Konstanze Schoeps


Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Burnout among Spanish Teachers: A Mediation Study

espanolLa utilidad de la inteligencia emocional y su efecto tranquilizador sobre el estres laboral de los profesores han ido cobrando importancia en este campo de investigacion. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la relacion entre las habilidades emocionales y el sindrome de burnout y si el equilibrio afectivo media esta asociacion. Se han utilizado modelos de ecuaciones estructurales con datos de autoinforme de 200 profesores cuya edad estaba comprendida entre los 22 y los 64 anos (M = 44.97, SD = 9.31, 73.50% mujeres). Se utilizo un diseno transversal para el estudio. Los resultados mostraron un efecto significativo directo e indirecto de la claridad y de la reparacion emocional…

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¿Qué dicen los adolescentes sobre el acoso escolar?

Resumen: Todos los actos antisociales, incluidos la violencia y el acoso escolar, lo son dentro de la colectividad en la que se producen y son reflejo de esa colectividad. Este estudio se centra en el discurso espontáneo de 406 adolescentes entre 15 y 21 años sobre el acoso escolar. El análisis cualitativo de los datos permite inferir cuatro principios discursivos que se articulan desde la inicial negación de la violencia (“eso no pasa”), a la negación de la responsabilidad (“si pasa, no soy yo, somos todos”), la negación de la gravedad (“si es broma, no hace daño), y la atribución a la víctima (el acoso tiene más que ver con la víctima que con el agresor). El análisis del discurso espontán…

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'We can Only Teach from Our Own Experience': From Emotional Learning in Childhood and Adolescence to Emotional Training in Teachers

The ability to understand and process emotional information is an important part of human functioning as it facilitates an adequate adjustment to the environment [1]. The development of emotional abilities, including the capacity to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions underlies social competence and performance [2]. For instance, accurate perception of another person's emotional state enhances the estimation and understanding of their intention and subsequent behavior, making it easier to respond accordingly [3]. Emotions can facilitate thought processes reinforces learning, concentration, and execution [4]. Understanding the meaning of emotions in a social context guides decision…

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Estado de salud en adolescentes de España, México y Chile durante la COVID-19: un estudio transcultural.

espanolLa pandemia provocada por la COVID-19 es una crisis sin precedentes en la historia reciente, cuyas consecuencias han tenido un impacto mundial. Una de las etapas mas vulnerables a los efectos de esta emergencia sanitaria es la adolescencia, pues atraviesan un proceso vital de cambios en diversos aspectos de su vida, y la inestabilidad social y economica se suma como factor de riesgo a su ajuste psicosocial. Los estudios a nivel transcultural han tratado de comparar y comprender las diferencias en la adaptacion de los y las adolescentes a la pandemia en diferentes partes del mundo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el estado de salud actual, en comparacion con el estado de salu…

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Cuestionario de competencias y habilidades emocionales (ESCQ-21): diferencias por sexo y edad en la adolescencia

La escala de habilidades y competencias emocionales (ESCQ-21) se basa en el modelo de inteligencia emocional de Mayer y Salovey (1997) y evalúa las habilidades de comprensión, expresión y regulación de las emociones. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las diferencias de sexo y edad en una muestra de adolescentes. Participaron 702 adolescentes españoles de entre 12 y 15 años (M=13.52, DT=1.08), que completaron la versión adaptada y validada del ESCQ-21. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y ANOVA para evaluar las diferencias de sexo y edad. Los resultados indican que las chicas tienes más habilidades de percepción y comprensión de las emociones que los chicos. También se observó que lo…

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The impact of peer attachment on prosocial behavior, emotional difficulties and conduct problems in adolescence: The mediating role of empathy

Attachment theories postulate that during adolescence, peer relationships become more important as a predictor of positive social, emotional and behavioral outcomes. Adolescents develop the ability to empathize with others, which is related to healthy functioning and positive peer relationships. Empathy has been studied as a potential mechanism that may help to explain how strong and healthy emotional bonds are associated with less emotional disorders and conduct problems in youth. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between peer attachment and strengths and difficulties during adolescence, considering empathy as a potential mediator of this association. A total o…

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The Impact of Adolescent Internet Addiction on Sexual Online Victimization: The Mediating Effects of Sexting and Body Self-Esteem

Adolescents’ problematic use of the internet and the risk of sexual online victimization are an increasing concern among families, researchers, professionals and society. This study aimed to analyze the interplay between adolescents’ addiction to social networks and internet, body self-esteem and sexual–erotic risk behavior online: sexting, sextortion and grooming. While sexting refers to the voluntary engagement in texting sexual–erotic messages, sextortion and grooming are means of sexual–erotic victimization through the use of the internet. Participants were 1763 adolescents (51% girls), aged 12 to 16 years (M = 14.56

