Giorgio Schifani
Il bioagriturismo nelle aree protette in Sicilia
In Italy, the economic knowledges of the structures and the capabilities of production of income of the organic breedings are scarce. The sources of knowledge are often represented by investigations on cases of study of success. On the over 380 organic breedings whose accounting is checked to the National Institute of Agricultural Economics (INEA), for the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), we have decided to analyze the following organic breedings: 39 beef, 13 cow milk, 9 ovine meat and 24 ovine milk. The results underline a positive income, elevated variability of the raise animal species, technique of breeding characterized by a scarce use of resources and modest pluri-activity (farm …
Food community networks as leverage for social embeddedness
Social embeddedness, defined as the interaction of economic activities and social behavior, is used in this study as a conceptual tool to describe the growing phenomenon of food community networks (FCNs). The aim in this paper was to map the system of relations which the FCNs develop both inside and outside the network and, from the number of relations, it was inferred the influence of each FCN upon the formation of new socially embedded economic realities. A particular form of FCN was taken under consideration: solidarity purchase groups (SPGs). Performed with the aid of social network analysis on a sample of SPGs in Sicily (a region in southern Italy), the study allowed us to identify a r…
A ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on permanent crops in a mediterranean region
This is the first study which explores the impact of climate change in Sicily, a small Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. According to research, Mediterranean area has shown large climate shifts in the last century and it has been identified as one of the most prominent “Hot-Spots” in future climate change projections. Since agriculture is an economic activity which strongly depends on climate setting and is particularly responsive to climate changes, it is important to understand how such changes may affect agricultural profitability in the Mediterranean region. The aim of the present study is to assess the expected impact of climate change on permanent crops cultivated in Sicilian r…
Valore della funzione ricreativa per aree protette siciliane
The valutation of public goods, such as environmental resouces, often cheracterized by a high degree of multifunctionality, is an issue of great interest to local decision mackers, who have therefore the opportunity of improving planning and programming tools in relation to protection, use regulation and exploitation of natural resources. In this paper some results are briefly reporter about two direct surveys carried out in two important Natural Oriented Reserve in Sicily. The main aim of the study is to support in the process of territorial planning providing them with visitors' profiles, with the findings of a Customer Satisfaction Analysis and with the economic value concerning the tour…
Le frontiere della ricerca nel campo dell'economia del settore biologico. Gli studi a carattere macro
Innovation strategies geared toward the circular economy: A case study of the organic olive-oil industry
Circular Economy (CE) focuses on the (re)design of processes and products aiming to minimize negative environmental impact, by reducing the use of non-renewable resources, increasing products durability, improving waste management and enhancing the market for secondary raw materials. In the management field very few contributions deal with the topic of CE as a model that firms can implement from a business model perspective. The aim of the present study is to describe, by using a case study in olive oil industry, how firms in practice adapt their business model towards CE paradigm and the influence of personal drivers and stakeholders in this adaptation. The findings reveal that circular ec…
Ethnocentrism Effects on Consumers’ Behavior during COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has upset everyone’s normal daily activities, generating psychiatric disorders and changing consumers’ preferences. Among others, the agri-food sector has experienced strong changes and, during the lockdown period, Italian consumers modified their purchasing habits in response to the fear and uncertainty generated by the spread of the virus. In order to find out the main consequences of the shock suffered during the period and to understand which factors have affected purchasing choices, an online survey was conducted on 286 Italian consumers. The results show that ethnocentrism has been the factor that most has influenced consumers’ behavior during the lockdown period…
Solidarity Purchase Groups and the new critical and ethical consumer trends: first results of a direct study in Sicily
Recently in Italy, the evolution of food consumption occurs through the purchase of healthy and environmentally friendly foods. This trend is confirmed by the birth, in Italy of many solidarity purchase groups (called in Italy Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale or GAS),made up of individuals or families who choose to purchase products with a high ethical value. In this paper we try to identify socio-economic conditions and motivation of individual members of GAS, and for this purpose we developed over 205 questionnaires.
