation with the Ca ionophore or during phagocytosis. In this regard, AA-induced ECF represents a biological activity distinct from oxidized AA and its conversion products. AA may therefore have a dual function: it represents an important mechanism of cell activation; as AA is converted into prost…
Formation and function of a complement-activating enzyme generated from factors of guinea pig serum and cobra venom
An enzymatic complex can be formed by factors from guinea pig serum and cobra venom, which is able to activate C3 bypassing C1, C4 and C2. Formation and action of the enzyme are described. The action on C3 results in an activation of the terminal complement components and in membrane destruction provided suitable membrane receptors are available.
Generation of an Eosinophilotactic Factor from Human PMNs by Various Mechanisms of Cell Activation
It is well established that an increase in the number of eosinophils both in tissue and in the circulation is a feature of many clinical conditions based on delayed (1,2) and immediate type hypersensitivity reactions (3,4). Since eosinophils have been recognised to exert specific killer function on parasites (5) and to be prominent participants at sites of inflammation, the mechanisms of their chemo-attraction are of major importance. In immediate type hypersensitivity reactions, eosinophils have been demonstrated to counteract the mediators of inflammation such as histamine (6), the SRS-A (7) and the platelet aggregating factor (8).
Phospholipase A2 and arachidonic acid: a common link in the generation of the eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF) from human PMN by various stimuli.
An eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF) of low molecular weight can be generated and released from human polymorphonuclear neutrophils by the calcium ionophore, phagocytosis of zymosan particles, arachidonic acid, and phospholipase A2. Since the activation of cells by the ionophore and during the phagocytic event leads to phospholipid turnover, with the subsequent generation of arachidonic acid, it is reasonable that phospholipase A2 represents the common link for ECF production. The kinetics of ECF release by phospholipase A2 is similar to the pattern observed with the various stimuli. After a rapid rise in activity a decline occurred at later times of secretion, suggesting a mechanism of i…
Physicochemical characterization of the fifth (C5), sixth (C6), seventh (C7), eighth (C8) and ninth (C9) component of guinea pig complement.
A physicochemical characterization of the purified guinea pig complement components C5 to C9 is given. For this purpose the sedimentation rate, the diffusion coefficient, the molecular weight and the isoelectric point were determined and compared with the values already known for the guinea pig and human complement system. For the determination of the physicochemical parameters gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, ultracentrifugation applying a sucrose density gradient and thin-layer isoelectric focusing were used. By comparing the values of the human and guinea pig complement a remarkable similarity is shown.
Inhibition of Lymphocyte Proliferation during Parasitic Infection with Nippostrongylus Brasiliensis
It is now well established that parasitic infections can lead to the production of high titers of IgE anti parasitic antibodies in experimental animals and in man (1,2). One of the best studied experimental systems involves the ability of the nematode parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (N.B.) to stimulate a high titer reaginic antibody response to worm antigens in the rat. These studies were extended by the reports of Orr and Blair that parasitic infections can cause non specific proliferation of IgE antibody response against antigens unrelated to those of the parasite (3). The amplification of an already existing IgE antibody response can be induced before infection by inoculating the a…
Initiation and Modulation of ECF Generation and Secretion from Human Polymorphonuclear NeutrophilsX.
The primary mediators which are involved in inflammatory processes are histamine, the slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A), the platelet aggregating factor (PAF) and the eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF). These mediators are primarily localized within mast cells and basophil leucocytes, which represent the target cells of allergic reaction. Binding of IgE to mast cells and basophil leucocytes and addition of the appropriate antigen then leads to the activation of the target cells with a subsequent release of their mediators. SRS and ECF have also been found in a non mast cell source, e.g. in human PMNs. ECF can be generated and released from human PMNs by different stimuli, such…