Extravascular Lung Water Does Not Increase in Hypovolemic Patients after a Fluid-Loading Protocol Guided by the Stroke Volume Variation
Introduction. Circulatory failure secondary to hypovolemia is a common situation in critical care patients. Volume replacement is the first option for the treatment of hypovolemia. A possible complication of volume loading is pulmonary edema, quantified at the bedside by the measurement of extravascular lung water index (ELWI). ELWI predicts progression to acute lung injury (ALI) in patients with risk factors for developing it. The aim of this study was to assess whether fluid loading guided by the stroke volume variation (SVV), in patients presumed to be hypovolemic, increased ELWI or not.Methods. Prospective study of 17 consecutive postoperative, fully mechanically ventilated patients dia…
Postoperative continuous positive airway pressure to prevent pneumonia, re-intubation, and death after major abdominal surgery (PRISM): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial.
BackgroundRespiratory complications are an important cause of postoperative morbidity. We aimed to investigate whether continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) administered immediately after major abdominal surgery could prevent postoperative morbidity.MethodsPRISM was an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial done at 70 hospitals across six countries. Patients aged 50 years or older who were undergoing elective major open abdominal surgery were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive CPAP within 4 h of the end of surgery or usual postoperative care. Patients were randomly assigned using a computer-generated minimisation algorithm with inbuilt concealment. The primary outcome was a composite of…
Publicación en la Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación de protocolos de estudios
WHO needs high FIO2?
World Health Organization and the United States Center for Disease Control have recently recommended the use of 0.8 FIO2 in all adult surgical patients undergoing general anaesthesia, to prevent surgical site infections. This recommendation has arisen several discussions: As a matter of fact, there are numerous studies with different results about the effect of FIO2 on surgical site infection. Moreover, the clinical effects of FIO2 are not limited to infection control. We asked some prominent authors about their comments regarding the recent recommendations.
Stratification for Identification of Prognostic Categories In the Acute RESpiratory Distress Syndrome (SPIRES) Score.
OBJECTIVES: To develop a scoring model for stratifying patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome into risk categories (Stratification for identification of Prognostic categories In the acute RESpiratory distress syndrome score) for early prediction of death in the ICU, independent of the underlying disease and cause of death. DESIGN: A development and validation study using clinical data from four prospective, multicenter, observational cohorts. SETTING: A network of multidisciplinary ICUs. PATIENTS: One-thousand three-hundred one patients with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome managed with lung-protective ventilation. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN …
Dexamethasone treatment for the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial
Background There is no proven specific pharmacological treatment for patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The efficacy of corticosteroids in ARDS remains controversial. We aimed to assess the effects of dexamethasone in ARDS, which might change pulmonary and systemic inflammation and result in a decrease in duration of mechanical ventilation and mortality. Methods We did a multicentre, randomised controlled trial in a network of 17 intensive care units (ICUs) in teaching hospitals across Spain in patients with established moderate-to-severe ARDS (defined by a ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen of 200 mm Hg or less assesse…
Anidulafungin dosing in critically ill patients with continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration
Background Anidulafungin is indicated as a first-line treatment for invasive candidiasis in critically ill patients. In the intensive care unit, sepsis is the main cause of acute renal failure, and treatment with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) has increased in recent years. Antimicrobial pharmacokinetics is affected by CRRT, but few studies have addressed the optimal dosage for anidulafungin during CRRT. Patients and methods We included 12 critically ill patients who received continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration to treat acute renal failure. Anidulafungin was infused on 3 consecutive days, starting with a loading dose (200 mg) on Day 1, and doses of 100 mg on Days 2 and 3. …
Hiperoxia perioperatoria: mitos y realidades
Intraoperative positive end-expiratory pressure and postoperative pulmonary complications: a patient-level meta-analysis of three randomised clinical trials
BACKGROUND: High intraoperative PEEP with recruitment manoeuvres may improve perioperative outcomes. We re-examined this question by conducting a patient-level meta-analysis of three clinical trials in adult patients at increased risk for postoperative pulmonary complications who underwent non-cardiothoracic and non-neurological surgery. METHODS: The three trials enrolled patients at 128 hospitals in 24 countries from February 2011 to February 2018. All patients received volume-controlled ventilation with low tidal volume. Analyses were performed using one-stage, two-level, mixed modelling (site as a random effect; trial as a fixed effect). The primary outcome was a composite of postoperati…
Pharmacokinetics of anidulafungin during albumin dialysis
In the ICU setting, current guidelines recommend echi-nocandins as the first-line treatment for invasive candi-diasis [1]. Albumin dialysis (AD) has been used in theICU as supportive therapy for hepatic failure, but thistechnique can significantly enhance drug elimination [2].We prescribed anidulafungin for suspected invasivecandidiasis in a patient with severe liver failure treatedwith AD and measured the plasma concentrations of thedrug using high-performance liquid chromatography.This study (GEF-ANI-2010-02) was approved by thelocal ethics committee (INCLIVA, Institute of Research,Valencia, Spain) and written informed consent wasobtained from the patient’s next of kin. An adult patientwa…
Guía clínica en el manejo perioperatorio para la cirugía de resección pulmonar por videotoracoscopia (Sección de Anestesia Cardiaca, Vascular y Torácica, SEDAR; Sociedad Española de Cirugía Torácica, SECT; Asociación Española de Fisioterapia, AEF)
