Marie-françoise Lacassagne

Le spectacle sportif et ses « hér-éthiques » : un grand laisser-faire ! Colloque International Ethique et Sports en Europe

research product

International place branding through sporting events: a British perspective of the 2008 Beijing Olympics

International audience; The goal of this study is to examine if hosting major sporting events represents a relevant strategy to brand a place ‘internationally’ through brand association transfer and to identify whether or not it should be seen as co-branding process. Based on social representation theory and an abductive research strategy, a survey was carried out among British citizens to identify their opinions about the Olympic Games and the city of Beijing following the organisation of the Games in August 2008. The content and the structure of the social representations were analysed and then compared to determine whether or not a double transfer of associations occurred between the pla…

research product

On methods of access to the structure of social representations: the example of Europe.

espanolEl objetivo de este estudio es identificar la logica detras de una serie de metodos estadisticos utilizados para revelar la estructura de las representaciones sociales. Se solicito a un numero de sujetos (n = 317) responder a la pregunta siguiente: �Para cada categoria de europeo, por favor indique con que otros europeos le gustaria tener contacto�. Los resultados de los analisis de similitud nos llevan a la conclusion de que existe un sesgo etnocentrico, y revelan el factor central de la representacion. La representacion obtenida por el analisis factorial de correspondencias se parece mas a la realidad actual y nos permite entender las divisiones que han estructurado Europa y perman…

research product

Les pratiques sportives dans la perspective d'un quartier durable

This paper aims to better understand the role of physical activity in social durability. The empirical study concerns sport and recreational activity among inhabitants of a popular urban district. The exploration, at the same time, of gender and generational categories, shows a large discrepancy between the two groups which stops only at 60 years old. This territorial specificity, referring to European and global French data, enhances a resilience point that can support the role of the actors of sport movement in reinforcing the district social durability.

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Vécu psychosocial des footballeurs camerounais après un passage dans les clubs européens et maghrébins.

International audience

research product

Effects of a Personal Goal Management Program on School and Football Self-Determination Motivation and Satisfaction of Newcomers within a Football Training Centre

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a personal goal-based intervention on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within football training centres. Twenty-three trainees were divided randomly into two groups, either a treatment group or a control group. The treatment proposed to the participants was the Personal Goal Management Program. Trainees’ school and football motivation and satisfaction were measured before, during and after the intervention. Results indicated a beneficial influence on football motivation and satisfaction, and overall trainee satisfaction. Methodological and applied suggestions are made to favour adjus…

research product

Stacking et discrimination : le cas de deux études en contexte virtuel

Resume A partir de la theorie du stacking, cette recherche vise a questionner les processus de discrimination mis en œuvre (couleur de peau et genre) en sport. Plus precisement, les deux etudes proposees montrent l’existence de biais de placement des joueurs, au basketball et au football. La premiere etude met en evidence une surrepresentation des basketteurs noirs aux postes non centraux et une surrepresentation des basketteurs blancs aux postes centraux (racial stacking). La deuxieme etude met en evidence une surrepresentation des footballeuses aux postes non centraux et une surrepresentation des footballeurs aux postes centraux (gender stacking). Les processus sont discutes en termes de …

research product

Brand social representations: strategic perspectives for a fitness club

International audience; The aim of this study was to identify an accurate tool to enable fitness club managers to discover those opinions or stereotypes which represent obstacles to joining their organisations. Starting with brand image, the analysis then considered social representations as relevant constructs for apprehending these opinions or prejudices. The use of a word association task and the model of basic cognitive schemes (Rouquette, 1990; 1994) provided access to the salient elements of the social representations of a particular sport brand and the way they are structured. The procedure combining these two stages represented a diagnostic tool for identifying the attractive and un…

research product

La représentation du stage d'observation chez des étudiants de première année au travers de deux modes de recueil

National audience

research product

Spectators'identification with French sports teams: a French adaptation of the sport spectator identification scale

International audience

research product

‘White men can’t jump in a black basketball game?’ An exploratory investigation of implicit strategies of outgroup discrimination

AbstractExamining the ‘natural’ athlete myth and utilizing the recent literature on cultural/social factors in athleticism and basketball, this study through survey research examines the influence of stereotypes on the impression formation of basketball players. The primary research question is to determine from a group of students the attitudes of basketball players in terms of how they evaluate white and black players in basketball. The purpose is to identify participants’ perceptions and their appreciation as to whether or not black are superior to white basketball players. The theoretical framework employed is articulated around the theory of social categorization and racial stereotypes…

research product

Étude sur les représentations des PPSMJ par les professionnels. L’apport de la psychologie sociale pour une meilleure prise en charge des personnes placées sous main de justice (PPSMJ)

