Salvatrice Vizzini

Effectiveness of Posidonia oceanica biotic indices for assessing the ecological status of coastal waters in the Saronikos Gulf (Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean)

Biotic indices are considered key assessment tools in most national and European policies aimed at improving the quality of coastal waters. At present, several Water Framework Directive (WFD)-compliant biotic indices based on the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica have been developed and applied in the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of four different P. oceanica indices (POMI, PREI, Valencian CS, and BiPo) in evaluating the ecological status of coastal waters in a case study area of Greece. The evaluation, comparison, and validation of the Ecological Status Class (ESC) assessments obtained by each index were based on a set of eight common sites that en…

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Morphometric analysis of the shells of the Genus Bolivina from the Gulf of Gela (Sicilian Channel, Italy): a valid classification instrument?

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Evidence for trophic structure variability in Mediterranean coastal lagoons.

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Decomposition rate and invertebrate colonization of seagrass detritus along a hydrodynamic gradient in a Mediterranean coastal basin: The Stagnone di Marsala (Italy) case study

International audience; Seagrass leaf litter decomposition is a key component of marine carbon flow driven by both biotic and abiotic factors, including water movement. In this study, we analyse Posidonia oceanica litter decomposition and invertebrate colonization in three sites with different hydrodynamics in a coastal basin. Litterbags were put on the sea bed along a gradient of distance from the open sea, implying a different level of water exchange. Leaf litter mass loss and carbon and nitrogen concentration were analysed, and density and biomass of benthic invertebrates colonizing litterbags were recorded after 3, 7, 14, 47, 101, 152 and 221 days. Results showed that in the most shelte…

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Preliminary results on the distribution of benthic foraminifera in the lagoon like coastal basin Stagnone di Marsala (Trapani, Italy)

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Resistance of seagrass habitats to ocean acidification via altered interactions in a tri-trophic chain

Despite the wide knowledge about prevalent effects of ocean acidification on single species, the consequences on species interactions that may promote or prevent habitat shifts are still poorly understood. Using natural CO2 vents, we investigated changes in a key tri-trophic chain embedded within all its natural complexity in seagrass systems. We found that seagrass habitats remain stable at vents despite the changes in their tri-trophic components. Under high pCO2, the feeding of a key herbivore (sea urchin) on a less palatable seagrass and its associated epiphytes decreased, whereas the feeding on higher-palatable green algae increased. We also observed a doubled density of a predatory wr…

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Changes to processes in estuaries and coastal waters due to intense multiple pressures:an introduction and synthesis

From the 2013 ECSA conference ‘Estuaries and Coastal Areas in Times of Intense Change’ a theme emerged that has ended up being the focus of this Special Issue of Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, namely ‘Changes to processes in estuaries and coastal waters due to intense multiple pressures’. Manyparts of the world are continuing to experience unprecedented rates of economic growth, and those responsible for managing coastal and estuarine areas must respond accordingly. At the same time, global climate change and sea level rise are also continuing, placing new or more intense pressures on coastal areas that must be dealt with in ways that are as far as possible managed as a result of good…

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Biogeochemical evaluation of historical sediment contamination in the Gulf of Palermo (NW Sicily): Analysis of pseudotrace elements and stable isotope signals

Abstract Sedimentary biogeochemical data from the Gulf of Palermo, which borders one of the major urban and industrial areas of the central Mediterranean, provide a decennial–centennial-scale record of the effects of human activity on this coastal environment. In this study we report trace elements (TE), C org /N tot ratios, δ 13 C org , and δ 15 N tot from dated ( 210 Pb) sediments collected in two coastal stations variably influenced by urban/fluvial loadings and illegal dumping and we compare them with published data for offshore sediments, in order to investigate at a large spatial scale the influence of on-land activities on sedimentary marine system. TE were generally low except for H…

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Effetti di input ornitogenici sullo stato trofico di un sistema costiero Mediterraneo (laghetti di Marinello, Sicilia, Italia)

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Studi applicativi finalizzati all’attivazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere della Regione Sicilia. Standardizzazione di descrittori biotici in Posidonia oceanica e nelle comunità meiobentoniche di fondi mobili e predisposizione di criteri per il posizionamento di reti di sorveglianza della qualità dell’acqua (D. Lgs. 152/99 e Direttiva 2000/60/UE)

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Fish assemblages cope with ocean acidification in a shallow volcanic CO2 vent benefiting from an adjacent recovery area

Shallow CO2 vents are used to test ecological hypotheses about the effects of ocean acidification (OA). Here, we studied fish assemblages associated with Cymodocea nodosa meadows exposed to high pCO2/low pH conditions at a natural CO2 vent in the Mediterranean Sea. Using underwater visual census, we assessed fish community structure and biodiversity in a low pH site (close to the CO2 vent), a close control site and a far control site, hypothesising a decline in biodiversity and a homogenization of fish assemblages under OA conditions. Our findings revealed that fish diversity did not show a unique spatial pattern, or even significant relationships with pH, but correlated with seagrass leaf …

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Stagnone di Marsala lagoon, Sicily

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Feeding ecology of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso, 1810) (Osteichthyes, Atherinidae), in the western Mediterranean: evidence for spatial variability based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes

The feeding ecology of the sand smelt Atherina boyeri Risso 1810 (Osteichthyes, Atherinidae) was investigated in a Mediterranean coastal basin (Stagnone di Marsala, Italy) by means of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios. Sampling was carried out seasonally in 1999 in two locations characterised by different depth and vegetal coverage. Throughout the year the sand smelt showed enriched δ 13C and δ 15N values in both sampling locations (δ 13C about −12‰ and δ 15N about 12‰). This result suggests the overall importance of the benthic pathway in the food web leading to A. boyeri. Our isotopic picture is only in partial agreement with stomach content data from the literature. Stomach conte…

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Sometimes Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) Cannot Find Their Way Back to the High Seas: A Multidisciplinary Study on a Mass Stranding

BackgroundMass strandings of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) remain peculiar and rather unexplained events, which rarely occur in the Mediterranean Sea. Solar cycles and related changes in the geomagnetic field, variations in water temperature and weather conditions, coast geographical features and human activities have been proposed as possible causes. In December 2009, a pod of seven male sperm whales stranded along the Adriatic coast of Southern Italy. This is the sixth instance from 1555 in this basin.Methodology/principal findingsComplete necropsies were performed on three whales whose bodies were in good condition, carrying out on sampled tissues histopathology, virology, bacter…

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Sedimentary record of anthropogenic contaminants (trace metals and PAHs) and organic matter in a Mediterranean coastal area (Gulf of Palermo, Italy)

Abstract The Gulf of Palermo (Italy, Mediterranean Sea) is a contaminated coastal environment with a relatively high influx of unregulated industrial and domestic effluents. Two sediment box-cores were collected at water depths of 100 and 712 m. Samples were analysed for trace metals (As, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb), total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ΣPAHs), organic carbon to total nitrogen (Corg/Ntot) ratios and organic carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition (δ13Corg and δ15Ntot). At the coastal site, trace metal and ΣPAH depth profiles show a clear upcore increase, indicating increasing contamination over the recent past. Concentrations of ΣPAHs, Hg, Pb, Cu, and As appear to be potentiall…

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Analysis of the trophic role of primary producers in Posidonia oceanica ecosystems along the Sicilian coasts (Italy)

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Trasferimento del surplus di alimento utilizzato per la stabulazione in gabbie del tonno rosso (Thunnus thynnus, l. 1758) all’interno delle reti trofiche naturali

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Food selection of a generalist herbivore exposed to native and alien seaweeds

Understanding which factors influence the invasion of alien seaweed has become a central concern in ecology. Increasing evidence suggests that the feeding preferences of native herbivores influence the success of alien seaweeds in the new community. We investigated food selection of a generalist native grazer Paracentrotus lividus, in the presence of two alien seaweeds (Caulerpa cylindracea and Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla) and two native seaweeds (Dictyopteris membranacea and Cystoseira compressa). Sea urchins were fed with six experimental food items: C. cylindracea, C. taxifolia var. distichophylla, a mixture of C. cylindracea and C. taxifolia var. distichophylla, D. membranace…

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Valutazione degli effetti ambientali della maricoltura basata sull’analisi degli isotopi stabili di azoto

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Exploitation of food sources by ichthyofauna in the Acquatina coastal system (Apulia, Italy)

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Il Laboratorio di Biologia Marina e Risorse

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Trace elements and PAHs in surface sediments and biota from a contamination hot spot (Augusta Bay, Italy): potential export to the adjoining coastal marine areas

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Studio della dinamica di decomposizione del detrito fogliare di Posidonia oceanica lungo un gradiente di confinamento in un’area siciliana a caratteristiche lagunari (Stagnone di Marsala)

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The role and contribution of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile organic matter for secondary consumers as revealed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis

The δ13C and δ15N values of primary producers and consumers were studied to obtain information on the trophic role of Posidonia oceanica L. Delile, the dominant primary producer, in a Mediterranean shallow environment (the Stagnone di Marsala, western Sicily). δ13C strongly discriminated between pelagic and benthic pathways, with the former based on phytoplankton and the latter on a mixed pool of seagrass detritus, epiphytes and benthic algae as carbon sources. A particularly important trophic role appears to be performed by the vegetal epiphytic community on seagrass leaves (δ13C = -14.9 ± 0.1‰), which supports most of the faunal seagrass community (i.e. Amphipoda, Isopoda, Tanaidacea; δ13…

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Seasonal variability of diet and trophic level of the gelatinous predator Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa)

13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, supplementary information https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-30474-x

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Sediment features, macrozoobenthic assemblages and trophic relationships (δ13C and δ15N analysis) following a dystrophic event with anoxia and sulphide development in the Santa Giusta lagoon (western Sardinia, Italy)

Macrozoobenthic assemblages and stable carbon (delta C-13) and nitrogen (delta N-15) isotope values of various primary producers (macroalgae and angiosperms) and consumers (macroinvertebrate filter/suspension feeders, deposit feeders, detritivores/omnivores and carnivores and fishes) were studied in the Santa Giusta lagoon (Sardinia, Italy) before (spring) and after (autumn) a dystrophic event which occurred in the summer of 2004. A few days after the dystrophy, the physico-chemical characteristics of sediments and macrozoobenthic assemblages were also investigated. In the latter occasion, high total organic carbon (3.9%) and organic matter (15.9%) contents of surface sediments went togethe…

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Caratteristiche ecologiche, fattori di pressione antropica e sviluppo sostenibile di un ambiente costiero mediterraneo (Stagnone di Marsala, Sicilia occidentale)

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Potential of the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii as bioindicator for PHAs

Every year 230.000 t of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAs) enter the marine environment, resulting ubiquitously distributed world‐wide. These compounds are aromatic molecules of special concern because of their toxic and carcinogenic properties. The two main sources of PHAs in the environment are fossil fuels, mainly crude oil, and the incomplete combustion of organic materials such as wood, coal and oil. They enter the sea by both atmospheric and aquatic routes. As a consequence of their hydrophobic nature, in aquatic environments PHAs rapidly tend to associate with particulate matter and sediments represent the most important reservoir. Animal and aquatic plants can accumulate PHAs f…

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An individual-based dataset of carbon and nitrogen isotopic data of Callinectes sapidus in invaded Mediterranean waters

The characterisation of functional traits of non-indigenous and invasive species is crucial to assess their impact within invaded habitats. Successful biological invasions are often facilitated by the generalist diet of the invaders which can modify their trophic position and adapt to new ecosystems determining changes in their structure and functioning. Invasive crustaceans are an illustrative example of such mechanisms since their trophic habits can determine important ecological impacts on aquatic food webs. The Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus is currently established and considered invasive in the Mediterranean Sea where it has been recorded for the first time between 1947 and 19…

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Morphological response of the larvae of Arbacia lixula to near-future ocean warming and acidification

The distribution of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula, a warm affinity species, has been expanding in the Mediterranean Sea. To address questions on potential for future success of this species in the region, the thermotolerance of larval development was investigated in context of regional warming. The larvae were reared in present day spawning period (20 °C) and warming conditions (+4 = 24 and +6 = 26 °C). As the calcifying larvae of sea urchins are vulnerable to stunted growth caused by ocean acidification, the impact of lower pH (−0.3 pH units) on larval development was also investigated in combination with warming. Morphological traits of the larvae, post-oral length arms, overall length of…

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Sources and transfer of organic matter in food webs of a Mediterranean coastal environment: Evidence for spatial variability

Abstract The spatial variability in the food web structure of a Mediterranean semi-enclosed coastal environment (Stagnone di Marsala, Italy) was investigated using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Organic matter sources and consumers were sampled in two locations with different environmental features (e.g. hydrodynamic regime, open-sea influence, vegetal coverage). Overall more 13 C-enriched and 15 N-depleted values were found in the central location than in the southern for organic matter sources and consumers. Pelagic consumers (zooplankton and juveniles of transient fish) showed slight spatial differences and in both locations seemed to depend on phytoplankton as the ultimate energy …

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The use of very high resolution images for studying Posidonia oceanica reefs

Posidonia oceanica is an endemic Mediterranean seagrass that forms wide and dense meadows from the surface up to about 40 m depth. This species can develop a biogenic structure called matte, a typical terraced formation built up by itself, consisting of intertwined rhizomes, roots and sediment, which may allow shoots to reach the sea surface forming reefs (récif barrière), considered natural monuments. Posidonia oceanica reefs are particularly exposed to the ongoing increase in temperature and in storm frequency and intensity due to climate change, with negative repercussions on their conservation. Much more attention must be paid to the implementation of monitoring tools able to detect ear…

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Trace elements and stable isotopes in penguin chicks and eggs: A baseline for monitoring the Ross Sea MPA and trophic transfer studies.

