Victor M. Acosta
Robust optical readout and characterization of nuclear spin transitions in nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond
Nuclear spin ensembles in diamond are promising candidates for quantum sensing applications, including rotation sensing. Here we perform a characterization of the optically detected nuclear-spin transitions associated with the 14N nuclear spin within diamond nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers. We observe nuclear-spin-dependent fluorescence with the contrast of optically detected 14N nuclear Rabi oscillations comparable to that of the NV electron spin. Using Ramsey spectroscopy, we investigate the temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the nuclear spin transitions in the 77.5-420 K and 350-675 G range, respectively. The nuclear quadrupole coupling constant Q was found to vary with temperatu…
Diamond magnetometer enhanced by ferrite flux concentrators
Magnetometers based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond are promising room-temperature, solid-state sensors. However, their reported sensitivity to magnetic fields at low frequencies (<1 kHz) is presently >10 pT s^{1/2}, precluding potential applications in medical imaging, geoscience, and navigation. Here we show that high-permeability magnetic flux concentrators, which collect magnetic flux from a larger area and concentrate it into the diamond sensor, can be used to improve the sensitivity of diamond magnetometers. By inserting an NV-doped diamond membrane between two ferrite cones in a bowtie configuration, we realize a ~250-fold increase of the magnetic field amplitude wi…
Infrared laser threshold magnetometry with a NV doped diamond intracavity etalon
International audience; We propose a hybrid laser system consisting of a semiconductor external cavity laser associated to an intra-cavity diamond etalon doped with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. We consider laser emission tuned to the infrared absorption line that is enhanced under the magnetic field dependent nitrogen-vacancy electron spin resonance and show that this architecture leads to a compact solid-state magnetometer that can be operated at room-temperature. The sensitivity to the magnetic field limited by the photon shot-noise of the output laser beam is estimated to be less than 1 pT/ √ Hz. Unlike usual NV center infrared magnetometry, this method would not require an external f…
Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth's magnetic field
Anisotropy of atomic states is characterized by population differences and coherences between Zeeman sublevels. It can be efficiently created and probed via resonant interactions with light, the technique which is at the heart of modern atomic clocks and magnetometers. Recently, nonlinear magneto-optical techniques have been developed for selective production and detection of higher polarization moments, hexadecapole and hexacontatetrapole, in the ground states of the alkali atoms. Extension of these techniques into the range of geomagnetic fields is important for practical applications. This is because hexadecapole polarization corresponding to the $\Delta M=4$ Zeeman coherence, with maxim…
Optically Enhanced Electric Field Sensing Using Nitrogen-Vacancy Ensembles
Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have shown promise as inherently localized electric-field sensors, capable of detecting individual charges with nanometer resolution. Working with NV ensembles, we demonstrate that a detailed understanding of the internal electric field environment enables enhanced sensitivity in the detection of external electric fields. We follow this logic along two complementary paths. First, using excitation tuned near the NV's zero-phonon line, we perform optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) spectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures in order to precisely measure the NV center's excited-state susceptibility to electric fields. In doing so, we demonstrate th…
Diamond Magnetic Microscopy of Malarial Hemozoin Nanocrystals.
Magnetic microscopy of malarial hemozoin nanocrystals was performed using optically detected magnetic resonance imaging of near-surface diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers. Hemozoin crystals were extracted from $Plasmodium$-$falciparum$-infected human blood cells and studied alongside synthetic hemozoin crystals. The stray magnetic fields produced by individual crystals were imaged at room temperature as a function of applied field up to 350 mT. More than 100 nanocrystals were analyzed, revealing the distribution of their magnetic properties. Most crystals ($96\%$) exhibit a linear dependence of stray field magnitude on applied field, confirming hemozoin's paramagnetic nature. A volume magneti…
Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth’s magnetic field
We report a novel method that allows selective creation and detection of a macroscopic long lived hexadecapole polarization in the F = 2 ground state of 87Rb atoms at Earth's magnetic field (510 mG).
Optically detected magnetic resonances of nitrogen-vacancy ensembles inC13-enriched diamond
We present an experimental and theoretical study of the optically detected magnetic resonance signals for ensembles of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in a $^{13}\mathrm{C}$ isotopically enriched single-crystal diamond. We observe four broad transition peaks with superimposed sharp features at zero magnetic field and study their dependence on an applied magnetic field. A theoretical model that reproduces all qualitative features of these spectra is developed. Understanding the magnetic-resonance spectra of NV centers in an isotopically enriched diamond is important for emerging applications in nuclear magnetic resonance.
Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy with a femtotesla diamond magnetometer
Sensitive Radio-Frequency (RF) magnetometers that can detect oscillating magnetic fields at the femtotesla level are needed for demanding applications such as Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) spectroscopy. RF magnetometers based on Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have been predicted to offer femtotesla sensitivity, but published experiments have largely been limited to the picotesla level. Here, we demonstrate a femtotesla RF magnetometer based on an NV-doped diamond membrane inserted between two ferrite flux concentrators. The device operates in bias magnetic fields of 2-10 microtesla and provides a ~300-fold amplitude enhancement within the diamond for RF magnetic fields in the…
Temperature- and Magnetic-Field-Dependent Longitudinal Spin Relaxation in Nitrogen-Vacancy Ensembles in Diamond
We present an experimental study of the longitudinal electron-spin relaxation time (T1) of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) ensembles in diamond. T1 was studied as a function of temperature from 5 to 475 K and magnetic field from 0 to 630 G for several samples with various NV and nitrogen concentrations. Our studies reveal three processes responsible for T1 relaxation. Above room temperature, a two-phonon Raman process dominates, and below, we observe an Orbach-type process with an activation energy, 73(4) meV, which closely matches the local vibrational modes of the NV center. At yet lower temperatures, sample dependent cross relaxation processes dominate, resulting in temperature …
Microwave-free magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
We use magnetic-field-dependent features in the photoluminescence of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers to measure magnetic fields without the use of microwaves. In particular, we present a magnetometer based on the level anti-crossing in the triplet ground state at 102.4 mT with a demonstrated noise floor of 6 nT/$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$, limited by the intensity noise of the laser and the performance of the background-field power supply. The technique presented here can be useful in applications where the sensor is placed closed to conductive materials, e.g. magnetic induction tomography or magnetic field mapping, and in remote-sensing applications since principally no electrical acces…
Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with a microfluidic diamond quantum sensor
Quantum sensors based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond have emerged as a promising detection modality for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy owing to their micron-scale detection volume and non-inductive based detection. A remaining challenge is to realize sufficiently high spectral resolution and concentration sensitivity for multidimensional NMR analysis of picoliter sample volumes. Here, we address this challenge by spatially separating the polarization and detection phases of the experiment in a microfluidic platform. We realize a spectral resolution of 0.65 +/- 0.05 Hz, an order-of-magnitude improvement over previous diamond NMR studies. We use the platform to perform …
Solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a nanostructured diamond chip
We demonstrate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of picoliter-volume solutions with a nanostructured diamond chip. Using optical interferometric lithography, diamond surfaces were nanostructured with dense, high-aspect-ratio nanogratings, enhancing the surface area by more than a factor of 15 over mm^2 regions of the chip. The nanograting sidewalls were doped with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers so that more than 10 million NV centers in a (25 micrometer)^2 laser spot are located close enough to the diamond surface (5 nm) to detect the NMR spectrum of 1 pL of fluid lying within adjacent nanograting grooves. The platform was used to perform 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy at room tempe…
Rubidium dimers in paraffin-coated cells
Measurements were made to determine the density of rubidium dimer vapor in paraffin-coated cells. The number density of dimers and atoms in similar paraffin-coated and uncoated cells was measured by optical spectroscopy. Due to the relatively low melting point of paraffin, a limited temperature range of 43-80 deg C was explored, with the lower end corresponding to a dimer density of less than 10^7 cm^(-3). With one-minute integration time, a sensitivity to dimer number density of better than 10^6 cm^(-3) was achieved. No significant difference in dimer density was observed between the cells.
Color centers in diamond as novel probes of superconductivity
Magnetic imaging using color centers in diamond through both scanning and wide-field methods offers a combination of unique capabilities for studying superconductivity, for example, enabling accurate vector magnetometry at high temperature or high pressure, with spatial resolution down to the nanometer scale. The paper briefly reviews various experimental modalities in this rapidly developing nascent field and provides an outlook towards possible future directions.
Demonstration of diamond nuclear spin gyroscope
Achromatic Varifocal Metalens for the Visible Spectrum
Metasurface optics provide an ultra-thin alternative to conventional refractive lenses. A present challenge is in realizing metasurfaces that exhibit tunable optical properties and achromatic behavior across the visible spectrum. Here, we report the design, fabrication, and characterization of metasurface lenses ("metalenses") that use asymmetric TiO2 nanostructures to induce a polarization-dependent optical response. By rotating the polarization of linearly-polarized input light, the focal length of a 40 micrometer-diameter metalens is tuned from 220-550 micrometers with nearly diffraction-limited performance. We show that imparting a wavelength-dependent polarization rotation on incident …