A. Latrasse
Strategies to overcome toxicity during flavour production by micro-organisms: The case of gamma-decalactone from Sporidiobolus salmonicolor
International audience
Production de gamma-decalactone par bioconversion
Toxicity of gamma-decalactone and 4-hydroxydecanoic towards two species of sporidiobolus
National audience
Identification du (-) spathulénol dans l'huile essentielle de bourgeons de cassis (Ribes nigrum L.)
National audience
Production d'arôme de noix de coco (pentyl-6-alpha-pyrone) par le champignon filamenteux Trichoderma
National audience
Chirality of the gamma-lactones formed by Fusarium poae inra 45
International audience
Production and toxicity of linear from and lactone from of 4-hydroxy decanoic acid by Sporidiobolus sp.
International audience
Production d'un arome fruite par Geotrichum candidum (Staron)
National audience
Aromas of soft fruits: black chokeberry, crowberry, elderberry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, blackcurrant
Production d'arôme de noix de coco (pentyl-6-alpha pyrone) par le champignon filamenteux trichoderma
National audience
Importance des lactones dans les arômes alimentaires : structure, distribution, propriétés sensorielles et biosynthèse
International audience
Quelques menthes poivrees cultivees a Grasse: caracteres botaniques et composition des huiles essentielles en 1ere et 2eme recolte
National audience
Composition and major odorous compounds of the essential oils of Bifora radians, an aldehyde-producing weed
International audience
Biosynthesis, chirality and flavour properties of the lactones formed by Fusarium poae
International audience
Chemotaxonomy of the essential oils of the blackcurrant buds (Ribes sp.) from major terpenes (hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds)
International audience
Conversion of oleic acid to 10-hydroxystearic acid by Nocardia paraffinae
International audience
In situ detoxification of the fermentation medium during gamma-decalactone production with yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor
International audience
Composition of the essential oils of blackcurrant buds ( Ribes nigrum L. )
International audience
Microbial hemi-synthesis of gamma-C12 lactones chirality and sensory properties
National audience
Chirality of the gamma lactones produced by Sporidiobolus salmonicolor grow in two different media
International audience
An ester producing microorganism: Geotrichum candidum (Staron)
International audience
Production of 6-pentyl-alpha-pyrone by Trichoderma sp. from vegetable oils
International audience
Gas chromatography-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. Applications in flavour analysis
21 ref. 10 graph.; National audience
Le méthoxy-4 méthyl-2 butanethiol-2. un constituant majeur de l'arôme du bourgeon de Cassis (Ribes nigrum L.)
National audience