Multi-tissue trace elements (TEs), C, N concentrations and stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) of chick carcasses and eggs of Adelie and Emperor penguins were studied to i) provide reference data before the recent institution of the Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (Antarctica), and ii) provide conversion factors that allow estimating C, N, δ13C and δ15N in edible tissues from non-edible ones, thus improving the use of stable isotopes in contamination and trophic transfer studies. Higher concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn and Pb were found in chick carcasses than in eggs, suggesting increasing contamination in recent decades and high toxicity risks for penguin consumers. Isotopic conversion fa…

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Indicatori dell’impatto ambientale in acquacoltura

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Relazioni trofiche tra organismi sospensivori in reef biogenici intertidali

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Premature aging in bone of fish from a highly polluted marine area

Fish species have attracted considerable interest in studies assessing biological responses to environmental contaminants. In this study, the attention has been focussed on fishbone of selected fish species from a highly polluted marine area, Augusta Bay (Italy, Central Mediterranean) to evaluate if toxicant elements had an effect on the mineralogical structure of bones, although macroscopic deformations were not evident. In particular, an attempt was made to evaluate if bone mineral features, such as crystallinity, mineral maturity and carbonate/phosphate mineral content, determined by XR-Diffraction and FT-IR Spectroscopy, suffered negative effects due to trace element levels in fishbone,…

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Isotopic Niche and Trophic Position of the Invasive Portunid Portunus segnis Forskål, (1775) in Elounda Bay (Crete Island, Eastern Mediterranean)

There is a growing recognition that an advanced understanding of the trophic characteristics of an invasive consumer can provide important information on its ecological impact. In recent years, the blue swimming crab Portunus segnis, one of the earliest Lessepsian invaders, has considerably expanded its distribution range in the Mediterranean Sea, yet, its trophic habits in invaded areas remain scarcely investigated. In this study, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analysis (SIA) to determine the trophic position and isotopic niche of the crab compared with other representatives of the flora and fauna occurring in Elounda Bay (Crete). P. segnis showed a trophic position of 3.9, hi…

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Lavori per il potenziamento delle opere marittime esistenti per la messa in sicurezza del porto di Castellammare del Golfo (ai sensi del’art. 5 della L.R. 21/98) riguardante i lavori di prolungamento della diga foranea e delle opere interne d’accosto e di arredo portuale.

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Beyond the mean: A comparison of trace- and macroelement correlation profiles of two lacustrine populations of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii

In invertebrate biomonitors of chemical pollution, emphasis has been generally given to mean accumulation patterns and how they reflect varying environmental levels of contamination. Intra-population variability, and how it relates with individual phenotypic traits, has received less attention. Here, a set of analytes including trace elements (B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, and Zn), macroelements (C, Ca, K, Mg, N, Na), and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) was measured in two populations of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii from Lake Trasimeno and Lake Bolsena (Central Italy). The influence of location, sex, body size, and condition factor was assessed; in ad…

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Variazioni spaziali delle concentrazioni di metalli pesanti nei sedimenti di un’area portuale della Sicilia orientale

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Ocean acidification effects on stable isotope signatures and trophic interactions of polychaete consumers and organic matter sources at a CO2 shallow vent system

Abstract Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis (SIA) was used to examine trophic interactions in a naturally acidified shallow coastal CO2 area in the Mediterranean Sea. SIA was helpful to determine the potential effects of ocean acidification (OA) on the interactions of organic matter sources and polychaete consumers, which appear to be tolerant to high pCO2. Mesoherbivore consumers, represented by three polychaete species, Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin and Milne Edwards, 1834) (Nereididae), Polyophthalmus pictus (Dujardin, 1839) (Opheliidae) and Syllis prolifera Krohn, 1852 (Syllidae), are abundant in the low pH conditions of the CO2 vents. Samples of consumers and potential organi…

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Spatial variability of macrozoobenthic community and trophic structure of a subtropical lagoon on southeastern Brazil's Atlantic coast

The objective of this study was to investigate the macrobenthic community of two compartments of the Maricá-Guarapina lagoon system, along the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in relation to its abiotic sediment factors. An additional discrimination between sites was made, wherever the macrophyte Typha domingensis was found. This vegetation supposedly represents a potentially important food source for consumers. Furthermore, the trophic pathways were analyzed functionally by means of stable isotope analysis to assess the role of organic matter sources for consumers in the study area. In conclusion, the results showed differences between abiotic features in the compartments of the lagoon sys…

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Comparative analyses of chemical, trophic and microbiological variables in sediments from an Eastern Sicilian port: differences in spatial accumulation

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Borer polychaetes in seagrass sheaths: a shelter or a trophic relationship? Preliminary results based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes

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Assessing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) bioaccumulation in the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1971) (Sabellidae) in Sicilian harbours

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Meiofauna as indicator for assessing the impact of fish farming at exposed marine site

This study aimed to detect the impact of organic loads due to biodeposition from a fish farm in an exposed area of the Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Sediment chemistry and meiofaunal assemblages were investigated on a seasonal basis at four stations: two from the impacted area and two control stations. The presence of the cages induced a significant accumulation of proteins, lipids and biopolymeric carbon, resulting in a reduction in meiofaunal density at the impacted stations. Changes in community structure were also evident, as meiofauna under the cages were characterized by increased importance of polychaetes and copepods in comparison with a much lower importance of gastrotrichs …

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Investigating the ecology of Chara cf. baltica (Characeae) in the Lago Preola ecosystem (Sicily, Italy)

Lago Preola is a small lake, located in SW Sicily, in a karstic depression within the Nature Reserve “Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi”. With about 33 ha (maximum depth: 2 m), it is the widest of the 5 natural lakes occurring in the Reserve. The presence of species of conservation concern (e.g., Emys trinacris, the Sicilian Pond Turtle, and several migratory birds), but also of invasive alien species (e.g., Procambarus clarckii, the Red Swamp Crayfish), has been reported for the area. The flora of terrestrial habitats surrounding the basins has been studied extensively, while the aquatic flora and vegetation have not been studied in detail. The coastal aquifer supplying groundwater to the study a…

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Small-scale variability in geomorphological settings influences mangrove-derived organic matter export in a tropical bay

Abstract. Organic matter (OM) exchanges between adjacent habitats affect the dynamics and functioning of coastal systems, as well as the role of the different primary producers as energy and nutrient sources in food webs. Elemental (C, N, C : N) and isotope (δ13C) signatures and fatty acid (FA) profiles were used to assess the influence of geomorphological setting in two climatic seasons on the export and fate of mangrove OM across a tidally influenced tropical area, Gazi Bay (Kenya). The main results indicate that tidal transport, along with riverine runoff, plays a significant role in the distribution of mangrove organic matter. In particular, a marked spatial variability in the export of…

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and variability in Posidonia oceanica associated with seasonality and plant fraction

Abstract The carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of fractions of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in a Mediterranean shallow environment (Stagnone di Marsala, western Sicily) were investigated seasonally throughout 1998. The stable isotope ratios of seagrass leaves (intermediate and adult), rhizomes, leaf litter and aegagropiles were compared over 1 year in order to distinguish between seasonal and plant part variability. Significant differences in the isotopic composition tested using ANOVA were observed as a function of both plant fraction and season. There was an overall trend towards less discrimination against 13 C in summer (average δ 13 C ∼ −10‰) than in winter (aver…

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Serie storiche della composizione isotopica (δ13C e δ15N) di Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile) in un’area interessata da emissioni idrotermali

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Contaminazione da metalli in tracce in un sistema costiero Mediterraneo (laghetti di Marinello, Sicilia, Italia) e loro trasferimento lungo la rete trofica.

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Food web structure in Mediterranean coastal lagoons under different trophic conditions

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Analysis of the trophic structure in zones with different levels of protection within the Marine Protected Area “Isola di Ustica” based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes

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Stable isotopes: a tool for understanding trophodynamic functioning in coastal lagoons

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The influence of high pCO2 on otolith shape, chemical and carbon isotope composition of six coastal fish species in a Mediterranean shallow CO2 vent

Naturally acidified environments, such as CO2 vents, are important sites to evaluate the potential effects of increased ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and biota. Here we assessed the effect of high CO2/low pH on otolith shape and chemical composition of six coastal fish species (Chromis chromis, Coris julis, Diplodus vulgaris, Gobius bucchichi, Sarpa salpa, Symphodus ocellatus) in a Mediterranean shallow CO2 vent. Taking into consideration the major and trace elements found near the vent and the gradient of dissolved inorganic carbon, we compared the otolith chemical signatures of fish exposed long-term to elevated CO2 emissions and reduced pH (mean pH 7.8) against fish living in …

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Spatial variations in habitat use and food habits of juvenile and adult fishes in a mangal ecosystem (Gazi Bay, Kenya)

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Analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes as a tool for assessing the environmental impact of aquaculture: a case study from the western Mediterranean

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios ( 13C/ 12 C and 15N/14 N) of in situ dominant primary producers and consumers were investigated to assess the impact on a natural ecosystem of a land-based fish farm along the south-western coast of Sicily (Italy). The putatively impacted area close to the farm along outfall was compared with other locations at increasing distances from the outfall. Carbon and mainly nitrogen stable isotopes revealed evidence of widespread aquaculture waste in the study site: benthic organisms collected in the impacted area showed more enriched δ 15N signatures than those at greater distances from the outfall, suggesting a large contribution of aquaculture waste to …

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Effect of explosive shallow hydrothermal vents on δ13C and growth performance in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica

1. Explosive volcanic submarine activity is expected to affect seagrass communities due to sudden and dramatic changes in the physical and chemical features of sea water and sediments, with possibly large ecosystem effects. However, seagrass response to the harsh environmental conditions that arise due to explosive volcanism is as yet unexplored as it is not easy to predict when and where an eruption will occur. Here, we investigate the uptake of hydrothermal carbon within the seagrass Posidonia oceanica by the analysis of d13C and growth rates in tissue laid down before and after an exceptional and massive hydrothermal gas release in the Aeolian Islands (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). 2. Hydro…

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Spatial variability of macrozoobenthic community and trophic structure of a subtropical lagoon in the Southeastern Atlantic coast

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Contributo allo studio di un’area di nursery costiera attraverso la tecnica degli isotopi stabili di carbonio e azoto

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Functional traits of two co-occurring sea urchins across a barren/forest patch system

Abstract Temperate rocky reefs may occur in two alternative states (coralline barrens and erect algal forests), whose formation and maintenance are often determined by sea urchin grazing. The two sea urchin species Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula are considered to play a similar ecological role despite their differing morphological traits and diets. The patchy mosaic areas of Ustica Island, Italy, offer an ideal environment in which to study differences in the performance of P. lividus and A. lixula in barren versus forest states. Results show that the two sea urchin species differ in diet, trophic position, grazing adaptation, movement ability and fitness in both barren and forest…

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Dinamica del detrito fogliare fanerogamico lungo un gradiente di confinamento in un’area costiera a caratteristiche lagunari

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Trace element storage capacity of sediments in dead P. oceanica mat from a chronically contaminated marine ecosystem

Posidonia oceanica mat is considered a long-term bioindicator of contamination. Storage and sequestration of trace elements and organic carbon (Corg) were assessed in dead P. oceanica mat and bare sediments from a highly polluted coastal marine area (Augusta Bay, central Mediterranean). Sediment elemental composition and sources of organic matter have been altered since the 1950s. Dead P. oceanica mat displayed a greater ability to bury and store trace elements and Corg than nearby bare sediments, acting as a long-term contaminant sink over the past 120 yr. Trace elements, probably associated with the mineral fraction, were stabilized and trapped despite die-off of the overlying P. oceanica…

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Seasonal patterns of biodiversity in Mediterranean coastal lagoons

Aim: Understanding and quantifying the seasonal patterns in biodiversity of phyto- benthos, macro-zoobenthos and fishes in Mediterranean coastal lagoons, and the species dependence upon environmental factors. Location: The study was carried out in the “Stagnone di Marsala e Saline di Trapani e Paceco,” the largest coastal lagoon system in the central Mediterranean Sea (Sicily, Italy), a Special Protection Area located along one of the central ecological corridors joining Africa and Europe. Methods: The coastal lagoon system was selected as a model ecosystem to investi- gate the seasonal variations in biodiversity indices and dominance–diversity relation- ships in phytobenthos, macro-zoobent…

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Tracking multiple pathways of waste from a northern bluefin tuna farm in a marine-coastal area.

