Hannu Savolainen

Japanese and Finnish teachers’ perceptions and self‐efficacy in inclusive education

research product

An analysis of English teachers’ self-efficacy in relation to SEN and disability and its implications in a changing SEN policy context

AbstractPolicy and practice in relation to meeting the diverse needs of all children, including those with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities, is in a state of change in the UK. As a result, there is growing interest in and understanding of the need to focus on factors which impact on teachers’ levels of self-efficacy in meeting the needs of learners with SEN, and the implications of this for further development and training. The research reported in this paper gathered data from teachers at a unique time in the transition of policy and practice in England. Through a quantitative analysis of a questionnaire completed by 213 teachers from a variety of teaching settings, data re…

research product

Exploring the role of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education, their self-efficacy, and collective efficacy in behaviour management in teacher behaviour

Using a sample of 384 Finnish teachers, in this study we explored how teachers' attitudes towards inclusive education, self-efficacy, and collective efficacy in behaviour management affect their behaviours in teaching appropriate behaviours to students, and how teachers' attitudes, self-efficacy, and collective efficacy mediate the effect of background variables on teacher behaviour. The results revealed that teachers’ self-efficacy and collective efficacy significantly predicted their behaviour. The number of students with attention or behavioural problems has an indirect negative effect on teacher behaviour, mediated by teacher self-efficacy. peerReviewed

research product

Check in–check out intervention for supporting pupils’ behaviour: effectiveness and feasibility in Finnish schools

Check In–Check Out (CICO) is a support programme for students with externalising problem behaviours. This study implemented in Finland is one of the first reports on the application of CICO in the European context. An experimental, multiple-baseline, single-case design is used to examine the effects of the CICO intervention on the problem behaviour and appropriate behaviour of three general education primary school pupils. The similarity of the observation data and the information provided in daily report card (DRC) are investigated to gauge the validity of the DRC assessments. The fidelity and social validity of the intervention are also analysed. CICO reduced problem behaviour in all pupi…

research product

Reducing disruptive behaviours and improving learning climates with class-wide positive behaviour support in middle schools

Disruptive behaviours in classrooms pose a significant challenge for learning in schools and are, at the same time, a risk factor for students’ academic achievement and a major source for work-related stress among teachers. Earlier research suggests that clarifying the classroom rules and behavioural expectations, monitoring students’ adherence to them and using behaviour-specific praise are simple and effective practices to reduce disruptive behaviour. Most of the interventions have been developed for elementary schools, although behaviour problems tend to be more common in middle schools. This two-month pilot study using a pre–post design evaluated the effects of a class-wide intervention…

research product

Meta-analysis of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education

Abstract This meta-study aims to examine the size of the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education of K-12 students with special educational needs and to identify potential moderators (publication, sample, and research procedure characteristics). We synthesized the research conducted from 1994 to 2018, and 41 studies were included. Bare-bones meta-analysis with random effect model revealed a sample size weighted correlation coefficient between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes as r ¯  = 0.35 (CI = 0.31-0.39). The between-study variations were not associated with hypothesized publication and sample characteristics. However, the self-efficacy me…

research product

Capability to be educated : inspiring and inclusive pedagogical arrangements from Finnish schools

AbstractThe idea and concept of inclusive education have been debated, and different interpretations of what inclusion means and to whom it concerns have been presented. In this paper, we bring together notions of inclusive quality education, pedagogy, learning and teachers, and illustrate how the principle(s) of inclusion(s) has been enacted and translated into classroom practices in Finnish context. Drawing from Finnish teachers’ narratives, we highlight successful, small-scale and creative pedagogical arrangements and teachers’ sensitivity to recognize and commit to responding to the needs of diverse learners. Our argumentation is rooted in the capabilities approach. We carry out an eval…

research product

A mixed-methods approach to developing an understanding of teachers’ attitudes and their enactment of inclusive education