Social Embeddedness in Farmers Decision Making
Reciprocal interactions among farmers and consumers can be seen as the central point of market exchanges in Civic Agriculture (CAs). This work exploits the concept of social embeddedness as a conceptual tool for describing some phenomena related to CA. Social embeddedness concept might help to understand how consumers and producers behave in the market beyond the paradigm of neoclassical economics theory. The objective of this study is to empirically evaluate which attitudes may influence farmers decision to participate to several types of CAs. Our results confirm the strong role of social embeddedness phenomenon in those forms of CAs characterized by personal relations between farmers and …
I Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale in Sicilia: modelli organizzativi e di comportamento attraverso l’analisi di un caso studio
The communities supported agriculture movement (CSA) is a new consumers' organization form characterized by ethical and joint choices, plus by shared management of decisions and initiatives. Generally the CSA focus on particular productions: organic and local foods, fair trade, social agriculture, etc. This paper wants to show the mains CSA working problems, as well as socio-economic and behavioural feature that mark CSA members.
Consumers' willingness to pay for natural food: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment
Abstract Among foods with credence attributes, food with “natural” components have received in the last years particular attention by consumers. This study applies the BDM incentive compatible mechanism to explore young (18–35 years old) consumers’ interest and willingness to pay for chewing gums having the natural attribute. Our analysis shows that over 68% of consumers are interested in the natural attribute and are willing to pay a price premium. We also find that consumers’ higher age and interest in the environment have significant impacts on consumers’ preferences for the natural attribute.
Motives for buying local, organic food through English box schemes
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explain the growing interest of English consumers in local organic food sold through box schemes, by providing insights into the motives of customers of such schemes and examining the relationship with their awareness about problems of the agro-food system. Design/methodology/approach A mixed methods approach combined in-depth interviews with 22 box scheme customers with a quantitative survey of 416 consumers, analysed by means of principal component analysis and an ordered logit model. Findings Consumers of small local organic box schemes in England are both altruistically and hedonistically motivated. This includes a strong political motivation to …
“Rationally Local”: Consumer Participation in Alternative Food Chains
Why are consumers increasingly participating in alternative food chains to co-produce and distribute foods with farmers? In this paper, values and food-related lifestyles, as well as transaction costs and socio-demographics, are used to analyze consumer participation in alternative food chains in Italy. Using a simultaneous system of equations, a model with instrumental variables is implemented to measure the relationships between values and food-related lifestyles, and between the latter and participation in an alternative food chain. Our results show that Italian participants in alternative food chains have the profile of rational shoppers who typically look at price and taste criteria. A…
La fruizione delle Riserve naturali in Sicilia: il caso delle Riserve Naturali Orientate dello Zingaro e del Bosco della Ficuzza
La diffusione dei prodotti biologici nella città di Palermo
Agricoltura biologica: problematiche e prospettive
“Rationally Local”: Consumer Participation in Alternative Food Chains
Why are consumers increasingly participating in alternative food chains to co-produce and distribute foods with farmers? In this paper, values and food-related lifestyles, as well as transaction costs and socio-demographics, are used to analyze consumer participation in alternative food chains in Italy. Using a simultaneous system of equations, a model with instrumental variables is implemented to measure the relationships between values and food-related lifestyles, and between the latter and participation in an alternative food chain. Our results show that Italian participants in alternative food chains have the profile of rational shoppers who typically look at price and taste criteria. A…
Quality Perception and Consumer Choice of Cactus Pear: Results of Direct Survey in Italy
Today, alongside the traditional search and experience quality attributes, credence attributes increasingly affect individual consumption. The aim of this paper is to identify and measure the principal attributes of quality in cactus pear and their effect on consumer choice. The hypothesis underlying the study is that credence attributes have a major influence on consumer choice compared to the other quality attributes. With this in mind a questionnaire was administered to 92 cactus pear consumers in Italy, and by means of an econometric model the relationship that single attributes have on the amount of cactus pear consumption was analysed. Results confirm that credence attributes are impo…
Are alternative food networks winning strategies to increase organic SMEs profitability? Evidence from a case study
The aim of this study was to understand how and how much alternative food networks (AFNs) contribute to increasing the profitability of the organic SMEs, compared to traditional organic sales channels. For this purpose, an economic analysis and an in-depth interview were carried out in a case study located in the Sicilian northern coast. Findings showed a clear convenience of the participation to alternative food networks compared to the case in which all farm production was conferred to traditional sales channels, highlighting an increase both of farm profit (+76.9%) and net income (+72.1%). However, the in-depth interview revealed that AFNs are a mean, not only to have economic benefits, …
Analisi economica di imprese zootecniche biologiche in Italia: primi risultati del Progetto di Ricerca interdisciplinare E.Qu.I.Zoo.Bio.