Aquaculture of bluefin tuna in Mediterranean coastal waters has generated growing concern about the negative environmental effects. In the present isotopic study we examined the dispersal and fate of organic matter derived from a Mediterranean tuna farm in the surrounding environment. An overall enrichment in the heavy nitrogen isotope was found in the feed and in farmed tunas, indicating the input of isotopically traceable organic matter in the system. Waste was clearly traceable in the water column up to 1000 m from the cages, while only slight accumulation occurred in the sediment just below the cages. Waste was isotopically shown also to contribute to the diet of demersal and benthopela…

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Stable isotope analysis reveals trophic segregation between the invasive zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha and the native duck mussel Anodonta anatina in Lake Trasimeno (Italy)

AbstractNon-indigenous freshwater bivalves negatively affect invaded ecosystems through different mechanisms, including inter-specific competition for trophic resources. Here, we investigated in Lake Trasimeno (Central Italy) the diet of the invasive Dreissena polymorpha and the native Anodonta anatina. δ15N and δ13C stable isotopes were measured in winter and summer in bivalves, phytoplankton, and sedimentary organic matter (SOM); the relative dietary contributions of the two resources were determined using Bayesian mixing models. To elucidate the different carbon and nitrogen pools characterizing the study site, isotopic analyses were extended to zooplankton and to representatives of the …

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Dati preliminari sulle associazioni a Foraminiferi Bentonici del Golfo di Priolo (Sr) - Sicilia Sud-Orientale

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Diet and habitat use influence Hg and Cd transfer to fish and consequent biomagnification in a highly contaminated area: Augusta Bay (Mediterranean Sea)

Abstract Total mercury (T-Hg) and cadmium (Cd) were measured in twenty species of fish to study their bioaccumulation patterns and trophodynamics in the Augusta Bay food web. Adult and juvenile fish were caught in 2012 in Priolo Bay, south of the Augusta harbour (Central Mediterranean Sea), which is known for the high trace element and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination level. T-Hg concentration was found to significantly increase along δ15N and from pelagic to benthic sedentary fish, revealing a marked influence of trophic position and habitat use (sensu Harmelin 1987) on T-Hg accumulation within ichthyofauna. Cd showed the opposite pattern, in line with the higher trace element…

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Environmental quality and sustainable resource exploitation in marine coastal ecosystems: the case study of tuna farming.

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Evidences on alterations in skeleton composition and mineralization in a site-attached fish under naturally acidified conditions in a shallow CO2 vent

Abstract Background Ocean acidification may affect fish mineralized structures (i.e. otoliths and skeleton). Methods Here, we compared the elemental composition of muscle and skeleton and the mineral features of skeleton in the site-attached fish Gobius bucchichi naturally exposed to high pCO2/low pH conditions in a shallow CO2 vent with fish of the same species exposed to normal pH. Results Overall, no skeleton malformations were found in both pH conditions, but among-site differences were found in the elemental composition. Interestingly, higher Ca/P values, inducing a moderate skeleton maturation, were found in fish exposed to acidified conditions than in controls. Conclusion Our finding…

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Small scale variability of geomorphological settings influences mangrove-derived organic matter export in a tropical bay

Abstract. Organic matter (OM) exchanges between adjacent habitats affect the dynamics and functioning of coastal systems, as well as the role of the different primary producers as energy and nutrient sources in food webs. Elemental (C, N, C : N) and isotope (δ13C) signatures and fatty acid (FA) profiles were used to assess the influence of geomorphological setting in two climatic seasons on the export and fate of mangrove OM across a tidally influenced tropical area, Gazi Bay (Kenya). The main results indicate that tidal transport, along with riverine runoff, play a significant role in the distribution of mangrove organic matter. In particular, a marked spatial variability in the export of …

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Halophila stipulacea descriptors in the native area (Red Sea): A baseline for future comparisons with native and non-native populations

Abstract Halophila stipulacea is a small tropical seagrass species native to the Red Sea. Due to its invasive character, there is growing interest in understanding its ability to thrive in a broad range of ecological niches. We studied temporal (February 2014 and July 2014), depth (5, 9, 18 m) and spatial (NB and SB) related dynamics of H. stipulacea meadows in the northern Gulf of Aqaba. We evaluated changes in density, morphometry, biomass, and biochemical parameters alongside the reproductive effort. In both sites, maximal growth and vegetative performance occurred in the summer with a marked increase of 35% in shoot density and 18% in biomass; PAR reduction with season and depth induced…

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Bottom-up control on macrobenthic communities in a guanotrophic coastal system.

Soft bottom macrobenthic assemblage and sediment characteristics were studied from autumn 2008 to summer 2009 in three coastal ponds (Marinello ponds, Sicily, Italy) at increasing distances from a gull (Larus michahellis Naumann, 1840) colony to investigate the effect of seabird-induced eutrophication (i.e. guanotrophication) on macrobenthic communities. We hypothesized that enhanced nutrient concentration and organic load caused by guano input significantly alter the sedimentary condition of ponds, affecting benthic fauna through a bottom-up control. Polychaetes were the dominant taxon in the system, followed by amphipods, gastropods and bivalves. Macrobenthic patterns showed high variabil…

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δ13C and δ15N variability in Posidonia oceanica associated with seasonality and plant fraction

The carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of fractions of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in a Mediterranean shallow environment (Stagnone di Marsala, western Sicily) were investigated seasonally throughout 1998. The stable isotope ratios of seagrass leaves (intermediate and adult), rhizomes, leaf litter and aegagropiles were compared over 1 year in order to distinguish between seasonal and plant part variability. Significant differences in the isotopic composition tested using ANOVA were observed as a function of both plant fraction and season. There was an overall trend towards less discrimination against 13C in summer (average δ13C ∼ -10‰) than in winter (average δ13C ∼ -…

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Using web-based information systems and stable isotopes analysis to investigate the trophic structure of a fish assemblage in a Mediterranean lagoon

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Stable carbon and nitrogen ratios in the sand smelt from a Mediterranean coastal area: Feeding habits and effect of season and size

Enriched (δ13C values (annual average - 11·2%) suggest that in the study site (Stagnone di Marsala, Italy) the sand smelt Atherina boyeri exploited benthic prey throughout the year. In particular, Mysidacea and Isopoda seemed to dominate the diet. Stomach content data from the literature was in partial agreement with the present isotopic analysis suggesting that, while Mysidacea and Isopoda are exploited by A. boyeri, Copepoda Harpacticoida and Amphipoda are the dominant food items of the sand smelt diet. Several hypotheses are proposed to explain such partially different results from the two techniques. Both season and size influenced the δ13C and δ15N values of A. boyeri. Although through…

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Horizontal and vertical food web structure drives trace element trophic transfer in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica

Abstract Despite a vast amount of literature has focused on trace element (TE) contamination in Antarctica during the last decades, the assessment of the main pathways driving TE transfer to the biota is still an overlooked issue. This limits the ability to predict how variations in sea-ice dynamics and productivity due to climate change will affect TE allocation in the food web. Here, food web structure of Tethys Bay (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica) was first characterised by analysing carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) in organic matter sources (sediment and planktonic, benthic and sympagic primary producers) and consumers (zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, fish and …

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Seabird influence on ecological processes in coastal marine ecosystems: an overlooked role?

Coastal marine ecosystems and especially transitional environments host a large variety of birds, functioning as nesting sites for resident species and corridors for migratory ones. Seabirds activity may trigger movement of nutrients and organic matter between coastal boundaries, affecting their availability and processing. Consequently seabirds are often labelled as biotic vectors. While attention has been focused on the study of biodiversity level and migratory patterns of avifauna, there is little information on the effects of seabirds on ecological features (i.e. trophic status, biodiversity level, food web patterns, transfer of contaminants) in coastal marine ecosystems. To address the…

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The effects of anthropogenic organic matter inputs on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in organisms from different trophic levels in a southern Mediterranean coastal area.

Stable isotope ratios were used to determine the impact of anthropogenically derived organic matter from onshore and offshore fish farming and a sewage outfall on organisms at different trophic levels (primary producers and consumers) on the south-east coast of Sicily (Italy, Mediterranean). Representative macroalgae and consumers were collected in three sampling locations: "Impact" and two putative "Controls" sited to the north of the impacted location. While delta(13)C values of both organic matter sources and consumers varied little between locations, delta(15)N spatial variability was higher and delta(15)N was shown to be a good descriptor of organic enrichment and uptake of anthropogen…

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Plasticity in the trophic niche of an invasive ant explains establishment success and long‐term coexistence

Invasive species are one of the main threats to biodiversity worldwide and the processes enabling their establishment and persistence remain poorly understood. In generalist consumers, plasticity in diet and trophic niche may play a crucial role in invasion success. There is growing evidence that invasive ants, in particular, occupy lower trophic levels in their introduced range compared to the native one, but evidences remain fragmented. We conducted stable isotope analysis at five locations distributed on two continents to infer the trophic position of the invasive ant Formica paralugubris in the native and introduced part of the range. This species forms large colonies and can be a vorac…

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The role of seagrasses as biological barriers against riverine anthropic input in coastal marine ecosystems

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Element-specific behaviour and sediment properties modulate transfer and bioaccumulation of trace elements in a highly-contaminated area (Augusta Bay, Central Mediterranean Sea)

Abstract High sediment contamination in the coastal area of Priolo Bay, adjacent to the highly-polluted Augusta Harbour, poses serious risks for the benthic communities inhabiting the area. Nevertheless, the transfer of trace elements and consequent bioaccumulation in the biota is an overlooked issue. This study aimed to assess the transfer and bioaccumulation patterns of As, Cd, Ni and Hg to the dominant macroalgae and benthic invertebrates of Priolo Bay. Results revealed different patterns among trace elements (TEs), not driven by sediment contamination but rather by element-specific behaviour coupled with sediment physicochemical properties. Specifically, As accumulated in macroalgae but…

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Acque di mezzo. Viaggio alla scoperta degli ambienti costieri della Sicilia: laghi, paludi, pantani, saline e stagni

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Stable isotope analysis of trophic niche in two co-occurring native and invasive terrapins, Emys orbicularis and Trachemys scripta elegans

A trophic niche overlap in native and alien turtle species can lead to competitive interactions whereby allochthonous turtles may outcompete autochthonous individuals and eventually affect viability of natural populations. The European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) is an autochthonous species threatened by habitat encroachment and competition with the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). The latter is an invasive species introduced in Europe from midwestern United States as a pet and now widespread in the natural habitats of E. orbicularis. The extent of trophic competition between E. orbicularis and T. s. elegans in northern Italy was assessed by nitrogen and carbon stable isotop…

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Effects of a small seagull colony on trophic status and primary production in a Mediterranean coastal system (Marinello ponds, Italy)

Abstract Colonies of seabirds have been shown to influence nutrient cycling and primary production of coastal areas, but knowledge is still limited above all for smaller colonies. This study evaluates the influence of a small resident seagull colony (Larus michahellis Naumann, 1840) on a Mediterranean coastal system (Marinello ponds, Sicily, Italy). The presence of ornithogenic organic matter from seagull guano was first assessed at increasing distances from the colony using δ15N to indicate the effects of guano on the trophic status and primary production. The pond directly affected by guano deposition showed an anomalous water and sediment chemistry, especially regarding physico-chemical …

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Limited Stress Response to Transplantation in the Mediterranean Macroalga Ericaria amentacea, a Key Species for Marine Forest Restoration