This research sought to develop an understanding of teachers’ attitudes, sense of self-efficacy and approach to enacting inclusive education in their classrooms in two diverse countries. A mixed-methods research design guided the data collection and analysis. This article focuses on how quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used sequentially and how the findings were finally merged to provide more comprehensive insight into different aspects of teachers’ sometimes contradictory attitudes and approaches to implementing inclusive education. The meta-inferences presented here indicate that merging measurements and meanings can shed light on how teachers’ attitudes and self-effi…

research product

Making meaning of inclusive education: classroom practices in Finnish and South African classrooms

AbstractThis paper reports on the findings of an international comparative research project where the roles of teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in mainstream-classroom settings in South Africa and Finland were investigated. Inclusive education within this project is broadly defined as welcoming all students to general-education schools and classrooms and not segregating students on the basis of ability or other individual or sociocultural characteristics. In this paper a qualitative analysis of Finnish and South African teachers’ day-to-day teaching and learning support practices in their classroom is discussed. Individual and focus-group interviews encouraged teachers …

research product

Reilu ruokamurros : Polkuja kestävään ja oikeudenmukaiseen ruokajärjestelmään

Ruokajärjestelmämme kärsivät monista yhteen kietoutuneista kestävyysongelmista. Ongelmia ei korjata yksittäisillä teknologisilla ratkaisuilla, vaan muutoksia tarvitaan läpi koko ruokajärjestelmän. Muutosten laajuuden vuoksi on syytä puhua järjestelmän perustavanlaatuisesta muuttamisesta eli ruokamurroksesta. Tässä julkaisussa tarkastelemme, miten ruokajärjestelmän ilmastopäästöjä voitaisiin vähentää Suomessa siten, että ruokaturva ei vaarannu. Arvioimme ilmastotoimien toteutusta eri murrospoluilla, jotka keskittyvät maankäytön, ruokavalioiden, maatalous- ja ruokateknologioiden muutoksiin. Arvioimme eri murrospolkujen vaikutuksia maatalouteen eri alueilla ja eri väestöryhmien ravitsemukseen.…

research product

Principal self-efficacy and school climate as antecedents of collective teacher efficacy

The importance of collective teacher efficacy (CTE) has been increasingly emphasised, but few studies have focused on how it can be enhanced. Since CTE is assumed to be related to factors that differ between schools, the belief-shaping sources of CTE could be related to principals’ beliefs of their efficacy. Moreover, a school climate that centralises teachers’ attempts to improve student learning could enhance CTE. This paper examines a proposed analytical model that links principal self-efficacy (PSE) to CTE, as mediated by the school climate. The model is tested via a multilevel analysis with data from 70 Finnish schools and 767 educators. The analysis revealed that PSE is partially and …

research product

Teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy on implementing inclusive education in Japan and Finland: A comparative study using multi-group structural equation modelling

Abstract This study aims to explore relationships between teachers' attitudes, self-efficacy, and background variables regarding inclusive education by using a sample of 359 Japanese and 872 Finnish teachers. A multi-group structural equation modelling was conducted to find similarities and differences in how the background variables predict teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy. Experience in teaching students with disabilities had a positive effect on teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy in both countries. However, teachers' teaching career and the amount of inclusive education training affected them differently in Japan and Finland. The findings could be used to improve inclusive educat…

research product

Käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiväline (KTVA)

Lasten ja nuorten käyttäytymisen ja tunne-elämän arviointiin sekä arviointipohjaiseen näyttöön perustuvaan tukemiseen tarvitaan tutkittuja ja Suomessa toimivaksi todettuja arviointivälineitä. Tässä artikkelissa esitellään lasten ja nuorten käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiin tarkoitettua arviointiväline Käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiväline (KTVA), joka eroaa perinteisestä ongelmakeskeisestä arvioinnista ilmaisemalla kaikki lasta ja nuorta koskevat väittämät myönteisesti. KTVA soveltuu niin peruskoulussa kuin toisella asteellakin käytettäväksi. Lokakuussa 2018 julkaistavan KTVA-kirja perustuu Suomessa vuosina 2007–2017 tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Lisäksi lapsi ta…