Resume Cet article etudie les representations que les professionnels du monde judiciaire se font des personnes placees sous main de justice (PPSMJ) dont ils ont la charge. Une comparaison selon les institutions concernees est pertinente dans la mesure ou les missions des policiers, des psychiatres, des CPIP et des travailleurs sociaux different et donc leur relation avec les PPSMJ n’est pas de meme nature. Une enquete de terrain realisee a l’aide d’entretiens semi-directifs qui ont fait l’objet d’analyses de discours et de contenu permet de rendre compte des particularites liees aux interactions sociales menees par ces differents professionnels. Schematiquement, les policiers manifestent un…

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Effet de l'accompagnement de projet sur la motivation footballistique et scolaire de stagiaires de centre de formation de foot. Journées Nationales d' Etudes de la SFPS

research product

La catégorisation d'un exogroupe à travers une tâche d'association de mots

International audience

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Le numérique à l'école primaire. Analyse des effets conjoints sur les élèves et les enseignants

International audience; Les technologies numériques sont investies en France depuis plusieurs années par les pouvoirs politiques comme un instrument de lutte contre l'échec scolaire. L'hypothèse est parfois faite que les technologies de l'information et de la communication en éducation (TICE) améliorent sensiblement la qualité de l'éducation en modifiant et facilitant les conditions d'apprentissage des élèves. Cependant, les travaux de recherche montrent des effets relativement ambigus de l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies sur les acquis des élèves.

research product

Black German identities

This study examines the reliability and validity of a German version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity (MIBI) in a sample of 170 Black Germans. The internal consistencies of all subscales are at least moderate. The factorial structure of the MIBI, as assessed by principal component analysis, corresponds to a high degree to the supposed underlying dimensional structure. Construct validity was examined by analyzing (a) the intercorrelations of the MIBI subscales and (b) the correlations of the subscales with external variables. Predictive validity was assessed by analyzing the correlations of three MIBI subscales with the level of intra-racial contact. All but one predictio…

research product

Importance des parents dans l'environnement social de jeunes joueurs de tennis : comparaison entre les années d'échantillonnage et les années de spécialisation

La presente etude compare la perception de l’environnement social de jeunes joueurs de tennis, dans leur activite sportive, selon leur niveau de pratique (annees d’echantillonnage et annees de specialisation) et, plus precisement, la place des parents, dans ce paysage social. Les travaux anterieurs sur la famille ayant montre, d’une part, le role non negligeable des parents, au cours de chacune des etapes de la longue periode de formation de l’athlete, vers le haut niveau (regle des 10 ans de pratique deliberee) (Bloom, 1985 ; Cote, 1999 ; Ericsson, Krampe et Tesch-Romer, 1993) et, d’autre part, l’influence des comportements parentaux sur certaines variables psychologiques (stress, plaisir,…

research product

Black - White intergroup relations in France. The impact of antiracist norm and categorization process using the RepMut tool

International audience

research product

Proposition d'un cadre d'analyse des relations intergroupes conflictuelles potentiellement violentes ou discriminatoires dans le spectacle sportif

Depuis une dizaine d'années, nous assistons à une mondialisation et à une diversification du spectacle sportif aussi bien dans les sites dédiés à leur manifestation que dans les lieux investis pour le suivi de leur retransmission. Les contextes sociaux liés à la réception du spectacle sportif sont devenus des lieux de constructions et d'expressions identitaires qui se manifestent par des appartenances à des groupes plus ou moins organisés. Même si cette situation n'est pas inédite, elle semble avoir pris des proportions considérables dans certains pays européens et dans certains sports avec l'émergence de formes de violence (symbolique, verbale, physique...) et de discrimination (territoire…

research product

L'implication parentale peut-elle être modulée par le sexe ? Colloque de Psychologie sociale et communication

research product

Social Representation of "Maghrebins" : effect of the inductive word on elements activated in a verbal association task

International audience

research product

La psychologie sociale du langage. In J.-P. Pétard (Ed.). Psychologie Sociale (pp. 219-268). Paris : Bréal Editions.

research product

Psychologie sociale et communication : de la conception aux applications

research product

Effects of personal goal management program on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within a football training centre