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Psychological adjustment of Spanish adolescents and their parents during COVID- 19 lockdown: A mixed method approach

Previous literature on the psychological impact of COVID-19 has shown a direct relationship between family conflicts and psychological distress among parents and their children during the domestic lockdown and social isolation; but there are also opportunities to enhance family bonding, encourage collective problem-solving and improve personal relationships. This study aimed to explore psychological adjustment processes of Spanish adolescents and their parents during the first month of lockdown by analyzing their narratives, perceived outcomes, protection and risk factors. A total of 142 people agreed to participate in this study. Of all participants, 61 were adolescents (M = 13.57; SD = 1.…

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Predicting adolescent adjustment and well-being: The interplay between socio-emotional and personal factors

Social and emotional factors such as emotional competence and self-esteem are protective factors that promote adolescent mental health and well-being. In this paper, we will examine the combined contribution of these socio-emotional factors in addition to personal factors, in the prediction of psychological adjustment and subjective well-being in adolescence. The study included 840 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 13.37, SD = 1.16, 51.4% girls). We measured personal variables (sex, age, number of siblings), socio-emotional variables (emotional competence and self-esteem), psychological adjustment (emotional and behavioural problems) and subjective well-being (life satisfact…

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Los efectos a largo plazo de las competencias emocionales y la autoestima en los síntomas internalizantes en la adolescencia

Resumen Los sintomas internalizantes como el estado de animo depresivo, las quejas somaticas y la ansiedad de los adolescentes es una preocupacion importante y global para los padres, los educadores y los profesionales. Las investigaciones empiricas indican que una elevada autoestima esta asociada con la adaptacion psicologica y el bienestar emocional en la adolescencia. En el presente estudio se ha examinado la autoestima como posible mediador en la relacion entre las competencias emocionales y los sintomas internalizantes durante la adolescencia. Los datos de 855 adolescentes espanoles (M = 13.6, DT = 1.09, 52% chicas) se han recogido en dos momentos, utilizando un diseno longitudinal. El…

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Los efectos a largo plazo de las competencias emocionales y la autoestima sobre los síntomas internalizantes de los adolescentes

Internalizing symptoms such as depressive mood, somatic complaints and anxiety among adolescents are a major and global concern for parents, educators and professionals. Empirical research suggests that high level of self-esteem during adolescents is associated with psychological adjustment and emotional well-being. This study examines self-esteem as a potential mediator in the interplay between emotional competencies and internalizing symptoms during adolescence. Self-report data from 855 Spanish adolescents (Mage = 13.6, SD = 1.09, 52% girls) were collected in two waves, using a longitudinal design. The mediation model was estimated using structural equation modelling (SEM). Results show …

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Childhood adaptation: Perception of the parenting style and the anxious‐depressive symptomatology

Objectives Childhood adaptation is essential for proper social-emotional development. Children growing up in a family context where they feel supported and protected are less vulnerable in the presence of psychopathology. The aim of this study is analysing the impact of parenting styles and the anxious-depressive symptoms on child adaptation. Design and setting A total of 367 children between the ages of 10 and 12, following a similar distribution by sex. The children completed self-reports assessing parenting styles, child adaptation, and depressive-anxiety symptomatology. Methods The data were analysed using two complementary methodologies: linear regressions and fuzzy-set qualitative com…

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Does Stress Mediate the Association Between Emotional Intelligence and Life Satisfaction During Adolescence?

Background Based on Mayer and Salovey's model of emotional intelligence, this study examined whether perceived stress mediates the interplay of emotional intelligence and life satisfaction for girls and boys during early and middle adolescence. Methods Using multigroup structural equation modeling with questionnaire data from a sample of Spanish adolescent students (N = 800; MAge T1 = 14.02, MAge T2 = 15.00, SD = 1.21) in 2 waves (T1 = March 2015; T2 = December 2015). Results Results of multigroup structural equation modeling indicated no group differences between boys and girls in early adolescence (7th and 8th grade) and middle adolescence (9th and 10th grade), as stress function as media…

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Analyzing the role of resilience and life satisfaction as mediators of the impact of COVID-19 worries on mental health