In the Mediterranean Sea, brown macroalgae represent the dominant species in intertidal and subtidal habitats. Despite conservation efforts, these canopy-forming species showed a dramatic decline, highlighting the urge for active intervention to regenerate self-sustaining populations. For this reason, the restoration of macroalgae forests through transplantation has been recognized as a promising approach. However, the potential stress caused by the handling of thalli has never been assessed. Here, we used a manipulative approach to assess the transplant-induced stress in the Mediterranean Ericaria amentacea, through the analysis of biochemical proxies, i.e., phenolic compounds, lipids, and…

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The trophic position of the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun 1896 in the food web of Parila Lagoon (South Eastern Adriatic, Croatia): A first assessment using stable isotopes

The Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus is to date widely distributed in the Mediterranean Sea, where is recognized as an Invasive Alien Species. Noticeably, while records of its occurrence are increasing, quantitative information on its functional role in the benthic food webs of invaded coastal habitats are scarce. Here, carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures were measured in C. sapidus and other representative taxa of the benthic flora and fauna sampled in summer in the Parila Lagoon, a coastal basin located in the Neretva River estuary area (Croatia). d 15 N values of individual blue crab specimens were used to calculate their trophic position (TP) , using the filter feeder mussel M…

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Microbial Biofilms Along a Geochemical Gradient at the Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System of Vulcano Island, Mediterranean Sea

Shallow water hydrothermal vents represent highly dynamic environments where strong geochemical gradients can shape microbial communities. Recently, these systems are being widely used for investigating the effects of ocean acidification on biota as vent emissions can release high CO2 concentrations causing local pH reduction. However, other gas species, as well as trace elements and metals, are often released in association with CO2 and can potentially act as confounding factors. In this study, we evaluated the composition, diversity and inferred functional profiles of microbial biofilms in Levante Bay (Vulcano Island, Italy, Mediterranean Sea), a well-studied shallow-water hydrothermal ve…

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The trophic structure of a pipefish community (Pisces: Syngnathidae) from a western Mediterranean seagrass meadow based on stable isotope analysis

Syngnathus abaster and S. typhle (Pisces. Syngnathidae) from a dense Cymodocea nodosa meadow in the western Mediterranean Stagnone di Marsala (Italy) were studied using δ13C and δ15N analysis. Because of the presence of these two species in the same habitat and the specialized parental care by the male, the effect of species and sex on the isotopic composition was also studied to investigate the different feeding strategies between and within species. S. abaster and S. typhle exhibited enriched 13C and 15N values throughout the sampling period (δ13C mean ± s.e. = -10.5 ± 1.8‰ and -10.8 ± 2.0‰, δ15N mean ± s.e. = 11.9 ± 0.7‰ and 10.6 ± 1.0‰ respectively), suggesting that these species receiv…

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The Effect of Temporal Changes and Environmental Trophic Condition on the Isotopic Composition (omega13C and omega15N) of Atherina boyeri (Risso, 1810) and Gobius niger (L., 1758) in a Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon (Lake of Sabaudia): Implications for Food Web Structure

δ13C and δ15N of organic matter sources and consumers were employed to analyse trophic differentiation between a benthic consumer, Gobius niger (L., 1758) (Pisces, Osteichthyes), and a pelagic consumer, Atherina boyeri (Risso, 1810) (Pisces, Osteichthyes) in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Lake of Sabaudia) in winter and summer 1999. Trophic differences between the two species throughout the two sampling periods were related to the environmental trophic condition (i. e. nutrient and phytopigment concentrations). Although these two fish have different habitats, they both exploited benthic organisms, above all in summer. When the nutrient and phytopigment concentrations were higher (summer), …

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Effect of explosive shallow hydrothermal vents on δ13C and growth performance in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica

Summary 1. Explosive volcanic submarine activity is expected to affect seagrass communities due to sudden and dramatic changes in the physical and chemical features of sea water and sediments, with possibly large ecosystem effects. However, seagrass response to the harsh environmental conditions that arise due to explosive volcanism is as yet unexplored as it is not easy to predict when and where an eruption will occur. Here, we investigate the uptake of hydrothermal carbon within the seagrass Posidonia oceanica by the analysis of δ13C and growth rates in tissue laid down before and after an exceptional and massive hydrothermal gas release in the Aeolian Islands (Italy, Mediterranean Sea). …

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Stable isotope evidence for the environmental impact of a land-based fish farm in the western Mediterranean

Isotopic examination (delta(13)C and delta(15)N) of organic matter sources and consumers was used to assess the impact and trace the dispersal of wastewater from a land-based fish farm in western Mediterranean. The results provide evidence of the non-negligible effect of aquaculture facilities on the natural stable isotopic composition of organisms. Aquaculture waste entered the food web, altering the natural isotopic composition of organic matter sources at the base and the upper trophic levels. Nitrogen-rich fish waste mainly affected delta(15)N values, while delta(13)C showed less alteration. Waste seemed to disperse widely enough to affect the isotopic composition at the study site abou…

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Long-term effects of elevated CO2 on the population dynamics of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa: Evidence from volcanic seeps

Population reconstruction techniques was used to assess for the first time the population dynamics of a seagrass, Cymodocea nodosa, exposed to long-term elevated CO2 near three volcanic seeps and compared them with reference sites away from the seeps. Under high CO2, the density of shoots and of individuals (apical shoots), and the vertical and horizontal elongation and production rates, were higher than at the reference sites. Nitrogen limitation effects on rhizome elongation and production rates and on biomass were more evident than CO2 as these were highest at the location where the limitation of nitrogen was highest. At the seep where the availability of CO2 was highest and nitrogen low…

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Experimental rearing of the sea urchinParacentrotus lividusfed with discards of the lettuceLactuca sativain a sea-based system

Small-sized specimens (test diameter: 16.64 ± 0.93 mm, mean ± SE) of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus were fed with fresh discards of the lettuce Lactuca sativa during a 24-week experiment in a sea-based system. At the end of the experiment, stock survival was high (88.8 ± 6.6%). Sea urchin test diameter and total weight grew by 35% and 56%, respectively, while gonad somatic index, after an initial decrease, increased by 3.2%. Moreover, more than 90% of specimens achieved the gonad colour that the market demands. These results support the exploitation of L. sativa as the main ingredient in a manufactured diet for echinoculture of P. lividus. Employing diets formulated with discard ingre…

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Studio della connettività tra Ecosistemi Adiacenti in Ambiente Mediterraneo e Tropicale

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Spatial variability of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon

Exploring the trophic pathway of organic matter within the Mauguio lagoon (southern France, western Mediterranean), we found spatial differences in the isotopic composition (both δ13C and δ15N values) of organic matter sources (primary producers, particulate and sedimentary organic matter), which were mirrored in the upper trophic levels (invertebrates and fish). On average, δ13C was heavier by about 1.5–2‰ in the location under marine influence than in the sites influenced by freshwater discharge. The opposite trend was found for δ15N, which attained maximum values in the north-central zone influenced by freshwater delivery. For both C and N stable isotope ratios, the highest spatial varia…

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Seagrasses as biological barriers against anthropic input in coastal marine ecosystems

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Posidonia oceanica loss in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed coastal system: response of polychaete assemblage

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Le aree di transizione siciliane: stato dell’arte e sviluppi futuri

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Altered epiphyte community and sea urchin diet in Posidonia oceanica meadows in the vicinity of volcanic CO2 vents

Ocean acidification (OA) predicted for 2100 is expected to shift seagrass epiphyte communities towards the dominance of more tolerant non-calcifying taxa. However, little is known about the indirect effects of such changes on food provision to key seagrass consumers. We found that epiphyte communities of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in two naturally acidified sites (i.e. north and south sides of a volcanic CO2 vent) and in a control site away from the vent at the Ischia Island (NW Mediterranean Sea) significantly differed in composition and abundance. Such differences involved a higher abundance of non-calcareous crustose brown algae and a decline of calcifying polychaetes in both acidif…

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A new sustainable formulated feed based on discards from food industries for rearing the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lmk)

During a 18‐week experiment in a sea‐based system, Paracentrotus lividus was fed with two formulations of a new sustainable feed whose main ingredients were food farming discards, mostly outermost lettuce leaves, in different percentage. Egg white was added as protein source and binder, and a little amount of commercial fish feed was added as lipid source. At the end of the experiment, a high survival rate (>80%) and an increase in test diameter (22%), total weight (130%), gonad weight (240%) and gonad index expressed as size‐adjusted gonad weight (288%) were recorded. Gonads achieved a good colour and high levels of essential and polyunsaturated fatty acids, hence representing a commerc…

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Cross-validation of δ15N and FishBase estimates of fish trophic position in a Mediterranean lagoon: The importance of the isotopic baseline

Abstract FishBase, a relational database freely available on the Internet, is to date widely used as a source of quantitative information on the trophic position of marine fish species. Here, we compared FishBase estimates for an assemblage of 30 fish species sampled in a Mediterranean lagoon (Acquatina lagoon, SE Italy) with their trophic positions calculated using nitrogen stable isotopes. To assess the influence of the trophic level used to compute the baseline indicator on the robustness of isotopic estimations, we compared the trophic position of fish calculated using the average δ 15 N signature of either basal resource or primary consumer taxa measured at three stations located in th…

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Sicilian transitional waters: Current status and future development

To appraise the current knowledge of Sicilian transitional waters (TWs), a review was undertaken of the information available on these ecosystems. In detail, a synthesis of the current status is reported, highlighting for each area the ecological features and status, historical data, conservation regime, environmental emergencies and anthropic pressures to which they are subject. The Sicilian TWs reviewed include coastal ponds and lakes, mires and areas with active and nonactive saltworks. Almost all of these ecosystems are affected by several protection regimes because of their high naturalistic value, although current knowledge is limited and fragmented. A few areas have received more att…

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Studio della comunità associata allo strato fogliare di Posidonia oceanica in sorgenti sottomarine superficiali di CO2

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Microbial communities of polluted sub-surface marine sediments

Abstract Microbial communities of coastal marine sediment play a key role in degradation of petroleum contaminants. Here the bacterial and archaeal communities of sub-surface sediments (5–10 cm) of the chronically polluted Priolo Bay (eastern coast of Sicily, Italy), contaminated mainly by n-alkanes and biodegraded/weathered oils, were characterized by cultural and molecular approaches. 16S-PCR-DGGE analysis at six stations, revealed that bacterial communities are highly divergent and display lower phylogenetic diversity than the surface sediment; sub-surface communities respond to oil supplementation in microcosms with a significant reduction in biodiversity and a shift in composition; the…

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Contamination by trace metals and their trophic transfer to the biota in a Mediterranean coastal system affected by gull guano

Transitional environments are vulnerable interface systems, ecologically connected with adjacent systems by several biotic or abiotic flows. The coastal system of the Marinello ponds (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) is affected by a colony of yellow-legged gulls Larus michahellis (Naumann, 1840), resident on the cliff beside the ponds. To investigate the role of the gull colony as a potential source of allochthonous non-essential trace metals (As, Cd, Pb and total mercury, THg) and the consequent metal trophic transfer to the biota in the ponds, we collected guano, surface sediment and biota from 3 ponds with different levels of avian input. The highest concentrations were observed in guano and surf…

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Seagrass litter decomposition in a semi-enclosed coastal ecosystem: a litterbag experiment

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Trophic Requirements of the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus Varies at Different Life Stages: Comprehension of Species Ecology and Implications for Effective Feeding Formulations

Investigations on trophic requirements of different life cycle stages of Paracentrotus lividus are crucial for the comprehension of species ecology and for its artificial rearing. The future success of echinoculture depends heavily on the development of suitable and cost-effective diets that are specifically designed to maximize somatic growth during the early life stages and gonadal production in the later stages. In this context, a considerable number of studies have recommended animal sources as supplements in sea urchin diets. However, with the exception of Fernandez and Boudouresque (2000), no studies have investigated the dietary requirements over the different life stages of the sea …

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Leaf vs. epiphyte nitrogen uptake in a nutrient enriched Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow

Abstract In situ nitrogen uptake by leaves and epiphytes was studied in a Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow impacted from a fish farm and a pristine meadow, using 15NH4 and 15NO3 as tracers. In the impacted meadow both leaves and epiphytes yielded higher N concentrations and showed higher specific N uptake, suggesting a linkage between N uptake and its accumulation. Epiphytes took up N faster than leaves in relation to their corresponding biomass, but when assessed per unit area, N uptake was higher in leaves. Leaf N uptake was negatively correlated with epiphyte N uptake. With increasing epiphyte load on leaves, N leaf uptake decreased while N epiphyte uptake increased, in…

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Effect of a new formulated diet based on terrestrial vegetables on roe yield and quality in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (L. 1816)

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Study of the trophic and functional organization of fish assemblages in submarine shallow CO₂ vents