Food community networks as sustainable self-organized collective action: A case study of a Solidarity Purchasing Group
The spread of Food Community Networks (FCNs) is mainly due to new and confirmed policies for consumption, testing new social paradigms aimed at promoting sustainable development in rural areas through the active reorganization of the agricultural and food industry. As a result, there is a set of rules deriving from complex relational structures competing to define self-organized collective action for sustainability. This paper analyses the structure of relations within FCNs. With this end in view, research on the experience of FCNs has been done, in particular of Solidarity Purchasing Groups (henceforth SPGs) in Sicily (Southern Italy). By applying Social Network Analysis, the article ident…
Sustainability and New Models of Consumption: The Solidarity Purchasing Groups in Sicily
Social embeddedness, defined as the interaction of economic activities and social behavior, is used in this study as a conceptual tool to describe the growing phenomenon of food community networks (FCNs). The aim in this paper was to map the system of relations which the FCNs develop both inside and outside the network and, from the number of relations, it was inferred the influence of each FCN upon the formation of new socially embedded economic realities. A particular form of FCN was taken under consideration: solidarity purchase groups (SPGs). Performed with the aid of social network analysis on a sample of SPGs in Sicily (a region in southern Italy), the study allowed us to identify a r…
Il consumatore di prodotti biologici: primi risultati di un'indagine diretta nei negozi specializzati della città di Palermo
La filiera dell’agricoltura biologica in Sicilia: analisi della competitività dei prezzi tra GDO e distribuzione specializzata
Il volume raccoglie i risultati relativi all'attività condotta dal'UO di Palermo nell'ambito del PRIN Sviluppo rurale, distribuzione moderna, sicurezza alimentare: le prospettive dell'agricoltura biologica in Sicilia, area di ricerca "Distribuzione e prodotti tipici. In questo ambito l'indagine ha riguardato la ricostruzione della filiera dei prodotti bio in Sicilia, evidenziando le principali problematiche relative alle fasi di produzione, trasformazione e della distribuzione e commercializzazione dei prodotti. La ricerca mette in luce la fragilità delle caratteristiche strutturali della GDO a livello regionale e successivamente si focalizza sulla diffusione dei prodotti bio nella GDO dell…
Good, safe and fair: Quality perception and consumer demand of Locally produced beef in Southern Italy
The increasing concern amongst consumers regarding the safety and quality of the beef that they buy is the result of food scares that have characterized the beef market in the last two decades. These scares, together with environmental and ethical concerns, caused consumers to reflect upon the quality of the beef they eat. The aim of this paper is to identify which quality characteristics influence the incidence of local beef consumption on the total consumption of beef. It is assumed in this study that such choice is a response to a process of quality evaluation, which occurs combining specific quality attributes and socially constructed food quality criteria strictly linked to a socially …
Culinary tourism experiences in agri-tourism destinations and sustainable consumption-Understanding Italian tourists' motivations
Culinary tourism represents an emerging component of the tourism industry and encompasses all the traditional values associated with the new trends in tourism: respect for culture and tradition, authenticity and sustainability. Italy is known worldwide for the richness and variety of its gastronomy, and agri-tourism represents one of the most important places where culinary tourists can experience local food and beverages. By using a modified version of Kim and Eves&rsquo
The establishment of an organic farmers’ market as a training case study for Students of the Faculty of Agriculture in the University of Palermo
The role of organic agriculture in the island of Sicily is well recognised by farmers, though the consumption of organic products still fails to largely develop in the local markets, due to several reasons, among which the small scale agricultural system and its structural poor organization plays a major role. The University of Palermo holds two major undergraduate and graduate courses on “Organic Agriculture” with a very good participation of Students. A student’s association was established with the aim of: a) encourage the consumption of organic products coming from local small scale farmers, and b) endorse the capacity of creating new job skillnes and opportunities for graduate students…
“Natural wine” consumers and interest in label information: An analysis of willingness to pay in a new Italian wine market segment
Abstract Increasing public attention to issues of health and environmental sustainability has contributed to a growing consumer demand for “natural” food and drinks. As has been observed, this trend has also affected the wine market, leading to the spread of so-called “natural wine”. According to the literature, consumers who are aware of the social and environmental impact of their consumption choices pay more attention to the information displayed on the label as a tool to reduce the risk associated with their purchase. This study seeks to identify which consumers are willing to pay for natural wine and to understand what information on the label influences their choice. This study is one…
Consumatori, carne e percezione dei rischi alimentari: risultati di un’indagine nazionale
Le nuove reti di innovazione dello sviluppo sostenibile: i network agro-alimentari biologici in Sicilia
The alternative food network, especially GAS (Solidarity Purchase Groups), are considered like laboratories where testing new models of innovation system (new social paradigms). In this paper is focused the theory of transitions management. With the help of Social Network Analysis, we tried to understand the network between GAS and associations both of them involved in the processes of food production and consumption, aimed at promoting sustainable development in Sicily.