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a personal goal-based intervention on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within football training centres. Twenty-three trainees were divided randomly into two groups, either a treatment group or a control group. The treatment proposed to the participants was the personal goal management program (Bouffard, Labelle, Dubé & Lapierre, 1999). Trainees' school and football motivation and satisfaction were measured before, during and after the intervention. Results indicated a beneficial influence on football motivation and satisfaction, and overall trainee satisfaction. Methodological and applied su…

research product

La représentation du sport : visions d'étudiants sportifs et non sportifs

International audience; Cette étude vise à comparer l'image du sport telle qu'elle est perçue par des étudiants impliqués dans les activités sportives (STAPS) et des étudiants non impliqués (IUT). Elle s'appuie sur des associations verbales donnant lieu à une analyse de similitude.

research product

Appropriation générationnelle des aspects nutritionnels : activité physiques et fruits et légumes. Journée d'étude du Collectif Régional Activité Physique et Nutrition de Bourgogne (CRAN).

research product

« Essai d’application d’un cadre d’analyse socio-psycho-historique au discours sur les athlètes métropolitains dans L’Equipe (1946-68) »

research product

Co-construction et appropriation des savoirs en EPS et stratégies de management identitaire

Les mécanismes psycho-sociologiques relatifs aux interactions groupales influent sur l'appropriation d'un savoir en EPS. Ainsi, les théories de l'identité sociale (Tajfel & Turner, 1986) et de l'auto-catégorisation (Oakes, Haslam & Turner, 1994) montrent que l'individu peut se définir en fonction de ses appartenances groupales. Ces positionnements sociaux émergent quand un ensemble humain est divisé en sous-groupes ; l'apparition chez l'individu de diverses distorsions (perception, évaluation, comportement) favorise son groupe (endogroupe) et peut être préjudiciable à un groupe extérieur (exogroupe). Les "stratégies de management identitaire" (Ellmers, 1993) permettent à l'individu de conse…

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Les formes de supportérisme dasn le rugby français. Communication orale pour le colloque « Autour des acteurs de rugby. Pratiques, évolutions, recherches ».

research product

Psychologie sociale, communication, langage : de la conception aux applications

research product

A self-report of adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers : the Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale

research product

Biais de discrimination et statut social : une étude de terrain sur les relations intergroupes

International audience; This study concerns discrimination bias in relations between work groups. As new developments in categorisation theory have shown, several factors modulate the effects of inter-group categorisation. Among these, status is viewed as introducing conflict between groups. We studied the impact of this factor in a work situation where status was not linked to power, choosing a firm in which relations between groups were conflict provoking. Three work groups within the same mobile phone firm were selected on the basis of their status : the ''Hard'' group, considered as high status in relation to the low status ''Administration'' group, and the ''Production'' group with an …

research product

Rapport final du projet « Villes en Transition : le cas du quartier de de la Fontaine d’Ouche à Dijon"

Comment mobiliser les citoyens autours de conduites éco-responsables en matière de consommation ? Nous avons souhaité, au travers de l’appel à projet MOVIDA, identifier les leviers d’une consommation plus durable en les situant dans une dynamique territoriale observée à l’échelle d’un ou plusieurs petits territoires, qui seront autant de terrains d’expérimentation. Cette démarche, qui articule plusieurs approches disciplinaires, entend éclairer les dimensions psycho-sociologiques et communicationnels de la consommation sans négliger les aspects géographiques et économiques.Notre hypothèse est la suivante : Les habitants des quartiers urbains dits sensibles manifestent des formes particulièr…

research product

Les stéréotypes états-uniens dans l’approche de la discrimination sportive française

National audience; La science d’aujourd’hui, notamment en psychologie sociale, est dominée par les normes états-uniennes qui préforment la façon d’aborder les problèmes. Il s’ensuit que les contextes sociologiques dans lesquels émergent les mécanismes fondamentaux, bien qu’ils ne soient pas irréductibles les uns aux autres, sont souvent minorés et l’interprétation des résultats produits souvent distordue. Il s’agira de montrer en quoi ces conceptions « abusives » nuisent à de véritables actions visant l’affaiblissement de la discrimination.

research product

La construcción del proyecto migratorio y las razones de emigrar en la población de África subsahariana de habla francesa. Un estudio intercontinental Europa - África [Construction of migration project and reasons for emigrating in sub-Saharan African francophone population. An intercontinental study Europe-Africa]