research product

Inclusion of pupils with ADHD symptoms in mainstream classes with PBS

Inclusion is never only a practical issue of placement. School-wide systemic change, together with well-functioning, multi-tiered support, can promote the inclusion of all pupils. This paper draws on research conducted in two mainstream primary schools in Finland. The primary focus was to gain insight into practical solutions to facilitate the inclusion of pupils with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mainstream teaching. Using an experimental, multiple-baseline, single-case design, we examined the effects of Check-in Check-out (CICO) support on changes in the behaviour of two pupils who displayed ADHD-type behaviours. The key features of CICO are brief morning and afternoo…

research product

Kasvatuksellisesta pienluokasta yleisopetukseen : käyttäytymishäiriöiden erityisen tuen toimintamalli ja sen tuloksellisuus

Artikkelissa kuvataan alakouluikäisille oppilaille tarkoitetun kasvatuksellisen pienluokan toimintamallia. Oppilaat ovat erityisessä tuessa käyttäytymisen ongelmiensa vuoksi, ja tutkimme luokkamuotoisen erityisopetuksen toimintamallin tuloksellisuutta oppilaan yleisopetukseen palaamisen näkökulmasta. Intervention tavoitteena on kehittää oppilaan ryhmässä toimisen taitoja, oman käyttäytymisen hallintaa ja akateemisia taitoja. Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoitua toimintamallia on kehitetty ja käytetty Joensuussa vuodesta 1990 alkaen yhdessä alakoulussa, josta tässä tutkimuksessa käytetty tieto on kerätty. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevien pienluokkien kaikkien oppilaiden (N = 162) koulupolusta on kerä…

research product

Individual behavior support in positive behavior support schools in Finland

One objective in Finnish basic education is for pupils with disabilities or behavioral problems to be able to participate in mainstream education and ordinary classrooms. Positive behavior support (PBS) is an approach that offers multi-tiered behavior support for pupils. In addition to providing support at a universal level, educators need to have the necessary skills to provide more intensive individual support for pupils who need it. Check-in/Check-out (CICO) is a research-based individual support system that is widely used in PBS schools. The Finnish application of CICO includes an individual behavior assessment process for pupils with persistent challenging behaviors. In this article, w…

research product

Academic achievement and self-concept of deaf and hard-of-hearing and hearing students transitioning from the first to second cycle of primary school in Ethiopia

ABSTRACTThis study was done to examine the transition of deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) and hearing students from the first cycle (Grade 4) to the second cycle (Grade 5) of primary education in Ethiopia. Academic achievement and self-concept were measured longitudinally with 103 DHH and hearing students. Participants were selected from three different settings (special schools, special classes and regular schools). Self-Description Questionnaire I (Marsh, H. W. 1990. Self-Description Questionnaire – I (SDQ I). Manual. MacArthur, NSW, Australia: University of Western Sydney) was used to measure the children’s self-concept. The results showed a decrease in the academic achievement and academi…

research product

Investigating teachers’ dyadic self-efficacy and its correlations to students’ perceptions of teacher efficacy and student well-being

Most studies, to date, have ignored variance in teachers’ self-efficacy (TSE) in relation to teaching individual students (i.e., student-specific self-efficacy). However, TSE and teacher efficacy differ among students. Thus, this study examines dyadic TSE in four domains and their correlations with students’ perceptions of teacher efficacy and student academic self-concept and well-being. Results of a paper–pencil survey involving 29 teachers and 469 students (39.9% girls, aged 10–17 years) from German secondary schools reveal a moderate overlap between dyadic TSE and students’ perceptions of teacher efficacy. Furthermore, they reveal variance in how teachers’ and students’ ratings are rela…

research product

Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices and resilience in Finland