Chemical–Physical, sensory analyses and consumers’ quality perception of local vs. imported loquat fruits: a sustainable development perspective
Local products and their distribution through short supply chains play a key role in the sustainable development of many rural areas, as affirmed by the 2030 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Agenda. Moreover, in the last years, more and more consumers have shown a specific interest towards local production, pushed by the need for healthy eating, protecting the environment, and boosting the local economy. However, the cultivation of local fruit varieties or ecotypes has considerably decreased in the last decades because of their low production potential. As a result, many farmers have been forced to replace local orchards with few worldwide grown cultivars, causi…
Caratteristiche del consumatore della GDO in Italia e percezione dei rischi alimentari: il caso della carne
Prezzi dei prodotti biologici nella distribuzione specializzata e nella GDO: il caso della città di Palermo
Implicazioni economiche dell’utilizzo delle nuove biotecnologie in agricoltura
Tropical Fruits as an Opportunity for Sustainable Development in Rural Areas: The Case of Mango in Small-Sized Sicilian Farms
Over the last decades, in many rural areas in Southern Europe, farmers have abandoned agricultural activity, especially on small-sized farms, leading to an exodus from rural areas towards urbanized ones. In this context, in the early 1980s, some Sicilian farmers introduced mango on their small-sized farms, as certain areas of Sicily are well suited to tropical and subtropical crops, but also to meet increasing consumer interest for these fruits, as they are perceived as functional foods. This paper aimed to evaluate the economic sustainability of mango and to determine whether its introduction could be considered as an alternative to traditional crops. In particular, an economic-financial a…
Organic food consumption: The relevance of the health attribute
During the last decades, organic food products have become the main sustainable alternative to conventional food consumption. Among the several organic food attributes that consumers recognize in organic food, healthiness has been reported as the primary motivation to buy products certified as organic. The objective of the current study is to assess the relative weight of the health attribute among other recognized organic food attributes. To achieve this aim, a multiple price list (MPL) methodology is adopted to elicit consumers&rsquo
Triggering collective action for bio-energy supply chain through contract schemes
This paper discusses contractual features to manage and coordinate a hypothetical bio-energy supply chain. The present study focuses on farmers operating in two Regions of Italy, namely Sicily and Campania, somewhat representative of areas with high potential of investments in new bioenergy supply value chain. Farmers were asked to choose whether to participate or not in a collective investment regulated by contract schemes. Monetary trade-offs were then computed among contract attributes. A specific questionnaire was submitted to a sample of farmers selected on the basis of their potential capability of investments. A stated preference modelling approach was implemented so that farmers cou…
Adesso anche la Sicilia strizza l'occhio ai GAS
Understanding Consumers’ Convenience Orientation. An Exploratory Study of Fresh-Cut Fruit in Italy
In Western society, the fresh-cut fruit market is experiencing significant growth, especially in Italy, where, in 2019, the fresh-cut fruit sales volume increased by 35% compared with the previous year. This study aims to understand Italian consumers&rsquo
The establishment of an organic farmers'market as a training case study for students of the faculty of agriculture in the University of Palermo
Despite the modest regional consumption of organic products, Sicily is one of the most important European regions in surface area per number of companies active in organic farming. The University of Palermo, as early as 2000, to promote the development and success in this industry, the Faculty of Agriculture, introduced two major degree programs in "Organic Farming". The objective of these courses is to train graduates who are technically capable of supporting the organic farmers market, to promote and facilitate the expansion of the consumption of organic products, and to create employment opportunities for young graduates. At the end of 2009, in the area of these activities, a training an…
La filiera dell’olivicoltura biologica in Sicilia: punti di forza e di debolezza
Farmers' participation in civic agriculture: The effect of social embeddedness
This work investigates how farmers??? attitudes influence their decision to participate in some particular forms of civic agriculture, namely farmers' markets (conventional or organic), solidarity purchase groups, direct selling and box schemes. It also explores whether social embeddedness-related attitudes occur with different intensities within the various types of civic agriculture. To this end, a survey was carried out among farmers participating in civic agriculture in Sicily (Italy). Empirical results confirm the role of social embeddedness whereby personal relations between farmers and consumers are emphasised: a greater presence of community relations fosters a greater role of socia…
Biologico: Sicuro, gustoso e OGM free
Organic Sicilian agricolture: the facts and figures
Understanding Collective action in sustainable consumption: a relational approach
Depletion of natural resources have become key issues on the European policy agenda. Bottom-up measures have emerged in several countries with a view to promoting awareness campaigns and practical actions with respect to environmental sustainability. All this has led to the creation of new strategies in the policies for consumption, redefining a new alternative geography of food and new opportunities for small enterprises excluded from globalization (Whatmore and Thorne, 1997; Miele, 1999; Murdoch e Miele, 1999; Murdoch et al., 2000). In the new emerging geography of food, the reincorporation of production processes and local consumption are spreading quickly assuming different forms such a…
Natural versus enriched food: Evidence from a laboratory experiment with chewing gum.