The aim of this study was to test whether resilience and life satisfaction (two traditional protective factors) mediate between COVID-19 related worries and the development of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in adolescents and young adults. Participants involved 392 adolescents and young adults (70.20% female) aged between 12 and 25 years (M = 17.05 years, SD = 3.08). Participants completed the COVID-19 related worries scale, the CD-RISC to analyse resilience, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales-21 to study emotional symptoms. Descriptive analyses and Pearson correlations were conducted, together with a structural equation modeling te…

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Development of Emotional Skills in Adolescents to Prevent Cyberbullying and Improve Subjective Well-Being

Bullying behavior alters the way in which students coexist together in the classroom and negatively affects adolescents’ well-being. Research highlights the importance of emotional skills in promoting positive youth development and optimal social functioning. Therefore, education in these skills is a potential target for interventions aimed at reducing cyberbullying and promoting satisfaction with life during adolescence. This study analyzes the impact of an emotion education program in adolescents to promote classroom coexistence and well-being. The sample comprised 148 students from 7th and 8th grade of secondary school aged between 12 and 15 years (Mage = 12.63, SDage = 0.74; 57% girls).…

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Emotional education program for adolescents (PREDEMA): evaluation from the perspective of students and effects on socio-affective competences / Programa de educación emocional para adolescentes (PREDEMA): valoración desde la perspectiva de los participantes y sus efectos en las competencias socio-afectivas

AbstractThe literature reveals multiple benefits of emotional education in adolescents’ development. This study examines the effects perceived by participants in the Emotional Education Programme f...

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Psychological Risk Factors that Predict Social Networking and Internet Addiction in Adolescents


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Attachment Styles and Well-Being in Adolescents: How Does Emotional Development Affect This Relationship?

Attachment relationships with parents, as well as emotional competencies, are protective factors against stress and other physical, mental, and relational health symptoms in adolescence. In this paper, we will examine the mediating role of emotional competencies in the relationship between attachment to parents and the well-being of adolescents, taking into account the influence of gender. There were 1276 Spanish adolescents between 12 and 15 years old (M = 13.48

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The risk of sexual-erotic online behavior in adolescents – Which personality factors predict sexting and grooming victimization?

Abstract Information and communication technologies provide new opportunities for adolescents to establish and maintain intimate relationships, as well as exploring their sexuality. However, the young population is particularly vulnerable to becoming victims of violence or online abuse. The aim of this study was to understand to which extent the personality factors (extraversion, narcissism, lack of empathy and disinhibition) are related to sexting and online grooming victimization. The participants were 1763 adolescents between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.56, SD = 1.16, 50.99% girls). A cross-sectional design with self-report data was used, analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM). The r…

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Effects of emotional skills training to prevent burnout syndrome in schoolteachers

Abstract Introduction and objectives Work-related stress and emotional distress among schoolteachers are considered a serious concern in the educational context. Research has shown the beneficial effects of emotional abilities on burnout and psychological problems. Based on the Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence, we designed an emotional-skills training for school teachers intended to promote mental health and well-being. Materials and methods The participants were 340 teachers (74% women), assigned randomly to an experimental and control group. Data on burnout syndrome, emotional symptoms (depression, anxiety, stress), self-esteem and life-satisfaction were collected in three waves: b…

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What Does It Mean to Be Popular in Spain? Mixed-Method Analysis of Popularity as Perceived by Teenagers and Their Teachers

A great part of the research in adolescent popularity is based on sociometric methods, not always distinguishing between social preference (acceptance or likeability) and perceived popularity (visibility or salience), which has practical and theoretical implications. The aim of this work was to analyze the features that a sample of 406 Spanish adolescents (53.2% girls, M = 16.76 years) and their teachers (n = 26, 50% women) associated with perceived popularity. The data analysis established three main themes that categorize perceived popularity: behaviors, developmental traits, and other resources, which include both peer-valued and not valued characteristics. Qualitative and quantitative c…

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Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic in Spanish adolescents: risk and protective factors of emotional symptoms

The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents is one of the most prevalent concerns all over the world. Adolescence is a developmental stage of high vulnerability due to the challenges this period entails. Additionally, the health emergency crisis has put adolescents even more at risk of developing mental health problems. The present study aims to examine the influence of socio-demographic and COVID-19 related variables on symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in adolescents during pandemic-related confinement in Spain. Participants were 523 adolescents (63.1% female), aged between 13 and 17 years (M=14.89 years; SD=1.13 years), who completed an ad hoc q…

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Funcionamiento familiar, personalidad y satisfacción vital en las parejas casadas