Este estudio da cuenta de las razones de los ciudadanos de África subsahariana francófona para establecerse en Europa y particularmente en Francia mediante la creación de un marco comprensivo innovador que vincula tres ejes temáticos: la motivación, las migraciones y África y sus relaciones con Europa. 155 participantes en ambos continentes respondieron a un cuestionario sobre su proyecto migratorio real o posible. Los resultados plantean un plano general de acercamiento a los imaginarios y la realidad de los migrantes en el contexto francés, marcado por la reflexión sobre la identidad nacional, los controles migratorios, un clima político reticente a la migración y un tejido social caracte…

research product

Les dynamiques identitaires sous-jacentes au développement des partis nationalistes en Europe

National audience

research product

Social representations as a diagnostic tool for identifying cultural and other group differences

The aim of this research is to develop a procedure for data collection within a social representations perspective that may be of use in diverse contexts in which investigators wish to understand and compare the norms and values associated with a particular social object in different social or cultural groups. The social representation of sport is studied in two culturally distinct countries, Morocco and France, with the use of an innovative procedure derived from the Model of Basic Cognitive Schemes (Rouquette, 1990, 1994b). The results reveal a difference in the appropriation of values related to sport in the two countries: the social representation of sport for the Moroccans is focused a…

research product

Construction of migration project and reasons for emigrating in sub-Saharan African francophone population. An intercontinental study Europe-Africa

Este estudio da cuenta de las razones de los ciudadanos de África subsahariana francófona para establecerse en Europa, y particularmente en Francia, mediante la creación de un marco comprensivo innovador que vincula tres ejes temáticos: la motivación, las migraciones, y África y sus relaciones con Europa. 155 participantes en ambos continentes respondieron a un cuestionario sobre su proyecto migratorio real o posible. Los resultados plantean un plano general de acercamiento a los imaginarios y la realidad de los migrantes en el contexto francés, marcado por la reflexión sobre la identidad nacional, los controles migratorios, un clima político reticente a la migración y un tejido social cara…

research product

Commentaire sur la réponse de Clémence, concernant le texte de Lacassagne, Salès-Wuillemin, Castel & Jébrane

International audience

research product

Les groupes de supporters ultras à Marseille: Des modes de gestion identitaire différents?

Cet article propose une etude des modes de gestion identitaire chez deux groupes de supporters ultras francais, les South Winners (SW) et le Commando Ultra (CU), qui soutiennent la meme equipe de Marseille. La Theorie de l'identite sociale et celle de l'auto categorisation constituent notre cadre d'analyse. Nous avons degage les caracteristiques socio-structurelles de statut, de legitimite et de stabilite des SW et du CU a partir d'informations socio-historiques. Quarante recits de matchs entre 1997 et 2003 diffuses dans les fanzines des deux groupes ont ete analyses a l'aide de la psychologie sociale du langage. Les resultats obtenus nous ont permis de mettre en evidence des strategies de …

research product

Basking in Reflected Glory and Blasting

This study examines, in soccer fanzines, two identity-management strategies—basking in reflected glory (BIRGing) and blasting—of two groups of highly identified soccer fans with allegiance to the same team. Results show strong support for the BIRG phenomenon among both ultra fan groups but little evidence of the blasting phenomenon among either group. The implications of these findings are discussed in regard to social identity management among sports fans.

research product

Parents’ Perceptions of Their Involvement in Their Child’s Sport Activity

The aim of this study was twofold: (a) to examine how parents perceive their involvement in their child’s sport activity and (b) to compare these perceptions according to the stage of the child’s sport participation. Using a qualitative design, 36 French parents of young tennis players were interviewed with a semistructured format. Transcriptions were analyzed by means of the propositional analysis of discourse, which permits, through the use of linguistic indicators, taking into account semantic and syntactic features. Results indicated that parents of noncompetitive tennis players talked negatively about their own (tangible) involvement and perceived tennis as a leisure-time activity, wh…

research product

The impact of societal cultural values and individual social beliefs on the perceived effectiveness of managerial influence strategies: a meso approach

This paper reports the findings of a 12-nation study designed to test empirically the relationships between societal cultural values, individual social beliefs, and the perceived effectiveness of different influence strategies. The relationships between three types of broad influence strategy (persuasive, assertive, and relationship based) and four dimensions of individual beliefs (cynicism, fate control, reward for application, and religiosity) were examined. Three of Project GLOBE's cultural values (in-group collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and future orientation) were selected to investigate their direct effects on the rated effectiveness of influence strategies, and their possible i…

research product

Socio Psychological Counseling: How to Manage Identities?