Naturally acidified marine ecosystems are currently investigated to evaluate the effects of ocean acidification on species, communities and ecological processes. Among these, submarine shallow CO₂ vents represent a sort of natural mesocosms, where at small spatial scales marked gradient of pH are present. The aim of this project is to study the responses of fish assemblages to pH reduction in Mediterranean shallow CO₂ vents by using several descriptors such as community structure, trophic organization, chemical characteristics and composition of carbonic structures. Moreover as in CO₂ vents concentration and bio-availability of several trace elements, also toxic ones, may increase due to di…

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Variation in the stable isotope trophic position of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766) from two Mediterranean sites: insights from a global meta-analysis

A direct consequence of sea warming is the shift in the distribution range of thermo-tolerant species that have the potential to determine novel inter-specific interactions, ultimately altering food web structures and ecosystem processes. In this study, we investigated the trophic position of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766), a pelagic predator that has recently expanded its distribution in the Mediterranean basin and for which scant information is available on its functional role in recently-colonised areas. Nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes were determined in muscle tissues of bluefish specimens collected in south-east Italy in the Gulf of Taranto (NW Ionian Sea) and in…

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Sources of carbon and dietary habits of new Lessepsian entry Brachidontes pharaonis (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in the western Mediterranean

The sources of carbon and the dietary habits of Brachidontes pharaonis (Mollusca, Bivalvia), a new Lessepsian entry in the western Mediterranean, living in a cooling vat of a saltworks system in western Sicily (MED), were assessed by estimating throughout a season the relative abundance of a stable carbon isotope (δ13C) in particulate organic matter (POM), sedimentary organic matter (SOM), primary organic matter sources (seagrasses, sand microflora, macroalgae), Brachidontes pharaonis and its biodeposition material. In the saltworks the most enriched primary food source potentially fuelling the saltworks food web was Cymodocea nodosa (seasonal average -7.9±0.6‰), Laurencia papillosa and Cys…

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The Stagnone di Marsala, western Sicily

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Diet and trophic interactions of Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula in two alternative stable states of the Mediterranean rocky sublittoral community

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Ontogenetic shift in the trophic role of the invasive killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus: a stable isotope study

AbstractThe introduction of the amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus in European fresh waters is to date recognized as a threat to the integrity of invaded communities. Predation by D. villosus on native benthic invertebrates is assumed as the key determinant of its ecological impact, yet available information describe the species as a primary consumer as well as a carnivore depending on local conditions. Here, we assessed the trophic position (TP) of D. villosus in Lake Trasimeno, a recently invaded lentic system in central Italy, using the CN isotopic signatures of individuals captured in winter spanning two orders of magnitude in body size. TP estimations were compared with those characteriz…

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Studio degli isotopi stabili di carbonio ed azoto e dei metalli pesanti in diverse specie di Mugilidi provenienti da aree lagunari mediterranee

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Assessment of the ecological status of transitional waters in Sicily (Italy): first characterisation and classification according to a multiparametric approach.

A 1-year cycle of observations was performed in four Sicilian transitional water systems (Oliveri-Tindari, Cape Peloro, Vendicari and Marsala) to characterise their ecological status. A panel of variables among which trophic and microbial (enzyme activities, abundance of hetetrophic bacteria and of bacterial pollution indicators) parameters, were selected. Particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) and chlorophyll-. a (Chl-. a) contents defined the trophic state, while microbial hydrolysis rates and abundance gave insights on microbial community efficiency in organic matter transformation and on allochthonous inputs. To classify the trophic state of examined waters, the synthetic t…

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Study of the origin and fate of organic matter in a tropical bay using elemental, isotopic and fatty acid biomarkers.

Organic matter (OM) exchanges between adjacent coastal ecosystems affect the role of the different primary producers as energy and nutrient sources in food webs. Elemental and isotope parameters (C/N ratios, δ13C) and fatty acid (FA) biomarkers were used to assess the origin and distribution of OM in both surface sediment and water along a strongly tidally-influenced tropical area, Gazi Bay (Kenya), in two climatic seasons (dry and rainy). Dominant primary producers (i.e. mangroves, macroalgae and seagrasses) were also characterized through the same combined approach. Export of the mangrove-derived OM, highly depleted, to the adjacent bay was evident from a gradual 13C-enrichment of primary…

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Influence of hydrodynamic conditions on the production and fate ofPosidonia oceanicain a semi-enclosed shallow basin (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily)

An integrated approach using hydrodynamic and transport numerical models, lepidochronology and stable isotope analysis was used to investigate how local hydrodynamic conditions influence the primary production and fate of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed marine system (Stagnone di Marsala). The water mass exchange aptitude of different sectors of the basin was analysed, and data collected were used to select two sectors (colonized by Posidonia oceanica showing the lowest and highest water exchange values) for biological analyses. According to the mean dispersal coefficient differences simulated by the hydrodynamic model, growth rate and primary production of …

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Ontogenetic trophic segregation between two threatened smooth-hound sharks in the Central Mediterranean Sea

AbstractElasmobranchs are among the species most threatened by overfishing and a large body of evidence reports their decline around the world. As they are large predators occupying the highest levels of marine food webs, their removal can alter the trophic web dynamic through predatory release effects and trophic cascade. Suitable management of threatened shark species requires a good understanding of their behaviour and feeding ecology. In this study we provide one of the first assessments of the trophic ecology of the “vulnerable” smooth-hounds Mustelus mustelus and M. punctulatus in the Central Mediterranean Sea, based on stomach contents and stable isotope analyses. Ontogenetic diet ch…

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Spatial variability of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities in northern Sicily (Western Mediterranean): Contrasting trawled vs. untrawled areas

13 páginas, 9 tablas, 5 figuras

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The use of fish communities as a biological quality element to monitor ecological status of transitional waters

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Compatibilità geologico-strutturale ed ambientale delle opere di adeguamento e completamento dell’impianto di depurazione sito in località Omo Morto (Ustica) e realizzazione della condotta sottomarina di scarico

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Influence of seabird guano on the contamination level of a Sicilian coastal area (Marinello ponds).

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Modelling biogeochemical processes in sediments from the north western Adriatic Sea: response to enhanced POC fluxes

Abstract. This work presents the result of a study carried out in the north-western Adriatic Sea, by combining two different types of biogeochemical models with field sampling efforts. A longline mussel farm was taken as a local source of perturbation to the natural POC downward flux. This flux was first quantified by means of a pelagic model of POC deposition coupled to sediment traps data, and its effects on sediment bioirrigation capacity and OM degradation pathways were investigated by constraining an early diagenesis model, linked to new data in sediment porewaters. The measurements were performed at stations located inside and outside the area affected by mussel farm deposition. Model…

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Bottom-Up Control of Macrobenthic Communities in a Guanotrophic Coastal System

Soft bottom macrobenthic communities were studied seasonally in three coastal ponds (Marinello ponds, Italy) at increasing distances from a gull (Larus michahellis) colony to in- vestigate the effect of seabird-induced eutrophication (i.e. guanotrophication) on macro- benthic fauna.We hypothesized that enhanced nutrient concentration and organic load caused by guano input significantly alter the trophic and sedimentological condition of ponds, affecting benthic fauna through a bottom-up control. The influence of a set of envi- ronmental features on macrobenthic assemblages was also tested. Overall, the lowest macrobenthic abundances and functional group diversity were found in deeper sites,…

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Valutazione del bioaccumulo di metalli pesanti nel polichete Sabella spallanzani (Gmelin 1791) (Sabellidae) in tre aree portuali della Sicilia

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Study of benthic foraminifera in the Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Gela (Sicilian Channel) and their possible use as bioindicators

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Fattori limitanti e regolatori

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Seagrasses along the Sicilian coasts

All seagrass species known from the Mediterranean basin have been recorded along the Sicilian coast, where studies have been carried out at a very local scale and information is fragmented or confined to the grey literature. The objective of this article is to summarise and evaluate current knowledge on seagrass species on the Sicilian coasts, providing an overview of species distribution, genetic diversity, biology and ecology, based on the literature and unpublished data. Most literature studies have been carried out on Posidonia oceanica meadows because of their wide distribution, complexity and ecological importance. In this study, the analyses carried out on P. oceanica structural and …

research product

The importance of dead seagrass (Posidonia oceanica)matte as a biogeochemical sink

We assessed the potential of dead seagrass Posidonia oceanica matte to act as a biogeochemical sink and provide a coherent archive of environmental change in a degraded area of the Mediterranean Sea (Augusta Bay, Italy). Change in sediment properties (dry bulk density, grain size), concentration of elements (Corg, Cinorg, N, Hg) and stable isotope ratios (δ13C, δ 15N) with sediment depth were measured in dead P. oceanica matte and unvegetated (bare) sediments in the polluted area, and an adjacent P. oceanica meadow. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed a clear clustering by habitat, which explained 72% of variability in our samples and was driven mainly by the accumulation of N and H…

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Analysis of the trophic role of Mediterranean seagrasses in marine coastal ecosystems: a review

Abstract Seagrasses form high-productivity coastal ecosystems, providing habitats for many organisms, including species of commercial value. They play a significant role as a direct food source for herbivores and also enter detrital food webs. In this review, the trophic ecology of Mediterranean seagrass ecosystems is revised, with major emphasis on Posidonia oceanica, the most extensively studied seagrass. The major topics are the role of herbivory and detritus, the contribution to littoral fish production, exportation to other ecosystems and the seagrass role as a vector of anthropogenic nutrients into food webs. Topics are discussed by analysing both conventional knowledge and new insigh…

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Size-dependent predation of the mesopredator Marthasterias glacialis (L.) (Asteroidea)

Asteroids are largely recognized as important predators in all of the world’s oceans and for this reason, they play a crucial role in shaping the structure and functioning of benthic ecosystems. The spiny starfish Marthasterias glacialis is generally considered a voracious predator of molluscs, in particular bivalves. Using field observations and carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes, we explored possible changes in diet in relation to size of M. glacialis. Data were collected at Ustica Island (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) from June 2008 to June 2010. M. glacialis showed a size shift in feeding preferences due to different use of food items: bivalves, Columbella rustica, Euthria cor…

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The effect of seagrass loss on macrozoobenthos community in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed coastal system

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Trophic structure of vermetid reef community: High trophic diversity at small spatial scales

Stable isotopes were used to investigate contributions of autochthonous (i.e. benthic: epilithon and macroalgae) and allochthonous (i.e. pelagic: phytoplankton) organic matter sources to the diet of suspension-feeders, grazers and predators associated to small reef-pools (cuvettes) created by the reef-building species Dendropoma petraeum in the north-western coast of Sicily (Italy). Contributions of potential food sources were calculated using Bayesian mixing-models and integrated to a multivariate approach to highlight the diversity of C and N pathways within Dendropoma cuvettes. Both pelagic and benthic organic matter sources were exploited by benthic consumers, although clear differences…

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Trophic Transfer of Trace Elements in an Isotopically Constructed Food Chain From a Semi-enclosed Marine Coastal Area (Stagnone di Marsala, Sicily, Mediterranean)

Trace element accumulation is particularly important in coastal and transitional environments, which act as contaminant buffers between the continental and marine systems. We compared trace element transfer to the biota in two locations with different open-sea exposures in a semi-enclosed marine coastal area (Stagnone di Marsala, Sicily, Italy) using isotopically reconstructed food chains. Samples of sediment, macroalgae, seagrasses, invertebrates, fish, and bird feathers were sampled in July 2006 and analysed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ(13)C, δ(15)N) and trace elements (arsenic [As], cadmium [Cd], total mercury [THg], and lead [Pb]). Trophic magnification factors were calcul…

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Approccio isotopico per lo studio dell’impatto di attività di acquacoltura in ambiente marino costiero

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Valutazione dei livelli di alcuni metalli pesanti in una catena del detrito ricostruita attraverso l’analisi degli isotopi stabili di carbonio ed azoto

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Trace metal contamination in a Mediterranean coastal pond (Acquatina, Apulia, Italy).

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The trophic structure of a fish assemblage in a non-tidal Mediterranean Lagoon: integrating data from the Fishbase information system with results from stable isotopes analysis

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The fate of terrestrial and riverine materials in a Mediterranean seagrass bed

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Linking the effects of the Global Change to biodiversity and ecosystem services in shallow waters

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Towards a framework for assessment and management of cumulative human impacts on marine food webs

Effective ecosystem-based management requires understanding ecosystem responses to multiple human threats, rather than focusing on single threats. To understand ecosystem responses to anthropogenic threats holistically, it is necessary to know how threats affect different components within ecosystems and ultimately alter ecosystem functioning. We used a case study of a Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) food web and expert knowledge elicitation in an application of the initial steps of a framework for assessment of cumulative human impacts on food webs. We produced a conceptual seagrass food web model, determined the main trophic relationships, identified the main threats to the fo…

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Sedimentary record of anthropogenic chemical and organic pollution in a Mediterranean coastal area (Gulf of Palermo, Italy).