Abstract.FAMILY FUNCTIONING, PERSONALITY AND LIFE SATISFACTION IN MARRIED COUPLESTheory and research suggest that the personality characteristics that each spouse brings to a relationship are related to marital and life satisfaction. Furthermore, a variety of studies have shown that Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness are strongly related to relationship satisfaction, which in turn benefits spouses’ satisfaction with life in general. Regarding family functioning, familial cohesion, defined as the degree of togetherness or closeness or emotional bonding that family members have toward one another, was found to be correlated with inter-personal well-being and satisfactio…

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Risk factors for being a victim of online grooming in adolescents

The risk of child grooming has spread exponentially with the massive access of adolescents to social networks and the internet. The aim of the study was to examine the personal factors (body self-esteem and disinhibition) and erotic-sexual factors (sexual initiation strategies and erotic-pornographic sexting) that predict grooming. METHOD: The sample was comprised of 1,200 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.54, SD = 1.17; 50.83% girls). A cross-sectional design with self-report data was used and structural equation modeling (SEM) with mediation analysis was performed. RESULTS: The results indicated two paths explaining child grooming: 1) physical attractiveness and disinhibiti…

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Resumen tomado de la publicación Factores de riesgo de ser víctima de online grooming en adolescentes. Antecedentes: el riesgo de grooming se ha propagado exponencialmente con el acceso masivo de los adolescentes a las redes sociales y al internet. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los factores personales (autoestima corporal y desinhibición) y los factores erótico-sexuales (estrategias de avance sexual y sexting erótico-pornográfico) que predicen el grooming. Método: los participantes fueron 1.200 adolescentes entre 12 y 16 años (M = 14.54, DT = 1.17, 50.83 % chicas). Se utilizó un diseño transversal con datos de auto-informes y se aplicó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) con a…

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From social and emotional learning in adolescence to emotional-skill training in teachers = Desde la educación socio-emocional en adolescencia al entrenamiento en habilidades emocionales en profesores

The idea of introducing social and emotional learning in educational settings is based on the assumption that emotions are an essential element of school life. Emotional competencies are conducive to student learning and well-being, in addition to conveying emotional resources for teachers and educators. The development of such abilities is a prerequisite for students and teachers to engage in productive and enjoyable classroom dynamics. Indeed, well-developed emotional competence enhances students’ psychological adjustment, self-esteem, adaptive coping with stress at school and academic success. However, engaging in disruptive behaviors and school violence (bullying) may be attributed to a…

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La personalidad y su relación con el afrontamiento al estrés

Una personalidad poco adaptada se manifiesta en una deficiente estabilidad emocional bajo situaciones de estrés. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar si existe relación entre las características de personalidad y el afrontamiento ante situaciones estresantes. Los participantes fueron 120 personas entre 18 y 47 años (M= 24,78; DT= 6,36) sin diagnóstico conocido de trastorno mental. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Afrontamiento al Estrés (CAE; Chorot y Sandín, 2002) y el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millon II (MCMI-II; Millon, 1998). Los resultados indican que las personas con elevada puntuación en las escalas del MCMI-II tienen una mayor tendencia a utilizar el afrontamiento emocion…

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Conciencia emocional, estados de ánimo y rendimiento académico

Abstract.Emotional awareness is the basic emotional competence, which refers to individual differences in the way of being aware of the emotional functioning. Moods appear without specific reason, and are prolonged in time. Both are involved in multiple processes that modulate behavior and cognitive processes. Overall, the literature suggests a relationship between these variables and academic performance in school, however, is a contentious issue to be determined. The objective is to study the relationship of emotional awareness and moods academic performance. The participants were 1423 children, between 8-12 years old (M=9.88, SD=1.20), of both sexes (52.4 % girls) from Valencia. Particip…

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Personalidad, relaciones familiares y satisfacción con la vida en parejas casadas

Las características de la personalidad pueden modular la cohesión y la adaptabilidad familiar en las relaciones románticas, así como garantizar mayor satisfacción y bienestar. Este estudio se centró en analizar las variables personales y familiares, así como su influencia en la satisfacción con la vida de los cónyuges. Los participantes fueron 182 parejas heterosexuales casadas, con edades entre 27 y 54 años. Se aplicó la versión española del Big Five Inventory, la Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale y la Satisfaction with Life Scale. Los resultados indicaron mayores niveles de neuroticismo y cohesión familiar en las mujeres. Se observaron relaciones entre las ca…

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Data for: The risk of sexual-erotic online behavior in adolescents - which personality factors predict sexting and grooming?

The dataset includes self-report data from 1,763 adolescents between 12 and 16 years old, from schools in the Basque Country.

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