Abstract The current study explored consumers' preferences for natural versus enriched foods and identified the underlying driving forces behind consumer interest towards both attributes. A laboratory experiment with 200 respondents was carried out, applying the incentive compatible Becker-DeGroot-Marschak mechanism to measure consumers' willingness to pay for natural and enriched attributes of chewing gum. Empirical findings reveal that the two attributes are evaluated similarly by consumers. Furthermore, structural equation modelling identified a strong interdependence between the natural and the enriched attributes, suggesting they are complementary rather than substitutes/alternatives i…
Problematiche e prospettive di sviluppo economico dell’agricoltura biologica siciliana
Sicilian organic farming is looked at with high interest and attention by sector researchers and analysts. Organic farming sector in Sicily as to growth rate, total area, number of certified farmers, variety of organic products and climate and environmental characteristics, may be considered today as the most important in Europe. An analysis of the regional scenario points out several strengths and weaknesses of the sector, some of which partly caused by external factors, concerning organic farming on a whole, and some others related to some specific aspects of Sicilian situation. The rapid growth of this sector is mostly due to the gradual definition of a legal framework and to the financi…
Are "good guys" more likely to participate in local agriculture?
Abstract In recent years a new form of food production and distribution organisation, as part of small-scale and local agriculture, has been gaining ground. Generically termed short supply chains (SSCs), this new model of food procurement comprises various forms such as community-supported agriculture, box schemes and solidarity purchase groups. Consumer participation in SSCs is dictated by deep motivations: while consumers are principally encouraged by the desire to preserve local producers, as well as the social and environmental aspects of farming, the attraction of SSCs is also tied to different and more complex ways of perceiving food quality. The quality issue in SSCs is not only seen…
Caratteristiche della filiera dei prodotti biologici in Sicilia ed analisi della competitività dell’offerta tra GDO e distribuzione specializzata,
Un'applicazione della Social Network Analisys alla rete di relazioni di un Gruppo d’Acquisto Solidale: l’esperienza di Gasualmente
The phenomenon of GAS (Solidarity Purchase Groups) in Sicily has in Gasualmente an important actor. This GAS, was created following a structured training program and research by the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Palermo. It now plays an important role as activator of relationships and ethical affirmation of critical consumption, and promotion of organic products. The study aims through the Social Network Analysis, to investigate Gasualmente network and the role played by all the actors involved.