The relatively high influx of unregulated industrial and domestic effluents has progressively degraded the Palermo coastal environment in NW Sicily. To evaluate the poorly known effects of these inputs on the Palermo Gulf, three sediment box-cores were collected along a transect perpendicular to the coast, in front of the Oreto river mouth, in water depths of 20—750 m. The samples, dated by 210Pb and 137Cs, were analysed for concentration of major/trace elements, total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), total organic carbon (TOC) and for organic carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions. Total organic carbon concentrations show relatively high values (0.4—2.9%), with a decreasing seawar…

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The origin and fate of organic matter as a tool to assess anthropogenic disturbance in coastal environments

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Highly contaminated areas as sources of pollution for adjoining ecosystems: The case of Augusta Bay (Central Mediterranean).

An assessment of trace element and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination based on surface sediments collected in summer 2012 was carried out in Priolo Bay adjoining one of the most polluted areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the industrial Augusta harbour (Italy, Central Mediterranean). Inorganic and organic contaminants were generally not remarkable. Occasional elevated concentrations of Hg, Cd, Ni and PAHs exceeding sediment quality guidelines were detected in the northern sector of Priolo Bay, close to Augusta harbour, possibly as a result of water drainage of industrialised and urbanised areas and/or potential direct export of contaminated material from Augusta harbour, whose…

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Indagine sul contributo delle fonti bentoniche e planctoniche alla rete trofica del reef a vermeti

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Preferential assimilation of seagrass detritus by two coexisting Mediterranean sea cucumbers: Holothuria polii and Holothuria tubulosa

Abstract Holothuria polii and Holothuria tubulosa are two of the most commercially exploited sea cucumbers of the Mediterranean Sea. As deposit-feeders, they represent an important component of the benthic community. Hence, knowledge of their feeding behaviour is crucial for understanding their function in terms of benthic ecology and sediment dynamics. Using information obtained from stable isotope analysis, the food selectivity/assimilation, temporal variations in diet and trophic niche of H. polii and H. tubulosa were investigated. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios in body wall tissue showed a preferential assimilation of seagrass detritus among multiple food sources, with …

research product

Seagrass ecosystem response to long-term high CO2 in a Mediterranean volcanic vent

We examined the long-term effect of naturally acidified water on a Cymodocea nodosa meadow growing at a shallow volcanic CO2 vent in Vulcano Island (Italy). Seagrass and adjacent unvegetated habitats growing at a low pH station (pH = 7.65 ± 0.02) were compared with corresponding habitats at a control station (pH = 8.01 ± 0.01). Density and biomass showed a clear decreasing trend at the low pH station and the below- to above-ground biomass ratio was more than 10 times lower compared to the control. C content and δ13C of leaves and epiphytes were significantly lower at the low pH station. Photosynthetic activity of C. nodosa was stimulated by low pH as seen by the significant increase in Chla…

research product

Use of fresh vegetable discards as sea urchin diet: effect on gonad index and quality

This study evaluated the exploitation of unprocessed agricultural discards in the form of fresh vegetable leaves as a diet for the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus through the assessment of their effects on gonad yield and quality. A stock of wild-caught P. lividus was fed on discarded leaves from three different species (Beta vulgaris, Brassica oleracea, and Lactuca sativa) and the macroalga Ulva lactuca for 3 months under controlled conditions. At the beginning and end of the experiment, total and gonad weight were measured, while gonad and diet total carbon (C%), nitrogen (N%), δ13C, δ15N, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins were analyzed. The results showed that agricultural discards pr…

research product

Native predators control the population of an invasive crab in no-take marine protected areas

1. The resistance of an ecosystem to species invasion is considered to be related to the abundance and diversity of native species i.e. biotic resistance hypothesis). Theory predicts that the high native diversity in pristine systems can hinder the establishment and/or the spread of non‐native species through direct and indirect mechanisms (e.g. through competitive and/or predatory interactions). 2. Here we tested whether predation provides higher resistance to invasion by the Percnidae crab Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) in protected native communities, compared with exploited ones. Specifically, this study aimed to compare: (i) the abundance and diversity of potential predator a…

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Studio dell’impatto di un’attività di maricoltura attraverso l’analisi della Materia Organica Sedimentaria

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Trace metal transfer in the food webs of a semi-enclosed coastal ecosystem (Stagnone di Marsala, Sicily, Italy)

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Seagrass community metabolism in a Mediterranean volcanic vent

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Nitrogen stable isotopes as tracers of biodeposition from a tuna farm in the Western Mediterranean

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Trophic adaptability shapes isotopic niche of the resident fish Aphanius fasciatus across lagoon habitats

Abstract Coastal lagoons are characterized by high habitat heterogeneity where natural habitats coexist with artificial ones, historically set up to support human activities. Increasing anthropogenic pressure may lead to progressive degradation of the most vulnerable lagoonal habitats and the associated biological communities. One of the strictly estuarine-dependent fish species that may be affected by the degradation of lagoon habitats is the South European toothcarp Aphanius fasciatus, archetype of Mediterranean lagoon residents. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes were used to disentangle the influence of habitat types (natural vs artificial) and fish community (multi-trophic context) on…

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Studio dell’impatto di un’attività di acquicoltura sui sedimenti della costa sud-occidentale della Sicilia attraverso l’analisi della composizione biochimica della materia organica sedimentaria

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Ricerca di Enterovirus in sedimenti marini delle coste siciliane

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Spatial variability in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Mauguio, France).

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3D-Reconstruction of a Giant Posidonia oceanica Beach Wrack (Banquette): Sizing Biomass, Carbon and Nutrient Stocks by Combining Field Data With High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry

Beach wracks are temporary accumulations of vegetal detritus that can be found along coastlines all over the world. Although beach wracks are often perceived as a nuisance for beach users, they play a crucial ecological role in carbon and nutrient connectivity across ecosystem boundaries, especially when they reach a relevant size, as in the case of the wedge-shaped seagrass accumulations called banquette. In this study, three-dimensional mapping of a giant Posidonia oceanica banquette was carried out for the first time using high-resolution UAV photogrammetry combined with field sampling and compositional and chemical analysis. The combined approach allowed a reliable estimation of the amo…

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Year-round variation in the isotopic niche of Scopoli's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in contrasting sea regions of the Mediterranean Sea

Top marine predators are key components of marine food webs. Among them, long-distance migratory seabirds, which travel across different marine ecosystems over the year, may experience important year-round changes in terms of oceanographic conditions and availability of trophic resources. We tested whether this was the case in the Scopoli’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), a trans-equatorial migrant and top predator, by sampling birds breeding in three environmentally different regions of the Mediterranean Sea. The analysis of positional data and stable isotopes (δ13 C and δ15N) of target feathers revealed that birds from the three regions were spatially segregated during the breeding per…

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Assessing anthropogenic pressures on coastal marine ecosystems using stable CNS isotopes: State of the art, knowledge gaps, and community-scale perspectives

Abstract In recent decades, the analysis of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur stable isotopes (SIA) has emerged as a powerful, viable methodology for examining food web structure and dynamics, as well as addressing a number of applied issues. Here, we provide a state-of-the-art review of the use of SIA for assessing anthropogenic pressures on natural ecosystems, in order to establish current knowledge gaps and identify promising applications for evaluating the ecological status of marine coastal waters. Specifically, the potential of SIA to provide food web-scale indicators for estimating cumulative anthropogenic pressures is addressed. The review indicates that the methodology has been used for …

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Formulazione di un mangime altamente performante per l’acquacoltura di specie erbivore ed onnivore

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Struttura e distribuzione della comunità macrozoobentonica dello Stagnone di Marsala (Sicilia Nord-Occidentale)

research product

Stable isotope and fatty acid analysis reveal the ability of sea cucumbers to use fish farm waste in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture

Stable isotope ratios, carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N), and fatty acids validated the trophic connection between farmed fish in a commercial nearshore fish farm and sea cucumbers in the Mediterranean Sea. This dual tracer approach evaluated organic matter transfer in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) and the ability of sea cucumbers to incorporate fish farm waste (fish faeces and uneaten artificial fish feed) into their tissue. Between October 2018 and September 2019, Holothuria (Roweothuria) poli Delle Chiaje, 1824, co-cultured at IMTA sites directly below one of the commercial fish cage , at 10 m and 25 m from the selected fish cage, and at two reference sites over 800 m from …

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Aspetti ambientali dello sviluppo della maricoltura mediterranea

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Stable isotopes and trophic positions of littoral fishes from a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area

Stable isotope analyses were employed to explore feeding and foraging habitats and trophic levels of littoral fishes in a western Mediterranean Marine Protected Area (Egadi Islands, Sicily, Italy). Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were measured in primary producers, invertebrates and fishes collected in December 2001 and January 2002. Fishes of the littoral region of the Egadi Islands had isotopic signatures that fell into a wider range for δ13C (about 6‰) than for δ15N (about 3‰). Carbon isotope ratios were consistent with a food web based on mixed sources and two trophic pathways leading to different fish species. Differences in the isotopic composition between islands were highe…

research product

Trace element storage capacity of sediments in deadPosidonia oceanicamat from a chronically contaminated marine ecosystem

Posidonia oceanica mat is considered a long-term bioindicator of contamination. Storage and sequestration of trace elements and organic carbon (Corg) were assessed in dead P. oceanica mat and bare sediments from a highly polluted coastal marine area (Augusta Bay, central Mediterranean). Sediment elemental composition and sources of organic matter have been altered since the 1950s. Dead P. oceanica mat displayed a greater ability to bury and store trace elements and Corg than nearby bare sediments, acting as a long-term contaminant sink over the past 120?yr. Trace elements, probably associated with the mineral fraction, were stabilized and trapped despite die-off of the overlying P. oceanica…

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Food Sources for Benthic Grazers in Trophic Networks of Macrophyte Habitats in a Transitional Baltic Ecosystem

In this study, we provide insights into that characteristics of two sites representing different conditions of productivity and salinity impact on trophic network structures of macrophyte habitats and diet of benthic grazers at the active vegetation period in the Curonian Lagoon (southeastern Baltic Sea). Regarding the epiphytic growth, macrophytes were more overgrown in the relatively less productive (northern) site with a muddy bottom and more frequent marine water inflow than in the (southern) site with higher productivity and freshwater sandy habitat. Stable isotope analysis revealed that organisms’ samples from the northern site were more enriched with the heavier carbon isotopes, but …

research product

Macroalgae transplant to detect the occurrence of anthropogenic nutrients in seawater of highly tourist beaches in Mediterranean islands

In the Mediterranean region, islands are among the most important tourist destinations, being sites of considerable naturalistic, historical and cultural importance. This is highly beneficial for local economies, but may also represent a threat for the environment, especially during the peak season (i.e. summer). Indeed, the sharp demographic increase concentrated in a relatively short period may negatively affect the quality of coastal marine systems and the provision of ecosystem services, producing in turn negative feedbacks on tourism industry. Nevertheless, the assessment of the environmental impact of tourism on coastal seawater has been seldom addressed. Here, we show the results of …

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Groundwater of Sicily (Italy) Close to Landfill Sites: Quality and Human Health Risk Assessment

Groundwater close to three municipal solid waste landfill sites in Sicily (southern Italy) was sampled to determine the presence of contaminants and the risk associated with its possible use as drinking and sanitary water. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and metals were investigated. These target compounds are the most common pollutants present in leachates. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS, US EPA) was used to assess human health risk. Ingestion, dermal, and total exposure to these xenobiotic contaminants in groundwater were evaluated, and the cancer and non-cancer risk indexes were c…

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Densità e composizione isotopica di Dendropoma petraeum (Caenogastropoda, Monterosato, 1884): confronto tra le diverse porzioni della piattaforma a vermeti

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Ichthyofauna Trophic structure from three adjacent Mediterranean lagoons.

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Resilience of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica following pulse-type disturbance.

Understanding the response of species to disturbance and the ability to recover is crucial for preventing their potential collapse and ecosystem phase shifts. Explosive submarine activity, occurring in shallow volcanic vents, can be considered as a natural pulse disturbance, due to its suddenness and high intensity, potentially affecting nearby species and ecosystems. Here, we present the response of Posidonia oceanica, a long-lived seagrass, to an exceptional submarine volcanic explosion, which occurred in the Aeolian Archipelago (Italy, Mediterranean Sea) in 2002, and evaluate its resilience in terms of time required to recover after such a pulse event. The study was carried out in 2011 i…

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Carbon and nitrogen isotopic values in Lithops aucampiae during leaf development.