Abstract This study aims to explore Finnish pre-service teachers' self-efficacy in implementing inclusive education and their resilience. Survey data were collected from 105 pre-service teachers studying in a teacher education programme in one university in Finland. The relationships between pre-service teachers' self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices, their perceived resilience, and background variables were examined using structural equation modelling. The results confirmed a three-factor structure for self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices among the pre-service teachers. In addition, pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy was the strongest variable that related to thei…

research product

Development of Teachers’ Emotional Adjustment Performance Regarding Their Perception of Emotional Experience and Job Satisfaction During Regular School Operations, the First and the Second School Lockdown in Austria

Starting with the COVID-19 pandemic, research intensively investigated the effects of school lockdowns on involved stakeholders, such as teachers, students and parents. However, as research projects had to be hurriedly conducted, in-depth and longitudinal studies are lacking. Therefore, the current study uses data from a longitudinal study to investigate the well-being of Austrian in-service teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In total 256 teachers took part at both measurement waves and participated in an online survey. Standardized questionnaires were used to assess teachers’ perception of emotional experiences and job satisfaction before COVID-19 (retrospective, t1), during the first …

research product

The effect of perceived school climate and teacher efficacy in behavior management on job satisfaction and burnout: A longitudinal study

Abstract This study investigated how perceived school climate affects teachers' job satisfaction and burnout and how self-efficacy and collective efficacy in behavior management mediate the effect of perceived school climate on job satisfaction and burnout. The questions were answered using longitudinal questionnaire data collected from 642 Finnish lower secondary school teachers. A structural equation model revealed that school climate had a positive effect, partly mediated by self-efficacy, on job satisfaction. Collective efficacy in student discipline did not explain either job satisfaction or burnout. Self-efficacy in managing behavior had a positive effect on job satisfaction and a neg…

research product

Implementation of the inclusive CICO Plus intervention for pupils at risk of severe behaviour problems in SWPBS schools

Check in–check out (CICO) is a widely used and studied behavioural intervention. Although CICO is an effective way to support pupils’ behaviour in a school context, not all pupils benefit from basic CICO. A single-case experimental study was designed to evaluate the effects of CICO Plus support (CICO Plus) for participants whose behaviour was determined to be non-responsive to basic CICO. CICO Plus was planned and implemented with four pupils identified by school CICO teams as needing additional behavioural support. Individual CICO Plus support was planned by multiprofessional teams working on each pupil’s case. The CICO Plus support was based on teaching social skills and behaviour at leas…

research product

Struggling for inclusive education in the North and the South: educators' perceptions on inclusive education in Finland and Zambia.

A survey assessed the perceptions of 1350 Zambian teachers and parents and 512 Finnish teachers regarding inclusive education and consequently the best placement for children with different disabilities. On the whole, perceptions varied but were quite critical. On inclusion in general, the regular (also termed "ordinary") Finnish teachers were the most critical group and the Finnish special education teachers the most optimistic. Most respondents felt that inclusive education enhances social justice. However, the pursuit of inclusion in practice, especially the guarantee of good and effective education for all, was seen as problematic. Compared with Finnish respondents, the Zambian responde…

research product

ProKoulu-malli näkyy työrauhan kehittymisenä ja hyvinvointina Varkauden kouluissa

Varkauden kaupungin sivistystoimen ja Itä-Suomen yliopiston yhteistyö alkoi kolmiportaisen tuen verkostohankkeessa (ISKE). Hankkeen loputtua Varkaudessa oltiin halukkaita jatkamaan tutkimukseen perustuvan toimintamallin kehittämistä, aluksi kolmen koulun pilottikokeilulla. Tavoitteena oli löytää pysyvä ratkaisu oppilaiden kasvaviin käyttäytymisen ongelmiin ja samalla tukea opettajien työssäjaksamista. Jyväskylän yliopiston, Itä-Suomen yliopiston ja Niilo Mäki Instituutin ProKoulu-tutkimushankkeen tuella luotiin toimintamalli, jonka toteuttamisvaiheita vuosien 2012–2017 aikana esitellään tässä artikkelissa. Tutkimus- ja kehittämistyötä ovat rahoittaneet opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö sekä Eu…

research product

Implications of Overlapping Difficulties in Mathematics and Reading on Self-Concept and Academic Achievement