Resumen La introduccion de tecnicas toracoscopicas asistidas por video en cirugia toracica (VATS) ha permitido realizar un nuevo enfoque en la cirugia toracica. El acceso videotoracoscopico se realiza con pequenas incisiones, preservando al maximo los musculos y los tejidos. En la actualidad, la VATS se considera de eleccion en la mayoria de los procedimientos toracicos, principalmente debido a la menor morbimortalidad asociada. La reseccion pulmonar por VATS presenta reduccion de las fugas de aire prolongadas, arritmias, neumonia, dolor postoperatorio y una disminucion de los marcadores inflamatorios. Esta reduccion de las complicaciones postoperatorias esta vinculada a una reduccion de la…
Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units across 50 countries (WEAN SAFE)
Background: Current management practices and outcomes in weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation are poorly understood. We aimed to describe the epidemiology, management, timings, risk for failure, and outcomes of weaning in patients requiring at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation. Methods: WEAN SAFE was an international, multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study done in 481 intensive care units in 50 countries. Eligible participants were older than 16 years, admitted to a participating intensive care unit, and receiving mechanical ventilation for 2 calendar days or longer. We defined weaning initiation as the first attempt to separate a patient from the ventila…
The Effects of Flow Waveform on Oxygenation in Pediatric Patients
A Prognostic Enrichment Strategy for Selection of Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Clinical Trials.
Incomplete or ambiguous evidence for identifying high-risk patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome for enrollment into randomized controlled trials has come at the cost of an unreasonable number of negative trials. We examined a set of selected variables early in acute respiratory distress syndrome to determine accurate prognostic predictors for selecting high-risk patients for randomized controlled trials.A training and testing study using a secondary analysis of data from four prospective, multicenter, observational studies.A network of multidisciplinary ICUs.We studied 1,200 patients with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome managed with lung-protective ventil…
Sex difference and intra-operative tidal volume: Insights from the LAS VEGAS study
BACKGROUND: One key element of lung-protective ventilation is the use of a low tidal volume (V(T)). A sex difference in use of low tidal volume ventilation (LTVV) has been described in critically ill ICU patients. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine whether a sex difference in use of LTVV also exists in operating room patients, and if present what factors drive this difference. DESIGN, PATIENTS AND SETTING: This is a posthoc analysis of LAS VEGAS, a 1-week worldwide observational study in adults requiring intra-operative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery in 146 hospitals in 29 countries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Women and men were compared with respect to use o…
Perioperative hyperoxia: Myths and realities
Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis in a surgical intensive care unit: an observational study
Background: Invasive candidiasis (IC) is a frequent and life-threatening infection in critically ill patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology of IC and the antifungal susceptibility of etiological agents in patients admitted to our surgical intensive care unit (SICU) in Spain. Methods: We designed a prospective, observational, single center, population-based study in a SICU. We included all consecutive adult patients (≥18 years old) who had documented IC, either on admission or during their stay, between January 2012 and December 2013. Results: There were a total of 22 episodes of IC in the 1149 patients admitted during the 24-month study. The overall IC incidence wa…
New frontiers: art and innovation for intraoperative ventilatory management.
Dos terapias conocidas podrían ser efectivas como adyuvantes en el paciente crítico infectado por COVID-19
Resumen La neumonia causada por coronavirus, que se origino en Wuhan, China, a finales de 2019, se ha extendido por todo el mundo convirtiendose en una pandemia. Desafortunadamente, a dia de hoy no existe ninguna vacuna especifica para el virus COVID-19, y el tratamiento esta siendo de soporte con anadido de antivirales y otros farmacos, sin que hasta la fecha se haya evidenciado un beneficio claro. Muchos de estos pacientes se deterioran rapidamente y requieren ser intubados y ventilados mecanicamente, lo que esta provocando el colapso del sistema sanitario en muchos paises debido a la falta de ventiladores y de camas de criticos. En este documento revisamos dos terapias adyuvantes sencill…
Individualised perioperative open-lung approach versus standard protective ventilation in abdominal surgery (iPROVE): a randomised controlled trial
Background The effects of individualised perioperative lung-protective ventilation (based on the open-lung approach [OLA]) on postoperative complications is unknown. We aimed to investigate the effects of intraoperative and postoperative ventilatory management in patients scheduled for abdominal surgery, compared with standard protective ventilation. Methods We did this prospective, multicentre, randomised controlled trial in 21 teaching hospitals in Spain. We enrolled patients who were aged 18 years or older, were scheduled to have abdominal surgery with an expected time of longer than 2 h, had intermediate-to-high-risk of developing postoperative pulmonary complications, and who had a bod…
Two known therapies could be useful as adjuvant therapy in critical patients infected by COVID-19☆
Pneumonia caused by coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, has been spread around the world already becoming a pandemic. Unfortunately, there is not yet a specific vaccine or effective antiviral drug for treating COVID-19. Many of these patients deteriorate rapidly and require intubation and are mechanically ventilated, which is causing the collapse of the health system in many countries due to lack of ventilators and intensive care beds. In this document we review two simple adjuvant therapies to administer, without side effects, and low cost that could be useful for the treatment of acute severe coronavirus infection associated with acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-C…
Is Overall Mortality the Right Composite Endpoint in Clinical Trials of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome?