Abstract Lithops (Aizoaceae) are succulent plants consisting of a pair of opposite succulent leaves inserted on an extremely short stem. The apical meristem produces a new leaf pair that develops between the older pair, recycling water and metabolites. This peculiar anatomy and growth form make ecophysiological studies quite challenging. Lithops are considered to have CAM metabolism, though experimental evidence is scarce. We followed the changes in carbon and nitrogen isotopic values in mature leaves, young leaves and roots, with the aim of investigating how the use of resources is optimized to achieve survival in extremely arid environments. Two-year-old plants of Lithops aucampiae were g…

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Sizing up the role of predators on Mullus barbatus populations in Mediterranean trawl and no-trawl areas

Abstract Fishing leads to drastic changes in ecosystems with a net loss of predatory biomass. This issue has been evidenced from historical ecological studies and from the evaluation of the effects of effective and large marine protected areas. In two fishery reserves off the northern Sicily coast the red mullet Mullus barbatus underwent an impressive biomass increment and a few piscivores fish species recovered after a trawl ban. The red mullet, more than 20% of all demersal fish in the untrawled areas, represented a huge food resource to its potential predators. By contrasting two trawled and two untrawled gulfs we figured out predator - prey relationships through the use of a combined ap…

research product

Vegetated Habitats Trophically Support Early Development Stages of a Marine Migrant Fish in a Coastal Lagoon

Understanding the trophic ecology of early developmental stages of commercial fish species migrating between sea and coastal lagoons is crucial to effective management of nursery habitats and resulting resources. While most information on diet shift of the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata comes from studies in experimental conditions, here we investigated the trophic niche dynamics of post-larvae, juveniles and sub-adults in natural environment, hypothesising that habitat and resources use of marine and lagoonal sites will exhibit strong relationship with ontogeny of the species. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes showed evidence of a clear shift in the trophic niche features, trophic posit…

research product

Lipid and fatty acid biomarkers as proxies for environmental contamination in caged mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis

Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were transplanted from a reference site (Syracuse harbour) to an impacted site (Augusta Bay) from January to July 2013 to assess the biochemical response of caged mus- sels to high trace element and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination, using lipid and fatty acid (FA) biomarkers. Sediment and mussels were analysed to assess contaminant bioavailability in the study sites and bioaccumulation in mussel tissue. Trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) and PAHs were significantly higher in mussels from Augusta than in those from Syracuse, mirror- ing the different environmental contamination. The biological impact quotient (BIQs…

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Assetto ambientale del sistema marino costiero compreso tra la foce del fiume Imera e la foce del torrente Roccella.

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Baseline assessment of heavy metals content and trophic position of the invasive blue swimming crab Portunus segnis (Forskål, 1775) in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia)

This study provides a baseline assessment of cadmium, copper, iron, manganese, lead, and zinc concentrations in muscles, gills, and exoskeleton of the Lessepsian blue swimming crab Portunus segnis captured in the Gulf of Gabès (Southern Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia) in November 2015. Furthermore, the species’ trophic position is estimated using CN stable isotope analysis. The exoskeleton showed the lowest metal contents; in soft tissues, the essential Cu, Fe, and Zn and the non-essential Cd, Mn, and Pb showed the highest and lowest concentrations, respectively. The crab was characterized by a trophic position of 3.32, confirming its carnivorous trophic habits. Compared with literature data on…

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Turning waste into gold: Sustainable feed made of discards from the food industries promotes gonad development and colouration in the commercial sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816)

Abstract Development of sustainable aquaculture practices is a suitable solution to reduce the pressure on overexploited stocks of the Mediterranean sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, and to respond to the increasing market demand. To move forward the Blue Growth and following the principles of circular economy, a three-month feeding experiment was conducted to test a sustainable feed based on food processing discards on sea urchins. Two feed formulations differing on the proportions of the two main ingredients (endive outermost leaves and European anchovy discards in a ratio of 60:40 and 80:20 respectively) were prepared and tested on P. lividus gonad yield, development and quality. The re…

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Ocean acidification as a driver of community simplification via the collapse of higher-order and rise of lower-order consumers

AbstractIncreasing oceanic uptake of CO2 is predicted to drive ecological change as both a resource (i.e. CO2 enrichment on primary producers) and stressor (i.e. lower pH on consumers). We use the natural ecological complexity of a CO2 vent (i.e. a seagrass system) to assess the potential validity of conceptual models developed from laboratory and mesocosm research. Our observations suggest that the stressor-effect of CO2 enrichment combined with its resource-effect drives simplified food web structure of lower trophic diversity and shorter length. The transfer of CO2 enrichment from plants to herbivores through consumption (apparent resource-effect) was not compensated by predation, becaus…

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Definizione dello stato trofico nelle Saline del trapanese attraverso lo studio della materia organica sedimentaria e particellata

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Chromosomal location polymorphism of major rDNA sites in two Mediterranean populations of the killifih Aphanius fasciatus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae)

The chromosomes of the Mediterranean killifish, Aphanius fasciatus from two populations, the Lagoon of Venice (LV, 15 specimens) and the Lagoon ‘Stagnone di Marsala’ (Sicily) (SM, 48 specimens), have been investigated using conventional Ag-staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S rDNA probe. The two methods revealed variation in the number of major rDNA sites ranging from 8 to 14 (LV) and from 1 to 4 (SM) per individual. The fact that each individual possessed its own number of sites implies that observed variation was structural. Moreover, overlapping of silver staining and FISH patterns demonstrated that all ribosomal genes were transcriptionally active in each speci…

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Le fanerogame marine in Sicilia

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Formulation of a new sustainable feed from food industry discards for rearing the purple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus

The lack of suitable feeds for echinoculture has led to use natural resources already widely exploited by human activities. To move towards a higher sustainability of echinoculture, this study proposes a sustainable feed for Paracentrotus lividus. Two experimental formulations were obtained using discarded endive (Cichorium endivia) leaves and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) industry discards in different proportions, and agar as a binder. The evaluation of the feed stability showed that the feed was stable for 72 hr, allowing a suitable feeding for sea urchins. Both formulations showed a proper nutritional value and fatty acid profile, corresponding to the features of the main ingredients…

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Influence of seabird guano on the trophic status and contamination levels of a Sicilian transitional area

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Effects of aquaculture activities on seagrass ecosystems: evidence from stable isotopes

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Environmental effects of tourism and its seasonality on Mediterranean islands: the contribution of the Interreg MED BLUEISLANDS project to build up an approach towards sustainable tourism

AbstractThe Mediterranean basin is amongst the world’s main tourist destination, and its islands are a major attraction, being sites of historical, cultural and naturalistic importance. This is beneficial for the local economies, but it may also represent a great burden on the coastal environment, where other human pressures are concentrated. The awareness of detrimental side effects of tourism together with the importance to take into account social and economic facets has led to the concept of sustainable tourism, which, however, represents a goal far from being attained. A good opportunity to promote sustainable tourism was provided by the Interreg MED BLUEISLANDS project, whose main aim…

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Individual and population-scale carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of Procambarus clarkii in invaded freshwater ecosystems

Este artículo contiene 16 páginas, 1 figura, 1 tablas.

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Trace element and PAH bioaccumulation in caged mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from an industrial area (Augusta Bay, SE Sicily)

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Guano-Derived Nutrient Subsidies Drive Food Web Structure in Coastal Ponds.

A stable isotope study was carried out seasonally in three coastal ponds (Marinello system, Italy) affected by different gull guano input to investigate the effect of nutrient subsidies on food web structure and dynamics. A marked 15N enrichment occurred in the pond receiving the highest guano input, indicating that gull-derived fertilization (guanotrophication) had a strong localised effect and flowed across trophic levels. The main food web response to guanotrophication was an overall erosion of the benthic pathway in favour of the planktonic. Subsidized primary consumers, mostly deposit feeders, switched their diet according to organic matter source availability. Secondary consumers and,…

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Evidence for the cascade effect in the Marine Protected Area “Isola di Ustica”

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Inter-habitat connectivity in a tropical ecosystem (Gazi Bay, Kenya) as revealed by ichthyofauna

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Trophic interactions of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca in the NW Mediterranean: evidence from stable isotope signatures and fatty acid composition

16 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, correction https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v591/c_p101-116/

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Uso trofico dell’habitat da parte dell’ittiofauna in una piccola laguna costiera mediterranea

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Macrobenthic communities impoverishment in response to seabird input in a Mediterranean transitional area

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Holothuria tubulosa Gmelin 1791 (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) enhances organic matter recycling in Posidonia oceanica meadows

Abstract The role of Holothuria tubulosa in organic matter recycling of Posidonia oceanica detritus was estimated in a laboratory feeding experiment. The individual mean ingestion rate of seagrass detritus by holothurians was evaluated and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, carbon and nitrogen content and C:N ratio analyzed in H. tubulosa , P. oceanica detritus and surface sediment. Results showed that H. tubulosa is capable of ingesting from 30% to 100% of the detritus produced by P. oceanica meadows, depending on the holothurian density. Stable isotope analysis provided evidence for the assimilation of seagrass detritus by H. tubulosa as their signatures were compatible with 1 trophic l…

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Plant and sediment properties in seagrass meadows from two Mediterranean CO2 vents: Implications for carbon storage capacity of acidified oceans

Abstract Assessing the status of important carbon sinks such as seagrass meadows is of primary importance when dealing with potential climate change mitigation strategies. This study examined plant and sediment properties in seagrass meadows (Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch.) from two high pCO2–low pH Mediterranean vent systems, located at Milos (Greece) and Vulcano (Italy) Islands, providing insights on carbon storage potential in future acidified oceans. Contrary to what has been suggested, carbon content (both inorganic and organic) and its surficial accumulation decreased at high pCO2–low pH in comparison with controls. The decrease in inorganic carbon may result from the higher solubilit…

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Potential of the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii as bioindicator for PAHs

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Analisi delle fonti di materia organica utilizzate da Dendropoma petraeum (Mollusca, Vermetidae) (Monterosato, 1884), in relazione a diverse condizioni idrodinamiche

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Seabird influence on ecological processes in coastal marine ecosystems: An overlooked role? A critical review

Abstract Seabirds are vital, but overlooked, components of coastal marine ecosystems and may connect the marine and terrestrial environment at a global scale, significantly contributing to inter-habitat connectivity and the provision of multiple ecosystem services. Although the ecological and functional role of birds in terrestrial areas, islands in particular, has been deeply studied since the last century, the same does not hold true for coastal marine areas. Given the importance of coastal areas for seabirds worldwide and, at the same time, the high vulnerability of both, looking into the role of seabirds in influencing the ecosystem functioning in coastal areas is needed nowadays. Here,…

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Gull-derived trace elements trigger small-scale contamination in a remote Mediterranean nature reserve

The role of a yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) small colony in conveying trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, THg, V, Zn) was assessed in a Mediterranean nature reserve (Marinello ponds) at various spatial and temporal scales. Trace element concentrations in guano were high and seasonally variable. In contrast, contamination in the ponds was not influenced by season but showed strong spatial variability among ponds, according to the different guano input. Biogenic enrichment factor B confirmed the role of gulls in the release of trace elements through guano subsidies. In addition, comparing trace element pond concentrations to the US NOAA’s SQGs, As, Cu and Ni showed contamination …

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Evidence for trophic structure varibility in Mediterranean coastal lagoons

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Studio delle tanatocenosi a foraminiferi bentonici nel Golfo di Gela

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Comparison of stable isotope composition and inorganic and organic contaminant levels in wild and farmed bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, in the Mediterranean Sea

Abstract Stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N) and persistent pollutants, including heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Zn) and organochlorine compounds (PCBs, HCB and p,p′-DDE), were measured in muscle and liver tissues of wild and farmed bluefin tunas to investigate the changes occurring during the farming period and to assess the quality, in terms of contaminants, of the final product. At the end of farming, the food supplied was clearly integrated into the tuna tissues as derived from stable isotope signatures, and, contrarily to the literature findings obtained for other species, farmed tunas showed slight variations in persistent elements and chemical compounds in comparison with w…

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Effect of solid waste landfill organic pollutants on groundwater in three areas of Sicily (Italy) characterized by different vulnerability