La filiera dell’agricoltura biologica in Sicilia: ruolo della GD e variabilità dei prezzi dei prodotti bio nella città di Palermo
Factors affecting consumer preferences for “natural wine”: An exploratory study in the Italian market
PurposeThe aim of this study is to understand which wine quality characteristics, consumers' attitudes and socio-demographic characteristics affect the consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) a premium price for a bottle of natural wine.Design/methodology/approachThe research is experimental and investigated the purchasing intentions of 613 Italian wine consumers within a hypothetical setting. In order to elicit WTP for natural wine, a multiple price list (MPL) in a comparison with one bottle of conventional wine, with an average price of €5 was adopted. To understand which quality attributes of wine affect the consumers' WTP for natural wine, a Tobit regression model was implemented.FindingsTh…
Bioenergy chain building: a collective action perspective
Depletion of natural resources has become a key issue on the European policy agenda. Bottom-up measures have emerged in several countries with a view to promoting awareness campaigns and environmental sustainability, with the agenda set by individuals who start up collective initiatives at the local level. Such collective action provides an incentive to free-ride on the contribution of others. Social norms and the consequent behavior of individuals involved in collective action assume a key role in ensuring sustainable use of a public good, achieving significant, long-lasting success. The present study aims to ascertain which determinants most affect farmers’ willingness to contribute to co…
Can Dried Fruits Replace Unhealthy Snacking among Millennials? An Empirical Study on Dried Fruit Consumption in Italy
The consumption of dried fruits in place of unhealthy snacks, which are rich in sugars, salt, and fats, could represent a valid option for reaching the daily intake recommended by the WHO for fruits and for encouraging the adoption of a sustainable diet. However, the consumption of dried fruits is lower than that of unhealthy snacks, especially among young people. Therefore, to foster young people’s intentions to consume dried fruits instead of unhealthy snacks, it is important to identify the factors underlying millennials’ consumption intentions. Using a convenience sample of 174 Italian millennials, this paper aimed to understand the factors influencing young people’s i…
Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Agri-Food Products Delivered with Electric Vehicles in the Short Supply Chains
This study aims at investigating the consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for agri-food products delivered in the farmers markets with electric vehicles (EVs). The empirical analysis has been carried out by administering an online questionnaire to 273 consumers within a hypothetical context. A multiple price list has been provided in order to measure the price premium for 1 kg of oranges transported by EVs comparing with the ones transported by traditional vehicles. A Tobit regression model has been used for the data analysis in order to identify the most influential factors affecting the consumers’ WTP. Results suggest that consumers’ WTP is mainly influenced by environmental attitudes, kn…
Quality determinants of avocado fruit consumption in italy. Implications for small farms
In recent years there has been an increasing consumer interest towards tropical fruits due to the desire of consumers for healthy eating while experiencing new and exotic flavours. Within this consumer trend, avocado fruit presents great potential in order to meet the requirements desired by consumers due to its high nutritional value and particular quality characteristics. The aim of the present study is to understand which quality determinants influence consumers’ decision making to consume avocado fruit in Italy. In the literature, avocado is a fruit few investigate from a consumers’ quality perception perspective. Therefore, understanding consumer preference for avocado fruit may be con…
Beyond Alternative Food Networks: Understanding Motivations to Participate in Orti Urbani in Palermo
Community gardens include many benefits, and different motivations seem to underline citizens’ choices to participate. In Italy, political motivations are considered one of the main reasons for participation in community gardens (known as orti urbani). Drawing from the orti urbani experience in Palermo (the largest city in Sicily, Southern Italy), this study aims to understand the main motivations that influence citizens’ participation and to measure the effects of these motivations on fruit and vegetable consumption among participants. Findings reveal that orti urbani attract middle‐class participants who possess high amounts of cultural capital but relatively less financial capital. Among…
Consumer interest towards tropical fruit: factors affecting avocado fruit consumption in Italy
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to identify the main factors affecting the consumption of avocado fruit among Italian consumers. In order to respond to the aim of the study, an empirical survey was conducted through the submission of an online questionnaire to 327 consumers. An ordered logit econometric model was adopted to examine the relationship among some explanatory variables and the frequency of consumption of avocado fruit. The findings of this study show that the consumption of avocado fruit is affected by different factors, including fruit consumption habit, neophilia attitudes, and various intrinsic and extrinsic quality attributes (credence attributes in particular). The st…
Tourists’ motivation toward culinary destination choice: targeting Italian tourists
Over the last years, social and environmental issues have played an increasingly important role both for tourists’ destination choice and for the consumption of agri-food products. However, in the literature on culinary tourists’ behavior, it is not clear whether sustainability issues also affect the configuration of specific culinary tourists’ targets. This study tries to bridge this gap by carrying out a segmentation of culinary tourists in Italy, a country known worldwide for its culinary specialties. In particular, this study aims to understand whether the growing tourists’ sensitivity toward environmental and social aspects shapes specific targets of culinary tourists. The results show…