Objectives Overall mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome is a composite endpoint because it includes death from multiple causes. In most acute respiratory distress syndrome trials, it is unknown whether reported deaths are due to acute respiratory distress syndrome or the underlying disease, unrelated to the specific intervention tested. We investigated the causes of death after contracting acute respiratory distress syndrome in a large cohort. Design A secondary analysis from three prospective, multicenter, observational studies. Setting A network of multidisciplinary ICUs. Patients We studied 778 patients with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome…
Pathophysiology of respiratory failure
Summary Respiratory failure (RF) is defined as a disturbance in gas exchange in the respiratory system which produces in arterial BGA a PaO 2 2 > 50 mmHg (hypercapnia). However hypoxaemic normocapnic (or hypocapnic) RF due to the failure in gas exchange is very common and should be separated from mechanical RF. Respiratory failure (hypercapnic) with or without hypoxaemia related to a failure in the respiratory pump. This review is focused on the pathophysiology of the mechanical RF less well known amongst anaesthesiologists.
Managing Persistent Hypoxemia: what is new?
Mechanical ventilation is the standard life-support technique for patients with severe acute respiratory failure. However, some patients develop persistent and refractory hypoxemia because their lungs are so severely damaged that they are unable to respond to the application of high inspired oxygen concentration and high levels of positive end-expiratory pressure. In this article, we review current knowledge on managing persistent hypoxemia in patients with injured lungs.
Tratamiento con equinocandinas en un paciente crítico sometido a técnica continua de reemplazo renal
Resumen Antecedentes Los pacientes criticos con candidiasis invasiva (CI) suelen presentar con frecuencia insuficiencia renal, por lo que en ocasiones requieren tecnicas continuas de reemplazo renal (TCRR). Las equinocandinas son la primera opcion en el tratamiento de la CI en el paciente critico con enfermedad moderada o grave. Debido a su perfil farmacocinetico y farmacodinamico (FC/FD), su eliminacion durante las TCRR debe ser despreciable, sin que sea necesario ajustar sus dosis, como asi lo indican los escasos estudios clinicos que hay al respecto. Caso clinico Varon de 66 anos intervenido por peritonitis secundaria a dehiscencia de sutura intestinal, que ingresa en la unidad de cuidad…
A noninvasive postoperative clinical score to identify patients at risk for postoperative pulmonary complications: The air-test score
BACKGROUND: Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) negatively affect morbidity, healthcare costs and postsurgical survival. Preoperative and intraoperative peripheral oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2) levels are independent risk factors for postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). The air-test assesses the value of SpO2 while breathing room-air. We aimed at building a clinical score that includes the air-test for predicting the risk for PPCs. METHODS: This is a development and validation study in patients -randomly divided into two cohorts- from a large randomized clinical trial (iPROVE) that enrolled 964 intermediate-to-high risk patients scheduled for abdominal surgery. Arterial …
Protective intraoperative ventilation with higher versus lower levels of positive end-expiratory pressure in obese patients (PROBESE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) increase the morbidity and mortality of surgery in obese patients. High levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with lung recruitment maneuvers may improve intraoperative respiratory function, but they can also compromise hemodynamics, and the effects on PPCs are uncertain. We hypothesized that intraoperative mechanical ventilation using high PEEP with periodic recruitment maneuvers, as compared with low PEEP without recruitment maneuvers, prevents PPCs in obese patients. Methods/design The PRotective Ventilation with Higher versus Lower PEEP during General Anesthesia for Surgery in OBESE Patients (PROBESE) study is a multice…
The quest for the perfect Weaning Index.
Personalized intraoperative positive end-expiratory pressure: a further step in protective ventilation
Hipertensión endocraneal asociada a la sedación con sevoflurano mediante el dispositivo AnaConDa®en un paciente con traumatismo craneoencefálico severo
Sedation in neurocritical patients remains a challenge as there is no drug that meets all the requirements. Since the appearance of the AnaConDa® device, and according to the latest recommendations, sevoflurane has become an alternative for patients with brain injury. The use of AnaConDa® produces an increase in the anatomical dead space that leads to a decrease in alveolar ventilation. If the decrease in the alveolar ventilation is not offset by an increase in minute volume, there will be an increase in PaCO2. We report the case of a patient with severe traumatic brain injury who suffered an increase in intracranial pressure as a result of increased PaCO2 after starting sedation with the A…