The aim of this study was to obtain information on the presence and levels of hazardous organic pollutants in groundwater located close to solid waste landfills. Eighty-two environmental contaminants, including 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 20 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 29 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 7 dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, PCDDs) and 10 furans (polychlorinated dibenzofurans, PCDFs) were monitored in areas characterised by different geological environments surrounding three municipal solid waste landfills (Palermo, Siculiana and Ragusa) in Sicily (Italy) in three sampling campaigns. The total concentrations of the 16 PAHs were always below t…

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Benthic foraminifera are very sensitive to oceanographic parameter variations, to which they rapidly response through changes in the abundance and/or richness of their associations and in morphological variations of their shell. Many studies have used benthic foraminifera as bioindicators. We investigated recent benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the Gulf of Gela (Sicilian Channel, Mediterranean Sea), examining their relative abundance, specific richness and morphological abnormalities, to highlight a possible correlation with oceanographic features and the concentration of heavy metals in sediments. Sediment was sampled in summer 2006 using box corers in four stations at increasing dista…

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Co-existing with the alien: evidence for environmental control on trophic interactions between a native (Atherina boyeri) and a non-indigenous fish species (Gambusia holbrooki) in a Mediterranean coastal ecosystem

Biological invasions are a widespread problem worldwide, as invasive non-indigenous species (NIS) may affect native populations through direct (e. g., predation) or indirect (e.g., competition) trophic interactions, leading to changes in the food web structure. The trophic relationships of the invasive eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki and the native big-scale sand smelt Atherina boyeri coexisting in three Mediterranean coastal ponds characterized by different trophic statuses (from oligotrophic to hypereutrophic) were assessed in spring through isotopic niche analysis and Bayesian mixing models. The two fish relied on the distinctive trophic pathways in the different ponds, with the …

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Seagrass response to high CO2 in volcanic vents

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Dispersal and accumulation of mariculture waste in the surrounding environment: the importance of site selection

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Temperature modulates the response of the thermophilous sea urchin Arbacia lixula early life stages to CO2-driven acidification

The increasing abundances of the thermophilous black sea urchin Arbacia lixula in the Mediterranean Sea are attributed to the Western Mediterranean warming. However, few data are available on the potential impact of this warming on A. lixula in combination with other global stressors such as ocean acidification. The aim of this study is to investigate the interactive effects of increased temperature and of decreased pH on fertilization and early development of A. lixula. This was tested using a fully crossed design with four temperatures (20, 24, 26 and 27 °C) and two pH levels (pHNBS 8.2 and 7.9). Temperature and pH had no significant effect on fertilization and larval survival (2d) for te…

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Contribution of planktonic and benthic food sources to the diet of the reef-forming vermetid gastropod Dendropoma petraeum in the western Mediterranean

Abstract In the Mediterranean Sea, the vermetid Dendropoma petraeum (Monterosato, 1884) forms highly biodiverse reefs that have received increasing attention in recent years although very little is known about the food habit of this species. The main goal of this study was to describe the trophic role of planktonic and benthic food sources for D. petraeum . Specimens from three morphological zones of the reef (inner edge, cuvette and outer edge) at two sites with different wave exposure along the north-western coast of Sicily (Italy; western Mediterranean) were compared for δ 13 C and δ 15 N. Isotopic determinations were also carried out on potential food sources identified in epilithon, re…

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Stable isotope signatures of selected benthos at natural carbon dioxide vents: preliminary results on macrophytes

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Intrinsic bioremediation potential of a chronically polluted marine coastal area.

A microbiological survey of the Priolo Bay (eastern coast of Sicily, Ionian Sea), a chronically polluted marine coastal area, was carried out in order to discern its intrinsic bioremediation potential. Microbiological analysis, 16S rDNA-based DGGE fingerprinting and PLFAs analysis were performed on seawater and sediment samples from six stations on two transects. Higher diversity and variability among stations was detected by DGGE in sediment than in water samples although seawater revealed higher diversity of culturable hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria. The most polluted sediment hosted higher total bacterial diversity and higher abundance and diversity of culturable HC degraders. Alkane- an…

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Effetti ambientali della stabulazione del tonno rosso (Thunnus thynnus L.): analisi della materia organica sedimentaria

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Modelling biogeochemical processes in sediments from the north-western Adriatic Sea: response to enhanced particulate organic carbon fluxes

This work presents the result of a study carried out in the north-western Adriatic Sea, by combining two different types of biogeochemical models with field sampling efforts. A longline mussel farm was taken as a local source of perturbation to the natural particulate organic carbon (POC) downward flux. This flux was first quantified by means of a pelagic model of POC deposition coupled to sediment trap data, and its effects on sediment bioirrigation capacity and organic matter (OM) degradation pathways were investigated constraining an early diagenesis model by using original data collected in sediment porewater. The measurements were performed at stations located inside and outside the ar…

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Trace element bias in the use of CO2 vents as analogues for low pH environments: Implications for contamination levels in acidified oceans

Abstract Research into the effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems has increasingly focused on natural CO 2 vents, although their intrinsic environmental complexity means observations from these areas may not relate exclusively to pH gradients. In order to assess trace element levels and distribution in the Levante Bay (Vulcano Island, NE Sicily, Italy) and its suitability for studying biological effects of pH decline, Ba, Fe and trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in sediment were analysed from 7 transects. Where present, Cymodocea nodosa leaves and epiphytes were also analysed. At the spatial scale of the bay, trace element concentrations in sedim…

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Heavy metals and stable isotope ratios in organisms from three adjacent Mediterranean coastal lagoons

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Le banquette di Posidonia oceanica in Sicilia occidentale: mappatura, tipizzazione e indagini sulla mesofauna associata.

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Stable carbon and nitrogen ratios (δ13Corg and δ15Ntot) of core sediments from the Gulf of Palermo (NW Sicily): implications for the carbon source

research product

Comparative analysis of the proximate and elemental composition of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, the warty crab Eriphia verrucosa, and the edible crab Cancer pagurus

AbstractThe proximate composition and element contents of claw muscle tissue of Atlantic blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) were compared with the native warty crab (Eriphia verrucosa) and the commercially edible crab (Cancer pagurus). The scope of the analysis was to profile the chemical characteristics and nutritive value of the three crab species. Elemental fingerprints showed significant inter-specific differences, whereas non-significant variations in the moisture and ash contents were observed. In the blue crab, protein content was significantly lower than in the other two species, while its carbon content resulted lower than that characterizing only the warty crab. Among micro-elements…

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Predation on sea urchin by Marthasterias glacialis (L.).

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Mount Etna volcano (Italy) as a major “dust” point source in the Mediterranean area

Volcanic emissions represent one of the most relevant natural sources of trace elements to the troposphere. Due to their potential toxicity, they may have important environmental impacts from local to global scale. They can also severely affect the atmospheric and terrestrial environment at timescales ranging from a few to millions of years. Mt. Etna volcano is known as one of the largest global contributors of magmatic gases (CO2, SO2 and halogens) and particulate matter, including some toxic trace elements. The aim of this study is to characterize the chemical composition and the mineralogical features of the volcanogenic aerosol passively emitted from Mt. Etna. Twenty-five samples were c…

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Regime shifts and alternative stable states in intertidal rocky habitats: State of the art and new trends of research

Abstract The existence of regime shifts and alternative stable states in ecosystems is well known and has very large effects on their structure and dynamics. Since shifts between alternative stable states have significant implications for the ecosystems conservation, their prevention should be an aim of primary interest, and for this reason a particular attention has been paid to their study. Regarding marine ecosystems, rocky intertidal habitats, in particular, represent an ideal system for the study of alternative stable states because of their characteristics: they exhibit strong environmental gradients, are easy to manipulate, and most of the inhabiting species grow rapidly. Given the s…

research product

Trophic flexibility of the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus in invaded coastal systems of the Apulia region (SE Italy): A stable isotope analysis

Abstract The Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus is recognized as an Invasive Alien Species in the Mediterranean Sea. However, its trophic role and feeding flexibility in invaded benthic food webs have been addressed only recently. Here, field samplings were conducted in winter and summer in five coastal systems of the Apulia region (SE Italy), three located on the Ionian Sea (Mar Piccolo, Torre Colimena, and Spunderati) and two on the Adriatic Sea (Acquatina and Alimini Grande). Captured blue crabs were weighed and had their δ 13 C and δ 15 N isotopic signatures measured; their trophic level (TL) was estimated using the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis as isotopic baseline. C. sapidus a…

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Compatibilità ambientale delle attività inerenti il completamento delle opere marittime esistenti per la messa in sicurezza del porto di Isola delle Femmine ai sensi dell’art. 5 della l.r. 21/98.

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The trophic role of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri Risso 1810 (Osteichthyes, Atherinidae), in Mediterranean coastal environments

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The fate of organic matter sources in coastal environments: a comparison of three Mediterranean lagoons

Trophic processes in coastal lagoons are strongly influenced by freshwater inputs and water exchanges with the sea. In recent years, stable isotope analysis has become a widespread and reliable method for the examination of trophic structure over time and space, also in complex ecosystems such as coastal lagoons. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen were studied in primary producers and consumers to identify organic matter source pools from terrestrial, benthic and pelagic environments and to characterise the trophic structure in three Mediterranean coastal lagoons (Lake Fusaro, the Lake of Sabaudia and Stagnone di Marsala). The results highlighted the negligible importance of terrestrial…

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Stagnone di Marsala Lagoon, western Sicily.

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Trophic structure and functioning of vermetid reef community based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis.

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δ15N in deployed macroalgae as a tool to monitor nutrient input driven by tourism activities in Mediterranean islands

Abstract Mediterranean Sea is among the world's leading tourist destinations; however, the sharp increase in tourists during the high season may affect coastal seawater. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence and temporal variation of anthropogenic nutrients in coastal seawater in relation to tourist flows in three Mediterranean islands (Cyprus, Sicily and Rhodes), through short-term macroalgae deployments, coupled with δ15N analysis and GIS mapping. In all islands, an overall increase in macroalgae δ15N occurred over the deployment carried out in August in the tourist sites, suggesting the presence of anthropogenic nutrients. Decreasing δ15N values occurred at increasing…

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Assessing the environmental impact of aquaculture: a new approach based on stable isotope analysis

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Composition and trophic structure of motile fauna populations in macrophytes of a natural CO2 vent system

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Exotic Halophila stipulacea is an introduced carbon sink for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

AbstractCarbon and nitrogen storage in exotic Halophila stipulacea were compared to that in native Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa meadows and adjacent unvegetated sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and to that in native H. stipulacea of the Red Sea at sites with different biogeochemical conditions and level of human pressure. Exotic H. stipulacea possessed considerable storing capacity, with 2-fold higher Corg stock (0.71 ± 0.05 kg m−2 in the top 20 cm of sediment) and burial (14.78 gCorg m−2 y−1) than unvegetated areas and C. nodosa meadows and, surprisingly, comparable to P. oceanica. N (0.07 ± 0.01 kg m−2) and Cinorg (14.06 ± 8.02 kg m−2) stocks were similar between H. s…

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A new formulated diet for sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) aquaculture

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Analysis of the relationship between chemistry composition and stable isotope signals in coastal sediments: a biogeochemistry study to assess the environmental impact

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Relazioni trofiche dell’epifauna colonizzatrice del detrito fogliare di Posidonia oceanica

research product

Seasonal variations in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (13C/12C and 15N/14N) of primary producers and consumers in a western Mediterranean coastal lagoon

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (13C/12C and 15N/14N) of primary producers and consumers were investigated seasonally throughout 1999, in order to describe the food web in a western Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Lake of Sabaudia, central Italy). Particulate organic matter and algal material (seagrass epiphytes and macroalgae) seem to constitute the main food sources for primary consumers (zooplankton and small benthic invertebrates, respectively) throughout the sampling year, while the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa appears to play a negligible trophic role. As regards the ichthyofauna, carbon stable isotopes differentiated between planktivore and benthivore fish species. However, a be…

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Trophic transfer of trace metals in an isotopically constructed food web from a Mediterranean coastal area

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Registration of past submarine massive outgassing events in Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile) through stable carbon isotopes

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Seagrass ecosystem response to long-term high CO2 in a Mediterranean volcanic vent

We examined the long-term effect of naturally acidified water on a Cymodocea nodosa meadow growing at a shallow volcanic CO2 vent in Vulcano Island (Italy). Seagrass and adjacent unvegetated habitats growing at a low pH station (pH = 7.65 ± 0.02) were compared with corresponding habitats at a control station (pH = 8.01 ± 0.01). Density and biomass showed a clear decreasing trend at the low pH station and the below- to above-ground biomass ratio was more than 10 times lower compared to the control. C content and delta 13C of leaves and epiphytes were significantly lower at the low pH station. Photosynthetic activity of C. nodosa was stimulated by low pH as seen by the significant increase in…

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