The Beauty of the Commons? Consumers Participation in Food Community Networks
Why are consumers increasingly joining farmers to co-produce and transact sustainable foods world-wide? May these networks be a new tool to promote sustainable practices? As stated by Sandler (2010): “Longitudinal collective action environmental problems are likely to be effectively addressed only by an enormous number of individuals each making a nearly insignificant contribution to resolving them”. Consumers-farmers networks may serve this scope by inducing individual actors to change their preferences towards sustainable products. However participation in these networks is still not well understood. On one hand new institutional economics explains consumers joining farmers in creating a n…
Sustainable Value Creation in the Food Chain: A Consumer Perspective
The growth of diet-related diseases is becoming an important societal concern and a challenge for a more sustainable society. This has developed important trends in food consumption, including the increasing demand for food with a natural attribute and with health claims (e.g., enriched food). Consumers tend to evaluate these two attributes as superior ones and tend to pay a premium price for them. Accordingly, the value added by producers also will upturn if they take into consideration the consumers&rsquo
Are Farmers in Alternative Food Networks Social Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Behavioral Approach
Social entrepreneurship, individual activities with a social objective, is used in this study as a conceptual tool for empirically examining farmers’ participation in alternative food networks (AFNs). This study verifies whether their participation is driven by the social entrepreneurship dimension to satisfy social and environmental needs. We develop a more inclusive view of how social entrepreneurship is present among farmers participating in AFNs by using a behavioural approach based on three main psychological constructs: attitude, objective, and behaviour. The empirical results show that two types of farmers participate in AFNs. One type is closer to commercial entrepreneurs; the main …
Perspectives and challenges of small scale plant microalgae cultivation. Evidences from Southern Italy
Abstract In recent years, the cultivation of algae has achieved attention of scientists and practicioniers due to the great variety of products that can be obtained, among which biofuels. The aim of this work is twofold. The first is to perform a profitability analysis of food and biofuel production from microalgae, in a small-scale setting. The second is to assess the economic impact of algae production systems on the dairy farms potentially interested in Southern Italy. The analysis was performed using financial and economic indicators and considering two system management scenarios, namely single and collective. Our results confirm that current microalgae production technology favors bio…
Opening the black box of food quality in the short supply chain: Effects of conventions of quality on consumer choice
In recent years new forms of food distribution organisation, known as short supply chains, have gained ground. The local nature of such distribution has positive effects on the environment and on the local economy. Consumers appear to trust the short supply chain, and it has achieved considerable success. However, the short supply chain has credence characteristics which, by their very nature, cannot be identified through a system of certification. The question we address in this paper is whether it is possible to identify the constituent elements of the credence trait in relation to food quality in the short supply chain. Our hypothesis is that the latter are linked to a range of socially …
Il consumatore di prodotti biologici e la percezione dei rischi legati al consumo di carne: primi risultati di una indagine a livello nazionale. Caratteristiche generali del campione
Local economies and consumer participation: the organic food fairs
New consumption habits stand out against the idea of a rational consumer, which is aimed at maximizing utility according to budget constraint. Presently, people have the tendency to behave differently according to various purchase opportunities; a significant role is played by both ethical sides and selfless motivations. These new trends fall within the context of a new social paradigm that foresees postmodern society’s rise. Consumers have the tendency to use the market as an arena in which political, ethical and environmental issues may arise, starting a new trend of an alternative consumption called “political consumerism”. In this paper we’ll try to understand how new consumption habits…
L'espansione della Sicilia
La distribuzione e la diffusione dei prodotti biologici nella città di Palermo
Understanding the consumption of plant-based meat alternatives and the role of health-related aspects. A study of the Italian market
One possible solution to address some of the current health and environmental challenges we are facing is to choose plant-based meat alternatives (PBMAs). However, from the literature, the role of PBMA products in the consumer’s diet and whether they are a substitute for red meat consumption or if they only represent an enrichment function is not clear. Moreover, little is known about how health-related aspects affect consumer choices. This study tries to understand the role of PBMAs in consumption habits and the effects of health-related aspects in PBMA consumption. The results show that PBMA consumption occurs in substitution to red meat, and it is associated mainly with healthy and susta…
The Value of Organic plus. Analysing Consumers’ Preference for Additional Ethical Attributes of Organic food Products
AbstractOrganic Plus attributes strengthen the sustainability of the organic products and differentiate them from the ‘conventionalized’ organic ones. Products with Organic Plus attributes seem appreciated by organic consumers. However, research on consumers’ preference for Organic Plus is still scarce, leaving gaps in the understanding of the consumers’ characteristics of organic products with Plus attributes. In order to enrich the knowledge of consumers’ preference for organic products with Plus attributes, the present study aims to achieve three Objectives: (1) identifying which Plus attributes, among fair prices to local farmers, integration of people with disabilities and eco-friendli…