In this study, the relationship between adolescents’ difficulty in mathematics and reading and the influence on academic self-concept and school grades was examined. The participants (N = 585; 299 girls, 286 boys) were one age group of ninth-graders whose mathematics and reading skills were assessed at the end of comprehensive school at age 16 years. Five student profile groups were found using cluster analysis: best achievers, normal achievers (NA), the reading difficulty (RD) group, the mathematical difficulty (MD) group, and the learning difficulty (LD) group. Post-hoc tests revealed that the RD group and the LD group had a higher academic self-concept than the MD group. In school grades…

research product

Long-term reliability of the Finnish behavioral and emotional rating scale

In previous research, the Finnish version of the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale-2 has demonstrated adequate internal consistency, factor structure and convergent validity. The purpose of the present study was to examine the long-term test-retest reliability of the Finnish BERS-2. Youth, parent and teacher BERS-2 ratings were collected once a year for three years in order to assess the stability of scores. All of the correlations were significant and moderate to very large in magnitude. Study limitations, future research and implications were discussed.

research product

Reading comprehension, word reading and spelling as predictors of school achievement and choice of secondary education

Abstract The main aim of this study was to find out what kind of factor model of written language skills could be created on the basis of tests of reading accuracy and fluency, spelling and reading comprehension, and how the written language skills factor and school achievement predict choice of secondary education and what effects gender, special education support and socio-economic background have on this prediction. Altogether 1700 students were assessed with two word-level reading tests and word- and pseudo-word-spelling tests and by a reading comprehension test. Remaining data were elicited with a questionnaire. The findings showed that a latent written language skills factor could be …

research product

Longitudinal associations of student–teacher relationships and behavioural and emotional strengths on academic achievement

Positive student–teacher relationships are related to students’ academic achievement and behavioural and emotional adjustment. How a student’s behavioural and emotional strengths are associated with these relationships and how the relationships influence students’ academic performance remains unknown. We examined this framework using a cross-lagged panel model with a group of Finnish students and their parents from Grade 5 to Grade 7. The results revealed that the parents rated behavioural and emotional strengths are stable over a 1-year (r = .78) and 2-year (r = .71) period and that students’ perceptions of student–teacher relationships demonstrated greater change over time (r’s = .54, .35…

research product

The impact of learning difficulties and socioemotional and behavioural problems on transition to postsecondary education or work life in Finland: a five-year follow-up study

AbstractLearning difficulties have been found to dilute the possibilities that young adults have in their educational careers. However, during the last few decades, education has become increasingly important for employment and overall life satisfaction. In the present study, we were interested in the effects of mathematical and reading difficulties and socioemotional and behavioural problems (measured at age 16) on three educational situations at age 21: delayed graduation from upper secondary education, short educational trajectory and not being engaged in education, employment or training (NEET). The participants (N = 597; 304 females, 293 males) were one age cohort of ninth graders in g…

research product

Meta-analysis of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education

This meta-study aims to examine the size of the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education of K-12 students with special educational needs and to identify potential moderators (publication, sample, and research procedure characteristics). We synthesized the research conducted from 1994 to 2018, and 41 studies were included. Bare-bones meta-analysis with random effect model revealed a sample size weighted correlation coefficient between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes as r¯ = 0.35 (CI = 0.31-0.39). The between-study variations were not associated with hypothesized publication and sample characteristics. However, the self-efficacy measurement m…

research product

Teachers' self-efficacy and the sources of efficacy: A cross-cultural investigation in Japan and Finland

