Tadeusz Iwaniec

Singularities in L^p-quasidisks

We study planar domains with exemplary boundary singularities of the form of cusps. A natural question is how much elastic energy is needed to flatten these cusps; that is, to remove singularities. We give, in a connection of quasidisks, a sharp integrability condition for the distortion function to answer this question. peerReviewed

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Radó–Kneser–Choquet theorem

We present a new approach to the celebrated theorem of Rado–Kneser–Choquet (RKC) on univalence of planar harmonic mappings. The novelty lies in establishing a continuous path (isotopy) from the given harmonic map to a conformal one. Along this path the mappings retain positive Jacobian determinant by virtue of so-called Minimum Principle. These ideas extend to nonlinear uncoupled systems of partial differential equations, as in Iwaniec, Koski and Onninen [‘Isotropic p-harmonic systems in 2D, Jacobian estimates and univalent solutions’, Rev. Mat. Iberoam, to appear]. Unfortunately, details of such digression would lead us too far afield. Nonetheless, one gains (in particular) the RKC-Theorem…

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Isotropic p-harmonic systems in 2D Jacobian estimates and univalent solutions

The core result of this paper is an inequality (rather tricky) for the Jacobian determinant of solutions of nonlinear elliptic systems in the plane. The model case is the isotropic (rotationally invariant) p-harmonic system ...

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Mappings of finite distortion: Monotonicity and continuity

We study mappings f = ( f1, ..., fn) : Ω → Rn in the Sobolev space W loc (Ω,R n), where Ω is a connected, open subset of Rn with n ≥ 2. Thus, for almost every x ∈ Ω, we can speak of the linear transformation D f(x) : Rn → Rn, called differential of f at x. Its norm is defined by |D f(x)| = sup{|D f(x)h| : h ∈ Sn−1}. We shall often identify D f(x) with its matrix, and denote by J(x, f ) = det D f(x) the Jacobian determinant. Thus, using the language of differential forms, we can write

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Recently, systematic studies of mappings of finite distortion have emerged as a key area in geometric function theory. The connection with deformations of elastic bodies and regularity of energy minimizers in the theory of nonlinear elasticity is perhaps a primary motivation for such studies, but there are many other applications as well, particularly in holomorphic dynamics and also in the study of first order degenerate elliptic systems, for instance the Beltrami systems we consider here.

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Radó-Kneser-Choquet Theorem for simply connected domains (p-harmonic setting)

A remarkable result known as Rad´o-Kneser-Choquet theorem asserts that the harmonic extension of a homeomorphism of the boundary of a Jordan domain ⌦ ⇢ R2 onto the boundary of a convex domain Q ⇢ R2 takes ⌦ di↵eomorphically onto Q . Numerous extensions of this result for linear and nonlinear elliptic PDEs are known, but only when ⌦ is a Jordan domain or, if not, under additional assumptions on the boundary map. On the other hand, the newly developed theory of Sobolev mappings between Euclidean domains and Riemannian manifolds demands to extend this theorem to the setting on simply connected domains. This is the primary goal of our article. The class of the p -harmonic equations is wide enou…

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${\cal H}^1$ -estimates of Jacobians by subdeterminants

Let $f:\Omega \rightarrow{\Bbb R}^n$ be a mapping in the Sobolev space $W^{1,n-1}_{loc}(\Omega,{\Bbb R}^n), n\geq 2$ . We assume that the cofactors of the differential matrix Df(x) belong to $L^\frac{n}{n-1}(\Omega)$ . Then, among other things, we prove that the Jacobian determinant detDf lies in the Hardy space ${\cal H}^1(\Omega)$ .

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The Nitsche phenomenon for weighted Dirichlet energy

Abstract The present paper arose from recent studies of energy-minimal deformations of planar domains. We are concerned with the Dirichlet energy. In general the minimal mappings need not be homeomorphisms. In fact, a part of the domain near its boundary may collapse into the boundary of the target domain. In mathematical models of nonlinear elasticity this is interpreted as interpenetration of matter. We call such occurrence the Nitsche phenomenon, after Nitsche’s remarkable conjecture (now a theorem) about existence of harmonic homeomorphisms between annuli. Indeed the round annuli proved to be perfect choices to grasp the nuances of the problem. Several papers are devoted to a study of d…

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Limits of Sobolev homeomorphisms

Let X; Y subset of R-2 be topologically equivalent bounded Lipschitz domains. We prove that weak and strong limits of homeomorphisms h: X (onto)-> Y in the Sobolev space W-1,W-p (X, R-2), p >= 2; are the same. As an application, we establish the existence of 2D-traction free minimal deformations for fairly general energy integrals. Peer reviewed

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Mappings ofBMO-distortion and beltrami-type operators

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Estimates of Jacobians by subdeterminants

Let ƒ: Ω → ℝn be a mapping in the Sobolev space W1,n−1(Ω,ℝn), n ≥ 2. We assume that the determinant of the differential matrix Dƒ (x) is nonnegative, while the cofactor matrix D#ƒ satisfies\(|D^\sharp f|^{\frac{n}{{n - 1}}} \in L^P (\Omega )\), where Lp(Ω) is an Orlicz space. We show that, under the natural Divergence Condition on P, see (1.10), the Jacobian lies in Lloc1 (Ω). Estimates above and below Lloc1 (Ω) are also studied. These results are stronger than the previously known estimates, having assumed integrability conditions on the differential matrix.

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