Political Consumerism and Food Community Networks
European society, with its steadily increased welfare levels, is not only concerned about food (safety, prices), but also on other aspects such as biodiversity loss, landscape degradation, pollution of water, soil and atmosphere. To a large extent these concerns can be translated into a wider concept named sustainable development defined as a normative concept by Morgan and Sonnino (2008). Sustainability in the food chain means approaching a new emerging vision of a sustainable agro-food system introducing an institutional dimension to take into account. Among different attempts to conjugate such concepts, there is one that is taking place in many Regions of Italy. In the last years spontan…
Identifying Social Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Farmers participation in Alternative Food Network
The concept of social entrepreneurship is growing rapidly and attracting increased attention from research institutions and business schools around the world to understand how these satisfy the needs of communities, those private and public institutions are not adequately addressing. Social entrepreneurship, identified as activity with a social objective, was used in this study as a conceptual tool to empirically examine farmer’s participation in AFNs. Using a behavioural approach, we conducted a survey in Sicily, Italy, using a questionnaire with modified items from the Edinburgh Study of Decision Making on Farms. From the results emerges that around 64% of the farmers participating in AFN…
Assessing the economic profitability of Paulownia as a biomass crop in Southern Mediterranean area
The increase of renewable energy production worldwide, occurred in the last years, is also attributable to some agroforestry species cultivated according to the short rotation coppice technique. Although these species are able of enhancing abandoned or marginal land leading to numerous environmental benefits, an increasing number of farmers are introducing them in place of agricultural crops. Therefore, since for a farmer economic sustainability is one of the main factors to introduce a biomass crop, the study aimed at evaluating the profitability of Paulownia, a species that has been spreading in recent years. In particular, an economic analysis has been carried out in a Southern Italian f…
The proitability of microalgae biomass farming in Mediterranean environments
The aims of the present study was to assess the economic sustainability of microalgae cultivation in PBRs, ascertain in what conditions of productivity and price it is possible to achieve similar results to those of the irst case, and assess the impact that the results of plant management could have on the balance sheets of farms which may have an interest in expanding their production. Our results show shows that, while prospects are encouraging, there is a need to develop structured supply chains able to confer greater stability to the market and to ensure a higher degree of certainty to stakeholders.
Il settore delle produzioni zootecniche biologiche in Sicilia
The study shows the results obtained in Sicily in the sphere of the activities carried out within a larger national research3, and identifies key strengths and weaknesses of the sector, both in the production stage and in the upstream segments of processing and marketing. As for the structural survey on manufacturing firms, the research turned both to a direct survey concerning some case studies which were tested for a two-year period, and to the analysis of the technical-financial elements derived from the RICA-INEA Database. On the other hand, for what concerns the steps following the production, the investigation looked at 12 firms dealing, also or exclusively, with the marketing of orga…
"Analisi economica di imprese zootecniche biologiche in italia: primi risultati del progetto di ricerca interdisciplinare E.Qu.I.Zoo.Bio"
Quality attributes of cactus pear fruit and their role in consumer choice
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to detect what experience and credence quality attributes contribute to the consumer decision to consume cactus pear fruit. The authors therefore try to measure the effect of each quality attribute on consumer choice. Design/methodology/approach – As a theoretical basis, two principal quality attributes emphasised in the literature on consumer behaviour were analysed and adjusted to the specific fruit features. The empirical strategy was carried out by administering a telephone questionnaire survey of 270 interviewees who consume cactus pears in Italy. The questionnaire, consisting of 14 items expressed on a metric scale (five-point Likert scale), was…
Quality Determinants and Effect of Therapeutic Properties in Honey Consumption. An Exploratory Study on Italian Consumers
Nowadays, more and more consumers show a growing interest in healthy food products that may help to maintain or improve human health, such as honey. Honey has always represented a fundamental component of traditional medicine in many world cultures. However, only thanks to several studies carried out in the last years, its use is considered as an alternative and complementary medicine, namely apitherapy. In this way, honey is recognized increasingly by consumers not only as a natural alternative to refined sugar but as healthy food, as shown by determining an increase of its consumption worldwide. This study aims to explore the consumers&rsquo
In Sicilia crescono i farmer market
Consumers in postmodern society and alternative food networks: The organic food fairs case in Sicily
New consumption habits stand out against the idea of a rational consumer, which is aimed at maximizing utility according to budget constraint. Presently, people have the tendency to behave differently according to various purchase opportunities; a significant role is played by both ethical sides and selfless motivations. These new trends fall within the context of a new social paradigm that foresees postmodern society’s rise. Consumers have the tendency to use the market as an arena in which political, ethical and environmental issues may arise, starting a new trend of an alternative consumption called “political consumerism”. In this paper we’ll try to understand how new consumption habits…