The study explores the extent and sources of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy (TSE) for inclusive practices among 261 Japanese and 1123 Finnish teachers. Measurement invariance was tested to ensure the chosen scales’ cross-cultural validity. In both countries, mastery experience was identified as the strongest of the four sources contributing uniquely to TSE. However, the two groups differed in how verbal persuasion predicted TSE. The findings indicate that the effects of the four sources on TSE depend strongly on sociocultural context, and that, in Japan, other sources may exert a powerful influence. Practical implications are discussed, with particular regard to teacher training programs. peerRevi…

research product

Classroom behavioural climate in inclusive education – a study on secondary students’ perceptions

Previous studies pointed out that dealing with difficult behaviour is perceived by teachers as a major challenge in inclusive settings. However, research on the students' perception of the classroom behavioural climate (CBC) is rare. Therefore, this study aims to examine students’ perceptions of CBC and to identify predictors of CBC as well as associated variables. The sample consists of 650 German students from secondary schools (5th-9th grade) of whom 83 students are diagnosed with special educational needs (SEN). CBC was measured via four subscales (‘students’ possibilities to study and concentrating on teaching’, ‘disruptive behaviour’, ‘physical and psychological safety’ and ‘caring fo…

research product

Struggling for inclusive education in Japan and Finland: teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education

The aim of this study was to analyse and compare teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education in two culturally different countries: Finland and Japan. A sample of 362 Finnish and 1518 Japanese teachers participated in this survey. The teachers’ attitudes varied and were rather critical. The Finnish teachers were more worried about teachers’ efficacy when implementing inclusion, particularly when teaching students with intellectual disabilities or emotional and behavioural problems. The Japanese teachers had a more positive view on the benefits of inclusion for disabled or non-disabled students. Because Finnish schools emphasise the effectiveness of special education, the Finnish teacher…

research product

Implementing positive behaviour intervention and support in Finnish early childhood education and care : leadership team’s perspective

The effective implementation of positive behaviour intervention and support (PBIS) requires both organisational and professional change. This means that the whole community including all educators and children commit to shared principles, practices, and structures to create a safe and supportive social climate. In this article, we investigate the initial implementation of the Finnish PBIS ProVaka in eighteen early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres. Our inductive qualitative analysis of longitudinal progress diary data focuses on roles, responsibilities and communication among the ECEC communities. The results show that successful ProVaka development is a matter of successfully exp…

research product

Teacher efficacy predicts teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion – a longitudinal cross-lagged analysis

Over the past decades, an abundance of studies have assessed teacher attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs related to inclusive education. However, empirical evidence on the causal relationship between efficacy and attitudes is still rare and inconclusive. Therefore, the present study focused on identifying the interdependent relationship between teachers’ attitudes and their self-efficacy beliefs using a cross-lagged panel design path analysis. A total of 1326 teachers from Finish schools participated in an electronic survey. Teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs were assessed five times and attitudes (attitudes and concerns subscale) three times over three years. The outcomes indicated that both …

research product

Reducing disruptive behaviours and improving classroom behavioural climate with class-wide positive behaviour support in middle schools

Disruptive behaviour in classrooms is a significant challenge for learning in schools and a risk factor for students’ academic achievement and a significant source of teachers’ work-related stress. Earlier research shows that clear behavioural expectations, monitoring students’ adherence to them and behaviour-specific praise are effective practices to reduce disruptive behaviour. Although behaviour problems are common in middle schools, most of the interventions have been developed and studied in elementary schools. This randomised study evaluated the effects of a class-wide intervention on classroom behavioural climate and disruptive behaviour, on teacher-experienced stress and on the time…

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Lasten sosioemotionaalisten taitojen tukeminen varhaiskasvatuksessa

research product

Behavioural and emotional strengths of sociometrically popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, and average children