The work presented here is a research carried out into initiatives for returning the long-term unemployed to work. A small case group study based on international expertise in social categorization and communication was conducted in France. This analysis of “long-term unemployment” was done through the consequences for relationships with work with a view to suggesting a suitable remedial approach. The recommended socio psychological counseling is based on reconstructing the professional identity of the long-term unemployed person and implementing this before the return to a supported role that should serve as a springboard towards permanent employment. The results lead to extend this method…

research product

La construcción del proyecto migratorio y las razones de emigrar en la población de África subsahariana de habla francesa. Un estudio intercontinental Europa - África

Este estudio da cuenta de las razones de los ciudadanos de África subsahariana francófona para establecerse en Europa y particularmente en Francia mediante la creación de un marco comprensivo innovador que vincula tres ejes temáticos: la motivación, las migraciones y África y sus relaciones con Europa. 155 participantes en ambos continentes respondieron a un cuestionario sobre su proyecto migratorio real o posible. Los resultados plantean un plano general de acercamiento a los imaginarios y la realidad de los migrantes en el contexto francés, marcado por la reflexión sobre la identidad nacional, los controles migratorios, un clima político reticente a la migración y un tejido social caracte…

research product

Self-Reported Adjustment of Teenagers at Soccer Training Centers: The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale

The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire to measure adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers, particularly newcomers. The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale was adapted from the Institutional Integration Scale and assesses the trainee's adjustment to operating and social activities. The scale was tested on a sample of 136 trainees from four soccer centers. Exploratory analysis indicated that the 13 items formed five factors: peer adjustment, boarding supervisor adjustment, soccer adjustment, scholastic adjustment, and boarding adjustment. These factors had internal consistency reliability ranging from .76 to .94.

research product

Psychologie sociale, communication, langage : de la théorie aux applications

research product

Le supportérisme Ultra à Marseille : des modes de construction identitaire différents

research product

Spectators' Identification with French Sports Teams: A French Adaptation of the Sport Spectator Identification Scale

International audience; Due to the works of Wann and colleagues, spectators' identification with teams has taken on a central role in the study of sports spectators' thought and behavior. However, no research in this area has measured identification with sports teams in the French context. Two studies attempted to develop a valid and reliable French version of the Sport Spectator Identification Scale (SSIS) developed by Wann and Branscombe in 1993 to measure team identification. In Study 1, 200 physical education students completed a French translation of the SSIS and several questions concerning their involvement, investment, and evaluation of the team's future performance. Results showed …

research product

Culture specific and cross-culturally generalizable implicit leadership theories

This study focuses on culturally endorsed implicit theories of leadership (CLTs). Although cross-cultural research emphasizes that different cultural groups likely have different conceptions of what leadership should entail, a controversial position is argued here: namely that attributes associated with charismatic/transformational leadership will be universally endorsed as contributing to outstanding leadership. This hypothesis was tested in 62 cultures as part of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Research Program. Universally endorsed leader attributes, as well as attributes that are universally seen as impediments to outstanding leadership and cultur…

research product

For a socio-psychological approach of the concept of racial stacking

AbstractResearch studies focusing on the relationships between team sports and socio- ethnicity have developed in the Anglo-Saxon literature since the 1970s. In particular the use of the concept of racial stacking confirms a growing interest in a more complex vision when it comes to player selection and positioning. In basketball, studies have identified that black players are overrepresented in the American professional basketball championships (NBA) and at the same time patterns of racial stacking exist as they are overrepresented at non-central positions. This research led to a survey of black players’ positions in the professional championships in France (Pro A basketball). Using social…

research product

Brand Social Representations: Strategie perspectives for a fitness club

research product

Utilisation du numérique et réduction des inégalités sociales de réussite : l'exemple de la ville de Chenôve

research product

Understanding the consequences of victory amongst sport spectators: The mediating role of BIRGing.

Prior work on the relationships between team identification and spectators' reactions to one's team victory has largely neglected the potential effects of mediating variables. In this research, we proposed that the process of Basking in Reflected Glory [BIRGing - the tendency to reduce the distance between oneself and one's team; Cialdini, R. B., Bordon, R. J., Thorne, A., Walker, M. R., Freeman, S., & Sloan, L. R. (1976). Basking in reflected glory: Three (football) field studies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34, 366-375] would lead spectators to almost take ownership of victories and share its benefits, thereby impacting their sense of national belonging in a positive man…

research product

Categorial points of view in social representation

En s'appuyant sur la theorie des points de vue developpee par MacLaury pour les couleurs, les As. examinent les processus categoriels en jeu dans les representations sociales associees aux differents noms utilises pour designer les immigres maghrebins de France

research product

Mémorisation et rappel d'un texte en fonction d'une attitude

International audience

research product