Many behavioural and emotional characteristics are associated with children’s peer relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine behavioural and emotional strengths of sociometrically popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, and average children. 773 third-grade children (51% girls) are assessed with a sociometric questionnaire and self-evaluations of their behavioural and emotional strengths and difficulties. Teacher evaluations are also used to assess the children’s academic competencies and behaviour. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to analyse the data. Results indicate that children in the popular status group assess their behavioural and emotional strengths…

research product

Capability to be educated : inspiring and inclusive pedagogical arrangements from Finnish schools

The idea and concept of inclusive education have been debated, and different interpretations of what inclusion means and to whom it concerns have been presented. In this paper, we bring together notions of inclusive quality education, pedagogy, learning and teachers, and illustrate how the principle(s) of inclusion(s) has been enacted and translated into classroom practices in Finnish context. Drawing from Finnish teachers’ narratives, we highlight successful, small-scale and creative pedagogical arrangements and teachers’ sensitivity to recognize and commit to responding to the needs of diverse learners. Our argumentation is rooted in the capabilities approach. We carry out an evaluative e…

research product

Externalizing behaviour and academic performance – the cross-lagged relationship during school transition

The current study examined the over-time association between externalizing behaviour problems and academic performance during school transition in a cross-lagged design. The main focus was to revea...

research product

Teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy on implementing inclusive education in Japan and Finland : A comparative study using multi-group structural equation modelling

This study aims to explore relationships between teachers' attitudes, self-efficacy, and background variables regarding inclusive education by using a sample of 359 Japanese and 872 Finnish teachers. A multi-group structural equation modelling was conducted to find similarities and differences in how the background variables predict teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy. Experience in teaching students with disabilities had a positive effect on teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy in both countries. However, teachers' teaching career and the amount of inclusive education training affected them differently in Japan and Finland. The findings could be used to improve inclusive education train…

research product

Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices and resilience in Finland

This study aims to explore Finnish pre-service teachers' self-efficacy in implementing inclusive education and their resilience. Survey data were collected from 105 pre-service teachers studying in a teacher education programme in one university in Finland. The relationships between pre-service teachers' self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices, their perceived resilience, and background variables were examined using structural equation modelling. The results confirmed a three-factor structure for self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices among the pre-service teachers. In addition, pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy was the strongest variable that related to their resilie…

research product

Students with reading and spelling disabilities: peer groups and educational attainment in secondary education.

The present study investigated whether the members of adolescents’ peer groups are similar in reading and spelling disabilities and whether this similarity contributes to subsequent school achievement and educational attainment. The sample consisted of 375 Finnish adolescents whose reading and spelling disabilities were assessed at age 16 with the Finnish dyslexia screening test. The students also completed a sociometric nomination measure that was used to identify their peer groups. Register information on participants’ school grades also was available, and educational attainment in secondary education was recorded 5 years after completion of the 9 years of basic education. The results re…

research product

Part-time special education predicts students' reading self-concept development

Abstract The academic self-concept changes from childhood to early adulthood in relation to experiences of capability in different school tasks and comparison with peers. Students in special education have a lower academic self-concept than their peers do, but it is unclear how part-time special education affects self-concept development. In Finnish schools, part-time special education is learning support that is usually provided for 1–2 h/week in small groups. The main aim of this study was exploring the effects of participation in part-time special education and gender on the level and change in three academic self-concept domains (General School, Mathematics and Reading) between the ages…

research product

Japanese in-service teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education and self-efficacy for inclusive practices

Using a sample of 359 in-service teachers, this study examines Japanese teachers' attitudes toward inclusive education and their self-efficacy for inclusive practices. The results indicate that although teachers’ sentiments toward disabilities were generally positive, the teachers had some concerns about implementing inclusive education in their classroom. The overall level of self-efficacy was relatively low in the Japanese sample compared to that of other countries, particularly in relation to managing problematic student behavior. Self-efficacy regarding managing behavior and collaboration was related to overall attitudes toward inclusive education. The findings can enable useful insight…

research product